
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro
dholbachgood morning06:48
jussigood morning dholbach!06:49
jussiand good mornign world!06:49
dholbachhey jussi06:49
jussidholbach: that blog post was brilliant, thank you!06:49
dholbachjussi, thanks for the flowers06:49
dholbachI liked Henrik's comment on the blog post - I, too, hope they can follow through on it06:50
jussiMorning czajkowski :) Hows the back today?06:54
czajkowskiso so06:55
czajkowskifriday I get my injections into spine06:55
czajkowskiso fingers crossed they work06:55
jussi& <-- fingers crossed06:55
dholbachczajkowski, oh wow... all the best with that!06:57
nigelbdholbach: Good morning! Brilliant blog post :)07:21
nigelbdholbach: I have some feedback for you. I went through the mozilla docs and actually tried it. I'll email you when I get time on things we could improve :)07:23
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kim0Morning everyone o/07:35
nigelbkim0! You're back!07:39
kim0nigelb: yep :)07:39
nigelbkim0: Good Morning! :-)07:39
nigelbHow as the vacation?07:39
kim0Was awesome! Great chance to relax and unwind from everything07:39
kim0dholbach o/07:40
kim0czajkowski: jussi morning everyone07:40
dholbachhey kim007:41
jussio/ kim007:41
dholbachthanks nigelb07:41
dholbachnigelb, it would also be good to talk to micahg and chrisccoulson about it07:42
dholbachbecause they're actually doing the work on Mozilla stuff07:42
kim0oh God, Inbox is 1000 msgs deep07:42
jussikim0: o.O07:43
kim0the one disadvantage of a vacation :)07:44
nigelbdholbach: NO no07:45
nigelbdholbach: I meant improve our developer documentation07:45
nigelbdholbach: I was trying out mozilla's getting started documention with ours.07:45
nigelbI went all the way to fixing one bug.07:45
dholbachyeah, let me know what you found :)07:45
czajkowskidholbach: thanks 4 injections hoping they fix me. I'm due some good news08:05
czajkowskikim0: aloha08:05
kim0czajkowski: aloha o/08:05
dholbach*crossing fingers*08:05
dpmgood morning all08:33
dholbachhola dpm08:35
dpmhey dholbach08:37
kim0dpm: Morning08:40
dpmmorning kim008:41
dpmkim0, welcome back!08:42
kim0dpm: yaeh thanks :)08:42
dpmhow was your week?08:42
kim0dpm: Was awesome! Great chance to relax and unwind from everything08:43
dpmkim0, glad to hear that :)08:44
kim0yeah :)08:44
=== daker_ is now known as daker
kim0daker: Howdy09:22
dakerkim0, welcome back09:25
kim0daker: hey hey .. thanks :)09:25
jussiso.. "has its own assets" or "has it's own assets" Which is correct? :/ (and yes, I'm a native speaker who cant write english)10:28
nigelbUgh, I hate the its / it's confusion.10:29
nigelbI tend to think its is correct10:29
nigelbit's is usually used when you can expand that to "it is"10:29
jussinigelb: ++, its very annoying.10:33
* jussi grumbles10:33
nigelbAlanBell: s/can/can't/ ?10:43
nigelbIf so, I'm utterly lost about its vs it's :(10:43
AlanBellI'm a native speaker who cant write  english10:43
AlanBellI was being pedantic10:44
jussiAlanBell: oh shush :P10:44
* jussi rubs AlanBell's bald spot :P10:44
* popey notes AlanBell doesn't have one10:44
* AlanBell notes a general thinning, but no actual baldness10:45
AlanBellI suspect it will all go at once10:45
nigelbAlanBell: ah, you were correcting jussi.10:50
nigelbI thought I got it completely wrong for years.10:50
jussinigelb: he was, my bracketed sentence10:51
=== ara_ is now known as ara
czajkowskihow does a thread on what I like least about Ubuntu end up only disucssing memberships....16:02
macoczajkowski: everybody hates the membership process?16:06
czajkowskibloody odd long winded thread16:08
czajkowskiI expected to see banshee V rhythmbox16:08
czajkowskior default browswer16:08
czajkowskinot membership16:08
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
AlanBellhttp://www.canonical.com/content/canonical-announces-ubuntu-advantage-partner-programme-resellers how is that a new announcement??17:08
nigelbAlanBell: the new hardware certification I think17:37
AlanBellcan't see any hardware in the announcement and it looks identical to what was announced a year ago17:39
AlanBellhttp://www.canonical.com/news/ubuntu-in-business-event-july-13th at that17:39
