
gamerchick02NCIS time. see everyone later.00:04
jcastrosnap-l: greg-g: rick_h_00:13
jcastroremember that guy at the global jam00:13
jcastrowith his broken wireless?00:13
jcastroI mention the whole story on this podcast: http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/ 52 minutes in!00:14
snap-lHeh. :)00:17
snap-lDownloading it00:17
greg-gyay, new phone and memory card should arrive tomorrow! :)00:42
rick_h_greg-g: what did you end up with?00:56
jjesseeveryone having a good night?01:00
snap-lGoing well so far01:00
rick_h_got the bike running, lock attached01:00
rick_h_the boy screamed in his first ride in the trailer01:00
rick_h_but hope we can move past that01:00
snap-lHeh, he's totally not used to it01:01
rick_h_he was pretty cranky tonight01:01
snap-lHopefully he'll get better about it01:01
brouschcan be kind of scary alone back there01:02
rick_h_so think it was overall mood vs just the trailer01:02
brouschgeorge's first trailer trip he had his cousin with him01:02
rick_h_yea, we were thinking of letting him have his bed time buddy, the stuff puppy with him perhaps01:02
brouschwe also give him books and such for if he gets bored01:05
rick_h_cool, thanks for the idea01:06
greg-grick_h_: Virgin Mobile, going with the Optimus V. Great price ($125 for the phone, $35-45/mo for plan) and I'm OK with 3G01:16
jcastroJill has an optimus01:16
jcastroit's awesome01:16
greg-gjcastro: good to hear!01:16
jcastrothis years midrange phone that demolishes last year's superphone01:16
greg-gbrousch: though, more toys/books the more weight you have to pull! ;)01:17
greg-g"sorry, you only get one book or two toys, that's it."01:17
brouschlast time we took the cover off the trailer. someone had to follow behind to collect the books that got thrown out01:18
rick_h_brousch: lol01:22
snap-lbrousch: heh01:49
greg-gWe just added this to the baby registry :) http://www.amazon.com/Sherpani-Rumba-Superlight-Baby-Carrier/dp/B0045UAN6M/ref=sr_1_2?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1311729821&sr=1-201:49
greg-grick_h_: ^^ thought you'd like that01:49
brouschholy crap01:51
brouschthat's ginormous01:54
snap-lWhat the fuck is that?02:16
snap-lLooks like a tree hut with straps02:16
brouschportable yurt02:16
rick_h_greg-g: lol, I hope you get that10:43
rick_h_lovely, morning news line to make you cringe11:43
rick_h_the Mozilla developers aim to get applications running without the need for the browser, effectively creating a web-centred operating system.11:43
rick_h_isn't it just booting to a browser? per chrome? cause you kind of need that for a 'web centered' OS11:43
snap-lI pointed that out yesterday. ;)11:45
snap-lThought it would have given you more pause11:45
rick_h_ah, sorry. Was busy yesterday and only followed the channel a bit lightly11:45
snap-lActually, this is a different take on it11:46
rick_h_snap-l: you going to be able to make CHC?11:46
rick_h_need a lift?11:46
snap-lSame info11:46
snap-lYeah, I'm borrowing my parents car in the interim11:46
rick_h_ok cool11:46
snap-lhaven't heard a peep on my car yet, though11:46
snap-lThanks for the offer, though11:47
snap-lbrb, reboot.11:50
snap-lWho the hell names their project for cropping PDF files "Briss"?12:06
brouschjust taking a little off the end is all12:07
rick_h_lol, works for me12:10
brouschrick_h_: stop putting special words and tags in your CHC announcements. it makes it hard for me to copy, paste, and modify for grmi social :P12:15
rick_h_brousch: :P12:16
brouschsnap-l: http://www.fastcodesign.com/1664576/infographic-of-the-day-the-periodic-table-of-heavy-metals12:24
snap-lThere's a typo on King's X, though .They have it as Kings K12:25
snap-lAlso they need to break out Meshuggah. It's not avante-garde anymore, it's djent.12:26
snap-lThey're an element all to themselves. ;)12:27
snap-lI don't tend to agree with their classifications on bands like Pantera and Sepultura. They're not "Alternative Metal"12:28
snap-lBah, no, cannot get into a metal timesink this early in the morning.12:29
rick_h_lol, walk away...walk away12:29
brouschhm, interesting behavior in ubuntu 10.0412:36
brouschwhen i double click the title bar of a window it maximizes the window and then the title bare disappears12:37
