
pleia2I see we got most of the summaries in :)03:00
pleia2I can help clean up the last bits tomorrow (am on a plane now, very slow internets)03:01
NRWlionhi there07:56
NRWlionthe DooMoo08:11
nlsthznI see there is still some outstanding summaries for 225... :/08:16
NRWlionwill  try to hang in tonight after work but i am ordered to back up a collegue of mine who is sick :( so dont know if i am home early enough08:48
pleia2looks like we just need summaries for "The Planet" - anyone available for that?16:54
* NRWlion snozzes16:55
* pleia2 back to work from long weekend, catching up here for a while16:55
NRWlionhey pleia16:55
* nhandler is working on something to speed up posting to the fridge16:57
nhandlerI was just looking through our list of linsk on the fridge. I notice we have Ubuntu Women under Resources. While I agree that it is a helpful team for women, it just feels out of place when you look at the other links it is pared with. What does everyone else think?17:16
NRWlionpleia2: if you need me, just ping me17:17
holstein /me looking17:17
nhandlerNRWlion: 1311612847 11:54:07 < pleia2> looks like we just need summaries for "The Planet" - anyone available for that?17:18
holsteineh... its a resource for women17:19
holsteini think it fits17:20
nhandlerholstein: I agree, but most of our teams are resources for at least one group of people. The other links are the main #ubuntu irc channel, the main ubuntu wiki page, the mailing list archive, getting involved, and a community contacts page17:21
holsteinsure... we could add other resources i suppose17:25
holsteinbut, i think its still cool17:25
NRWlionnhandler: copy that need 15 mins then will start to sum up17:25
holsteinim not totally hip to the purpose of the womens team, but i would think a female visiting might appreciate seeing that resource17:25
holsteini dont want to simplify the intent of the group into just a womens support group, but i think getting the word out there for a female new to buntu that might find that helpful would be a +17:27
holsteini guess im saying i dont see it as a problem17:27
holsteinif its a vote that is... but i can see your point too17:27
pleia2it's out of place, if we put that there we should also put BT and Youth and....17:30
pleia2I'd say just remove it17:30
nhandlerpleia2: That was what I was thinking. One thing we could do is change it to a link to that wiki page that lists all of the teams17:34
holsteinyeah, i like that idea nhandler17:36
holsteinjust a link to a link page17:36
NRWlionpleia2: honestly i think we should try to create a youth section separately cause - based on my experience - youth has fun in creating a mag or newspaper with topics they find interesting17:43
holsteinnhandler: go for it :)17:44
holsteinwe are spread too thin as is i say17:44
holsteinbut, no one will try and stop you17:44
holsteini think thats a great idea17:44
* nhandler just changed the link to point to the Ubuntu Teams page17:46
nhandlerI also just added a nice little script to the lp:uwn bzr branch. You specify a UWN issue number, and it creates a draft post on fridge.ubuntu.com in the proper format. For next week, I'll update it so it will link to the specific anchor tags for each article17:47
NRWlionn1 nhandler :D17:49
NRWlionnhandler: fyi: working on the planet summaries atm17:52
holsteinNRWlion: if you can, put your name in the ones you're working on17:53
holsteinim starting at the bottom, but i might just get to one of them17:53
NRWlionholstein: copy17:53
pleia2re: the post by Randall - do we want to include all his summary posts from the week? that's just one of them17:53
NRWlionholstein: i am starting from top17:53
holsteinpleia2: im on that one new17:53
holsteini want to, but i wasnt going to17:54
holsteinsince it seemed old17:54
pleia2holstein: I'd go to his blog and pull up all his summary emails and link them, and make the summary something like "he wrote lots of things"17:54
* holstein looking17:54
pleia2or maybe just use his last post17:55
pleia2since that's the most useful I think: http://randall.executiv.es/ucw_oneiric_2517:55
holsteinyeah, the its a wrap one17:55
holsteinlemme see what i can do17:55
nhandlerAlso, remember, UWN is factual, not editorial. So be careful about adding in personal editorial opinions and stuff like that17:57
NRWlionok, as far as i see there are no open summaries left, right?17:59
holsteinthe planet17:59
pleia2Andre_Gondim: we're going to publish today, if you have translations stats to add soon would be good :)17:59
