
Xodiac13gogeta: i am going to do that later cause i want to see if this works and i will know how to do it00:00
GentI have a 14" panel from an old IBM00:00
gogetaXodiac13: but if back[orts works then at least you knoe what to do00:00
Xodiac13gogeta: true i just did what you told me to install it and it said no file found00:00
GentI'll ship it to you for $30 since you'll need to pad it yourself and change the connector00:00
gogetaXodiac13: seems the newer driver did brake some stuff00:00
gogetaXodiac13: do you have all your repos enabled00:00
Gentyou can just use cardboard along the edges to keep it in place00:00
esingwhich remote tool should i use for ubuntu00:00
Gentesing: remote tool? remote what?00:01
esing(server whch i want to remote access on my windows900:01
idlemind324esing: what do you mean? and rdp equivalent00:01
smtxwhat was the name of that installer from the ubuntu livecd?00:01
Xodiac13gogeta: how do i enable them if there not00:01
faint545anyone very very familiar w/ Java?00:01
idlemind324esing, vnc or ssh or both00:01
GentVNC with SSH tunelling00:01
gogetaXodiac13: you can do it in synaptic00:01
esingi have already SSH00:01
esing(on the websever)00:01
Gentwhat more do you need?00:01
idlemind324esing yes vnc tunnelled through ssh is secure if you need a gui00:01
esing*(control panel)00:01
Xodiac13gogeta: okay00:01
esingah okay00:01
esingthanks !!!00:01
smtxvnc sucks00:01
smtxgo for nx no machine00:02
esingapt-get install vnc ?00:02
ctharveyrv identify win31100:02
gogetahehe nx is win00:02
ctharveygoddamn you xchat00:02
smtxno nx is linux00:02
astraljavafaint545: Is it a support question regarding ubuntu? If not, I'd suggest #java.00:02
gogetabut only good for linux00:02
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RocketLauncherWhen someone sends me a message on Pidgin my panel doesn't highlight why is that it did it before now it doesnt but it did before yet it doesnt00:02
smtxthe nx client is windows00:02
newbi have justed installed virtual box on ubuntu, are there any other os other than ubuntu you recomend00:02
szalXodiac13: 'lsb_release -a' please (!pastebin)00:02
gogetarelly teamviews is dead easy vnc00:02
smtxand nx uses ssh tunneling per default00:02
smtxteamviewer is also nice but is not as secure since its hosted somewhere you dont have control00:02
smtxand its sometimes buggy00:03
smtxand not as fast as nx00:03
vltnewb: What do you want to do?00:03
Xodiac13szal: k00:03
alexleonhello does evolution work for u?? cuz it doesnt for me :(00:04
gogetayea but the hosted let you work threw even the worst firewalls so its a dubble edged00:04
astraljavaI'll second smtx, freenx is awesome.00:04
vltalexleon: Nope.00:04
newbvlt, nothing in particular just a nose around00:04
astraljava!details | alexleon00:04
ubottualexleon: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:04
alexleonugh is there any better client?00:04
Xodiac13szal: it says no lsb modules are available and its 11.0400:04
Gentanyone got a google music invite yet?00:05
vltnewb: distrowatch.org00:05
szalXodiac13: in that case it's logical that the above mentioned package is not available, since Natty is not Lucid :P00:05
esingwhat is "google music invite" ?00:05
alexleonumm when i set up evolution at last it asks me for my password but its like if my password was wront nd it is not00:05
gogetadoes he mean soundcloud00:05
Xodiac13szal: yeah i found it in synaptics and its similair00:05
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smtxastraljava, <-- a man with taste00:06
rwwGent: #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat :)00:06
Xodiac13gogeta: im going to take a break man its takeing a while for this to download00:06
Gentrww... I was wondering how it worked in ubuntu since they enabled ogg/linux support00:06
gogetaXodiac13: found the package did you00:07
Gentseems fairly ontopic00:07
Xodiac13gogeta: yeah in synaptics00:07
rwwGent: That would fall under our "ask your actual question" concept, then :P00:07
leprachaunwhat is gnome00:07
gogetaXodiac13: seems it just a matter of installing your windows drivers and the backports when you reinstall if it works heh00:08
vlt!gnome | leprachaun00:08
ubottuleprachaun: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.00:08
GentOk: Has anyone used google music in Ubuntu yet?  How does it run?  Is it flash based, HTML5? What's the deal?00:08
Xodiac13gogeta: heck yeah00:08
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rwwwet-chan: If you ever feel like actually fixing your connection instead of just /parting #ubuntu-read-topic and nick changing, feel free to ask #ubuntu-ops for help :\00:08
Xodiac13gogeta: brb man ill stay in the chat room00:08
computersyes hello00:08
computersI try ubuntu livecd and get kernal panic00:09
computerswhat wrong00:09
computershow do I linux00:09
Gentcomputers: your computer is likely broken00:09
leejohnComputer:  bad memory probably00:09
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gogetaor just a bad cd jeez00:10
computerscomputer work perfect with windows00:10
gogetayou guys are so your stuff blown up today00:10
Gentcould be a bad CD.. usually that doesn't cause a panic though00:10
vltcomputers: Try running memtest from live CD (for a few hours).00:10
computersno I need linux now00:10
Gentcomputers: windows may not be hitting the memory block... booting a live CD fills memory fast00:10
computersmust get data from ext partition00:10
computersI try two computer boot neither00:11
Gentmemtest is on the CD last I checked00:11
GentI would run that00:11
Gentthen re-burn the CD00:11
Gentchances are it's the CD if two computers are doing it00:11
GentI've just never seen a bad CD cause a kernel panic...00:11
gogetacomputers: well burn a new cd see if that works00:11
Gentall other kinds of errors, but not panics00:11
gogetaGent: i have00:11
vltcomputers: Or check the CD itself (also from boot menu). Or use another live CD like grml.org00:11
computersI try slax first00:11
computersthen new disk00:11
gogetaGent: i had a kernel panic just couse it didnt like my bios once00:12
Gentcomputers: I'm fairly certain there's an ext2 driver for windows00:12
idlemind324ubuntu 10.04 lts, i need to create virtual interfaces on my eth0 that have different mac addresses (so they fetch unique addresses via dhcp) is macvlan the choice i am after. i have to do this to get my at&t u-verse router to assign my router box all of my static ip's00:12
computersI try many ext2 driver00:12
computersnone working00:12
computerswindows 7 64 bit00:12
computersand whatever ext synology use00:12
szal!enter | computers00:12
ubottucomputers: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:12
computersnot helpful szal00:13
Genthahah... szal that's a lame message. The enter key is synonymous with '.' on IRC and has been for some time.00:13
szalcomputers: no, but easier to read if you honour the advice00:13
gogetaGent: its just where the bad spot in the iso is if its very early on aka when kernel is loading it will panic00:14
rwwGent: ableist comments aside, pressing the return key every four words or so clutters up the channel.00:14
computersI think bad cd is maybe00:14
amalgameatehi, i have a file premissions problem i can't figure out.  i need to allow a ftp user named: ftp_user access to read and upload files to a folder.  but, i ALSO need to allow wordpress write access.  however, afaik only one user can own the folder00:14
computersthere is spot on disk i wipe on shirt00:14
Gentgogeta: I can understand HOW it happens... I'm just saying I've never seen it happen, so it seems like an unlikely situation, and I've booted those CDs thousands of times on probably over 100 different systems.00:14
amalgameateso, when i chown ftp_user:ftp_user, ftp users have access but wordpress can't upload to that folder anymore.  when i chow www-dat:www-data, the vice vera happens00:14
astraljavaGent: Have you witnessed the amount of traffic that goes through this channel? Very much not lame at all.00:14
amalgameatedoes anyone know what i can do to solve this probleM?00:14
Gentastraljava: this channel is slow compared to others (at least right now)00:15
gogetaGent: i have seen it maybe im just lucky heh. like i said even one time it didnt like something with my apm and would go panic i just had to pass a option in that case00:15
idlemind324amalgameate add your ftp user to the www-data group ... otherwise look at using acl's00:15
rwwGent: and if people talked like this00:15
rwwthen it would get cluttered00:15
rwwvery quickly00:15
rwwand that would be bad00:15
Gentamalgameate: add your ftp_users to www_data ?00:15
astraljavaGent: Right now means jacks**t to the people who are on it constantly. But this is OT, so I'll drop it now.00:16
lordflamaI know this is more a samba question but:  how can I prevent samba from allowing Windows / Mac users from changing permissions or taking ownership of the files and folders on an Ubuntu (10.04) share?00:16
amalgameatesorry, i only started ubuntu 2 weeks ago.  i see.  so, once i add ftp_user to www_data group, then i shold chown www-data:www-data, which will allow the ftp user to access the directories alsO/00:16
donzrhola amigos00:16
soreau! es | DingGGu00:17
ubottuDingGGu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:17
semitones_I need to diagnose this grub error: "error: no such device: ######(which is the uuid of my root partition). / error: no such disk. / error: no suitable mode found." any ideas? (it continues to boot, and persists if I reinstall grub)00:17
soreau! es | donzr00:17
ubottudonzr: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:17
computerswow slax is boot much better than ubuntu livecd00:17
computersso maybe it ubuntu livecd i burned00:17
gogetacomputers: yea we said that00:18
computerswhen i give help i like to know if i right00:18
computersis curteous00:18
* rww yawns at l0de00:18
donzrhey you could watch the instalation manual for gentoo00:18
donzrit helps a lot with grub issues00:18
gogetadonzr: lol00:18
szaldonzr: I somewhat doubt though that it helps w/ Grub2 issues00:19
gogetarww: whats wrong no question challging enough for you00:19
donzroh yur'e right because gentoo works with grub 100:20
hal000well i checked my older linux00:21
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esing2and i found out that i used x11vnc00:21
szalsemitones_: are you sure the UUID is correct?00:21
esing2as a server00:21
vltesing2: x11vnc is for connecting to a real X server.00:22
vltesing2: If you don't need this use something else (vnc4server or similar)00:23
esing2vlt what is a real X server ?00:23
esing2vlt I want to access my VPS through gui00:24
vltesing2: An X server runs on the machine where a display, keyboard and mouse is attached to.00:24
esing2good to know00:24
vltesing2: When you want to connect to such a (client) machine use x11vnc00:25
esing2no i want to connect to a sever00:25
esing2*vps server00:25
vltesing2: For "emulating" an X server your programs send data to use vncserver00:25
vltesing2: and connect to it via vnc00:26
esing2i'll connect from Windows00:26
esing2can I still use "vnc4server" for that?00:26
vltesing2: Yes. You need to run something like vnc4server on  the server. Then you can connect from windows -- please use ssh tunnel -- and run programs on the server that depend on a running X server.00:27
tyler_dhow might I find the keyboard shortcut to show the wall... the same as the button on the left, used to be super+e?00:27
esing2vlt ok ill try it out. thanks+00:28
amalgameatehi, so i'm trying to add my ftp user to www-data so that it can access my public_html folder.  however, even after i adduser ftp_user www-data, it still isn't able to upload via ftp.  does anyone know what i might need to do to fix this?00:32
idlemind324amalgameate what is the output of ls -l in the area you are trying to upload files?00:33
amalgameateidlemind324: it's www-data:www-data owns all files00:34
idlemind324amalgameate in particular the 3 credentials in the middle rwx rwx rwx ... user group everyone00:34
amalgameateah ok00:34
amalgameatethe files i'm triyng to edit are  all -rw-r--r--00:34
th0ramalgameate: there are no write privileges for the group00:34
idlemind324amalgameate chmod 664 <filename>00:34
ionitePlease help me!!00:35
amalgameateoo i see, is it safe to chmod -R 664 *?00:35
idlemind324you may have to: sudo chmod 644 filename00:35
ioniteI just successfully installed Natty but when the setup prompted system reboot, it just gave a blank screen after verifying DMI pool data.00:35
idlemind324amalgameate be careful with recursive commands and wildcards like *00:36
ionitei've tired rebooting it several times however it just can't boot up my successfully installed Natty00:36
idlemind324amalgameate something like sudo chmod 644 /var/www/ may be better00:36
idlemind324* chmod -R 644 /var/www/00:36
amalgameateidlemind324: i see, but the folders actually have 755 permissions on them.  is there a way to set all files that are currently at 644 to 664?00:37
idlemind324amalgameate: ls -laR <directory> | grep 'rw-r--r--'00:39
idlemind324amalgameate that will list all files it finds with 64400:39
astraljavaidlemind324: 644 doesn't give write permission for group, you need 664 for thatl00:39
idlemind324astraljava i know00:40
idlemind324astraljava he asked how to view files currently set @ 64400:40
amalgameateright right, so that will get a list of all 644s.  can i then pipe that into chmod somehow?00:40
idlemind324amalgameate that i don't know =)00:40
astraljavaidlemind324: Oh? I thought he wanted his user to belong to the group www-data, which would enable the uploading to said directory. My bad, then.00:41
BeavisHi! how can I upgrade my ubuntu 10.04 to the last version 10.04.300:41
amalgameateidlemind324: gotcha, i will figure that part out.  thanks a bunch ofr your help00:41
GentI fail to understand why the default umask is not 007 these days00:41
ioniteI just successfully installed Natty but when the setup prompted system reboot, it just gave a blank screen after verifying DMI pool data.00:41
Gentand home directories g+s00:41
maumany permanent solution for sudo alsa force-reload?00:42
Gentsetuid alsa so you don't have to type sudo every time?00:44
ioniteI just successfully installed Natty but when the setup prompted system reboot, it just gave a blank screen after verifying DMI pool data.  What happened?  Can anyone help?00:45
PyraineHey I just completely removed gwibber and reinstalled it because  I was having some trouble, but now I've lost the little speech bubble icon on my top bar, does anybody know how to get it back?00:45
ministerdudegparted live. Where do I get it and how do I instal it to my thumbdrive to convery ubuntu to partition 2 so I can open partition 1 for a dual boot00:45
Gentministerdude: no idea on thumbdrive, but you should be able to figure out where to get it with google00:46
ioniteI just successfully installed Natty but when the setup prompted system reboot, it just gave a blank screen after verifying DMI pool data.  What happened?  Can anyone help?00:47
idlemind324amalgameate i found a slightly more friendly way for you to do what you're after00:47
ministerdudeCan't I do it from ubuntu live?00:48
ministerdudeI mean i used ubuntu live to partition the damn drive. Can I use it to convert it over00:48
leejohnhey guys any advice on triple monitor setup00:48
leejohnis it working well with ubuntu?00:49
szalministerdude: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php00:49
edbianministerdude: What are you trying to do?  (gparted is installed on the liveCD / liveUSB by default)00:49
ministerdudeWhich I have the live of 10.0400:49
ldleworkI'm trying to use xclip but when I run it I get, Error: Can't open display: (null)    Help, would be appreciated!00:49
ministerdudeThat's how I partitioned it. But how do I go back and convert it00:49
edbianministerdude: 'convert' ?  And also, what is 'it' ?00:50
ministerdudeI need to convert my ubuntu partition 1 over to like 2 or 3 so I can dual boot instal windows on 100:50
edbianministerdude: Ok, so that means you need to shrink one and create 2 / 3 in the free space preceeding 1.  Make 2 / 3 ntfs partitions.00:51
ministerdudeI did that.00:51
ministerdudehang on I'll open it and see what it says for ya00:51
edbianministerdude: ok.  open what? gparted?00:51
ioniteI just successfully installed Natty but when the setup prompted system reboot, it just gave a blank screen after verifying DMI pool data.  What happened?  Can anyone help?00:51
ministerdudeSDA1 = ext3, SDA2 = Extended SDA3 = fat3200:52
edbianionite: This is unfortunately a common problem.00:52
edbianministerdude: you should make sd3 ntfs instead of fat3200:52
ministerdudeK how do I go do that... Live again?00:53
edbianionite: Have you tried setting nomodeset?00:53
ioniteebian: how should i go about?00:53
edbianionite: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313200:54
ministerdudewow. don't need live I can do it right now :D00:54
idlemind324amalgameate find . -perm u=rw,g=r,o=r -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sudo chmod 664 if you're still listening will change all 644 to 664 in the directory you execute this command00:54
edbianionite: That explains it in detail.  YOu wanna follow the bit about How to temporarily set kernel boot options on an installed OS00:54
edbianministerdude: You can edit any partition that isn't mounted00:54
edbianministerdude: You cannot umount / so sometimes you need a liveCD00:54
ministerdudeIt's over to ntfs00:54
ioniteebian: why is ubuntu so unstable @ installation?00:54
ministerdudenow what? :)00:54
Calevino-server seems to die with "vino-server: ../../src/xcb_io.c:221: poll_for_event: Assertion `(((long) (event_sequence) - (long) (dpy->request)) <= 0)' failed." the moment anyone tries to connect to it. I see that there's a bug for this, but it doesn't have much information on it. Does anyone have a workaround?00:55
Cale(is there a vino ppa that I should know about?)00:55
edbianministerdude: install windows :P00:55
ministerdudeWill it automatically instal to the ntfs partition?00:56
edbianionite: Because they like to have the latest and greatest software which means it is not well tested.00:56
edbianionite: It is not like this on all systems.00:56
szalministerdude: you can select what partition to install to even w/ Win700:56
ministerdudeI'm installing xp again00:56
ministerdudeIt's only so I can have itunes and make it work00:56
szalministerdude: XP doesn't do that automatically anyway, there you _have_ to select the partition to install to00:57
edbianministerdude: :)  I haven't even seen itunes in months00:57
ministerdudeIt's cause I have an iphone and I'm sick of trying to get linux to work the bastard :) so I'm just dual booting :)00:57
ioniteebain: so how I have to type in all the codes @ which screen? how do i access the main frame of ubuntu inorder to edit the grub lines?00:57
szalministerdude: other than that, happy rebooting..  how about installing XP in a virtual machine? ^^00:57
Caleministerdude: Jailbreaking tends to help00:57
edbianionite: when you're booting you need to press the shift key to get the grub menu to come up.00:58
Cale(if you haven't tried that)00:58
ministerdudeI can't jail break through linux. the jailbreakers aren't working for me here00:58
Snooffydraik so there is no way how to check if there is no corruption on the drive while the system is mounted?00:58
edbianionite: You'll see most of that is written for you on the grub menu.00:58
ministerdudeI'm gonna do that on the dual boot00:58
ministerdudeand how do I do virtual machine?00:58
Caleministerdude: You can jailbreak without a separate computer00:58
edbianministerdude: FYI, when you install windows xp you're going to overwrite the MBR and loose the ability to boot linux00:58
Caleministerdude: Just browse to jailbreakme.com on the device00:58
Jeruvy!find smb.conf00:59
ubottuFile smb.conf found in ebox-samba, fusesmb, manpages-zh, mythbuntu-common, nautilus-share, sadms, samba-common, samba-common-bin, samba-doc, samba4 (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=smb.conf&mode=&suite=natty&arch=any00:59
Caleand it'll install cydia for you :)00:59
ministerdudeI have the 3g and it's not compatable. we've tried that00:59
edbianionite: This link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen explains the blank screen in more detail but I happen to know nomodeset is a common solution.00:59
ministerdudeSo what's virtual machine?01:00
ParadigmUltraQuestion:  There is a patch that needs to be compiled into WINE for Portal 2 to work.  Is it harmfull to used a complied version of WINE rather than the package from software center?01:00
ioniteebain:ure a life saver. i haven't sleep whole day trying to fix it.01:00
szal!info virtualbox01:00
edbianionite: you're spelling my name wrong :(01:00
ubottuPackage virtualbox does not exist in natty01:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:01
szal!info virtualbox-ose01:01
ubottuvirtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0.4-dfsg-1ubuntu4 (natty), package size 14792 kB, installed size 42956 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 all)01:01
ParadigmUltra!info portal01:01
ubottuPackage portal does not exist in natty01:01
ioniteedbian: sorry. so i press & hold shift key till grub menu appears and then what do i click?01:02
ParadigmUltraQuestion:  Is it harmfull to used a complied version of WINE rather than the package from software center?01:03
edbianionite: You don't need to hold it.  Just press it at the critical moment.  Since the critical moment is hard to know just press it a whole bunch.01:03
edbianParadigmUltra: Not necessarily.01:03
edbianParadigmUltra: You won't get auto-updates of wine and you will find it difficult to uninstall if you don't use the package manager01:03
ParadigmUltraI mean, would it put things in the wrong places?01:03
ioniteedbian: so there after what do i do in order to key in those codes?01:03
edbianParadigmUltra: No01:04
edbianParadigmUltra: (I assume the wine devs are responsible)01:04
ParadigmUltrak, thanks01:04
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edbianParadigmUltra: but some mystery package could be downright malicious which is part of the reason installing from source is not the preferred method01:04
ParadigmUltraI'll consider it further,  I am very conserned about being able to uninstall it.  I do that often with wine.01:04
PyraineDoes anybody know how I can restore my name and the gwibber options at the top right after reinstalling gwibber? http://i.imgur.com/iaw7i.png01:05
edbianionite: If you got the menu to show up you press e to edit one of the lines01:05
edbianionite: then you add nomodeset.  Read the link I posted for more details :)  He has screenshots01:05
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neutrin0woohoo - success! I'm here on the ubuntu chat room from my brand new ubuntu 11.0401:08
ParadigmUltraCongrats.  Great feeling isn't it!01:08
Pyrainecongratulations neutrin001:09
neutrin0yeah but I don't like unity that much01:09
neutrin0oops should have not said that01:09
Pyrainenoone seems to, I really like it =/, I always installed rocketdock on Windows haha01:09
ParadigmUltraI like it.  The bar is missing some things, but it's really easy to find things01:09
ParadigmUltraI really like it too01:10
Pyrainethe super menu is really easy to navigate01:10
edbianneutrin0: yay01:10
quentusrexneutrin0, I think unity can be interesting for single monitor machines like laptops, but there are bugs. On my desktop I have a quad monitor setup so unity is useless.01:10
ParadigmUltraThe only downer is that I use to use Avant which was awesome, and you could add nice widgets.  I miss my widgets01:11
Troy^there is suppose to be a 11.10 release before the end of the year is out correct?01:11
Pyrainequentusrex: What bugs are you having? I had a dual monitor set up for a day with unity and never noticed anything problematic01:11
GladiusMaximus34I think unity is good for new users, but for everyone else there is gnome01:11
GladiusMaximus34or kde01:11
neutrin0brb - need to take a shower after a hard night work getting this to work :)01:11
quentusrexPyraine, I ran into problems where clicking the left app icon would not actually bring the app to the forefront.01:11
prowerhello :> the version of qjackctl in the natty repositories has an issue that causes it to segfault...it's fixed in the version for oneric though, is there a way i could install that without having to upgrade to unstable packages for everything else?01:11
ParadigmUltraThere is no new Gnome for Ubuntu :-(  only the old one01:12
Pyrainequentusrex: ah right01:12
quentusrexPyraine, when the bug hit the top bar options would be for the last application.  Such as a Firefox top bar options for gedit, etc.01:12
esingwhat kind of error is this?01:12
Troy^gnome 3 ?01:12
jribPyraine: did you sort out your sound issue?01:12
esingNeed to get 1480 kB of archives.01:12
esingAfter this operation, 3617 kB of additional disk space will be used.01:12
esingE: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/.01:12
lgHello world01:13
Pyrainejrib: yeah I did, I had to edit the alsa-base file and set the model to a 6-stack dig, I now have my subwoofer working alongside my stereo speakers, so better than windows, thanks for the help01:13
jribPyraine: cool01:13
gogetaesing: sudo apt-get clean01:13
GladiusMaximus34can I move the ubuntu logical partition to another location on the same drive?01:14
Pyrainequentusrex: ah right, guess I won't be using unity when I move to a permanent dual monitor set up in september haha01:14
PyraineDoes anybody know how I can restore my name and the gwibber options at the top right after reinstalling gwibber? http://i.imgur.com/iaw7i.png01:14
ParadigmUltraanyone here use compiz?01:15
gogetaesing: never saw anyone fill that before heh01:15
Troy^what gui app is used in ubuntu 11.04?01:15
gogetaesing: normaly ubuntu auto cleans it01:16
ParadigmUltraThe window manager is called Unity01:16
Troy^do most people use gnome 3 instead?01:16
gogetaTroy^: unity is fai;01:16
Troy^so i guess installing gnome 3 is a yes01:17
ParadigmUltrawhat ever the previous version gnome is, can't use the latest one01:17
DeviceZer0unity is better then gnome301:17
gogetaTroy^: gnome 3 is fail01:17
DeviceZer0gnome3 = worse fail then unity(as of now)01:17
ParadigmUltraUnity is nice01:17
gogetaTroy^: xfce lxde hehe01:17
DeviceZer0i actually dont mind unity01:17
faint545just stick with "ubuntu classic" or gtk2.0 lol01:17
ParadigmUltraI use Unity with Compiz = Holy S*&$ it rocks  so much!01:17
Troy^i remember back in the day things like blackbox and all those other minority ones01:17
gogetafaint545: xfce uses gtk3 and it does not fail01:18
einseenaiguys, i'm working with lenovo x120e, when i tried to install 11.04 23 bit with unetbootin, nothing happened after reboot - only windows loaded again, but with x64 image everything worked fine - why?01:18
apporcyeah ,just stick with "ubuntu classic" too.01:18
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dr_williseinseenai:  you did an install to the hard drive via Unetbootin?01:18
gogetafaint545: also doesent shove 3d down your throte the most useless system resourcce using crap01:18
simbiozI have ubuntu 11.04 installed. My thumbnail cache auto delete itself from time to time. How do I avoid this?01:18
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gogetafaint545: stop trying to be osx01:19
Troy^xfce is very minimal lol01:19
faint545gogeta: ?01:19
GladiusMaximus34can I move the ubuntu logical partition to another location on the same drive?01:19
einseenaidr_willis, no, i burned the image to a usb flash drive with unetbootin01:19
faint545gogeta, what do u mean "stop trying to be osx?" lol01:19
gogetaTroy^: no its not lxde is xfce is more like gnome 2 these days01:19
venialcan anyone explain to me how to mount this drive, i know it has data on it and was once a linux drive but tried to read it in windows 7 with extreader or some kind of software : http://imageshack.us/f/269/screenshotvpp.png/01:19
gogetafaint545: ubuntu has always tryed to act like osx01:19
apporcGladiusMaximus34, yes , your can01:20
faint545gogeta: ?? i dont get that impression at all01:20
Coreyvenial: It's listed as free space.01:20
ParadigmUltraGladiusMaximus34: I don't see why not, as long as your grub is in the master boot record and knows where everything is01:20
Coreyvenial: You could image it and then use testdisk on it, but...01:20
gogetafaint545: the useless 3d effects the moving of the windows buttions01:20
dr_williseinseenai:  i wold guess the installer failed to properl install grub or was a bad iso or somtning. theres not really any reason one should fail  and the othe work.01:20
apporcgogeta, hello.01:20
gogetaapporc: hello heh01:20
faint545gogeta: right... but most of those are options..... and the effects are also optional...01:20
venialtestdisk in windows?01:21
GladiusMaximus34ParadigmUltra: GParted tells me grub will not be able to locate linux and might render my computer unbootable01:21
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gogetafaint545: as of unity and gnome 3 they are not why i dont use eyther01:21
Tbruff13yes i would like some help with debian the newest version i know this is the ubuntu channel but while using ubuntu this used to happen im hoping someone might know a solution01:21
apporcgogeta, It's evening in usa , yes ?01:21
GladiusMaximus34I don't like the Dock approach to window management01:21
faint545gogeta: i didnt say that though....01:21
ParadigmUltraGladiusMaximus34: Oh, well then that's bad01:21
emmkaiguys, i've just formatted to install ubuntu again (10.04 this time) for software compatibility, but now i cant fix up my 3G dongle as i did with 11.0401:21
einseenaidr_willis, well, the point is that i also tried fedora, puppy with unetbootin, and opensuse with dd tool. none of them didn't boot in 32...01:21
Tbruff13okay when ever i enable compiz the window buttons disappear why and how do i fix01:22
GladiusMaximus34ParadigmUltra: can I do a grub-update or somethging to relocate my new linux partition?01:22
ParadigmUltraTbruff13: Are you using Unity also?01:22
=== richie_ is now known as Pyraine
dr_williseinseenai:  thats weird. Whats the cpu exactly? there were some 64bit cpus that couldent do 32bit os's i recall.. but they were sort of special.01:22
ParadigmUltraGladiusMaximus34: Wish I knew.01:22
faint545gogeta: i was merely suggesting to use gtk2.0 since Unit and Gnome3 seems to still be iffy.01:23
emmkaiif i press the network logo in the top right corner, i dont see a list of "mobile broadband" as i did in ubuntu 11.04, even though it was empty01:23
dr_williseinseenai:  you mean none of them worked in 32bit..01:23
PyraineDoes anybody know how I can restore my name and the gwibber options at the top right after reinstalling gwibber? http://i.imgur.com/iaw7i.png01:23
HeIsRisenWhere does lightscribe simple labeler install?01:23
Troy^im just scared if i get ubuntu 11.04 64bit the wireless support is not going to work on my asus g73jh01:23
einseenaidr_willis, i'm in a panic a bit, because it's a nonsense, cause any 64 bit processor has ability to boot 32.01:23
josephprince2i m running on android, trying to explore on Unix utility such as wget.apt-get on the android, but all i get is "command not found"01:23
einseenaidr_willis yes01:23
HeIsRisenI couldn't find it in usr/bin01:23
gogetafaint545: gtk3  isnt broken just the project using it01:23
grejppiHello… is it possible to boot a *live cd* of Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro (8,2)?~01:23
HeIsRisenI am running Ubuntu 11.0401:23
GladiusMaximus34Also, I don't think i can copy paste the Extended Partition for some reason in GParted01:23
dr_williseinseenai:  there were/are some 64bits that cant.. but the way you are talking the install worked.. but not grub..01:23
ParadigmUltraGladiusMaximus34: I don't know anything about grub, never messed with it01:23
einseenaidr_willis, also hybrid pclinuxos worked. but that's all01:23
gogetafaint545: as i said xfce uses gtk3 and its just fine01:23
faint545gogtea: wasn't aware of that.01:24
szal!tab | faint54501:24
ubottufaint545: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:24
einseenaidr_willis, nooo, install didn't work, since i couldn't even boot 32 bit written flash drive.01:24
Troy^someone screenshot there xfce setup01:24
Tbruff13okay when ever i enable compiz the window buttons disappear why and how do i fix this01:25
ParadigmUltraTbruff13: Are you using Unity also?01:25
dr_williseinseenai:  only thing i can think of is thers one 64bit cpu out i recall mention ed in here that cant do 32bit .. but it was like a rather rare server cpu.01:25
gogetaTroy^: thers a pic on the xubuntu site01:25
einseenaidr_willis, i have amd e-350 chipset. but it's not itanium (exactly the one 64 bit old intel chip without 32 bit support). so it must work01:26
dr_williseinseenai:  postt to askubuntu.com perhaps someone may know why.01:26
Tbruff13ParadigmUltra, I am using a debian system but because ubuntu takes so much from debian i thought you guys could maybe help01:26
Troy^so whats the difference between xubuntu and just regular ubuntu and all the other ones01:27
gogetaTroy^: but like pretty mutch all window managers it can be themed and stuff01:27
Troy^gogeta: yes i realize that i think ubuntu 10 used gnome correct?01:27
gogetaTroy^: diffrent wm diffrent defult packages like it has abiword insteed of openoffice01:27
ParadigmUltraI see.  Well there is a compatability mode for using it with unity, but I don't think that will be helpfull to you....01:27
GladiusMaximus34Troy^: Its the desktop enviornment. Different desktop enviornments have different default packages, different layouts, and different configurations01:27
ParadigmUltraTbruff13: Which buttons disapear?01:27
gogetaTroy^: yea ubuntu 10 uses gnome 201:28
einseenaidr_willis, thanks a lot! i will. i know the thing is weird. and everywhere i asked about it people said it can't be. thank you.01:28
