
ScottKyofel: s-c-p?  No, works for me, but I have
markeyKDE 4.7 just hit ftp.kde.org :)09:20
markeywhen can we expect Kubuntu packages?09:20
* markey wants to demo it at the Release Party on Saturday09:20
Tm_T"later this year" (;)09:20
yofeloneiric packages are pretty much done, natty needs more people doing the backporting09:21
yofelsee packaging link in the /topic09:21
* markey is using Natty09:22
markeybtw, Oneiric is the worst name so far. just when you though it couldn't get any worse09:23
* yofel just calls it O usually09:23
markeyreminds me of something I do in front of the PC09:23
markeyShuttleworth screwed that up for good09:23
yofelwell, on the good side, he can't do much worse for P :P09:24
Tm_TI don't even know what it means, I think that's usually a good sign (;09:24
markeyI wouldn't be so sure09:24
Tm_Tyofel: Purverted Penguins?09:24
markeyPorn Pimp09:24
Tm_Tsorry, no animal located on that09:25
markeydoes he still choose the names by himself?09:25
yofelhe does09:25
markeyor is that design-by-committee09:25
markeyoh yeah, it shows09:25
markeytaste is something he never had09:25
Tm_Tbah, sabdfl wasn't here ):09:26
markeyI don't care, tbh09:26
markeyI've told him straight to his face that he makes bad decisions09:26
markeycould tell you some funny insider stories about Qt and Shuttleworth09:27
markeybut I won't.09:27
QuintasanGood morning09:29
yofelmorning Quintasan09:29
Quintasanmarkey: Pretentious Penguin :P09:30
yofelcan you please not use something harder to write than oneiric?09:30
QuintasanDid I mention that UDS-P should be  in Poland?09:31
Tm_Tpreposterous penguin ):09:31
yofelpouty penguin09:31
QuintasanWas there Ubuntu A?09:32
QuintasanAnarchist Anaconda :O09:32
yofelno, they started with warty and then went with breezy09:32
markeyAnal Assapes09:32
yofellet's skip W ^^09:32
Quintasanme be playin games now09:33
markeyhow about, we make Kubuntu the official KDE distro, and get rid of the Shuttleworth BS09:33
yofeldo backports09:33
markeyok, then the SUSE nerds would be pissed09:33
QuintasanLet me de-brain myself, k yofel?09:34
yofellol, have fun09:34
Quintasanmarkey: lol ok09:34
yofelsomeone teach not-installed syntax to shadeslayer -.-09:34
Quintasanshadeslayer: ^^09:35
yofelit's ./usr/lib/librocslib.so, not -./usr/lib/librocslib.so09:35
Quintasanand you are done09:36
yofelthat's what I did :P09:36
Quintasankubotu: karma c09:36
kubotukarma for c: 23609:36
Quintasan~karma c++09:36
kubotukarma for c++: 309:36
Quintasan~karma _++09:37
kubotu_++ has neutral karma09:37
Quintasan~karma c++09:37
kubotukarma for c++: 409:37
yofel~karma c09:37
kubotukarma for c: 23809:37
yofellol, asking for c++ karma adds to c ^^09:37
yofel~karma c09:37
kubotukarma for c: 23909:37
Quintasanit also bumps C's karma?!09:37
yofeleven funnier09:38
Quintasanapachelogger: kubotu can't  count09:38
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/rocs] Philip Muškovac * 9 * debian/ (changelog control not-installed) New upstream release, fix not-installed syntax09:39
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/step] Philip Muškovac * 7 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release09:40
yofelk, O done except mono insanity09:40
yofelah, and kstars09:41
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/svgpart] Philip Muškovac * 20 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release09:43
Quintasanyofel: I was wondering if its possible to automate backporting09:58
yofelwell, theoretically yes10:00
yofelall you need is a new changelog entry, downgrade boost depends, rebuild, update symbols, sign, upload10:00
Quintasanwait, new symbols?10:02
Quintasandont we already have symbols updated?10:02
yofelno, MISSING symbols, since gcc 4.6 adds new ones that aren't there with 4.510:03
yofeland some of the packages don't have -c0 10:03
yofelalthough most packages don't have symbol files, so those don't need a build10:04
* yofel rather needs to figure out how to automate build of -dbg packages without -dbg being in control10:09
* yofel backports redland and hopes nothing breaks10:17
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi
bambeeftbfs for pykde4  -> wrong soprano version ?12:32
bambee"error: 'maintainedBy' is not a member of 'Soprano::Vocabulary::NAO' "12:32
bambee" error: 'Agent' is not a member of 'Soprano::Vocabulary::NAO' "12:32
ScottKAny reason not to start uploading 4.7.0 to oneiric?12:59
ScottKapachelogger, JontheEchidna, debfx, Quintasan, who else?13:00
* ScottK starts with kde4libs13:03
ScottKIdeally we'll let that build and then start on the rest.13:14
