
falktxhey there08:19
falktxScottL: the git clone cmd is:08:20
falktxgit clone git://kxstudio.git.sf.net/gitroot/kxstudio/kxstudio08:20
falktxScottL: note the 'git://', not 'http://'08:21
ScottLthanks falktx, i'll try again tonight then11:31
scott-workholstein: ping me when you are up and about13:40
astraljavaHey scott-work, what was it that you had in mind on Friday?13:54
scott-workhi astraljava , there were two things actually, how was moving?  is it all complete?13:58
scott-workastraljava:  luke had posted a pastebin of the diffs from when you updated the seeds and i have comments on them13:59
scott-worki can make the changes but i figure you still had the source file on your machine and could make them easy enough14:00
astraljavascott-work: Sure, I can. Let me just find the pastebin entry when I get home (just about to leave the office).14:01
astraljavascott-work: Oh, and moving was alright, though exhausting. Just a few things next weekend, and the finishing cleaning up, then I'm all done.14:02
scott-workastraljava: let me know when you are ready :)14:03
scott-workthe second thing was going to push the infomration for the backports to you (finally)14:04
scott-workthere are sooo many things going on and i don't seem to be able to finish any of them :(14:04
scott-workwhich reminds me....14:04
scott-workpersia: i have spent time during last week trying to find out why the linux-meta package didn't build, can either you or abogani help me?14:05
scott-workpersia:  also i wanted to remind you that you were going to review the package and get back to me with corrections14:05
scott-worki also still need to get back with bassburner about some pages for the website as well14:06
aboganidh_gencontrol -s -- -Vkernel-version=Version: 3.0.0-5.6~ppa3 -Vkernel-abi-version=Version: 3.0.0-5.6~ppa3-6~ppa3) oneiric; urgency=low -Vgeneric-depends=generic sh: Syntax error: ")" unexpected14:20
aboganiscott-work: Could you paste somewhere your debian/changelog?14:21
aboganiIt seems that an extraneous "(" was added there.14:21
aboganiI meant ")"14:21
aboganiscott-work: FYI 3.0.0-7.8 is alreay available in my PPA and in my git trees.14:22
scott-workabogani: i looked at that in the changelog and didn't see it, but i will look again14:28
aboganiscott-work: Pastebin it, please14:29
scott-workabogani: i will have to do this at home in +6 hours, i'm not at my linux machine sadly14:29
aboganiscott-work: Ok14:29
scott-workabogani: however, i _will_ do it and send it to you, if youare not on IRC i will email it to you tonight14:30
astraljavascott-work: I'm not seeing the pastebin entry address in the backlog. Can you link to it, please?16:00
astraljavascott-work: Oh, you meant the original one that Luke posted back in the day, yeah found that. I thought you had the comments up there somewhere. Sorry.16:03
astraljavaFrom #debian-multimedia @ irc.oftc.net: [15:07] < pabs> ooh, linux-image-rt-amd64 linux-image-3.0.0-1-rt-amd64 entered the archive :D16:06
scott-workastraljava: i haven't done a pastebin yet...actually i'm not sure what form you would prefer16:24
scott-workastraljava: i can list them here, i can send an email to you, i could do a Google+ thingie, whatever you want16:25
scott-worki wonder if the -rt kernel will be brought into the ubuntu repos....i dont' think UKT will want it there but i could be wrong16:25
astraljavascott-work: Any form is fine with me.16:32
astraljavascott-work: Also, have the -rt kernel in universe? Would that be too awful?16:32
astraljavaOr is it mandatory to have all kernels in main?16:32
astraljavascott-work: Though, come to think of it, listing them here would ensure they're being logged.16:33
astraljavathem being logged*16:33
scott-workwe should be putting the -lowlatency into universe16:36
scott-workmaybe it was that UKT didn't want the -rt in the main16:36
astraljavaI understand that, as that would require support from them, when they were not creating the beast in the first place.16:43
astraljavaBut universe? Wouldn't it work?16:43
scott-worki think so, i wonder who would be maintainers for it?16:44
astraljavaMaintainer: UbuntuStudio Developers <ubuntu-studio-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>16:57
scott-workfor the -rt kernel?  really?  is someone else committed us to do something?17:08
astraljavaWell, if it's just synced from debian, I doubt there's much else to do.17:36
astraljavaWe still have time until feature freeze, so there's a chance it can be synced.17:38
scott-workmy point was more that i wouldn't want someone else to commit me to maintaining something that i wasn't even aware of18:16
scott-worknot saying this is the case, but it sounds like it from your description18:16
scott-worki hape that someone at least spoke with someone from the team before committing ubuntustudio-devel to be the maintainers18:17
astraljavascott-work: Sure. I just guess that in ubuntu, there aren't that many individual maintainers, but rather teams. I guess we'd be the only one interested.18:19
astraljavaOh, I suppose that would be MOTU in this case, if it's a direct sync, as is the case with mudita24.18:21

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