
=== ohgfwlef is now known as hoodie-1
hoodie-1i'm trying to install lubuntu on an 8gb SSD drive, but it's saying i need at least 10.7gb to install03:19
hoodie-1this is weird, i installed this exact OS in the past, worked fine. yes, 10.703:20
hoodie-1and ubuntu WAS saying the same thing, but i did something and then it was ok with 4.403:20
hoodie-1not sure what i did..03:21
KM0201i don't think you did anything03:21
hoodie-1well why in the world is lubuntu requiring 10.7 GB to install?03:22
KM0201i dunno, that makes no sense03:22
KM0201i have an enormous amount of crap on my 25gig Lubuntu partition, and still have almost 15gigs free03:23
hoodie-1i think when i installed from my sandisk usb it worked, but when i try from my microSD card it's giving me this 10.7 business03:23
=== P4R4N01D1 is now known as P4R4N01D
me2New to this... anyone up to answering a question about a Lubuntu install fail?09:39
me2as grub2 does not see the kernel when I turn my netbook on09:40
me2with ubuntu 10.10 already on the same machine09:41
zen_Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMXULDocument.loadOverlay]"  nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"  location: "JS frame :: chrome://global/content/bindings/preferences.xml :: showPane :: line 711"  data: no]14:13
zen_java fail14:14
zen_Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMXULDocument.loadOverlay]"  nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"  location: "JS frame :: chrome://global/content/bindings/preferences.xml :: showPane :: line 711"  data: no]14:14
bioterroropensource or propietary?14:20
bioterrortry sun-java?14:27
zen_what u mean?14:32
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Welcome to #lubuntu || Please use #lubuntu-offtopic for general chat || Want Lubuntu? http://tinyurl.com/GetLubuntu || Need help? http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuDocumentation || Always follow the channel guidelines - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines
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zoeI have just installed lubuntu and everything is running well except sound18:23
zoeis anybody available to help me step by step?18:24
bioterroropen terminal18:24
bioterrorrun alsamiser18:24
zoerunning fine alsamixer18:24
bioterrorand check that you dont pcm and master muted18:24
zoeall are at max volume18:24
bioterrorand they have OO?18:25
zoelevel is 84 or 8018:25
zoealmost full volume18:25
zoei tried to play a sound with aplay18:25
bioterrorbut do you have any of them muted18:25
zoeit says it played but not sound18:25
bioterrorMM = muted18:25
bioterrorOO = not muted18:25
zoeall muted in fact18:25
zoehow do you change mm to oo?18:25
bioterrorwith m18:26
bioterrorif only I could code, I would make lxmixer :D18:26
zoeyou save my poor life of father of a little girl 3 year old :)18:26
bioterrorremember to sudo alsactl store18:26
zoeshe will be able to hear poissonrouge.com18:26
bioterroroh well, from father to another18:27
bioterrorI feel you!18:27
zoewhat is that commande for?18:27
zoesaving parameters?18:27
zoenot so trivial to remember? :)18:27
zoestrange that after fresh installation all of that is muted...18:28
bioterrorthat happens18:28
zoemurphy's law :)18:28
zoehave to personnalize lxde to remove all except some soft18:28
bioterrorwhat you want to personalize?18:29
zoeremove menus etc to avoid mistakes :)18:29
bioterroryou want more like Kiosk-mode18:30
zoei want to let hear18:30
zoego on poissonrouge.com18:30
zoelaunch gcompris18:30
zoeand some other soft as DVD player18:30
bioterrornice site, my 4 years old daughter might like that18:31
zoeof sure18:31
zoeplenty of different language18:31
bioterrorshe usually plays Dora's magical garden or something and prints lots of papers18:32
zoemainly french (native language for me)18:32
zoehmmm, i will perhaps install the printer over ethernet18:32
zoebut not a good idea to let my daughter printing everything she wants18:33
zoecould be catastrophic for the forest :)18:33
zoeis there any  app for that "kiosk-mode"?18:36
zoeis it possible to remove the virtual desktop?18:41
zoeok, found in the openbox config :)18:49
zoeI try to use the command line chromium-browser --kiosk http://www.google.com, the browser is openin but not in fullscreen mode...19:02
zoearf, working now19:02
zoeadd to close all tabs first...19:03
bioterroradd that to startup19:03
bioterrorcould do the trick ;)19:03
zoein fact, but i would prefer to keep my taskbar19:04
zoeto let her launch some other soft19:04
zoeopenbox is really easy to customize19:05
zoeis it possible to add that command line in thequick launch taskbar?19:07
edwardthefmahello all19:07
edwardthefmacan some 1 help me find the download for  lubuntu ver 9.1019:08
bioterroredwardthefma, why?19:08
