
TheBuntuis there a livecd 11:10 alpha or netinstall00:13
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!00:14
BUGabundohumm not that00:14
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/00:15
BUGabundonite folks00:21
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hifi3.0.0-7 was the first 3.0 series that booted for me03:55
hififirst 4 didn't do anything, just hung after grub, 5 and 6 paniced without root fs03:56
PythonPupHowdy, Are there any downsides to removing these packages? (firefox-globalmenu, appmenu-gtk3, appmenu-gtk, indicator-appmenu)06:10
PythonPupI ask because I am creating a list of ways to make Oneiric more friendly.  I expect to recommend removing these packages, but I would note any downsides, if there were any.06:14
head_victimPythonPup: define downsides. They all look like firefox integration packages.06:22
head_victimAnd depends on what you mean by "friendly" when you suggest removing them.06:23
rwwthree of those aren't Firefox-related packages :\06:23
PythonPupRemoving those packages seems to make program menus work again.  I am not specific on downsides, because I want to know about anything negative that would happen if there are removed..  In the article, I will go into more detail, but I did not want to bother anyone here with that.06:25
rwwanyways, I haven't heard of there being downsides, but I don't use GTK, so...06:26
PythonPupOK, thank you.06:28
PythonPupI wanted to help by running some qa tests.  I looked at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntu/all  and I don't see any tests for Oneiric.  Has the testing procedure changed?  I submitted several tests in the last 2 cycles.06:33
rwwPythonPup: QA testing happens when milestone ISOs are about to be released. The next Oneiric one isn't for a bit. The most recent milestone release was
rwwhence the contents of that page.06:37
PythonPupOK.  They were available all through the Natty cycle, but I guess that was because the Natty cycle needed more testing(The alternate CD did not work until late in the cycle).06:38
PythonPupI have found 2 easy ways to make the alpha 2 disk die during installation(not doing anything unusual).  Should I still submit bugs, or should I be testing with a daily build or just waiting for the next milestone?06:40
PythonPupDaily builds are out.  There are no alternate installers.  One of the ways to make it die needs that, so I can use better filesystems than ext4.06:44
rwwthere are no better filesystems than ext4 :P06:44
PythonPupFunny.  I see that I should be looking in the daily directory, not daily-live.06:45
diverse_izzueMorning folks, my oneiric is not booting anymore. Last message I see on screen is that Cups is being started, blinking cursor, no progress. doesn't seem to hang hard, as crtl/alt/delete immediately leads to a restart. ideas?07:10
nit-witdiverse_izzue, have you tried the previous kernel?07:13
diverse_izzuenit-wil, yes i have, no luck07:13
nit-witdiverse_izzue, that is about my best idea, I image the OS just for these occasions.07:14
nit-witdiverse_izzue, I have seen a few others post a similar scenario, today though hard to say, for me at least.07:16
diverse_izzuenit-wit, maybe i should start doing that, too... if i boot in recovery mode and then start gdm, then i get a semi-working system (no 3d)07:16
nit-witdiverse_izzue, I removed mine a couple of days ago so I don't know the latest updates, hopefully somebody else will have some information. ;)07:17
diverse_izzuehmmm, hope so. this channel is awfully quiet!07:18
nit-witdiverse_izzue, seems to get quiet at night US time.07:18
diverse_izzuemorning here in europe, maybe some canonical folks will start showing up soonish07:19
PythonPupdiverse_izzue, I did a fresh install of alpha 2 tonight.  It booted up fine, so I applied all updates, rebooted and it no longer starts.  I think I have the same problem you do.  I tried the fixes suggest in the known bug mentioned in the topic of this channel, to no avail.07:40
diverse_izzuePythonPup, can you describe your symptoms? you think it's the same issue?07:41
PythonPupIt does not finish booting up.  I can switch to a different VT and login, but X does not start.07:42
diverse_izzueSame here, what's the last thing you see on screen?07:42
PythonPupChecking battery state...       [OK]07:43
diverse_izzuePythonPup, similar here, I think I get one more message07:43
