
frankhas anyone here used virtualbox?02:24
nlsthznbut I got to run..02:24
frankanyone else used virtualbox?02:25
stlsaintfrank: what is it you need?02:29
franki installed vb so i can try and run orb to sling my media to my windows work laptop02:30
frankwhen im in windows i cant seem to access any of the files on my second hd, the one with all me media02:31
stlsaintwhat is orb?02:32
stlsaintand is windows in the vm? please explain full setup02:33
duanedesignfrank: you can probablly see the windows hard drive from linux but seeing the linux hard drive from windows i am not sure. If you format the hard drive you share between OS in something like FAT32 you should be able to see it in both02:35
frankits not really a linux hd. its a secondary hd with nothing but media on it02:37
barefootryanHello. I just recently installed the most recent version of Ubuntu 11.04 on my HP Pavillion dv2500 laptop.  I love it but cannot run three things that I would love to run. 1)Epson VGA projector and two networked office printers. Any ideas?03:18
philipballewhey barefootryan let me try to help03:23
philipballewwhat are the model names of all the devices?03:26
philipballewyou can use those and google that followed by ubuntu03:26
barefootryanEpson EX 51 projector for starters.  I googled but the results don't seem that promising.03:31
philipballewwhat did they say?03:32
philipballewit can be there is just no driver for them?03:32
stlsainti must go soon but for my two cents:03:34
stlsaintbarefootryan: 1. Make sure you are using your proprietary video drivers and not the generic ones03:35
stlsaint2. Check the printer websites for linux drivers (also what errors are you getting that show why you cant use these printers)03:35
barefootryanI just installed the proprietary drivers from the system section but that did not change anything.  It still doesn't see the projector.03:40
philipballewbarefootryan, hows the printer?03:51
philipballewsorrry, network trouble03:51
stlsaintbarefootryan: take to google man, i have never used a projector with my install so im a dead duck to help ya03:54
barefootryanThe printer, well number one is a Savin CO95 I think (out of the office right now) I can get it to recognize that data is coming in, a little light turns on and the wheels on the output side move.  This is using the suggested drivers.03:56
barefootryanHowever no printing actually takes  place03:57
OmsniffiscentI'm having major sound issues with VLC and I have no idea what's wrong or how to check. Anyone else having issues or can tell me where to start looking?04:50
holsteinOmsniffiscent: what issues?04:50
holsteinisolated to VLC for sure?04:50
OmsniffiscentThe sound is really choppy. I can barely understand what's being said.04:50
holsteinare there any upgrades available?04:51
holsteinOmsniffiscent: try another player04:51
holsteintry cvlc as well04:51
OmsniffiscentMovie Player works just fine.04:51
OmsniffiscentI'm having sound issues in wine also. When I click the test sound button it just says fail. But sound plays fine in most programs I run with wine.04:51
OmsniffiscentOnly one program I run with wine has major issues with sound -- it crashes when a sound is played.04:52
holsteinthat sounds pretty good04:52
OmsniffiscentHow do I check for VLC updates?04:52
holsteinthats a great percentage of wine apps for you that work then04:52
OmsniffiscentUbuntu Software Center only gives me the remove option.04:52
holsteinOmsniffiscent: i run sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade04:53
holsteinbut, however you want to do it04:53
holsteinupdate manager04:53
holsteinsynaptic.. whatever04:53
OmsniffiscentThis won't upgrade me from 10.10 to 11.04 will it?04:53
holsteinwhats that?04:54
holsteinsudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade ??04:54
holsteindont run those if you dont feel comfortable04:54
holsteinuse the update manager04:54
holsteinbut... no04:54
OmsniffiscentI don't want to change my OS version heh. I like 10.1004:54
OmsniffiscentMy system is up to date.04:56
OmsniffiscentMaybe I'll just uninstall and re-install it... I don't know why I didn't try that yet.04:56
holsteinso VLC is up to date04:56
holsteinOmsniffiscent: i would try and isolate the file type that you are playing04:56
holsteinif its an ogg or whatever04:56
holsteinjust make sure its only that one kind04:57
holsteinand just use the other player, and file a bug04:57
