
nlsthznmy night shift comes to an end... I bit you all a pleasant day... bai02:30
Kilosmorning everyone09:53
sakhimorning Kilos 09:58
Kiloslol just in time sakhi nearly afternoon09:59
Kilosnag apie15:09
Kilosevening superfly  and others15:09
Kerberodis bietjie vroeg15:09
Kilosskuus man15:09
Kilosas die son sak dan verdwyn die apie15:10
* nlsthzn waves15:17
* Kilos waves at the ahabs15:18
Kiloshow are you feeling nlsthzn 15:18
Kilosapart from with your hands15:18
nlsthznKilos: :) Better than yesterday (which was better than the night before...) seems my current arsenal of medication is working... thanks for asking ...15:19
nlsthznAnd over their in Eskimo land?15:19
Kiloshehe still wrapped up in the fur skins and huddled next to the fire in the igloo15:20
Kilosyou get flu every 2 weeks seems like15:20
Kilostake 2000 mg vit c daily15:21
nlsthznKilos: not that bad... was a few months ago and I actually got over it in a day... the others around me where bed ridden for a week... even now... I am getting over what ever this flu is much quicker than the other saffas with me :)15:25
nlsthznbut thanks for the advice15:25
Kilosoh well if others are battling more then you arent doing too bad15:26
nlsthznonly luxury others seem to have over me is they stay home and rest... seems working it out is the fastest :p15:26
Kilosmaybe even sweating it out will work. cup of hot run and 2 grandpas and under the blankets till you can swim out\15:27
nlsthznthat is why I loved Benylin 4flu... that stuff was potent (but due to it having alcohol in it you won't get it here in the pharmacies)15:30
Kilosoh ya15:30
superflyhiya Kilos15:47
Kilosall well there superfly ?15:57
superflyKilos: yes thanks15:58
Kilosscar[w], is the [W] for work16:13
BarcoHow do I stop standby mode with the login screen on ubuntu desktops. I'm in a low security enviroment and frequent re-login gets frustrating. 16:18
* Symmetria is happy :P I think malema is finally completely screwed16:19
Kiloslol why16:19
Symmetriaand afriforumn is now filing corruption charges against him16:20
Symmetriaand lets face it, zuma gonna throw him under the bus because zuma doesnt wanna go against him in next elections16:20
Kiloshe has too much backing and support16:20
Symmetriaactually I disagree with that, he has a fairly small support base other htna amoung one segment 16:21
Kiloswell lets hope. because he is trouble with a capital T16:21
nlsthznhttp://www.selfcontrolfreak.com/slaan.html touch his nose16:24
superflyMaaz: tell Barco try disabling the screen saver, or looking in the screen saver configuration? KDE has a setting like that, I would presume Gnome does too.17:11
Maazsuperfly: Got it, I'll tell Barco on freenode17:11
SymmetriaBreaking News: Amy Winehouse has been confirmed as still alive, forensics went to draw a line around her body and she sprung up and tried to snort it.17:31
Symmetria:p the amy winehouse jokes crack me up17:32
* Symmetria snickers17:32
Symmetria well, we lost michael jackson and amy winehouse recently, only difference is that amy went back to black :P17:33
Kilossleep warm all of ya18:07
Kilossee ya morrow if the sun shines hot18:07
nlsthznKilos: night18:07
KerberoSymmetria: you here?20:30
Kerberodoes tenet have a WSUS server?20:31
drubinMaaz: google for wsus server20:42
Maazdrubin: "Windows Server Update Services Home" http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsserver/bb332157 :: "Install the WSUS Server" http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc708515(v=ws.10).aspx :: "Configure the WSUS Server" http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc708446(v=ws.10).aspx :: "Windows Server Update Services - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Server_Update_Services :: "wsus - What I20:42
Kerberoai drubin20:47
drubinKerbero: I didn't know what it was, now I wish I didn't google it.20:56
Kerberowsus is the devil20:56
Kerberoif i understand it correctly, you can only use one server at a time20:57
Kerberoeither your own, or microsoft's20:57

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