
=== ThomasB2k1 is now known as ThomasB2k10
EULUISMI have a problem with 11.0408:54
EULUISMfailed to get i915 symbols, graphics turbo disabled error on boot08:55
EULUISMThis have a fix?08:55
sagaciEULUISM, might be better to ask in #ubuntu09:05
EULUISMthanks sagaci09:11
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi
=== Guest20890 is now known as gord
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
highwatercan somebody help me with a vey basic ssh question19:40
mhall119if you'd stuck around19:47
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
erkan^asfyxia, !20:16
=== med_out is now known as medberry
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== brianchidester_ is now known as brianchidester
=== dave is now known as Guest10071
=== negronjl_ is now known as negronjl

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