PythonPupdmesg shows the last thing to be the eth0 port coming up.07:43
diverse_izzueI guess we'll have to wait until some Canonical folks start popping up07:44
diverse_izzueI think the bug in the topic has nothing to do with our problem07:44
PythonPupIt seems similar, but the fixes for that bug don't help, so you may be right.07:44
diverse_izzuePythonPup, I think in that bug, LightDM actually appears, I never get that far07:46
PythonPupWhat graphics chipset do you have, diverse_izzue?  I have an Intel 945.07:56
diverse_izzueIntel as well here07:56
diverse_izzuelet me figure out which kind07:56
PythonPuplspci | grep VGA07:57
diverse_izzueMobile 4 Series07:57
PythonPupYou did not see anything more specific?08:00
diverse_izzuenope, that's what it says in lspci08:01
diverse_izzuele me check xorg log08:01
PythonPuplspci | grep Display08:01
diverse_izzueIntel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)08:02
diverse_izzuethinkwiki says i have an Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD08:05
diverse_izzuewhat makes you think it's related to graphics?08:08
PythonPupI think we both use the 915 driver from Intel.  A common factor like that is suspicious to me.08:08
diverse_izzuebut there's 200 other components we both use...08:09
diverse_izzueseems you need a bit more than that for a suspicion08:09
PythonPupThe 915 driver may be pertinent, because X is not starting for either of us.  Which of the 200 components is likely to affect the same piece that won't start?08:11
yofelthere was a bug yesterday were the recent lightdm upgrade would leave you without a working greeter, it's fixed though since a few hours ago.08:32
PythonPupI have applied all updates, and I never get to a greeter.  The las thing I see is checking battery(This machine is a desktop and has no battery)08:33
yofelPythonPup: as for the packages you wanted to remove, those are all about the application menu in the panel, should be fine to remove them08:33
* yofel looks at log08:33
PythonPupGreat, thanks yofel.  I was hoping so.08:33
yofeldo you have lightdm-gtk-greeter installed?08:34
PythonPupI'll boot it backup and check.  I have not added or removed any packages after a fresh install.  I just applied updates.08:34
yofelneed to go, bbl08:37
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PythonPupNo, I don't have that package installed, yofel08:40
PythonPupI installed lightdm-gtk-greeter, rebooted and it comes up fine now.  diverse_izzue , I suggest you try that.08:45
airon90Hi folks08:46
diverse_izzuePythonPup, will do, thanks!08:46
airon90Is it normal that new version of Lightdm (0.9.2-0ubuntu3) wants to delete other Lightdm package?08:47
airon90And do someone updated unity-2d? Do you launcher bar and dash work?08:48
diverse_izzuePythonPup, sweet, it booted! Thanks!08:49
PythonPupThank yofel when he comes back.08:50
dsatheafter an update today seems my lightdm is broken09:18
PythonPupYou are not the first, dsathe09:18
dsatheeven gnome refused to start till i did a dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-current and rebuilt the modules09:18
dsatheany solution ?09:18
dsathePythonPup: ?09:18
PythonPupInstall lightdm-gtk-greeter, reboot and it comes up fine.09:19
dsathegrr damn i installed the qt one ;D09:19
PythonPupWell, this worked for one other person and I.  There is probably a config file you can adjust for the qt greeter.09:20
dsathealso why is the top bar all orange if i change to any other theme ?09:21
dsatheany solution to that ?09:21
dsathemessing wit the theming09:21
PythonPupI just started with Oneiric yesterday.  I have not done anything with themes, or seen a comment on that.  Sorry.09:22
dsathePythonPup: try changing to something other than the light themes (ambiance and radiance)09:36
dsatheull see it09:37
PythonPupdsathe, I'm game.  This is a test machine anyway.  What program do you use to change the theme.  They did not pick a name that is obvious to me.09:38
dsatheaaah oh yeah gnome 309:39
dsatheso either use dconf-editor09:39
dsatheor easier use09:39
PythonPupAre you usine a gnome3 shell as desktop?09:39
dsatheno i keep switching09:39
dsathetho oneric uses gnome 3 backend09:40
dsathegtk3 to be more specific09:40
dsatheso yeah the good old themes wont work09:40
dsathetry getting hold fo atolm or zuwitko09:40
dsathedamn messed up spelling09:40
