
bradmhead_victim: headers could be interesting if you can get them00:02
head_victimRequest sent.00:18
bradmhead_victim: ta00:27
head_victimbradm: I'll pastebin and then email those on the RT ticket with a link?00:42
bradmhead_victim: sure, that works00:43
head_victimActually, this isn't new information is it? It's not gmail sending this mail it's lists.ubuntu.com which we've never had a problem with. I've only just picked up on that from the header.00:47
gorillahead_victim: btw, your email about the lack of phishing warning for mail list digests would be correct. :-)00:48
bradmhead_victim: mmm, having the headers could help00:49
head_victimgorilla: nice to know I'm slowly not sounding quite as silly when talking about technical items00:49
gorillahead_victim: A lot of people get email wrong. different ports for sending and "receiving" at least from the user's PoV.00:51
head_victimgorilla: like a series of tubes ;)00:53
gorillahead_victim: yes, and you need to be careful of the size of the truck that you send down the tube, especially when it comes to email as the receiver may not have a loading dock sufficently big enough for the email. Have I bent the analogy enoughj?00:56
head_victimHah well if you REALLY want to stretch the analogy there is always the good old faithful http://www.google.com/tisp/00:57
gorillahead_victim: well there are some things that can't be polished.01:05
* gorilla is amazed that google still has their TISP details online, perhaps it can't be flushed from their cache.01:06
sagacianyone around that can help me restart X without rebooting or logging out12:33
sagacimeh, i'll just reboot12:35

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