
Laneykirkland: jdstrand: will you be able to process the outstanding archive requests in the absence of the others due to debconf?10:00
cjwatsonI will have a look10:13
jdstrandLaney: re ubuntu archive: I will be going through the NEW queue for sure. I will try to hit the other parts as I have time12:44
Laneythe archive days stuff from the wiki should be removed as it seems obsolete now12:45
persiaI don't think it ought be removed: rather there ought be corrections to have the data match behaviour.12:47
LaneyI didn't say that the correct situation shouldn't be added in its place (indeed it should), just that incorrect information shouldn't be presented12:51
=== ara_ is now known as ara
slangasekeh, why in the world did someone ask for the new upstream version of gawk to be synced?13:22
slangasekcauses a components-mismatch now...13:24
Laneythe typical build tools don't make this apparent13:26
slangasekLaney: it's a silly thing for someone to have been worrying about syncing at this stage of the cycle anyway13:54
Laneyslangasek: I have told dupondje this numerous times. You should too.13:56
LaneyHe seems to want to sync everything going.13:57
charlie-tcaalternate images fail to install today, Ubuntu and Xubuntu, VBox and hardware13:59
charlie-tcablank screen right after starting13:59
charlie-tcalooks like a kernel panic14:01
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jibelcharlie-tca, thanks. confirmed on all d-i based images15:28
jibelbug 81596215:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 815962 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "oneiric d-i based images kernel panic on boot (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81596215:29
cjwatsonI might be able to find some time to fix that15:29
cjwatsonwow, network here is a lot happier now15:35
charlie-tcaThanks, jibel16:51
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
GrueMasterbug 815962 affects omap4 as well.19:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 815962 in udev (Ubuntu) "oneiric d-i based images kernel panic on boot (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 14)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81596219:36
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
* Daviey has made some changes to the seed, with the initial work to remove eucalyptus from the installer.22:14
DavieyI also removed uec-live, which i don't believe is built automagically anyway.22:14
Davieygerminate runs happily, so i think we are OK..22:15
Daviey.. or at least i hope i don't break the daily for tomorrow :)22:15
ScottKYou'll probably need a -meta upload too.22:21
DavieyScottK: server doesn't have a meta package.22:36
Davieyodd. i know.. Apparently the fear of sysadmins might have of removing "ubuntu-server" was enough not to have one aiui.22:37

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