edwardthefmai wanting to install it on this pos pc19:09
zoegoogle is my friend :)19:09
zoewhy to install old version?19:09
edwardthefmaold pc19:09
zoehow many MB or RAM?19:10
edwardthefmait dosentt like 10 or 1119:10
edwardthefmai think its like 256mb19:10
edwardthefmanot alot19:11
bioterror!mini | edwardthefma19:11
ubot5edwardthefma: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:11
zoei am running with 196Mo, work fine19:11
bioterrorand use apt-get install lubuntu-desktop ;)19:11
elrosfor an old PC use 10.0419:11
zoeit is what i have done, really simple19:11
edwardthefmai tryed ten19:12
zoedid you try slitaz?19:12
edwardthefmadosent work but i know 9.10 ubuntu works19:12
elrosof course you can try with debian too, just install lxde + xorg + gdm19:12
edwardthefmaand lubuntu is just a lighter varation of ubuntu19:12
edwardthefmaok thx19:13
edwardthefmazoe my last plan was puppy linux19:14
edwardthefmait this didint work :)19:14
zoeyou can try doudoulinux too if you want :)19:14
zoetry slitaz, seriously it is really small but effective19:14
zoeI tried SALIX too19:15
zoefinally i am running lubuntu last version, working really fine for me, stable and easy19:15
edwardthefmawell this pc used to run windows me19:16
elrosso it's from '99-'0019:16
edwardthefmacompac presaro 500019:18
zoewhat kind of proc?19:19
edwardthefma750mzh athlon19:22
edwardthefma64 mb ram19:22
* edwardthefma downloaded lubuntu-9.10_lynxis_b23.iso19:26
edwardthefmai hope this is the corect 119:26
edwardthefmawell it seems to work19:43
edwardthefmabut ween i click the install icon it dosent load the installer19:43
edwardthefmais thare a way i can install it via the termnal19:44
bioterror!mini | edwardthefma19:45
ubot5edwardthefma: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:45
bioterrorand then just sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop19:45
bioterrorbut you cant run anything on 64MB:D19:45
edwardthefmabut the live cd works19:45
bioterrordunno how well19:45
bioterrorbut if you think that you drop openbox and lxde off and you use fluxbox, you still have 54-56MB of RAM in use after boot on desktop19:46
bioterrornot that much left for anything19:46
edwardthefmai just looked in side the box19:46
edwardthefmale me double check the ram19:46
edwardthefmaits got  2 256 ram cards and 1 6419:49
edwardthefmaapparently i for got i upgraded it19:49
edwardthefma<bioterror> i just double checked the ram19:59
bioterrorrun 11.04 then ;)20:00
edwardthefmai did20:00
edwardthefmaXD i got a error20:00
bioterrordid you explain that error somewhere today+20:01
edwardthefmai serch the forms and found out the modle pc is having issues with 1020:01
edwardthefmaso i just down grade to a version that is known to work20:01
bioterrorwhat's the error?20:01
edwardthefmaill have too look it up 1 sec20:02
edwardthefmai cant find the error in my history20:12
elrosedwardthefma: use 10.04, it has better support for older hardware20:13
edwardthefmaok well i have 9.10 allredy on a disc20:14
edwardthefmai might as well use it20:14
edwardthefmai can upgrade it later20:14
elrosuse the alternate installer (or the minimal CD), 10.04.3 was just relesed20:16
edwardthefmaok i probbly wil20:16
elroswith 576 ram you can have gnome / xfce / lxde / fluxbox / whatnot20:17
edwardthefmai know it used to have ubuntu 9.1020:18
edwardthefmabut i wanted somthing lighter20:18
elrosduring boot you can choose to install command-line only, after that you must install xorg, gdm and desktop environment manually20:18
edwardthefmasince it was slow20:18
elrosxfce and lxde are solid desktops, if you have too much free time then you can even try fluxbox20:19
edwardthefmawen i turn on the pc with the disc it says press enter or type live to open live cd20:19
bioterroror just drop lxde and use openbox ;)20:19
edwardthefmawell this is for my grand mother20:20
edwardthefmaand her anteque of a pc20:20
elrosok, then put xfce/lxde if she's not (against conventional wisdom) a command-line hacker20:21
phillwedwardthefma: I do not think you can upgrade from 9.10 - I could be wrong, but I think the team pretty much started again with 10.04. A lot of basic structure was altered. 10.04 will be supported, 9.10 will not.20:21
KM0201edwardthefma: you should be able to upgrade karmic20:22
ubot5End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:22
ubot5Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.20:22
edwardthefmawell if she can play her farmville and do her email he wil be happy20:23
elroslucid has a decent lxde desktop, and xfce has been mature for even longer20:23
KM0201elros: onlyt hing is, xfce is almost as bloated as gnome.20:23
bioterrorthat's what people says20:24
bioterrorbut I never see any facts20:24
elroson my kick butt 2GHz athlon xp they are almost the same :)20:24
elroswith greater performance comes greater responsibility20:25
