
philipballewif i have sd ram in a laptop will any type of sd ram i put into that laptop work fine? or is a special type of sdram needed01:38
holsteindepends... i would pop on crucial and use the tool there01:39
holsteinyou put in the model, and generally get to see what will work with the hardware01:39
holsteinunless you have it, and its easy to just pop it in there01:39
philipballewits a old ibook01:40
holsteinjust under the keyboard then right?01:42
holsteinnot too hard01:42
philipballewyeah. ill do it now. take like 2 minutes01:42
philipballewthe ram is soldered on. but i know its sd. maybe if i just try putting a chip i have in and seeing if it turns on01:46
philipballewtheres an extra port01:46
philipballewmaybr holstein if i search for model number on apple01:49
=== pedro_ is now known as pedro3005
philipballewdoes anyone think open box will run on 128 mb of ram?05:11
holsteinphilipballew: hey...05:11
holsteinonly one way to find out :)05:11
holsteini think it'll05:12
holsteinphilipballew: about that ram, i would probably just stick it in there and see if it works05:12
holsteini remember getting lucky and adding 64mb to an old macbook once05:13
philipballewi currently have the laptop with just cli, would just aptitude install openbox work or do i need to install x first you think?05:13
holsteinit'll pull in what it needs05:13
philipballewwere gonna see what happens. if it does run great, and ill up the ram05:14
holsteinhow about xmonad?05:14
philipballewwhats that?05:15
philipballewis that lighter then openbox though?05:15
philipballewnot sure myself. i think open box might be lighter05:19
philipballewand ebay has ram for 10 bucks. it would get it up to 600 mb. not horriable for a old machine05:21
holsteini would not spend any cash on a box that old05:21
holsteinxmonad is about as light as it gets05:21
philipballewprobably not. so thats lighter then openbox in your opinion. ill try it then05:22
holsteini dont mind having a command line box though05:23
holsteina PPC machine to ssh into05:24
holsteinhide it off somewhere in the closet :)05:24
philipballewi might keep it that way. its a laptop. need to connect it wirelessly from the cli05:27
holsteineh... id wire it up near the router... but, im sure you'll sort it out05:27
philipballewhaha, i has gonna take it and play music from it away from the thing. haha. i can sort it out for sure05:28
chenthugood day everyone07:41
chenthuHolstien: you there?07:41
nit-witchenthu, wht's uo.07:43
nit-wit*whay's up07:43
chenthunit-wit : need help here07:47
nit-witwhat is the problem I may be able to help.07:48
chenthunit-wit : the problem is that i just installed the b43 driver using the command line ...now i want to activate the driver in command line08:02
chenthunit-wit: sry was working on my problem thats why late reply08:03
nit-witno prob08:04
chenthunit-wit; so  any idea?08:05
nit-witI'm not really familiar with this but I have a Ubuntu wiki link that may be helpful.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Installing%20b43%20drivers08:06
chenthuok thanks08:07
nit-witno prob I have been lucky to not need drivers. ;)08:08
ole_oz6ohhllo all from Ole in Denmark08:35
altinnhello can anyone help me with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11089527#post1108952710:06
altinnhere is the output when I press that comand  http://pastebin.com/ys7d4fiy10:06
altinnhello ?10:08
Puck`if people are not replying, doesn't mean no one is here (:10:17
altinnI know Puck` thnx (:10:21
truepurpleDoes ubuntu have TRIM and other SSD friendly features?11:08
truepurpleIf you don't know of TRIM, you probably can't help me11:09
truepurpleBut if you didn't even already know of TRIM, how can you tell me if ubuntu has it or is otherwise SSD friendly...11:11
tuxbaba:-D u got me... on that ...i've not got the faintest clue about TRIM11:12
truepurpleAnyone else here?11:14
yofelthe kernel supports it - yes, but it's on on by default11:17
yofel*not no11:17
yofel*not on11:17
yofelif you want to use trim with ext add the 'discard' mount option11:17
yofeltruepurple: ^11:17
truepurpleIs it able to detect that a drive is SSD?11:19
ikoniayou set it with hdparm11:19
ikoniaan interesting read on setting it within fstab http://sites.google.com/site/lightrush/random-1/howtoconfigureext4toenabletrimforssdsonubuntu11:21