OmsniffiscentMovies. That I have played before and they worked fine.04:57
OmsniffiscentI'll check the filetypes after I re-install.04:57
holsteinOmsniffiscent: played before?04:58
holsteinOmsniffiscent: they will have a suffix04:58
holsteinlike .jpg .pdf04:58
holsteinsomething like .mov or .avi04:58
Omsniffiscentreinstall worked. :)04:59
holsteinAH... thats good04:59
Omsniffiscentthanks for the help, heh. I don't know why I didn't get the idea to reinstall until I came in here. I've been trying to figure out what to do all day lol04:59
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bobweaverhi there I kubuntu 11.04 and made a remastersys backup of the whole system now when I boot it at my friends house it works great but I go to install and it installes but wont change the uname or password how do I fix this ?????? THANKS19:57
holsteinbobweaver: you can always add/remove users after the fact19:58
holsteinAFAIK, there are a few ways to remastersys19:58
holsteinyou can make a copy of the system with the user and all that, or just a system with the same pacakges19:59
holsteinyou might want to try making the other kind of remastersys image and see if thats more what you were looking for19:59
bobweaverthat is what I want option one19:59
bobweaverbut to have ubiquity replace the user name and passwd but none of the /home files20:00
holsteintry the other option and see, im not sure how that will work since the /home files are owned by a user20:01
holsteinim sure theres a way...20:01
bobweaverkeep my system all of it logs and everything but to be able to have ubiquity  change the uname and passwd20:01
holsteinnot sure...20:01
bobweaverI have tried the other options kills menu and font and other things as well20:01
holsteini have seen folks set a gerneric user/pass20:02
holsteina temporary one20:02
bobweaverthat would work20:02
bobweaverI know how to change passwd but how about user20:02
bobweaverIDK how to do that20:02
holsteini would probably be creating this in a VM or on a test machine20:03
bobweaverThanks for helping me you ROCK20:03
holsteini would just have the one user20:03
bobweaverall ready am20:03
holsteinlets say i want user/pass20:03
holsteini would have one user called user, and the password pass20:03
holsteinthen, make the remastersys backup image20:03
holsteinyou can mess with users in the terminal, or in the GUI... however you feel comfortable20:04
bobweaveris there a way to drop the root account make the user account #1 and then just make remastersys backup20:05
holsteinwell, this is linux20:06
holsteinso the answer is literally always yes20:06
holsteinif you want to give a user root privs, you should be able to do that20:06
holsteinyou probably dont want/need to though20:06
bobweaverso get ride of root acccount and make user account the root accont and then use the 2nd option in remastersys20:06
bobweaverhere is more sorry about the slow typing20:07
holsteinwe already dont really have a root account though20:07
holsteinwe sudo20:07
bobweaverI dont get it20:07
holsteinwhen you say 'get rid of root account' we alread dont have a traditional root user account20:08
bobweaverway it there menus under home and under root20:08
holsteinagain, anything is possible20:08
holsteini think you should try and get a clear vision of what you want the final goal to be, and go from there20:09
bobweaverSo menu that is under /.config      compared to menu that is under /usr        is different20:09
holsteinno reason to muck about with user accounts if theres a better way to get at what you want20:09
bobweaverok start over20:11
bobweaveroption 1 remastersys    PROS   works great only trouble is it will not change the user name and password20:12
holsteinbut, you can afterwards20:12
bobweaveroption 2 remastersys  Pro will Change uname and password but wont keep settings like menu font ect20:13
holsteinright, and thats not an option, correct?20:13
holsteinyou want to customize20:13
holsteinso, you'll have to sort out something with the other option20:13
bobweaverthe casper it makes is good but the ubiquity is bad ???20:14
bobweaveroption 1 use option 1 in remastersys then just change uname (I dont know how to do )  and passwd (I do know how to do)20:18
bobweaverso I guess the question is how to change the username kubuntu 11.0420:19
holsteinbobweaver: right, you'll just do that before you make the image20:19