brouschtaking the close/min/max buttons with it12:37
brouschi can double-click just below the top panel to get it back12:37
rick_h_that's what you wanted, just admit it12:37
brouschit's not so bad now that i understand it12:38
brouschbut for a long time i've been wondering where the heck my title bars were disappearing to12:39
snap-lI've never seen that in 10.0413:11
brouschi don't remember it either13:11
snap-lAlso, I generally change the double-click to maximize to minimize instead.13:11
snap-lI rarely want things maximized on my screen13:11
brouschi tend to use 1 workspace per window for many things13:12
snap-lSome days I'll use one workspace per task13:12
rick_h_snap-l: greg-g brousch and others, any idea for a good sample data that's open I could use for sqlalchemy tutorial?13:13
rick_h_I was going to do student/class/grade kind of thing, but ugh generating too much crap by hand13:13
snap-lhttp://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2011/02/01/sample-datasets-for-benchmarking-and-testing/ ?13:15
snap-lOr you could use Musicbrainz database13:15
brouschyou must make your own highly-humorous dataset13:16
rick_h_thanks snap-l might find something there13:16
rick_h_well I also kind of like the idea of making the demo someone's existing database if only to prove how you can strap SA onto an existing app/data13:16
snap-lI did not know that Bob Young of Red Hat fame is the CEO and founder of Lulu13:18
snap-lThat is awesome.13:18
brouschrick_h_: or make greg-g happy with some of these open datasets http://ckan.net/13:19
rick_h_brousch: heh, yea but I want sql13:20
snap-lMan, I am too clever by half13:24
snap-lCouldn't find my corp credit card13:24
snap-lPartially because it wasn't under the AmEx folder, it was under the Credit Cards folder.13:25
snap-l<- dumbass13:25
snap-lNullPointerException: Java's way of giving you a little hug to tell you it loves you.13:34
rick_h_wheee, love tons of vim editing to get data to load14:00
rick_h_thank you vim marks14:00
snap-lVim is awesome for data editing14:01
rick_h_turning mysql dumps into useful sqlite imports for decades :)14:04
snap-lThere should be a Python script for that. ;)14:04
snap-lAlso, I'm finding that I'm not liking Perl as much as I used to.14:05
snap-lDon't tell rick_h_14:05
rick_h_hah! my job is done14:05
rick_h_oh crap, still no tiling WM14:05
rick_h_I must press on!14:05
snap-lI'll go mac before going tiling WM. ;)14:05
rick_h_yea, I hear that's what all the cool kids are loving these days lol14:05
rick_h_<3 seeing people fighting Lion so hard14:06
snap-lWell, what's funny is every change I'm seeing in Lion I'm seeing in Unity14:07
rick_h_the changing of mouse gestures?14:07
rick_h_people are railing against the launchpad ui14:07
rick_h_the removal of 'spaces'14:08
rick_h_I don't know unity is doing that, it still shows the workspaces inthe expose-ish view I thought14:08
snap-lMeh, I mean some of the more cosmetic changes14:10
snap-lI'm not sure about the Launchpad UI. Haven't seen it in person14:10
snap-lAnd spaces didn't get removed, did they?14:10
snap-lI thought they only made it so there was only 4 spaces.14:10
rick_h_my understanding is that spaces is now LP14:10
rick_h_the keyboard key is switched14:10
rick_h_it took over the shortcut, etc14:11
snap-lI need to play with Lion some time at the Apple store14:11
snap-lY'know, when it's not full of people who are busily dicking with the iPads and iPhones.14:11
rick_h_why not, if they're doing that then you can play with the air/laptops14:12
snap-lbecause their big butts will be covering the laptops.14:12
=== ptenhoopen__ is now known as ptenhoopen
snap-lI love reorgs, because it gives you a chance to see what you should have been doing all along. ;)14:23
rick_h_lol, uh oh14:23
rick_h_reorgs == work reorg14:23
snap-lSoftware, Services and Solutions. Yep.14:23
rick_h_or do you mean some sort of todo.sh reorg?14:23
snap-lNo, I mean work re-org14:23
rick_h_isn't this like the 3rd work reorg since you've been there?14:24
snap-lSecond, I believe14:24
rick_h_ah, my bad14:24
snap-lNo worries14:24
snap-lIt's not like I can keep them straight either.14:24
snap-lAll I hear is the rumbling of the thtunder of the gods.14:24
snap-land I look up and wonder just what is happening on Mt. Olympus.14:25