ParadigmUltraTbruff13: Make sure you enable window decorations01:28
GladiusMaximus34Troy^: Ubuntu has Gnome Desktop Enviornemnt, or Unity. Xubuntu has XFCE. You should only use XFCE if you have a old computer that can't handle gnome or unity.01:28
Tbruff13ParadigmUltra, ok01:28
gogetaGladiusMaximus34: or you dont like unity01:29
gogetaGladiusMaximus34: geatures wise its pretty mutch the same as gnome 201:29
Troy^yea unity looks pretty wrong01:29
rhin0or lubuntu now GladiusMaximus3401:29
GladiusMaximus34gogeta: If you don't like unity you can always use gnome01:29
Tbruff13ParadigmUltra, you are awesome why does ubuntu steal from debian i really want to know01:29
gogetaGladiusMaximus34: gnome 3 sucks to01:29
Troy^i prefer gnome i wanted to try gnome 3 but you guys say it sucks01:30
rhin0yep -- unity is to pull in the apple crowd I reckon -- it's marketing01:30
* rhin0 very pleased with ubuntu now01:30
ParadigmUltraTbruff13: Cause Debian is awesome, but not quite awesome enough ;-)01:30
GladiusMaximus34gogeta, rhin0, Troy^: you can still use KDE or gnome 2 (this is what i use)01:30
gogetaTroy^: maybe you will like it dont take my personal exp to hart01:30
rhin0but I use classic desktop01:30
gogetaGladiusMaximus34: gnome 2 is gone in 11.1001:30
Troy^gogeta: i just loved gnome 201:30
gogetaGladiusMaximus34: so i switched away early01:30
OerHeksno gnome3 is in 11.1001:30
GladiusMaximus34unity is also for new users in general. its easy to use, but it makes advanced users kinda mad01:30
gogetaOerHeks: not by defult but in the repos01:31
shantorneven grumpy01:31
Troy^so when is 11.10 coming01:31
GladiusMaximus34You can custom install gnom2 in 11.1001:31
rhin0GladiusMaximus34: I backed out when I couldn't find the bash shell01:31
dr_willisTroy^:  11.10 is the date..  10th month.. 201101:31
gogetaGladiusMaximus34: make us tip out this distro01:31
faint545is 11.10 gonna be using Unity?01:31
rhin0will classic desktop always be available --- I hope so01:31
dr_willisfaint545:  yes. unity is to be the default.01:31
gogetafaint545: yes untill everyone revolts i dont think unity is gonna go away01:31
Troy^dr_willis: oh well thanks for clarifying that, i feel slightly unintelligent01:31
dr_willisrhin0:  no it will not be in 11.1001:31
spankbotAnyone install VMWare and get the error:  Kernel Headers for version xx.xx.xx. were not found.  If you install them ina a non-default path you can specify the path below01:31
gogetafaint545: and with no more fallback i think they will01:32
OerHeksgogeta, get your fact right > Alpha-2 ships GNOME 3.0, with some parts already upgraded to the 3.1.2 alpha releases. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview/Alpha201:32
rhin0dr_willis I wish they wouldn't mess around with us like that01:32
gogetaOerHeks: i said it will be in the repo01:32
dr_willisrhin0:  unless they change their minds.. but thats life..01:32
gogetaOerHeks: but unity will be defult01:32
GladiusMaximus34There are so many desktop enviornments that you can install (custom install or default)01:32
Troy^so say if one installed 11.04 now? and 11.10 is released would updating to 11.10 be simple or is that a whole different thing im not in understanding01:32
dr_willisif you want a more classic type desktop. theres always Lubuntu/lxde01:32
GladiusMaximus34that is the beauty of linux. It is completely costomizable01:33
GladiusMaximus34you can use any desktop enviornment you want01:33
dr_willisTroy^:  upgrading to the next release is not that hard. but theres alwayus potentials for problems.01:33
rhin0I ran xubuntu 10.04 for a long time -- rock solid01:33
gogetaGladiusMaximus34: yep when the poision the koolade luckly its not the only bowl lol01:33
faint545god, i can never remember how to unzip BZ2 files...01:33
Troy^yea, i guess alot of people use older versions for a while01:33
gogetafaint545: shoukld be a right click01:34
szalfaint545: bunzip2 filename01:34
GladiusMaximus34gogeta: yah01:34
dr_willisa lot of the old desktop  enviroments/windowmangfers are so old and show their age badly. they dont have the featuresets people expect these days or are lacking in other little areas that they become annoying to use.01:34
faint545gogeta: i meant from terminal lol01:34
dr_willis!info unp | faint54501:34
ubottufaint545: unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre5 (natty), package size 14 kB, installed size 120 kB01:34
mousewhat password is the archive manager looking for i have two systems on i've tried the host password and the other pc with no success? i think it's trying to download to usr/bin/file_roller?01:34
gogetadr_willis: yea many do but thers 2 everyone has named that do not01:34
faint545dr_willis, thx for the heads up01:35
GladiusMaximus34is there a channel to specifically discuss partitioning drives?01:35
szalfaint545: or if it's a .tar.bz2 -> tar xjvf filename <- the j is for decompressing bz2; use z for gz01:35
dr_willisGladiusMaximus34:  never seen a channel on that.. not a lot to discuss on the topic I guess. :)01:35
gogetaGladiusMaximus34: we can help with that01:36
dr_willis4 primaries max. one of which can be an extended holding logicals....  perhaps the #hardware channel GladiusMaximus34 .01:36
GladiusMaximus34ParadigmUltra: GParted tells me grub will not be able to locate linux and might render my computer unbootable01:37
GladiusMaximus34GParted tells me grub will not be able to locate linux and might render my computer unbootable01:37
grejppi1Hello everyone~01:37
freshmeatIs macbook able to install ubuntu?01:37
rhin0in looking 11.04 supported until october 2012 -- I had to move to 11.04 to run an ssd ... I have actually decreased in support as 10.04 supported until 04/2013 .... I will have to learn unity desktop in october 2012?  no path forward for classic desktop -- we all have to use unity?  I just want classic gnome01:37
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages01:37
martin_tscfreshmeat, wanna trade?01:37
dr_willisrhin0:  classic gnome is being phased out.. so you will hav to change eventually.01:38
rhin0aargh dr_willis01:38
grejppi1Speaking of Macs, can they boot a live cd?01:38
freshmeatwat u want? martin01:38
dr_willisrhin0:  the gnome devs are pushing gnome 3.. ubuntu is pushing unity, with gnome 3 as an option.. thats just how it is..01:38
szalrhin0: upgrade to 11.10 when it's out and then later to 12.04, and you'll have support until April 201501:38
martin_tscI'm having difficulties connecting through a VPN, can someone lend a helping hand?01:38
gogetaGladiusMaximus34: i got that before on old pcs but never acully broke my pc01:38
dr_williswell gnome3 is techincally the 'core' under unity or gnome shell. :)01:39
rhin0but dr_willis just said that gnome classic disappears with 11.10 szal01:39
gogetaGladiusMaximus34: its just a warning abought going byond the secors the bios can read01:39
dr_willistheres more to 'support' then what desktop gui is being used.01:39
GladiusMaximus34gogeta: ok01:39
* szal doesn't friggin care, using KDE ^^01:40
dr_willisthere is no gnome classic in 11.10 alpha2 that im using right now rhin0. Unless i overlooked it.01:40
rhin0kde is a resource hog isn't it01:40
dr_williskde had the same pains/arguents/issues when they went from the old kde to the new..01:40
Pyrainedoes anybody know how I can manage my appindicators?01:40
dr_willisrhin0:  not really.01:40
PlughSince Unity and Gnome have just been mentioned I have a question. I'm used to running Gnome (used it for years). Someone said that I could have just selected Ubuntu Classic with Unity installed instead of removing Unity and installing  Gnome to get my standard Gnome environment I'm used to?01:40
szalrhin0: not more of one than Gnome is01:40
rhin0I dislike the fussiness -- I prefer simple gnome01:40
PlughSounds odd to me that Unity could act like Gnome without Gnome installed.01:40
dr_willisrhin0:  if you wantg the  lightest desktop. Lxde is the way to go.01:41
mousewhat password is the archive manager looking for i have two systems on i've tried the host password and the other pc with no success? i think it's trying to download to usr/bin/file_roller?01:41
ParadigmUltraPlugh: That is correct.  You have completely wasted your time ;-)01:41
martin_tscCan someone help me setting up a VPN?  I simply need some basic info01:41
dr_willismouse:  downloading TO /usr/bin/file_roller makes no sence...01:41
rhin0never seen general chitchat in here -- later folks01:41
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dr_willismouse:  using the fileroller app to open an archive. and it asks for a password.. could mean the archive is password protected01:41
Telephone:) join #wolfgame01:42
terrenceParadigmUltra, now i see the x button and border but i cant move windows on debian01:42
martin_tscCan someone help me setting up a VPN?  I simply need to know which is the gateway that I conect through?01:42
faint545wats the name of the package for GTK 3?01:42
ParadigmUltraPlugh: Unity doesn't act like Gnome, you just get a session without Unity at all.  it goes back like the previous version of Ubuntu01:42
faint545im trying to install it01:42
dr_willis!vpn | martin_tsc01:42
ubottumartin_tsc: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN01:42
mousedr_willis: thx, great they didn't give me a password :(01:43
gogetafaint545: gtk301:43
martin_tscdr_willis, i've seen that page too often by now, it doesnt explain it for dummies though01:43
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faint545gogeta, umm..  not in synaptic.01:44
martin_tscdr_willis, thanks, but no help. :(01:44
gogetafaint545: i was using arch so you may not see gtk3 untill 11.1001:44
PlughParadigmUltra: I don't know what Ubuntu was like without Gnome. I jumped from 9.10 to 11.04 due to PulseAudio being broken for me in the versions in between.01:44
gogetafaint545: or even the gtk3 xfce01:44
gogetafaint545: you can install the paa for gnome 3 if you wanna try it before hand01:45
ParadigmUltrayeah. it's like 9.10 gogeta:01:45
faint545gogeta, uhm. nah lol already tried GNOME 3 and it was horrid.01:45
ParadigmUltratry it01:45
PlughI know I couldn't live with Unity from what I saw of it so it got uninstalled PDQ and Gnome went back in.01:45
dr_willismartin_tsc:  you may want to ask a more specicif question to the channel then. or hit askubuntu.com or the web/forums for vpn for dummies guides..  the little i used vpn's last year i figured it out..01:45
dr_willisunity and gnome3 are both a work in progress.. they will get better..  like all software normally does..01:46
PlughThe latest Gnome has some odd scroll bar thing in some apps. That may be a window manager issue.01:46
replayquick question, how do you enter single user mode? grub doesn't let me hit 'e' fast enough to enter 'single' at boot01:46
Plughdr_willis: I've heard some people aren't keen on Gnome 3. So far, I'm still on Gnome 2.01:46
gogetafaint545: stock yes but its all js so everything abought it can be changed01:46
dr_willisPlugh:  well  Gnome2 is basically being phased out. so it wont matter in a year or 2... :)01:46
gogetafaint545: rethemed gnome 3 is acully quite good01:46
gogetafaint545: relly something ubuntu should have done01:47
Plughdr_willis: I hope it doesn't get "dumbed down" so it isn't suitable for more of a power user such as myself.01:47
dr_willisPlugh:  dumbing down is the new definition of being 'user friendly' it seems.. been a trend for years.01:48
gogetafaint545: and thats whats going to jump it far ahed of untiy and you cant change crap attude01:48
PlughThat is what I felt of Unity. Not a bad environment for someone who might be new to Linux or needs some handholding but it was just going to get in my way.01:48
* rhin0 couldn't find the bash prompt (exited & never looked at it again))01:49
dr_willisPlugh:  one of same arguments ive seen used against gnome...01:49
dr_willisrhin0:  alt-f2 xterm is to hard? :)01:49
rhin0well you have to know dr_willis01:49
rhin0I prefer menus where you know where everything is01:49
Plughdr_willis: *nods*  I don't mind having some stuff (ie. config things) done via GUI but other times I have things to do and I just want the environment to get out of my way and let me do what I need to. :-)01:49
dr_willisrhin0:  most people that are expecting bash would know...01:49
dr_willisther are addons for unity to give you the classic gnome menus.01:49
rhin0I put it on my panel01:49
PlughHm... I should look for info on those addons.01:50
gogetadr_willis: and i can make gnome 3 look and act like gnome 2 in fact thers a whole addon pack for it now01:50
dr_willisaskubuntu.com has a list of indicator-applets that have a classic menu. then theres the 'cardpio' (cardio?) somting that puts a classic like menu in the panel.01:51
gogetadr_willis: i cant do that to unity01:51
dr_willisive not messed with gnome3 at all - other then to try it on a live cd.01:51
PlughSince I started using 11.04 I found some backwards movement. I can't snapshot my session properly. I have to start a terminal windows, resize it, and start tabs on every boot/login. I also manually run "pulseaudio -D" and two other programs every login. Any idea when session saving will be fixed again?01:52
* Plugh hopes before 11.1001:52
dr_willisthe whole idea of 'sessions' seems to be slowly getting lost with the common use of hibernate/suspend..01:52
Plughdr_willis: that might work with laptops. Not so much with a desktop.01:53
dr_willis the whole idea of a 'desktop' is getting lost also. :)01:53
Plughwell... this thing I call a desktop is a machine that is anything but easily portable. :-)01:53
dr_willislooked today. and the laptops outnumbered the desktops in the stores by like 3 to 1 i saw.01:53
Reikokudr_willis: Desktops are only used by gamers these days01:54
Plughyeah, laptops today are not that far off what used to be called desktops in features for similar $01:54
PlughThere are some high end and/or more intensive applications I run at times.01:54
aeon-ltdPlugh: i'd go further and say if they use 'laptop' or 'SFF' parts they're not desktops01:54
PlughI don't have much time for games.01:54
al_nz1why does 'sfdisk -C 255 -H 255 -S 255 /dev/sdb' take me into sfdisk interactive rather than executing the command from the shell?01:55
dr_willisthe whole 'gamers pushing the industry in specific directions' mantra is also getting to be a thing of the past also. :)01:55
PlughI wasn't sure if session saving is more an Ubuntu thing or something that might not be working as I tried to return to Gnome.01:55
dr_willisgnome has its session management.  so its not ubuntu specific.01:56
dr_willisbbl. time for work01:56
PlughSo many of the games I see on TV all seem similar. Mostly shoot 'em ups it seems. I've been there and done that with Doom and Doom 2 but I'm so over it.01:56
StaticShockif i unmount a USB drive, how can i re-mount it later?01:57
StaticShocki use ubuntu's auto-mount, so i don't know what command it actually executes to perform the mount, and i don't know how to find it in /dev01:57
ministerdudedownloaded virtualbox now how do I instal it?01:57
Plughdr_willis: I'll dig around the net a bit more and see if I can find other reports of people with session save errors and any info on how to fix it.01:57
Plughsession save problems (not errors)01:58
icerootministerdude: use the repo from vbox instead of downloading a deb-file01:58
icerootministerdude: if you only need the free version (no usb support) its already in the ubuntu repos01:58
spankbotYou'll get a kick out of this... I had my 4yr old son on my lap to teach him letters and numbers on the keyboard.. I have him type terminal commands, ls, tree, lspci, etc... so he learns and can see system responses.  Then I asked him does he like Windows or Linux, his response, " Linux, because I don't see any windows here" ;-)01:59
ministerdudeStill a newb no clue what any of that means01:59
faint545is it possible to color every other line in terminal?02:00
faint545like the text02:00
icerootministerdude: what ubuntu version?02:00
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qinfaint545: yes02:00
icerootministerdude: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list    run that in the terminal02:01
icerootministerdude: deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian maverick contrib non-free02:01
ministerdudeK. now what02:01
icerootministerdude: copy that into the file. save the file. and then run this in terminal02:01
icerootministerdude: wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -02:02
cyphahow do I make the scrollbars always visible?02:02
MrUnagicypha: in the settings02:02
icerootministerdude: after that run "sudo apt-get update"02:02
icerootministerdude: then you will see in software-center, synaptic or whatever you use virtualbox and you can install it02:03
ministerdudetakes me right back to the user name02:03
faint545qin: how?02:03
=== Pilif12p is now known as Boehner
cyphaMrUnagi, it's not in Appearance02:04
MrUnagito be honest i thought i was in the os x channel =/02:04
ministerdudeNo virtual in software center02:05
cyphahow do I make the scrollbars always visible?02:06
=== Boehner is now known as Pilif12p
jeff_Cypha, for what application?02:09
ministerdudeinstalling virtualbox ose02:09
cyphachange ubuntu's default02:09
qinfaint545: http://www.faqs.org/docs/abs/HTML/colorizing.html for colors, the loop for processing text http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_09_01.html02:09
Pyrainedoes anybody know where I can find a control panel for configuring applets/indicators, or a folder where they're all located or something?02:11
PyraineI don't believe none of you know :o02:12
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=== bisconer is now known as bizy
chas11manI'm making a home server right now.  Can I just make up a domain name?02:16
qinPyraine: ~/.cache/indicators/ ?02:17
Jeruvychas11man: it's recommended to end it in .local to avoid routing issues. Best if you use a dynamic dns service (like dyndns.org)02:17
qinPyraine: Also gsetting: from http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10667664&postcount=902:18
chas11manJervvy: ok, I'm a noob.  So I could do something like serverName.local?  And what would dyndns.org do for me?02:19
MXIIAcan I find the Unity source code anywhere?02:20
Jeruvychas11man: why do you need a domain name?02:20
Pyraineqin: hmm, neither of those appear to show me what I need to see, or appear to let me do what I need to do, I have reinstalled gwibber and the indicator has gone and I liked it and what it back ;_;02:21
qinchas11man: With dyndns you can point www.domainname.com to dynamic ip, os even if your isp will change your address, you can still find yourself (form outside of your lan)02:22
chas11manJeruvy: in all honesty, I'm working with suse enterprise but I couldn't find a suse irc channel.02:22
mainrainmy laptop for some reason is no longer connecting to wireless.  I've tried toggling the wireless on/off with the fn-f3(where the wireless logo is) but nothing pops up.  Yesterday there was an applet to choose wireless networks but today its missing, any ideas?02:23
dcodomcheck switch on laptop case02:23
mainrainthats the fn-f3, doesn't have a physical switch02:24
Jeruvychas11man: ah suse I believe is irc.opensuse.org channe l #suse02:24
MXIIAis the Unity source code published anywhere?02:24
Guest13230Can anyone help me to format linux and install win? To do dualboot?02:24
chas11manJeruvy: thank you02:24
mainrainiwconfig shows wlan1 is on02:24
qinmainrain: rfkill list02:24
KM0201Guest13230: what do you mean?02:25
Jeruvychas11man: cheers.02:25
mainrainqin: hmm, soft blocked: no  hard blocked: yes02:25
mainrainqin: which would imply it does have a physical switch?02:25
Tigerboytigerboy #freenode02:26
Guest13230my win dont install in the new partition02:26
KM0201Guest13230: answer your PM02:27
Guest13230i formatted the linux, I formatted the linux partition and created a new partition02:28
mainrainqin: i cant find a physical swithc anywhere, had this laptop a few months and it has very few switches(acer aspire 7750g)02:28
MXIIAIs Unity open source?02:28
dr_willisMXIIA:  yes02:29
MXIIAdr_willis,  where can I find it's source?02:29
bombtrack01hi people, I have a  SiS 771/671 (VGA) and my ubuntu crashes (logs off and go back to log in screen) when I try to watch an AVI movie on mplayer. Any suggestions?02:29
mainrainqin: actually, toggling fn-f3 (i guess i hadn't hit it enough times) turns off hard blocked: no02:29
dr_willisin the src repos i imagine02:29
mainrainqin: but i still dont have an applet or a way to choose a wireless network, can it be run from the command line?02:30
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html02:30
qinmainrain: What does, sudo iwlist wlan0 scan02:30
qinMXIIA: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/unity02:31
Senixwhere is my bash history saved too on ubuntu?02:31
qinSenix: ~/.bash_history02:32
mainrainqin: about 10 pages of Cell 01 - stuff, Cell 02 - stuff, down to cell 2902:32
mainrainlots of IE: Uknown:  some long string in hex02:32
ministerdudevirtual hard disk. create new or use original02:32
qinmainrain: sudo service network-manager restart02:33
BobDoleI'm using Ubuntu. The sound no longer works on my Ubuntu netbook. When I play audio it just plays back some metallic tones.02:33
BobDoleHow can I fix this?02:33
BobDoleDo I need to update the driver or something02:33
ReikokuDid it work before?02:33
BobDoleReikoku, It did and someone told me to install ubuntu restricted extras the other day02:34
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BobDoleand it worked for about a day and now it has reverted back to how it was before02:34
mainrainqin: just says restarting, but no visible changes and iwconfig doesn't show wlan1 connect to anything02:34
ReikokuBobDole: So, it didnt work before you installed restricted extras right?02:35
BobDoleReikoku, Yes.02:35
Pyraineargh this is so frustrating02:35
ReikokuBobDole: What happens if you do sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio?02:35
ReikokuTurn sound down first02:35
BobDoleafter I installed restricted extras it worked for 24 hours  and now no longer.02:35
ReikokuPress ctrl-c after a few secs02:36
qinmainrain: What about applet02:36
ReikokuTo kill it02:36
mainrainqin: no applet, i killed nm-applet and restarted it, it runs but doesn't display anything on the top bar02:37
mainrainjust says "** message: applet now removed from the notification area"02:37
BobDoleReikoku, I received "bash: /dev/audio: Permission denied02:37
ReikokuBobDole: 9/10 sound issues I ever got on Linux could be blamed on pulseaudio02:37
delinquentmeso im running IE in a VirtualBox .. hoping to check on a website thats on my localhost .. on the primary machine .... so where i can view in chromium on my ubuntu native machine at localhost:3000 ... im wondering how i can get to it from within the virtual box02:37
mainrainthats the first thing nm-applet says on starting02:37
PyraineBobDole: tell me what you see when you run aplay -l in terminal02:37
qinmainrain: Is it unity?02:37
mainrainqin: maverick02:37
mainrainqin: pre-unity02:37
ReikokuBobDole: Sounds like your sound device is locked, unless it's /dev/sound in Ubuntu02:38
qinmainrain: Alt-F2 and gnome-panel --replace02:38
ReikokuTry sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/sound02:38
ReikokuIt will sound horrible if it works so turn volume down02:38
mainrainqin: replaces the top bar, but still no applet :S  very odd02:39
BobDoleReikoku, Sending you the results in pm since its too long to send to you in here02:39
BobDolecard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC269 Analog [ALC269 Analog]02:39
BobDole  Subdevices: 1/102:39
BobDole  Subdevice #0: subdevice #002:39
ReikokuBobDole: There shouldn't be results02:39
mainrainqin: other applets are there (dropbox, battery, sound, clock, messaging, power button)02:39
BobDoleReikoku, those are the playback audio devices.02:40
PyraineBobDole: What brand is your netbook? Fujitsu?02:40
cryptodirais there a method/program to enable "mouse wrapping"..... mouse moving off one side of screen magically appears on the edge of the opposite side.  10.10 amd/6402:40
Reikokucryptodira: Which desktop environment?02:40
PyraineBobdole: Aspire One?02:40
qinmainrain: Did you try to add it (right click on panel)? Also: nmcli con list)02:40
cryptodiraReikoku, currently using gnome... will willing to adapt in order to have the ability.02:41
ssfdre38hey would it be wise if i install ubuntu and kubuntu on the same computer?02:41
BobDolePyraine, That is it.02:41
PyraineBobdole: Right two seconds02:41
Reikokucryptodira: The only mouse wrapping I know is wrapping to next virtual desktop02:41
PyraineBobdole: run gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf02:42
mainrainqin: found it, for some reason there was no 'notifation area' applet, got deleted on way or another02:42
mainrainqin: thanks02:42
cryptodiraReikoku,  yes, i found that.... i would like to wrap within the same screen/desktop02:42
dr_willisseen that as a bug with synergy once  cryptodira02:42
BobDolePyraine, I've just run it.02:43
PyraineBobdole: then at the bottom of the file add: options snd-hda-intel model=acer-aspire02:43
BobDoleThe results are too long for me to paste. Is there anything in particular I should look for.02:43
PyraineBobDole: save the file, reboot, come back let me know results02:43
ReikokuBobDole: Paste to http://paste.ubuntu.org02:43
cryptodiradr_willis, Reikoku,  had the mouse wrap in OS/2 and again in os X would be nice to have it under ubuntu.... any suggestions?02:44
PyraineBobDole: Don't worry, I don't need to see the results02:44
ReikokuI can't remember Ubuntu's pastebin02:44
Pyraineubuntu.paste.com or ubuntu.paste.org isn't it?02:44
ReikokuIt might be paste.ubuntu.com02:45
ReikokuI always use paste2.org02:45
BobDolealright Pyraine02:45
BobDoleBrb rebooting02:45
Pyrainegood luck!02:45
PyraineHas anybody ever uninstalled and reinstalled Gwibber?02:46
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dr_willisPyraine:  you having some actual isue when trying that? or just curious?02:48
Pyrainedr_willis: yeah it wasn't authorising my accounts, and now I've lost the indicator02:48
Pyrainedr_willis: well it was saying authorised but wasn't adding them to the column02:48
DerpadongI have a question. Whats a good audio application to mess with such as layout?02:49
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wpoeiDerpadong abcde02:49
aetashey guys, running 11.04 under ubuntu classic...can anyone tell me how to revert those annoying little mini bar scrollbars that you have to hover over to fully see?02:49
al_nz1any sfdisk experts here?02:50
BobDolePyraine, it works thanks a lot man!02:50
ministerdudeThey need to make a law. If you can't write an article. Don't! I can't figure out this virtualbox crap at all02:51
dr_willisaetas:  i know the webupd8 blog site has a 11.04 tweaks artical thet give commands to remove the feature.02:51
PyraineBobDole: No problem, I thought that would be the issue, ALSA is pretty terrible at identifying HDA-intel models unless you specifically tell it02:51
firmanit works.....i'am happy too02:51
dr_willisvirtualbox has a manual also at its homepage. ;)02:51
aetasdr_willis, things to tweak after 11.04 install?02:51
dr_willisaetas:  yep. i may have it  marked here    delicious.com/dr_willis02:52
ministerdudeAnyone know how to set up virtual box?02:52
Pyraineministerdude: what do you mean?02:52
dr_willisinstall it? or istall a guest os?02:53
aetasdr_willis, do you use the new look?  the menu system drove me nuts so I reverted but I dont wanna get pushed back behind the times since I know they have added features02:53
Derpadonganyone know of a good audio application that allows layout tweaks?02:53
spankbotstatus with this?Kernel headers not found VMWare02:53
dr_willisaetas:  both features are removeable02:53
spankbotKernel headers not found VMWare02:53
ministerdudeI have the program. Now what?02:53
aetasdr_willis, will it go back to the normal menu system like the equivalent start menu from classic?02:54
PyraineDerpadong: what do you mean by audio application? One that you listen to music with? or one where you edit music? If you're trying to edit music, give Ardour 2 a go02:54
Derpadonglisten to.02:54
firmananyone know why my sound lmms make no sound?02:54
dr_willisaetas:  you can add a classic menu to unity panel, in 2 ways at least02:54
PyraineDerpadong: : try amarok or rhythmbox?02:54
Derpadongpyraine, something to listen to02:55
dr_willisaetas:  the global menu is disabableable..02:55
DerpadongUsing Rhythmbox but dont like what it cant do02:55
aetasdr_willis, are there features that are unity-only that I will likely miss do you think?02:55
DerpadongI want the ability to move things around on the application02:55
dr_willisaetas:  i dont use 1/2 the new stuff in unity. ;)02:56
aetasdr_willis, I wasnt sure if any of this appindicator stuff is new or if they added any widget features or anything02:56
PyraineDerpadong: have you tried amarok?02:56
PyraineDerpadong: or you could try running foobar under WINE02:57
PyraineDerpadong: apparently it works well02:57
dr_willisthe indicator appletstuff has beeen getting phased in for some time. only now they have tried to cut out the old systray type apps.02:57
Derpadongdont feel like using wine02:57
dr_willisaskubuntu.com has a list of new indicator applets02:58
aetasI may play with it tomorrow then to see if its worth looking at.  Unity freaked me the hell out02:58
Pyrainedr_willis: does it mention how to reinstall them if you lost them? :o02:58
PyraineDerpadong: if Amarok isn't good, try Deadbeef02:59
dr_willisreset settings back to defaults perhaps Pyraine . i dont use gwibber at all. ;)02:59
spankbotsweet MF02:59
spankbotfucking solved02:59
Pyrainedr_willis: how to reset settings? I usually reformat if something messes up, but I've done far too much customisation this time.02:59
spankbothad to  install kernel-devel kernel-headers gcc mkinitrd03:00
dr_williswebupd8 blog site or my delicious.com/dr_willis  has links  for that Pyraine03:00
dr_willisreformating to reset a users settings.. is.. well. so ms-thinking ;)03:00
nate114578hello, i need to create a quick terminal script to backup all of the most recent items in the /home directory... can anyone help me with that?03:01
ministerdudeno clue?03:02
aetasnate114578, not really the place to ask but Ill give you some hints: find with the newer than parameters and then -exec cp03:02
nate114578thanks aetas! where would I go to ask?03:03
wildbat!rsync | nate11457803:03
ubottunate114578: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync03:03
qinnate114578: find ~ -atime <your time here> -exec cp {} /somewhere/ /; (do not preserve directory tree), rsync may do it better.)03:03
aetasatime is accessed time which he probably doesnt want03:04
aetasprobably needs mtime03:04
nate114578thanks folks! this was extremely helpful!03:04
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davfanyone know where I can get some help with hostapd?03:04
dr_willis!info hostapd03:04
ubottuhostapd (source: hostapd): user space IEEE 802.11 AP and IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP Authenticator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.6.10-2 (natty), package size 320 kB, installed size 832 kB03:04
qinaetas: Right, going for coffee, before will do damage.03:04
davfLooking for an IRC - dr_willis03:05
jointdid you hear the news? Microsoft just bought ubuntu03:05
qin!ot > joint03:05
ubottujoint, please see my private message03:05
mcurranwhy on earth would /lib and /lib32 not be included in .bashrc by default03:05
Pyrainedr_willis: no dice, damnit I had high hopes for that :(03:06
dr_willismcurran:  included in what?03:06
seclm193I need some help!!!03:10
davfI can't get some of my windows 7 laptops to auth with hostapd.03:10
wildbat!help | seclm19303:10
ubottuseclm193: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:10
neutrin0excuse me if this was asked previously but is there a photocopy utility that works on ubuntu 11.04?03:10
ministerdudeVirtualbox. how to I now instal xp to it?03:10
Reikokuministerdude: Open it, make new virtualbox, mount XP CD, go03:11
dr_willisstart vbox, follow wizard, point it yo xp cd/iso, boot the cd in vbox. install03:11
ministerdudeAwesome. how do I make a new virtual box?03:11
anth0nyquick question: how do you disconnect from an SSH session?  (aside from closing terminal)03:11
ministerdudeeverything I tried failed03:12
davfanth0ny exit03:12
dr_willisit auto starts the wizard here..03:12
anth0nydavf, well I'll be... i feel silly, thanks!03:12
wildbatanth0ny: enter ~ .03:12
dr_willismake new vm... or somthing like that.03:12
davfanth0ny - np ;)03:12
ministerdudesorry if I seem a-hole'ish. this sudo stuff is getting old fast for me03:13
anth0nywildbat, that doesn't work for me03:13
Pyrainedr_willis: good news, I fixed it, I needed to reinstall the package indicator-me in synaptic, that didn't get reinstalled with gwibber03:13
dr_willissudo stuff? other then to install vbox. i dont need sudo to use it.03:13
Pyrainedr_willis: bad news, it's to the right of the shutdown indicator haha, oh boy, it's going to be a long night03:13
dr_willisPyraine:  log out/back in.. ;) yet?03:14
Pyrainedr_willis: not yet, lemme just give that a shot haha03:14
Pyrainedr_willis: perfect, that did it!03:15
starianhello... newbie here need help to install ubuntu... can i write here03:15
Pyrainestarian: it's a pretty simple distro to install, definitely the best choice for your first distro, very user friendly, but if you are scared I would recommend trying it on a virtual machine first03:16
nit-witstarian, this is the place. ;)03:17
starianpyraine: its ok for me to install ubuntu, but i got some issue03:17
Pyrainestarian: I see, what's the problem?03:17
starianmy previous system is windows 7, when im gonna install ubuntu, means to replace the win7, there just an option install in a whole driver03:18
