
Pendulumhmm... here's an a11y thing I haven't heard directly addressed: some people with dyslexia have issues with the icons in unity because they look pretty much all the same and the font size on the labels is small enough they're having trouble reading them20:50
charlie-tcagood point20:53
charlie-tcaDon't really need dyslexia for that, though. Just poor vision will also do it.20:53
charlie-tcaAlso, people who can not use high contrast are probably in trouble too, since it is black background with white text, unchangeable20:55
* maco hasnt seen the icons. what?20:57
Pendulummaco: the launcher icons20:57
charlie-tcaclick the logo in the upper left, get a black background, with weird icons and white text in small fonts20:57
Pendulumto some people with various vision or processing issues, they all look the same20:58
macoum um um...20:58
* maco goes screenshot hunting20:58
macook so not the left launcher bar thingy? cuz thats the usual application upstream icon20:58
PendulumI think it's both20:59
Pendulumwhere if you can't visually process icons20:59
macoand not this eiether then? http://lh5.ggpht.com/_FJH0hYZmVtc/TCSQ6haGEKI/AAAAAAAAIkQ/Lb0Xs_psUjg/image%5B7%5D.png20:59
Pendulumit's an issue20:59
macothere's no text at all on the side launcher bar thingy20:59
macoif he weren't too dyslexic to use irc, i'd say getting my boyfriend in here to help test would be good21:00
charlie-tcaThe launcher bar icons are not easy to tell apart for many people. 21:00
macowhy do the launcher bar icons have background colours?21:01
charlie-tcaand with the black background in 3d, it makes it worse for them21:01
macoand why are those colours so similar to the icon in the middle of them?21:01
charlie-tcathat's part of the problem21:01
charlie-tcaI think they called that a "good design decision" instead of "usable by all" 21:02

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