brouschanybody used DJVU?14:27
_stink_a virtual gentleman's club?14:27
ColonelPanic001I'm in14:28
ColonelPanic001but don't talk about strippers, _stink_. Rick will CoC slap you.14:28
_stink_rick_h_ is the enforcer?14:28
brouschopen alternative to pdf14:28
greg-grick_h_: you good on your dataset? if not, what kind of data do you want?14:28
rick_h_greg-g: I'm good I think14:30
rick_h_I got the movies example from snap-l's link owrking so far14:30
rick_h_people better appreicate this lol, this is tedious14:30
brouschwe're getting these ginormous PDFs lately that kill our old CPUs when we try to view or print. i've been batch converting them to jpg on the server when it happens, but djvu seems to be more friendly14:32
jrwrenrick_h_: the thing I thought that was funny about the mozilla android based "OS" like chrome"OS" is that the article I read said something ilke "mozilla chose android instead of linux"14:32
jrwrenand last time I checked, android was linux.14:32
jrwrenI think they meant not an X11 GUI, but an android gui.14:33
rick_h_jrwren: yea, well it's java on top of linux14:33
jrwrenbut they said "linux".  *sigh* so dumb.14:33
rick_h_yea, basically sounds like linux->android hardware core->gecko browser14:33
rick_h_I don't think it's the android gui layer, it's a layer above that14:33
rick_h_err below that14:33
rick_h_the core services, hardware apis/etc14:33
jrwrenbut even still, its linux kernel.14:34
jrwrenbut I risk sounding like stallman and saying "GNU LINUX" :)14:35
jrwreni don't know what android or chromeos for that matter uses for its graphics stack. I'd be surprised if android uses X11, but it might.14:35
brouschit does not14:35
jrwrendoes chromeos?14:36
brouschlet me see if i can find the article14:36
jrwreni dont' trust articles, i trust source. link me to the android source graphics stack :)14:36
rick_h_so B2G would probably use the linux underpinnings, the android runtime, core libraries, and probably base libraries14:38
jrwrenrick_h_: FTW14:38
rick_h_and not sure on the app level stuff14:38
jrwreni like that mozilla is doing this, because I'm not a fan of dalvik :)14:38
brouschhere we go http://www.itworld.com/mobile-wireless/179875/are-android-and-linux-same-thing14:38
rick_h_I would think they'd be using dalvik as well?14:39
rick_h_that's pretty low level for them to yank out14:39
snap-lThat's like asking if MacOSX is UNIX.14:40
snap-lYes, but there's Cocoa and Aqua acting as a shell above it that does a lot of the user interface piece14:41
rick_h_"it's like an onion...layers"14:41
jrwrenbrousch: that is a dumb answer.14:42
jrwrenMacOSX is UNIX because they licensed the TM.  Unix is just a (tm) :)14:42
brouschwhat's a dumb answer?14:42
jrwrenWindows could be a UNIX too, since it has a full POSIX layer. They just need to license the (tm)14:42
jrwren"There are arguments for each side, naturally. The biggest for Android being Linux is, of course, the fact that the kernel for the Linux operating system and the Android operating system are very nearly one and the same. Not completely the same, mind you, but Android's kernel is directly derived from Linux. "   from teh link you sent14:43
snap-ljrwren: Technically, yes. Which was well hashed out in the 1990s when Linux was getting legs.14:43
jrwrenthat is a dumb answer14:43
snap-ljrwren: I don't buy that Windows is a UNIX because of POSIX14:43
jrwrensnap-l: exactly :)14:43
jrwrensnap-l: of course its not, it doesn't license teh (tm), but it COULD be.14:43
snap-ljrwren: Much the same way that a pig with lipstick COULD be a great first date.14:44
snap-lJust don't try to get past second base.14:44
jrwrenthey do license the Unix (tm)14:44
jrwrenhow else could they call it "Services for Unix"14:45
jrwrenso I guess Windows IS a UNIX with the right add on.14:45
jrwrenha! that is awesome. Next time some MacOSX nut says "its great cuz its unix" I'm going to tell 'em Windows Is a Unix TOO14:47
snap-ljrwren: Microsoft just licened the MKS Toolkit14:47
jrwrenthey bought it.14:48
jrwrenits not MKS anymore.14:48
jrwrenhasn't been for 10 yrs.14:48
jrwrensee the above link14:48
snap-lRight, they subsumed it like a good Microsoft. ;)14:48
jrwrenMKS != Interix14:48
snap-lAh, right. Sorry14:49