ikoniathe wiki page also has surprisingly good info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRIM11:23
truepurpleSo ikonia, is that a no, ubuntu does not detect SSD?11:23
ikoniathat's not what I said11:25
ikoniaSSD just shows up as a disk11:25
ikoniawhich is why you have to set it as trim is not enabled by default on devices11:25
truepurpleWindows is able to tell that a drive is SSD, and uses TRIM on it, AFAIK, ubuntu is not able to do this, to detect that a drive is a SSD and thus needs TRIM, right?11:26
ikoniayou are not using windows - so I'm not interested in what windows does/does not do11:26
ikoniaI have explained to you how to enable trim if you want it, and also explained that trim is not enabled by default11:26
truepurpleI am just asking, and I think I have the answer, but I want to make sure, can ubuntu ever tell a drive is SSD? Is the answer "No it can't, it must be manually enabled for X drive"?11:31
ikoniathat's not true11:32
ikoniait can detect it, but trim is disabled by default11:32
vlttruepurple: There are tools like hdparm that will tell you (and Ubuntu) whether it's an SSD drive.11:32
truepurplevlt, and without this tool, ubuntu doesn't ever know, right?11:32
ikoniawhat are you talking about11:33
ikoniatools are used by the OS to detect hardware11:33
vlttruepurple: Does this question really make sense?11:33
ikoniasame as any OS11:33
ikoniaso without the detection tools.....no, no OS can detect hardware versions11:33
ikoniaif you are asking will ubuntu detect an SSD drive and auto enable trim - no it will not11:34
ikoniathe design currently is for trim to be disabled by default11:34
ikoniathat may/may not change11:34
ikoniahowever can you detect an SSD drive and enable trim - sure11:34
truepurpleI was also asking if ubuntu can detect whether a drive is SSD, period11:34
ikoniayes, it can11:34
truepurpleIs there ever a reason not to use TRIM on a SSD?11:35
ikoniathe wiki explains the pros/cons11:35
ikoniait is surprisingly detailed with worthwhile information11:35
ikonia(I posted the link to it earlier)11:35
truepurpleDoes ubuntu have any other other SSD friendly features?11:36
ikoniasuch as ?11:37
vltAligning partition layout to (multiples of) block sizes?11:39
ikoniathat's not really SSD specific though11:40
ikoniahence why I'm curious to what features11:40
truepurpleAnything, is that a ubuntu feature that makes it more SSD friendly vlt?11:40
ikoniatruepurple: such as ?11:40
ikoniatruepurple: what technology are you looking for ?11:40
truepurpleIt was a open ended question11:40
yofelwhat are you thinking of? btrfs has some SSD optimizations, but that FS is still experimental11:41
yofeland ext4 has trim support - off by default though11:41
ikoniatruepurple: tuning a disk, any disk depends on a lot of things, there are tuning options, but it depends what you want to do, how you use it, your hardware your expectations etc11:41
truepurpleOh yeah that is something, I heard once that EXT isn't as SSD friendly as other FS, not true? If I enable trim in ubuntu, will that enable for any EXT partitions too, or does that need to be done independantly?11:42
yofelok wait11:42
chenthudoes anyone know how to register here?11:42
yofelTRIM is enabled in the kernel by default, but the filesystem needs to tell the command *which* blocks to discard11:43
yofeland ext4 has support for it but doesn't do that by default11:43
chenthui mean with a password11:43
yofelchenthu: type '/msg nickserv help register' and follow the instructions11:43
chenthuk thank u11:43
truepurpleand you could ask other such questions in, I think the channels name is freenode11:43
truepurpleyofel, Your confusing me, you guys just got done telling me TRIM was off by default, and now it sounds like your saying its on by default...but... and I don't understand that "but"11:45
chenthuRegister Mighty01 chenthamaraipandian@yahoo.com11:45
vlttruepurple: Have you read ikonia's link?11:45
yofeltruepurple: you are talking about TRIM, that's a kernel command in the ATA driver. It's up to the filesystem to use that command or not11:46
ikoniait's enabled in the kernal as an option, but not enabled on the disks unless you tell it do11:46
truepurplehttp://sites.google.com/site/lightrush/random-1/howtoconfigureext4toenabletrimforssdsonubuntu ?11:46