edwardthefmai need to buy more cds20:27
KM0201bioterror: i can't realy give yo u"facts"... all i'll tell you is, the reason I stopped using Gnome, is because it was bloated, so I went to Xfce (which I also have a lot of experience with)... I used XFCE for about a month, and had more or less the same issues as I had on Gnome 3/Unity, and thats how I ended up on LXDE20:28
bioterrorwish I had another laptop, I would like to make some testings20:30
KM0201bioterror: one off the bigger issues i had w/ XFCE 4, was the compositing, so i disabled it...20:32
KM0201but it still seemed extremely sluggish20:32
elrosbioterror: if you have enough ram you can try virtualbox20:34
bioterrorelros, not a huge fan of those ;)20:35
elrosit's surprisingly easy to use20:35
Trusardihey by mistake i have set up a default action for clicking a folder to open it with music player20:37
Trusardiby "open with"20:37
Trusardinormally when i click a folder it opens fine, but when i open a folder via application it runs music player -20:38
Trusardidoes anyone know how to reverse it?20:38
bioterrorwho has hands on pcmanfm? ;)20:41
KM0201i had that happen w/ Gnome once, but never w/ PCMan.. have no idea how to fix it there20:43
Trusardiirritating ;]20:43
Trusardijust to think that i switched to lxde to avoid unity :P20:43
Trusardifile types allow me to change it in properties but not folders.....20:43
bioterrorI'll grab my wife's laptop20:44
Trusardisorry got dc-ed20:51
Trusardidid perhaps anyone come up with an idea how to solve this silly pcmanfm/folder association prob?20:51
bioterrorwhere does pcmanfm puke those configs20:52
Trusardihas to be local somewhere20:53
bioterror[Default Applications]20:54
Trusardiit worked20:56
Trusardithx bioterror20:56
* Trusardi bows and throws the teleportationtohogwarth powder on himself20:57
bioterrorthat was rather easy20:58
edwardthefma<bioterror> remer that error i told u i was getting23:17
edwardthefmawith ten and 1123:17
edwardthefmawell i tok a picture of it with my cam23:17
edwardthefma<bioterror> u thare23:28
edwardthefma(process:196:) GLib-WARNING : getpwuid_r (): failed due to unknown user id (0)23:31
edwardthefma[ 10.547657] vt596_smbus 0000:00:14.4:smbus: error smbus controler not enabled! _upgrade bios or use force=23:31
edwardthefmawen it says use force=1  waht dose it mean23:35
edwardthefmai dont want to risk my pc with a upgrade23:35
phillwedwardthefma: I'm not too sure where you and bioterror got to, but the 2nd error is what is known as a spurious error (a false error, that just annoys).23:37
phillwhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/531027 has some details on it. If it is actually stopping you from booting, then it is an entirely different problem.23:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 531027 in Ubuntu "spurious warning at boot time that is unrelated to your actual problem (dup-of: 532984)" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 532984 in plymouth (Ubuntu Natty) "GLIb-WARNING **: getpwid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)" [Undecided,Fix released]23:38
phillwedwardthefma: can you log on okay?23:39
phillwokay, then it looks to me as if you will have to use the force option.23:40
edwardthefmahow do i do that23:40
edwardthefmaalso waht is force23:41
phillwedwardthefma: is the computer an older model?23:41
phillwit may be tied to an old BIOS, the force is an attempt to over-ride that.23:42
edwardthefmacompaq presaro 500US23:42
edwardthefmai dont want to risk the bios upgrade23:42
edwardthefmaif i kill the mother bord the pc is scrap23:43
phillwthat is quite okay, I'm just digging around for suggested threads that are marked [SOLVED] (I prefer to advise people to use those ones!)23:44
edwardthefmai think ill probbly have to fix it with a live cd23:45
edwardthefmathat waht i love about linux23:46
edwardthefmawen shit brakes you can allwaysuse a live cd23:46
ricardo-brasilhi, I've installed lubuntu 11.04, but I'm having some trouble with it. It just stop working when I right-click in menu and then click on desktop and so click on menu again... it just stop, and I got to restart computer23:49
phillwedwardthefma: as far as I can see, force=1 is to check out the hard drive in case it has been scrambled. This does make some sense as from CD you can boot okay.23:52
edwardthefmaok so waht do you sugest23:53
edwardthefmait the hard drive then23:54
phillwedwardthefma: I'd suggest doing a fsck once you have booted up from the liveCD (For heavens sake, NEVER fsck a 'live' system)!23:55
* edwardthefma looks up the instrutions on fsck23:57
phillwedwardthefma: that is what they want by putting force=1 into grub, it will make the disk area fsck at boot without the CD23:59

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