
jelmerhelloooo spiv00:00
spivHey, go enjoy your weekend while you still have it :P00:05
spivMorning poolie00:05
pooliehi there spiv00:09
* jelmer waves from DebConf00:17
pooliehi jelmer00:17
pooliehave fun00:17
spmheya jelmer01:32
pooliespiv, so you're going to be pilot this week?01:42
=== poolie changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control <http://bazaar.canonical.com> | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: spiv
spivApparently so! :)01:43
poolieit's negotiable :)01:47
kgoetzjelmer: in bug 811460 you link me to bug 811460. is 811460 a  'please allow import-dsc to only bring in debian/' , or would that be a separate issue?01:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 811460 in bzr-builddeb "please allow multiple debian/ dirs in one repo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81146001:55
kgoetzoh, i pated it three times01:55
kgoetzbug 331986  is what the send and third references were meant to be01:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 331986 in bzr-builddeb "import-dsc doesn't work for merged build" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33198601:56
thomiHi, I've just proposed a merge (https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/bzr/fig-bug-747958/+merge/69023) to fix bug #747958. I'd welcome any feedback.03:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 69023 in ppscsi (Ubuntu) "ppscsi won't build with module-assistant under kernel 2.6.17-10-generic (or newer)" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 747958 in Bazaar "values given to make_log_request_dict are overridden" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74795803:02
pooliethanks for the patch thomi, i'll have a look after lunch, or spiv will03:11
kgoetzcan bzr compress its repo? or parts of its repo? i've not found anything obvious in the commands list03:40
spivkgoetz: it's already compressed (and it automatically repacks it gradually from time-to-time to keep it well compressed)03:52
spivkgoetz: but you can use 'bzr pack' to trigger that manually, although it's unusual to do so.03:53
kgoetzspiv: ok. i'll just put up with it then.03:57
pooliekgoetz: 'put up with'...?04:47
kgoetzpoolie: 870kb of .bzr when i have 8kb of text 'top level' (it tar cjf's down to 250k, so i thought some of the old history might be properly compressable. other then historical interest itsnot useful for reference anymore)04:50
pooliekgoetz: you can see if there are files in obsolete_packs05:07
pooliethey can safely be deleted05:07
pooliebzr will delete them itself later05:07
lifelessjelmer: given you're patching lp, you might like to idle in #launchpad-dev05:39
lifelessjelmer: we're talking sprdata atm :>05:39
pooliespiv i might send my einval patch to 2.406:08
kgoetzoh, poolies gone06:26
kgoetzwell, thanks for the tip :)06:26
kgoetzhalf the repo size is obsolete_packs06:26
bob2it'll get cleared up shortly-ish06:27
kgoetzif bzr handles it i'll leve them alone. thanks06:27
lifelessevery 10 commits at most06:27
bob2hm, i thought it only stuck around at all to avoid races06:29
spivbob2: sure, but we don't check obsolete_packs on every write to the repo, just on every repacking of it.06:29
AfCspiv: why not? Once the repack is done, why further waste the disk space?06:30
lifelessAfC: many popular OSes lie about persistence, and / or have no cheap way to record that something matters without triggering immediate IO06:30
bob2spiv: ahhh, right06:31
lifelessbob2: checking on every write would itself be a race condition :>06:31
kgoetzi've seen the $magic happen every 10 commits. i'm on 172 atm, so i'll see what happens in 8 commits (:06:32
lifelesskgoetz: is this a project with many (k's) or large (10's of MB's or more) files ?06:32
kgoetzlifeless: no, nothing like it. its my cv. formerly (until 3 commits ago) stored in xml (+~20 supporting files), now in rst06:35
kgoetzlifeless: so two files, one 8kb one 1kb06:35
kgoetzgot to dash, catch you later06:35
kgoetzand thanks for the help :)06:35
lifelesskgoetz: so thats why 50% space is in the obsolete packs06:36
lifelesskgoetz: because your data is small, and the individual commits don't contain compressed data - its only as they repack that compression happens.06:37
lifelesskgoetz: obsolete_packs isn't transmitted on push/pull.06:37
KombuchaKipIs it possible to just commit a portion of the changes of a modified working branch to the checkout branch? e.g. just the contents of one subdirectory, as opposed to them all that have changed.06:45