=== daker is now known as daker_
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
czajkowskiAlanBell: well that was an event18:00
=== salgado_ is now known as salgado
AlanBellwhere they announced Ubuntu Advantage18:14
AlanBellI am just trying to figure out what the new thing is so I can talk about it18:14
doctormoIs jono around?18:18
doctormojcastro: If not, can you answer a question about the CLA changeover to harmony? Has it been announced?18:18
macoczajkowski: i expected stuff about UDD and freeze policies and lack of "build from branch" button on LP18:30
nigelbmaco: and possible beaurocracy18:32
nigelbit terms of freezes and stuff18:32
paultagnigelb: do you know Java?18:33
macodefault browser is a more "user" complaint than "developer" complaint, if that makes sense18:33
nigelbpaultag: a little, why?18:33
macolibrary versions on the other hand...18:33
nigelbpaultag: starting to learn now18:33
nigelbwant to get into android18:33
paultagnigelb: I could use a review on some code I wrote. Very very very well documented.18:33
nigelbpaultag: oh. don't know if I have enough knowlege for reviewing your code. I can take a shot :)18:35
paultagnigelb: git://anized.org/rsa.git -- or the gitview http://anized.org/git/?a=summary&p=rsa18:35
paultagnigelb: it's very simple, should be a snap to follow. This'll be a good test, if you miss anything, let me know and I'll make it clear-er18:35
paultagnigelb: I'm trying to keep a personal treasure chest of example code18:36
paultagnigelb: if you need to follow along with the algorithm -- http://blog.pault.ag/post/2175430707/the-rsa-algorithm-humanized-sorta18:36
nigelbpaultag: I'm at work, so Ican do this over the next 2 hours18:39
nigelbwe're doing a big deployment tonight18:39
paultagnigelb: sure sure18:39
jcastrodoctormo: I don't know anyting about CLA stuff18:57
jcastrodoctormo: also, your last blog post question and answer would be a swell contribution to ask ubuntu!18:58
jcastroalso hi everyone, I am now a Floridian18:58
nigelbjcastro is back!18:58
paultagjcastro: CONGRATS!18:58
paultagjcastro: you've gone from backwoods lameo who can't win at football to a full-blown retired old-person18:58
paultagjcastro: how's it feel?18:59
doctormojcastro: Yes, I keep on forgetting about ask ubuntu, it's just so far away.18:59
jcastropaultag: it feels like ..... hot and sweaty19:00
nigelbYOu mean, it feels like vacation? :P19:00
paultagjcastro: :)19:01
jcastronigelb: not yet19:01
jcastrocomcast screwed me19:01
jcastroI called and they're like, "oh, we don't show up as you having an install today"19:01
jcastrothey apparently didn't know I was moving here19:01
jcastrodespite triple checking with them19:01
jcastroand multiple emails19:02
jcastroluckily they can get a guy out here before I start work tomorrow19:02
paultagjcastro: I sent you mail you'd be pleased about a while ago. It's the first and last time you'll hear those words out of my mouth :)19:02
jcastroI saw. :D19:02
nigelbI love you?19:02
nigelbpaultag: ^ :P19:02
jcastromy smug smile got me through the drive knowing I had bested paultag19:03
paultagjcastro: :)19:03
nigelbpaultag: what did you say?19:03
paultagnigelb: I said it was the first and last time, I can't repeat it now can I?19:03
nigelbpaultag: drat19:04
nigelbpaultag: I really was curious as to what it was.19:04
paultagnigelb: don't sweat it, more of an inside joke, it's really something of zero importance :)19:05
duanedesignnigelb: must of been "you were right". Though I like your guess "I love you"19:13
paultagduanedesign: that it was19:14
paultagI do love jcastro, though19:14
paultagso you know that's not what I said19:14
jcastrook off to see if I can find a used Aeron out here19:15
* jcastro high fives paultag 19:15
* paultag high fives jcastro back19:15
jcastrothank the maker for the "linksys" network, heh19:16
kim0jcastro: man, can u +v people in #ubuntu-classroom ?20:36
PiciAny ubuntu/member should be able to.20:37
kim0jcastro: nvm Pendulum saves the day20:38
kim0Pici: oh thanks!20:38
Picias always ;)20:38
mhall119I bet http://xkcd.com/466/ was jcastro today23:48

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