
mhall119nigelb: ping00:46
mhall119daker_: IIRC, the new license is just a BSD-ish license grant to Canonical00:46
mhall119it gives them the ability to relicense, but doesn't give them copyright ownership00:47
mhall119doctormo had a writeup about it on his blog00:47
mhall119nigelb: it's 6am, wake up00:47
mhall119nigelb: I want to write a blog post about summit, but i don't want to step all over your draft02:42
nigelbmhall119: argh, right. Lets get together tomorrow in your am and finish it off?04:09
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dakerit seems there are problems on cranberry12:01
nigelbyeah, since yesterday12:07
mhall119nigelb: morning13:30
nigelbmhall119: morning. I'll ping you when I get home and lets do this13:32
* nigelb is leaving work now-ish13:32
mhall119nigelb: sounds good, thanks13:35
YoBoYmhall119: what is a "Launchpad language team" ?16:33
mhall119YoBoY: a Launchpad team dedicated to a specific language16:34
mhall119like ~ubuntu-ftr16:39
YoBoYhum... ok, so the bug is to find a way to link each language to one or more team on launchpad providing support or translation in that language ?16:51
mhall119the plan is to link to only one launchpad team per language16:53
mhall119is there a situation where we would need more than one?16:53
mhall119when I say "the plan" I mean "my plan", since there hasn't been any discussion yet on specific implementation16:54
nigelbmhall119: 1-to-1 sounds wrong.16:55
YoBoYif you plan to link to translation teams, they are all identified with a name like ubuntu-l10n-XX16:55
nigelbIts alaways many-to-many16:55
nigelbbecause a lot of countries might use one language16:55
nigelband a lot of languages might be used in country16:55
mhall119YoBoY: nigelb we're not linking country16:55
YoBoYand for some languages there isn't one central point of support16:55
mhall119YoBoY: there isn't?16:55
mhall119YoBoY: can you give an example?16:56
cjohnstonno, because each team provides thier own.. like the spanish conversation on the LEP email16:56
YoBoYI think spanish have more than one team providing support (perhaps i'm wrong)16:56
mhall119there isn't a spanish language team?16:56
mhall119what is ~ubuntu-es?16:57
cjohnstonmhall119: it seems teams dont want to do like english speaking teams do, where anyone who speaks english helps out16:57
nigelbmhall119: YoBoY is right.16:57
nigelbSo will French16:57
cjohnstonthat is the loco team of spain16:57
nigelbBecause French is spoken in Quebec as well as France16:57
nigelb(and more)16:57
mhall119yeah, but ubuntu-fr is the official French Language team, isn't it?16:58
mhall119this has nothing to do with country or geographic location16:58
* nigelb reads again16:58
mhall119this is linking the Language model in LD to a team in Launchpad that provides support and/or translations in that language16:59
nigelbah, +116:59
mhall119not a loco-team necessarily16:59
mhall119just a launchpad team16:59
nigelbSorry, I misunderstood.16:59
YoBoYcjohnston: it's easy to help when everything is already here and there is people to take care of the health of the tools, more difficult when you have to start from scratch.16:59
cjohnstonyou have to start from scratch at some point17:00
mhall119YoBoY: I'm going to be sending an email to the mailing list later today or tomorrow outlining LD's plans for supprting language17:00
YoBoYmhall119: we are not the "official" we are just providing the best ressources and every other french team is fine with that17:00
YoBoY(and help us now)17:00
mhall119YoBoY: if every other french team is fine with us linking to your team from the "French" languge record, then that's what we'll do17:01
YoBoYyes sure, I think they don't complain for the french team, i was more thinking on other languages with no clear point to find support17:02
mhall119if there is no clear point, then we won't link to anything17:02
mhall119it'll be an optional field17:02
YoBoYhttp://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/locallanguage#spanish an example17:03
mhall119hmmm, might it be better to just link a Language to a URL, which can then be either an LP team, wiki page, or something else?17:03
YoBoYbut that's a good new fonctionality to add to the LTP and you have all my support (can give more ^^")17:04
YoBoYperhaps an URL or a wiki page...17:04
mhall119YoBoY: can you comment on the bug about that?17:05
mhall119to make it a URL instead of an LP team17:05
mhall119I think that'll make it flexible enough to support more languages17:05
YoBoYyou know how I don't like launchpad, so having real pages to find the right ressources for me it's really better17:05
YoBoYI add it17:05
mhall119added what?to https://bugs.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+bug/817086 ?17:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 817086 in loco-directory "Link languages to a Launchpad language team (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]17:06
YoBoYa comment17:07
YoBoYwait, i'm writting it17:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 817086 in loco-directory "Link languages to a Launchpad language team (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]17:10
mhall119thanks YoBoY17:16
YoBoYde rien17:16
=== daker is now known as daker_
dakerawe i forgot to buy a new mic :/20:53
dakermhall119, cjohnston nigelb :  LoCo Strategy Call :/20:58
mhall119daker: i don't think jono is available this week20:59
nigelbjono's at OSCON21:02

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