
U256Anyone know if AFP in ubuntu natty is working with Lion?00:24
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PaoloRotolohi all!10:06
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brendandcr3: do i need to add things to PYTHONPATH if i want to run tools/results2launchpad from source?14:49
cr3brendand: see README, let me know how that goes14:51
brendandcr3: any recommendation for PROJECT_NAME?14:53
cr3brendand: try ubuntu14:56
brendandcr3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/651795/14:59
cr3brendand: make dropdb; make createdb; make syncdb15:03
brendandcr3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/651827/15:48
cr3brendand: rm -fr ~/.launchpadlib ~/.lpresults, then try again. let me know if that works, that has annoyed me on a few occasions16:01
brendandcr3: sure, it works16:04
cr3brendand: awesome, I'll try to fix that in my next revision16:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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