spivlifeless: can I ask a favour?  I have an approved branch for bzr-builddeb, but it turns out I'm not in the (moderated) team that can commit to it and you are.  Would you mind pushing lp:~spiv/bzr-builddeb/trunk-merge-of-use-dpkg-mergechangelogs to trunk?06:45
spivlifeless: normally I'd just join the team, but I'm fairly sure this is the last change I'll be making to that code :)06:46
poolieKombuchaKip: sure, just 'commit SUBDIR'06:46
KombuchaKippoolie: Roger. Thanks.06:46
KombuchaKippoolie: What about if I've unbound and I rebind to the upstream? Still ok to do that?06:46
pooliecommit makes a new revision on whatever branch the tree addresses at the time you run it06:47
pooliewhat's the concern?06:47
KombuchaKippoolie: If I've made many commits to my unbound local branch, when I rebind and commit to upstream, will the upstreams revision number be incremented just by one, or by N, N being the number of local commits I've made since unbinding?06:48
poolieyou will make one new upstream commit (which will be numbered N+1) which will be a merge of all your local commits06:49
poolieit doesn't matter what's in the comimts06:49
jam1poolie: /wave06:54
pooliehi jam06:55
jam1I'm feeling a bit ill today, so I'm probably going to be a bit in-and-out.06:55
jam1But I figured I could say hi, at least.06:55
pooliei'm finishing the fdatasync branch06:55
=== jam1 is now known as jam
pooliesorry to hear that; it's nice to see you06:55
pooliehm if this is always on, it's probably going to slow down the test suite on magnetic disks06:56
jamanyway, off to take the kid to school, I'll see you in a bit06:56
KombuchaKippoolie: Thanks.06:56
lifelessspiv: am really EODish now, but will dig around for a branch etc tomorrow if jelmer doesn't do it.07:21
spivlifeless: thanks!07:21
* jelmer waves07:43
thomipoolie: thanks for the feedback - I've made the changes and re-pushed.07:44
pooliethanks thomi07:44
thomino worries. It'll be good to get that fixed... means I can clean up some work-around code in sloecode :)07:44
spivthomi: thanks for returning to that bug!07:49
pooliewhat was the selftest error you got?07:49
poolieyou can file a bug or question for that07:49
poolieit's supposed to be clean, or at least to give a clean message if you're missing something we need07:49
thomispiv: it snowed, so I couldn't go to work. I was bored ;)07:49
spivthomi: I hope it snows more often then ;)07:52
thomiI'm browsing the bzr bug list right now. Can't find any more easy looking ones though ;)07:53
thomiAlthough I regularly run into #8255507:53
pooliethomi there are some bugs tagged easy07:58
pooliebug 8255507:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 82555 in Bazaar "Merging to an empty branch doesn't work" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8255507:58
jelmerspiv: while you're looking at bzr-builddeb, can you perhaps review https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr-builddeb/contains-upstream-source/+merge/69017? It's a one line change (and some tests)07:59
spivjelmer: done!08:02
jelmerthanks :)08:02
pooliethomi: i have an easy fun useful bug which is to add a system-wide configuration file08:06
poolieyou just need to arrange for it to be opened and then to go into the Stack objects in config.py08:06
Riddellhola chicos08:08
poolieoch aye08:08
spivjelmer: if you could land my bzr-builddeb change that'd be great (should just be a simple push, see mp comments)08:10
* spiv is done for the day.08:10
jelmerspiv: will do08:15
jo-erlenddch keeps adding username@hostname instead of using my email address. Where do I configure that?08:27
poolieEMAIL or DEBEMAIL should do it?08:27
jo-erlendno configuration file?08:27
mgzmorning all!08:35
pooliehi mgz08:39
pooliei'm just reading your test patch08:39
poolieit sounds good08:39
mgzhey poolie08:40
pooliemgz i might have another go at https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/test-errors/+merge/6448509:20
pooliethanks for narrowing it down09:20
* fullermd slaps qdiff for not having any exit function.09:27
jimisjelmer: you had told me lp:gcc has about 2K tags... More like 200K it seems :-) http://launchpadlibrarian.net/73597623/vcs-imports-gcc-trunk.log09:37
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jelmerjimis: the numbers there are a progress indicator09:50
jelmerjimis: it's the number of revisions09:50
jimisjelmer: I see, it was too much to be real :-)10:00
kgoetzlifeless: thanks for rthe info above10:04
maxbGah. The new package branch up-to-dateness checking throws an exception in foreign branches10:23
jelmermaxb: that shouldbe fixed in the foreign branch plugins10:27