starianbut i have several driver i dont need to erase them03:19
stariancan i???03:19
Pyrainestarian: your windows drivers won't work in Linux, but Linux will detect your hardware and download compatible drivers for you03:19
PyraineUbuntu* not Linux03:20
bindiPyraine: I believe he is talking about drives, as in HDDs03:20
dr_willisi think he means drive... hard drive.. not driver03:20
Pyrainedr_willis, bindi: ah, thanks for clarifying haha, wow I really didn't pick that up03:20
dr_willisdont get drive partions confused with hard drives eitehr.03:21
al_nz1what does '<< EOF' and the end of a command line in shell do? I know EOF = End of File - but in the context it seems off?03:21
bindial_nz1: keep writing until "EOF" is given03:21
al_nz1the context btw is sfdisk /dev/sdb << EOF03:21
Pyrainestarian: do you intend on keeping Windows installed alongside Ubuntu? Because there is a very easy option in the installer that will help you achieve this03:21
al_nz1then it has lines like 0,407,63,*03:21
dr_willisal_nz1:  ends a special bash read to end of file.. sytax03:22
al_nz1ok I get it not03:22
al_nz1ok i get it now03:22
dr_willis'eof' in that instance is just a label. to match lower down in the script03:23
al_nz1so if you have a command like the one 3/4 of the way down the man page for sfdisk, how would you put the whole command on one comman dline in shell?03:23
cyphaare Ubuntu developers proponents of carpal tunnel? Why the hell are windows so difficult to adjust in size with the mouse? And for God's sake, even the scrollbar is a bitch to approach for use03:23
Pyrainestarian: or if you are going to wipe a whole drive and dedicate this one to Ubuntu, you will not need to wipe your others, they will be compatible03:23
al_nz1dr_willis: ie at http://linux.die.net/man/8/sfdisk03:23
Pyrainestarian: although arguably you should wipe them, just to get rid of that nasty NTFS filesystem :P03:23
dr_williscypha:  personally.. i just max most everything..03:23
starianpyraine: ic...03:24
cyphadr_willis, where?03:24
starianthx pyraine.. thx guys03:24
Pyrainestarian: no problem03:24
bindiI really just hate how... annoying ubuntu is to use tbh.. there's just something that feels so annoying and it makes me always boot back to windows03:24
dr_williscypha:  via the max button03:25
bindii've given every release since 6.04 a try :p they were nicer back in the day.. but a better solution from the competitor like windows 7 wasnt out then :)03:25
cyphadr_willis, oh, you mean the whole window?03:25
al_nz1dr_willis:  did yo uunderstand what I mean?03:25
cyphaI thought you meant to adjust the width of the scrollbar03:25
dr_willisbindi:  i normally feel that way about windows...03:25
PyraineHey I have a question.. is there a room on this server for Ubuntu / GNU/Linux related chat or anything.. is that what Ubuntu-desktop is or is that another tech support?03:25
dr_williscypha:  you can disable that fancy scrollbar thang03:26
dr_williswebupd8 blog site or my delicious.com/dr_willis  has links  for that03:27
cyphadr_willis, for realz? where?? I've been clicking everything03:27
dr_willisyou remove a package or set some var. for a per app disablig03:28
greyfiendHey I'm using D7 with taxonomy access control and am finding that I have to rebuild the permissions after editing nodes or else they give an access denied error, are other people finding this?03:28
dr_willisits not just a checkbox in the settings03:28
mahir256Pyraine: generally, if it's about ubuntu, it goes here. however you can probably ask your question in a more specific channel than this one on freenode03:28
Pyrainemahir256: i was wondering if there was a room that wasn't for tech support but still for ubuntu or gnu/linux general discussion, or even just computing03:30
th0rPyraine: there is #ubuntu-offtopic03:30
Pyraineth0r: thanks!03:31
symptomwas there a sig replaced for extras.ubuntu.com/maveric/release in the past few weeks?03:31
symptomif so does anyone know where i can find the correct sig?03:31
mabrowningOn 11.04, swapping Caps and Ctrl doesn't work for me03:32
mabrowningxev shows "XKLAVIER_STATE" when pressing the physical Caps Lock key03:32
mabrowningbut pressing Ctrl does trigger the CapsLock keycode (and functionality)03:32
Tech-1is TermKit secure enough for ubuntu ??03:34
mabrowningmy mistake; xev shows a PropertyNotify event, but no KeyPress event for Caps Lock physical03:36
mabrowningagain, my mistake... its actually toggling keycode 66, Mode_switch03:37
mabrowningI did have two layouts...03:38
mabrowningok, well it looks like something stupid I did sometime in the past, because Caps Lock doesn't work without any modifiers03:42
mabrowningand still spits out Mode Sitch03:42
bladeanyone know how to update the block list in transmission03:42
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bluenovemberwhat is a good software to rip my music to my computer?03:44
mabrowningok, found it... >_< ~/.Xmodmap had all kinds of stupid stuff in it from what must have been a long time ago's failed experiment03:44
Edistowhat is the deal when i keep shutting down my laptop where it doesn't shut down it just keeps looping saying the following apps will be quit in 3 seconds but it never does03:44
PyraineI'm really struggling to decide on which IDE to use as a WebDev03:45
PyraineI THINK I have it narrowed down to Komodo Edit 6 or NetBeans PHP as the best two03:45
bladebluenovember, audio cd extractor would be a good one to start with03:45
bluenovembercool, know the apt package name03:46
pooltablehelp installed or uograde java?03:46
bluenovemberer I can search03:46
bladebluenovember, lol yea that works too lol03:46
* bluenovember slaps forehead03:46
L1nuxRulesapt-cache search face-palm03:47
bladebluenovember, ripoff is another that you may want to look at03:48
seclm193After the last update, my computer freezes at the login screen of gnome.  Anyone know how to fix this, or work around it.  I have tried the new kernel and the prevous kernel03:48
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.03:48
dimas_bluenovember you can find some music to download with bashee as they no more good stuff you looking for as  they were available before03:48
L1nuxRulesseclm193 try recovery mode03:48
idlemind324i have several macvlan interfaces configured and i am wondering why i cannot get ssh (server) to listen/bind to the virtual interfaces03:49
bluenovemberdimas_, not looking to download03:49
seclm193L1nuxRules, I can boot to prompt, but when I run startx it does the same thing.03:49
josephprince2does anyone know how to install "easy_install" on Android?03:50
dimas_bluenovember i know what yo mean....you can try with vlc03:50
seclm193L1nuxRules, I mean command line instead of prompt03:50
TBotNikAll: have a script for chroot that is not working right.  Anyone game?  PB with script and errors at: http://pastebin.com/QxFWRCzu03:50
L1nuxRulesseclm ok going into my inexperience with gui here but is there anything in the x11 logs03:50
bladebluenovember, depending on how you rip and what your are riping entagged and ez tag are programs you may want to look at also03:50
L1nuxRulesor /var/log/messages03:50
seclm193L1nuxRules, I'm not sure how to check the x11 logs03:50
brandon_Hello all, I would like to be pointed into the right direction on learning Linux and getting used to it all. Can someone point me in the right direction for information to learn from please?03:51
L1nuxRulesseclm Im experienced with servers and old skool linux (bash) so dont know much about the workings dont even know where the x11 logs are sorry03:51
idlemind324also how do i make macvlan interfaces load at boot?03:51
bladelinuxrules your right it's in the var/log....03:52
seclm193L1nuxRules, The problem seems to be when the User login screen loads03:53
bladeseclm193, what is it doing03:53
wildbat !manual>brandon_03:54
ubottubrandon_, please see my private message03:54
seclm193blade, when the login screen appears, the computer just locks up and will not do anything.  I can't even move the mouse03:54
bladeseclm193, have you tried to boot up in another mode... recovery mode or anything03:55
mlt-anyone is good at deciphering mbr? actually ebr. I'm having difficulties interpreting what do I see as I'm trying to pin point https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-disk-utility/+bug/571038 which is probably related to udev and somehow wrecked partitioning that still works but brakes some other things. Anyone has a link at good documentation on MBR/EBR and partitioning structure?03:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 571038 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu) "palimpsest crash with libgdu:ERROR:gdu-pool.c:2369:device_recurse: assertion failed: (depth < 100)" [Medium,Confirmed]03:55
bladeseclm193, did you install or do anything at all to your graphics drivers before this problem started03:55
L1nuxRulesidlemind324 as long as you have chkconfig installed then chkconfig service on03:56
TBotNikRepeating: All: have a script for chroot that is not working right.  Anyone game?  PB with script and errors at: http://pastebin.com/QxFWRCzu03:56
seclm193blade, i can boot to the command line just fine, but when I try to run startx it does the same thing.03:56
idlemind324Thanks L1nuxRules but i know ssh is starting03:56
idlemind324ps aux | grep 'ssh' =)03:56
bladeseclm193, did you install or un install any thing to do with your graphics03:57
L1nuxRulesidlemind324 ? I was telling you how you can set a service to start03:57
L1nuxRulesnot ssh03:57
seclm193installed the driver that it showed, and updated the system03:57
idlemind324LinuxRules you mean to get the macvlan's to auto load? i think i found the way to enter those in /etc/networking/interfaces03:58
bladeseclm193, do you know if it backed your xorg.conf file03:58
seclm193blade, i have no idea.03:59
bladeseclm193, can you work on that computer while we talk here03:59
balgarathhow to change the default irc client launched when clicking irc:// links?03:59
L1nuxRulesmacvlan is that something to handle virtualization?03:59
seclm193blade, unfortunately this is the computer.  I'm dual booting with windows 7 and had to login to windows 7 to chat04:00
mlt-any1? For some reason while I have a type marker 0x0f for extended partition in MBR, I see 0x05 partition type in EBR and no link to next logical partition :(04:00
seclm193blade, is there a way to role back the update?04:01
bladeseclm193, not that i know of... not like a rool back like on win 7 or such... but.....04:01
bladeseclm193, what we can do is check to see if your xorg.conf backed up before it restarted...04:02
seclm193blade, if it makes any difference, my processor is an AMD C-7004:02
bladeseclm193, what vid card is it04:02
seclm193blade, AMD Radeon HD 625004:02
ldleworkWhat is Ubuntu's 11.04's default window manager?04:03
KM0201ldlework: default, is Unity04:03
seclm193blade, you think it may be a program in the application startup list that could cause the hang?04:03
ldleworkKM0201, is that literally what the program is called that provides window management?04:04
bladeseclm193, you will need to log into your command line... and type cd /etc/X11    then check dir and see if your xorg.conf is backed up... if it is i can tell you the command lines to get it back to how it was before the update04:04
L1nuxRulesubuntu > tablet04:04
KM0201ldlework: now that im not sure of, just know thats the default desktop04:04
seclm193blade, you think that maybe the problem?04:05
bladeseclm193, it is more likely your video card drivers if you had done an update just before that problem started04:05
mlt-ldlework: Unity is a shell, window manager is Compiz04:05
seclm193blade, what it I can get into safe mode?  will that make a difference?04:05
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ldleworkmlt-, thanks04:05
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L1nuxRulesidlework x11 is what handles window management04:05
bladeseclm193, yes you would be able to change your xorg.conf .... if that is the problem04:06
seclm193blade, i'm going to try to restart in safe gui mode and hopefully be right back04:06
bladeseclm193, ok04:07
PhalstaffHow do I change the font in the gnome panel?04:07
mcurranright click "Edit Menus"04:07
linux_is_my_herowhy doesn't my wifi signal strength show up in my notifier applet on my top bar?04:08
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seclm193blade, I just booted into failsafe graphic mode with no problems.04:12
bladeseclm193, then i would say we should check your xorg.conf file to see if it was backed up04:12
seclm193what was the commands again?04:12
L1nuxRulesare xorg.conf needed these days shouldnt he just > it04:13
bladeopen /etc/X1104:13
bladeseclm193, just open the folder for now04:13
bladeseclm193, terminal will come later if that's the problem04:13
seclm193got it open in the terminal04:14
seclm193blade, i'm a newbie, but have a little bit of knowledge04:14
seclm193blade, what file are we looking for?04:14
bladeseclm193, ok if your in terminal then do dir and see if you have a back up of xorg.conf04:14
linux_is_my_herowhy doesnt my wifi signal strength show up on my top bar like it used to?04:15
bladeseclm193, should say xorg.conf.fglrx-0 or something like that04:15
seclm193blade, all I have is a xorg.conf and xorg.conf.failsafe04:15
seclm193cd Xreset04:16
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bladeseclm193, ok your failsafe is your backup04:16
seclm193blade, ok, so what now04:16
AdriiHey! What's your name?04:16
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bladewe need to remove your xorg.conf    then replace it with the backup04:17
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fox___cp xorg.conf.bup xorg.conf ?04:17
bladeseclm193, to remove the bad one do ....04:17
Brian_HI just installed 11.04 on my dell e6520, I can shutdown fine if I'm connected to the power cord when I boot, but if I boot on battery or switch to battery  when I go to shutdown kde hangs after closing all the apps; leaving just my mouse cursor04:17
Brian_HI tried disabling acpi at boot and that didn't fix it04:17
fox___Biran_H: Try sudo halt in a console04:18
bladeseclm193, did you do the cd /etc/X1104:18
Brian_Hok, and if that works? is there a good way to troubleshoot the issues?04:18
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seclm193blade, i did, i'm in the directory in the terminal04:18
Brian_HI tried checking the /var/logs/* but didn't find anything, but perhaps Im not looking at the right files04:18
bladeseclm193, ok good04:19
bladeseclm193, now in terminal do ... sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:19
L1nuxRulesBrian_H first thing if you have another desktop boot to that otherwise boot to /bin/bash04:20
Brian_Hgood call, I'll try not logging into kde and see if I can reboot/shutdown from a terminal04:20
seclm193blade, done04:20
Brian_Hthe odd thing is if I boot with power and never go to battery it works fine04:21
bladeseclm193, then you need to rename the other file... sudo mv /xorg.conf.failsafe xorg.conf04:21
Brian_Hbut I'll try it regardless, brb04:21
fox___thats weid04:21
bladeseclm193, then do dir and make sure it has changed04:21
Brian_Hyea that was my thought, I've verified it 5 times now :)04:21
seclm193blade, ok done.  it's renamed04:22
bladeseclm193, then you should be able to restart and be up and running again04:22
seclm193blade, going to restart and see what happens, brb hopefully04:22
seclm193blade, it worked, but it's the graphics still in low graphic mode04:25
faint545hey guys, im in xubuntu4 and i have no sound.. not sure where to start looking...04:25
x64Faint, you check the "No sound" documentation?04:26
faint545this page? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting04:26
ZgxLtxzUbuntu10.04LTS can install to U Disk?04:26
bladeseclm193, yes that is because we removed the updated driver... you should be able to do the update again this time with better results ...04:26
x64Faint, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems04:26
x64ZG, what do you mean UDisk?04:27
bindianyone know of a download accelerator that can use multiple nics?04:27
ZgxLtxz Ubuntu10.04LTS can install to Flash Disk?04:27
seclm193blade, how do i go about updating the driver?  remove it under restricted drivers, restart, then reinstall?04:27
x64ZG, Yes.04:27
ZgxLtxzThank you,x6404:27
x64No problem, ZG. If you need the tool let me know.04:27
bladeseclm193, you will need to reinstall but next time run ....  sudo aticonfig --initial     in terminal that will set up the drivers better and give you a backup in case you need to restore them again04:28
seclm193blade, ok, i'm uninstalling the restricted driver now.  Do i need to restart after?04:29
bladeseclm193, i am not sure... it will tell you if that is the case04:29
seclm193blade, is there a way to install the driver in command line so i can see what it's doing?  doing it through the gui doesn't give you any informaton04:30
bladeseclm193, just remember after they are installed DO NOT RESTART until after you run the aticonfig --initial04:31
bladeseclm193,  aticonfig will set up your xorg.conf file for you04:31
dougbis there anything similar to gedit that lets me copy/rename files from the file browser? gedit doesn't allow this and they claim they don't plan on supporting the feature04:31
bladeseclm193, i do not know the terminal command to install the ati drivers04:32
seclm193blade, ok, i'm trying to do it know04:32
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bladedougb try medit04:33
faint545x64, i followed all the directions on that page you sent me.. nothing has worked so far.04:34
seclm193blade, this is what i'm getting04:35
seclm193blade, Found fglrx primary device section04:35
seclm193Fail to link to fglrx-libglx.so, please check whether driver is installed correctly04:35
bladeseclm193,  you will need to un install it04:36
bladeseclm193, that is why you had problems it was not installed right the first time04:36
seclm193blade, i did remove the driver, then reactivated the driver.  i guess i need a reboot inbetween?04:36
josephprince2anyoine knows how to install "easy_install" on android????04:37
bladeseclm193, i am not sure of the steps it takes to purge it but that is what you will want to do....04:37
seclm193i'm not sure how to purge the driver04:37
dougbblade: medit is almost there, except it doesn't show any of my favorites, and i'm using the nautilus ftp manager to connect to my sites...04:37
bladedougb other than medit all i can think of is things like nano edit...04:38
bladedougb let me look04:39
dougbyeah, I guess I could always use vim/nano04:39
eHAPPYIf I want to run a torrent server by of configuration what would be the best client for me?04:39
dougbblade: its not a huge deal, just thought I'd ask.  I can always have a file browser open on another desktop to copy/paste files :)04:40
bladedougb i have a few different editors installed on here but i only use medit lol .... so i do not know what all of them do...04:41
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dougbyea, I've heard kate is pretty good, but I'd have to download all of the qt dependancies which is ~250 MB's and I'm on a 3G connection lol04:42
bladedougb ouch04:43
bladedougb dont feel bad i'm on sat i-net04:43
seclm193blade, i tried this04:43
seclm193blade, sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-radeon04:43
dougbi'm not complaining, it's technically 4G* from at&t, but i'm on an android phone and grandfathered into an unlimited data plan, so for browsing the internet, streaming music and editing websites it's perfect04:44
seclm193blade, and sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx*04:44
bladeeHAPPY, i use transmission ... it lets me schedule times for it to download04:44
bladeseclm193,  did it work04:44
eHAPPYblade transmission i find is not nearly robust enough for my use :/04:44
updatehow do i boot a version of linux on a live cd on ubuntu???04:44
bladeeHAPPY, then you may want to look at ktorrent04:44
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bladeeHAPPY, i have also heard good things about u torrent04:45
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BaramiHello :)04:45
dr_willisutorrent linux port is 32bit only last i looked04:45
updatehow do i boot a version of linux on a live cd on ubuntu???04:45
bindiAnyone know of a download accelerator that uses multiple NICs?04:46
dr_willisupdate:  clarify what you mean04:46
bindigoogle isnt being useful atm04:46
faint545update, what do you mean exactly?04:46
eHAPPYblade utorrent isnt approved for any trackers :/04:46
Baramidr_willis, deluge is recommended for torrent.04:47
bladeeHAPPY, k torrent is and so is vuze04:47
updateim running ubuntu right now, and i want to try a different distro.  I have the cd in but it won't boot up and run??04:47
sonjaubuntu won't start in graphical mode. startx tells me "no screens found"04:47
dr_willisupdate:  perhaps you burnt the cd wrong04:48
eHAPPYblade cool ill check out ktorrent :) what about rtorrent or deluge?04:48
updateno i got it from a magazine04:48
updatei have two and niether are working04:48
faint545update, reboot, and choose to boot from CD04:48
bladeeHAPPY, i have never used rtorrent or deluge04:48
eHAPPYkk ty for the help04:48
Baramideluge is good tool for torrent.04:49
dr_willispc not set toboot cd in bios.. perhaps. its not ubuntu thats keepig the pc from booting a cd04:49
bladeeHAPPY, i really like k torrent but as i said i'm on sat inet so i have a down load limit and k torrent will not stop..... not as far as i can tell04:49
Baramiit handling few hundred seed files with no lacks.04:49
Baramitransmission is slow with many seed files.04:49
bindiI use transmissiond and web gui to handle it.04:50
bindiBarami: not really.. I have 345 active04:50
bladebarami transmission is the only one that can have a schedule so i can set it to not download for part of the day....04:50
BaramiHm. bindi In my com, transmission has lacked with 50 seed files. :(04:50
bladeBarami, in different computers transmission will cause a memory leak04:51
bladeBarami, you may just be one of the lucky ones04:51
dr_willisother torrent clients have scheduling. i think most do these days04:51
sonjaubuntu won't start in graphical mode. startx tells me "no screens found" . halp04:52
BaramiAlso, deluge has more flexible options.04:52
asher^hello. i was wondering if someone could tell me how to add an ip range like 123.456.*.* to ufw. what syntax to use for the ip?04:53
bladetransmission is the only one that i have found that i can set the download and upload to 0 for most of the day and then when i am in free time i can let it run04:53
sonjaasher, #networknig might know if not here04:53
BaramiHow to change the font of QT programs? qtconfig don't save settings and can't effect to programs.04:53
asher^thanks sonja04:54
rwwasher^: 123.456.0.0/1604:54
asher^thanks rww04:54
seclm193blade, now i have a new problem04:59
ldleworkIn 11.04, my windows key opens up the gnome menu. xev doesn't even report keystrokes for it? What is capturing the key?04:59
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bladeseclm193, what would that be05:00
seclm193blade, now after installing the driver, it tells me it cannot find ati-config05:00
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bladeseclm193,  that was a pop up message05:00
josephprince2any takers on easy_install on android?05:00
bladeseclm193, or did you try to do something05:00
BaramiHow to change font of QT programs?05:01
seclm193blade, nevermind, it found it, but it still says Fail to link to fglrx-libglx.so, please check whether driver is installed correctly05:01
BaramiNot kde base programs.05:02
BaramiSmplayer, virtualbox, etc...05:02
bladeseclm193,  are you sure you have the libglx.so installed05:02
seclm193blade, so i need to sudo apt-get install libglx.so?05:03
Baramiqtconfig can't affect those.05:03
bladeseclm193, well i would open your package manager and search for it...05:03
bladeseclm193,  did you find it05:06
seclm193blade, not yet05:07
bladeseclm193, go to system admin.. synaptic package manager... or what ever package manager you use05:07
bladeseclm193, then just do a search for that lib file05:08
seclm193blade, i did, it didn't find it05:08
bladeseclm193, what was the name of the file again05:08
seclm193blade, nevermind, it found it, but it still says Fail to link to fglrx-libglx.so, please check whether driver is installed correctly05:09
seclm193blade, theres the message again05:09
bladeseclm193, you found and installed the file it was missing tho05:10
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seclm193blade, didn't find the file, that was the message i get when i run sudo ati-config --initial05:10
josephprince2sigh. why im ignored05:10
bladeseclm193, no no05:11
bladeseclm193,  sudo aticonfig --initial    just as i have it05:11
rwwjosephprince2: Probably because this is #ubuntu, not #android.05:11
bladeseclm193,  you can also check the commands with aticonfig -h05:11
seclm193blade, tried just like you have it, no dice05:12
bladeseclm193, what did it say this time05:12
bladeseclm193,  did you try aticonfig -h    or aticonfig --help05:12
seclm193blade, same thing, what am i looking for in aticonfig -h05:13
bladeseclm193, just lets you see the different commands05:13
TBotNikAll: who are the scripting and networking gurus tonight?05:14
bladeseclm193, try to open your update manager and see if that has any updates for ati05:14
ldleworkWould someone please help me figure out what captures the windows key in 11.04 to open the unity/gnome menu?05:14
seclm193blade, checking now05:14
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, hey, so why can't you specify the fs?05:15
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Something crazy about UUIDs and it already mounting, multiple passes of the script to get chroot right, you know.05:16
seclm193blade, it had some X11 updates.  updating now05:16
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Let me give you all the PB and write up links05:17
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, well I didn't see a UUID in that script05:17
molossusi need help with my butuntu,  is there a power saving program or something like that in ubuntu ? in fedora a while back  i was able to use "tuned" which lets you select a profile for laptop or desktop05:17
bladeseclm193, that may do it... on the lower left of that window you should see a tab that can give you more details about each update as you click on it05:17
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bladeso i'm looking... an app based off ubuntu ... made for doing a dual boot on the ipod touch....05:18
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Problem & status at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11089497#post11089497;  Configs at: http://pastebin.com/yC9fcguh; Restart/Reboot errors at: http://pastebin.com/yqWk3ucd; Script and errors at: http://pastebin.com/yqWk3ucd and finally the dir view from /dev at: http://pastebin.com/YwNYv4U605:19
ldleworkWould someone please help me figure out what captures the windows key in 11.04 to open the unity/gnome menu?05:19
bladerww, i want to play... let me have ops for a few lol05:21
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Was trying to run the cmd "ls /dev/sda* -al" to see the contents of the last PB, but kept erroring so had to create that in file by hand from the gnome Places GUI.05:22
molossuswhat is " -o rww" ?05:22
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bladerww, no you will have to give all the kids some candy.... or they will think i'm spoiled05:22
rwwmolossus: +o is a channel mode that gives a user operator access. -o is a channel mode that removes that access.05:22
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Tired of being here on liveCD.  Not making any progress on the network issue and just spending time.05:23
molossusrww , why is your name listed with  -o ?05:23
TBotNikBRB Coffee run!05:24
seclm193blade, what if I just goto the ATI website and download the installer they have?05:24
rwwmolossus: I had ChanServ give me ops to check on some stuff I can't see otherwise, then removed it from myself.05:24
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, so if the networking issue was gone, you wouldn't need the oddball mount script to work?05:24
bladeseclm193, if you can get it to work... i was unable to make it work... but that is mostly to do with my lack of experience05:25
molossusrww,  is ChanServ like a bot program that checks everything we say?05:25
molossusor a admin user05:25
bladeadmin user05:26
droidman101molossus: its an admin bot of the whole freenode05:26
bladelets you give the bot bang commands that normal users cant05:26
rwwmolossus: ChanServ is a bot maintained by the IRC network we're on that (amongst other things) keeps track of which users have operator access on a channel and ops them on request.05:26
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Bak: Yup you got that right, but purge of NM kill all my config on wlan0, which is my INET, so have to use the liveCD to get out, communicate and fix this.05:28
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, okay, so do you run the DHCP server on that machine?05:29
molossusare the users that have an "@" prefix admins too, how do i know who is an admin05:29
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, does /etc/init.d/dhcpcd exist?05:30
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Problem is I did this config 5-8 years ago and went seamless, but was full blown server with all the DHCP stuff already in and running and the WiFi card was added later, so went smoothly.  This machine is DT/server combo and WiFi went in with build, now trying to add LAN on eth0 and just not working right.05:30
rwwmolossus: users who are currently opped have an @ prefix. The list of users with ChanServ op access can be viewed with /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list05:30
blademolossus just be nice to everyone and you dont have to worry about who is admin lol05:30
rww(specifically, everyone with +o in that list)05:31
molossusoh ok05:31
TBotNikThis machine is older than hills with slow CPU and this wlan0 connect covers 2 miles, so not fast.05:31
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, I'm actually only understanding about 20% of what you say, but let's assume you want connectivity and have a home router05:32
flametai1Anyone know of any software that would like allow you to emulate another monitor for a windows computer on to Linux? For example: I have a windows 7 tablet to my left, Linux desktop to my right, I want to make my Linuxbox emulate a monitor inside of it and have my windows 7 tablets desktop extend onto it so it's just a window on my linux box, anything out there like that?05:32
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: No this box uses dhcp3, so is /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server05:32
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, can you copy the network manager config and the dhcpcd config from the live cd?05:32
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: No router, way wrong scenario05:32
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, I would probably disable that for this troubleshooting05:33
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: on the copy, let me look.  Already in chroot on the terminal, so looking around.05:34
\DSAFEW\flametai1, I believe the kind of software you want is "remote desktop" or "VNC"05:34
molossusrww, one last question, how do you become admins in #ubuntu or other rooms?05:35
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: On the NM config, NM is not working. Did a purge on it, then when lost wlan0 tried a chroot install from the liveCD, which broke synaptic, so trying to fix synaptic, with right chroot and NM re-install.  When I away to test HDD boot right now, no connection, so back to liveCD to make fixes, but can not get chroot right, so can not make the fixes needed.05:36
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\DSAFEW\molossus, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam?action=show&redirect=IrcTeam05:36
rwwmolossus: for #ubuntu, we generally look for people who've helped out in #ubuntu as users for a long time and have the right sort of attitude for opping. In general, "make a new room or have the room creator give you ops".05:36
rww(see also /msg ubottu !canibeanop)05:37
seclm193blade, installing driver from website now05:37
bladeseclm193,  is that the one with the updated ccc also05:37
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Am I giving you TMI or are you following?05:37
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, not enough05:38
bladeseclm193,  if not that will be ok just need to updated that too at some point05:38
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, I get you have to repair stuff, but can you not access the old system now?05:38
seclm193 blade, not sure, it says i need to remove old fglrx driver first05:38
bladerww, just tell him to watch me... and learn what not to do lol05:38
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: When you read the problem on the forum, did you understand the importance of the wlan0 config?05:38
bigeyeWhere is usb's trash folder? I can't find it.05:38
bryanhi everybody05:38
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bladeseclm193, yes any time you update ati drivers you need to purge the old drivers first05:39
bladebigeye, when you unmount it should prompt you to empty the trash05:39
bigeyeblade: oh, thanks.05:40
bladebigeye, and if not you can always reformat the drive ... even my 8 gig only takes a few min05:40
Unknown_Monkeywhois blade05:40
seclm193blade, i tried sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx* it shows nothing there05:40
bladeUnknown_Monkey, .... this guy05:40