yofeltruepurple: right, that will tell ext4 to use the trim command11:47
truepurpleWhich needs to be done per drive? Per partition?11:47
ikoniaper mount11:47
ikoniaso per partition really11:47
ikoniaor "per filesystem" to be exact11:47
truepurpleikonia, per FS?11:48
ikoniayes, per file system11:48
chenthuREGISTER Mighty01 chenthamaraipandian@yahoo.com11:48
vltchenthu: Send that to nickserv11:49
truepurpleIf that were true, and I enabled trim on a SSD that has the same FS as my ubuntu partition on a different drive, trim would be enabled on both11:49
truepurpleikonia, and that is not what you are saying, right?11:49
ikoniatruepurple: no11:49
truepurpleSo what do you mean by per FS?11:50
chenthuvlt: yeah did i figured out now...lol...thanks11:50
ikoniatruepurple: it needs to be enabled per file system you mount11:50
vlttruepurple: TRIM is anbaled per file system. Or not.11:50
ikonianot per file system type11:50
ikoniaenabling it on 1 ext4 file system does not enable it on all ext4 file systems11:50
ikoniatruepurple: if you look in /etc/fstab you'll see disks with mount points, each one of those mountpoints contains it's own file system11:50
ikoniatrim has to be enabled on each file system11:50
vltor not ;-)11:51
truepurpleSo back to per partition, I don't see how "per file system" clarifies anything.11:51
ikoniathen you don't understand the technology11:51
ikoniaeach partition contains a unique file system to that partition11:51
vlttruepurple: file systems reside on block devices.11:51
vlttruepurple: which _can_ be partitions11:51
ikoniatrim is enabled at the file system level11:51
vlttruepurple: So, "pe fs" is technically more correct.11:51
truepurpleIf each partition contains a unique file system, then that is the exact same thing as saying per partition, and while per FS might also be technically correct, saying so seems to only serve to demonstrate your technical knowledge.11:52
ikoniatruepurple: no, it gives you factual information11:53
vlttruepurple: No11:53
ikoniaif you are under the impression you enable it per partition, then change the file system, it won't be enabled, thus miss-leading nyou11:53
ikoniagiving you correct information, is helping you11:53
truepurpleOhh, that is the fine point you were trying to make11:54
vlttruepurple: I have nearly no fs on a partition here.11:54
ikoniait can also be missleading if you use raid devices (although trim doesn't work on them) or logical volumes as they have no partitions11:54
ikoniabut you can enable trim11:54
ikoniaso hence, giving you correct factual information to help youy11:54
truepurpleWell if you want to be technical, if you change the FS, it probably isn't the same partition anyway.11:54
ikoniayes it is11:55
ikoniait's exactly the same partition11:55
ikoniaand as I said trim can be applied to other file system such as logical volumes, which have no partition,11:55
ikoniathat's why you where given detailed correct information11:55
truepurplevlt: What are you trying to tell me?11:55
vlttruepurple: What ikonia says :)11:56
^zenhobb-itHello, excuse me, I wanted to remove Kubuntu as default Os at the pc startup and restoring Ubuntu instead. So I appied the command "sudo apt-get remove --purge kubuntu-desktop. I've done the reboot, but still appears the screen with Kubuntu blue logo and loading...-.- How can I completely restore Ubuntu as default?11:57
chenthudoes anyone know how to scan network  through a wireless card using terminal?11:58
truepurpleikonia, you were saying http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRIM tells you reasons not to use TRIM on a SSD?11:59
truepurpleI don't see it11:59
ikoniatruepurple: it explains the function it does, so you can work out reasons not to use it11:59
ikoniatruepurple: if the bonus it gives you causes no problems, then there is no reason not to sue it11:59
ikoniause i11:59
truepurpleLike what? I dont see a reason not to, I mean other then actual data recovery verses trashed data12:00
ikoniatruepurple: then there is no reason not to use it12:00
truepurpleikonia, do you know of any reason not to use TRIM on a SSD?12:00
ikoniaas I tried to explain earlier reasons to use/not use tuning options depend on your personal goals/needs/wants/hardware/expectations, so it's down to you12:01