holsteinyou do it however you feel comfortable20:19
holsteinthe user admin area where ever that is in KDE, or in the terminal20:19
holsteinsudo adduser whatever20:19
bobweaverI am comfortable with just about anything just need some advice some one to talk about it and throw ideas off of20:20
holsteinthere should be a 'users and groups' GUI somewhere20:20
bobweaveryes it is locked "grey out "20:20
holsteinwhat is?20:21
bobweaverunder user and groups the uname is20:21
bobweavercant change it there20:21
holsteinthats where you'll change it20:22
holsteinim not sure what you need to do in KDE20:22
holsteinin gnome, i can click on 'users and groups' and unlock it to edit20:23
holsteinif you cant do it there, you can do it with another tool20:23
bobweavercould just make my mom make new user and passwd but what about the dedualt on and security20:23
holsteinyou might need a different user temporarily to edit the account you are in currently20:23
holsteinbobweaver: all you need to do is decide you're going to do it :)20:24
bobweaverI am doing it20:24
holsteincool :)20:24
ChenthuCould some one help me with installation?20:40
holsteinChenthu: whats up?20:40
Chenthuhey holstein....i am new to linux on the whole and right now installing ubuntu20:40
Chenthunow i am in the "configuring grub-pc" section20:41
Chenthuits asking me to choose the place of grub install20:41
holsteindid you download the alternate image or something?20:41
Chenthuyeah i downloaded the alternate image20:41
holsteinanyways... do you have only one hard drive in the machine?20:42
Chenthuyeah only one and windows 7 is already installed20:42
Chenthui want this to be a dual boot20:42
bioterrorinstall it on /dev/sda20:42
holsteinwhats going to happen is, grub will install, and allow you to boot windows or ubuntu20:43
Chenthubut my windows 7 is on /dev/sda20:43
Chenthuwouldn it affect windows 7?20:43
holsteinnot the way you think20:43
bioterrorit will install it on MBR20:43
Chenthui chose alternate because i wanted to download quickly using torrents20:43
holsteinwindows is likely on /dev/sda120:43
ubot2GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:43
Chenthui know mbr20:43
holsteinChenthu: the other installer 'just works'20:44
holsteini cant imagine it being any faster or slower to download20:44
holsteinbut this will work fine for you20:44
Chenthuoh ok...anyway...now that i have downloaded and installed...let me learn the hard way... :-P20:44
Chenthuwont this grub install on /dev/sda invalidate my windows20:45
Chenthumeaning wont it be problematic to start windows 7?20:45
holsteingrub will not do anything that makes win7 not boot20:45
Chenthuoh ok...cause i ve had this problem previously20:46
Chenthucause i am like a summer fag20:46
holsteini always suggest backing up data, and knowing how to revert20:46
holsteinand having the tools to revert20:46
Chenthui tried linux  long back...same ubuntu and had probs20:46
Chenthudata backed up20:46
Chenthui am just afraid would have to extra work if things get messed up20:46
holsteinif this hoses something, you need to know how to use gparted to regrow that ntfs partition, and a win cd to recover the MBR20:46
holsteinthen, you literally cant break anything20:47
Chenthuk i ve chosen /dev/sda20:47
holsteinbut, linux/grub wont break windows20:47
Chenthuthanks for heklping me choose20:47
Chenthuthats good20:47
holsteinthat doesnt mean you cant ;)20:47
Chenthubut previously a year back when i installed linux as a dual boot to my windows 720:48
Chenthumy windows 7 wasnt able to come back...but that was back track20:48
Chenthui hope things are ok20:48
Chenthuwhats the difference between normal and alternate?20:48
holsteinwell, i can postulate several scenarios that could have happened20:48
holsteinnone of which involve linux or grub breaking anything20:49
holsteinone thing, if you come here *before* doing anything, and ask20:49
Chenthuif u are free...and wouldnt mind telling me ....u could postulate those scenarios20:49
holsteinor check in...20:49
holsteini would have suggested the normal CD just because i think the GUI is easier to wrap the mind around20:49
Chenthuyeah...but thats was not available in official torrents...and i am not using a cd i am using a usb20:50
holsteinChenthu: you could have had the ntfs partition deleted by accident20:50
Chenthuand torrents are easy20:50
Chenthuoh...is it?...yeah i culd have20:50