dsathesearch deviant art for gtk33 ull find them09:41
PythonPupI am no deviant09:41
PythonPupI know of the site, though.  I think it is a bad name.09:42
dsathethat is the name09:45
dsatheand Atolm09:45
PythonPupI found zukitwo, but I don't see where to download it.  Can you give me a hint, dsathe?09:50
dsatheright side09:51
dsathebar in deviant art09:51
dsathethats where the dl links are09:51
dsathetip next time Ctrl+F look for download09:51
dsathefind it damn usefull whenn looking for those hard to find links :D09:52
PythonPupI had to make the browser wider to see it.09:52
dsathehahaha kk09:52
SSeTuuhi i need help09:54
sagaciSSeTuu: with09:55
PythonPupOK, how do you apply the theme?  Do I need to put it in some special directory?09:55
SSeTuusagaci: I have a question.09:56
sagaciSSeTuu: ok, what is it09:56
SSeTuuok it is about unity AND ubuntu 11.1009:56
SSeTuumy first question is09:56
SSeTuuis ubuntu 11.10 usuable for daily use already ?? i know, it is not stable by now, but is it usuable or is it bad ?09:57
dr_willisi use it.. ;)09:57
sagacii wouldn't recommend it for daily use09:57
sagaciespecially if it's your main machine09:57
dr_willisit ca break at any time/update09:57
PythonPupIt is working pretty well for me, but I would not vaguely consider using it on a machine that had to stay up.  There was a problem this morning that kept it offlie for several hours.09:59
PythonPupofflie -> offline09:59
PythonPupdsathe, I see a way to change to a built in theme, but no way to use one I downloaded.  If you want me to try it, I need another hint.10:03
dsatheahh put it in .themes10:03
dsathein your home dir10:03
PythonPupthe zip file, or the unzipped directory?10:03
dsatheor yiu could put it in /usr/share/themes10:03
dsathe.themes is easy but local10:04
dsathethe other needs root privileges and is system wide10:04
SSeTuuand i have a problem10:04
SSeTuuwith unity10:04
PythonPupdsathe, I applied the Zukitwo theme as GTK+ theme and under Windows.  I rebooted and I get no orange bar at the top.10:12
dsathetry atolm10:13
dsathei think oneric is missing some theme engines10:13
dsathePS . You dont need to reboot10:13
dsatheever unless u modify something to do with a kernel10:14
dsatheuse upsatrt10:14
PythonPupWhen I changed the GTK+ theme under Interface, I saw an immediate effect.  When I did current theme under Windows, I saw no effect.  That was why I rebooted.10:15
PythonPupdsathe, I applied the Atolm-gtk3 theme.  I still have no orange bar.  It looks like it applied just fine.10:22
dsathehmm funny10:22
dsatheas in the title bar of any window10:22
PythonPupIs that good funny, or you don't know why yours is different funny?10:23
dsathethe place where says title of the program10:23
dsathewhat color is tht10:23
PythonPupThe windows title bars are dark brown now.10:23
dsathealso can u have a look at the atolm screenshot10:23
dsatheis it like the one in that or10:24
PythonPupIt does not look much like my windows.10:24
dsatheis it the big bad ambiance one10:24
dsatheaah there u go10:24
PythonPupI am looking at the main page for the Atolm-gtk3 theme.  I don't know if that is what you mean by ambiance.  But apparently, many characteristics of the theme did not apply.  As you suggest, there is probably a naming problem.10:26
PythonPupI am running the regular Unity shell.  I have not tried to turn desktop effect on.  I wonder if I need to do that,.10:27
PythonPupI don't find that.  I guess that was a gnome 2 thing.  Well, I have to go home.  Have a good day.10:30
Ian_Cornefor every kernel related update, I have to reinstall nvidia-current, what's up with that?10:38
dsatheyeah seems to be broken on oneric10:40
dsathethe postinst10:40
dsatheis supposed to handle dkms10:40
utusananyone having  problem with movie player flickers in and then crash?11:48
Ian_Cornei've played 1080p recently, no troubles at all, nvidia11:49
utusanhmm..keeps crashing since last night11:49
utusanlooks like segfaulting11:50
utusan(totem:3174): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_get_preferred_width_for_height: assertion `height >= 0' failed11:51
Ian_CorneI'm playing 624x352 atm, nothing like that11:51
utusan(totem:3174): Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to underallocate GtkImageMenuItem's child GtkAccelLabel 0x7f6fb804e480. Allocation is 1x-3, but minimum required size is 1772223356x17.11:52
dsathealt+F2 not working in gnome shell :(11:52