ikoniatruepurple: if there is no reason for you not to use it, then use it, which from what you're saying, there is no reason not to use it, so go enjoy it12:01
truepurpleIf there are no cons, then it wouldn't depend on any of those things12:01
* vlt head -> desk12:01
ikoniatruepurple: do research and find out if there are any cons for you, we are going way outside ubuntu's scope here12:02
vltchenthu: scan?12:02
ikoniatruepurple: it sounds like you would have zero reason not to use it12:02
truepurpleI was just asking if you knew of anything, and I guess not12:02
vltchenthu: Try "iwlist scan"12:02
ikoniatruepurple: guess what you want12:02
truepurpleI would prefer you just told me directly, rather then what feels like talking in circles12:03
truepurpleDirect saves alot of time and effort12:03
chenthuvlt: tried no use12:03
ikoniatruepurple: I've told you direct, you just don't want to research your own situation and trim12:03
truepurpleikonia, it was a yes or no question, you didnt even get close to either12:04
ikoniatruepurple: I suggest you use it as it's normally more than useful to most people12:04
ikoniaI didn't see a yes or no question,12:04
truepurpleikonia, if ubuntu is able to to detect that a drive is SSD, and there is no reason to not use it, why doesn't ubuntu automatically enable TRIM?12:05
ikoniatruepurple: a.) because ubuntu does not do ssd detection at install time, it just does disk detection time at this point b.) because enabling trim is a user option as not everyone wants it, this may change in future designs12:07
truepurpleikonia, that is the point though, if not everyone wants it, then there must be a reason not to use TRIM on a SSD, that or the premise that not everyone wants TRIM on their SSDs is wrong12:08
truepurpleand if there is such a reason, I would like to know it12:09
truepurpleSo I can balance that reason for myself12:09
ikoniatruepurple: there ARE reasons, and I've explained they are unique to different peoples setups which you seem to not want to hear,12:09
ikoniathe majority of people want it and will use it though, so I suggest you use it, or do research beyond asking the same question in IRC12:10
ikoniaas the majority of people want it, I suspect it will change in future releases12:10
ikoniaa few things need to change in my view before major distros accept it as the norm/default12:10
truepurpleLike what?12:10
ikoniaI don't wish to discuss this further as it's not an ubuntu conversation12:11
ikoniayou have the answer to your ubuntu support question12:11
ikoniait is not enabled by default, it must be enabled per file system and is supported from 10.04 onwards with the backported kernel and is active by default in 10.10/11.0412:11
truepurpleI researched SSD for awhile before when researching to buy my PC parts, if such a reason exists, I did not find it, and probably could not find it12:11
ikoniathere you go then, it probably won't effect you12:12
^anhooubb-itHello, I need help for this: I wanted to remove Kubuntu as default Os at the pc startup and restoring Ubuntu instead. So I appied the command "sudo apt-get remove --purge kubuntu-desktop" and also "sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop". I've done the reboot, but still appears the screen with Kubuntu blue logo and loading...-.- How can I completely restore Ubuntu as default? Thanks12:37
nit-wit^anhooubb-it, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/  lower left panel playing around12:40
^anhooubb-itthank you nit-wit, I already have read this, but yesterday an user here told me that the command described there broken his ubuntu...12:43
nit-wit^anhooubb-it, hard to say always has worked for me, that site is run my a very skilled user.12:45
nit-wit^anhooubb-it, the commands are a list of all the kubuntu packages and a reinstall of the desktop you want, just make sure you are using the one for your distro.12:46
^anhooubb-itok. But I tryied also "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" after this, at it says that ubuntu already is up-to-date, so it doesn't reinstall13:02
ikonia^anhooubb-it: that's just a meta package13:05
nit-witsort of a backup command really13:09
nit-wit^anhooubb-it, are you set now13:34
^anhooubb-itI re-booted again, but kubuntu screen with the blue logo and loading still appears... why? It is totally unistalled or not?13:36