holsteinright, but thats a more complex installer20:50
holsteinthese are the issues you face20:50
holsteinwhats gurb? where does it go?20:51
Chenthuyeah.....sure co,plex it is but i am learning20:51
holsteinthe other install just does it for you20:51
holsteinnot that you cant do it that way, its just arguably not the best choice for a beginner20:51
Chenthuyeah ...20:51
holsteinAND, you can see the live CD running on your hardware20:52
Chenthuhey i have wondows but it detects as vista?..is that normal?20:52
holsteinyou have no idea if the hardware is supported right now20:52
Chenthuwindows 720:52
holsteinyou are just going to boot and hope for the best20:52
Chenthuomg is it?...i dont know that...20:52
holsteinIF you have the live CD, you can see the desktop running on your hard ware, test things, see the sound working, check the graphics, network, whatever20:52
holsteinthe live CD is an awesome tool we have that the proprietary systems cant provide20:53
Chenthuthats a sure thing....i used live cd of back track and recently "tails"20:53
holsteinChenthu: not to scare you, everything is fixable... im just saying, i would have suggested that20:53
Chenthuok.... :)20:54
holsteini like to see everything working, or know whats not going to work and why before i partition the hard drive20:54
Chenthuis it ok...if my grub install detects windows 7 to be vista?20:54
holsteinon a box i have, the recovery partition is labeled vista20:54
holsteini wouldnt sweat the labels20:55
Chenthuoh k...lol20:55
Chenthuk k20:55
holsteinif it boots win7, its all good, and you can always change that label if you care20:55
Chenthufirst i used USB tool specified by ubuntu to creatae my usb install disk20:56
Chenthuit dint work...then afetr a lot of research without answers tried doing that with unetbootin20:57
Chenthuand it worked20:57
holsteinyeah, i use unet20:57
Chenthuthats good20:57
Chenthuok installed20:58
Chenthunow choose windows 7 on boot menu20:59
Chenthuto check if thats working20:59
Chenthuwow...windows 7 works fine20:59
Chenthunow for ubuntu20:59
Chenthurestarted...choose ubuntu...21:00
Chenthuworking logged in21:01
Chenthubut mouse speed is fast21:01
holsteinof course :)21:01
Chenthuthree errors so far at the first startup21:02
holsteinnot bad considering21:02
Chenthuomg i think its frozen21:02
holsteinyou're not counting that mouse thing as an error are you?21:02
Chenthuu mean :the alternate version"?21:02
holsteinthe end result with the alternate and the normal are the same21:03
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holsteinyou just didnt get an opportunity to test21:03
Chenthugood then21:03
Chenthubut mine crashed21:03
Chenthui am restarting again to check if there is any luck21:03
holsteinim going to suggest you try to get to a terminal21:04
holsteinand upgrade21:04
Chenthuthree windows with errors popped up21:04
Chenthui gave close21:04
holsteinare you online?21:04
Chenthunot yet21:04
Chenthuthen crashed21:04
holsteini would upgrade first21:04
Chenthui ll check if i could connect to net after i log in and connect my 3G stick21:04
holsteincan you just wire it up temporarily?21:05
Chenthuno way...lol21:05
Chenthui am in a hotel and i use my 3g21:05
Chenthu"could not update  ICEauthority file /home/....21:06
holsteingood luck with that... does your 3g support linux?21:06
Chenthuthis sucks21:06
Chenthuyup it does...i think so21:06
holsteinChenthu: yeah, i hate it that you came so late... im not even sure what version you installed21:07
Chenthucause when i used a live system (tails) it worked21:07
holsteini would have suggested the normal live CD for 10.04 which is the LTS21:07
holsteinthat being said, you can sort all this out i bet21:07
Chenthuomg...i should have come here met and have decided...21:07
holsteineh... you can sort it out... i just hate to see you have such a bad experience21:08
Chenthu:(....thanks man.....i think u must be a ubuntu lover21:08
Chenthui ll try boooting up with the recobvery mode21:08
holsteinChenthu: i would try upgrading first21:08
holsteinyou dont need to recover anything really21:09
Chenthucause it says no session found21:09
holsteinwhat does?21:09
Chenthuthats not a priob with recovery?21:09
Chenthui said three error right?21:09
holsteinyeah, but upgrades could fix everything21:09
Chenthubut to upgrade i should have atleast a terminal right?21:10