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: See it but cannot make chroot link and bind right /dev resources such as /sys /tmp /proc ..etc so chroot does not bind and updates from synaptic on liveCD just corrupt things, that is why synaptic is disabled on the HDD boot right now.05:40
bladeseclm193, it should not be .... you did that just a bit ago remember05:41
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Am I making sense?05:41
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, yeah, okay that's fine05:41
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, but you can manually edit the configs to test them05:41
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: So instead of just a networking problem I now have the additional problem with synaptic that I got to fix.05:42
bladeseclm193, i am going to guess with that card you are running that you are on a x64 right05:43
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, I still don't know what interface does what, or what devices/servers your network has05:43
bladeseclm193, and you are sure you are after the right drivers then yes05:43
seclm193blade, yes05:43
bladeseclm193, k05:44
DBordellohow do I determine the version of fglrx installed?05:45
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Network had wlan0 (Internet and networking connect to main warehouse) eth0 (local LAN/network for 3 servers, my win laptop I'm testing and new WIFI LinkSys router for letting laptop visitors to this remote warehouse connect to the internet)05:45
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TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Still confused?05:45
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: So the importance of wlan0 is it is the only communication connection for this entire network.05:46
bladeDBordello,  in terminal type fglrxinfo05:47
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, a bit, so let's label these things with letters, let's call your computer/router computer A05:47
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: wlan0, runs on DLink WiFi card with super high gain antennas, point to point.05:48
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, and the warehouse 2 network connects to computer A via a switch?05:48
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, and warehouse 1 miles away is connected between computer A and computer B05:49
\DSAFEW\so computer B is also the internet gateway for the linksys wifi AP and other computers at warehouse 2?05:49
seclm193blade, could not get it to work, but trying it with the --force command now05:50
bladeseclm193,  aticonfig --initial -f05:50
ministerdudeOnce I configure my VM. Can I instal windows programs to it?05:51
seclm193blade, will have to try that05:51
bladeministerdude, yes ... be sure you have enough ram to run it tho05:51
ministerdudeIt's just for itunes and syncing my iphone05:51
seclm193blade, the only other thing i know is to reinstall fresh and step through updates one by one05:51
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Main warehouse supplies signal/connect via WiFi to Computer A, via the wlan0 NIC (DLink card).  Servers B,C,D need to send data to Main warehouse but have no connect, so daily CDs being burnt instead.  Need Computer A to serve IPs (DHCP Server) to local LAN so files can be shared and or exchanged on LAN to main warehouse.  Additional WIFI router being added for convienence of Mgmt staff visiting that want INet connect for email etc05:52
TBotNik\DSAFEW\:  Is that clear?05:52
bladeministerdude, you can use linux to sync you iphone... i have ipod touch and it works great05:52
seclm193blade, looks like it may have worked, restarting to find out, brb05:52
bladeseclm193, i spent 3 days doing what your doing now to try to set up dual monitors and dual cards... it can be a pain but once it's done it looks great05:53
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: did i loose you?05:53
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, okay well you relabeled my B, but what does the other end of the wifi connection in warehouse 1 look like?05:53
beanbrewI've been trying to use byobu's F-keys functionality, but F1-F5 don't work in the virtual terminal05:53
ministerdudegtkpod? have it. but I want to sync/activate and get updates. and jailbreaking is easier in windows05:55
bladeministerdude, take a look at usbmudxd05:55
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, so at your location, is computer A connected to a switch for the LAN? and also, the new wifi AP for management is on the other network right?05:55
seclm193blade, worked perfectly.  hope it sticks though05:55
bladeseclm193, good ... if it worked once it will work every time... it saves ... and has a back up that is auto...05:56
TBotNik\DSAFEW\:  I do not remember. I has been there for over 2 years and we have been making these daily data trips for about 5 years.  I usually come here first, then go to main warehouse to finis the day.  Haven't gone to main for a couple of days, other admin has it and all is stable, so this is main problem point so almost been sleeping out here.05:56
seclm193blade, alsome05:56
ministerdudesoftware center?05:56
bladeministerdude, did you know you can dual boot with linux on the iphone / ipod now05:56
seclm193blade, one more question, not sure if you know.  Is there a way to have KDE and Gnome on same distro05:57
ministerdudeThey have a linux for the iphone as an os?05:57
bladeministerdude, check synaptic package manager05:57
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, so on this machine, is it connected to a box via wires?05:57
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: This upgrade started when I opened my mouth and inserted my #12, so now having to eat it.05:57
bladeseclm193, yes but i am not sure i can tell you what distro that is... i have gnome kde openbox xfce all on one distro05:58
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Local LAN side has 8 port hub05:58
seclm193blade, openbox?05:58
ministerdudek synaptic then what?05:58
bladeit's had to explain .... it is nothing really... no gui at all05:59
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Stuck with this computer as can not take the others out of production and only this one has the DLink card.05:59
bladeseclm193, i dont know the bash command so just check your pm05:59
karexGeany launches faster than Gedit (3 sec vs 6 sec), how it can be?06:00
seclm193blade, i found it, just need to install kubuntu-desktop06:00
seclm193blade, i thank you for your help06:00
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, and the new linksys is on the other network right? although that isn't what you're connected to06:00
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Also recently added WebMin on this box, so when I get LAN working I can admin the other 3 from this one box.  Better yet if Inet comes up will WebMin from main server room.06:00
maahesI'm having a weird problem. I have a volume on another disk mounted to /media/morespace its chowned by me, according to ls -l, but I can't write to the directory.06:01
bladeseclm193, any time... i will help where i can... i'm a noob tho06:01
maahesdoing sudo touch foo works though06:01
seclm193blade, we help each other to learn from each other.  that is the way we learn06:01
ministerdudeAnyways. How do I instal programs to my vm?06:01
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: LinkSys is plugged into 8 port hub, but has to get it's INet through this box.  Joke you know!  HA HA LOL06:01
bladeseclm193, that's what Ubuntu stands for...06:01
ministerdudeI'll go easy this time06:01
bladeseclm193, i looked it up lol06:02
seclm193blade, cool, didn't know that06:02
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Not the config, the connect, since all is broke.06:02
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, joke? okay I see, that's fine, I just wanted to narrow down the issue06:02
seclm193blade, can't wait for ubuntu to have Gnome 3, looks nice06:02
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: What would you do if this was your network nightmare?06:03
bladeministerdude, if i understand it correctly start vm and just install like you would in windows06:03
bladeseclm193, i am still on 10 10 i was afraid of unity lol06:03
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, well, it seems like it's not much trouble, you just need internet from the wlan interface somehow06:03
seclm193blade, i06:04
seclm193blade, i'm actually on 11.04 running in Gnome Clasic06:05
bladeseclm193, i dont want to be that close to unity lol06:05
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, are computers B,C,D on 10.42.43.*?06:05
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Yup that is constant need06:05
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, and are they configured via your local DHCPd?06:06
seclm193blade, i know what you mean.  I never have used KDE so i06:06
seclm193not sure if i like it06:06
bladeseclm193,  in terminal do fglrxinfo06:06
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: No declared static IP for DHCP server is 192.168.3.x06:06
bladeseclm193, kde is cool in it's own right... not sure i would ever go to it for long...06:07
beanbrewI've been trying to use byobu's F-keys functionality, but F1-F5 aren't working for the F keys.  I suspect this is because byobu wants [11~ or whatever instead of [[A, but I don't know what I can do about it.06:07
seclm193christopher@christopher-linux:~$ fglrxinfo06:07
seclm193display: :0.0  screen: 006:07
seclm193OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.06:07
seclm193OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon HD 6200 series Graphics06:07
seclm193OpenGL version string: 4.1.10834 Compatibility Profile Context06:07
FloodBot1seclm193: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:07
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, but your eth0 IP is 10.43etc06:07
maalachi, need help configuring pidgin on yahoo on HP network?06:07
beanbrewsimilarly, I have that problem in mutt, where it doesn't see my binds when I bind to f1-f406:07
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\DSAFEW\TBotNik, can you pastebin again? these might be old configs I'm looking at06:08
seclm193blade, you see my fglrxinfo?06:08
bladeseclm193, yes ... next time paste that in a pm06:08
seclm193blade, yea i saw that06:09
bladeseclm193, looks like it all went good for the install06:09
bladeseclm193, dont feel bad the bots here know me by first name now lol06:09
seclm193blade, yea, graphics look a lot better now, and more responsive06:09
seclm193blade, they might get to know me by name also. lol06:09
bladeseclm193, now you just need to set up compiz06:10
bladeseclm193, the bots get on me once a day at least06:10
seclm193blade, ok? how?06:10
bladeseclm193, read pm06:10
TBotNik\DSAFEW\:  the /etc/network/interfaces settings of "auto wlan0" and "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" have to work for wlan0 to work right, but NM was messing those up.  The 10.x.x.x was coming from the cards when I had the "auto eth0" first in the /etc/network/interfaces, when I moved it down and grouped it with the rest of the eth0 settings the right 192.168.3.x settings came up.06:11
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Did not know the grouping was critical06:11
beanbrewif it helps at all, my $TERM is xterm-color06:11
bladeseclm193, in your package manager search for compiz06:12
bladeseclm193,  then we can spend a night in here doing the settings on that lol06:12
FernandoTertiaryhola, am needing assistance pertaining the Package Manager. /lib/apt/lists/lock displays a blank file06:12
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, so what does 'ip route show' say?06:13
wrektjethello community. i am in need of switching from a mouse to a trackball input device and wanted to know if anyone uses one that is nicely compatible with ubuntu06:13
seclm193blade, not sure about all night, lol06:13
bladeseclm193, not tonight ... it's way past my bed time now lol06:14
bladeseclm193, i'm too old to stay up this late06:14
\DSAFEW\wrektjet, all mice are compatible, I'd recommend a logitech06:14
\DSAFEW\they are comfy and have buttons06:15
seclm193blade, i have to get family pictures taken tomorrow06:15
bladeseclm193, just get compiz and start looking around it... ubuntu forums have some great ideas also... it is just for cool desk top effects like desk top cube06:16
wrektjetno not a mouse. looking for a trackball. less wrist movement. wondering if anyone has had luck with any trackballs spercifically regarding programmable buttons06:16
seclm193blade, shouldn't be a problem now that my graphic driver is working now06:16
\DSAFEW\wrektjet, I know, I mean, don't worry about it and just get a comfortable logitech06:17
bladeseclm193, you will like the desk top effects just get compiz and fusion with it06:18
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: What I'm thinking about, but will take a month to do, because that is how long to get any money for anything around here unless it is time/hours spent, which no one counts being part of overhead.  Anyway what I think I should do is order another IDE HD for this box. Install as Master, push current HD to slave, Take out the DLink Card Install full Ubunu 10.04 server, then add DT for gui support. setup the DHCP and LAN, then add the 06:19
seclm193blade, i'm installing as soon as KDE finishes06:19
seclm193blade, takes forever to install after it's downloaded06:20
bladeseclm193,  k have some fun with it and get back with me if you run into any problems06:20
seclm193blade, i will06:21
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: What frustrates me the most is the #$%^$$@#@#$$# HOWTOs written by novices, that never test a $#@#^%$$ thing they write and therefore never have and %$#@#$% pain in trying to fix any of this @#%^$%#$# dang crap.  Sorry for the #%$#$@@'s I've just got to vent, so friggin tired of this crap.06:21
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, if you're spending money like that, why not get a wireless bridge/router? It would free this computer from odd routing duties06:22
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Already requested that and got rejected. Thanks!06:23
drijI just installed 11.04 and copied over my home directory from 10.10. the superkey shortcuts aren't working, I assume I have an old keybinding settings somewhere06:24
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, okay, well we make due, linux is a very flexible OS, so you can do this, but it will take a bit of man page reading and config file tweaking06:24
drijbut I don't know how to find the old binding. does anyone have any idea how I might find out what's binding to and superceeding the superkey?06:24
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, so what does 'ip route show' say?06:25
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Regular router will not work, has to be a router approved by dd-wrt and none of the new one will work as you have 2 problems: 1. Will not function as actual AP (sue of wireless side), 2. has to be able to bridge in the wifi section.  That eliminates over 80% of the commerically available routers06:26
TBotNik\DSAFEW\:  You talking about /etc/iptables?06:26
cypha``Please tell me how to prevent the scrollbars from disappearing?06:26
TBotNikcypha``: You got compiz running?06:27
cypha``TBotNik no06:27
cypha``I was trying to avoid that06:27
cypha``don't want anything fancy/heavy. Just want things to work right, like the scrollbars06:28
uiuiui132Hi guys. I am facing some problems installing samba on 11.04. Can anyone help?06:28
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, 'ip route show' as a command, or 'route'06:28
cypha``and it would be nice if resizing windows didn't require such exactness on the window border06:28
TBotNikcypha``: Check to see if it is config'd to run,  If it is and is erroring, thus needing manual start then fix that and you are good.  Whole borders will also dissappear without this also.06:29
tricphi guys !!06:29
uiuiui132Hi guys. I am facing some problems installing samba on 11.04. Can anyone pls help?06:29
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Remember what I'm showing you is liveCD and wlan0 only:06:30
TBotNik192.168.1.0/24 dev wlan0  proto kernel  scope link  src  metric 206:30
TBotNik169.254.0.0/16 dev wlan0  scope link  metric 100006:30
TBotNikdefault via dev wlan0  proto static06:30
fmaurouiuiui132: what problems exactly?06:30
cypha``TBotNik, what is "it"?06:30
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: wlan0 has always been
kallistiwas installing lubuntu on a laptop that has a radeon card and during the installation it saw it was there however now its saying i dont have any proprietry divers installed06:31
TBotNikcypha``: Compiz06:31
uiuiui132dpkg -l | grep samba06:31
cypha``TBotNik, I don't have it installed06:31
uiuiui132states iHR for samba package06:31
TBotNikcypha``: The two main programs controlling the display are nautilaus and compiz06:32
cypha``TBotNik, so it comes installed by default?06:32
TBotNikcheck on them both.  Depends on which version you are one.06:32
cypha``TBotNik, how do I get the settings utility?06:33
TBotNikcypha``: Alt+F2 then let me find you cmd to enter.06:33
cypha``TBotNik, can't just use a terminal window?06:34
uiuiui132fmauro: any ideas?06:34
ushillshi, looking for some help with thunar on xfce 11.04, currently it takes around 15-20seconds from entering thunar in a terminal to the window appearing, could it be anything to do with ubuntu one.06:34
centr0im trying to install vpnc and the directions say to creata a conf file but the dir is inaccessible even when using sudo.  any ideas?06:35
TBotNikcypha``: Looking fo you now, hold on!06:35
cypha``gracias :)06:35
fmaurouiuiui132: you were trying to install samba directly throught dpkg or regularly through apt?06:35
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Still there?06:35
uiuiui132no interenet connection06:36
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, yep06:36
uiuiui132so with dpkg directly06:36
uiuiui132apt-cdrom add was giving some errors06:36
uiuiui132so i was left with manually installing each package06:36
uiuiui132i think i fucked up in some dependencies06:36
uiuiui132and now its in a totally fucked up state.06:37
fmaurouiuiui132: sounds about right. no possibility of an internet connection?06:37
uiuiui132there is. i have to lug it into another room.06:37
TBotNikcypha``: K Alt+F2 then "gconf-editor", think this will help06:37
uiuiui132if I do that, what commands to rectify the situation?06:37
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: So what is your feedback on my thoughts?06:38
fmaurouiuiui132: you could try and just do a regular package update, if that fails try a apt-get build-dep samba06:38
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, well it looks like it's not connecting to the wifi, but I don't have current config or logs06:38
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, so IDK, you just need to mess with it until it connects IMO06:39
uiuiui132ok. i shall try that.06:39
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TBotNikcypha``: Also you can use the HOWTO at: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-tweak-ubuntu.html06:39
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: I posted the current HDD configs at: http://pastebin.com/yC9fcguh  Do you need the configs from the liveCD as well?06:40
cypha``thanks TBotNik06:41
alexandru1012i have a problem i'm trying to send a file via bluetooth and when it is trying to send it it reports permission denied (13)  the device i want to send it to is my phone06:41
TBotNikcypha``: Welcome!!06:41
justyellowboyAnybody here use w3m?06:42
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Still want the liveCD configs as well?06:42
TBotNikBRB Checking on something.06:43
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, no the livecd doesn't matter right?06:43
cypha``TBotNik, apparently none of those keys in there are changeable06:43
justyellowboyI think there was an update on w3m about rss feeds. I used to be able to view them in my w3m browser but now it tries to download it. What's up with that? How can I view the rss in w3m again?06:43
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Would not think so!06:43
dc5alaalexandru1012, sending files via bluetooth is always troublesome =/ e.g. from my mac -> android does not work at all06:44
drijah, found it! in ~/.gconf/desktop/ there was an old binding to "lwin" (aka the left "super" key)06:44
TBotNik\DSAFEW\:  Unless somehow there was some huge delta, but don't see that.  Have never been able to get /etc/iptables to build and do not know if that is signifiacant.06:44
alexandru1012what should i do06:45
dc5alaalexandru1012, use something else but bluetooth ;)06:45
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, well it's what is forwarding packets right? making your computer a router06:45
alexandru1012need to restart dbus updated06:46
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, but you need a proper route/interface up before the routing works06:46
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: I thought it was more firewall related, so not sure.06:46
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Routing was working without it, but not nameservers/DNS06:46
centr0what does it mean when dir is red on on the command line?06:47
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: I remove NM because it kept rewriting the /etc/resolv.conf file which controls all nameservers and that is what got me stuck here, now.06:47
bindicentr0: a tarball or similiar06:48
llutz_TBotNik: if you need static dns-entries, change dhclient.conf or nm-connection settings06:48
centr0weird.  i installed vpnc and it was red and had a dir type in/ /etc06:49
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Originally I thought there was a way to go into the NM config and set all the nameservers there. But when I could not find that and kept dying I unfortunately purged NM06:49
justyellowboyDoes anyone use w3m? I'm kinda new to it.06:49
fmaurouiuiui132: if the update fails try doing it directly with dpkg --configure --pending06:49
TBotNikllutz_: Thanks! but a lot lot lot more involved than that.06:50
damagednoobi'm on ubuntu 11.04 and i'm having issues with connecting to a pptp vpn. I dual boot vista and I can confirm that the vpn works in vista. How can I go about troubleshooting this issue?06:50
kraelocwhen I try to connect to a pptp vpn server, i get an error saying it failed because "vpn service failed to start". can anyone help me?06:50
uiuiui132fmauro: will do. i am going offline now. will be back.06:50
justyellowboyNever mind.06:51
kraeloci'm on 11.04 32-bit; when I try to connect to a pptp vpn server, i get an error saying it failed because "vpn service failed to start". can anyone help me?06:51
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: So I need to do something, anything to attempt recover, what do you suggest?06:52
geegeegeeanyone know of a good C IDE that has autocomplete for variables and syntax highlighting?06:52
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, PB your interfaces file on the hard drive06:52
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\DSAFEW\TBotNik, this /etc/init.d/networking06:53
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, conf.d06:53
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, just put configs online so we can look at them, or proofread them yourself if you want06:53
damagednoobgeegeegee, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_integrated_development_environments#C.2FC.2B.2B06:53
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: which conf file you want under what dir?06:54
damagednoobgeegeegee, i've heard code blocks is pretty good06:54
geegeegeeok thanks :D06:54
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rww!cn | jjg06:56
ubottujjg: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:56
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, grep -ri wlan0 /etc06:56
kraelocnevermind, it looks like i didn't even have the openvpn packages installed. I'ma install those and try again.06:58
kraelocwill be back if it doesn't help.06:58
damagednoobkraeloc, which vpn packages06:58
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kraelocone sec, checking which exact ones.06:59
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Puter slower than ever, since started downloads of 10.04 Dt and Server to ext HD, as may need CDs for recovery.07:00
kraeloclooks like just "openvpn", damagednoob. some quick googling made it seem needed.07:00
photonwhat's the best graphic card for under 150USD that works flawlessly with Ubuntu?07:00
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Still thinking about the grep -ri wlan cmd07:00
damagednoobkraeloc, aah k, i seem to have that installed already07:01
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, well.. just pastebin the files you know about, conf.d/networking etc07:01
kraelocgonna reboot and try again. will return if it still isn't working. thanks damagednoob.07:01
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Copied the cmd wrong re-running now.07:02
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, well wlan or wlan0 works07:02
\DSAFEW\even 'grep -r wlan /etc'07:02
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: my copy did not have the "/etc"07:02
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TBotNik\DSAFEW\: At: http://pastebin.com/fkYG0Sw507:09
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, so pastebin /etc/network/interfaces07:10
citizen-stig_hi everyone07:10
citizen-stig_has somebody qoura invite?07:10
anandhelp me how to use irc07:10
ikoniacitizen-stig_: please don't ask for that sort of thing here07:11
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TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Dang forgetting we need /media/versions/etc so last cmd set all wrong07:15
DrGrovIs there a 11.04 64-bit LiveCD available? I would love to test 64-bit to see whether it works better than my 10.04 32-bit07:15
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, ok, yeah I forgot you were lookin on harddrive too07:15
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: let me get it right an repost07:16
karexDrGrov: have you checked http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download?07:17
Internetpchi.........I am connected to a LAN network and I want that all the people should be able to create and delete files without my permissions...what should I set the Permissions and how ????please help07:21
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: K can not get cmd to run on the HDD mount at all.  Will give me /medai/version but nothing else outside of "Places" gui, in which i can do it all, but not with cmd line.07:22
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, what does ls /media/version say?07:23
InternetpcI there any one to help ?07:23
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Goes back to the original Q of the night HOW do I get chroot to mount and bind properly?07:23
newbAnyone know how to transfer files to a virtual mschine from a host one using virtual box?07:23
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, you just needed to specify the filesystem IIRC, but that could have just been a fluke07:23
Internetpcnewb  : have you installded guest additions ?07:23
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: cmd line "ls -al" gives ".  .. "07:24
\DSAFEW\seems like it wouldn't need to be specified since it's a linux fs07:24
newbInternetpc, no07:24
cousin_mariohow would you go on about setting up grub2 to chainload from another disk instead of scanning it and creating various entries?07:24
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, so mount /dev/sda2 /media/version says?07:24
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: umount then remount07:24
Internetpcthen install it  first from the Devices options on the top07:24
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, are you root?07:25
Internetpcnewb : then install it  first from the Devices options on the top07:25
Internetpcnewb in the virtual machine07:25
TBotNikjust error from sda207:25
DrGrovkarex: Yes of course I have checked that one and I know there is 11.04 available. But is coming as a bootable LiveCD?07:26
newbInternetpc, tks07:27
llutz_cousin_mario: use a /etc/grub.d/40_custom with the entries you want and disable 10_linux07:28
\DSAFEW\TBotNik, well what's the proper drive/partition?07:28
karexDrGrov: As I know Ubuntu CD is live cd except the alternate cds07:28
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gmitrevhi guys, I'm using ubuntu 10.10 and need to update my gtk version because a ceartain app needs it. how can i do it?07:30
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: When server download completes going to reboot, think got this RAM copy all screwed, then can run the script fresh, without errors due to multiple runs, which is what I think current, mount problem is.07:30
TBotNikdownload has an hour to go on this slow connet.07:30
* anand looks around07:31
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: Been trying to get boss to install Clear for this, will be much faster and much better.  He promised 4 months ago, but nada, even refused to put money on my expense card for it. #@#$%%^$# SOB07:32
newbInternetpc, how do i use it?07:33
uiuiui132fmauro: thank a lot! sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get build-dep samba07:33
uiuiui132did it for me.07:33
fmaurouiuiui132: cool07:33
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TBotNik\DSAFEW\: His excuse is: So with that box you will also be able to connect at your house (get the laptop dongle with it), so you won't ever come in.  I want you in the office, not getting it.  Dang he never sees me anyway, always working nights07:34
cousin_mariollutz_: won't the latter disable scanning for everything?07:35
llutz_cousin_mario: only for linux-os07:35
solomonic_hey, so anybody want to help me setup adb on linux? :)07:36
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anandhey help me setup prefix in ubuntu07:36
TBotNiksolomonic: What DB?07:36
llutz_cousin_mario: just point the 40_custom to /vmlinuz on all drives you need. it will always use the latest kernel and you don't have to worry07:36
cousin_mariollutz_: I'm confused07:37
cousin_mariollutz_: I just want update-grub to exclude adding entries from a specific disk07:38
llutz_cousin_mario: there should be some articles in the wiki/forum about grub2, describing this07:38
fmaurosolomonic: yes, what is your problem?07:38
sunitI am trying to install lsb-core in ubuntu 9.10 which is required for install logme-in. I am getting error as can be seen in http://pastebin.com/D2gKkjRS07:38
llutz_cousin_mario: i doubt you can do that easily.07:38
solomonicfmauro, i'm new to linux and don't know how to set it up07:38
fmaurosolomonic: Have you programmed for android before?07:38
TBotNiksolomonic: Not me!  Nothing all with smart phones, if it ain't Blackberry and run native linux and ssh don't want it07:38
llutz_cousin_mario: grub2 is a pile of crap. either you do all manually or all automatic07:38
cousin_mariollutz_: I'm beginning to suspect that myself07:39
solomonicfmauro, no, i need it to send a cmd line to my phone to reboot into recovery07:39
cousin_marioso long for versatility07:39
TBotNiksolomonic: You know BB is way ahead, was not a phone at first was a remote linux admin tool to begin with.07:40
fmaurosolomonic: okay in that case you will only need the sdk and no IDE.  let me get the link07:40
DrGrovkarex: Ok, thanks :)07:41
fmaurosolomonic: http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r12-linux_x86.tgz07:41
TBotNiksolomonic: Iphone and Droid are still trying to catch up, but since Google is all (100%) linux server farm their geeks insisted on some ssh and other good stuff that BB already had so will pass the IPhone by miles in the next 2 years.07:41
TBotNiksolomonic: But downer is you will have to upgrade your phone to match BB07:42
DrGrovIs the 11.04 64-bit not working properly since it is not recommended on ubuntu.com?07:42
chenthucan someone hlep me put with this?.....I am not able to use tar xfvj command07:43
DrGrovJust the 32-bit 11.04 is recommended.07:43
chenthunot able to extract ther file...07:43
kaellani dont find my usb hdd in (computer) what to do ?07:43
fmaurosolomonic: as soon as you unpack it. enter the tools directory and launch the android binary within07:43
llutz_chenthu: what was your exact command, what error?07:43
TBotNikDrGrov: May not be that, may be just the status of testing and confirmation07:43
* anand help me07:44
fmaurosolomonic: or even better, read the readme07:44
solomonichow come it's saying my pw is wrong07:44
kaellanchenthu: nwm it just didnt find it. changed usb port :P (from usb 3 to usb 2)07:44
solomonici tried to do sudo in terminal and it ask for pw07:44
solomonici just recently turned my pw off07:44
* anand any one help me to setup prefix mail server07:44
solomonicso I don't have to login with it07:44
solomonicnow it's saying my pw is wrong07:44
TBotNiksolomonic: As it should07:44
chenthullutz :tar xfvj broadcom-wl... bz2.07:45
TBotNiksolomonic: PW is never off for sudo07:45
llutz_chenthu: tar xjf broadcom....07:45
DrGrovTBotNik: Ok, thanks for clearing that up for me.07:45
chenthullutz yeah....i have a broad com file....too long to type so i gave the dots at the ends07:45
DrGrovCan I run the 11.04 just as a LiveCD yes?07:45
solomonicTBotNik, it's saying it's wrong. I turned it off so I wouldn't have to login with it. now it wont recognize my pw07:45
xcasehi, can somebody give me a hint, why ubuntu does not display my  additional appindicators, like the indicator-weather? (11.04, x64)07:46