debfxdon't forget meta-kde13:19
ScottKDepwait due to a LP buildd bug anyway.13:20
ScottKOK.  Let's see how that does.13:31
ScottKdebfx: I need to focus on $WORK for awhile, so feel free to jump in and start uploading.13:33
muntiKubudstrowatch is saying 4.7 is out?13:36
muntiKububut looks like they were released early?  timestamp in stable is 7/22?13:37
ScottKmuntiKubu: It's normal for them to roll the tarballs early for private testing and so packagers can work on them.13:38
ScottKWe've just started uploading 4.7.0 to oneiric.13:38
muntiKubuScottK: that's great news!  meaning yofel is now done with packaging?  :)13:38
ScottKIt wasn't just yofel, but yes.  It's done for oneiric.13:39
muntiKubuI know..just teasing13:39
muntiKubuScottK: but they aren't showing up yet in oneiric?13:41
ScottKmuntiKubu: No.  Just started.13:41
ScottKIt takes time to get them all uploaded and compiled.13:41
muntiKubuit must have been very stable as only see runtime updated since 7/22?13:43
bambeehehehe 8 minutes -> 22 kills :D14:15
* bambee is on fire14:15
* Quintasan goes to backports14:27
shadeslayerQuintasan: playing tf2 were you? :P14:27
shadeslayeryofel: i didn't know that 14:27
shadeslayerQuintasan: i'll finish the tf2 download tonight probably14:27
shadeslayerwant to play in a couple of hours? i'm a newb at it14:28
QuintasanAs in "I finish the download so I ask for a beatin'?"14:28
shadeslayersure :P14:28
QuintasanScottK: When are we going to upload 4.7.0?14:28
shadeslayeryou don't want to hear what that sounds like to me14:29
ScottKQuintasan: I uploaded libs already.14:29
shadeslayeryofel: dude, you finished soprano? 14:29
QuintasanScottK: Okay, I will start uploading soon14:29
shadeslayeryofel: before copying the packages to the staging ppa, we need to fix the versioning on gmp and raptor214:31
Quintasanshadeslayer: Heavy has the best voice14:31
shadeslayerwho's 'Heavy' ?14:31
shadeslayerQuintasan: you'll need to teach me this stuff :P14:31
QuintasanOne of the class in TF14:31
Quintasanheavy is a spy14:32
shadeslayernevar played TF2 ... i've only heard that its awesome14:32
Quintasanshadeslayer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OsF0O5vd1s14:32
yofelbambee: I might have uploaded that before soprano was built14:32
yofelshadeslayer: I pushed that so we can continue working, but right, redland stuff needs a recheck14:33
shadeslayerQuintasan: lol14:34
QuintasanToday is a good day to be Spy14:34
bambeearrfff everyone plays to tf2 here... I am the only one who plays to urban terror :(14:35
* yofel actually downloaded tf2 once, never got to really play it14:35
shadeslayerbambee: i don't play it ... yet14:35
QuintasanOH GOD14:36
* yofel plays minecraft :P14:36
shadeslayerQuintasan: is that a BSOD ? :D14:36
yofellol, nice bsod :D14:37
QuintasanI recommend the movies at http://www.youtube.com/user/teamfortress14:37
shadeslayeri've seen the medic video14:38
yofellol, even the cat made it into the video14:39
QuintasanNow...let's go practice medicine!14:39
debfxyofel actually downloaded tf2 once, never got to really play it <-- it's time to change that :P14:43
yofela) we have other things to do b) I'll try it once I've finished planning and building a fortress in minecraft ;)14:43
debfxtf2 doesn't really have fortresses except on 2fort but no one plays that. so no need for b)  :)14:47
* bambee tries tf214:47
ScottKQuintasan: kde4libs 4.7.0 will be available to build against in ~50 minutes for i386 and amd64.  I'd go ahead with the meta-kde upload and then start with the rest in ~an hour.14:56
QuintasanScottK: Mmkay14:57
debfxScottK: how do I build packages for oneiric on your arm machine?14:57
debfxScottK: I've already uploaded meta-kde14:57
ScottKAh.  Cool.14:57
ScottKdebfx: pbuilder-dist oneiric build file.dsc14:57
ScottK(I'd update first though)14:58
ScottKI think we set defaults to use a standard tarball.14:58
ScottKIf not there's one in /home you can copy into your $USER/pbuilder14:58
shadeslayerbtw for some reason DEBBUILDOPTS="-j15" in my pbuiderrc doesn't seem to work15:06
shadeslayeri see all the load being dumped on one core15:06
Quintasanshadeslayer: Y U REPLACE ME AT KDEADMIN15:07
Quintasan-j15 stopped working here too15:07
shadeslayerkdeadmin was empty15:07
QuintasanI just uplaoded it15:07
shadeslayeruh ... for natty?15:07
* shadeslayer waves fist at his trackpad15:07
shadeslayerQuintasan: my vad15:08
QuintasanHow do we fix BUILDOPTS15:08
yofelstill works for me...15:08
Quintasanlibktorrent-dev (>= 1.1) but it is not going to be installed.15:11
Quintasanshadeslayer: backport ktorrent15:11
