
LaserJockso is there a way around oneiric pbuilders failing to build?01:45
LaserJockI don't have any natty base tarballs to dist-upgrade01:47
broderLaserJock: are you just running into the /run issues? i thought those were all ironed out at this point01:51
LaserJockhmm, I'll have to double check them01:54
broderi don't use pbuilder, so there might be issues i don't know about, but that was the only thing i've heard of recently01:58
* dtchen perks up at the mention of pbuilder01:58
dtchenI know that oneiric will fail to bootstrap just about *01:58
LaserJockI tried twice today to build an oneiric pbuilder and I got nowhere01:59
dtchenLaserJock: the /proc mount issue?01:59
LaserJockI think so01:59
dtchenyeah, I posted about that on g+01:59
dtchenluckily I had an existing natty-base.tgz01:59
LaserJockI guess I do have 1 natty machine, I can make an oneiric on that and transfer it?02:01
dtchenyou could also just create a natty base on said natty machine, then copy it over and dist-upgrade it02:03
LaserJockmy natty machine is a netbook so I don't have pbuilder on that one, but it should work02:04
ajmitchI think I was lucky & created an oneiric base tarball early on, before there were problems02:04
LaserJockok, maybe I'll merging a package03:17
LaserJockso ... I've got a merged package, what do I do next?04:21
ajmitchupload it?04:22
LaserJockI need sponsorship04:22
LaserJockwhere do I do that, bug report?04:22
ajmitchyes, and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors04:22
LaserJockgotcha, thanks04:22
ajmitch& you should reapply for upload rights04:22
ajmitchit shouldn't be hard to be reapproved04:23
dtchenwhich bug # ?04:24
LaserJockhang on, need to file one04:24
dtchenpssht, too slow! O:-)04:25
ajmitchyou'd better hurry, dtchen is running out of things to sponsor04:25
* micahg doesn't think that'll happen for at least a week :-/04:25
LaserJockis there an easy way to file a sponsorship bug?04:26
micahgif you're not in bug control?  ubuntu-bug pkgname04:26
micahgno tricks that I know of...04:27
* ajmitch should probably not let his upload privileges lapse04:27
nigelbshould badger ajmitch with sponsorship requests ;)04:27
LaserJockI'm in bug control04:28
ajmitchnigelb: what good would that do? :)04:28
micahgLaserJock: you can just click the submit a bug button in launchpad for the package then (or use ubuntu-bug)04:28
LaserJockunfortunately I'm a bit nervous about packaging, I don't want to screw anything up04:28
nigelbbugs.launchpad.net/+source/packagenamehere/+filebug I think04:28
nigelboh wait04:28
dtchenLaserJock: don't worry, I'll flame you if you screw up O:-)04:29
ajmitchpublic flogging on the mailing list?04:29
micahgajmitch: do you have to reapply each time?04:29
LaserJockdtchen: yeah, that's what I'm afraid of :-)04:30
ajmitchmicahg: only if it lapses, you're ok if you catch the renewal in the 1 week a year that LP asks you04:30
nigelbajmitch: make sure the "probably renew" becomes "renew"04:30
nigelbLaserJock: You can then say "Achievement Unlocked: Flamed by dtchen"04:31
LaserJockare we after DIF?04:33
LaserJockdtchen: bug #40345704:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403457 in wmii (Ubuntu) "broken dependencies in wmii deb package" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40345704:45
dtchenI'm so very confused, but I think you just answered my question. :-)04:48
dtchenpoor LP was tossing OOPSes at me left and right04:48
LaserJockdtchen: bug #81679204:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 816792 in wmii (Ubuntu) "Please merge wmii 3.9.2+debian-3ubuntu1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81679204:49
LaserJockmaybe that one will work better04:51
LaserJockgosh it's been ages since I did this04:52
dtchend'oh, in -3 doko's --no-add-needed patch was merged04:52
LaserJockyeah, so I took Debian's version04:53
dtchenah, I see now - I was looking at the Debian -> Ubuntu debdiff, which is actually just -2ubuntu204:55
dtchenwhereas the Ubuntu -> Ubuntu debdiff is the one you actually want sponsored :-)04:55
LaserJockthe wiki said to include both04:56
