
superflyhiya sakhi07:03
marcogMaaz: https://twitter.com/marcog/statuses/9611494236894822407:13
Maazmarcog: marcog: "Those in Jhb, your @startupweekend: http://goo.gl/OfYS3 Check #swcapetown for comments on ours. Business ppl, devs and designers needed!"07:13
marcogi know quite a few of you are in josie ^07:13
inetprogood morning08:20
nuvolarimorning everyone08:29
Kilosmorning superfly nuvolari and others08:34
nuvolarimôre oom Kilos 08:34
nuvolarilo sdehaan 08:34
Kiloshiya maiatoday 08:34
superflyhiya Kilos08:35
Kilosnuvolari, wanneer jy tyd het se wat jy gedoen het en wat gebeur het op pa se lappy. sommer inna pos as jy lus is08:36
KilosMaaz, coffee on08:36
* Maaz flips the salt-timer08:36
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!08:40
KilosMaaz, ty08:40
MaazEnjoy Kilos08:40
nuvolariKilos: oom, die ding is skroot09:02
nuvolarivries randomly09:03
Kilosmaar net vandat daar die virus was09:08
Kiloshe nuvolari 09:08
nuvolarioom, ek dink nie dit was die rede nie09:12
=== queery_ is now known as queery
superflynuvolari: ping13:44
SymmetriaI just got given a bottle of whisky :)13:57
* Symmetria is drinking tonight :P13:57
nuvolarisuperfly: pong14:20
nuvolariSymmetria: when you drive somewhere, remember it's NOT a life-like racing game in your mechanical gaming-chair15:26
nuvolarisuperfly: *ping*15:26
superflynuvolari: pong15:27
Tonberrynuvolari for Symmetria it is15:27
nuvolarisuperfly: ag, I meant pong:P15:35
nuvolariyou pinged me first15:35
superflynuvolari: yeah, was about openlp15:36
=== apie is now known as kbmonkey
kbmonkeyevening all o/17:40
Kiloshiya all17:57
Kiloskinda cold hey17:57
highvoltageMaaz: weather pta17:57
Maazhighvoltage: City not found17:57
highvoltageMaaz: weather pretoria17:57
Maazhighvoltage: That didn't seem to agree with me17:57
highvoltageKilos: Maaz seems to agree with you :)17:58
Kiloshe is disconnected from the weather site here high17:58
Kilosits gonna be 4°c here tonight17:59
Kiloshows things highvoltage 17:59
Kiloskbmonkey, wassup bro18:00
highvoltageKilos: great thanks and you?18:00
Kiloshows the plans for the course18:00
Kilosgreat ty highvoltage 18:01
kbmonkeyhello kilos my vriend!18:01
Kilosyou peeps are the brains18:01
Kiloshow can jedirc on the fone use less data than xchat on the pc18:01
kbmonkeyit does?18:02
Kiloswill jedirc on the pc use less too18:02
Kilosyaeh i was on all day via fone 3 days ago and used 400k18:02
kbmonkeyhow would me measure irc usage?18:03
Kilosa day on pc is over a meg18:03
kbmonkeybut is that browsing and everything else on th epc18:03
Kilosonly xchat open18:03
highvoltageit's just possible that one day is busier than another? otherwise you could run it through wireshark and see if xchat sends all your chatting to google or something18:04
Kiloswith iftop you can see what uses the most data18:04
highvoltagewith wireshark you can see exactly what it's sending/receiving. so you could see if there's a plugin or something that does more than just irc18:04
Kiloslol i got the shark but just activated dunno what else to do there18:04
Kilosoh my thats very involved18:05
highvoltageyep, it will show you everything that goes over the wire. it's probably best to just let it write to a file for a bit and then you can use your favourite tools to look at it.18:06
Kiloswe need to ask the crash kid to fix maaz so he can see pretoria weather18:12
Kiloskbmonkey, so hows the course planning going18:12
kbmonkeynot having done this before is a new experience Kilos :)18:16
Kilosgonna be exciting18:16
kbmonkeysure is!18:17
Kilosinetpro, hoe gaan dit?18:19
kbmonkeyleer jy saam ons oom Kilos ?18:20
Kilosnatuurlik man18:20
Kilosek is dan ingeteken of hoe?18:21
Kiloskan net nie die online goed doen nie18:21
Kilosek wonder waar is ou neelsie18:22
Kilossiek alweer18:22
kbmonkeythat's not nice :(18:23
Kilosme or him?18:23
kbmonkeysiek wees is nie lekker nie18:24
Kilosyeah but he is fighting arabs bugs18:24
Kilosand eating to many dates and camel steaks18:27
kbmonkeyhe he18:27
Kiloskbmonkey, do you have to know how to setup IRQ's as well. arent they set by default18:33
kbmonkeyyes you learn that too Kilos, but not so much18:37
Kilosah ty18:37
kbmonkeyyou do learn what they are, and how to disable automatic irq assignment with a boot option18:38
Kilosbut thats in the bios18:38
kbmonkeyuseful when the boot fails for certain hardware18:38
kbmonkeyits the noapic boot option 18:39
kbmonkeyplug and play eliminated the need to assign IRQ's18:40
Kilosok ty so it not a big worry then unless you have hardware probs18:40
kbmonkeyyes, luckily we have plug and play. irq's were a nightmare to deal with18:41
nuvolarilo everyone18:46
Kiloslo nuvolari 18:46
kbmonkeylo lo18:47
nuvolarilo oom Kilos 18:47
nuvolarilo apie18:47
* nuvolari tips hat18:47
* kbmonkey peers through monacle18:47
nuvolariMaaz: define monacle18:47
Maaznuvolari: I don't know about monacle. Maybe you meant Manacle, Monocle, manacle or monocle?18:47
nuvolariMaaz: google monacle18:48
Maaznuvolari: "Home [Monocle]" http://www.monocle.com/ :: "Monocle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monocle :: "The Monocle Restaurant" http://themonocle.com/ :: "Urban Dictionary: Monacle" http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Monacle :: "Yelp App -- Monacle Augmented Reality Demo‏ - YouTube" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZyOZBqI8FM :: "DIY Night Vision Monacle with IR LEDs | Hack N Mod" http://hack18:48
nuvolariheh, last one kbmonkey ?18:48
* nuvolari imagines kbmonkey in army gear18:48
kbmonkeypaintball warriors!18:49
Kilosgreat fun that18:49
nuvolarig'evening lengau 18:50
Kiloshiya lengau 18:50
* nuvolari itches to support humblebundle 318:50
lengauHi guys18:51
kbmonkeyhi lengau 18:51
kbmonkeyi bought my bundle last night nuvolari !18:51
kbmonkeyLinux users paying 3 times as much as windows :) 18:52
kbmonkeythat Cogs game is stunning. so simple, so clever. beautiful18:52
* nuvolari checks to see if he can reach the 3x price18:52
nuvolariwhut! :( the average is waaay less than humblebundle 218:53
nuvolaribut that means It's in my budget range :D18:54
* nuvolari <3 Google checkout18:55
kbmonkeydo you need a credit card for GCO?18:57
nuvolarikbmonkey: ye18:59
nuvolariwill download the rest at the office :O19:01
* Kilos yawns19:14
Kilosnight all . sleep tight19:15
Kilossien julle môre19:15
kbmonkeyah he's gone to bed19:17

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