shadeslayerdoing wallpapers first15:12
shadeslayeror i'll just multitask15:13
shadeslayerQuintasan: you need ktorrent from oneiric right?15:20
Quintasanlibktorrent-dev (>= 1.1)15:21
bambeearrrff steam fails :'(15:21
shadeslayerbambee: steam fails?15:22
bambeeshadeslayer: when I try to install steam, I get an error "VGUI_Setup failed"15:22
bambee(I use playonlinux)15:23
bambeeshadeslayer: it sucks,  if I cannot install steam, I won't kill you! :P15:24
shadeslayerhahahah :P15:25
bambeeand won't kill Quintasan :(15:25
shadeslayerbambee: here's the fun part, the OS X installer had a shell script which looks like it provides support for linux15:25
yofelcome to berlin and do it yourself ;P15:25
yofelor make him install steam for you15:25
bambeeshadeslayer: you play on steam via OS X?15:27
QuintasanHow nice15:32
Quintasanshadeslayer: ping me when KTorrent is backported to ninjas15:34
shadeslayerits going to take some time, because right now i'm capped at 600 kbps15:35
shadeslayerabout 30 minutes or so15:35
Quintasanyofel: Any idea how should we deal with libkexiv2-dev?15:36
QuintasanWe have 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu1 in natty, nothing in ppa and we need 4.7.015:36
shadeslayeri was going to ask the same thing15:36
shadeslayerkdeartwork needs it as well15:37
Quintasanplasma-addons too15:37
yofellibexiv2 is FTBFS. haven't looked at it15:38
QuintasanThis means rest stuff has to wait until it's done15:38
QuintasanGod damn it15:38
QuintasanWhere the hell is exactly libkexiv stored?15:39
shadeslayeralso has missing symbols15:40
QuintasanWhat has missing symbols?15:41
QuintasanThis makes me unhappy15:44
shadeslayersince i couldn't find anything else wrong with kdeartwork, i'll blame libexiv2-dev http://paste.ubuntu.com/653185/15:47
shadeslayerwait what :                                  Depends: kde-workspace-dev (>= 4:4.6.80) which is a virtual package.15:48
shadeslayeroh derp15:49
shadeslayerwrong pbuilder etc15:50
shadeslayerok, now to wait on libexiv :   kde-sc-dev-latest: Breaks: libkexiv2-dev (< 4:4.7.0) but 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu1 is to be installed.15:51
debfxScottK: do you have an idea what this error is about? g++: fatal error: -fuse-linker-plugin, but liblto_plugin.so not found15:51
ScottKgcc-4.6-arm-linux-gnueabi is installed?15:53
* ScottK looks at pimlibs15:53
debfxno, not installed15:54
shadeslayerQuintasan: update your pbuilder with new rc file15:55
shadeslayerthe flags worked after i  did that15:55
ScottKThen you're missing that.  Not sure why.15:55
* Quintasan tries libkexiv15:55
Quintasandebfx: If libkexiv2 has missing symbols should I use X-Debian-ABI?15:56
debfxScottK: isn't that package only used for cross compiling?15:56
ScottKIs it?15:56
ScottKNot sure.15:56
Quintasan/usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/cmake/DebianABIManager.cmake:16: *** missing separator. Stop.15:57
debfxQuintasan: depends on the symbols, I hope they didn't break ABI between rc1 and final15:57
yofelwait, we are talking about NATTY backports15:57
QuintasanYes we are15:58
yofelmost of the missing symbols are due to gcc 4.6 -> 4.5 change15:58
debfxScottK: "This package contains C cross-compiler for armel architecture." and it's only available for i386 and amd6415:58
ScottKNo idea then.15:58
shadeslayerQuintasan: uploaded libktorrent, will upload ktorrent after it builds15:58
yofelif no symbols from _before_ 4.6.80 are missing you should be fine16:00
ScottKpimlibs uploaded.16:00
debfxScottK: seems to be an icecc bug16:02
* bambee is wondering if apachelogger can be kill at tf2... is he immortal?16:04
ScottKdebfx: Interesting.  16:05
* ScottK looks over at apachelogger then.16:05
apacheloggerI not be here16:05
Quintasan#MISSING: 4:4.7.0# (optional=templinst)_ZNSsC2IPcEET_S1_RKSaIcE@Base 4:4.6.316:05
QuintasanOH GREAT16:05
shadeslayerapachelogger is probably in pornon land16:07
Quintasanyofel: If I kick away the symbols it builds16:08
QuintasanThe question is, are those 4.6.3 symbols safe to remove16:08
Quintasanlibkexiv2 is backported16:09
yofelwell yeah, but FTBFS (that symbol issue I guess)16:10
Quintasanyofel: Can you kick the symbols out?16:22
yofelsure, lemme fetch the buildlog16:23
QuintasanI do not think we will have brekage but well, it will need testing16:24
yofelnot quite sure either what's up with those 4.6.3 symbols16:25
Quintasankick them out and we will find out :P16:26
Quintasanbuilding kdenetwork16:28
shadeslayerQuintasan: yofel http://i.imgur.com/YIKlu.png16:31
* debfx pushes kubuntu-update-symbols script to kubuntu-dev-tools16:34