LaserJockI wasn't sure which one would be used for sponsorship04:56
LaserJockI guess if it was new upstream release it would make sense base off of the Debian package04:56
dtchenLaserJock: right, that's fine, but your Debian -> Ubuntu debdiff isn't actually -3ubuntu104:57
LaserJockwell, it's the diff off of the latest Debian, I guess I should have diffed from -2?04:59
dtchenI'm pretty sure you did diff from -2 (instead of -3)05:00
dtchenI'm only referring to the Debian -> Ubuntu debdiff, BTW05:00
LaserJockhmm, maybe I uploaded the wrong one then05:00
dtchenyeah, that's what I was thinking05:00
LaserJockmy bash history has -3 -> -3ubuntu105:00
LaserJockbut I did do one from -2 earlier05:01
LaserJockit's so much easier when I just upload the darn thing :-)05:01
dtchenLaserJock: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wmii/3.9.2+debian-3ubuntu105:12
LaserJockdtchen: thanks, I suppose I coulda closed the bug in the changelog :/05:13
dtchenno biggie05:13
* dtchen waves, Z05:15
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micahgumm, why wasn't wmii a sync?05:56
micahgah, the ld fix not in the changelog :-/05:58
micahgoh, no, it could've been a sync :-/05:58
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dholbachgood morning07:02
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AnAntLP #81695612:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 816956 in ttf-arabeyes (Ubuntu) "Please sync fonts-arabeyes 2.1-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main), and remove ttf-arabeyes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81695612:47
debfxScottK: could you please approve bug #81690713:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 816907 in natty-backports "Please backport virtualbox and virtualbox-guest-additions-iso 4.0.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81690713:20
ScottKjdstrand: ^^^ fixes security bugs, so I'd appreciate it if you would go ahead and process it.13:24
jdstrandScottK: virtualbox is done. can you rollback the bug to In Progress so I can do virtualbox-guest-additions-iso?13:39
ScottKjdstrand: Done.13:39
ScottKjdstrand: Thanks.13:57
jdstrandsure thing13:57
jtayloris the changelog display in source packages dropping newlines or is it just my browser(opera)? e.g. sugar-base-0.9014:02
jtaylorthe changelog for -3 is one gigantic line14:02
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dupondjeLaney: http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/ghc.html sync this again? new upstream in debian which fixes http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=62273116:28
ubottuDebian bug 622731 in ghc "GHC 7 deb package ships with a stripped libHSghc" [Normal,Fixed]16:28
dupondjePlease sync, cause now packages are broken it seems. haskell-devscripts depends on ghc (>= 7.0.4-3)16:32
dupondjeOr if somebody else can sync it :)16:36
micahgdupondje: uh? not good, that first transition was a nightmare16:37
micahgand I don't know if it's even done yet16:37
micahgah, was done16:37
* micahg wonders is 7 is ABI compatible with itself16:38
geserdupondje: please talk to Laney before you sync ghc16:39
geserbah, looks like fall-out for the mistaken "auto-sync" today16:42
dupondjeThats indeed the reason :)16:43
c_kornhm, if a manpage only contains a line ".so man/whatever.1" it is replaced with a symlink to that file. first it symlinks to whathever.1 instead of whatever.1.gz and then lintian complains that the symlink is not compressed16:43
dupondjebut haskell-devscripts is uninstallable now16:44
micahggeser: right :(16:44
dupondjeguess some other also16:44
nigelbI want to package something on Debian, but I don't have enough knowledge. What's the next step at this stage?16:51
nigelb(Actually I want it in Ubuntu, but I'd rather work with Debian)16:52
Laneyis there a list of stuff that got synced?16:53
Laneyi'd rather revert haskell-devscripts16:53
jtaylornigelb: with what do you have problems?16:54
nigelbjtaylor: New enough that I don't think I can solve problems that will arise.16:55
micahgLaney: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/sync110727/16:56