holsteinfor example, the netbook im using, i installed, no sound or wifi21:10
Chenthui couldnt even see my desktop21:10
holsteini plugged it in, and upgraded, and everything just worked21:10
Chenthuits all black without any buttons even in taskbar21:10
Chenthubefore i chose ubuntu21:11
holsteinChenthu: you can hit control+alt+F221:11
holsteinthat'll get you to a terminal21:11
holsteinbut, you'll need to be online21:11
Chenthui made a comaprison of all linux and chose ubuntu tio be best...21:11
holsteineh, depends on what you need21:11
Chenthui heared 11.04 is buggy but decided to go cause i wanna make it work...lol21:11
holsteinubuntu does desktop pretty well i think21:11
Chenthuoh ok21:12
Chenthuctrl alt f2?21:12
Chenthuwill try now21:12
holsteincontrol+alt+F7 or F8 to get back21:12
Chenthuyeah even desktop i chjecked abt gnome and kde21:12
holstein11.04 has unity21:13
Chenthubut from what i have read kde seems good..but ununtu has gnome21:13
holsteinubuntu has unity actually21:13
holsteinthey just switched21:13
holsteinbut, to be more presice21:13
holsteinubuntu comes with unity21:13
holsteintheres kubuntu which comes with KDE, and xubuntu with XFCE21:14
Chenthuoh...lol that part i never noticed21:14
holsteinbut, you can always add whatever you want21:14
Chenthuyerah kubuntu and xubuntu i heared21:14
bioterroror just install mini installation and build things yourself21:14
Chenthuunity?...how is it ?...nice from ur view point?21:14
holsteinthese linux systems are cusomizable by nature21:14
holsteinbioterror: :)21:14
bioterrorchoose any window manager and add stuff21:14
holsteinyeah, build your own as you want it to be21:15
bioterrorit's the best!21:15
ChenthucAN I BUILD MY OWN NOW?21:15
Chenthusry for the caps thing21:15
Chenthuwas a mistake21:15
Chenthuk my terminal is up.....what now?21:15
holsteinhttp://www.edubuntu.org/vmmanager is a way to see unity in action, assuming you dont have it working21:16
holsteinChenthu: if i were you, i would want to get that online and upgrade21:16
holsteinthe problem is, you dont have a way to plug it in21:16
Chenthuhow to do that?/...u have the tinme to guide me or i shoiuld search online?21:17
Chenthui have wifi though...21:17
holsteinwell, can you plug it in?21:17
Chenthutahts my other option21:17
holsteinwhen you do you run in the terminal21:17
holsteinsudo apt-get update21:17
holsteinsudo apt-get upgrade21:17
Chenthucan i use my wifi?21:18
Chenthuany command or just have to connect it?21:18
Chenthui mdean just on my wifi21:18
holsteini wouldnt know where to begin to connect to wifi from the terminal21:18
holsteintheres a package i could suggest, but you'd need to be online to get it ;)21:19
holsteini would reboot21:19
holsteintry to get onlin from the normal desktop, and go from there21:19
holsteinin the terminal you can run sudo reboot21:19
holsteinim just saying, dont waste time fixing things til you upgrade... fixes might already be available21:19
Chenthui do that a lot..."waste time in fixing things thats been fixed already"21:20
Chenthui have to change that attitude21:20
holsteineh, its all a learning experience21:21
Chenthuis it possible for me to rebuild my ubuntu21:21
Chenthui mean can i change it completely and remove unwanted and add new wanted?21:22
holsteinits linux... the answer is always yes pretty much21:22
bioterror!pure gnome21:22
ubot2Factoid 'pure gnome' not found21:22
ubot2If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome21:22
bioterrortake from purekde command for removing gnome ;)21:22
bioterrorand then fetch ubuntu-desktop metapackage21:22
Chenthuthanks bot noted down21:23
Chenthubioterror: just purekde?21:23
bioterror!purekde | Chenthu21:23
ubot2Chenthu: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »21:23
Chenthuwill it remove all those installed extras?21:23
bioterrorthat's how you remove desktops ;)21:24
bioterrorand install anothers21:24
bioterrorwithout reinstallation21:24
Chenthuubot2:thank you....so now that i have iunity on ubuntu 11.04...what should i use4?21:24
ubot2Chenthu: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:24
Chenthulol...ok...i thought bot was a person21:24
Chenthubioterror: tq21:25
Chenthubut can i just use the said commasnd to do it?21:25
holsteinChenthu: you might want to look at virtualbox21:26
Chenthuvirtualbox?...u mean like a sandbox?21:26
holsteini remember using virtualbox in windows to try things out... you can really break something and easily revert21:26