* yofel notes debfx hasn't filled out his doodle poll :P16:34
debfxoh right, forgot about that, sorry16:35
ScottKyofel: What's the link?16:35
debfxyofel: today at 7 PM CET is fine :D16:36
debfxScottK: http://www.doodle.com/8qqp944fzt3vfy9a16:36
ScottKdebfx: Thanks.16:37
yofellet's wait for jonathan at least, so far friday looks good 16:37
ScottKAssuming the timezone is what the web site claimed, I'm set.16:40
shadeslayerQuintasan: ktorrent uploaded to ninjas as well, is libexiv2 fixed yet?16:40
yofelI did enable time zone support IIRC16:41
Quintasanshadeslayer: yofel will know about exiv16:41
yofelstill building16:41
yofelshadeslayer: fixed (i386 still building)16:45
* ScottK looks at libkdeedu16:46
Quintasankdenetwork uploaded16:50
ScottKlibkdeedu uploaded.16:52
debfxyofel: friday is fine with me, let's hope JontheEchidna isn't busy playing video games ;)16:53
shadeslayeri can attend friday too ... to watch the grilling :>16:55
yofelScottK: can you look at smoke? smokegen should be fine, smoke(qt|kde) has copyright information from the authors in debian/copyright that isn't in the package16:55
yofelshadeslayer: don't expect me to lend you popcorn though :P16:56
ScottKyofel: Is it uploaded somewhere?16:56
yofeland bzr16:56
shadeslayeryofel: i'll get my own then :P16:56
shadeslayerwheeee ... unscheduled sync from debian16:59
bambeeI could also apply for "kubuntu-packagers" membership (ie, lp:~kubuntu-packagers) at the next meeting? or it's too earlier ?17:01
bambeeit would avoid to yofel to merge my work everytime :p17:03
ScottKyofel: I'd ask pino where he got the copyright info and to commit the changes upstream.17:04
yofeljust apply for kubuntu-member, you've been around for a while. Start by setting up a wiki page in any case17:04
ScottKbambee: You should apply for kubuntu-member.17:04
yofelScottK: I mailed dpalacio since he added that - response: "From git history. I pointed this issue to Richard Dale on IRC some days agotelling him this information should be in the distributed tarball."17:06
yofelhaven't heard back yet so I'll poke again17:06
ScottKyofel: I don't think that needs to block upload.17:07
ScottKLooking at libkipi17:07
shadeslayerdid anyone upload the new libindi and the one other driver in the ppa?17:07
yofelk, thanks17:07
ScottKlibkipi uploaded.17:11
bambeeScottK: seriously? 17:12
bambeekubuntu-member is great too hehe :D17:12
ScottKbambee: You've contributed plenty.  It'll get you access to the branches.  You need to do it for kubuntu-dev anyway.17:13
bambeeok ;)17:13
* bambee is reading https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Membership for more details17:17
* ScottK looks at kde-runtime17:23
ScottKAnyone else who can is welcome to start uploading stuff.17:24
ryanakcaScottK: Is there anything to do about libinfinity's unintended sync earlier today? If I'm not mistaken, it will break kobby and libqinfinity.17:32
ScottKWe could revert the change.17:32
ryanakcaAlright, I'll ask Phil Kern if he minds having his library bumped back to an earlier version. Otherwise, kobby and libqinfinity will either need to be patched or removed.17:33
QuintasanScottK: Uploading workspace17:38
ScottKkde-runtime uploaded17:41
QuintasanScottK: workspace has to wait for pimlibs17:43
LaserJockwhat's being uploaded?17:44
LaserJockor what are the ninjas up to today?17:44
QuintasanLaserJock: 4.7.0 to oneiric17:44
LaserJockoh, awesome17:45
LaserJockI thought maybe you were fixing the LP sync oops17:45
ScottKQuintasan: Should be there now for i386 and amd64.17:45
ScottKQuintasan: kde-baseapps doesn't need to wait on anything.17:47
ScottK(except on armel, almost everything on armel is going to have to be retried)17:47
QuintasanThe question is, is the tarball over 30mb?17:47
yofeliirc no17:48
ScottK-rw-r--r-- 1 ftpadmin packager 2470107 Jul 22 15:25 kde-baseapps-4.7.0.tar.bz217:48
yofelbaseapps is 2.4M17:48
QuintasanScottK: When asking me to upload please consider anything over 30mb will take ages :P17:49
QuintasanWhat's wrong with pbuilder17:49
ScottKQuintasan: I'll do oxygen-icons then.17:49
* Quintasan looks at kde-baseapps17:49
ScottKOxygen-icons is 373MB.17:55
Quintasankde-baseapps uploaded17:59
ScottKoxygen-icons uploading (and it will be for a while)18:08
yofeldebfx: nice script :D18:08
muntiKubuScottK: that was quick..now have 4.7 .  thanks for all your hard work.  I know you do much more than yofel..:)18:09
ScottKmuntiKubu: You only have part of it.  We're still uploading it.  There will be an announcement when it's all there.18:09
muntiKubuno offense yofel..18:10
* yofel fetches a konqi statue and runs after muntiKubu18:12