llutz_chenthu: use "tar xjf broadcom...."  not tar xfvj, the filename has to follow the "f"07:46
chenthullutz: i have the file in the particular directory i am running this command... /home/07:46
DrGrovHow do I burn it as an .iso image on a CD? I have had some issues with burning on my current 10.04. It seems to work but not sure how to burn it correctly.07:46
TBotNik\DSAFEW\: What you thinking?  Haven't said much lately07:46
chenthuoh ok07:46
chenthullutz : will try now07:46
chenthullutz :still same error07:47
chenthullutz : error is :cannot open: no such file or directory07:48
llutz_chenthu: "ls -l broadcom..."07:48
chenthullutz: error is not recoverable:exiting now07:48
TBotNiksolomonic: You can turn off the log-in on boot via the screen saver and gnome-conf but the pw is still on for sudo.  can you get to and edit your /etc/passwd file?  You may need to boot via liveCD to to edit it and then change PW in there.  Another way is to create new user, with all new ID and PWD and use that to get in.07:48
TBotNikBRB Coffee break07:49
chenthullutz: says cannot access: no such file name or directory07:49
solomonicTBotNik, i'm new to linux/ubuntu. so i haven't tried /etc/passwd07:50
llutz_chenthu: so find the directory containing your tar file, cd to it, use command again07:50
chenthullutz: the file is in the dirctory i am using the command07:50
chenthullutz : i copied the file form usb to my home direcoty07:51
llutz_chenthu:  if so, you wouldn't get "cannot access: no such file name or directory"07:51
chenthullutz: thats what i am wondering07:51
chenthullutz: ok i think i gave the file name wrong...let me check07:52
llutz_chenthu: "find . -iname broadcom*"07:52
chenthullutz: working now...i gave the file name as "w1" instead of "wl"07:53
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TBotNikAll: Back!! Hey guys been fun!! NOT!!  Got more to do and will be back 2morrow nite to whip this.  Ain't no machine ever whipped me, not yet, so this one is going down one way or another.  Will keep hitting it till it gives in.  LOL  See ya all tomorrow.07:57
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!07:57
userOh, he left07:57
cypha``any way I can send clipboard contents to pastebin?08:00
cypha``or a rightclick menu option for selected text?08:00
MestreLionive "downloaded" a source package via Baazar Explorer, and modified a single file from it. How can I compile just this file? and how can i be sure that it will NOT overwrite the same binary in /usr/bin ?08:00
chenthullutz: do u know how to activate the b43 driver after install from command line?08:01
xmazHey guys, how do i stop and start a tomcat server?08:01
MestreLioncypha``: depends on WHERE you are selection the content... gedit?08:02
llutz_chenthu: sudo insmod /path/to/wl.ko08:02
cypha``xmaz--> ps axwwww|grep tomcat08:02
MestreLionxmaz: how did you install the tomcat server? from repos?08:02
chenthullutz; ok will try now08:02
cypha``MestreLion, yes gedit08:02
xmazi installed it: apt-get install tomcat608:03
MestreLionxmaz: sudo service tomcat6 stop08:03
chenthusysy can read path08:03
xcasedoes anybody know why unity does not display the  additional appindicators, like the indicator-weather or sysmonitor?08:04
oratedHello! I'd like to change my operating system to linux and decided to start with Ubuntu. I'm using Packard Bell easynote laptop. How can I start with using Ubuntu, what all things I need to know?08:04
ThinkT510!manual | orated08:05
ubottuorated: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:05
MestreLioncypha``: theres no automatic way to do it. But you could try to find (or create)  a plugin or external tools from it08:05
cypha``MestreLion, what about for the clipboard?08:05
chenthullutz : it says command not found08:05
xmazHey i need to install sun-java6-jre on my ubuntu, but the command apt-get install sun-java6-jre says there is no such package...08:06
llutz_!java | xmaz08:06
ubottuxmaz: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.08:06
MestreLioncypha``:  im not aware of any tools for that...08:06
cypha``MestreLion, or what about running bash/terminal commands within gedit, like you can with vim?08:06
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DJonesorated: The best way to get started will be to download the install file from the ubuntu website and then either burn the iso file to a cd or create a liveUSB stick.  Once you've done that, you can put the cd/usb stick in and restart the computer and you'll boot up into ubuntu which you can test with before installing it onto your hard drive08:06
MestreLioncypha``: that you can. Go to Tools -> Manage External Tools08:07
DJones!install | orated This should help you with how to get it installed08:07
ubottuorated This should help you with how to get it installed: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:07
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davinci11first time here08:08
windparadisehello, any ubuntu user from Japan ?08:08
MestreLionNot sure if here is the besst place to ask for this, but... ive "downloaded" a source package via Baazar Explorer, and modified a single file from it. How can I compile just this file? and how can i be sure that it will NOT overwrite the same binary in /usr/bin ?08:08
ThinkT510!jp | windparadise08:08
ubottuwindparadise: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。08:08
cypha``MestreLion, then?08:08
YankDownUnderwindparadise, Yes...but they're in Japan... ;)08:08
MestreLioncypha``: then create any command you want to run... they will show up in Tools ->  External Tools08:09
cypha``MestreLion, can you give me an example?08:10
cypha``How would I run pastebinit for the current file contents?08:10
MestreLioncypha``: there are some examples aredy built in gedit.. like BUILD, REMOVE TRAILING SPACES, etc08:11
llutz_cypha``: pastebinit filename08:11
bicepjaii have compiled my source and need to create initrd image to load my compiled kernel . i know we should use mkinitramfs, but from which folder should we run this command to generate the resulting image file inside /boot ..... help ?08:11
chenthucan anyone tell me how to activate wireless interface using terminal?08:13
cypha``llutz_, literally?08:13
cypha``llutz_, what's the variable for filename?08:14
fmaurochenthu: activate in what way?, make it connect to a WLAN?08:14
fmaurochenthu: or just turning it on08:14
llutz_cypha``: in a script? $1  for the first given parameter08:14
cypha``input "Current Selection" ?08:15
chenthufmauro: i just installed my b43 driver....now when i run lshw -C network command08:15
cypha``llutz_, but how do I define $1?08:15
cypha``I want $1 to be the current document name08:16
chenthufmauro; it says network disabled, description :wireless interface08:16
cypha``or even, the Current Selection input08:16
llutz_cypha``: what's that, nautilus scripts? sry i misread you and spoke about bash08:16
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chenthufmauro : what should i do to get it *network ebnabled08:16
MestreLioncypha``:  open Software Center and look for pastebinit and nautilus-pastebin08:16
fmaurochenthu: try ifconfig wlan0 up08:17
MestreLioncypha``:  but they only work with whole files, not current selection08:18
chenthufmauro ; Thanks its working08:18
fmaurochenthu: good08:18
cypha``MestreLion, it's a start :)08:19
MestreLioncypha``: but you can use Tools -> Manage External Tools to change it to operate on current selection08:19
cypha``MestreLion, within gedit, what variable represents the current "input"?08:19
photonwhere can I find a graphic card compatibility list for Ubuntu? Google hasn't found anything remotely useful.08:20
chenthufmauro: how to scan using terminal?08:21
ThinkT510photon: planning to buy a new graphics card?08:21
fmaurochenthu: iwlist scan08:21
photonThinkT510: yes08:21
DJones!hcl | photon Have a look at the component catalog page from Ubottu's link08:21
ubottuphoton Have a look at the component catalog page from Ubottu's link: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:21
photonDJones: thanks08:21
MestreLioncypha``:  none. but it can pass current selection as stdin to any command (if that command allows input from stdin)08:21
cypha``MestreLion, not sure what that means08:22
cypha``there is a 'variable' referring to the input, no?08:22
YankDownUnderphoton, Just by a really nice Nvida card. End of story.08:23
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=== gokul is now known as gokulnath
photonYankDownUnder: Yea, I am planning to go with the GTX 460 OC, but I am not sure how well it is supported and there are some threads about people not finding suitable drivers.08:24
MestreLioncypha``:  no. have you ever done any scripting? think about "cat  file.txt | grep hello".  the "|" sends cat's output to grep, right?08:24
YankDownUnderphoton, Get it. End of story.08:24
susundbergI have new Radeon HD 6800 and it worked out of the box08:24
susundbergEnabling 'restricted drivers' was matter of clicking 'do this'08:24
cypha``MestreLion, yes, but how's that affect this?08:25
susundbergAlso OpenCL programming seems to work nicely after downloading the SDK from Atis homepage08:25
YankDownUndersusundberg, Too much work. Just deal with Nvida until AMD/ATI get their collective crap together and support linux full on...strewth that.08:26
MestreLioncypha``:  gedit can send the current selection to a program the same way a pipe ( "|" ) does08:26
photonyeah, I don't like ATI. had one for two years, nothing but driver trouble.08:26
susundbergYankDownUnder: Wha.. too much work one click -- that wasn't even compulsory ..08:26
photonYankDownUnder: what makes you think that the GTX 460 will work driver-wise? have you tried it?08:26
cypha``MestreLion, but how do I create a variable for the "current selection", which in this case is the 'input'08:27
llutz_grep nearly never needs a cat :)08:27
MestreLionllutz_: i know, it was just an example08:27
llutz_a bad one MestreLion :)08:27
MestreLiontrue... but it was the first that came to my mind to explain stdin08:27
YankDownUnderphoton, I've gotten the "proprietary" driver and it was all good.08:28
cypha``for example %GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME" retrieves the current document name08:28
marijnmy system keeps throttling down the cpu to the minimum supported speed (even when the power is connected). any ideas what could be wrong?08:28
photonYankDownUnder: which graphic card have you got? :)08:28
cypha``what would retrieve the current selection (which i've also set as the input)08:28
MestreLioncypha``:  you dont need to create a variable for that. gedit already places the selection in stdin. So if the program reads from stdin (like grep and many other programns/commands do, it will work automatically08:29
YankDownUnderphoton, That was for a client. Not for me. I've got an ancient GT8600 wif 2 x DVI out...1gb08:29
ThinkT510photon: nvidia drivers do seem to be less problematic, i can't wait for nouveau to mature08:29
dhruvasagarhow many people have upgraded to gnome3 ?08:29
cypha``MestreLion, what's the variable for stdin?08:29
YankDownUnderNouvea will mature in the next three years...08:29
YankDownUnderGnome3 sucks until it can duplicate Gnome2.08:30
Utopiahhi #ubuntu , what files does gnome-display-properties modify? it does not keep setting at boot08:30
dhruvasagarYankDownUnder: It is very different, I don't however think that it sucks...08:30
dhruvasagarYankDownUnder: I would also like some features of gnome2 back, but I am sure we could configure those...I don't use the `menu` at all, so those changes won't bother me much08:31
MestreLioncypha``: theres no variable for that. usually programs that read from it do it automatically if no filename was specified. At most, you may need to use a switch to force it to read from stdin08:31
YankDownUnderdhruvasagar, Until it can be changed "back to" the same as Gnome2, it sucks. .They forgot that bit in development...and have admitted it as well.08:31
OSInetHello. I have a problem on natty: files in /opt with mode 0755 are modified every night to 0655, and I cannot figure whence it comes. I have checked root's crontab and there is nothing in it to cause this. I did not identify any visible cause in /etc/cron.d[aily] either. Any suggestions ?08:31
dhruvasagarYankDownUnder: I am just ugrading to gnome-3, I think it is slightly more polished :)08:31
cypha``MestreLion, so you're saying I can just type "pastebinit" in the code, and it'll work?08:31
dhruvasagarYankDownUnder: yea I know :), but still have you tried it ?08:31
cypha``everythnig else is assumed and taken care of by gedit?08:32
MestreLioncypha``:  if pastebinit reads from stdin, yes ;)08:32
dhruvasagarYankDownUnder: brb, gotta restart08:32
ThinkT510photon: i got: GT218 [NVS 3100M] works great08:32
YankDownUnderdhruvasagar, Well, if that's what you like - all good. I, however, want more configuration and ability to make things the way I've used them for the past 12 years.08:32
gnewbOSInet: One /usr?08:32
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cypha``MestreLion, wow, it worked!08:33
OSInetgnewb: ? this happens only on /opt08:33
cypha``you were right, it assumed and accepted stdin08:33
MestreLioncypha``:  ;)08:33
gnewbOSInet: Ok, I had a like error, it was multiple /usr thing. let me look at the boards....08:34
OSInetI have a package (drush) installed there, and a symlink from /usr/local/bin/drush to /opt/drush/drush to run it. But I have to chown it 755 daily08:34
fmauroOSInet: the symlink or the binary?08:35
cypha``MestreLion, how about this one...how do I make the resizing arrow show for a larger area around a window border?08:35
MestreLioncypha``: what?08:35
cypha``to resize a window, I have to put my mouse on the window border, where it turns to a resizing arrow08:36
mang0Guys, my volume control has gone from where it was in the taskbar....(like, next to the clock) How can I get it back? I've tried right click > add to panel but volume control isn't there....08:36
MestreLioncypha``:  making the window border thicker perhaps? :P08:36
OSInetfmauro: the binary08:36
OSInet(a script, actually)08:36
cypha``that resizing arrow becomes available for like a 1px width08:36
cypha``it's ridiculous08:36
cypha``i'm getting carpal tunnel08:36
gnewbOSInet: It is a Binary?08:36
OSInetno, a script package08:37
MestreLionmang0: add Indicator Applet08:37
Seppozhello, how do i reset my seehourse password?08:37
cypha``increasing window border thickness is clever, but obviously aesthetically a failure! :)08:37
YankDownUnderseehourse? Hmmm....08:37
OSInetI noticed that the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard says executables in /opt should actually be in /opt/<package>/bin, wonder whether this could be related and some daily job cleans executable files outside /opt/*/bin . But then why set to 655, not 600 ?08:38
OSInet(or 644)08:38
davinci11hi all, I have a problem on ubuntu cloud. when i restart instance , installed apache will disappear, is it VM can't be permanently store installed program ?08:38
gnewbOSInet: OK, here is what I just found, is rather recent: http://lists.debian.org/debian-live/2011/07/msg00122.html , am not sure about the Unity part of it .08:38
MestreLioncypha``:  the other solution would be to resize using lower-right corner of window... area is much larger08:38
cypha``MestreLion, this isn't something that can be edited?08:38
mang0MestreLion: Where is that option to get the sound control? I've added an indicator appliet and the sound icon still isn't there....08:38
cypha``for X.org or whatever08:38
Sargun_ScreenI'm having issues with performance on an ATI card + full screen flash08:38
ThinkT510cypha``: you could reduce mouse sensitivity08:39
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OSInetgnewb: I'm not running unity but classic08:39
cypha``ThinkT510, seriously? slow my pointer?08:40
ole_oz6ohHello i am looking for a a person there can give me some ideas for programming i c GCC in ubuntu08:40
OSInetalthough there is a unity-window-decorator in the background. I'm afraid I don't see how it relates, though08:40
gnewbOSInet: Then take a look at that link, is Debian, and it sorta addresses the question as stated.08:40
MestreLionmang0: im not sure... mine is in Indicator applet...08:40
icerootole_oz6oh: ##c ##c++ #gcc08:40
mang0K thanks, I'll check it out though :)08:40
ole_oz6ohspecially graphic08:40
ThinkT510cypha``: if your having trouble grabbing the edge it sounds to me you're moving your mouse too fast08:41
cypha``ThinkT510, sensitivity is as low as possible now08:41
MestreLionThinkT510: no, i know what he means... its really a pain...08:41
cypha``and it still is impracticle08:41
OSInetgnewb: just did that, but I don't see how it applies: the suggested patch does not modify any chmod line, only chown08:42
cypha``ThinkT510, are you on an ultranav touchpad?08:42
MestreLionThinkT510: no, i know what he means... its really a pain... default border is just 1px... and 1px is way too think no matter which sensitivity you use08:42
ole_oz6ohicerot hello yes i have had a biginnerprogram in source Idea #14431 from Brainstorm but this souce is not more on Brainstorm08:42
ThinkT510cypha``: i'm more of a xfce guy so i haven't had that problem, plus i use a mouse rather than a trackpad08:42
gnewbOSInet: Ok, on it still, I may be a moment,,,,08:42
MestreLioncypha``:  try the lower-right corder of the window... usually uou have a much larger area to resize08:42
ole_oz6ohiceroot if you go i Google you se it i not more ther08:43
cypha``MestreLion, the border resizing is one issue. the other is the slider (scrollbars)08:43
cypha``so annoying to get them to show08:43
cypha``similar issue to the border resizing08:43
cypha``where mouse has to be exactly in a position08:43
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cypha``MestreLion, lower right corner is what i've been doing, but it sucks, especialy when other windows are set "always on top" and ahead of that window08:43
MestreLioncypha``:  i dont use 11.04, but ive tried it once and scrollbars didnt seem an issue... the larger overlay always appeared when i hovered mouse close to edge08:44
ole_oz6ohiceroot it was a source and i could make a compile with gcc08:44
chewyhi guys, do you use the MAgic Trackpad? I can no longer make it work. I did it some time ago, but not anymore...08:44
cypha``mine has to be exactly on edge08:44
cypha``i want fulltime scrollbars back08:44
ole_oz6ohiceroot i am newbeginner but only in graphic08:44
llutz_OSInet: have you checked ctime of affected files and looked for processes running that time?08:45
MestreLioncypha``:  you can disable them to get back full scrollbars... i think there is a package for that in repos08:45
spacebug-cypha``: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-disable-overlay-scrollbars-in.html08:45
icerootole_oz6oh: why you need to comile something?08:45
gnewbOSInet: srry, 755 and 777?08:45
OSInetllutz_: I'll have to check tomorrow as I already chmoded it back today08:46
OSInetgnewb: yes, the executable script is 755 and every morning I find it reset to 65508:46
dc5alacypha``, about resizing window, i usually use alt + middle mouse, that works anywhere on the window08:46
yuvatejamay i create buttons text feilds using shell scripting?08:46
cypha``dc5ala, i'm on a laptop, no middle mouse button08:46
ikoniayuvateja: no08:47
MestreLiondc5ala: nice tip! :D08:47
cypha``MestreLion, why doesn't this overlay-scrollbar package have any options?08:47
OSInetllutz_: but seeing that date it could help pinpoint the process by checking what runs on that time08:47
MestreLioncypha``:  because it doesnt need it... if you dont like it, just remove the package ;)08:48
MestreLionand youll get regular scrollbars back :)08:48
yuvatejaikonia: there is any other choices through extra packages?08:48
davinci11hi all, I have a problem on ubuntu cloud. when i restart instance , installed apache will disappear, is it VM can't be permanently store installed program ?08:48
ikoniayuvateja: there are many graphical libraries/toolkits that can do it08:48
aditno idea08:48
cypha``can I refresh/restart nautilus by doing a ctrl+f1 and then back to X at ctrl+f7?08:49
Utopiah[multiple monitor] X starts by default with mirror displays, can I change that to start with different displays at each boot without making a static xorg.conf file so that when the 2nd monitor is not plugged, I dont have the extra screen?08:49
yuvatejaikonia: one example please............08:49
dbuggerHey guys. Is there a way to enable WebGL in my Ubuntu?08:49
ikoniayuvateja: there are many gtk toolkits08:49
dbuggerspecially for chrome08:49
ole_oz6ohiceroot eine gut frage aber als neu mit c programmierung muss man viel probiere  ich bin 75  hi hi08:49
iceroot!de | ole_oz6oh08:49
ubottuole_oz6oh: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!08:49
icerootole_oz6oh: ich empfehle dir den kanal ##c anstatt #ubuntu08:50
ole_oz6ohi must try my bad englich08:50
yuvatejausing zentity we can't invoke a button's action08:50
ole_oz6ohiceroot thanks i try ther have a nice day08:50
cypha``MestreLion, sorry, million questions cuz I finally found someone that knows their shit08:50
gnewbOSInet: Scroll down to Strange Numbers: http://www.perlfect.com/articles/chmod.shtml08:50
cypha``MestreLion, how can I get a python prompt within gedit?08:50
yuvatejaikonia: gtk tool kits means packages?08:51
Myrtticypha``: mind your language :-/08:51
ikoniayuvateja: yes,08:51
Us3r_Unfriendlyole_oz6oh: Was ist das Problem?08:51
OSInetgnewb: yes, and ?08:51
Myrttiole_oz6oh: /join #ubuntu-de08:51
MestreLioncypha``:  im a newb just like you08:51
OSInet(FWIW, I've been using chmod since 1985)08:51
gnewbOSInet: Is that the error and possible remedy?08:52
yuvatejaikonia :u don't know which packages are used?08:52
Us3r_Unfriendlyit's probably changed alot since '8508:52
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ole_oz6ohUs3r_Unfrienly i will make a simply graficprogramme beginning with hello world08:52
ikoniayuvateja: it's not that simple, I suggest you research it more08:53
OSInetgnewb: sorry, but I just do not understand what you are trying to tell me: by pointing to the description of octal perms. In other words, the file is -rwxr-xr-x normally, but every morning it is reset to -rwr-xr-x, which is as useless a permission as can be IMHO08:53
Us3r_Unfriendlyole_oz6oh: c++ or java Oder eine andere Sprache08:53
yuvatejaikonia: ok,thanku08:53
OSInet(typo: it is reset to -rw-r-xr-x)08:54
vlt!de | Us3r_Unfriendly08:54
ubottuUs3r_Unfriendly: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!08:54
Us3r_Unfriendlyvlt: i'm english helping someone08:54
MyrttiUs3r_Unfriendly: then do it in English, this is an English language channel08:55
gnewbOSInet: I understand, that is why I posted that page, there are u.o.a. and other sys calls that can and do tangle those calls around.08:55
YankDownUnderIf I'm not mistaken, the Deutch channel is something like "ubuntu-de" or so... ;)08:55
userYankDownUnder: Is't .de german?08:56
ChessTeachMy company needs to generate a pdf and html copy of all documents generated by our rails app, currently we are planning on using latex to do this. I want to know if there is another program that can do this, maybe something better. Any ideas?08:56
userChessTeach: Latex is the best08:56
YankDownUnderuser, Change your name. And yes, the Deutsch channel is DE08:56
Us3r_UnfriendlyMyrtti: so if i help in english then what?08:56
llutz_YankDownUnder: user read what ubottu just said, #ubuntu-de08:56
userYankDownUnder: My name?08:57
MyrttiUs3r_Unfriendly: then great. if you help in German, then please do it elsewhere08:57
YankDownUnderllutz, As if I'm really paying attention? :)08:57
Us3r_UnfriendlyMyrtti: sounds a bit racist. sorry but i'll just pm him. no problem08:57
usertensorpudding: Why would I change it?08:57
Us3r_Unfriendlyole_oz6oh: can i pm you...or...kann i Uhr können Sie08:58
OSInetgnewb: indeed, chown will reset bit 04000, for instance08:58
beniaminoi want to run the command 'fetchmail -d' as a non-privileged user, every time i start the machine. what's the right way to do this?08:58
ChessTeachuser: really, it seems to create really ugly code that can be difficult to format correctly08:58
gnewbOSInet: That is a start...08:58
userChessTeach: Then youre doing it wrong08:58
ChessTeachuser: well i just started learning it, do i need to style it where i am entering text or is it possible to do all styling in the header area08:59
Us3r_Unfriendlybeniamino: i haven't used that command...what does it do?08:59
llutz_beniamino: users crontab, use @reboot08:59
OSInetwell, I guess I'll be waiting until tomorrow morning to check the ctime of the file. maybe it will point to a command ran at a specific hour08:59
YankDownUnderUs3r_Unfriendly, It kills your computer.08:59
quiescensi doubt ctime would change08:59
userChessTeach: Try #latex maybe? I don't really know it well enough to support it09:00
ChessTeachuser: yeah ok, thanks09:00
llutz_quiescens: if you chmod a file, it will09:00
beniaminollutz_: sounds good, will try it09:00
beniaminoUs3r_Unfriendly : it fetches mail every so often09:00
Us3r_UnfriendlyYankDownUnder: sudo halt09:00
Us3r_Unfriendlybeniamino: okay09:00
gnewbOSInet: That is what it sounded like from the go, time synch stuff,09:00
vltUs3r_Unfriendly: "pm" -> "Uhr" LOL ;-)09:00
YankDownUnderUs3r_Unfriendly, "sudo rm - rf /*" does it.09:00
wasanzyhi all09:00
Us3r_UnfriendlyYankDownUnder: i wasn't born yesterday.  that will get you banned quick09:01
user!ops | YankDownUnder09:01
ubottuYankDownUnder: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!09:01
MyrttiYankDownUnder: please don't do that here09:01
OSInetgnewb: ok, till tomorrow, then09:01
quiescenson the up side, yank's command probably won't do anything09:01
gnewbOSInet: And check your BIOS clock, just in case.09:02
Us3r_UnfriendlyYankDownUnder: i asked what that command did.  doesn't mean i'm new to a shell09:02
OSInetgnewb: nice idea09:02
* YankDownUnder smiles09:02
wasanzyAfter installing my ubuntu 11.04, I saw that it doesn't have an option to Hibernate, when I did some googling, it sound like the OS came with Hibernate b4. even my friend who uses the same machine am using have a Hibernate option. my question is how do I add Hibernate to my OS?09:03
ThinkT510wasanzy: do you have a swap partition?09:03
llutz_wasanzy: do you have a swap-partition >= ramsize?09:03
wasanzyI hv swap partition09:04
wasanzymy ram is 3GB09:04
Us3r_Unfriendlysu -c "find ~/ -iname '*.mp3' -exec mplayer '{}' '+'"09:04
ThinkT510wasanzy: is it bigger than your ram?09:04
Us3r_Unfriendlyoops wrong window09:04
wasanzyu mean the Hibrinate is bigger than my ram?09:05
vltwasanzy: It has to be bigger.09:05
ThinkT510wasanzy: is the swap partition bigger than your ram size09:05
wasanzyoooh sorry, is 4GB rather09:05
ewookwasanzy: and the size of the swap?09:05
wasanzylet me check09:06
amit__how to solve this error E: Unable to lock directory /var/cache/apt/archives/09:06
Us3r_Unfriendlywhat's up amit__09:06
amit__i already done  sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock09:06
Us3r_Unfriendlyamit__: i rm the lock09:06
wasanzymy swap is 108MB09:06
amit__help please09:06
Us3r_Unfriendlyamit__: i'll pm you09:07
ThinkT510wasanzy: then that is why you can't hibernate09:07
Us3r_Unfriendlyamit__: is that okay?09:07
amit__Us3r_Unfriendly, no09:07
ThinkT510wasanzy: hibernate requires a swap partition bigger than your ram09:07
nit-witamit__,  try these two commands. sudo dpkg --configure -a09:08
nit-witsudo apt-get -f install09:08
Us3r_Unfriendlyamit__: how about-          sudo rm -fr /var/lib/dpkg/lock09:08
wasanzynot that I can't Hibernate, I can't even see the word Hibernate under my power manager09:08
amit__nit-wit, same errors09:08
wasanzyso should I create new swap and reinstall the power manager?09:09
ThinkT510wasanzy: it won't give you the option because you don't have sufficient swap09:09
Us3r_Unfriendlyamit__: going to sound dumb but have you rebooted since the sudo rm command?09:09
amit__Us3r_Unfriendly, no09:09
amit__Us3r_Unfriendly, should i?09:09
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Us3r_Unfriendlyamit__: i would, should probably fix the problem, otherwise come back and we'll try the other way09:10
ThinkT510wasanzy: i suppose you can make a bigger swap and restart then the option should appear09:10
amit__Us3r_Unfriendly, ok. goin to restart.09:10
ThinkT510wasanzy: make sure you're not using the swap partition while you resize it09:10
wasanzyI will do that and get back to you.09:11
EULUISMI have this problem on ubuntu 11.04 failed to get i915 symbols, graphics turbo disabled error on boot09:11
EULUISMany solution?09:11
EULUISMI have 11.04 64 bits... Same problem on 32 bits? or on ubuntu 10.10?09:12
ikoniaEULUISM: have you used a PPA package09:12
Us3r_UnfriendlyEULUISM: sorry still haven't upgraded from 10.1009:12
ikoniaEULUISM: or the Xorg module from intel's website09:12
amit__Us3r_Unfriendly, yes it worked. thank you.09:12
EULUISMI speak very low english09:12
Us3r_Unfriendlyamit__: i thought it would09:12
EULUISMWhat is PPA package09:12
Us3r_Unfriendlyamit__: no problem09:12
EULUISMI am a new user of ubuntu09:12
ThinkT510!ppa | EULUISM09:12
ubottuEULUISM: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa09:12
Us3r_UnfriendlyEULUISM: what exactly is the problem in english09:13
Colin969Can someone give me a download link to Ubuntu Netbook 10.04?09:13
Colin969Cant seem to find it.09:13
Colin969And 11.04 wont seem to work unless I update from 10.0409:13
EULUISMUs3r_Unfriendly What I need to use09:14
EULUISMYou can make a tutorial09:14
nit-witColin969, http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/09:14
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details09:14
gnewbColin969: One moment please....09:15
Us3r_UnfriendlyColin969: working on it09:15
nit-witits up09:15
Colin969Lol, nit-wit replied =D09:15
nit-witfrom W7 to boot. ;)09:15
Us3r_UnfriendlyColin969: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso09:16
wasanzyThinkT510: how do I stop the swap? I tried killing the pid but it didn't work09:16
dydif i install compiz will i be able to switch back to default graphics?09:16
llutz_wasanzy: sudo swapoff -a09:16
wasanzyI want to delete it and create new one, will that help?09:16
ThinkT510wasanzy: i find it easier to use gparted, you can do it all there09:17
Onyx47hey guys, not really a Linux question but I think I'm better off here than on a windows users channel... anyone running dual boot with ext2fsd (or any other ext4 driver if there are any) on win 7?09:17
icerootOnyx47: ##windows09:18
sveinseHow can I list all characters within a font? It seems charater map displays the chars from other fonts as well09:18
sveinseI'm trying to figure which symbols are included in a particular font09:19
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szalsveinse: your favourite word processing application should do that09:21
al_nz1comments welcome09:22
vltsveinse: I think a word processor doesn't list all characters. There are tools that will. Don't know which comes with Ubuntu.09:22
thropeI have ubuntu 10.10 and I am getting a "WARNING: terminal is not fully functional" error whenever I used less. TERM=xterm09:22
thropeany ideas on how to fix this?09:22
sveinseI'm a little surprised that character map merges several fonts into one list.09:23
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ThinkT510al_nz1: a tutorial? were you trying to help someone with that?09:23
al_nz1ThinkT510: I was trying to do it. quite complicated but i got there in the end, and decided to document it09:24
al_nz1since info on what I was doing was scarse09:24
Myrttial_nz1: if you want comments on it, may I suggest #ubuntu-offtopic, since it's not strictly related to this channel09:25
wasanzyThinkT510: Do you think 5000MB is good09:25
ThinkT510wasanzy: good for what?09:25
al_nz1Myrtti: ok, but it is a linux tool that I am using09:25
Myrttiwasanzy: if you want to hibernate, your swap needs to be *atleast* the same size as your RAM09:25
al_nz1and it was ubuntu at that!09:25
wasanzyI guess 5000MB is the same as 5GB right?09:26
Myrttial_nz1: this is for Ubuntu support issues, ie. if you've got a problem with Ubuntu, or are helping someone specific with their problems09:26
Myrttiwasanzy: no.09:26
Myrttiwasanzy: not exactly09:26
ThinkT510wasanzy: ah yes, sorry; 5000MB is under 5GB09:26
Us3r_Unfriendlywasanzy: 1024 mb x 509:27
ThinkT510wasanzy: a general rule for a swap size is roughly 1.5 times the size of ram09:27
wasanzyI will do that09:27
BoreeasI am having problems with my connection to the internet. With windows, I had no problems, but with ubuntu, websites suddenly time out or refuse my connection09:28
Us3r_Unfriendly5120mb is 5 gigs09:28
wasanzyam making it 10000MB then just to be save09:29
ThinkT510wasanzy: that is a waste of diskdrive space09:29
DorianJaminaisHi guys !09:30
DorianJaminaisI got a problem with unity, compiz and bumblebee after today update09:31
DorianJaminaisI apply the update but my laptop crashed during the update09:31
DorianJaminaisnow I can't login anymore with unity09:31
scucciAnyone have a spare minute to help me with an input issue? Wacom on 10.04, seeing button 2 in xev, but not working as right click.09:32
DorianJaminaisand if I try the classical gnome-panel with the effect, I get everything upside down09:32
nerxgasi installed gnome3, how can i change my background image, or customize the appearance?09:32
DorianJaminaisany of you have an idea of what can I do ?09:32
DorianJaminaisnerxgas : I don't use gnome shell so I have no knowledge about that but I've seen theme on gnome-look.org09:33
ThinkT510!fixapt | DorianJaminais09:33
ubottuDorianJaminais: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »09:33
DorianJaminaismaybe you should have a look there, they may exaplin how to apply their theme09:33
scucciDorianJamiais for the screen roatation have you tried "xrandr -o inverted" or xrandr -o normal" in terminal?09:34