snap-lStill... blergh. :)14:50
rick_h_meh, anyway14:51
jrwrendouble blergh, since its ONLY in Ultimate and Enterprise editions, its extra fail.14:51
jrwrenit makes me sick just thinking about it, sicne if it was in all editions, then MSYS wouldn't be needed!!!14:52
snap-lI wonder how many places seriously use the Microsoft Unix stiff anyway.14:52
jrwrenjust enough that there is demand for MS to keep shipping it.14:53
snap-lSeems too much like grafting and related pain to be useful14:53
snap-lI guess. Wonder if VMs will take some of that need away.14:53
jrwrenalthough sometimes I wonder if Russinivich just thinks its cool and so he says "ship it"14:53
snap-lWow, this update process for the work laptop is really made of suck14:54
jrwrenfrom what I've read they like to showcase it as part of their NT kernel. Its a Mach hybrid and win32 is only one of the subsystems in it. the SFU/POSIX layer is another subsystem.14:54
jrwrenadn I get that. it is really cool that SFU isn't built on win3214:54
snap-lNT has a Mach kernel?14:55
jrwrenmach hybrid, just like Darwin14:55
jrwreni should say Mach influenced.14:55
jrwrennothing is purely Mach except for toys14:55
snap-lI don't give MS enough credit for forward thinking.14:56
brouschok, djvu is impressing me. they have lightweight but useful viewers for lin/win/osx/android. files converted from pdf are actually smaller than the originals. the viewers are much faster than adobe/foxit on the same files15:01
jrwrensnap-l: what do you mean? you think they are not technically well off?15:02
snap-lAnd they have a format that isn't widely supported.15:02
snap-ljrwren: I thought they had more technical debt to work off at the lower levels.15:02
jrwrenIMO they make technical debt for themselves.15:02
brouschsnap-l: but i don't really care. i can always print it to pdf if i need to send it somewhere15:02
jrwrenthey make backward compatibility so important that they hurt themselves.15:03
snap-ljrwren: Very true15:03
ptenhoopenbrousch:  Why use djvu?  What's the benefit?15:04
brouschptenhoopen: my current problem is we get huge pdfs that take forever to render and print on our old computers. the processes are CPU-bound, so i can't just toss RAM at it.15:07
ptenhoopenSo the files are converted to another format?15:08
brouschi've been converting to JPG in those cases, but the files end up 10x larger than originals15:08
jrwrenya know waht I hate???  2cd sets with only 2 good songs... 1 on each disk.15:11
jrwrenconvert to 2 color bitmap15:11
jrwrenor png.15:11
snap-ljrwren: Yeah, I feel the same way about New Order's Singles. ;)15:11
jrwrenpng would be WAY better since its lossless15:11
jrwrenha!  TRUE!  but its New Order, so <315:11
jrwrenmm... now I must hear Everything's Gone Green15:12
snap-ljrwren: What 2CD set were you referring to?15:12
brouschjrwren: i've tried every image type and they all get huge15:12
brouschgoing from a SVG PDF to an image of any kind just balloons it15:13
snap-lbrousch: That makes sense15:14
brouschand i'm dealing with 30"x42" blueprints, sometimes a thousand of them in a job15:15
jrwrensnap-l: some trance discs15:15
jrwren"trance voices"15:15
jrwrenterrible. I should just delete, but I keep it for some reason.15:16
snap-lHeh, I have a few discs lke that15:16
jrwrenbrousch: well, SVG is a much more efficient storage format.15:16
jrwren30"x42" at what dpi?15:16
brouschi usually target 40015:17
brouschso 200MB of PDFs turns into 2GB of JPG15:17
snap-lThat sounds about right15:21
snap-lyou're taking a space-efficient vector format and rasterizing it15:22
snap-lThat's not free.15:22
jrwrensounds ghastly.15:26
brouschit is15:32
brouschand sometimes can take hours to convert15:33
jrwrenI take it back, disc2 has a lot of great songs. but some crap too15:33
greg-gsorry for the shameless commerce addition to my email to the list15:42
greg-gbut it worked!15:47
_stink_already selling like hotcakes?15:50
greg-gwell, the Sys76 desktop got a inquiry within 4 minutes of me sending the email15:52
jrwrengreg-g: i want your speakers15:59
snap-lWow, got the estimate for the repairs on the vehicle16:02
snap-llet's just say I love my insurance company.16:02
rick_h_that's good I guess16:03
snap-l$500 deductible16:03
snap-laround $5K worth of repairs16:04
