
dodgefan67it starts with a core system and you add what you want, xorg, gnome, kde, xfce, whatever00:00
dodgefan67everything command line00:00
dodgefan67its a great way to learn how a linux OS can work00:01
philipballewseemes like you gain knowlege then?00:01
dodgefan67oh yeah00:01
philipballewill have to try this sometime00:02
dodgefan67i mean they do things the Arch way, but i have learned a great deal about fstab, startup scripts, inittab, etc00:02
philipballewwhats the arch way? haha00:03
tdignanDoing everything yourself, even if it's a tedious detail that won't matter later.00:03
xfcerI have a problem setting a .jar program I downloaded to executable, I see no option to when I select properties. Can anyone help me?00:03
dodgefan67well for one they use an rc.conf file for a lot of configuration stuff00:04
philipballewdid you install javj runtime engine xfcer ?00:04
dodgefan67where other distros have that stuff in more than one file, like slackware00:04
philipballewslackware is nice to00:04
xfcerI don't believe I've installed any java apps, I'm honestly just trying to run minecraft on a new xubuntu install00:04
tdignanwith both arch and slackware you will spend just as much time maintaining your system as you will using it.00:05
xfcerand if memory serves, the unselected executable bit is a feature in ubuntu isn't it?00:05
philipballewi can help00:05
tdignanxfcer: you can run it with java -jar00:05
tdignanxfcer: maybe you can tell xfce to "open with" java -jar.00:05
philipballewxfcer, i think you need the sun java runtime engine00:06
xfcerI have a ubuntu install on another machine, and I never needed to install anything extra java related00:07
xfcerwhen I attempt to start it, I just get a warning about the executable potentially being an unsecure force and stuff00:08
tdignanxfcer: open a terminal, type java. What do you see?00:08
xfcerI have java 1.6.0_22 installed00:09
xfcerafter typing java -version00:09
philipballewinstructions from the minecraft site.00:10
philipballewDownload Minecraft.jar, an executable jar file. It might work as-is.00:10
philipballewIf you run into out of memory errors, try launching it with java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp Minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame00:10
philipballewAlso, please make sure you're running the Sun JVM...00:10
tdignanYeah, you are using open jdk.00:10
tdignanI know so, because you had the '-version' switch.00:10
xfceryeah, that's what I'm running00:10
knomephilipballew, remember that we have !pastebin for multi-line pastes/inpupts :)00:10
tdignanget that ^00:10
xfcerah, thank you00:11
philipballewi didnt know it would be big :)00:11
tdignanuninstall openjdk, and set the JAVA_HOME env00:11
tdignanin your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile00:11
tdignanalso PATH.00:11
knomephilipballew, no problem, just accidentally noticed the short non-one-liner paste :)00:11
dodgefan67so Oracle's JAVA is not in the multiverse repository?00:12
dodgefan67i installed libreoffice and i have openjre?00:13
tdignanno, it's not00:15
tdignanwait, perhaps multiverse, but00:15
dodgefan67sorry xfcer, didnt mean to hijack your question00:16
tdignanI don't think it is.00:16
dodgefan67ive searched for jre and dont see it00:16
tdignani thought so00:16
tdignanI've got it installed because it's officially supported by the android sdk.00:17
tdignanI just keep it in ~/Tools, with all my other non-standard stuff.00:17
tdignanls ~/Tools00:17
xfceroh, it's alright00:17
dodgefan67thanks everyone, i'll be seeing you around!00:24
dodgefan67hey, just wanted to pop back in and say that you need the icedtea-plugin for java to work in the browser, at least i did00:32
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hrwdoes someone uses 11.10 'oneiric' with xfce?08:06
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Sysignome-mplayer plays this one music-cd fine, but sound-juicer says "can't get track listing, not mounted"13:22
Sysiis this some DRM fault or what could be wrong?13:22
Sysiboth work well for other music cd13:23
knomeSysi, i've had similar problems with many cd's lately13:23
Sysialso dd from /dev/sr0 gave I/O error13:23
knomethat i don't know, did you try asunder?13:23
knome(or any other ripping software)13:23
Sysinot yet, but I will after re-ripping this other13:24
knomeit's not a few cd's, it's maybe 90% of the cd's i rip, and i tend to rip quite a lot13:25
SysiI have few more to try..13:26
knomeit might also be those public library scratched cd's ;)13:26
Sysithat should affect plauback too, these were in quite nice condition13:27
SysiI'll try reboot for the sake of HAL13:27
Sysionly the CD first inserted after boot works13:27
knomejust try any other ripping software...13:28
nsuffI've just lost my title bars and footers from all application windows. Anyone got a clue why, or how to get them back?13:32
Sysiwhat, asunder looks exatly the same but it's faster and betterly translated13:33
knomeSysi, it forces a year from the release it thinks must be the correct one13:35
knomeSysi, eg. if imdb says there must be only one release to match your cd, the tracks get that year, and you can't change it13:35