bjhaidi have some webservers running on my pc, but somehow I cannot access them on the network, i am not sure if it was an update that caused09:35
bjhaidanyone know how i can revert the update09:35
DorianJaminaisubittu : my database does appear to being locked because I was able to purge bumblebee and reinstall it again09:35
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
DorianJaminaisbjhaid : It does not work09:38
DorianJaminaisI mean09:38
mage7hello ...my unity is not auto-hiding...could someone tell me to hide it09:38
mage7this erratic behaviour has happened quite a few times09:38
DorianJaminaisin inverted mode it inverted left and right09:38
a3DmanI'm making a customized Ubuntu live CD and I want to force Ubuntu Classic session, what configuration should I change?09:39
DorianJaminaisactually I don't really care about the gnome-panel session09:40
DorianJaminaisbut I get a fash when I login to unity and then I get back to gdm09:41
DorianJaminaisanyone of you have and idea about my unity problem ?09:43
mage7hello....hello ...the  unity bar is not auto-hiding on my desktop...could someone tell me how to hide it09:43
dr_willisother then unity/x/compiz is crashing... no DorianJaminais09:44
AscavasaionI guess this is not the correct channel to ask this, but please send em to the correct one then... "Does anyone here know anything about replacing operating systems on cellphones?  My friend gave me an old iphone knockoff... it is called a pinphone.  I have tried jailbreaking it to no avail.  A few ideas and pointers would be awesome."09:44
scucciAnyone have a spare minute to help me with an input issue? Wacom on 10.04, seeing button 2 in xev, but not working as right click.09:44
DorianJaminaisdr_willis : ok thanks anyway, I'm gonna work on gnome-panel for today I try to work it out tonight09:45
dr_willismage7  unity --reset    should reset it back to defaults,   unity --reset-icons   for default icon setup09:45
DorianJaminaisOk I try this before09:45
dr_willisDorianJaminais:  work on what mexactly?09:46
DorianJaminaiswork on having my laptop to log again into unity09:46
altinncan anyone please tell me how to configure this "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a"09:47
HektoRhello guys ... how can i mount public samba share folder with rw permissions ?09:47
nit-witaltinn, that is a unlock command09:48
DorianJaminaisOk unity --reset didn't solve my problem09:48
nit-witaltinn, but you rm'ed the packg already09:48
altinnnit-wit: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11089527#post1108952709:48
altinnI keep getting this error09:48
chBoyconst char *mdev="/dev/input/mice"; mouse_fd = open (mdev, O_RDONLY);     why is the value of mouse_fd -1?09:49
dr_willistry that url DorianJaminais09:49
GOMIi have 2 things ,  nvidia x service center & monitor under control center ?!?   CAN IT CONFLICT WITH EACH OTHER09:49
dr_willisi set the unity panel to never hide via ccsm.09:50
DorianJaminaisdr_willis : ok09:50
GOMIbecause one says 75hz  other says 53 hz ?!?09:50
dr_willisGOMI:  with nvidia you just use the nvidia tools. not the other.09:50
HektoRcan anyone help ?09:51
dr_willisi recall the monitors tool telling me to 'go use nvidia settigs instead'09:51
wasanzyThinkT510: I deleted the swap partition and created new one 5GB and restarted the machine, but still the Hibernate is not showing09:51
GOMIdr_willis,  oke thnx.  well the monitors is seen as unknown and i cant get higher than 53hz09:51
manojshenoywhich version09:51
wasanzyI got this error when I run swapon -a : swapon: cannot find the device for UUID=18f9de33-64ed-4cc8-9647-c89835e3e29a09:52
llutz_wasanzy:change /etc/fstab to the new uuid09:52
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llutz_wasanzy: get it from "sudo blkid"09:52
mage7dr_willis: thanks for reply... tried still not hiding09:52
dr_williswasanzy:  check the uuid of your swap parttion. and /etc/fstab09:52
BoreeasHeh, does anyone know how I start minecraft on ubuntu?09:53
dr_willisi set the unity panel to never hide via ccsm.  mage7  in the  uity plugin09:53
mage7dr_willis: the problem usually goes away on a restart but ...i don't want to restart my computer everytime i the unity bar gets stuck09:53
BoreeasThe runtime tells me that it isn't marked as executable09:53
=== cattarhine is now known as dayeyes`
=== dayeyes` is now known as catarrhine
dr_willisuse the cli command the docs mention i recall Boreeas09:54
scucciAnyone have a spare minute to help me with an input issue? Wacom on 10.04, seeing button 2 in xev, but not working as right click. Yeah... just going to keep asking.09:54
SSeTuuhi i need help09:54
mage7ok anyway got to go now ..will come back later if problem doesn't go away when i am back..thanks for help09:55
redguyare there any special install options for natty on netboks?09:55
dr_willisredguy: not these days.09:55
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Boreeasd_willis: cli command?09:55
dr_willisnetbooks edition/desktop are same09:55
dr_willisBoreeas:  a terminal command..09:55
dr_willisjava --jar foo.jar and a lot of other optios09:56
redguydr_willis: any benefits of running the alterante install CD ?09:56
dr_willisredguy: it installs the same os.  just diff. installer09:57
alaingHi, I'm trying to ftp .mov files from my windows 7 machine to my ubuntu server but it keeps failing. I can upload jpegs. I'm using vsftpd server on my ubuntu machine09:58
redguythanks dr_willis09:58
alaingthis is the error msg Wed Jul 27 10:37:42 2011 [pid 3] [MYUSER] FAIL UPLOAD: Client "", "/var/www/albums/albums/videos/009.MOV", 0.00Kbyte/sec09:58
alaingerror msg that vsftpd logged09:59
jeff_Boreeas.... Have you tried virtual machine??10:00
Boreeasjeff_: Not yet, but then I could as well just run it on windows10:00
BoreeasI still have it installed10:01
jeff_That's good.. I tried wine and didn't like it too much... Switched to VM and loved it...10:01
dr_willisvm/wine for minecraft? it can run under sun java on ubuntu.10:02
codehotterdr_willis: there is no such thing as sun java anymore - and are you sure it doesn't work under openjdk?10:03
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.10:03
Colin969Can I Get More Help?10:03
amit__Colin969, ask10:03
Colin969Universal USB Installer doesnt seem to find my Ubuntu Netbook 10.04 ISO10:03
Colin969It wont show.10:03
BoreeasAh, I figured it out :P10:04
BoreeasI had to switch to the right directory first10:04
fmauroColin969: you could use unetbootin10:04
lonixdr_willis: im my case it lags like a motherf* no matter what java10:04
dr_williscodehotter:  i see in here about oce a day people having issues with it and the icedtea gpl java. use the  other one10:04
jeff_Boreeas... :)10:04
Colin969Ok, I'll have a try fmauro10:04
BoreeasWhat is the Ubuntu equivalent of a .bat file?10:04
lonixBoreeas: .sh ?10:05
dr_willisi dont play it at all.  i just see it asked about in here way too much10:05
th0rBoreeas: a bash script10:05
llutz_Boreeas: any file containing commands10:05
th0rllutz: a script has to contain a bit more than commands10:05
dr_willisi have 'scripts' with just commands...10:06
llutz_th0r: no10:06
dr_willisi call them 'batch' files from the old days terms...10:06
th0rdr_willis: no #!/bin/sh? or is that considered a command?10:06
SSeTuui have a problem10:06
SSeTuuwith unity10:06
Colin969fmauro : What would Netbook 10.04 remix come under Version?10:06
dr_willisth0r:  it defaults to your shell10:06
alaingcan someone help me with my ftp problem?10:07
dr_willisor just do    sh foo.batch10:07
llutz_th0r: a script doesn't need a shebang, even if its better to have one. you always can run it "bash foo"10:07
fmauroColin969: I think you can just force the iso on the bottom. and ignore the top part10:07
dr_willisalaing:  why are you usig ftp anyway. why not ssh or samba10:07
alaingssh as in using putty?10:08
yuvatejaplease any body know java chat rooms like IRC x-chat10:08
dr_willisor winscp....10:08
Colin969Oh. fmauro, Thanks, its just i got the Grub Error and need to fix it =/10:08
dr_willisalaing:  yes10:08
alaingdr_willis:  i tried winscp but it just never seemed to work10:08
dr_willisalaing:  works fine for me...10:09
Colin969fmauro : Would wiping my Ubuntu and Linux Swap partitions then installing Ubuntu over it fix GRUB and have a Ubuntu Fresh Install?10:09
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)10:09
alaingtheres something funny with my win7 setup O have another win xp machien which has not problems with putty and connecting to my server10:09
dr_willissoundas like firewall issues alaing10:10
SSeTuui have a problem10:10
SSeTuuwith unity10:10
alaingI can connect dr_willis10:10
fmauroColin969: if you reinstall ubuntu from a liveDisc (usb or cd) and select the guided (full disk) option in ubiquity then, yes it would install grub too10:10
junaidnaseerhi there, hmmm, can anyone help me with, configuring evolution to sync only the last 30days mail from the server, when using imap, instead of downloading the entire 1000+ emails from the last 5 years ... thanks10:10
altinncan anyone help me with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11089527#post1108952710:10
ThinkT510Colin969: yes, but it sounds to me it would be easier just fixing grub10:10
altinnhere is the output  http://pastebin.com/ys7d4fiy10:10
alaingok example of my windows 7 failing10:10
yuvatejainvoking shell commands from java.how i is possible?10:10
Colin969ThinkT510, I need to add some more memory to XP and I'd prefer not going through awkwardness10:11
Colin969ThinkT510, also, a fresh install could help me, i have a rediculous amount of useless apps xD10:11
alaingfrom my windows 7 machine i open putty connect to my ubuntu server. I do a ls it shows me me files but if I run "top" it just hangs10:11
altinnhello ?10:11
alaingbut from my wino xp machien top shows me the processes as expected10:12
ThinkT510Colin969: ok10:12
mistformoh wow10:12
alaingdr_willis:  i'm using vsftpd server10:12
altinncan anyone help me with this  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11089527#post1108952710:12
altinnhere is the output of the command http://pastebin.com/ys7d4fiy10:13
dr_willisalaing:  i dont use ftp servers any more. just ssh/scp these days.10:13
alaingdr_willis: check my other msgs what could cause my win7 machien to simple hand putty10:13
dr_willisaltinn:  you could summarize the issue for us.10:14
no-name-what is the maximum amount of RAM for 32-bit AND 64-bit ubuntu?10:14
alaingwith top comment10:14
llutz_no-name-: 3.2GB for 32bit without PAE10:14
dr_willisalaing:  no idea. i use ssh/putty/winscp from win7 all the time with no issues10:14
altinndr_willis: i need help there is everything I have10:14
alaingdr_willis: would you mind helping me setup my connection??10:15
alaingprehaps theres somethign I've not down correctly thats causing it10:15
Colin969ThinkT510 : It keeps stopping with the line SYSLINUX 4.03 2010-10-22 EDD Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al. Help?10:15
dr_willisalaing:  i just install ssh server, and putty/winscp and often xming, i dont really setup anything special at all10:16
Onyx47altinn: the command that was posted in that thread should do all the work for itself, if it asks you for any configuration it will pop up for specific programs you might have installed, we can't know which ones they will be, run it and take it one step at the time, ask if you get stuck10:17
ThinkT510Colin969: what are you doing? booting a livecd/usb?10:17
Colin969ThinkT510 : USB10:17
alaingdr_willis: how do i check what ssh server I'm running?10:17
ThinkT510Colin969: sorry, i've never tried liveusb with ubuntu before10:17
dr_willisalaing:  the default one most people use is the openssh-server10:18
Colin969Can Someone Help10:18
ikoniaColin969: ask a question then10:18
Colin969The liveUSB Wont boot properly.10:18
dr_willischeck in synaptic its installed10:18
Colin969ikonia I get - SYSLINUX 4.03 2010-10-22 EDD Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H.Peter Anvin et al.10:19
ndlovuanyone know how I can kill a process I started with nohup?10:19
wildbatndlovu:  kill <pid>10:20
ikoniaColin969: how did you make the liveusb ?10:20
Colin969 ikonia - Yes10:20
alaingdr_willis: i just checked my process and noticed sshd one running with would be openssh-server right?10:20
wasanzyThinkT510: hi10:20
Colin969ikonia - for my Acer Aspire One, its 10.04 Netbook Remix, used unetbootin10:20
dr_willisalaing:  if thats the one you installed..10:21
altinnOnyx47: look I added something else http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11091064#post1109106410:21
wasanzythanks for your help10:21
ThinkT510wasanzy: got hibernate working?10:21
llutz_alaing: "telnet localhost 22" to check what sshd runs10:21
wasanzythe Hibernate is showing now, but when you Hibernate, it dosen't save your previous session so to me, is just the same as shutting down completely10:22
ndlovuwildbat, if it was a shell script 'myscript.sh', would 'killall myscript.sh' work?10:22
theadminndlovu: No, you'd have to "killall bash" which is nonsense10:22
ThinkT510wasanzy: does it boot quicker than a cold boot?10:22
dr_willisalaing:  ssh -v localhost    tells version at top also..10:22
Onyx47altinn: wow, that's some serious dependency hell right there... were you upgrading from a relatively old release or something?10:23
wildbatndlovu: why don't you execute and find out10:23
wasanzyit boots normal10:23
ndlovutheadmin, wildbat: "[1]+  Terminated              nohup ./myscript.sh"10:23
ndlovuseems to have worked10:23
altinnOnyx47: i just installed kubuntu 11.04 but from kubuntu channel nobody replies :S10:23
theadminndlovu: Hm, okay, I guess10:23
llutz_dr_willis: it tells you the ssh-version of the client you're using10:24
altinnOnyx47: except one of them tried to help me but got clueless10:24
dr_willishow about -vvv then ;)10:24
alaingdr_willis:  Open SSH 5.8 but it says the connection refused10:24
alaingI was running those command from the server to the server10:25
ikoniaalaing: no he didn't get clueless,10:25
dr_willisim sshing to my box from my phone then sshing into localhost... getting cofusing10:25
wasanzyyou have any idea?10:25
gmitrevhi guys, im using ubuntu 10.10 and need to update my gtk+ version to 2.24 (its 2.22 now). how can i safely do this?10:25
PythonHi ikonia10:25
lonixaltinn: your nickname scares me...10:25
ThinkT510wasanzy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hibernation_(computing)10:25
Onyx47altinn: tbh, I have no idea how that happened... did you add any third party repositories?10:26
wasanzyok will check that out10:26
* Sidewinder1 Very often, finds himself in the zone of uncertainty. "-)10:26
alaingikonia:  you lost me ?10:26
dr_willisalaing:  you cant ssh to yourself? you are doing this as a user10:26
ThinkT510wasanzy: if it's the same speed, i don't see the point in using it, it would just drain battery power10:26
llutz_wasanzy: check /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume  it has to contain the UUID of your swap10:26
alaingok so i should run that command from my win 7 box to ubuntu box?10:26
wasanzyoh ok10:27
llutz_wasanzy: if you change that file, run "sudo update-initramfs -u" after10:27
alaingit could be because i changed the default port 22 to 21010:28
ikoniaalaing: what is the problem you are seeing - summary10:28
alaingit could be because i changed the default port 22 to 212010:28
dr_willisalaing:  you must tell it the port to use then10:28
dr_willisssh --help10:29
llutz_ssh -p 2120 ...10:29
alaingikonia: I've always had issues tryign to send files between my win 7 machine and my ubuntu server. I have an win xp machien and not had any issues with it.10:29
ikoniaalaing: what method are you using to send the files ?10:30
gmitrevim using ubuntu 10.10 and need to update my gtk+ version to 2.24 (its 2.22 now). how can i safely do this?10:30
alaingideally it would be ssh but i've now had to try ftp10:30
ikoniagmitrev: how do you plan to update?]10:30
ikoniaalaing: what ssh client are you using on the windows 7 machine ?10:31
dr_willisif ssh and ftp are both flakey to the win7 box but xp works.. that sort of points to some networking issue with win7 i would think.10:31
gmitrevikonia: thats what i want to know10:31
ikoniagmitrev: in that case you can't10:31
alaingputty and I'm just downloading winscp10:31
gmitrevikonia: is it safe to download newer version from the gtk+ website and compile it10:31
gmitrevor should i upgrade to ubuntu 11.0410:31
theadmingmitrev: The best option is always a distro upgrade10:32
ikoniagmitrev: if possible use the distro that supports your package needs10:32
gmitrevtheadmin: thanks10:32
* theadmin uses a distro with all the latest software and doesn't see a reason to complain10:32
alaingikonia putty and I'm just downloading winscp10:32
ryuuzakidistro upgrade may cause some problem10:32
gmitrevikonia: i have some problems with 11.04 and thats why i sticked with 10.1010:32
ferniwasanzy: do you have your swap partition in /ect/crypttab with option swap? then it encrytps your swap with random key and hibernation does not work10:32
ikoniaalaing: right, where is putting installed on your windows machine10:32
gmitrevbut i guess i will have to upgrade the distro10:33
ikoniaalaing: I assume c:\program file\putty10:33
willukIs my laptop touchpad just broken, or is it a software issue? It is not disable and seems to get loaded on boot but it's not working at all. I have tried it on a live CD also with no results.10:34
altinnlonix: why dude :P ?10:34
ikoniaalaing: do you want help, yes/no10:34
alaingikonia:  yes please :)10:34
ikoniaalaing: then answer the questions10:35
alaingikonia: its in the program files folder as you thought10:35
theadminwilluk: Any success in other OSes/distros? Touchpad is an odd thing not to work10:35
ikoniaalaing: right, next question. If you open putty can you ssh (not copy files, just ssh) to the machine you want to use ?10:35
alaingikonia: just flicking between my machines10:35
willuktheadmin: I've loaded my laptop up on BT 5, debian based with no responce either :/10:36
Furai`New Thunderbird, wow. :)10:36
alaingikonia: yes10:36
theadminwilluk: Could be a hardware issue then10:36
Weazelhey guys, here's a question, how do i know which eth number is the network card i have ?10:36
Weazelits not yet configured.10:36
ikoniaalaing: ok, on the windows machine, open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and cd c:\program files\putty10:36
alaingikonia: how ever if I run top it hangs10:36
willuktheadmin: I guess I'll just get a USB mouse then10:36
theadminWeazel: ifconfig | grep "eth"?10:37
frostschutzWeazel: also dmesg | grep eth10:37
Weazeltheadmin:  thanks10:37
Weazelfrostschutz: thanks10:37
theadminWeazel: Typically it's 010:38
Weazeltheadmin:  for some reason eth0 or eth1 doesn't work for me to get ping from the machine10:38
alaingikonia:  ok next10:38
theadminWeazel: And, usually the configuration is summed up by "ifconfig eth0 up ; dhcpd eth0", just saying10:38
theadminWeazel: Err, dhcpcd, not dhcpd10:39
Weazeltheadmin:  its not set to dhcp its supposed to be static10:39
wasanzyferni: No I don't even have any file like that10:40
n2iI have some trouble with Ubuntu 11.04, please help!10:40
ikoniaalaing: if you do a dir in there, is there pscp.exe ?10:40
theadminWeazel: Well then, "ip addr add your_ip/your_netmask dev eth0 ; ip route add default via your_gateway"10:41
ThinkT510n2i: to help you we need to know the problem10:41
alaingikonia:  there is indeed a file called pscp.exe10:41
Weazeltheadmin:  thanks a lot i'll try that10:41
ikoniaalaing: ok, that is the binary you will use to test the connection/transfer10:42
ikoniaalaing: the format is pscp c:\path_to_file user@linuxmachine:/where/you/want/to/put/it10:42
theadminWeazel: Make sure you run those as root10:42
theadminWeazel: i.e., "sudo -i" before trying10:42
Weazeltheadmin:  yea i will thanks :D10:42
alaingikonia: brb goign to try that10:43
theadminWeazel: You might want to stop networkmanager first so it doesn't interfere if you're on the desktop version of Ubuntu10:43
n2iUbuntu screen does not display nomarly after it gone to blank for inactive10:44
Weazeltheadmin: yea its already stopped, its only a terminal machine no giui10:44
alaingikonia: wherey ou have @linuxmachine: shoudl I do @linuxmachine:2120 seeing as my port is on 212010:44
ikoniaalaing: no10:44
n2iI got this problem in both Ubuntu and Ubuntu Classic mode10:44
sveinseIs there a way to make "charater map" only show the characters of the selected font?10:44
ikoniaalaing: pscp -P 2120 c:\path_to_file user@linux:/target/location10:44
alaingikonia:  so @linuxmachine:/var/www/videos10:44
* theadmin hates the fact that netcfg is not present on Ubuntu10:45
abhijainhow to update google chrome10:45
theadminWould be sooo much easier to configure networks this way10:45
n2iIt display cursor and nothing else, just like a blank screen10:45
trijntjeabhijain: how did you install google chrome? If you installed it from the repository it will be updated automatically10:46
denndaIn the US, starting what age are you eligible to rent a car? I'm 23.10:47
dennda(And German)10:47
n2isomebody can help me?10:47
ThinkT510dennda: thats offtopic10:47
ThinkT510!ot | dennda10:47
ubottudennda: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:47
abhijaintrijntje: i have version 5.0.375.29 beta10:47
denndawrong channel, sorry10:47
Colin969Anyone know why my LiveUSB gives - SYSLINUX 4.03 2010-10-22 EDD Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al?10:48
theadminWeazel: Write back if it worked (or if it didn't) and we'll dig along further if necessary10:48
theadminColin969: Cause you used unetbootin?10:48
trijntjeabhijain: how did you install it?10:48
Weazeltheadmin:  thanks a lot man, the guy that is near the machine need to call me back in a few minutes coz i don't have direct access to it but i will write thanks again for the help10:48
ThinkT510abhijain: what version of ubuntu are you using?10:49
Colin969theadmin - Yes, but Universal USB creator wont pick it up, and i cant force it10:49
ikoniaColin969: it didn't build correctly, re-build it10:49
alaingikonia: ok its asking me for the users password10:49
dr_willisColin969:  syslinux is installed and booting but either not configured right. ir crashing10:49
abhijainThinkT510: 10.1010:49
ikoniaalaing: put the users password in10:49
theadminColin969: I suggest LiLi USB Creator (if you're on Windows right now)10:49
Colin969theadmin - Right, ill try it10:49
=== ericm|ubuntu is now known as ericm-food
ThinkT510abhijain: you could install chromium instead, that is in the repos10:49
ThinkT510!find chromium-browser | abhijain10:50
ubottuabhijain: Found: chromium-browser, chromium-browser-dbg, chromium-browser-inspector, chromium-browser-l10n10:50
alaingikonia: ok do i need to stick double quotes aroudn my directory because it has spaces in the folder name10:50
dr_willispendrive linux site has like 6+ tools to make live usbs10:50
HotHati want to know is lyhux.no-ip.org works10:50
ikoniaalaing: that could help yes10:50
ikoniaHotHat: they have a support contact on their website10:50
alaingikonia been a while since i last used dos10:50
abhijainThinkT510: i need only googlechrome actually i am exploring jolicloud and it works with some browser10:51
theadminWeazel: No problem... Wish Ubuntu'd have netcfg :(10:51
n2iabhijain: should you using chrome ppa?10:51
abhijainn2i: yes10:52
alaingikonia: ok file is transferring10:52
ikoniaalaing: problem solved10:52
sveinseNo one knows if you can make character map (gucharmap) only list the glyphs which are present inside the selected font?10:53
alaingso i should just use pscp from now on10:53
ikoniaalaing: you have proved your client server setup works, you can use whatever client you want, however from this point on any issues will be with your windows client, and nothing to do with this channel10:53
Savvyok i m here10:54
sveinseOr can someone suggest an application for listing the glyphs within a font?10:54
wh1zz0Hello everyone... Please how can I uninstall aptana totally. I tried using sudo apt-get --purge remove aptana but I get this error E: Unable to locate package aptana10:54
theadminwh1zz0: How did you install it?10:54
wh1zz0theadmin:  using dpkg -i .db package10:55
alaingikonia: thank you its just really strange how some commands work in putty and others dont. How do you transfer a whole direct10:55
theadminwh1zz0: Remove it the same way then? dpkg -P aptana10:56
ikoniaalaing: pscp -r10:56
alaingfollowed by the other bits right10:56
ikoniaalaing: yes, pscp on it's own will give you it's flags10:56
vltsveinse: I found gucharmap in my 10.10 default install.10:56
wh1zz0theadmin: dpkg: warning: there's no installed package matching aptana10:57
ikoniawh1zz0: then that package is not installed10:57
wh1zz0But aptana still runs10:57
ikoniawh1zz0: then that is not the name of the package10:57
wh1zz0I see the work space folder in my home dir10:57
theadminwh1zz0: Well, check the package name10:57
llutz_wh1zz0: dpkg -S $(which aptana)10:57
GOMIhow many crashes do you get with 11.0410:58
theadminNRKT_lamer: Надо набирать /join #ubuntu-ru10:58
theadminGOMI: many.10:58
ikoniaGOMI: are you having a problem ?10:58
alaingikonia: I'm not sure if this is for this channel but if I connect using putty and then type top i nthe cmd line the cursor drops to the next line as if its going to run the program but nothing comes up I have to then terminate the putty session10:58
ikoniatheadmin: please be objective10:58
Sidewinder1NRKT_lamer, I think you need the /join command with that.10:58
progre55hi guys. I've got a bunch of files with the following permissions, and not sure what the "T" means.. "-rw-rw-rwT"10:58
ikoniaalaing: possibly your terminal session setup wrong10:58
theadminikonia: Sorry about that10:58
GOMIwell it kicks me out to login screen every time , i dont know what causes that .10:58
sveinsevlt: unfortunately gucharmap displays glyphs from other fonts unless they are found in the selected font, which is what I dont need10:58
progre55cause they are jar files, and my mc is not unzipping the jars with T's10:58
GOMIi deleted compiz and some stuff but still the same10:59
alaingikonia: I just use the default values10:59
ikoniaalaing: that doesn't mean they are correct10:59
electronics-catHi there I was wondering where I could download the ubuntu swap partition, I already have the distribution disk so I don't need that part.10:59
theadminprogre55: Sticky bit10:59
vltsveinse: Or write a small script: { for char in $(seq 1 65536); do echo "${char}: &#${char}<br />"; done } > some.html and use css to select a font-family. Didn't try this script.11:00
ikoniaelectronics-cat: you don't need to do that11:00
wh1zz0llutz_:  Just did that command .. and screen just went rolling down like it was searching for something11:00
ikoniaelectronics-cat: swap is created/populated at run time11:00
ikoniaelectronics-cat: it's different all the time,11:00
ThinkT510!swap | electronics-cat11:00
ubottuelectronics-cat: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info11:00
electronics-catok thanks11:00
llutz_wh1zz0: but you're sure te app running is called "aptana"?11:00
ionitecan anyone help me?11:00
wh1zz0llutz_: yeah I even opened it11:01
davesysi have this issue here.. when i issue an apt-get command i get this msg Fetched 503 kB in 1min 29s (5,646 B/s) Reading package lists... Error! E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/gh.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-i386_Packages E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.11:01
progre55theadmin: well, I guess that shouldn't be that important, right? I can just chmod it..11:01
alaingikonia: thank you anyway much appreciated11:01
theadminprogre55: True11:01
ikoniaalaing: welcome11:01
adacwhat can be the reason that ownership of subfolders of /opt/tomcat are not changed when executing this command as root user: chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/tomcat ?11:01
progre55theadmin: thanks11:01
GOMIafter a crash i get these DOTS ...     http://imageshack.us/f/695/screenshotnbp.png       <--- tak a look11:01
ioniteAfter my Natty set up.  The boot screen turned black!  I tried NOMODESET and i tried gfxpayload=text.  Both doesn't work11:01
davesyscan't seem to be aboe to install new programs, do updates or upgrade11:01
sveinsevlt: Well. Except that the glyphs I'm looking for are in the extended section (i.e. outside the 16-bit range). I need to find a font which have these glyphs, except the gucharmap actually tricked me to believe a font had them...11:01
wh1zz0there are two folders in my home dir.. one is Aptana Studio 311:01
davesysi am running 11.04 server11:01
theadminprogre55: chmod -t filename11:01
ioniteAfter my Natty set up.  The boot screen turned black!  I tried NOMODESET and i tried gfxpayload=text.  Both doesn't work!  Please help me!!11:01
wh1zz0And the second is Aptana Workspace11:01
progre55theadmin: thanks again =)11:02
GOMIlook at top left corner11:02
idefixcamorama can't find my cam but there is a video0 in the dev dir11:02
dpyhi guys11:02
vltsveinse: Then extend that script snippet.11:02
theadminprogre55: No problem11:02
dpydoes anyone know what I must do in ubuntu to get it to tab-complete  /tmp/*.bar   to /tmp/foo.bar  (or a list of matches) ?11:03
idefixwhat's wrong with my PC why can't it access the webcam?11:03
dpyin Mandriva this always worked out of the box, but ubuntu seems mostly tailored to UI, and it is very rough when it comes to shell11:03
EULUISMNo fan control in ubuntu11:04
EULUISMmy labtop is in fire..11:04
EULUISMgoing back windows 7 :/11:04
ioniteAfter my Natty set up.  The boot screen turned black!  I tried NOMODESET and i tried gfxpayload=text.  Both doesn't work!  Please help me!!11:04
vltidefix: check "lsusb"11:04
idefixcheese can access my webcam, but other programs can't, why not?11:04
vltEULUISM: Have fun.11:04
truepurpleDoes ubuntu have TRIM and other SSD friendly features?11:04
ThinkT510idefix: if cheese can, then vlc should be able to11:05
EULUISMvlt 2 bugs... no fan control, bug in the graphics acelleration with my new labtop with a i5..11:05
idefixwhat is vlc? that's the video program, isn't it?11:05
theadminEULUISM: Bye-bye.11:05
sveinseI have selected english as language for menus and windows (in language support) and selected norwegian under "display numbers, dates and currency". However apt-get now suddenly displays norwegian messages, which is not what I want. How can I fix that?11:05
wh1zz0llutz_: Yea, I just checked it again11:05
n2iidefix: media player and more11:05
ThinkT510idefix: yes, as regards other programs for your cam they may be tryng to use a different driver11:06
EULUISMthe new 11.04 need more ajustments...11:06
ioniteAfter my Natty set up.  The boot screen turned black!  I tried NOMODESET and i tried gfxpayload=text.  Both doesn't work!  Please help me!!11:06
idefixThinkT510 so how do I solve that?11:06
EULUISMI try a new one version later.. cya..11:06
mrtadisHi, with GeForce2 MX200 my mouse cursor is able to get out of screen when screen resolution is not maximum, no such problem with GeForce4 MX440 in the same machine. Looks like it runs Nouveau, should it be the problem? :)11:06
ThinkT510idefix: sorry, not sure, i only use cheese and vlc11:06
spacebug-sveinse: try change to this in /etc/default/locale   LANGUAGE="en"  and LC_MESSAGES="en_US"11:06
idefixanybody else know it?11:07
sveinsespacebug: What is the difference between LANG and LANGUAGE ?11:08
glebihanidefix, could you tell me your original question ? I didn't see it11:09
wh1zz0Any help please?11:09
n2isveinse: LANG is shorter :311:09
spacebug-sveinse: I think LANG sets the default for all LC_* (where I have sv_SE) and language for the rest of the system to 'en' and also I want messages to be in 'en'11:10
sveinsen2i: My system has defined both LANG and LANGUAGE. With different languages...11:10
=== aknm is now known as monk
sveinseLANG="nb_NO.UTF-8"  and LANGUAGE="en_US:en"11:10
GOMIi read that linux mind debian is a good replacement for ubuntu  is that true11:11
ikonialinux mind debian ?11:11
GOMImind= mint11:11
theadminGOMI: It is, however, it's not ontopic here11:11
ThinkT510glebihan: he is trying to get his cam working, but it only works in cheese11:11
ikoniaGOMI: just another distro11:11
theadminikonia: He/she/it means Linux Mint Debian Edition11:11
carl_Hi guys, I wanted to ask some things about banshee: I figured out why it wasn't playing music. I have a 1tb hard drive formatted to NTFS that doesn't auto mount on startup. I could reformat it but then I'd have to backup everything on it. I plugged my ipod touch in to recharge and banshee picks it up. Great! Then I can play the podcasts on it through the computer. Yet, it's only picking up two podcasts, and I have half a dozen, all diffe11:11
carl_rent shows. Not half a dozen of the same broadcast11:11
GOMIwithout many crashes and loss of work :p11:11
spacebug-sveinse: and you want LC_MESSAGES="en_US"11:12
ikoniaGOMI: please don't be stupid11:12
wh1zz0Any help please?11:12
theadminikonia: Hey he's not too bad :D Seen worse11:12
ikoniaGOMI: crashes are caused by personal situations so in my case, "zero crashes", but my case has zero relevence to your sitaution11:12
nit-witcarl_, you might run a chkdsk on the hd if you have a windows setup11:12
ikoniaGOMI: if you want help, explain the problem YOU are having and someone will try to help you if they can11:13
GOMIi know i know (-_-!) ubuntu ppl are harsh11:13
ikoniawh1zz0: please just stop saying "any help please" - we've spoke about this11:13
ikoniaGOMI: no, people are not harsh, I just think you should stop wasting peoples time when you are in a channel that people give their time to help you11:13
peter_felchingHi all. I need help with eee's touchpad. I need a name of software, or maybe a config file that makes tapping and multitouch enabled out of box on regular ubuntu installation (I am composing my from barebones).11:13
