
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro
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didrocksgood morning05:19
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MacSlowgreetings folks07:20
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didrocksKaleo: hey!08:37
didrocksqconf.cpp:#include <dconf-dbus-1.h>08:37
didrocksbut indeed, it doesn't link again it08:38
didrocksweird that it doesn't segfault, isn't it?08:38
Kaleodidrocks: yeah08:38
Kaleodidrocks: it does with the qml example :/08:39
didrocksbut I mean, everything should segfault?08:39
* didrocks tries your example08:39
Kaleodidrocks: we must be linking ourselves08:40
didrockshum, indeed…08:40
didrocksbut, then, that doesn't explain why it doesn't refresh08:40
didrocksbut let's try to fix that first08:40
didrocksso, pkg_check_modules(DCONF_DBUS REQUIRED dconf-dbus-1)08:41
Kaleodidrocks: separate issue :)08:41
didrocksit still shouldn't pass the link at build…08:42
didrocksit's not in target_link_libraries08:42
didrockslet me try adding it there08:42
Kaleothere is an error message when it should refresh and fails: "invalid type 0 not a basic type"08:42
didrocksah, ok, let's check for link first :)08:43
didrocksdpkg-shlibdeps: avertissement: symbole g_queue_is_empty utilisé par debian/libdconf-qt0/usr/lib/libdconf-qt.so.0.0.0 non trouvé dans les bibliothèques.08:44
didrocksohoh :)08:44
Kaleoou ouh08:45
Kaleodidrocks: good catch08:45
didrocksI still don't know why the build doesn't fail, this is shlibs which is run from the packaging, but it should fail before for not finding the symbol…08:46
didrocksok, less warning messaging including glib08:47
didrocksdconf_dbus_client_new is still one of them despite trying to include the lib08:47
Kaleodidrocks: my Oneiric just died08:58
Kaleodidrocks: at the _perfect_ moment..08:58
didrocksKaleo: oh, how so?08:58
Kaleodidrocks: no empty space08:58
didrocksKaleo: I fixed the dconf-qt linking issue btw, uploading a version and sending the patch to desrt08:59
Kaleodidrocks: nice!09:01
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didrocksKaleo: you can take latest dconf-qt if you want, but it's kind of workarounded by the unity-2d package linking against it IMHO09:58
Kaleodidrocks: yeah it's not a biggie10:06
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
nerochiaroKaleo: are you alive ?11:21
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
Kaleonerochiaro: yes :)11:35
Kaleonerochiaro: I was out for lunch11:35
nerochiaroKaleo: seen my question on IRC ?12:11
nerochiaroKaleo: er, on jabber12:12
Kaleonerochiaro: nope I have not12:12
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andyrockhi all...16:55
andyrocksomeone could tell me which is the reason for that http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/07/oneirics-session-menu-win/?16:56
Trevinhoandyrock: I guess that is not a bad idea, the problem is that the "power icon" is not suitable at all for a such thing17:36
TrevinhoMaybe a "settings" icon could be better17:36
Trevinhobut also the power one should b eshonw17:36
andyrockmaybe JohnLea could give me/us more information17:37
TrevinhoYes, I guess...17:38
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kim0Hey folks, does anyone know what component/process is responsible for catching vol up/down keys and acting on them .. All such keyboard keys are not working for me21:25
nic_kdoes anything ever happen in these chat rooms.22:43
nic_kI see notices that you can come chat about things but nobody ever chats.22:43
Viper550nic_k, I notice that too sometimes.22:56
Viper550Amaranth, I noticed that as a consequence of the move to Gnome 3, we've lost customization controls23:26
Viper550on Oneric, you can't change your theme (window border, or GTK) because Gnome 3 decided that changing themes was a thing of the past23:27
Viper550Aside from that, I'm liking the changes on Oneiric so far23:30

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