
wrstwith arch that could be scary updating without a password at times01:11
Unit193Yep, and on the fridge too!01:17
Unit193Isn't it great!01:17
wrstthat is good Unit193, I think provides a nice and real light weight ubuntu01:19
Unit193Works on faster computers to make them even faster!01:20
wrstoh yes Unit193 very fast01:20
Unit193Looks nice! Now if only the live session worked...01:20
orangeninjapace_t_zulu: Sorry I missed you yesterday....04:49
pace_t_zuluorangeninja: no worries16:40
Xpistoshey pace_t_zulu can you look at a web design for me real quick19:44
cyberangerXpistos: how's the podcast?20:41
XpistosWe are going to be coming off summer break in August20:42
cyberangerXpistos: good good20:42
Xpistosand Then starting to put together the Sci Fi show and the Comic Book University20:43
wrsthey hey average_guy, welcome to the TN team!21:12
average_guywrst: Hey! Thanks a lot21:12
wrstglad you made it in here its a good way to meet the people21:12
wrstaverage_guy: I'm guessing your an ubuntu user?21:13
average_guythats awesome.  I am pretty sharp with a computer but I've never even met another linux user21:13
wrstcool average_guy, you will find lots o' linux users here and not just ubuntu users but that is the focus21:14
wrstand xubuntu, Unit193 are you using it now or is it lubuntu?21:14
wrstaverage_guy: how long have you been using linux?21:19
average_guySo what exactly is the point of these LoCo teams?  Simply to advocate linux in local communities?21:19
average_guyon and off wrst since the 80's21:20
average_guyonly seriously as a primary OS in the last couple years though21:21
wrstaverage_guy: yes, advocate, provide support21:21
wrstaverage_guy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams21:21
wrstand you meet some good peolpe too21:22
average_guyreading that now21:22
wrstfor new users a loco is much better than trying to get support say from the ubuntu forums (which isn't too bad) or especially from #ubuntu21:22
XpistosHeym, I am people to be meeted!21:23
average_guythats awesome.  I consider myself to be a major advocate.  I've never met someone that used it.  But I have demonstrated it and set it up for lots of ppl21:23
wrstaverage_guy: and then there is Xpistos :P21:23
wrstcool average_guy what do you use it for?21:23
average_guyHi Xpistos21:23
wrsth aha Xpistos :D21:24
XpistosHi average_guy21:24
wrstoh and orias he's much better than Xpistos21:24
XpistosBAD wrst21:24
oriasat lurking perhaps21:24
oriaswhoa getting too active there21:24
wrstorias: I think me or cyberanger might beat you on lurking21:24
* orias retreats back to his cave21:24
XpistosI tend to be needy and opinoinated but the chicks love me!21:24
wrstthat's code for that Xpistos is married has  a bunch of kids and needs relief so he comes here ;)21:25
XpistosDING DING DING!21:25
wrstha ha21:25
average_guythat ain't right21:25
XpistosGive that man a cupie doll!21:25
wrstcool average_guy glad you are here please lurk, talk etc etc to your hearts content21:25
XpistosI am a linux guy and a comic book guy so I am REALLY a geek.21:26
average_guyI am just an unemployed computer nerd.  I take apart and put back together old hardware for fun21:27
Xpistoswrst: You are out near shelby co right?21:27
average_guyhave a lot of surplus gear ORNL has been throwing away21:27
wrstno, overton county, cookeville area21:27
* orias is shelby county21:27
wrstXpistos: we are two of the few non-memphians!21:28
Xpistosorias: What is going on in Millington dude?21:28
oriasas far as the raids?21:28
wrstaverage_guy: good to meet you time for me to head home talk to you later if you are still around!21:28
wrstlater Xpistos, orias21:28
average_guysee ya21:29
XpistosOkay now lets talk about wrst21:29
oriaswarrants were part of an ongoing criminal investigation which began in December of 2010 in response to complaints of official misconduct in Millington.21:29
average_guywhere is Millington?  I just moved to TN from KS21:29
XpistosI do their network and email support and I got a call from them today and they Shaken up good.21:30
Xpistosaverage_guy: near memphis21:30
Xpistoswhere in TN are you average_guy21:30
oriasabout 20-30 minutes north of Memphis21:30
XpistosI think that is cyberanger's neck of the woods21:31
average_guyBeautiful out here (compared to KS)21:31
oriasaverage_guy: if you like playing with hardware, you should check these folks out: http://knoxvillehackerspace.com/21:31
XpistosI am in Columbia ('bout 30 min south of Nashville)21:31
average_guyok orias thx21:32
wrstaverage_guy: hope Xpistos didn't scare you off :)22:17
average_guywrst oh no22:21
wrstha ha22:22
average_guychecking out knoxvillehackerspace22:22
wrstgood average_guy22:22
average_guyI have been without work for quite some time.  Looking for ways to use my time22:23
average_guyliking the diylilcnc22:23
wrstaverage_guy: you looking for work?22:23
wrstyou looking to work for someone or freelancing?22:24
average_guyI have a felony.  Makes it tough to find technical work22:26
wrstahh yes but there is hope even there from what I have heard22:31
wrstbut does make the entryway much much harder22:31
average_guyI'm not to worried.  I AM pretty sharp, someone will pick me up eventually.  There is no urgent urgency.  My wife has been holding down the bills.22:34
average_guyAnd I will be able to get it expunged next year22:34
average_guyI've been enjoying the time home with my 4yr old daughter22:35
average_guyAnd I've had a lot of spare time to dedicate to my computers22:36
average_guyI do make some money fixing desktops for people I meet, but I don't know many people here22:37

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