
oscalationgota question, ive applied for a mentor but no one ever got back to me about it. any ideas on what i should do05:33
haneefmubarakWell, I'll leave what I need to say here and check it later then.05:35
haneefmubarakAnyways, although I am part of the bug team, when I attempt to triage a bug, it only allows me to set the status, but not the importance. Any help is greatly appreciated.05:36
micahghaneefmubarak: only bug control can set importance and triaged/won't fix status05:54
oscalationmicahg, any idea on my question05:59
* micahg looks to vish 05:59
oscalationi take it vish isnt available07:17
blurrrHi. I have installed the following updates an hour back: libdbus-1-3 dbus dbus-x11 libpng12-0 libsndfile1 and now while trying to mount the partitions from within Gnome, I'm getting Jul 27 13:25:29 user-mech polkitd(authority=local): Operator of unix-session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session6 FAILED to authenticate to gain authorization for action org.freedesktop.systemtoolsbackends.set for system-bus-name::1.145 [users-admin] (owned by unix-user:g08:02
blurrrDouble checked, the password is okay08:03
blurrrUsing Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS x6408:04
seb128mdeslaur, jdstrand: ^08:04
seb128blurrr, could you open a bug about that if you did? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+filebug08:06
blurrrSure, let me do that.08:06
vishmicahg: yea, i'm easy on the eyes, but you can look at other mentors too ;p08:06
blurrrseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/816842 - will report back after I downgrade.08:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 816842 in dbus (Ubuntu) "Unable to authenticate Gnome applications after a recent update of libdbus-1-3 dbus dbus-x11 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]08:24
seb128blurrr, thanks08:25
blurrrseb128: thank you for pointing me in the right direction :)08:25
seb128you're welcome08:25
czajkowskichrisjrob: :)13:51
chrisjrobczajkowski: !13:51
oscalationcan anyone help me, i applied for a mentor and no one has gotten back to me, not sure what i should do next14:24
hggdhoscalation: will look at it now14:28
hggdhoscalation: but you do not really need to wait, we are all here to help14:28
oscalationhggdh, i appreciate it. Im pretty sure i followed the wiki page correctly14:28
hggdhoscalation: good! Now, start triaging; on *any* doubt, ask here -- we will be happy to help, and your question may help others14:30
hggdhthis is why we like people ask questions here14:30
chrisjrobi wonder whether someone would be able to triage an empathy bug that i have logged https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/807723 ?14:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 807723 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Empathy does not start at login by default (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]14:39
hggdhpedro_, jibel, charlie-tca: good morning/day/afternoon/evening as it may be14:57
pedro_hggdh, Good morning to you Sir Carlos :-)14:57
hggdhpedro_: interesting bug this one from chrisjrob, what is your take on it?14:59
* hggdh is now running gnome-shell, and does not really use empathy14:59
pedro_hggdh, will check with Oneiric15:00
charlie-tcagood morning, sire15:03
charlie-tcagood morning, sir15:03
charlie-tcasorry, that was a type15:04
charlie-tcawell, this ain't off to a good start, is it?15:04
charlie-tcaI tend to shy away from the empathy bugs.15:05
hggdhcharlie-tca: although I would be happy to be called 'sire', I (1) am not a king; (2) do not have the money that usually follows the title ;-)15:06
hggdh(for titles without money, I am already served :-( )15:07
charlie-tcaI just can't make the keys work today15:07
hggdhbad day?15:08
hggdhvish: BTW, I hear you (but, personally, I think I am better looking ;-)15:10
vishhggdh: certainly! no contest there with you! :)15:11
* charlie-tca is apparently going to have a bad day15:12
ogasawaradavmor2: around?  wanted to chat about your bug, 81488215:24
hggdhinteresting. I close Evolution, and it not only does not end, but goes into a 100% CPU loop. Same with Synaptic15:24
davmor2ogasawara: give me five15:24
ogasawaradavmor2: sure, if you want, come jump into #ubuntu-kernel when you're ready15:24
bdmurraypedro_: do you know about the permission change that allows bug 814331?16:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 814331 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "[Oneiric] update-manager installs packages without authentication (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 22)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81433116:16
bdmurrayI gather this is by design but can't find the right package that allows it16:16
seb128bdmurray, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/policykit-desktop-privileges/0.616:17
micahgbdmurray: isn't that polkit?16:17
micahgyeah, what seb128 said :)16:17
bdmurraymicahg: right what seb128 said is not what you said ;-)16:17
* micahg was confused, I was thinking what he said, but it came out wrong :)16:18
bdmurrayseb128: thanks16:18
bdmurraymvo: is the apt task in bug 800910 necessary?16:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 800910 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 5 other projects) "Kernel Upgrade forces removal of grub-efi due to missing recommends entry (affects: 6) (dups: 1) (heat: 123)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80091016:21
mvobdmurray: I want to have a look at this in apt, I'm not sure ye twhat is triggering it16:25
jmburgessHey guys just wanted to ask you before i went to ubuntu-kernel.  Bug 816110 is a kernel bug. It has apport info and he's running oneiric with kernel Is it ready to be marked as triaged? I looked at the kernel team wiki and it seems to match all the requirements16:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 816110 in linux (Ubuntu) "Don't work multitouch on acer 522 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81611016:31