muntiKubuhow do I get the source for dolphin? I need to add call to reload when a folder is opened18:14
yofelonce it's uploaded with apt-get source dolphin18:15
muntiKubuyofel: great..thanks. does kubuntu has git repos?18:16
yofelmuntiKubu: we use bzr, see apt-cache showsrc for the locations18:17
muntiKubuany plan to move to git?18:18
yofellaunchpad doesn't support anything else except bzr, so moving to git would probably mean moving to alioth18:19
ejatyofel : is 4.7 available for natty yet ?18:19
yofelejat: no, see link in topic - tomorrow I hope18:19
ejatok … already looking at it .. thanks … 18:20
muntiKubuok. thanks to all Kubuntu devs for the great job today (and tomorrow as well )18:23
ryanakcaScottK: Alright, we've concluded that it's kobby and libqinfinity that should go. Do I need to file a bug report or can you do it directly? I'm considering having the two removed from Debian as well.18:23
Quintasanuploading kde-workspace18:23
ScottKryanakca: File a bug.18:24
ScottKQuintasan: I thought you did already.18:24
QuintasanI'm not uploading before test building and pbuilder just finished it18:24
ryanakcaUpstream has been unresponsive (ignoring emails while still actively commiting to his other projects) and they've been broken in Debian for 3.5 months without anybody complaining.18:24
ScottKSounds reasonable.18:25
bambeea wiki page like following is good ? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/RomainPerier18:32
yofellooks fine on first glance18:36
yofellonger than mine actually ^^18:36
bambeeI've a lot of list items ^^18:36
bambeeprobably for that...18:36
yofeland you used more spacing, which isn't bad actually ^^18:37
Quintasankde-workspace uploaded18:39
yofelit does make the page look a bit stretched though18:39
yofelbut the content is more important, and that looks ok18:39
ryanakcaScottK: Bug #81716118:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 817161 in libqinfinity (Ubuntu) "Please remove libqinfinity, kobby from Oneiric" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81716118:42
_Groo_yofel: ping18:43
_Groo_hi/2 all18:43
_Groo_yofel: hey hey :)18:43
_Groo_yofel: since im too busy this month to help with 4.7, the least i can do is test the 4.7 in ninjas and report/fix whatever i find :)18:44
ScottKryanakca: Acked.18:44
_Groo_yofel: so as soon as the packages complete, im gonna update my natty and ill get back to you with what i find :)18:44
yofel_Groo_: you /could/ debug kcm_synaptiks18:44
_Groo_yofel: whats wrong with it?18:44
yofelcrashes, but natty testing would be very appreciated18:45
_Groo_yofel: i will18:45
_Groo_yofel: gonna check the kubuntu patches first18:45
_Groo_yofel: ill test it, what kinda crashes are the most common?18:45
yofelnone, the touchpad settings are the only thing that crashes here18:46
yofeland I don't get the trace18:46
_Groo_yofel:  it simply doesnt open?18:46
_Groo_btw im doing calligra for natty weekly and they are in very good shape :)18:46
_Groo_packages i mean18:46
_Groo_also calligra is starting to be amazing... use it all the time18:47
yofel_Groo_: http://paste.kde.org/10254718:47
_Groo_aparently sip is to blame18:47
yofelwhat seems to crash is the delete d; call in the destructor of kaboutdata, but that's where my understanding ends18:47
_Groo_i bet on sip18:48
_Groo_its always a pain18:48
yofelor sip, but someone needs to fix the debuggins symbols for it18:48
yofelthey don't seem to be in the path that gdb looks for them in18:48
_Groo_is sip a new version? or the old one?18:48
yofelold one18:48
_Groo_ahhh thats it then18:48
_Groo_sip always break between each release18:48
_Groo_im gonna do the following18:49
yofelno, usually it's an ABI mismatch due to new versions18:49
yofelnot a crash like that18:49
_Groo_as soon as i update and run a good run, im gonna try to backport the new sip18:49
_Groo_thats the thing18:49
yofel_Groo_: that crash happens on oneiric18:49
yofelwe have no new sip18:49
_Groo_sip is a bitch cause the ABI can be the same but some stuff changes internally and hes very sensitive18:49
_Groo_yofel: sip form git/svn18:50
_Groo_yofel: contact the author may help too18:50
yofelwell, feel free to try it, I'm at the end of my knowledge18:50
_Groo_yofel: line 718:51
_Groo_#10 0x00007ffdee6f77f6 in release_KAboutData (sipCppV=0x170d520) at sip/kdecore/sipkdecorepart7.cpp:1826718:51
_Groo_yeah its something thats rubbing sip in the wrong way18:52
_Groo_but for me definitely its sip fault18:52
yofelyeah, problem: sip/kdecore/sipkdecorepart7.cpp is auto-generated, and I've got other things to do before rebuilding sip by hand18:52