rick_h_yea, insurance seems nice when you end up using it16:06
devinheitmuellerHey, anybody interested in a Dell "n-series" Ubuntu PC from 2007?  I'm doing some housekeeping in preparation for my move and it could use a good home....16:11
devinheitmuellerI've actually got the full specs here, if anybody wants to look:  https://support.dell.com/support/order/details.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=gen&order_number=851144249&validate=8665141816:14
brouschhm, all of the nice djvu editing tools are proprietary16:15
brouschi should probably just stick with jpg16:15
rick_h_jrwren: link above16:17
jrwreni'm slow :)16:18
jrwrendevinheitmueller: that looks perfect for my mom, but I already gave her my laptop :(16:18
jrwrensnap-l: do you still want my Amiga 1000 or should I put it on ebay?16:19
jrwrendamn, $250 on ebay, maybe I'll go ebay16:20
devinheitmuellerjrwren: fair enough.  It works fine, I am just trying to lug one less PC back to NYC (I am already dragging seven back)16:20
jrwren7!!! zomg.16:21
devinheitmuellerYes, this is why I am trying to cut back.16:22
devinheitmuellerMacbook, iMac, 8-core Linux dev box, MythTV box, Windows box, work laptop, and the Dell.16:23
jrwreni gues if i had to move it would be 5, but 3 are laptops :)16:23
snap-ljrwren: Send it my way. ;)16:28
jrwrensnap-l: ok. maybe this is my excuse to come to CHC tonight :)16:30
snap-lIf you're looking for $$, though, definitely put it up on eBay.16:31
jrwrennope, I'd rather know that someone I know has it and is maybe even getting joy out of it.16:32
jrwrenif you fix its mouse: bonus16:32
snap-lheh. :)16:32
snap-lThank you.16:33
snap-lAlso, love my boss. Told her that my car was in the shop until 8/16, and without flinching she's already on to me taking a train or whatnot to get there.16:33
snap-lSeriously wonder what hidden agenda she has.16:34
rick_h_well she's got half the company coming, easier to get you vs cancel everyone else lol16:35
jcastroI brought /6 computers/ with me to florida16:37
greg-gjrwren: cool. Noted.16:51
greg-gjrwren: when do you want to get them?16:51
rick_h_Blazeix: you coming to CHC?17:03
rick_h__stink_: ?17:03
Blazeixrick_h_: yep17:05
rick_h_Blazeix: wonder if I can try to get you and snap-l to test out some of my PyOhio homework17:06
Blazeixsure, sounds fun17:06
snap-lI'm planning on being at CHC, so that would be cool17:06
rick_h_ok, cool. I'll either get it on github or have a usb drive handy17:06
rick_h_want to see if this makes sense17:06
rick_h_though obviously it's sans the talk, but whatever17:06
snap-lrick_h_: You don't know the half of it re this meeting17:06
rick_h_snap-l: ruh roh :/17:07
snap-lrick_h_: I honestly want to know what fire she's set that requires me to come piss out.17:07
snap-lgot a call with her at 2pm17:08
jrwrenhttp://www.oscon.com/oscon2011/public/content/video  wow... nebula product looks cool.17:10
_stink_rick_h_: not today, heading to the zoo instead.17:30
rick_h__stink_: cool, have fun :)17:30
brouschjrwren: i've been playing with conversions some more. png produces much nicer images without sacrificing size very much. i'll have to play with parameters more and see if how far i can take it17:46
brouschhowever the images are much slower to covert and open17:47
jrwrenyup. typical CPU v. space compression trade.17:53
brouschall i want is perfect images in a tiny size in an open format that displays quickly. is that too much to ask?17:54
jrwrenwhy not keep the full size, but also keep around some scaled down versions?17:55
jrwrenlike a 2Mpixel version for screen viewing?17:56
brouschtoo small17:56
brouschsome of these damn drawings have like 8pt font17:57
brousch2ftx3ft and you have to pull out the magnifying glass to read them17:57
jrwrensounds smaller than 8pt.17:59
jrwrenbrousch: oh!!! I know!!!  MSFT has a tech for this.17:59
Blazeixthere's also seadragon ajax, which is that in JS.18:03
jrwrensame thing.18:05
jrwreni mean, same underlying tech.18:05
jrwrenphotozoom from mslive labs.18:05
jrwrenunfortunately they never really released anything for desktop :(18:05
jrwrenhttp://mith.info/tile/2010/09/07/the-open-source-seadragon/  interesting18:07
jrwrenbrousch: sounds like a super fun problem. hire me so I can solve it?18:07