SysiI never care about the year :P13:36
SysiI have badly-tagged music anyway13:36
knomeit also forces a genre, if you delete the genre, it will fill the genre field with some nonsense, not leave it empty13:36
SysiI never look that either, but I can set it13:37
Sysithis can only do 245Kbps mp313:38
Sysiah, VBR limits it, wonder what that actually means13:38
Sysi(variable bitrate but what does it *do*)13:39
knomeSysi, when the encoding needs to use a higher bitrate, it does, and when it doesn't, it doesn't. vbr 245kpbs means that 245kbps is the average bitrate per frame.13:41
Sysismaller files with high quality, I'll keep my 32013:42
knomevbr is usually files.13:42
knomebut however you like13:42
Sysialso this apparently rips to wav and then converts that to mp3, is that normal?13:43
knomeno idea13:43
Sysior thunar fails13:43
fpihlhi guys, boot-time is fast on my crappy laptop,  but it takes close to a minute when login in till I see my desktop. Then I'm met with 10 instances of this message "No running instance of xfce4-panel was found" What14:02
fpihlany advice on which files to check to find problem?14:03
madnickplantoschka: perhaps add xfce4-panel to startup14:04
fpihlalready there...14:04
madnickis xfwm running?14:05
fpihlnot sure, don't see a pid14:06
fpihlin.config/autostart I have xfce-panel.desktop. other places to check?14:07
madnickI had a similar problem recently, i just loaded a new configuration by renaming the old, not optimal i guess14:08
fpihlyou mean rename .config/ and the reboot?14:09
madnicknot .config14:09
madnicki renamed xfce414:10
madnickin .config14:10
fpihlah, I'll give that a shot...14:11
fpihlI'm back, reneming ./config/xfce4 did not solve the issue. See http://askubuntu.com/questions/50984/xubuntu-slow-login-and-multiple-instances-of-xfce4-panel for some screenshots14:20
madnickwhat does it say in Settings->Session and startup14:24
fpihlxfce-panel is checked. Should I look for anything else?14:26
madnickDont acctually know, what I thought was happening was14:26
madnickThe session was saved, running several xfce4-panels, that failed when you logged in again since always running or similar14:27
madnickBut that is clearly not the case14:27
fpihlIs that even possible, since only 1 instance of xfce-panel is allowed to be running?14:28
madnickthus the problem14:29
fpihlthanks for your help though, I'll continue to see if I can solve this...14:30
madnickgood luck14:30
fpihlmadnick: (if you're still here) solved the problem by clearing the session cache ( ~/.cache/sessions/...)14:50
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gNewPowerHi!  How can I make XFCE show me a short message to tell me which desktop I am on when I switch desktops?  Thanks15:15
gNewPowerHi!  How can I make XFCE show me a short message to tell me which desktop I am on when I switch desktops?  Thanks16:09
Sysino need to repeat, xfce window manager doesn't offer that but you could try openbox for example16:10
gNewPowerSysi, thanks16:10
Sysiinstall it and run openbox --replace16:10
gNewPowerk, thanks.16:11
nullm0demralink = trash :-/17:14
charlie-tcaXubuntu community meeting in #xubuntu-devel in 45 minutes. Everyone is invited to attend. Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings18:14
charlie-tcaMeeting time in #xubuntu-devel18:59
jnsl_ristretto next button is grayed out always21:28
Sysiset it up to open entire folder when you open image, or use space key (for first switch)21:30
knomeSysi, afaik there is NO WAY to make ristretto open a folder, except from it's file menu (OMG!)21:30
Sysiknome: iirc by default it opens just a single image21:31
Sysithough I'm not sure if it was like than on xubuntu21:31
knomeSysi, yes, but there is no CLI parameter either. i just checked that a few days ago21:31
Sysiknome: well I have it opening all pics from folder, it's one tap in settings21:32
knomeSysi, where?21:33
knomeoh right21:33
SysiI don't have new xubuntu in hand but it wasn't really hidden21:33
knomeBOO for me..21:33
knomeit was hidden enough21:33
knomeand it's weird that there is no CLI option for that...21:33
knometo override the default21:33
IrrationlArtistHello, then?23:53
IrrationlArtistAnyone there?23:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:54
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.23:54
GridCube:D hello IrrationlArtist23:54
GridCubewhats your problem :)23:54
IrrationlArtistOkay, I've tried several times to compile the Gwibber 3.2.1 beta on Xubuntu natty, and cannot do it. Too much of a command line n00b to know the exact problem, but I know it's something with dependencies. Can't fix it. Any ideas?23:55
IrrationlArtistEverywhere else has been dead silent on advice, so I'd thought I'd try here :)23:55
knomeIrrationlArtist, can you paste the output to pastebin?23:56
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:56
IrrationlArtistHmmm... Okay.23:56
knomethen we'll be able to help out more23:56
IrrationlArtistSorry, gotta re-dl the source, I seem to have deleted it.23:58
* GridCube gotta go home now23:59
charlie-tcaWhy not use gwibber from the repositories or ppa?23:59

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