_Groo_this kind of random crashes happened with kde printing in 4.6 too , sip had to be updated18:52
yofelno, *those* were ABI mismatch errors with python traces18:53
_Groo_yofel: hmmm18:53
yofeland this trace comes out of18:53
yofel#8  ~Private (this=0x170d520, __in_chrg=<value optimized out>) at ../../kdecore/kernel/kaboutdata.cpp:39218:53
yofel#9  KAboutData::~KAboutData (this=0x170d520, __in_chrg=<value optimized out>) at ../../kdecore/kernel/kaboutdata.cpp:47718:53
_Groo_yofel: do we have the contact for the sip author? he might be able to shed some light18:53
yofelsince I doubt the deref call in Qt is broken18:53
_Groo_yofel: true18:53
_Groo_yofel: but the trace is not very helpfull too.. could be something totally unrelated and we only see this part18:54
_Groo_yofel: ok im gonna try to see whats going on :)18:54
ScottKLooking at kate18:54
_Groo_yofel: prolly the packages will be complete today, so im gonna update tonight or tomorrow when i get back to work18:54
yofel_Groo_: I'll try to finish them, but we'll see18:54
_Groo_yofel: np, but ill keep it my todo to see whats going on18:55
_Groo_yofel: others things will break too for sure :D18:55
_Groo_yofel: sorry i cant be more helpful with this release, but im on a very tight schedule this month :P18:55
_Groo_apachelogger: ping18:56
yofelnah, np, I'm on vacation, that's why I've time to do so many packages ;)18:56
_Groo_yofel: jelly :D18:56
_Groo_ScottK: btw if you guys want next days packages for calligra, im all set up18:57
_Groo_ScottK: im doing weekly builds for natty :)18:57
ScottKHow close is Calligra to a release?18:58
yofelif they're usable they might be something for the experimental PPA18:58
yofelI need to set up a feedback page for kdepim ~.~18:58
yofeltoo much todo18:58
_Groo_yofel: they are starting to shape up18:58
_Groo_flow already has the engine working correctly (you can now unite points), word is very stable, presentation is a dream18:59
_Groo_plan still crashes with some templates18:59
_Groo_braindump... welll i dont know how to work with it... i used freemind before... but i simply cant figure out braindump, maybe its missing fetaures19:00
_Groo_but overall, it will be a VERY VERY impressive release19:00
_Groo_it will really blow away a lot of ppl19:00
_Groo_and its faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast19:00
debfxhm we need a retry-kde-plasma-workspace-kde-applications-and-kde-platform-builds script19:00
debfxpreferably with exactly that name19:01
_Groo_one or two more releases like this one, and libreoffice/open will be a distant memory19:01
ScottKyofel: Why did usr/include/artisticcomment.h and usr/share/kde4/config/artisticcommentrc get dropped from kate?19:01
yofelScottK: can't remember, give me a minute19:02
_Groo_btw in calligra packaging i did a little... dirty thing... but ill remove it for a oficial release19:03
_Groo_since calligra is still a moving target, with a lot of packages being moved/deleted/added19:03
_Groo_i created a new package inside called calligra-others where i dump the changes between releases, and as things settle i move them to the proper places19:04
_Groo_it cuts the time to have a proper package set... and in final, i just need to move whats inside and remove the package :)19:04
yofelScottK: that went away in 4a779a3d58b77d420ef6efac283bb8a4818da5f2 "remove playground from stable"19:05
ScottKkate uploaded19:07
yofelgood, with that kdevelop won't need kate anymore19:07
yofel_Groo_: do you use kdevelop?19:08
_Groo_yofel: sometimes when i play with python or php19:08
_Groo_eric is nice but kinda complex19:08
_Groo_i prefer kdeveloper power/simplicity19:08
yofelcan you do some regression testing on the natty packages in staging?19:08
_Groo_i downloaded them yesterday but didnt had time to test it19:09
_Groo_what do you want me to check?19:09
yofelcreate a small project, build something, check if that hex editor called okteta works19:11
yofelI'm not much of a kdevelop user either, but I don't want to release the packages with the number of testers <<219:12
_Groo_yofel: k ill will run it in a hour or so.... need to go to a meeting soon...19:18
bambeewhen is the next meeting ? my brother got a baby (I've a nephew !) and I am busy for the week end 19:18
yofelScottK: members need to be approved by the council right? so that would probably mean you need to schedule another meeting19:19
yofelbambee: ^19:19
yofelor try to see if the countil members and you have time once we know when the dev meeting is19:20