NRWlionholstein: can you do http://lkubuntu.wordpress.com/2011/07/20/sound-troubleshooting/ ? its a little beyond my knowledge of linux18:06
NRWlionok, thx holstein.. if i am needed ping me-18:08
NRWliongotta get some private stuff done18:08
holsteincool, i think thats it18:10
* holstein highfives everyone, and goes to take a nap before the gig18:10
NRWlionholstein: highfives to you!18:13
Andre_Gondimpleia2, ok18:15
NRWlionnhandler: am i needed furthermore?18:20
nhandlerI think we are good right now, thanks NRWlion18:21
NRWlionnhandler: ur welcome ;)18:21
nhandlerThe way the new wiki handles the anchor tags is a lot more predictable. I modified my script that posts to the fridge to include per-article links18:59
nhandlerI'm going to move the gdoc to the wiki. We can do our proofing and final edits there. Please refrain from making any changes to the gdoc or wiki until I am done19:02
NRWlionnhandler: need help?19:04
* NRWlion is just asking :D19:04
nhandlerNRWlion: I just finished moving them all. Now we need to clean them up and proof them19:08
NRWlionnhandler: how can i help?19:10
nhandlerNRWlion: Just read through the summaries and look for spelling/grammatical errors and other issues that might need resolving.19:11
NRWlionnhandler: määp, my english isnt so good that i can put 100 % trust in it :D19:11
NRWlionmaking to many mistakes myself19:12
NRWlionso that is a job i better dont do19:12
* nhandler just added the weekly dev meetings19:25
NRWlionanything left to do?19:37
holsteinhow about this... if you need any help nhandler , let us know19:38
holsteinNRWlion: theres always just wiki markup to check19:39
holsteinlooking for Cammel``Cases19:39
nhandlerNRWlion, holstein: Looks like the stats still need to be done, updates and security, and in this issue.19:40
* nhandler has to run out for a little bit19:40
NRWlionnhandler: just a quik question: how are the stats handled?19:41
nhandlerNRWlion: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies/HowToEdit has links to the pages you need. It is basically just copying/pasting data (and doing some basic math for the bug stats)19:42
holsteinheres the current one we are looking at19:42
holsteinand this is the latest one that is done19:43
holsteinjust gotta mirror that at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue225#Ubuntu_Stats19:43
holsteinwith current information19:44
pleia2and security updates19:45
pleia2Andre_Gondim handles translations stats19:45
Andre_Gondimpleia2, I am getting now, just a moment19:46
pleia2nhandler: === Ubuntu Classroom: Ubuntu Developer Week: Summary Day 5 === has it's ='s showing19:46
NRWlionjust tell me what is needed. i am a little confused atm19:52
NRWliongn8 every120:21
pleia2nhandler: I'll be available for final editorial review in about an hour, just give me a nudge as needed23:12
nhandlerpleia2: Thanks. It had some trailing whitespace on the line23:12
nhandlerpleia2: Great. Thanks23:13
nhandlerI'll do updates and security now23:14
pleia2you ok with stats, or want me to handle in a bit?23:15
nhandlerpleia2: I didn't check if holstein or NRWlion got to it. I can do them if necessary (did we ever decide what distro to pull translation stats for?)23:16
pleia2we're pulling from lucid, Andre_Gondim took care of translations :)23:16
pleia2just need to do the rest23:16
pleia2bugs, brainstorm, askubuntu23:17
nhandlerpleia2: Alright. That is fine. I'll do them after the updates if nobody else has23:17
nhandlerpleia2: I'm good for publishing, but if possible, I'd like you to publish the version to the Fridge. I want to make sure my script works for someone other than me23:19
nhandlerIf it works, it should take litterally 2 minutes23:19
pleia2oh, we need "in this issue" too23:22
pleia2and sure, I'll do that23:22
nhandlerThanks pleia223:23
nhandlerWe need to clean up the scripts for generating lists of changes.23:32
pleia2yeah, I mentioned when I made the last commit that we need better error handling and that it would be nice to merge the two23:33
pleia2they work, but it's not beautiful23:33
nhandlerpleia2: I'm seeing quite a number of scripts. Several of them appear to be approximately the same (just for different releases)23:34
pleia2all those should be deleted23:34
pleia2the List scripts cover the release ones now23:34
* nhandler nods23:35
nhandlerIt also looks like we haven't been including the EOL dates23:39
* nhandler goes to finish up the stats23:53
nhandlerWe also have only been doing the top 5 ask ubuntu questions, not the top 5 contributors. Should we add them in or change the heading?23:59

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