brouschone of my projects is a program to do what we call take-offs18:07
brouschwhere our estimators study a set of drawings and find all of the stuff we actually build18:07
brouschit's all printed right now because it's too cumbersome with today's monitors18:08
brouschi imagine something like a 2ftx3ft MS surface where you touch stuff and flip through digital images quickly18:09
jrwrenms surface is shit.  its 1024x76818:10
brouschright, need much higher res18:10
brouschi estimate we need 6300x4500 to keep things readable without zooming all the time18:12
jrwrenbrousch: seadragon!18:28
jrwrenthen you can load and zoom FAST18:28
brouschdamnit, i just remembered why i didn't go with PNG. our batch plotting software can't handle it18:30
jrwrenbut it does lossy jpeg?18:38
brouschjpg, tif, pdf, plt18:39
snap-lWhew... just got off the phone with my boss18:45
_stink_she quit?18:46
snap-lNot going to Naperville next week (which is a plus)18:46
snap-l_stink_: No, but I'm very close.18:46
brouschaw, a train ride would be fun18:46
rick_h_Blazeix snap-l if you get a sec, checkout htis git repo please: https://github.com/mitechie/sqlalchemy_pyohio201118:47
rick_h_need sqlalchemy installed, be it in a venv with that or system wide18:47
rick_h_and no peeking at the presentation cheaters!18:49
* brousch forks it18:49
brouschsends it to wikileaks18:49
* brousch schedules a sqlalchemy bof for Sat morning18:52
rick_h_move it to sunday18:52
rick_h_thinking of doing a "SqlAlchemy homework" open space on sunday18:52
brouschi was trying to schedule it before your actual presentation18:54
rick_h_yea, don't do that m'kay :P18:54
brouschi'm not going to look18:55
snap-lrick_h_: Is there a requirements.txt file? :)19:02
* snap-l braces for the "it's in the fabric file, just type fab flibbernutter foo foo db: foo"19:02
rick_h_snap-l: heh no.19:03
rick_h_only req to do homework is sqlalchemy19:03
snap-lHey nullspace19:03
rick_h_to generate the presentation you need fabric, rst2pdf and such19:03
rick_h_but mainly just worried about the homework part19:03
rick_h_so you should be able to go into src/demo19:04
rick_h_and there's a movies.db there that's sqlite19:04
rick_h_and models/homework scripts for working on19:04
nullspacerick_h talking about homework?19:05
snap-lI just ran test.py and it did everything for me19:05
rick_h_heh, that doesn't implement all the homework, just my own snaity check stuff19:05
rick_h_nullspace: yea, getting some people at CHC to help test out some of my tutorial assignment stuff for my pyohio tutorial this weekend19:05
snap-lThis is hard19:05
snap-lScrew it, I'm doing this in Django's ORK.19:05
snap-lObject Relational Koder19:06
rick_h_you're a funny man :P19:06
snap-lI'm on a remote machine, so I'm not 100% sure what I should be doing here19:08
rick_h_nothing yet, just getting it checked out onto the machine you bring to CHC :)19:08
snap-lthis is hard.19:09
snap-lI'm going shopping19:09
gamerchick02i don't think your fabric is the same as my fabric.19:11
rick_h_heh, no, mine is 'special' fabric19:11
rick_h_cpu cycle quality stuff19:12
gamerchick02when I think of fabric, i think of sewing.19:12
nullspacewhat was that about developers not being allowed to name their projects19:13
nullspacenode.js, v8, fiber, fabric19:14
nullspacerick_h_: what's your tutorial on?19:16
rick_h_a python ORM19:16
rick_h_think doctrine ORM for python but that works well19:17
nullspacehmm been meaning to learn about that19:20
nullspaceI'm a recent convert to cyanne19:20
snap-lNeed to come to PyOhio19:20
nullspaceyeah maker fair is this weekend, I made a chandelier out of 1/2 conduit and LEDs19:20
rick_h_java orm?19:21
nullspaceapache made no less19:21
snap-lcyanne, or cayanne?19:21
rick_h_didn't know you went java19:21
nullspaceour project got too big for php19:22
nullspacetoo much matha nd I was tired of writing SQL19:22
snap-lAnd you ran out of bullets for your feet, so your company decided to bring out the Java guns.19:22
rick_h_ugh, I'm going to cry19:23
rick_h_xml files?19:23
nullspaceno, absolutley no19:23
rick_h_? what the tutorial seems to show19:23
rick_h_starting a new project, generating xxx.map.xml and such19:23
nullspacecayenne may make them but I don't have to touch them, ever19:23