^anhooubb-itIn the terminal it says yes13:36
nit-witpastebin what the terminal says.13:37
nit-withttp://paste.ubuntu.com/ here is a pastebin ink if needed13:38
^anhooubb-ithow can I change the languade in the terminal into english?13:38
nit-wit^anhooubb-it, that is a conundrum, I'm not sure here, is the desktop choice at the login screen show kubuntu13:39
chenthunit_wit: bro i just booted form my usb for install...but where am i supposed to add nomodset13:44
nit-wit^anhooubb-it, it has been a while sense I had multiple desktops installed then removed one. What I remember though is that there were applications of both the appeared in both desktops so I would lookif you see any kubuntu left in the desktop your using13:45
nit-witchenthu, could you update me on whats going on.13:45
nit-wit*the=that bad spelling13:45
chenthui just created a new usb disk after u gave me the link about my nvidia 6150 problem13:45
nit-witchenthu, your installed correct?13:46
nit-witor you staill need to instaLL?13:46
chenthunope...i still have my 11.04 installed...but i get a black screen after 4 error windows..13:46
nit-witchenthu, you can get to the boot menu without the disc or thumb?13:47
chenthuthough i have already installed...and as u have said to add the nomodset thing before install...i am asking u13:47
chenthuyeah i can...13:47
chenthui am asking u for a fresh install13:48
nit-witat the menu no cd or thumb hit e for edit, then where it says no splash in the kernel line put in nomodeset the hit crtl-x to boot13:48
nit-witwe want to see if we can get in without the cd or thumb13:49
chenthuk found it13:49
nit-witcoolwhat do you see13:50
chenthunow after  ro spalsh or before13:50
chenthui see the ro splash quiet13:50
nit-witafter is okay ether should work13:50
chenthuk put it after now...its bootin...lets see13:51
nit-witholding my breath ;)13:51
chenthugot the login13:51
nit-witgood login13:51
chenthui get the same error...13:52
nit-witwahts the error13:52
chenthuCould not update ICEauthority file /home/chenthu/.ICEauthority13:53
chenthuwhen i click close i get another error13:53
chenthu"There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libconf-sanity-check-2 excited with status 256)13:54
nit-witchenthu, I'm not sure here,  would post that error in #ubuntu, we know how to get there now right no blck screen?13:55
chenthui still have the black screen..13:56
chenthunogt black actually purple...but when i move the mouse pointer over the purple area it turns black13:56
chenthuthird error message13:57
nit-witI'm just not sure, really but all this information is probably helpful to mention in the busier channel13:57
chenthuNautilus could not create the required folder"/home/chenthu/.nautilus13:58
chenthui already searched for these errors and nothing worked13:58
chenthufourth error13:58
chenthuSystem Program Problem detected "Do you want to report the problem now ?13:59
nit-witchenthu, I wish I knew more, sorry I have to crash now good luck .14:02
chenthunO probs....bro..thank you for the help....bye tc14:03
chenthucsn do,eone tell me how to mount a usb?14:25
chenthucan someone tell me how to mount a usb?14:25
holsteinchenthu: you should be able to just plug it in, and it'll auto mount14:25
chenthui dint14:25
holsteinif not, i usually run in a terminal14:25
holsteinsudo fdisk -l14:25
chenthui forgot the formst of the mnt command14:25
chenthui mounted yesterday14:25
chenthufdisk only specifies the list of drives14:25
holsteinthen, i get the name of the partition i want to mount... say /dev/sdb1 for example14:26
holsteinthen, i make a directory somewhere, like... mkdir ~/usbtemp14:26
chenthudone that too14:26
holsteinand do something like... sudo mount /dev/sdb1 ~/usbtemp14:27
chenthudid that but ...wait let me chck sgain14:27
chenthudone thank you14:30
^anhooubb-ithello again15:17
^anhooubb-itEn taro adun starcraftman :-)15:32
chenthuany one know how to close the x server so i could install my nvidia driver?16:09
^anhooubb-ithello, is there any way to upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 and more?16:51
ubot2Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.16:52
bioterroredit sources to newer :D16:52
charlie-tca^anhooubb-it: you can upgrade from 8.04 direct to 10.0416:53
charlie-tcaYou do not have to go through 8.10, 9.04, 9.10. There is a direct upgrade16:53