maxbSeems like a workaround in the new code would be the friendly thing to do, to avoid making compatibility more bumpy than it needs to be10:29
jelmerwell, arguably this was a big in the foreign branch plugins10:30
jimiscan I permanently set (with some config file) the option --diff-options=-p?10:42
jelmerjimis: you can set an alias for diff that sets that option10:50
jelmersee 'bzr help alias'10:50
jamjimis: bzr alias diff="diff --diff-options=-p"10:50
jimisIs there a way to apply a specific commit from another branch?11:07
jelmerjimis: bzr merge -c REVNUM BRANCH11:08
jimisjelmer: thanks, I was using merge -r and I got all changes until that revision :-)11:10
jimis"bzr help merge" is not clear about the difference11:12
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notmynameIs there any estimated timeframe for getting OS X (py2.7) installers up?14:31
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jelmerhi mgz16:16
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lxsameerwhat is the difference between bzr pull and bzr merge17:34
LeoNerdpull is for updating when you are strictly-behind in progress17:42
LeoNerdmerge is for re-combining two divergent trees of history.17:43
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
AnteruWhat representations of the file contents exist in bzr at run-time? Is it only passed around as plain strings in-memory, or is there some stream-based abstraction somewhere?18:00
mgzthey tend to be passed around as chunks, but still tend to be held in entirety in memory18:05
mgzthere are a bunch of different problems on the really-big-files angle18:05
AnteruYeah, I start to understand what's going on.18:06
AnteruI assume having a real "chunk" class which can convert to string if required but tries not to would require an extensive rewrite?18:07
mgzperhaps not, part of the issue with the content filtering line you're trying is that they've just not been widely used yet,18:09
mgzso there are probably a whole bunch of little issues that need ironing out with the core bzr code18:09
mgzbig files generally don't work well because there's no benefit using any of the VCS techniques on them18:10
AnteruHm. I'll be trying to get a prototype working which side-steps the issue and handles large-files manually (using a stream approach) but it would be much easier if the content filter wouldn't get the complete file contents as input.18:10
AnteruYeah, I see your point, that's why I thought that a thin wrapper which behaves like a string but optionally allows you to query the size would be the easiest/fastest-to-add solution.18:11
AnteruIn 99% of the cases, you would just pass it around but if needed, you could try to use the stream interface (diff, content filters.)18:11
AnteruFor instance, I'm using a checkout with Bzr to store large binary files.18:12
mgzyeah, and you (and others on the mailing list) are right that there are benefits from being able to keep your not-usefully-versioned files in the repo along with the rest of the stuff18:12
mgzI wonder if you could get your code working against the current chunks interface, then see what changes would be needed to work against an iterable rather than a list18:13
AnteruThe problem with the chunks interface is that I'll be storing only a hash in the file so I can keep the binary blobs completely off the repository.18:13
AnteruThis is going to be a glorified hack which creates the bin files on update and uses a pre-commit hook to check/update the hash file.18:14
jelmer'evening Anteru, mgz18:14
AnteruEvening jelmer18:14
* mgz waves at jelmer18:15
AnteruAnyone here who developed a plugin on Windows?18:19
jelmerAnteru: it shouldn't be all that different than on linux18:20
AnteruI'm wondering how to debug it; tried to print from the plugin but either it doesn't get called or the print goes elsewhere.18:20
AnteruAnd I can't get PyDev/Eclipse to run bzr commands ... should I get bzr source + a python 2.6 interpreter?18:20
mgztrace.mutteras you noted in your list post plus tail on .bzr.log should work18:23
timrcI think "bzr duff" should return ascii art of Duff beer18:50
mgzyou could write a plugin for that :P18:51
* timrc is tempted18:52
jelmertimrc: I think it should punish you as well, by making you wait - like sl18:53
timrcjelmer, lol.. the sad truth is, sometimes I find myself intentionally typing 'sl'18:57
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pooliehi all22:22
teratornany way to remove a tag from a local commit?22:46
teratornah, I found it22:47
jelmerhey poolie22:58
pooliehi jelmer22:59

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