holsteina lot of it is personal preference21:26
Chenthui thought abt that...but i dont know whats the reason...i hate virtual box21:27
holsteinwell, VMware... whatever you use21:27
Chenthudo i have any terminal command to just revert back to pure ubuntu21:27
Chenthui mean "uninstall everything?21:28
holsteintheres probably a big paste in there at that link21:28
Chenthuoh ok...will read that21:28
holsteinagain, not really something i would say to do as a beginner21:28
Chenthusisnce iw as chatting and diont wanna miss what u were saying i just opened and never lookd at that link21:28
holsteinunless you have a clear idea of where you want to go21:28
Chenthuis this valid "i have a clear idea of removing all packages installed except for the drivers and some bacsic packs"21:29
holsteinsure, but im just not sure whats what in there21:29
holsteinmight remove 3g support? im not sure21:30
Chenthuyeah thats agood question21:30
holsteinyou'd just have to try and and see21:30
Chenthuomg yeah thats there21:30
holsteinand again, as long as you know how, and have the tools to revert, go for it :)21:30
Chenthuwill giove some time over this...orelse i am just gonna revert...lol21:31
Chenthuk i ams treaming wifi from mobile21:31
Chenthui just have to google to use it in termianal21:31
holsteinif you are connected, thats it21:31
holsteinjust upgrade21:31
holsteintheres an update tool you can use if you prefer21:31
Chenthui am trying to connect now21:32
Chenthui am using the 3g here21:32
Chenthuso i am streaming my mobile 3g as wifi21:32
Chenthufound a way to use wifi from terminal21:36
Chenthuneed to have certain tools21:36
Chenthuand this pack do has that21:36
Chenthubut it says need to install driver21:37
holsteinright, thats the rub21:37
holsteincheck out... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:38
holsteinsee if that pertains ^^21:38
holsteintheres a way to download what you need and move it over via USB stick21:38
Chenthuterminal gave alink to download driver21:39
Chenthufirst ill try thth21:39
holsteinbe sure you contact the vendor of your hardware and let them know how much of a hard time you had since they dont allow drivers to be included with linux21:39
holsteinChenthu: good luck... i gotta run... BBL21:40
Chenthuthank u verymuch holstein21:40
Chenthuyeah will tell them...but my laptop is 5 years old21:40
Chenthuwill be buying new one only next month21:40
=== Chenthu_ is now known as Chenthu
^aL-ITAngel^hellooo! salut tout le monde :-)21:57
nit-witmmmmm megadeath21:58
^aL-ITAngel^lo ibuclaw nhandler tronyx sardonyx en taro Adun starcraftman !!!22:28
starcraftman^aL-ITAngel^: en taro tassadar!22:34
^aL-ITAngel^do you remember me?22:35
starcraftman^aL-ITAngel^: not really, my memory leaving me at that young an age? depressing :/22:36
^aL-ITAngel^I will refresh it22:37
=== ^aL-ITAngel^ is now known as ^Zen-hoOb-bit
starcraftman^Zen-hoOb-bit: still kinda lost me >.>.22:39
^Zen-hoOb-bitI'm a very old user, don't worry ^^22:40
^Zen-hoOb-bitI've been out for years22:41
starcraftman^Zen-hoOb-bit: ok then, uh, I guess I'm not that old. Just been a bit inactive lately. Need more activity.22:42
^Zen-hoOb-bitI need help : Do you know how can I upgrade the old ubuntu 8.04 to the 8.10 and more? I tryied with different servers but nothing happens... It's possible to upgrade it using the ubuntu 8.10 cd-rom?22:46
charlie-tcaupgrade direct to 10.04 ?22:46
starcraftman^Zen-hoOb-bit: you want to upgrade 8.04 to 8.10? Those are very old versions >.>22:47
starcraftmanI'd recommend something a little more recent. 10.04 at least.22:47
^Zen-hoOb-bityes because I don't want to erase the disk or reinstall all from zero.22:48
^Zen-hoOb-bitbut I would like to have the 10.04 LL22:49
charlie-tca8.04 to 10.04 is a supported upgrade22:49
charlie-tcaYou don't have to go through everything else22:50
starcraftman^Zen-hoOb-bit: Instructions > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades#Upgrade%20from%208.04%20LTS%20to%2010.04%20LTS22:50
starcraftman^Zen-hoOb-bit: course, that's how lts always been with lts.22:51
^Zen-hoOb-bitgreat!!! En Taro Tassadar!22:54
starcraftman^Zen-hoOb-bit: have fun22:54
^Zen-hoOb-bitwhy haven't I asked it before? I thought I had to reinstall all... waited for ages... I'm so stupid lol :-)22:55

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