GOMIthnx but i want to look for it first before i ask11:13
davrogoof policia11:14
truepurple Does ubuntu have TRIM and other SSD friendly features?11:14
ikoniatheadmin: yesw11:14
llutz_wh1zz0: dpkg -l '*aptan*'11:14
truepurpleikonia, was that meant to be directed at me?11:15
vlttruepurple: I think that is kernel related. So propably yes.11:15
ikoniatruepurple: and you've been told about cross posting in multiple ubuntu channels - this will be your final warning11:15
ikoniatruepurple: yes, it has SSD trim support11:15
th0rpeter_felching: you might try synclient11:15
ikoniatruepurple: I believe 10.04 or 9.10 support was introduced11:15
idefixglebihan some programs cannot access my webcam, cheese can, but it's the only program, what's wrong?11:15
peter_felchingth0r, thanks,11:15
truepurpleikonia, may I please speak to you about your strange complaint?11:15
ikoniatruepurple: no11:16
truepurplethen since I dont know what you are talking about, I will just disregard11:16
ikoniatruepurple: please do not post the same question in multiple ubuntu channels11:16
ikoniatruepurple: that should explain it to you clearly11:16
truepurpleI posted it in a channel, noone know/was there11:16
Karma_Lawhow can i install the latest version of wine? no version of repositories, latest version officia11:16
nit-wittruepurple, your acting dumb and do a graet job of it.11:17
peter_felchingth0r, nope, I've already have it on board.11:17
theadmin*multiple* Ubuntu channels? I thought Ubuntu has just #ubuntu and #ubuntu+111:17
ThinkT510!latest | Karma_Law11:17
ubottuKarma_Law: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.11:17
ikoniatruepurple: the question was posted at the same time in different ubuntu channels11:17
theadminKarma_Law: Look at winehq.org for instructions.11:17
truepurpleikonia, can you show me a rule against asking in another channel if noone knows in the channel you are asking in?11:17
Karma_Lawtheadmin, i use debian, not ubuntu11:17
th0rpeter_felching: yes, I suspected it might be installed. But have you looked at the man page?11:17
theadminKarma_Law: Um, wrong place then11:17
ikoniatruepurple: it's in the IRC guidelines about not cross posting11:17
ioniteAfter my Natty set up.  The boot screen turned black!  I tried NOMODESET and i tried gfxpayload=text.  Both doesn't work!  Please help me!!11:17
Sidewinder1theadmin, There's also #ubuntu-beginners.11:18
theadminSidewinder1: Oh.11:18
truepurpleikonia, can you point me there so I can examine the wording of what you are talking about?11:18
ikoniatruepurple: read the IRC guidelines11:18
bazhang!crosspost > truepurple11:18
ubottutruepurple, please see my private message11:18
ikoniatruepurple: they are in the topic also11:18
bazhangKarma_Law, #debian for debian support11:18
carl_nit-wit: I didn't have windows on it, it was just a data drive. I'd love ext4 on it, but really, I don't see the point. I don't want to loose my data. Anyway, it works fine when it's mounted (is there an option to mount it as ubuntu starts up? I want it to switch off after a minute of idle time though, as I like my computer being silent). What I'm trying to figure out is why will banshee show only some of the podcasts on the ipod, and no11:19
carl_t all of them.11:19
ikoniatruepurple: and if it helps - I'm asking you not to do it please.11:19
nit-witcarl_, fstab11:19
theadmin!fstab | carl_11:19
ubottucarl_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:19
ioniteAfter my Natty set up.  The boot screen turned black!  I tried NOMODESET and i tried gfxpayload=text.  Both doesn't work!  Please help me!!11:19
Colin969theadmin - My ISO was corrupt apparently, letting LiLi Download a new one, Thanks.11:20
nit-witcarl_, I just suggested a chkdsk as it is a ntfs it has to be fragmeneted that is the problem, probably11:20
theadminColin969: np11:20
truepurpleikonia, I am trying a new client, xchat, and I am having trouble finding your PM11:20
peter_felchingI've realized something. On gdm screen taping seems to work, but after longing into gnome3 session it doesn't anymore.11:20
vltikonia: From #ubuntu-beginner's /topic: "Nobody around? Try asking in #ubuntu"11:20
ThinkT510truepurple: to the left with the channels11:21
ikoniatruepurple: I didn't send you a pm11:21
ikoniavlt: people where around11:21
truepurpleI only see the channels11:21
bazhang!crosspost | truepurple here11:21
ubottutruepurple here: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.11:21
vltikonia: Ok, I just wanted you to know.11:21
=== dave is now known as evo4360bhp
truepurpleikonia, I waited awhile, one person replied, didn't know anything about the subject, I came here, while I was talking about this in here, someone who know something replied11:22
ikoniavlt: thank you11:22
ioniteAfter my Natty set up.  The boot screen turned black!  I tried NOMODESET and i tried gfxpayload=text.  Both doesn't work!  Please help me!!11:22
carl_You know, fragmentation is an issue I never bother with. I figure that with regular OS reinstalls, that solves the fragmentation issues. All I have on the hard drive is movies, shows, music and some documents. Is fragmentation an issue? I don't get gaps in my videos11:22
theadmincarl_: All it does is decreasing read speed11:23
nit-witcarl_, take a look at the hd with gparted hit information a right click on the partition11:23
ikoniatruepurple: that's not true - stop arguing it and please stop cross-posting, thank you11:23
hagusI activated my driver - and all went well.  My problem is that there is now a bunch of biggish icons running down the left handside and the system settings menu has disappeared from the top of the screen.11:23
Sidewinder1carl_, Fragmentation can cause major problems with shrinking/enlarging NTFS partitions.11:24
carl_Hmm. I guess I ought to back up. That's going to need some swapping of computers. I guess I'll stick another hard drive in, back stuff up and use a journaling file system. I take it ext4 is the one to use?11:24
glebihanhagus, I would guess you used to use Gnome and are now using Unity11:25
ThinkT510carl_: your choice of filesystem depend on what it is used for11:25
nit-witcarl_, yeah a ext type partiton=no fragmentation worries. ;)11:25
theadmincarl_: Normally yes, unless you need to worry about compatibility with old Linux systems11:25
Sidewinder1carl_, ext4 is the latest version; I'm currently using ext3 with no issues.11:25
glebihanhagus, to get back to Gnome, select "Ubuntu Classic" as the session in the login screen11:25
hagusglebihan - your guess makes sense to me - but how do I get gnome back, then?11:25
glebihanhagus, you're welcome11:26
hagusubuntu class11:26
* hagus is all thumbs11:26
alfonsodonde estoy?11:26
glebihan!es | alfonso11:26
ubottualfonso: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:26
alfonsoyo entiendo ingles.11:27
evo4360bhpAnyone running 11.10 w/out issues?11:27
wh1zz0sudo apt-get dropbox11:27
theadminWhy are there so many spanish people around anyway? Like, way more than Russian, or Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Finnish, any others...11:27
ThinkT510!11.10 | evo4360bhp11:27
ubottuevo4360bhp: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:27
bazhangtheadmin, lets stay on topic please11:27
theadminbazhang: Yeah I know, just wondered, heh11:27
ikoniawh1zz0: that won't work11:28
theadminwh1zz0: That's not Gentoo, and apt-get is not emerge11:28
theadminwh1zz0: It's "apt-get install dropbox"11:29
theadminwh1zz0: That, and I don't think we have that in the repos11:29
carl_Ahh, alright then. I'll stick in another NFTS partition. They have similar data on them already. And at least the file manager makes skipping over existing files easy. Then when it's reformatted as EXT4, it'll just mount at startup. What's the program that edits hard drive options so they spin down after a preset time?11:29
midasjohnhello gang - this is the first time I ever used IRC and that is totally weird because I am a Vet of Computing since 1985 :p11:30
dattebayohey guys what is the best program for recovery that supports  NTFS and ext4 and ,etc11:30
ikoniatheadmin: there is a 3rd party package for it, although based on the results someone had with it a few days ago, not sure how comfy I'd be suggesting it11:30
midasjohnAlso embraced Ubuntu 11.04 and I will NEVER go back to Windows!11:30
vlt!ot | midasjohn11:30
ubottumidasjohn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:30
theadmindattebayo: testdisk11:30
ThinkT510!yay | midasjohn11:30
ubottumidasjohn: Glad you made it! :-)11:30
nit-witdattebayo, recovery can be done with a live cd, if the partitons are still there.11:30
n2iI have a partition which is formated as ext4 and I have a problem with it.11:31
sipiorn2i: namely?11:31
dattebayowhat about bad sector?11:31
n2iWrite date speed is very slow11:32
VxQebadsectors are a physical fault with the hard disk, you can't solve that with software.11:32
nit-witdattebayo, pull out waht you can then use testdisk11:32
n2i~ 1MB/sec11:32
b0baHi ! Anybody who is familiar with GRUB and software raids can help to solve issue ? Ubuntu server is 11.04, 2 partitions on each hdd, one is root, second swap in both is RAID1 mode. After reboot i have got "invalid arch independent elf magic" in GRUB. Ubuntu 9.04 works fine in the same config.11:33
fladdhi there11:33
midasjohnwicked, laters, out11:33
Benkinoobyhi, is there a difference in the resulting ubuntu install, when installing from CD or usb or when installing from windows(wubi)? my task: i have a friend with an elderly laptop, running windows (vista or xp - not sure) and he wants ubuntu. no i have to decide wether to go with the more "risky" cd/usb isntall or go with the safer(?) wubi install.11:33
n2iAnyone help me to figure what is that problem?11:33
fladdhow can I stop ubuntu to open folders from "Places" in Firefox instead of Nautilus? It does this since the update to Natty11:34
Benkinoobyn2i, try to play aorund with your hard disk modes in bios11:34
VxQen2i: how are you determining that metric?11:34
theadminBenkinooby: Use a normal install11:34
theadminBenkinooby: WUBI is slower and buggier and can't hibernate11:34
VxQeAnd what are you comaring it to?11:34
wh1zz0Okie for anyone having the same issue.. here's the solution to fully uninstall aptana. http://www.aptana.com/docs/index.php/Tips_and_Tricks#Repair_your_Aptana_installation11:34
n2iVxQe: copy and paste some data11:34
Benkinoobyn2i, i once had the problem that my "writes" on the hard disk randomly stoped until i pressed a random key... haver changing the bios settings everything was fine11:34
VxQen2i: from where to where?11:35
n2iIt is mounted as /media/DATA11:35
Benkinoobyn2i, is it connected via usb?11:35
n2iVxQe: from every where to there11:35
n2iBenkinooby: No, this is main HDD11:36
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theadminWeazel: Well, any results?11:36
Weazeltheadmin just finished with him on th ephone right now, it worked like acharm thanks a lot it was eth 1 at the end11:36
n2ibut every thing is nomarly with /HOME11:36
Benkinoobyn2i, ok, try changing the bios settings... if it does not work just change them back again... for me, bios changes worked11:37
n2iwhich is on same HDD and formated with ext411:37
theadminWeazel: :) GLaD I helped.11:37
MrokiiHi. Can somebody recommend a good software-news site for Ubuntu? I mean, where new versions or new apps are presented.11:37
ikoniaMrokii: ubuntu.com11:37
Weazeltheadmin:  thanks to u I thought with portals :D11:37
jribMrokii: planet.ubuntu.com maybe...11:37
n2iBenkinooby: Which is should I change to?11:38
Benkinoobytheadmin, oh... i see... wubi installs ubuntu inside(!) windows ... on the same partiton.... ok thanks!11:38
glebihanfladd: does it have the same behaviour when you double-click a folder from nautilus ?11:38
VxQeIt isn't likely that a bios setting will drop your hard disk speed below 1MB/s11:38
Mrokiiikonia: Where? Do they have a section for apps from other devs?11:39
n2iVxQe: yes, I think so11:39
ikoniaMrokii: new apps don't get released in between versions as you suggest11:39
Benkinoobyn2i, there are like 3 main bios producers, so i can't give you a step-by-step guide... look out for everything that looks like hard disk, hard disk controller, ide/sata/scsi or like that and roam around in the menus... if i recall correctly there are different modes for hard drives like PIO and D-something-something.... just look around... bios does nto have too many nemus ;)11:39
VxQen2i: do you dual boot at all?11:40
VxQeIs it just one partition on the disk11:40
VxQeor all?11:40
n2iBenkinooby: Thank you, I'll try it later11:40
n2iVxQe: yes, Ubuntu dual boot with Win711:41
fladdglebihan, no, only from the gnome panel. Also, when opening downloaded pdfs from the firefox download window, they open in firefox, instead of the proper application as before11:41
Benkinoobyn2i, yeah... no rush... i see you are talking about dual boot: windows, if there some write errors occur, changes the mode of the hard disk... so if you use windows, and suddely ubuntu gets slow while there is no change for windows, i really would check out the bios11:41
Sidewinder1Mrokii, Also if you using 11.04, there's PPAs.11:41
Sidewinder1!ppa > Mrokii11:42
ubottuMrokii, please see my private message11:42
MrokiiSidewinder1: The problem is to *know* what's out there.11:42
Sidewinder1Mrokii, I understand.11:42
abc_dallasi got Ubuntu installed yest & its amazing how my operating system is actually doing what i told it to do (11.04)11:43
Sidewinder1Mrokii, One could spend hours browsing through Synaptic Package Manager.11:43
Benkinoobyn2i, i don't know what hardware you use... but look at this google search http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=windows+hard+disk+mode+ubunut#sclient=psy&hl=en&source=hp&q=windows+hard+disk+mode+ubuntu+pio&pbx=1&oq=windows+hard+disk+mode+ubuntu+pio&aq=f&aqi=&aql=1&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=18449l19383l0l19607l4l3l0l0l0l0l294l690l0.1.2l3&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=f47635babc3f58f6&biw=1334&bih=86911:43
n2iAnd what about if I disable auto mount it at boot from fstab?11:43
theadmin!google | Benkinooby11:43
ubottuBenkinooby: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.11:43
MrokiiSidewinder1: Yeah, and a lot of what is in there is totally irrelevant to me.11:43
Sidewinder1Mrokii, There are tens of thousands of programs there to install.11:44
n2iBenkinooby: hi, thanks! But I cannot browse the web now11:44
chenthuabc_dallas : how did u do that...i have been trying to install my 11.04 for the mast 76 hrs but in vain11:44
Benkinoobytheadmin, i think you are missunderstanding me... i was not redirecting him to google in a "RTFM" way... i was merly showing him results supporting my thesis, so that he can read some of them to see if my thesis applies to his problem11:44
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nit-witchenthu, what are the problems you're having?11:45
Sidewinder1Mrokii, If you're looking for something specific, ask here or ubuntuforums.org; most times you'll get several possibilities to try. :-)11:45
Benkinoobyn2i, do you have commadn line access to your trouble computer?11:46
abc_dallasI just got installed. Everything works gr8. Thank you admin for your help & for open Op Sys11:46
n2iBenkinooby: I'm using it11:46
BenkinoobyTo see if what DMA mode is used, run hdparm -i /dev/sda /dev/sdb, there'll be a * next to the mode being used.11:46
BenkinoobyTo see if what DMA mode is used, run hdparm -i /dev/sda /dev/sdb, there'll be a * next to the mode being used. n2i11:46
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
chenthunit_wit: grpahics problem using normal download.....black screen problem using alternate download...same graphics pronlem using 10.0411:47
MrokiiSidewinder1: I guess that's the only way to find out about a specific app then.11:48
* dpy is in heaven, the key to success: rm -fffff /etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh11:48
Sidewinder1Mrokii, It's the best way that I have found.11:48
n2iThere is something like this: UDMA modes: udma0 udma1 udma2 udma3 udma4 udma5 *udma611:48
Mrokiijribas: I rather look for a site that concentrates on software-releases, but I guess that isn't available.11:48
Benkinoobyn2i, ok11:49
chenthunit-wit: you there?11:50
nit-wityeah chenthu11:50
chenthuu read my problems?11:50
nit-withold on11:51
Benkinoobyn2i, go to the bios, change to PIO mode and see if things get better11:51
Benkinoobyn2i, test the change of behavior for windows and ubuntu11:51
nit-witchenthu, do you know your graphic card11:51
Benkinoobyn2i, generally pio is slower than dma.... but it might work for you11:52
Benkinoobyworked for me though ;P11:52
chenthunit-wit: yeah....Nvidia Geforce 6150 Go..........very old though11:52
=== adz is now known as adzy
nit-witchenthu, have you tried a low graphic boot with a love cd11:53
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ioniteAfter my Natty set up.  The boot screen turned black!  I tried NOMODESET and i tried gfxpayload=text.  Both doesn't work!  Please help me!!11:53
nit-wit*live opps11:53
Benkinoobyn2i, if it does not work i am out of advice, because your system is at udma6... the fastest mode11:53
theadminlol @ "love cd"11:53
chenthunit-wit: yeah i did....i never worked....Live usb though11:53
n2ichenthu ~ che'n thu`? :311:53
nit-witi't late her 5am11:53
ioniteAfter my Natty set up.  The boot screen turned black!  I tried NOMODESET and i tried gfxpayload=text.  Both doesn't work!  Please help me!!11:53
chenthun2i :?11:54
n2iBenkinooby: ok11:54
nit-witchenthu, how did you try the low graphic?11:54
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
* Benkinooby looks for trademarks on love cd :P11:54
n2ichenthu: oh, nothing, just a joking.11:54
chenthui went to the cli method, then tried f4 then something else...nothing worked11:55
chenthun2i: i thought u were lookin to pronounce my name11:55
n2iBenkinooby: Thanks and see you later!11:55
n2ichenthu: yes :D11:55
Benkinoobyn2i, yeah11:55
chenthun2i: yeah11:56
Benkinoobychenthu = pronounce gentoo with a cold11:56
chenthunit-wit: any idea?11:56
nit-witchenthu, Did you use the f6 prompt with the live cd to choose nomodeset?11:56
chenthuBenkinooby : Yeah you could do that....lol11:56
chenthunit-wit :yeah i tried that11:57
adzyanyone know how I change my ubuntu computer name?11:57
vltadzy: /etc/hostname11:57
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llutz_!hostname | adzy:11:57
ubottuadzy:: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.11:57
chenthunit-wit: using alternate download and complex installing method i installed 11.04 but now i get 4 errors and a black screen after login11:58
alba-andyguys, random question but im sure you wont hold that against me... How do I setup web forwarding without using a subdomain. i would like email.mysite.com to redirect to google mail apps page but the idiot registrar is wanting to charge me for adding a subdomain. can i do it with A or CNAME records?11:58
ikoniaalba-andy: that's not an ubuntu question, so we don't support it11:58
ikoniaalba-andy: try #dns11:58
alba-andyah thanks11:58
alba-andytoo hard for yous?11:59
codehotteralba-andy: psst, you should have said you were hosting your domain on ubuntu server!11:59
chenthunit-wit: do u know how to scan network  through a wireless card using terminal?11:59
codehotternever mind, with your last comment I have lost any interest in helping you.11:59
alba-andydamn, should have11:59
nit-witchenthu, Ah at the bootscreen hit e for edit and replace aat the end of the first kernel wher it say no splash put in nomodeset and hit crtl_-x to boot then if in look at this link. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174594012:00
Joe5848hail !12:00
hateballchenthu: iwlist12:00
chenthuhateball: i tried but says " No scan results"12:02
Colin969theadmin , You on?12:02
theadminColin969: Am.12:02
Colin969theadmin , Why does LinuxLive install Virtual Box?12:02
theadminColin969: You probably ticked "Run LiveUSB after creation"12:02
Colin969theadmin , It said enable Linux Live in windows....oh.12:03
hateballchenthu: you have to supply it with options, like "iwlist scan" it's in the manpage for iwlist. also, make sure your wifi modules/firmware is actually loaded :)12:03
Colin969theadmin, I think its frozen on that part too, would forcing the application to shut down be fine, or corrupt the entire thing?12:03
chenthuhateball; i just installed and activated my b43 driver i even verified that...but still no reslut using the command12:04
theadminColin969: It's fine, just recreate the USB when done with that... I suppose.12:04
nit-witchenthu, does the adding nomodeset to the kernel make sense, you need a low graphic bot to install the correct driver as in the link.12:04
Colin969theadmin, But will i have to go through it all again, or....ill just try.12:05
theadminColin969: I always use dd to create my liveusbs anyhow so...12:05
n2iI have disabled auto mount the that partition in fstab, and every thing seem ok12:05
chenthunit-wit: yeah i got the link just rebooting to do that...i was actually working on a command line solution...but now that you have given me the link for the exact problem...i am trying that...thank you very much ....will post the result12:06
nit-witchenthu, the key with the nvidia card is the nomodeset to be run on the install than the first boot to get you in. ;)   no prblem for the help.12:07
dr_willisnit-wit:  i will mention that with the alpha release. i havent had to use nomodeset on my nvidia systems to get them to install. :) so its improveing..12:08
chenthunit-wit: u mean i have to use the option while installing?...and not while booting after install?12:08
* alba-andy isnt allowed fascetious12:08
* alba-andy to be fascetious12:09
nit-witdr_willis, cool that is a method I have seen often, so with a black screen it seemed a appropriate method to try. ;)12:09
dr_willischenthu:  i had to do it while installing, and on the first boot. untill i got the nvidia drivers going. i DID notice once that installing using nomodeset some how added the option to the default grub /etc/default/grub file.12:09
Dougie187Does anyone know why the panel applets continuously ask to be deleted on login within 11.04 ubuntu classic?12:09
ioniteAfter my Natty set up.  The boot screen turned black!  I tried NOMODESET and i tried gfxpayload=text.  Both doesn't work!  Please help me!!12:10
nit-witchenthu, as dr_willls confirmed at times nomodeset is run at install and the first bbot in.12:10
chenthudr_willis : u talk about installing natty narwhal12:11
ionitehow can i get past the black screen on my first boot in?12:11
ionitecan anyone help me with my blank screen?12:12
Benkinoobyionite, black or blank?12:12
pr0ton_this crontab should run every minute right?12:13
pr0ton_1 * * * * echo 'hello world' >> ~/b.txt12:13
ioniteblack then the LCD power light blinks12:13
pr0ton_and append, 'hello world' to ~/b.txt12:13
pr0ton_but for the past few mins, nothing has been added to the file12:13
cromagpr0ton_: might be missing full path to echo12:13
phper_What someone needs to learn better system administration and networking of pcs?12:13
theadminprogre55: Right.12:13
ioniteHow can i solve the blank screen in my first boot in?12:13
nokkohi there12:14
Dougie187is there any particular reason panel apps asked to be deleted?12:14
pr0ton_cromag, i changed it to $HOME/b.txt12:14
Benkinoobyionite, hm... sounds liek something more serious... like hardware dirver or something liek this... can'T help you, i am no pro12:14
n2iionite: yeah, it look like after my monitor sleep12:14
theadminpr0ton_: Meant to be to you12:14
pr0ton_let me wait a min and check it out12:14
hagusThanks for the help glebihan - things worked for me exactly as you predicted :)12:14
theadminpr0ton_: It's right, but you should really put the command(s) in a script and execute that script with cron12:14
cromagpr0ton_: and /usr/bin/echo or whereever the program is.12:14
theadminpr0ton_: cron is not a shell, it won't handle the >> thing12:14
pr0ton_cromag, oh12:14
nokkogot a question, can someone please help?12:14
pr0ton_theadmin, i think it does http://www.linuxhelp.net/guides/cron/12:14
ioniten2i: u got the same prob now too?12:15
nit-witionite, hit e for edit at the boot menu and put nomodeset at the end of the kernel where it says no splash12:15
theadmincromag: should be /bin/echo12:15
n2iionite: I'm not sure!12:15
ionitei tried it didn't work12:15
nit-witionite, if you get in then look for the graphic card drivers12:15
ionitenit-wit: i tried and it didn't work12:15
Benkinoobyn2i, so how did things go?12:15
cromagtheadmin: you are most likely right - didnt check - and didnt remember :)12:16
Benkinoobyionite, did you use this jack-something-somethign software?12:16
bastidrazorDougie187: when they fail to load at login. normally there is another issue that causes this.12:16
n2iI  havent got it at bootup but after monitor goes to sleep when inactive12:16
nokkoi will go get some dinner first and brb.12:16
nit-witionite, did you hit crtl-x to boot when you did?12:16
pr0ton_cromag, theadmin so i can write a bash script like, x.sh12:16
Dougie187bastidrazor: any idea what the issue could be? I've been trying to figure it out for weeks now, but I haven't had any luck.12:16
cromagpr0ton_: and run that - yes.12:16
Dougie187It's also not consistent12:16
pr0ton_and then run it like bash /location/to/x.sh12:16
cromagpr0ton_: you might need /bin/bash but yes12:17
bastidrazorDougie187: look in ~/.xsession-errors  there may be hints in there.12:17
n2iBenkinooby: I have disabled auto mount it at boot up from fstab, and every thing seem ok12:17
theadmincromag: Well it's needed for the boot process and thus must be on the same partition as /, and many put /usr on a separate partition so12:17
Benkinoobyn2i, so the automount changed the write speed?!12:17
ionitenitwit: i pressed ctrl+X12:18
cromagtheadmin: hmm good thout - never thought of it that way.12:18
n2iBenkinooby: yes, I think so12:18
ionitebenkinnoby: i used Unetbootin12:18
nit-witionite, what is the graphic card would probably help, for others to see to help12:18
ionitenitwit: ro quiet spalsh nomodeset and i pressed ctrl + X12:18
Colin969theadmin , Linux Live keeps randomly....stopping12:19
Benkinoobyn2i, that really surprises me... i can not imagine that the automount got to do with the speed...12:19
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Benkinoobyn2i, did you measure the speed increas12:19
nit-witionite, not an area I'm real familiar with beyond the nomodeset for me12:19
n2iBenkinooby: yes12:19
Colin969theadmin, Its not shifting from 96%12:19
pr0ton_cromag, theadmin two minutes have elapsed and nothing on the file12:20
ionitei kinda regret d/l natty now that it's not even booting into mainframe and the darn blank screen12:20
pr0ton_pratik@pratik-laptop:~/flatto$ crontab -l12:20
pr0ton_# m h  dom mon dow   command12:20
pr0ton_1 * * * * /bin/echo 'hello world' >> $HOME/b.txt 2>&112:20
amit__I typed sudo ufw enable many times.. but it is always off at startup.. I also added ufw as command and name in startup applications , any way to let firewall start at startup12:20
ActionParsnipionite: does nomodeset not help?12:20
ionitenomodeset doesn't help at all.12:20
Colin969Anyone familiar with LinuxLive?12:20
ActionParsnipionite: what video chip do you use?12:21
ioniteinserted 'nomodeset' after 'ro quiet splash' and it doesn't work12:21
Picipr0ton_: That will only run at 1 minute past the hour.12:21
ioniteactionparsnip: GeForce Tornado 550012:21
=== pr0ton_ is now known as pr0ton
ActionParsnipionite: try:   nouveau.blacklist=112:21
theadminColin969: Odd.12:21
Benkinoobyn2i, good thing.. i learend something and your prob is solved :D12:21
theadminColin969: Bad hardware? Not enough space? who knows...12:21
pr0tonPici, meaning?12:21
ioniteactionparsnip: where do i insert this line?12:21
ActionParsnipionite: its a boot option12:22
Colin969theadmin , Its the same USB i used the first time...12:22
n2iBenkinooby: :)12:22
ActionParsnip!anyone | Colin96912:22
ubottuColin969: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:22
Picipr0ton: Meaning it'll run at 08:01, 09:01, 10:01 etc.  If you want it to run at every minute for testing, change the 1 to a *12:22
pr0tonwhat if i want it to run every 10 minutes?12:22
cromagisnt it 10/ ?12:22
Picipr0ton: */10 * * * *12:22
cromagah yes12:22
Colin969theadmin Ive gtg to my friends, ill try it there12:22
ioniteactionparsnip: u mean that i type in "nouveau.blacklist=1' after boot option?12:22
pr0tonPici, thanks12:22
pr0tonso */1 also works for every 1 minute?12:23
Colin969theadmin OH ITS SHIFTING12:23
Picipr0ton: It does.12:23
ActionParsnipionite: yes, the way to add boot options is always the same12:23
pr0tonPici,  it works now :) thanks a ton :)12:23
Picipr0ton: great :)12:23
Colin969theadmin, Seems to be done, will test in a sec! Thanks!12:24
ioniteactionparsnip: where can boot option be found?12:24
ActionParsnipionite: some chips don't like nouveau, the option will force your OS to use nv which works well. You can then get updates to get a nicer nouveau driver version or install the proprietary12:24
ActionParsnipionite: how do you mean? If you mean APPLY it then it's the same way you added nomodeset12:24
ioniteu mean i insert nouveau.blacklist=1 after 'ro quiet splash nomodeset'?12:25
ActionParsnipionite: sounds fine, i don't think you will need nomodeset though12:25
ionitelet me try now12:25
theadminColin969: No problem12:26
MaK10hey every112:27
MaK10does anyone know a good program in ubuntu thats similar to VSO convert X12:27
dr_willisMaK10:  and that app does what?12:28
MaK10converts divx to DVD format12:28
ActionParsnipMaK10: what does it do?12:28
ActionParsnipMaK10: try devede12:28
ActionParsnipMaK10: it makes a DVD ISO out of one or more video files, you can then SLOWLY burn the DVD12:29
ionitecan anyone help me with my blank boot in screen?12:29
dr_willisYou can generate a dvd 'video disk' iso with menus and so on.. with DeVeDe12:29
dr_willisIve never noticed a need to slowly burn them... :)12:29
peter_felchingI have problem with touchpad. Taping it works on gdm screen, but it stops once I log into gnome 3 session.12:29
MaK10sweet thanks heaps guys12:29
MaK10il give it ago12:29
ioniteaction: the line i had was: ro splash quiet vt.handoff=712:29
ActionParsnipionite: does the nouveau.blacklist=1   not work?12:29
theadminpeter_felching: Open the control center thing, go to mouse, and enable clicking by tapping12:29
ionitethen i keyed in noveau.blacklist=1 after 'quiet' still can't work12:29
ActionParsnipionite: add the option to that then12:30
ioniteaction: what do u mean add the option?12:30
ActionParsnipionite: try removing the quiet splash ro     and you will see the boot messages, may help12:30
theadminActionParsnip, ionite: DO NOT REMOVE "ro"!12:31
ActionParsnipionite: make your bootoption simply be:   nouveau.blacklist=112:31
ActionParsniptheadmin: why?12:31
theadminActionParsnip: That mounts the filesystem read-only before performing various checks... If you remove it, I think you may cause serious filesystem damage on your /12:31
peter_felchingtheadmin, I don't have control center, I previously had kde installed, but I purged everything related and installed gnome 3. I gave gpointing-device-settings installed thou, and tapping is enabled.12:31
ioniteso the line should look like this?: quiet splash nouveau.blacklist=1 ?12:32
theadminpeter_felching: Hm, odd12:32
ActionParsniptheadmin: i guess if you are diagnosing it makes sense12:32
ActionParsnipionite: just: nouveau.blacklist=1 ro       is fine12:32
ActionParsnipionite: have a play, see what you can do. Is the system a laptop?12:32
ActionParsnipionite: does it have a make and model?12:33
peter_felchingtheadmin, As for strange, there is only "disable tapping" in tapping tab am I correct?12:33
theadminpeter_felching: I don't remember Gnome3 much12:34
peter_felchingtheadmin, I think that gpointing-device-settings is the same for 2.X12:34
spyzerhey everyone, does pm-powersave is enabled by default in other words pm-powersave true happens on system boot by default12:34
spyzerplease tell12:34
theadminpeter_felching: Well, then I guess yes12:35
ioniteaction: can't. still black screen12:35
ActionParsnipionite: does the system have a make and model?12:36
ActionParsnipionite: does it have onboard video as well as a PCI express video card?12:37
ioniteaction: yes it does.12:37
spyzeranybody please12:37
dr_willisspyzer:  your question is a bit confuseing..12:37
ActionParsnipionite: care to share the information, it will help YOU12:37
wols_spyzer: pm-powersave is a command, no? how can it be "enabled"?12:38
dr_willisspyzer:  is 'pm-powersave' enabled by default?  you mean? how are you even checking that its enabled/disabled?12:38
theadminionite: The "tab" key. Use it.12:38
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:38
spyzerdr_willis: well in other words laptop-mode-tools cannot be started until pm-powersave true has been called once12:38
spyzerso by any chance does some startup script in ubuntu does that by  efault12:38
theadminionite: If you're on an Android phone and are using irssi, you can use the right-shift key instead12:39
theadminionite: Instead of tab, that is12:39
ActionParsnipandchat on android is the balls :)12:39
dr_willisright shift Hmm.. have to try that next time im on anchat12:39
ionitethe admin: android phone?12:39
dr_willislike right now.12:40
ActionParsnipspyzer: you could add it in /etc/rc.local   and it will run each boot12:40
spyzerokay thanks12:40
dr_willistheadmin:  i dont even have a 'right shift' key on my android phone keyboard. :()12:40
theadmindr_willis: Odd, is it Swype?12:40
ionitethe admin: tab key???12:41
Wheels2050Has anyone come across a freezing problem with Ubuntu on a laptop? Whenever I close the lid it locks up and I have to reset. It was working up until a couple of days ago...12:41
dr_willistheadmin:  default 'android keyboard' i belive12:41