rick_h_right, you use eclipse gui tool?19:24
nullspaceonly to right some java here and there19:24
rick_h_sounds like more fun than I could have19:25
nullspacenot using maven or integrating the eclipse in with cayenne19:26
nullspacecayenne is build the database and auto gens the libs and classes19:27
jrwrenwhy would you use cyanne over hybernate?19:27
gamerchick02cayenne is a pepper. very good on hard boiled eggs and on stir fry... is it also a computer program?19:29
nullspacewe had a lot of luck with intgrating solr into our project and loved the docs and java intgration methods, so we figured bes to stick with apache projects19:29
nullspacejrwren: honestly I won't have an answer that will really point out pros and cons19:30
nullspacejust started leanr cayenne and then went with it19:30
jrwrenwhy java? wy not something else?19:30
nullspacejavadocs are awesome19:31
nullspaceplus we loved solr, and the java libs were stupid simple to use19:32
snap-lI'd regard solr as the exception for Java projects. ;)19:32
greg-goff-topice sidenote: to be honest, I thought my Lian Li case would have sold first. that is one nice ass case.19:33
nullspaceisn't hadroop written in java19:33
nullspaceoh and loads of android apps19:33
snap-lHadoop is in Java, yes19:33
snap-lgreg-g: I've been eyeballing it, only to remind myself that I already have one19:34
greg-gsnap-l:  :)19:34
snap-lThough if I had to do it over, I would have gotten the black one instead of silver.19:34
* greg-g nods19:34
greg-gI won't trade19:34
snap-lYeah, figured as much19:34
nullspaceI'm thinking over the winter that I want to try my hand at making my own case19:35
snap-lCan someone riddle me what DevOps are outside of developers with root access?19:35
snap-lI keep seeing this term thrown around as though it's a good thing19:35
nullspacedevs that just can't say no to more responsiblity19:36
greg-gsnap-l: didn't you read kirkland's post? It's all there! ;)19:36
snap-lYeah, I read that19:36
snap-lthat's what brought this up to minf19:36
snap-lmind, even19:36
snap-lI hate to sound all hipster, but I was a DevOp before they called it that. ;)19:37
snap-lIt's called hacking your own box19:37
snap-lAlso known as Shadow IT.19:38
nullspaceeven has a venndiagram19:38
snap-lOh, so it's essentially Agile applied to the server room?19:39
snap-lI thought that was just called "get shit done"19:39
* snap-l is puffing out his hipster cred19:39
nullspaceit's called getting the MCSE out of the supreme seat of power19:40
greg-gI like to live life without having an MCSE between me and anything ;)19:40
snap-lMCSE? Bwahahaha19:40
rick_h_ah, new seat installed on the bike19:41
rick_h_so much nicer19:41
rick_h_snap-l: heads up I'll be late for CHC19:41
snap-lUh oh19:41
nullspaceyou laugh until an MCSE has control of the firewall and reboots the damn thing 3 times a day19:41
rick_h_have dr appt until 6:15 and then drop off boy then back out19:41
snap-lrick_h_: OK.19:41
snap-lI was thinking you were saying "I'll be biking down I-75"19:42
rick_h_hah, no19:42
rick_h_but biking up to dr, then picking up the boy with the trailer19:42
rick_h_then home19:42
snap-lnullspace: pfft... No, we have Cisco Certified Engineers to do that.19:42
gamerchick02CHC is tonight? damn. i'd love to go.19:42
rick_h_gamerchick02: yea, 3hr long edition last wed of the month19:43
rick_h_ah crap, maybe I won't be biking it, just saw a rain drop19:43
Blazeixyeah, lots of yellow on the weather map19:43
gamerchick02nice, rick_h_19:44
rick_h_boooo, just got my seat. I want to ride19:44
gamerchick02if i can come sometime, i'll have to get directions and i might turn up. it'd be fun to hang with you all.19:44
gamerchick02it's been raining here up in mid-MI land.19:44
rick_h_just head down I75 until you run into us19:44
rick_h_gamerchick02: what ahppened to Saginaw CHC?19:44
rick_h_or UH19:44
rick_h_thought you had a couple for it up there19:44
nullspacesnap-l: well we have some "nick Burns" guy grandfathered in to the postion of "Messing with your tubes"19:45
gamerchick02i just have me. i was thinking about Saturday, but i'm not sure if ppl will show.19:45
jcastroman dude rick_h_19:51
jcastrothese arms are AWESOME19:51
jcastroI got some monitor arsm19:53