_Groo_meetings are usually every full moon or when the planet aligns19:21
bambeeI am here sunday in the evening19:21
bambees/I am here/ I back/19:21
kubotubambee meant: " I back sunday in the evening"19:21
yofelbambee: friday?19:22
bambeefriday in the morning it's okay, in the afternoon we go to my brother's home19:24
yofelwould be afternoon - so bad19:24
yofelwhich reminds me19:24
yofelJontheEchidna: set your time please ;) http://www.doodle.com/8qqp944fzt3vfy9a19:24
bambeeohh wait, in fact I back sunday in the afternoon19:25
yofelbambee: monday in the evening would be an idea from the poll - but then I'll have to simmer for the whole weekend ^^19:25
yofelalternatively schedule another meeting. _After_ DS 19:27
bambeeyofel: monday it's okay for me19:30
yofelyou'll need the other KC members too, so I'm not sure if we can do this at the same time19:30
bambeeyofel: but when you will be kubuntu dev!! you will like it even more!! mostly because you will have to simmer for the whole weekend :D19:31
bambeeyofel: KC members?19:33
yofelKubuntu Council19:33
bambeewhat the hell is that?19:33
shadeslayer_Groo_: synaptiks crapping out for you too?19:33
_Groo_shadeslayer: dont know didnt update yet19:34
_Groo_waiting for the builds to be complete19:34
_Groo_then ill do a proper testing19:34
ScottKyofel: Yes.19:38
bambeeyofel: in the worst case, as you said, I can schedule another meeting for my membership application19:39
* yofel needs to write a blog post to congratulate kde for it's release19:47
yofeltoo much todo -.-19:47
highvoltagehi! have any of you run kde on ltsp before?20:02
highvoltage(or specifically, have run kwin as a local app?)20:02
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* ScottK looks at libkexiv221:08
ScottKlibkexiv2 uploaded.21:12
JontheEchidnayofel: done :)21:17
ScottKJontheEchidna: Can you upload some 4.7.0 stuff?21:18
JontheEchidnadebfx: btw, with this mod I've been able to get 30 frames/second at "Short" render distance: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/249637-173-optifog-and-optimine-hd-b-fps-boost/21:19
JontheEchidnaScottK: Am I to assume that anything not marked as "uploaded" here: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging needs to be uploaded?21:20
ScottKJontheEchidna: Most anything in Ninjas for Oneiric is fair game.21:20
ScottKJontheEchidna: I haven't actually been bothering with the wiki, just deleting from ninjas when I was done.21:21
ScottKI've also been mentioning here what I was looking at.21:21
JontheEchidnaI won't be able to do the bigger ones, but I should definitely be able to upload a good number of them21:21
ScottKJontheEchidna: If you could look at pim/pim-runtime then if they hit New, I can process them.21:22
debfxplease don't upload kde-wallpapers, we still need to split it so we can ship the default wallpaper21:23
ScottKLooking at libksane21:24
yofelScottK: do we want PIM in the archive? apachelogger was against it IIRC21:25
ScottKI don't think we have much of a choice.21:25
apacheloggerget testing21:25
ScottKJontheEchidna: ^^^21:25
yofelwe can wait a week or two, and I can do a call for testing at the announcement and a blog post21:26
debfxJontheEchidna: which one of those?21:27
JontheEchidnaI'm using 1.7.3_HD_E_MT since I have dual-core21:28
JontheEchidnaIt is a bit confusing, with all the download options :s21:28
yofelapachelogger: I never managed a testing call though, so improvements on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KdePIM4.7Feedback ?21:29
ScottKlibksane uploaded21:29
yofelok, I spent like 5 mins on that page so far21:29
yofelk, natty pretty much finished21:34
* yofel goes trying out optifog21:34
JontheEchidnasvgpart up21:36
JontheEchidna(working my way from the bottom of the list, up)21:37
=== larsivi_ is now known as larsivi
JontheEchidnahmm, it21:39
JontheEchidnait'd make sense for me to upload the stuff I packaged as well21:39
bambeedid someone plan to package kde-l10n ? I will package it tomorrow21:40
* bambee updates the wiki21:40
debfxJontheEchidna: yep much better, I get around 20-30 fps21:42
bambeefor natty we've to wait that all the packages move into kubuntu-ppa, then we upload kde-l10n directly to kubuntu-ppa, but what about kde-l10n for oneiric?21:43
yofelI think I'll leave it, I get ~60FPS even without it21:43
CIA-52[kdewebdev] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20110727214405-26r7tg26iewmwtu0 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu121:44
yofelbambee: that goes directly into the archive21:44
debfxyofel: switch to a free driver and you'll need it :P21:44
bambeeahh, so I cannot do it.21:44