didrocksthe email to the ML will be soon sent16:56
maconigelb: so you need a sponsor then16:56
Laneygood job I didn't get GHC back in sync ;-)16:56
nigelbmaco: Yeah, that.16:56
Laneydupondje: if you want that patch in then you're free to backport it16:59
Laneyreverting haskell-devscripts now17:03
dupondjeLaney: haskell-devscripts is the only one giving issues ? :)17:36
Laneylooks that way17:38
dupondjegetting new ghc in was to much work ?17:38
Laneyhave you ever experienced a haskell transition?17:40
dupondjeMuch changed between 7.0.3 and 7.0.4 ? /)17:41
* tumbleweed waits for Laney to bring out his graphs17:41
micahgLaney: we don't want to make him cry yet :D17:41
dupondjeas long haskell-devscripts isn't broken anymore :)17:42
dupondjeThe builders are having a hard time :p17:47
micahgnah, there's just a queue for the first time in weeks :)17:47
c_kornis there a way to tell dh_install to list the files which are installed into more than one package?17:53
jtaylorno but you could probably look at the intersection of your *install files17:57
c_kornhm, ok18:16
ScottKI think there's a lintian check for that.18:45
ScottKNot sure if we have it in Ubuntu yet or not.18:45
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Laneymaco: thanks for the stats21:59
macoLaney: np22:01
ajmitchmaco: that page is interesting to say the least22:03
ajmitcha bit worrying that there are so few non-canonical applicants in the last few months22:03
macoajmitch: bdrung wonders if thats always been the canonical:volunteer ratio, but i dont think i can go far back before i hit people-who-were-at-the-time-but-not-now (keybuk) and people-who-are-now-but-weren-then22:04
ajmitchright, and it's not always clear :)22:05
bdrungmailing all those people would be one solution22:05
bdrungand introducing another color for 'unknown'22:05
ajmitchmaco: I'll let my team membership lapse & then reapply to pad the numbers, then :)22:07
ScottKajmitch: Which set?22:08
ajmitchScottK: sorry?22:08
macoajmitch: which will you let expire?22:08
ScottKAre you expecting to pad the approved numbers or the rejected numbers?22:09
ajmitchScottK: rejected, this is why I can't let it lapse :)22:09
ajmitchmaco: I'm only a member of core-dev, if I get kicked out of there, my membership is gone :)22:09
* ajmitch shouldn't give Laney ideas22:10
* Laney spots a shiny 'Deactivate' button22:10
* Daviey wonders why the stats matter :/22:11
Laneypeople were complaining we defer too much, so maco made some numbers22:11
ajmitchDaviey: because it's useful to get indications of the health of the community22:11
macoLaney: i didnt *make* them! i *counted* them!22:11
Laneyand then spotted something interesting22:11
maco4 volunteers in 5.5 months applying...is...not many :-/22:12
nigelbmaco: I think dholbach will find the stats interesting.22:13
nigelbHe's been involved in trying to get new developers22:13
nigelbOf note, there are new developers, except they probably aren't ready to apply yet.22:13
DavieyWhere were the stats posted?22:14
ajmitchin a thread on ubuntu-devel22:15
DavieyI'm a bit behind on my mailing lists today :(22:15
Laneymaco: About Sylvestre, there were some concerns raised (perhaps in private), so we pressed a bit on questioning and he didn't respond22:15
Daviey(tbird is being a PoS for me this week)22:15
Laneysomeone should poke that22:15
ajmitchDaviey: thunderbird is unfortunately often a PoS for me22:16
Davieymaco fwiw, i'm not a big fan of showing peoples employer :)22:16
nigelbDaviey: I know what you mean, but there a very narrow context where its useful.22:17
DavieyYou'll notice that i went to effort to not mention my employer for my latest application. :)22:17
* nigelb notes that there people doing work as part of day job and people doing work because of their interest + dayjob22:17
ajmitchwhen it's a discussion about employees of a certain sponsoring company being treated differently than others, it can be useful to see the stats22:18
macoajmitch: which is exactly why i put it in22:18
DavieyYes, but i didn't want my employer in any way related to my Core Dev application.22:18