oscalationis it common practice for bug squad members to have apport enabled permanently ?16:44
oscalationsudo nano /ect/default/apport16:44
charlie-tcaoscalation: bug squad members do not necessarily need apport enabled16:46
charlie-tcaapport is to help get logs together when filing bugs, it doesn't do much when triaging bugs16:46
hggdhit is a personal decision; having apport enabled makes a lot of sense if you are running the bleeding edge (so that you can report the bugs you find -- but apport is automagically enabled on the devel release)16:49
hggdhbut, as charlie-tca says, for triaging you do not need it16:49
oscalationhggdh, devel release?16:52
oscalationhttp://www.ubuntu.com/testing    gotcha16:53
hggdhoscalation: 'devel release' is whatever (*)ubuntu release being developed right now -- Oneiric, for example16:53
oscalationcan anyone please review my first bug triage, it was low hanging fruit (i feel). Please give me any feedback possible, anything i should do ect17:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 816661 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Fire fox can not show ebay images and youtube videos (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Invalid]17:14
oscalationdo i need to convert this to a question ?17:14
oscalationany and all comments are welcome17:16
hggdhoscalation: huh. d]flashplugin-installer is now available on the multiverse repository. The instructions you pointed to are a bit outdated17:20
oscalationhggdh  you mean that you can install adobe flash/ or other flash plugins from the UBS ?17:24
oscalationUBC i mean17:24
oscalationarrgg ... USC17:24
hggdhwhat is UBC?17:24
oscalationubuntu software center, sorry17:24
oscalationis that what your referring to ?17:25
hggdhyes, as long as you Edit/Software Sources, and make sure "Software restricted by copyright or legal issues(multiverse) is selected17:26
hggdh(on software-centre17:26
oscalationthough my general conclusion was correct?17:28
oscalationnot a bug, just install flash17:28
bibinoudoesn't firefox provide a "missing plugin" dialog ?17:28
oscalationim pretty sure it does17:28
oscalationis that something i should of looked into?17:30
hggdhoscalation: yes, it was correct. You might want to update the instructions, though17:30
hggdhbibinou: yes, it does provide a 'missing plugin'. But it may not work17:30
oscalationhggdh, may not work?17:30
bibinouif multiverse is not in sources17:31
bibinoumaybe it can't find any flash player17:31
hggdhI do not go installing plugins on ffox, so I am not sure -- ergo, the 'may not work'. But, of old (at least) the missing plugin dialog would go to the software provider17:31
oscalationim not familure with the term multiverse17:31
bibinoualthough some GNU alternative should be in universe, so that's weird17:31
oscalationsoftware that is not free.. gotcha17:32
bibinouoscalation: software sources are a key part of ubuntu : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu17:33
bibinouyou often run into problems when one installs a third party repository and it causes all sorts of bugs17:33
oscalationyeah reading that now, how can i tell what is in the main and restricted repos17:34
oscalationbibinou, oh really... interesting17:34
bibinourestricted has very few packages in it17:34
bibinoumostly proprietary drivers17:35
oscalationis there a list or something that i should be referencing17:35
bibinoustart synaptic and click the origin button at the bottom17:36
bibinousorts by repository of origin17:36
hggdhoscalation: install apt-cache (sudo apt-get install apt-cache); then run 'apt-cache policy <package>', replacing <package> by whatever package you want17:36
oscalationhggdh, also, instead of updating the bug comment, wouldnt it make more sense to update that wiki page to include info about install flash from USC17:36
hggdhoscalation: certainly the page should be updated. Please feel free to do it17:37
oscalationhggdh, i take it this is what i need to use to install and remove packages found in bug reports on the fly17:37
hggdhno, apt-cache will give you information about packages; to install you can use apt-get17:37
hggdhI mis-typed there17:37
hggdhno, I did not17:38
* hggdh is feeling tired17:38
* oscalation gives hggdh a pillow 17:38
hggdhoscalation: these are command-line utilities; they make a lot of sense for me, I am usually on a terminal17:38
oscalationyeah im familure, i use terminal fairly often17:39
oscalationcould of just manned apt-cache17:39
oscalationis apt-cacher the same thing?17:40
hggdhanother good command-line is 'rmadison' -- for example, 'rmadison flashplugin-installer'17:40
oscalationthe man page for rmadison seems over my head, though i'll install it17:41
hggdhno, apt-cacher is a cacher for packages; only makes sense if you are admin to a series of boxes17:41
hggdhand there is apt-cacher-ng, which is better17:42
hggdh(I use apt-cacher, but I have about 10 machines around me)17:42
oscalationunable to locate package apt-cache17:43
* micahg loves apt-cacher-ng17:43
yofelapt-cache is part of apt, and not apt-cacher17:44
yofeland does something totally different17:44
oscalationah gotcha, i didnt need to install it17:45
hggdhyofel: thank you. I am really out of my mind today17:45
hggdhmicahg: pretty nice neast, is it not? And much less hits on the repositories...17:46
micahghggdh: it's great when you do test builds locally17:47
hggdhyeah. And right now it is only 5G for natty and oneiric 64 bits...17:47
micahgwow, I'm up to 20G on lucid-oneiric17:49
hggdhah, by expiry is set too low, 4 days only17:49
* yofel goes reading apt-cacher-ng manpage17:50
yofelnever really got to set that up ^^17:50
hggdhusually -- as in my case -- you can just accept the defaults17:51
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