CIA-52[gwenview] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20110727214910-g7xudyclz8c74mi4 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu121:49
CIA-52[kdetoys] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20110727215116-fgsmbwg02de1k3k5 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu121:51
CIA-52[kdeutils] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20110727215556-kziwauyjjk21bvn5 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu121:56
ScottKbambee: For l10n, someone with upload rights should just run the script.22:00
ScottKapachelogger: ^^^ Can you do this?22:00
bambeeScottK: ok, np22:00
bambeeScottK: I will do it for natty, I think22:01
bambeewell in fact... someone can upload the same packages twice... (in kubuntu-ppa and archives) ^^22:02
bambee(since it's just translations)22:03
* bambee is tired22:03
debfxhm where do we move the stuff from kde-workspace that we don't install by default?22:20
yofelwhat would end up in there? themes?22:24
debfxyofel: kdm themes and ksplash themes22:26
yofelk, the name would be fine IMO22:26
CIA-52[smokegen] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20110727222847-xgolncooaxsbs7z1 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu122:28
JontheEchidnaScottK: btw, all the smoke stuff is landing in new22:31
JontheEchidnasource new, it seems22:31
ScottKJontheEchidna: Expected.  I'll try and look at it later.22:31
JontheEchidnabzr branch lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/smokekde ubuntu/22:35
JontheEchidnaBranched 4 revision(s).22:35
JontheEchidnathen when I went to debcommit, it said it was outdated :s22:36
JontheEchidnabzr pull put it up to rev 922:36
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=9&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 9 | pics moved to kdeapps/pics22:36
JontheEchidnawhy'd it only pull the first 4 revisions on the initial branch?22:36
JontheEchidnaoh, wait22:37
JontheEchidnaoops, bound it to the smokegen repo instead of smokekde. luckily the proper debian directory made it to the archive22:38
CIA-52[smokekde] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20110727223915-3timz4jxi4u5oqf6 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu122:39
CIA-52[smokeqt] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20110727223949-82ov1hgt79y2lvdg * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu122:39
CIA-52[rocs] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20110727224328-hbhwbhdow8no5a43 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu122:43
CIA-52[qtruby] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20110727224656-itbnv5o0obgxeb5g * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu122:47
CIA-52[pykde4] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20110727225111-a47it6pcth5f8vmx * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu122:51
yofelwait a bit with perlkde, that has missing dependencies it seems22:51
yofelas in runtime-deps22:51
JontheEchidnaI'm going by what's been built in k-n22:55
JontheEchidnaand I don't see pearlkde there yet22:55
yofelit *was* there, someone seems to have deleted it :(22:56
yofelthe natty package is there, but oneiric is gone22:58
JontheEchidnaprobably an accident22:59
yofelwell, doesn't hurt right now22:59
JontheEchidnaI'm skipping parley. It's on the upper limit of what I'd be able to upload23:00
=== cpatrick08 is now known as cpatrick008
cpatrick008i was wondering when 4.7 was going to be released for natty because it is released now http://kde.org/announcements/4.7/23:01
cpatrick008kk thanks23:02
JontheEchidna...but not Debian Soon™ :P23:02
JontheEchidnaheh, should have added the ™ to my last blog post when I used the term23:02
yofelyeah, hopefully tomorrow, I'm just tired23:02
CIA-52[okular] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20110727230307-63dqs776z0ivrzzk * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu123:03
JontheEchidnayofel: did mobipocket 4.7.0 not make it to kubuntu-ninjas?23:04
yofelsource rename into kdegraphics mobipocket23:04
yofelI should rename it on the wiki23:04
JontheEchidnaah, kk23:04
JontheEchidnaI'll delete mobipocket 4.6.90 from the ppa23:04
yofelah right, kill it23:05
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/perlqt] Philip Muškovac * 6 * debian/control Add missing runtime deps for qt3support23:19
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/perlkde] Philip Muškovac * 4 * debian/control Use the actually necessary runtime dependencies23:20

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