macoi dont think the employer is relevant to the voting, but i figured the way to /find out/ whether it was turning up as relevant was to do a count and see. though really given the small deferral rate, i dont know how much conclusion you can draw about whether canonical employees are rejected at a higher rate than non-canonical employees, which is the allegation thats been made22:20
DavieyInfact, somebody else raised my employer during my meeting and i added that it was irrelevant to my application.22:20
LaneyAssertions are being made in the thread that are just plain untrue22:27
Laneyit's really rather disheartening22:27
bdrungDaviey: do you really think that knowing the employer would make a difference?22:30
Davieybdrung: No, but i specifically didn't make it part of my application.22:31
bdrungstating 'i want to get upload rights because x, y, z' is better than writing 'i work for company x and i need upload rights because that's my job'22:33
DavieyWell their are people on my team that do not have the relevant upload access they need to be able to do their job faster..22:34
Davieypeople who i trust, and have access in other sets.22:34
DavieyFor example, only MOTU can upload NEW.22:34
Daviey(well and core.)22:34
DavieyIt's not a big deal.. i might add.22:35
LaneyI am trying to write down some 'guidelines'22:39
Davieystandardisation \o/22:43
bdrungLaney: thanks22:43
Davieyclarity \o/22:43
LaneyI am not sure you could call it standardisation22:43
Laneybut maybe it will help with clarity22:44
DavieyAlso, we need a quorum-o-matic.py :)22:44
DavieyReally, mootbot should /warn/ of quorum failure.22:44
Laneywell, sometimes people provide votes in advance via email22:47
DavieyLaney: in *advance*?  That implies there is sometimes a pre-determined view, making the Q&A session a little odd.22:51
Laneysometimes a member can determine all they need to satisfy themselves of a vote before the meeting22:53
macoDaviey: i often dont ask questions in hte meeting because the testimonials and LP were enough for me22:54
Davieymaco: enough to +1, or ever enough for a -1?22:55
macoenough to +1. if i had concerns thatd potentially warrant me giving a -1, then id want to ask questions22:55
Davieymaco: good stuff!22:56
Laneyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess I got stuck. Please help.22:57
DavieyLaney: I think applying for archive access, the applicant should have examples of where they have helped others with less experience (or even peer).22:59
DavieyFor comments on merge proposals etc.22:59
DavieyShould interfacing with the community, and shows that they have experience in reviewing to be able to sponsor in the future.23:00
macoteaching something does tend to cement it more strongly23:00
Laneyyeah that would be nice, but I am wary of being too prescriptive23:00
DavieyLaney: no, but as "things to do to make your application stronger"23:01
LaserJockso up to this point the application process hasn't been written down?23:01
Laney"You are encouraged to participate in peer review and to help with the training of new developers. This will help to make your application stronger."23:01
Laneythe process is, but the guidelines were probably not so well defined23:02
macoLaserJock: the process is there, but there hasnt been a very descriptive rubric23:02
LaserJockhow can that be?23:03
LaserJockI thought this stuff was written down in like 2005 :-)23:03
Laneypeople were unsure when they were ready to apply23:03
macoand some way skewed expectations popped up23:03
DavieyLaney: If the applicant gets a "please come back later", that page should probably state that they can expect feedback on how to make their application stronger for next time.23:03
Laneyand apparently there has been some, uh, misinformation23:03
macoDaviey: they usually do23:03
Laney - MOTU is dead23:03
Laney - To get core-dev one must get MOTU first23:03
Davieymaco: ack, just as a process thing - they should be aware that they can expect it.23:03
macolike i said on the mailing list, id heard rumours of a ">=30 uploads" expectation for motu applications around the time i applied so wasnt so sure id get through with only 1523:04