charlie-tcaLTS to LTS16:53
bioterrorI should install old ubuntu one day16:54
bioterrorand do a test16:54
bioterrorjust edit sources16:54
charlie-tcaediting sources to an EOL release still won't let it upgrade. It will just mess up the current installation16:55
bioterrorbut I would do it from 7.04 to 11.10 :D16:56
^anhooubb-itthank you charlie-tca and bioterror, I know that there is this direct update, but I want to try 9.04 and 9.10 before 10.04, to test them and see what distro is better for my pc17:01
bioterrorwaste of time and bandwith17:03
bioterrorget into 10.04 directly17:03
^anhooubb-itI have both things to waste :-)17:05
bioterrorI dont, as apt-get is slow ;)17:05
^anhooubb-itbut I want to test the 9th distros, above all for my dignity... what kind of ubuntu believer would I be if not? :-) What kind of man is who don't follow his companion in the pain as in the pleasure? :-) The goal has to be reached step-by step: 1->2->3->4->5->... not just 1-->5 :-) it's too easy, let's leave lazies doing it :-)17:23
^anhooubb-it* charlie-tca and bioterror , should I think you are one of them? :-)17:33
charlie-tcaum, actually, 8.04, 8.10, 9.94, 9.10 are all EOL for desktops.17:38
charlie-tcaI wouldn't waste time on them, since they are all going to fail to upgrade for you17:39
charlie-tca^anhooubb-it: do you have all those images already?17:43
charlie-tcaMuch, much harder to upgrade to EOL versions, since there are no updates available for them now. You might be able to do it with the cd, though, if you have it.17:44
^anhooubb-itno, don't have any apart 9.0417:44
^anhooubb-itisn't there any dedicated server, source, webarchive, etc. for old updates to add to the update manager?17:46
charlie-tcaI was just getting it17:47
charlie-tcaI would make sure to have backups of any data I didn't want to lose, too.17:47
charlie-tcano guarantees that upgrades to EOL versions will work.17:47
charlie-tcaYou would need to point all of /etc/apt/sources.list at those old releases, I think.17:48
charlie-tcaThat's about all I got on old releases trying to upgrade, let me know if it works for you.17:49
holsteinchenthu: i was thinking about you earlier... i used the nomodeset in a live CD17:50
holsteini was saying F4, but the option is over under F6... it doesnt hurt to just look around at all the options anywahs17:51
^anhooubb-itthank you charlie-tca, but this page show cd images only, while I want to do a network update...17:52
chenthuholstien; i should have tried that...my mistake...will do it18:04
holsteineh... i forget where those options are...18:05
holsteinchenthu: good news is i had the same issue you had, and i got around it, and got to a functional desktop18:06
chenthuwow...that sounds amazing...i have some home then....gonna do it right away18:07
^anhooubb-it'lo holstein, can you help me for my issue? thanks18:07
holstein^anhooubb-it: hey18:08
* holstein looking18:08
^anhooubb-it'lo nhandler bodhi_zazen pleia2 tronyx ikonia sardonyx !18:08
holstein^anhooubb-it: im my professional opinion, you just want to backup your files (which you should do anyway before attempting an upgrade) and do a fresh install18:09
holstein^anhooubb-it: you *dont* want to test 9.04 +18:10
holsteinyou want to skip right to 10.0418:10
holsteinthat is the LTS, and the others are not supported any longer anyways18:10
holsteini see bioterror has already told you this though...18:11
holsteinthe only option you have is to go to 10.04, unless you want to server some local repos18:11
holsteinyou could try the live CD's for 8.10 etc...18:11
holsteinthose are still around somewhere i bet18:12
holstein^anhooubb-it: i see charlie-tca 's responses too18:12
holsteindo you know what EOL means?18:12
holsteinEOL = end of life18:13
holsteinthats the issues i am going to assume you are going to have the most trouble with18:13
holsteinlike i tell everyone though, this is linux, and if you want 8.10, you can have it18:13
bioterrorwhen version hits the EOL, there's no updates18:13
holsteinbut, you wont have any support from canonical18:13
holsteinchenthu: im actually running into a very similar issue you are having doing an XP install18:16
holsteinno repo, no commmunity :/ ...i'll find a driver somewhere though for XP18:16
chenthuholstien: XP?.....which system u need driver for on xp?18:22
