
kelemengaborhi dpm, I still don't see the new Natty langpacks, is that normal?08:27
dpmkelemengabor, hm, I uploaded them on Friday, I think they should have made it to the archive, but normally pitti does this step08:31
dpmI'll see what I can find out, but I'm not sure I'll have much time this week08:32
kelemengaboranyway, thanks :)08:33
trijntjeHi all, is there anybody here who is involved in the new localised images for oneiric?09:39
=== Mirv_ is now known as Mirv
trijntjeHi all, I've been trying to create an ubuntu-defaults-test image on oneiric, but it doesnt give me an iso. Is there any step I'm missing?14:33
trijntjeI've just followed the EXAMPLES section in man ubuntu-default-image. It runs without errors and generates a lot of files, but I dont know how to convert those into an iso14:42
RawChidtrijntje, is it a dir containing the files which should be in the iso? Maybe the tool mkisofs is handy15:49
RawChidBut I'm not familiar with the local images (yet)15:50
trijntjeRawChid: I think so, it has a folder named binary, ill google mkisofs and see if it makes sense, thanks16:23

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