ajmitchLaney: information about what's been going on with that has been a bit sporadic23:04
LaneyI am sure23:05
Laneyin the absence of clarity confusion reigns23:05
DavieyI still think it's crazy anybody has direct access to the archive without peer review :)23:06
DavieyHowever, i think i'm a minority on that.23:06
macothatd be why i listed "alerts quickly & fixes it when an upload breaks things" in that first email i sent about expectations23:06
ajmitchDaviey: you mean every upload should be peer-reviewed?23:07
Davieyajmitch: I wouldn't be against that in a principle :)23:08
macoajmitch: at least with my employer, all commits require a code review first23:08
ajmitchfor small changes it'd be quite onerous, like no-change rebuilds, or just changing some build dependencies23:08
RAOFI think that's very reasonable for coding, but packaging is significantly different.23:08
DavieyI've previously seen people do 3 uploads to get one issue fixed, and i can't but thinking the schoolboy errors would have been noticed in peer review.23:09
tumbleweedwe trust each other to write reasonable changelogs, and a fair number of people review those (post upload)23:10
Davieysilly things like debian/patches/debain-changes-* auto generated patches, created by accident.23:10
tumbleweedfortunatly lintian spots those these days23:10
* Laney wrote that check \o/23:10
ajmitchassuming that people look at lintian output23:10
Davieyi changed my debuild to not generated them :P23:11
Laneyare these changes generally brought to the developer's attention?23:11
tumbleweedyeah, when doing qa-ish stuff in universe, lintian is noisy, but one should look for things one introduced onself23:11
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DavieyI also find it odd that people that haven't done uploads for 2 years, still maintain their upload access. :)23:12
macoajmitch: people dont look at lintian output? O_O23:12
Davieylots has changed in 2 years :)23:13
* Laney looks at ajmitch 23:13
macoi mean....if its "standards version is 0.0.1 out of date" then whatevs, but...23:13
Davieyreally, i think we should not show standards version in ubuntu lintian23:13
Davieyany package with a ubuntu delta is not 3.9.2 compliant.23:13
ajmitchmaco: Laney is being mean to me...23:13
tumbleweedDaviey: we have ubuntu-only packages23:14
ajmitchmaco: but I'm sure you've seen some stuff get through in uploads that lintian should be catching23:14
Davieytumbleweed: Yes, but unless the Maintainer is set to a person, it's not compliant with 3.9.223:14
Laneywe have Ubuntu Policy23:14
Laneythat should alter debian policy when it makes sense, for example in that case23:14
Davieywhich is not standards version aware :)23:15
Laneyyou mean lintian isn't aware of it?23:15
Laneyalso, it is not maintained23:15
DavieyLaney: do we have a 3.9.2 Ubuntu policy?23:15
Laneyit does however exist in principle23:15
tumbleweedDaviey: oh I see what you mean23:16
Laneysomeone should update it :-)23:16
Davieywe seem wedged at :)23:16
tumbleweedit should alse have a clear list of changes between it an debian. I don't find the ubuntu policy useful23:16
Davieypkg ubuntu-policy23:16
Davieytumbleweed: do a debdiff :)23:17
tumbleweedpah :)23:17
LaneyI can't remember the last time I used it before just now23:18
* Daviey raises a bug that ubuntu-policy should be reviewed and possibly merged23:18
Laneybut if we want standards-version to be useful for Ubuntu packages then it needs to be maintained23:18
Laneyand with that, goodnight!23:18
ajmitchnight Laney23:18
* Laney cuddles ajmitch 23:19
Laney♥ you really23:19
ajmitchsure you do23:19
Davieybug #81726423:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 817264 in ubuntu-policy (Ubuntu) "Policy should be reviewed and/or merged with latest debian-policy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81726423:25
* tumbleweed heads to sleep too. I swear I meant to, two hours ago...23:26
LaserJockso ubuntu-policy doesn't have a maintainer?23:31

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