holsteinjust some dell box with a graphics card thats not supported out of the box by windows18:22
holsteini'll sort it out, im just pointing out that this is a similar issue on windows18:23
holsteinexactly the same really18:23
harleydudeHi Is Vuze for linux a good application to use?18:24
holsteingood is really a matter of opinion... i just use transimission...18:25
pleia2transmission here too18:25
holsteini used it under windows a long time ago... worked fine18:25
chenthuholstein: all the best then... ;)18:26
chenthuThere is an option to install drivers before installing linux "natty" which i am using now...18:26
harleydudeok so it is basically a torrent downoloader of sorts?18:26
holsteinchenthu: that sounds like a good idea18:27
harleydudeI currently use Deluge for that and have been ok with using it.18:27
chenthuharleydude: yeah basically a torrent but its useful for donloading videos and other things too using p2p18:27
holsteinharleydude: i can only say what i use transmission for, which is basically torrents... hosting, downloading... i would expect similar funtionality from vuze18:27
harleydudechenthu; thanks18:28
chenthuholstien: yeah...learnt a lot this couple of days, i downloaded new drivers i have it in a externad hard disk...and there is an option to install drivers from external hard disk befor install18:28
chenthuharleydude: your welcome....\18:28
harleydudeholstein; thanks as well18:28
^anhooubb-it'lo orby jacob !18:51
^anhooubb-itholstein so is it possible to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10-9.04-9.10 without using a cd image? My cd-drive is very bad18:58
holstein^anhooubb-it: anything is possible... i would do whatever it takes to *not* upgrade like that18:59
holsteini literally can take 7+hours to do each one18:59
bioterror^anhooubb-it, NO IT IS NOT18:59
bioterrorthere's no packages in repositories18:59
holsteinand you'll likely have errors since the repos are down18:59
holsteinyeah ^^18:59
holsteinyou'll have to download pacakges, and host them locally18:59
bioterrorfor the last time: it's not possible and it does not have any common sense to do it18:59
^anhooubb-itok lol :-)19:00
holsteinwell, it technically would be possible, but why?... it would be *such* a pain19:00
^anhooubb-itI surrender ^_^19:00
holsteinyou dont want 8.1019:00
holsteintrust me19:00
bioterrorinstall 11.1019:00
holsteinyou want 10.04 or newer19:00
bioterrorit will be much more fun :D19:00
^anhooubb-itso if I upgrade to 10.04, does it erase the entire partition and will I lose all dates?19:03
holsteinOH.. data19:03
holsteinIF you do an upgrade, it should preserve your data19:03
holsteinbut, you should always backup before doing anything major like that19:04
bioterrorbackups are for wussies!19:04
bioterroryou can always boot livecd :D19:04
^anhooubb-itwhat about my "home folder"?19:06
^anhooubb-itDoes it have to be in a separate partition in order to preserv data?19:06
bioterroryes when doing fresh install19:09
bioterrorbut what comes to upgrading19:09
bioterrorno need19:10
bioterrorjust do it! ;)19:10
bioterrorI've done it since 2000 something19:10
^anhooubb-itI will find you at home if it format my partition! ^^19:11
bioterrorI'll make you clean my home19:18
^anhooubb-ityes from your remains ^^19:30
geirhaAn ubuntu upgrade is just upgrading all the packages on the system to a newer version, install some new ones, and remove some. The package manager will never ever touch /home.19:36
^anhooubb-itok thank you geirha I thought that 8.04-10.04 was different... how much could it lasts?19:45
geirhaIt's a bigger jump, but it worked fine for me.19:45
geirhaIt'll take some hours, and you should make sure the computer won't lose power while upgrading.19:46
^anhooubb-itok thank you20:03
CLF1need help fixing samba4...broken and cannot repair broken package....what should I do21:01
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
^anhooubb-itcan I upgrade 8.04-10.04 with 5 gb free dik space?21:53
geirha^anhooubb-it: Probably, if you don't have more than 3GB in additional packages installed. At any rate, it will check if there is sufficient disk space before starting the upgrade.21:54
geirhaIt'll also tell you how much space it will be using.21:54

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