
* wrst notes its very busy here today00:59
Unit193Aye, that it is01:27
wrsthey Unit19301:54
Unit193Howdy wrst02:44
wrstUnit193: i still have 4:44 this morning in my chat winder, weird :)02:51
cyberangerwrst: not too weird, that was an hour later for those chatting02:55
cyberangerand that was a very busy 5 hours and 44 minutes02:56
wrstha ha how are you doing cyberanger?03:12
wrstsame here cyberanger03:24
Unit193We had BBQ sandwiches at the wedding, quite good03:26
wrstcool Unit193, who got married?03:30
Unit193A couple that have been dating since highschool. 6 Years03:33
wrstcool Unit19303:34
wrstyou guys seen this? http://www.spi.dod.mil/lipose.htm03:34
Unit193Quite, that's a long time!03:34
cyberangerUnit193: and since you didn't mention the lake, I guess my guess was right03:35
wrstyes my wife and I dated a little over a year03:35
Unit193cyberanger: Your guess... I kinda forgot that that was tomorrow03:35
cyberangerUnit193: oh, lol03:36
cyberangerthen my guess for what excited you today was right03:36
cyberangertommorow I suppose it'll be lake erie03:36
cyberangercedar point too? or some other fun place?03:36
Unit193That would be nice, but no. We do get food however03:37
cyberangerwrst: yeah, and ironically, a flawed project03:38
wrstcyberanger:  how so just sorta scanned it03:38
cyberangerthe project itself is pretty sound, but they don't plan to continuously maintain it, and it's public03:39
cyberangerit's on removable media03:40
wrstjust tried it out interesting , super quick on boot and what not in virtual box03:40
cyberangerthe kind of media the DoD has made clear it doesn't want, due to potential for information leaving a secure area03:40
cyberangerand the real kicker, if they don't actively maintain it (and even if they do, people will use older versions) makes them a target for what the Government calls an APT, Advanced Persistant Threat03:41
cyberanger(like china, iran, russia, countries with resources, funds to build something for this sole purpose, usually malware has a finacial goal this attack lacks)03:42
cyberangerthink of a spy, a mole in the massive Military, or equally massive corprate culture the DoD requires, giving out intenionally flawed copies03:43
cyberangerand the only clue is somebody you trust at work handed you "his copy" of that disc cause yours is "lost"03:44
wrstcyberanger: too much deep thinking for me :)03:44
wrstbut its a quick little live cd atleast03:44
wrstand I'm about to pass out see you guys tomorow, have a good night03:45
Unit193Is it sad that I'm happy I can do this when people say "It's all Greek to me!"04:14
Unit193Όχι, αυτή είναι η ελληνική04:14
chris4585think I will finally go back to arch for a while18:31
cyberangerwrst: it's good, but for it's purpose with the DoD, that disk is a double edged sword19:01
cyberangerthe DoD has tried to get people to keep a rig secure, by disallowing any external media19:01
cyberangerand now they have done a 180 in a day19:01
cyberangerdeep thinking, well, hence the term advanced persistant threat19:02
cyberangerand I like thinking equally deep19:02
cyberangerwrst: maybe it's a sign they've learned an internal threat is equally dangerous, focused on permissions on a network, and migitating risks, with things like this19:04
cyberangersince they'll never win19:04
chris4585I don't know why but freenode is so impossible to just connect to the past few months23:39

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