dsatheany ideas >11:52
Ian_Cornecheck the keybindings11:54
utusanthis is happening in 2 boxes - nvidia and ati , so it has to be totem issues11:54
Ian_Cornewhat version you got utusan ?11:54
Ian_CorneI'm on 3.0.1-0ubuntu211:54
utusanInstalled: 3.0.1-0ubuntu211:54
Ian_Corneweird that I don't have that issue11:55
Ian_Cornetry creating a new account11:55
utusanhow can I check key bindings?11:55
Ian_Cornerun gnome-keybinding-properties11:55
utusanty will check it out11:55
Ian_Corneutusan: keybindings was for dsathe11:55
Ian_Corneutusan: you should try making a new account and see if the problem persists11:56
dsatheIan_Corne: where aare these defined in gnome 311:56
dsatheall messed up in gconf and dconf11:56
Ian_Cornedsathe: gnome-keybinding-properties11:56
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dsatheIan_Corne: ok now that alt+F2 is fixed12:05
dsathehere comes commaand not found bug12:05
dsathein the aalt+f2 menu12:06
Ian_Cornemaybe they removed that launcher?12:07
Ian_Corneoh like that12:07
Ian_Cornewhat is the command?12:07
Ian_Cornehave you tried writing the full path?12:07
Ian_CorneI know/knew unity has problems with binaries in /usr/games/12:07
dsathefull path shud do it12:09
dsathebut kills the very purpose12:09
Ian_Cornedoes it do it?12:10
Ian_Corneey BluesKaj12:15
BluesKajhi Ian_Corne12:18
tuxcrafterhi all i am trying to use the http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ live image13:16
tuxcrafterand want to use sudo13:16
tuxcrafterbut i cant find the passwoord13:16
ActionParsniptuxcrafter: yo use your own13:16
tuxcrafterubuntu|toor|live|guest are not workign13:17
ActionParsniptuxcrafter: there is no root password in Ubuntu13:17
tuxcraftersudo su -13:17
ActionParsniptuxcrafter: sudo -i     sudo -s    sudo su     willall give a root terminal13:17
tuxcrafterid shows i am some sort of guest user13:17
ActionParsniptuxcrafter: no, you are in a group called 'admin' this gives you access to sudo and gksudo (kdesu in kde)13:18
tuxcrafterActionParsnip: i know the sudo commands, but i cant find the password13:18
ActionParsniptuxcrafter: this gives you access to do whatever you desire13:18
ActionParsniptuxcrafter: it's the one you set when you installed the OS13:18
tuxcrafteri found the trick13:19
ActionParsniptuxcrafter: the liveCD has no password set for sudo afaik13:19
tuxcrafteryou have to manually say you are user ubuntu13:19
tuxcrafterthen it just works13:19
tuxcrafterthe ubuntu user is just not the default currenlty13:19
Pici'manually' ?13:20
tuxcrafterPici: you can type in ubuntu as user name in the login screen13:20
tuxcrafterthen use an empty passwd13:20
Picituxcrafter: Ah, okay.13:20
ActionParsniptuxcrafter: usually it just logs you in, does the CD checkout ok for defects?13:22
tuxcrafterActionParsnip: jups13:23
tuxcrafterActionParsnip: it goes to the login menu and the default was the guest user13:24
tuxcrafterno problem13:24
ActionParsniptuxcrafter: glad you got the gold :)13:24
tuxcrafterlolz it crashed13:28
ActionParsniptuxcrafter: well, it is alpha13:31
dr_willisHmm. Noticeing an issue. in the file manager nautilus some times i get a totally white window, instead of the contents/icons or even menu items.., if i resize the window it comes back sometimes.. :)13:40
dr_willisspread to other windows now..  items are working. I can see outlines/shadows of menus if i click blindly.13:43
gnomefreakfglrx still broke?14:17
jtaylordepends what you mean with broke15:19
jtaylorit installs15:19
jtaylorbut for me it does not work, for others it does15:19
jtaylorI'm hit by bug 81629015:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 816290 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "fglrx blacks changing graphics" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81629015:20
evo4360bhpany good powerpoint readers out there other than openoffice/libreoffice ?15:31
jbichaevo4360bhp: you could try Google Docs, there aren't many choices for PPT support on Linux15:36
coz_mm I would think saving the power point file as pdf would also work15:41
gnomefreakjtaylor: broke as in i get nothing at all. choose kernel, couple messages like checking battery state, and it stays there.  normally when i say broke i mean it doesnt work at all15:47
gnomefreakbut ill be back later i have to get to a meeting15:47
jtaylorinstall ligthdm-gtk-greeter15:47