rick_h_jcastro: awesome, glad you like them19:53
jrwrensnap-l: i've never even heard of a dev ops19:54
rick_h_they're half the price of the real arms, but really solid19:54
jrwrensounds like a classic systems programmer19:54
jrwrennew name for old thing?19:54
rick_h_oh come on, devops is the 2010/2011 term for those doing puppet/chef19:54
rick_h_programming to run your infrustructure19:54
brouschthe sysadmin for your cloud19:54
nullspacesysadmin who actually knows how to script rather than those who can only seem to press shiny buttons19:55
jrwrenafter reading wikipedia page, sounds like devops is a response to shitty devs that don't do QA.  so its what good It folks have done all along :)19:55
jrwren" jcastro| these arms are AWESOME"  for a sec I thought rick_h_ had been working out. doing curls19:56
nullspacejcastro: where did you pick yours up at?19:56
Blazeixor rick_h_ is selling weapons on the side19:57
nullspacemaybe he is testing on arm processors?19:58
jrwrendo you know any snake doctors?19:58
jrwrenbecause his pythons are SICK!19:58
rick_h_hah, yea, weapons of monitor destruction19:58
rick_h_well, hopefully not19:58
rick_h_they're really nice if you get willing to drop a bit more than monoproce19:59
brouschrick_h_'s arms http://www.metavitae.com/images/arms-thumb.jpg19:59
nullspacestill waiting on a proper noun that is a location or possibley a url20:00
nullspacebrousch: can't tell if he is flexing or exploding20:00
brouschhe rides that edge20:01
jcastronullspace: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000AMJC2K20:13
jcastro(sorry I was afk putting it together)20:13
nullspacejcastro: mine is basically this:20:19
brouschthunder. i'm scared20:23
brouschwhy does it look like 9pm outside?20:24
snap-lBecause it's going to rain?20:25
gamerchick02yeah, you'll get some rain. we already got ours.20:28
gamerchick02not much though.20:28
ColonelPanic001you're in saginaw, aen't you? Little further north20:29
ColonelPanic001I think Detroit is going to be mostly spared.20:29
gamerchick02yes i am20:31
gamerchick02doesn't look too bad. :)20:32
greg-g_stink_: rick_h_: it's a boy!21:33
jrwrenO_O ?21:34
jrwrentoday was your ultrasound gender day?21:34
greg-gultrasound sex day, but yeah :)21:34
greg-g(I'm pedantic like that)21:34
greg-gthanks, jrwren21:34
jrwrenwhy s/gender/sex?21:35
greg-gsince sex is defined as having a penis or a vagina (or the 3rd option of intersex, where you have both/neither) while gender is the outward display of feminity or masculinity21:36
greg-gnow, they corelate quite well, but not always :)21:37
greg-gyes, I was an anthropology undergrad ;)21:37
greg-gjrwren: to be fair, the nurse also said gender21:37
jrwrenthank you greg-g21:39
jrwrenI'm pedantic like that too.21:39
jrwrenword meaning is important21:39
jrwrenthe arguer in me wants to rant about the biological definition of "sex" and point out that you still don't knwo if its XX or XY or some other option.21:41
jrwrenBut I know the word "sex" is overloaded.21:41
greg-gjrwren: :)21:48
gamerchick02wow. i missed a bit when i had dinner22:38
gamerchick02grats, greg-g :)22:38
greg-ggamerchick02: thanks!22:58
greg-gbrousch: you missed the news, it is a boy :)22:58
gamerchick02your'e welcome. somehow i miss stuff in irc22:58
greg-ggamerchick02: it happens :)22:58
gamerchick02yeah, i know.22:58
brouschgreg-g: whew! congrats22:58
brouschboys are the most fun22:59
greg-gso, now, the official fetal name is Ubu. It was Zuzu when we thought it was a girl. From now on, all male fetuses are Ubu and female are Zuzu.22:59
brouschubu for ubuntu?23:01
brouschzuzu for zuzu pets?23:01
brouschour son was named chewbacca until we settled on a name23:02
greg-ghaha, nice23:02
greg-gUbu comes from Ubuntu yeah :023:02
brouschi actually forgot all about that until you mentioned the funky names23:03
gamerchick02Oooh, i like the idea of chewbacca.23:06
gamerchick02if you're a bug geek, you can call it "larva"23:06
_stink_greg-g: congrats! (equal amounts were it a girl :P )23:10
rick_h_greg-g: dude! welcome to the club23:27
rick_h_remind me to tell you what my neighbor says having a boy means23:27
brouschit means you're awesome?23:42
gamerchick02i'm off. see everyone later23:58

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