DaekdroomIs Lightdm currently broken?16:56
jamesbond2Daekdroom: What is the problem?16:57
yofelDaekdroom: shooting into the blue: is ligthdm-gtk-greeter installed?16:57
DaekdroomX won't start, but I'm not sure whether it's X or lightdm16:57
jamesbond2do apt-get install ligthdm-gtk-greeter16:57
DaekdroomYes, it wasn't.16:57
DaekdroomWhy's that?16:57
DaekdroomAnd now it started. Thank you.17:00
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Ian_CorneBUGabundo: 3.2 comming tomorow for your transformer :)19:01
BUGabundoIan_Corne: I know19:03
BUGabundobut I returned mine :(((19:03
BUGabundobtw #asus-transformer :P19:03
diverse_izzueLatest round of updates - evolution won't start. anyone else?19:06
MrNthDegreeerm.. latest updates are threatening to wipe out a lot of stuff19:16
bjsniderjust wait until all changes are uploaded19:17
MrNthDegreeand seems to be going for both i386 and AMD64 repos19:17
bjsniderthere are probably packages being built right now that will affect things19:17
MrNthDegreebjsnider, has some kind of multiarch been implemented19:17
bjsnideryes it has19:17
MrNthDegreeah right19:17
BUGabundoMrNthDegree: safe-upgrade!19:19
BUGabundonever FULL-ugprade19:20
BUGabundoits fine on my side19:20
BUGabundoI just need to get read of all the lubuntu packages19:20
MrNthDegreeBUGabundo, it's just Muon or w/e it's called going nuts19:21
MrNthDegreeapt-get is fine XD19:21
* MrNthDegree on Kubuntu and upgraded to stay on top of his goal to lock down every major desktop app using AA one by one19:21
* MrNthDegree is greatful for the updates :D19:50
WaltherFIHello, upgraded to oneiric and ran updates - after which X doesn't start. Ubuntu with gnome, running on my Samsung N51020:53
WaltherFITried enabling and disabling Nvidia drivers (both 173 and "current") on jockey-text, didn't help20:54
WaltherFIsudo service lightdm restart blinks the screen a couple of times, and proceeds nowhere20:54
WaltherFIAny ideas / suggestions?20:55
Ian_Cornetry apt-get install nvidia-current --reinstall20:56
Ian_Corneif that fails, mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf to a backup location and see if you can get anything graphical20:56
yofelWaltherFI: is lightdm-gtk-greeter installed?20:57
WaltherFIhaven't installed that on my own, should that be installed by default?20:59
WaltherFIinstalled it, works now21:02
WaltherFImany thanks, yofel21:02
yofel_that's today's known issue -.-21:03
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Ian_Corneah :)21:09
Ian_Cornedidn't see it pass :)21:09
Ian_Cornemaybe such things should be reflected in the topic?21:10
WaltherFIbtw, why does nautilus crash so often?22:49
BUGabundoWaltherFI: and totem23:20
BUGabundoand gwibber23:20
BUGabundoand the entire WM23:20
rwwalpha release is alpha quality :P23:39
jo-erlendis the design set? Cause those dark toolbars have some issues. In Evince, for instance, I can't read the page number and the combo that enables me to select page width.23:47
jo-erlendseems to be pretty darn fast though... And it doesn't seem necessary for me to use proprietary drivers for my radeon hd5850! The open driver is much better, but it caused some issues in Unity on 11.04 that made me switch to the proprietary one. Seems to be good now! :)23:48
rwwthe free software radeon driver gets better every release :D23:49
* rww can't stand fglrx, and is thus happy about this23:49
jo-erlendyes, me too.23:49
jo-erlendI'll have to wait a little while before I upgrade, but I'm really looking forward now.23:50
jo-erlendlightspark exists in the software center, but not in the repos. Is that common for ubuntu at these early stages?23:54
rwwDebian bug #62628223:57
ubottuDebian bug 626282 in ftp.debian.org "RM: lightspark -- ROM; Was uploaded to unstable by mistake (belongs to experimental for now)" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/62628223:57
rwwI'm not sure why it would be in Software Center, unless you installed it at some point.23:57
jo-erlendI didn't.23:57
jo-erlendI'm running live off of todays image.23:57
jo-erlendone thing that is annoying is that Firefox isn't able to install flash from the repos. It's been like that forever. Can't be so difficult to simply switch the url from Adobes hopepage to apt://flashpluginname?23:58
jo-erlendwhen you click on manual install, that is.23:59

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