vlttab key is ctrl+i12:41
ActionParsniptheadmin: you can long tap on the input box, scroll down and select complete nick12:41
nit-witWheels2050, what do you have close the lid set to do?12:42
ActionParsnipionite: can you please give the detail I asked....12:42
dr_willisbbl. gota run.12:42
Wheels2050nit-wit: it's currently set to suspend, and I haven't changed any of those settings lately12:42
=== maxx is now known as Guest746
Wheels2050if it helps, the wireless is always disabled when I restart and log back in12:42
ioniteactionparsnip: my motherboard have an onbard video card but i'm using the one plugged into my agp slot12:42
=== Eldhose is now known as ELDHOSE
theadminActionParsnip: I installed andchat12:44
theadminActionParsnip: Thanks12:44
theadminActionParsnip: looks cool12:44
ActionParsniptheadmin: its what I use mostly when I'm on here12:44
ActionParsnipionite: did you disable the onboard video and/or set the primary adapter to the PCI express slot?12:45
ionitei did. as i am able to access the grub menu to press E?12:45
ActionParsnipionite: when the screen goes black, I bet if you plug the monitor into the onboard it will work12:46
sets88who knows how to change PPID(parrent) of process?12:46
nit-witWheels2050, I was curious if it was hibernate and your swap was to small.12:47
theadminActionParsnip: Ah, cool12:47
ioniteaction: are u sure? so what should do if i want to use only my plugged in video card?12:48
sets88ziKo_,  "who knows how to change PPID(parrent) of process?"12:49
theadminionite: Told you to use the tab key12:49
DarkInjectiont irc.net.gr12:49
viq_Hi, I have a problem with the ati drivers. I wanted to use catalyst drivers for an HD6650M, but when I install fglrx and run aticonfig, I have "aticonfig: No supported adapters detected", someone knows how to solve this ?12:49
robin0800viq_, did you run it as root?12:51
viq_yes of course12:51
viq_(running lucid)12:52
=== ziKo_ is now known as ziKo`
robin0800viq_, and wich drivers from jocky or amd's website?12:52
viq_robin0800, drivers from amd (AMD Catalyst™ 11.6 Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver)12:53
bad_allocHello I'm installing a ubuntu 10.04 to replace an old 8.10. I need to get rid of the old 8.10 and install the 10.04 in its place. at the same time I'd like to keep a windows XP that is also installed on that computer. this all happens on the same disk. how do i achieve this?12:54
ioniteaction: i tried to plug into my intergrated motherboard graphics and it didnt work.12:55
vltbad_alloc: Just choose the partition 8.10 is on as target during install12:55
ionitetheadmin: When do I use the TAB key?12:55
robin0800viq_, try the ones in jockey (additional Drivers)12:55
theadminionite: Okay, type "action" (without quotes) and press the key12:55
nit-witbad_alloc, if the 8.10 is replaceable as is; install to that partition in the choice bootom line=other a custom install12:56
bad_allocnit-wit, vlt thanks12:56
nit-witbad_alloc, no problem , that makes sense go for it.12:56
ionitetheadmin: forgive me please for being a Ubuntu first time user.  What do u mean enter action? where do i key in 'action'?12:57
Piciionite: theadmin means here in IRC12:57
BluesKajviq_, ati-xconfig ?12:57
ActionParsnipionite: is the device fully disabled?12:58
ActionParsnipionite: instead of typing just typing 'action', press TAB after and it willcomplete12:58
viq_robin0800, installed and active, but no 3D acceleration (I can't run compiz)12:59
ioniteaction: it kept going to ur PM. which u don't want?12:59
theadminionite: on IRC, here, when you type, to autocomplete the nickname ActionParsnip, you could do that13:00
robin0800viq_, which driver is that?13:00
ionitetheadmin: but it keeps PM others?13:00
theadminionite: That's not PM13:01
bad_allocnit-wit: I'm in the dialogue "preparing partitions" (german translation). how exactly do i tell ubuntu to install on a specific partition (sda8 in my case)?13:01
viq_robin0800, the deb are "jokey-gtk" and "jockey-common" right ?13:01
theadminionite: PM is when you type "/msg ActionParsnip loltext"13:01
theadminionite: This is called a mention, or a highlight. It alerts a user their nickname had been mentioned13:01
ActionParsnipionite: make sure the onboard is disabled properly and the pci express is default, you may also want to try:  ro nomodeset nouveau.blacklist=1 nv.blacklist=113:02
* theadmin is doing irc lessons lol13:02
farchordbad_alloc, in the partitionner, select the sda8 partition, and tell it to mount as /13:02
brandinithe updates I installed today made my usb act goofy and it won't detect my usb hub anymore13:02
nit-witbad_alloc, choose the other at the partiton choice this leads to a window where you choose that partition put in the / mount and faormat and ext413:02
wh1zz0theadmin: thanks13:02
ActionParsnipI don't support in PM so asking me stuff there just gets closed13:02
robin0800viq_, yea think so thought it was installed by default13:02
nit-wit*format bad_alloc  sorry for the spelling13:03
ActionParsnipionite: ask in the channel13:03
ActionParsnipionite: you can disable the onboard in BIOS.13:03
ioniteaction: sorry i still can't figure out the IRC action part.13:03
ActionParsnipionite: just leave out the /msg part13:03
bad_allocperfect that worked. a final question, i have  sda6 floating around uselessly, how do I add it to sda8?13:03
viq_robin0800, the problem is that my graphic card is "too recent" for open-source drivers (like radeon) -> It does not support HD Series6 Cards, so I tried AMD's drivers instead, but still no 3D13:04
ioniteActionParsnip: how do i disable the onbard graphics?13:04
theadminwh1zz0: ??13:04
ActionParsnipionite: it's like all the times you type:  action: some text here13:04
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
ActionParsnipionite: you disable the onboard graphics in BIOS13:04
Dougie187bastidrazor: Thanks for the suggestion, but nothing obvious pops out at me in the .xsession-errors13:05
robin0800viq_, hate to say it but you may need to update ubuntu first for newer hardware support13:05
dydhow can i fix the desktop cube zoom? ubuntu 11.0413:05
dydok lol found it13:06
ioniteActionParsnip: i disabled the serial ports it's still blank screen.13:07
ActionParsnipionite: its not a serial port13:08
ionitemaybe i should quit ubuntu and install windows. i still can't solve the blank screen options. sighs.13:08
ioniteActionParsnip: huh? graphics card are all serial port?13:08
viq_robin0800, Also tried with 11.04 on liveCD, can't run aticonfig after installing fglrx, do you thing that if it does not not work on liveCD, it may work when I install it ?13:08
InsertInterestinI have a problem with my network card. Ubuntu doesn't even seem to recognize it. Does anyone know where I should start?13:09
theadminionite: Try another distro, don't dump Linux just because ubuntu has failed you13:09
bad_allocnit-wit (hope I'm not bugging you too much): a final question, i have  sda6 floating around uselessly, how do I add it to sda8? do i delete it and then add the remaining space to sda8?13:09
rah_@bad_alloc try gparted13:10
ActionParsnipionite: no a serial port is a serial port, VGA is a VGA port. Serial ports are 9 pin. VGA is 15 pin13:10
ioniteActionParsnip: so i should disable my vga port?13:11
c001ActionParsnip: I'm having trouble getting my AE2500 USB wifi adapter recognized in Ubuntu.  I followed your recommendation about the lsusb command and got the 8 character hex then did a search for that.  I came up with this page:  http://www.wikidevi.com/wiki/Linksys_AE250013:11
nit-witbad_alloc, no bother I would have to see your set up like a gparted screen shot, but since you have sda8 and sda6 there must be a sda7 between, so merging may not be a option.13:11
ActionParsnipionite: yes, the onboard one. If there is any RAM assigned to it, set it to zero13:11
c001it looks like Broadcom BCM432313:11
tuxcrafterdoes somebody know the root pw for the daily live built iso?13:11
ionitetheadmin: what if linux give me black screen again?13:11
InsertInterestinIf serial ports are a problem, you can get a USB - Serial connector device at Radioshack or such.13:11
Picituxcrafter: The root account is locked on all installs of Ubuntu. You should be using sudo instead.13:12
tuxcrafterhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) Daily Build13:12
ActionParsnipc001: ask the channel. Don't ask me directly like that. If I have a solution then I will advise13:12
tuxcrafterwell sudo passwd then13:12
c001ok sorry about that13:12
nit-witbad_alloc, take a screen shot of gparted and post it at http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add    and post the link13:12
rah_Maybe somebody can halp me to set up my wireless connection. I tried a lot of tutorials and shutdown all encyptions but still can't get a connection13:12
Picituxcrafter: There still shouldn't be one. but try 'toor' just in case.  Also, sorry for forwarding you around, but 11.10 questions really should be in #ubuntu+1 :)13:13
bad_allocnit-wit: i overlooked that that belongs to some obscure windowsXP embedded, so I guess I'll leave it there. Thanks for your help :)13:14
nit-witbad_alloc, no prob feel free to ask any more questions. ;)13:15
tuxcrafterPici: ack13:16
Sidewinder1Pici, I almost answered "tux" but I wasn't clear on his question; correct me, please, if I'm wrong but, isn't the password, when running from a LiveCD, "ubuntu"?13:16
PiciSidewinder1: Someone elsewhere suggested that, didn't work.  I didn't think there was one personally.13:17
Sidewinder1Pici, OK, thanks. :-)13:18
AlecTaylorI've installed the "Tertiary Bundle" from Ubuntu Software Centre (ubuntu-edu-tertiary), it downloaded a heap, but I can't figure out what new stuff I have. What's included?13:18
rah_i'm connected over ssh to a ubuntu machine and try to set up a wireless connection (connected via wire). iwlist scan shows avialible networks. But when setting the essid and trying dhclient I can't get a connection13:18
theadminrah_: Is the network encrypted?13:19
PiciAlecTaylor: It should have installed: calibre, celestia-gnome, dia-gnome, freemind, geogebra, inkscape, kalzium, kmplot, ktouch, kturtle, laby, lightspeed, lybniz, marble, melting, pencil, stellarium, step, yorick13:19
rah_no i shut the encryption down13:19
ioniteActionParsnip: it's still blank screen13:19
ActionParsnipionite: so you blacklisted nv and nouveua ?13:20
PiciAlecTaylor: I got that via: apt-cache show ubuntu-edu-tertiary.  I'm not sure if there is a way of getting that info via the Software Center13:20
ionitecan i have the command again?13:20
theadminrah_: "iwconfig wlan0 essid 'myessid'" should do it13:20
AlecTaylorThanks Pici, hopefully some of that stuff will be useful13:20
ActionParsnipionite: its not a command, its boot options13:20
AlecTaylorPici: The packages.ubuntu link is broken13:20
PiciAlecTaylor: It goes down sometimes, I'll check if there is an open bug about this isntance.13:21
ActionParsnipionite: nv.blacklist=1 nouveau.blacklist=1 nomodeset13:21
theadminrah_: If not, try to first do "ip link set wlan0 up", though... if it's not up it wouldn't be scannable13:21
ioniteActionParsnip: so i remove all the quiet splash?13:21
PiciAlecTaylor: Seems to be working for me: http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-edu-tertiary13:21
ActionParsnipionite: yes, you can see what's happening then instead of the good details being hidden behind some dumb graphic13:22
rah_theadmin: if i connect a monitor and so on to the pc i can get a connection via gui programms. but i dont want to use a monitor on this pc and iwconfig eth1 essid 'myessid' doesn't work13:22
AlecTaylorPici: http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu-edu-tertiary - First result given by firefox was the karmic link13:22
ActionParsnipAlecTaylor: might not be the same for the user due to web bubbles13:23
theadminrah_: Why is wireless on eth1?! That's just wrong13:23
ActionParsnipAlecTaylor: http://dontbubble.us/13:24
AlecTayloraye aye13:24
ActionParsniptheadmin: sometimes they pick up that way. Wicd is flexible and can use any interface name13:24
rah_theadmin: don't know, tutorials say this may happen and doesn't depend13:24
ioniteActionParsnip: alright some progress. i'm prompted to log in now. what do i do next?13:25
ActionParsniprah_: install wicd, you can set the interface name13:25
yanickhi, Ubuntu classic does not show the menu bar or app bar (at bottom). When I do a "compiz --replace", everything hangs. I think I may have killed it when trying to customize the desktop effects at some point, how can I restore Gnome classic to it,s default settings?13:25
ActionParsnipionite: should just log you in, press CTRL+ALT+F1   and run:  passwd ubuntu     set a password, press CTRL+ALT+F7 and log in as ubuntu with the password you set13:26
ActionParsnip!panels | yanick13:26
ubottuyanick: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:26
ioniteActionParsnip: ok. now i'm still in dos mode like screen. so what do i next?13:26
ActionParsnipionite: read what I wrote above.13:26
ubottuSELinux is available on Ubuntu, but not officially supported. Ubuntu uses another security framework by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor13:26
Benkinoobyyanick are you on ubunut 11?13:27
yanickBenkinooby, yes13:27
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yanickActionParsnip, "no process found"13:28
ActionParsnipyanick: are you logging in to Ubuntu Classic or Ubuntu?13:28
updatehow do i boot ubuntu ffrom a live cd???  Its keeps asking me for the iso image???13:29
yanickActionParsnip, Ubuntu classic. I'm actually in the session right now, but having to press ctrl+t for a terminal and launching apps from there13:29
dr_willistheadmin:  i have several laptops that wireless is on eth1, or in one case i had one be on eth213:29
tobago1i can't talk in #trac... that's poor.13:29
theadmindr_willis: Wow13:29
theadmindr_willis: Well that's odd, idk13:29
Pici!register | tobago113:29
ubottutobago1: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:29
ioniteActionParsnip: now i'm in the page Welcome To Ubuntu 11.04 all in text DOS mode13:29
Benkinoobyyanick, http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/13:29
dr_willistheadmin:  its not odd. Its just the name the drivers used.  I was thinking eventually they are all supposed to be eth#13:29
theadmindr_willis: Mine are usually wlan0, well, never actually had anything but that13:30
ActionParsnipionite: try READING what I wrote earlier. I gave all the instruction you need13:30
dr_willisI recall there being some a few releases back there were somthing other then wlan0 or eth0. but i forget what it was.. :)13:30
ziKo`hello all13:30
ziKo`help me13:30
Pici!ask | ziKo`13:30
ubottuziKo`: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:30
Ace2ohow do I increase size of my disk?13:31
ioniteActionParsnip: u mean i must type the word 'run: passwd ubuntu' ?13:31
ziKo`my bluetooth cant detect on toshiba13:31
ziKo`how that13:31
ziKo`how im fix it13:31
ioniteActionParsnip: my password was already set when i install ubuntu?13:31
ActionParsnipionite: it shouldbe blank and log you in but you will need to set it if you don't get auto logged in13:31
VictorCL2just upgraded to ubuntu 11  ... is there a way to put the left bar on the bottom?13:32
ziKo`help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee13:32
ActionParsnipziKo`: does it show in the output of:   dmesg | less13:32
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ActionParsnipziKo`: have some patience child13:32
BluesKaj ionite , alt+ctrl+F7  or F813:32
ioniteActionParsnip: forgive me for being an idiot because i'm really new to this and i need some very explicit instructions.  so how do i begin?13:32
ActionParsnipionite: should just log you in, press CTRL+ALT+F1   and run:  passwd ubuntu     set a password, press CTRL+ALT+F7  and log in as ubuntu with the password you set13:33
ActionParsnipionite: should just log you in, press CTRL+ALT+F1   and run:  passwd ubuntu     set a password, press CTRL+ALT+F7  and log in as ubuntu with the password you set13:33
yanickActionParsnip, but... that will also reset many things that I have spent times to setup (ie. Nautilus shortcuts, and apps configs), no?13:33
ActionParsnipionite: its so simple, I literally cannot break that down to simpler steps with explaining it by telling you what fingers to use13:33
ioniteActionParsnip: so i press CTRL+ALT+F1 then i type: 'run: passwd ubuntu'13:34
ActionParsnipyanick: what will?13:34
BluesKajActionParsnip, on some setups F7 isn't working, only alt+ctrl+F8 works on mine13:34
yanickActionParsnip, delete .gconf and all13:34
spankbotwhat is the 'arp' command to harvest all the IPs on the network?13:34
ActionParsnipionite: no, the word 'run' is telling you the next bit is a command to run13:34
ioniteActionParsnip: oic. ok let me try it now.13:34
ActionParsnipyanick: it's not deleting it, its resetting the gconf settings for the panel,those are nothing to do with nautilus13:34
Benkinoobyyanick, the best thing is to move the folder you are going to remove to a differnet place13:34
ActionParsnipionite: see how simple it is, and you are asking me to clarify....13:35
yanickBenkinooby, good idea13:35
Benkinoobyyanick, by that the configs will not be used anymore, but you will still have a backup13:35
* farchord hands ActionParsnip a cup of Expresso. "Hang in there, man" :)13:35
ActionParsnipfarchord: cheers bro, I have a huge cuppa tea too :)13:35
theadminfarchord: It's espresso dude xD13:35
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ziKo`actionparsnip: ??13:36
farchordtheadmin: Bah, Tomato, tomatoe.... XD13:36
ActionParsnipziKo`: ?13:36
=== Vacca is now known as e-DIO-t
ziKo`im just see this13:36
SURFkeesI can't get my gfx card working with Natty: http://pastebin.com/ZYXTXd8213:36
SURFkeesAnyone have any tips?13:36
ziKo`[ 8302.047679] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.1513:36
ziKo`[ 8302.047706] NET: Registered protocol family 3113:36
ziKo`[ 8302.047708] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized13:36
ziKo`[ 8302.047711] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized13:36
ziKo`[ 8313.276599] Bluetooth: L2CAP ver 2.1513:36
ziKo`[ 8313.276607] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized13:36
FloodBot1ziKo`: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:36
Ace2omy server provider set me up with a virtual ubuntu server with 9GB space which he just increased to 50GB. When I log in I still see 9GB and he told me I have to increase it. Can someone tell me how to increase disk size please?13:36
ioniteActionParsnip: it says user 'ubuntu' doesn't exist13:37
ziKo`im just cant use my bluetooth and my charge display cant show on panel13:37
ioniteActionParsnip: when i type 'passwd ubuntu' it prompts me that user Ubuntu does not exist13:37
ActionParsnipSURFkees: do you have one of those annoying dual gpu systems using a switch to jump between?13:37
VictorCL2you can't move the panel to the bottom?  ¬¬13:37
PiciBenkinooby: Please stop that.13:37
yanickActionParsnip, I assume I have to replace ".gnome" with ".gnome2" in the command the blog says13:37
ActionParsnipziKo`: the device is detected then13:38
SURFkeesActionParsnip, yes, nvidia optimus13:38
ActionParsnipSURFkees: those are a serious PAIN to get working13:38
yanick... and .metacity does not exist anymore in 11.0413:38
ziKo`but i cant using that13:38
PiciBenkinooby: Use #test or some other private channel if you need to play with IRC13:38
ioniteActionParsnip: when i type 'passwd ubuntu' it prompts me that user Ubuntu does not exist13:38
kamidiVictorCL2: AFAIK not currently13:38
ziKo`Connection to BlueZ failed13:38
ActionParsnipionite: I saw before, no need to repeat13:38
BenkinoobyPici, yes sorry... it's over now :)13:38
ioniteActionParsnip: so what do i do now?13:38
SURFkeesActionParsnip, yea, I've noticed. I've tried several things now including bumblebee, etc13:38
theadminOh good this is getting too intensive >.< I can't keep track of conversations going on anymore!13:39
yanickanyways... here goes nothing!13:39
ActionParsnipionite: press CTRL+ALT+F7   is there a username listed?13:39
rah_ActionParsnip: thx wicd works. But why does it disconnect my wired connection when activating the wireless connection?13:39
ActionParsnipSURFkees: bumblebee is alli know. I avoid those monstrosities like the plague13:39
theadminrah_: How do you expect to keep two connections up?13:39
ziKo`No Bluetooth adapter present13:39
ziKo`Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in13:40
ziKo`how that13:40
ActionParsniprah_: you can setup the devices separately and tell them to both connect (afaik), personally I always configure wired connections with /etc/network/interfaces13:40
ioniteActionParsnip: i presed ctrl alt f7 and nothing but a blinking cursor apperas13:40
rah_theadmin:  because i was logged in with ssh over wire :-)13:40
ActionParsnipionite: try CTRL+ALT+F6 then13:40
rah_ActionParsnip: ok thx13:40
theadminrah_: Well... I keep saying, if Ubuntu had netcfg network configuration would be oh god so much simplier over cli13:40
SURFkeesActionParsnip, aside from the optimus, what would the message "[    19.940] (EE) No devices detected." mean in my xorg.log?13:40
SURFkeesActionParsnip, ie, it can't find my gfx card?13:41
ActionParsnipSURFkees: if you can, simply disable the intel video in BIOS so that only the nvidia is present and it will work.13:41
pratzhey guys noramlly  windows users use photoshop to create psd files, what software should i use on ubuntu to do the same ??13:41
ioniteActionParsnip: control alt f6 shows this: Ubuntu Login:_13:41
JasFasolkaSince yesterday, sometimes when I open some window it kinda "cuts" a part of my gnome panel. I've uninstalled Chromium yesterday but I don't know if it's connected to this. Anyways ... what the hell?13:41
Sidewinder1!gimp | pratz13:42
ubottupratz: gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.13:42
VictorCL2xD going back to ubuntu classic13:42
iHateDevNot as good as photoshop, but will do the job13:42
ziKo`and how to reset root password btw13:42
ActionParsnippratz: you may be able to get photoshop working in wine. Photoshop uses a proprietary file format so you may have issues.13:42
ActionParsnipionite: i'd reboot and get back to the login screen. Did you test the CD for defects?13:42
icerootziKo`: there is no reason to have a root-password/enabled-root-account13:42
ActionParsnipziKo`: you don't. Just use sudo13:42
ziKo`oh ok13:42
ActionParsnipziKo`: and gksudo for graphical apps13:43
ioniteActionParsnip: I did a md5sum before installing from my USB. no defects13:43
ioniteActionParsnip: so how do i reboot?13:43
ActionParsnipionite: oh thats cool then :). Glad you MD5 tested. Many don't :D13:43
iceroot!sudo | ziKo`13:43
ubottuziKo`: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:43
pratzActionParsnip: but photoshop uses psd files, if i create in gimp what will be file format and will the other windows users be able to open that file in some software ??13:43
ActionParsnipionite: CTRL+ALT+DEL13:43
ioniteActionParsnip: after reboot what do i do?13:43
ActionParsnippratz: jpg, png etc13:43
ioniteActionParsnip: press shift again?13:43
ActionParsnipionite: get back to the login screen, like I said13:43
ioniteActionParsnip: how do i get back to the login screen?13:44
pratzActionParsnip: k, thanks dude13:44
ActionParsnipionite: use the same boot options you used last time13:44
maskatelActionParsnip, id did not work :(13:44
ioniteActionParsnip: there after?13:44
maskatelI have no panels in gnome classic13:44
ActionParsnipionite: well you should see a username, you can set the password for that user in the command line13:44
ActionParsnip!panels | maskatel13:45
ubottumaskatel: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:45
theadminThis is too tough to deal with now, sorry, I'm off to some... silenter channel xD13:45
maskatelActionParsnip, you already gave me this tip (yanick). I have this username because I deleted all my gnome config files13:45
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VictorCL2ehh the windows are not bouncing ... how can I set this effect back?13:46
Sidewinder1VictorCL2, Perhaps in compiz config?13:47
ioniteActionParsnip: there is no user ID displayed. i'm prompted by this: User Login:_13:48
Sidewinder1VictorCL2, May be in: System--> Preferences--> Compiz Settings Manager.13:48
Provenzanohi. can someonte tell me when ntfs support has added to ubuntu?13:49
yanickwhy... aren't gnome classic display panels EVEN after I deleted and reset all configs???13:49
aeon-ltdProvenzano: it already has but it's not part of the default install i think, it's called ntfs-3g13:49
icerootProvenzano: every ubuntu-release was able to read ntfs13:49
kamidiProvenzano: isn't it supported already?13:49
ProvenzanoI'm trying to access using a 8.10 live cd.13:50
ActionParsnipionite: ok then press CTRL+ALT+F1    and run:  sudo adduser ubuntu admin       should add a user for you (you will be asked to set the password)13:50
icerootProvenzano: the write-support was coming later with the packahe ntfs-3g  have a look at packages.ubuntu.com when the package ntfs-3g was imported into ubuntu13:50
ActionParsnipProvenzano: I'd grab a Natty live CD and you will be fine13:50
Sidewinder1!eol | Provenzano13:51
ubottuProvenzano: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:51
Sidewinder1Provenzano, 8.10 is eol.13:51
spankbotarp anyone?  looking for the arp command to harvest all IPs on a subnet13:52
ioniteActionParsnip: i was asked to set the password but after i set it says Login Incorrect13:52
ioniteActionParsnip: Am I anywhere near to solve my blank screen problem?13:54
yanickI have reeet and deleted all configurations that I could think of... but STILL no gnome panels in ubuntu classic....13:55
jane-hi, where are the mount points stated in? i am having an ntfs filesystem or driver error at boot, i want to del the ntfs partition on that list ?13:55
ProvenzanoI found my problem. i force mount, cause it said it has been in use13:56
ActionParsnipionite: well you get a graphical login screen, so that is solved. Surely13:56
BHSPitMonkeyI'm having an issue in 11.04 wherein after a few hours of being idle, when my computer re-awakens, my DisplayPort monitor does not wake (but a second VGA monitor does)13:56
kamidijane-: /etc/fstab13:56
jane-how to retard kde by comand13:57
ActionParsnipjane-: they will mount using fuse in ~/.gvfs13:57
BHSPitMonkeyHas anyone else had this issue?  Is there a way to try and force displays to wake?13:57
ioniteActionParsnip: i was asked to set the password but after i set it says Login Incorrect13:57
BHSPitMonkey(The monitor simply won't come out of standby, not just in X but in all of the tty's as well.)13:57
ActionParsnipionite: then not sure, are you intending to single boot ubuntu on the system?13:57
jane-ActionParsnip yes. its the same kind of error13:57
jane-ActionParsnip so what should i do.13:58
ioniteActionParsnip: thats right.13:58
aetasAny of you guys know some links for info on changing unity to run more like classic (yes I know I can run classic directly)13:58
ActionParsnipionite: i'd try the alternate installer. It will install in text mode and give you fewer issues13:58
ActionParsnipjane-: what is your goal?13:58
jane-ActionParsnip and kamidi i cant get etc/opt/sources.list. cant startx even with sudo , permision denied13:59
jane-ActionParsnip i cant boot. cant run ubuntu13:59
ioniteActionParsnip: i installed the text mode option13:59
jane-ActionParsnip iam using kde13:59
yanickI did everything I could read about replacing gnome-panel... the problem is that IT IS NOT RUNNING13:59
BHSPitMonkeyjane-: reinstall?13:59
jane-how to restart kde,  that .kdm restart thing13:59
yanickgnome-panel or anything like that is not running in Ubuntu classic at logon13:59
BHSPitMonkeyjane-: I think the proper way to restart kde would be 'sudo service kdm restart'14:00
jane-BHSPitMonkey tired of doing that again and again14:00
jane-BHSPitMonkey unknow instance14:00
ioniteActionParsnip: i'm now at user login:_ so what do i do next?14:00
xanguayanick: what is the output of : gnome-terminal &14:00
metalf8801Is it safe to use # in a filename? For example can I use the filename "Listener_Feedback_#116" or should I use "Listener_Feedback_116"?14:00
BHSPitMonkeyjane-: perhaps you have a bad hard drive or RAM if you're seeing such severe issues on a recurring basis14:01
jane-BHSPitMonkey hm14:01
jane-ActionParsnip help14:01
JonathanLimai'm having problems with permissioning my svn repository... could some one give me a hand?14:01
aetasmetalf8801, thats fine, some chars require you to escape them, though14:01
JonathanLimasvn is working, but it's permissions are buggy14:01
BHSPitMonkeyJonathanLima: use git, problem solved ;)14:01
yanickxangua, [3] 3728... but what difference does it make? it just opens another terminal....14:02
JonathanLimaBHSPitMonkey: lol... i already installed and imported 20gb of source on svn... can´t move now14:02
aetashrm ok how about this, can we use the AppIndicators from unity on a gnome panel since you can't use the old launcher in unity?14:02
BHSPitMonkeyJonathanLima: there's conversion tools available! :)14:03
yanickhmm.... I have found my solution, so it seems. "gnome-panel" was purged... for some reason14:03
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ionitecan anyone help me to get into my GNOME main frame?14:03
jane-ActionParsnip help14:03
yanickI surely do not remember having purged the package14:03
JonathanLimaBHSPitMonkey: but it seems i´m missing something on the permissions... i´m getting permission denied14:03
ionitei am now stuck in User Login:____ what should i do?14:03
BHSPitMonkeyJonathanLima: I actually don't know much about svn server configuration14:04
ActionParsnipjane-: if you can't boot then you should reinstate grub2 using livecd so the OS actually boots14:04
ioniteActionParsnip: i'm now at user login:_ so what do i do next?14:05
metalf8801 aetas what does you mean by "some chars require you to escape them" ? Does that mean that using a # in a filename could sometimes cause problems?14:05
jane-ActionParsnip i do boot and get the black screen but kdm dont start14:05
ActionParsnipionite: not sure, the liveCD logs itself in, you shouldn't be challenged for credentials14:05
=== eudaimon is now known as _eudaimon_
ActionParsnipjane-: which video chip do you use?14:06
koichiroseHi, if a program is looking for '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java', what do I have to install exactly?14:06
JonathanLimaBHSPitMonkey: no prob... thanks anyway =]14:06
aetasmetalf8801, that char you can get away with, some chars you can use in file names regardless as long as you escape them though...like spaces14:06
tftechGood Morning14:06
ioniteActionParsnip: say i log in myself maunally what do type?14:06
BHSPitMonkeyjane-: perhaps your video drivers are the problem?14:06
metalf8801aetas oh ok thank  you14:06
ActionParsnipionite: usually the username is ubuntu, the password should be blank14:07
tftechI have having no luck getting an Nvidia Quadro FX 380 working with Ubuntu on a laptop14:07
BHSPitMonkeyjane-: have you tried booting to the recovery mode menu and selecting failsafe graphics?14:07
tftechanybody have any experience with that card?14:07
Polahkoichirose: Sun Java. You need to enable the Canonical partners repository and use apt to install "sun-java6-jre"14:07
koichirosePolah, thanks, will try.14:07
Polahkoichirose: Remember to update your package list after enabling the partners repo.14:07
ActionParsniptftech: install nvidia-current   and it should work14:07
aetasActionParsnip, do you use unity or classic?  just curious14:08
ActionParsnipkoichirose: there is a PPA which gets updated more regularly for java14:08
ActionParsnipaetas: neither, lxde14:08
rah_ActionParsnip, is there a way in wicd to reconnect to the wireless network after reboot? i have selected automatic connect but after reboot it doesn't connect to the wireless network14:08
tftechAction: so dont use the additional drivers option in the GUI?14:08
JonathanLimadoes any one know about svn permissions? i´m getting permission denied error even when i belong to the group that has the permission14:08
ActionParsnipaetas: gnome is too slow for my taste14:08
aetasActionParsnip, slow as in speed or slow as in speed of getting to what you want?14:09
ActionParsniprah_: the automatic connection should make it link up at reboot14:09
jane-BHSPitMonkey yes14:09
koichirosePolah, thanks, worked. ActionParsnip, what's the PPA?14:09
koichirosefor java14:09
jane-BHSPitMonkey ActionParsnip it says again for that comand.  coud not opn file /etc/apt/sources.list. its not instand14:09
jane-install it by apt get instal coreutils14:09
JonathanLimatxn-current-lock permission denied =/14:09
ActionParsnipaetas: all, i just want my apps to do what I want when I say rather than a song and dance. I can run a full compiz / gnome but I just choose not to14:10
jane-ActionParsnip dont know but live cd runs fine14:10
ioniteActionParsnip: so should i reinstall?14:10
ActionParsnipionite: reinstall what?14:10
ioniteActionParsnip: my ubuntu?14:10
c001#Ubuntu: I'm having trouble getting my AE2500 USB wifi adapter recognized in Ubuntu.  I ran lsusb command and got the 8 character hex then did a search for that.  I came up with this page:  http://www.wikidevi.com/wiki/Linksys_AE250014:10
BHSPitMonkeyjane-: what command says that message? And did failsafe graphics get you into KDE?14:10
ActionParsnipionite: well that's going to be tough considering the install media won't log you in14:10
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aetasActionParsnip, I like classic because I don't like having to type every damn little thing but I'm worried I'll fall off support-wise.  I know they added AppIndicators which looks interesting but not sure if I can get it in classic yet.  I'd run Unity if I could get it back to the way classic looked14:11
ioniteActionParsnip: i'm really stuck. is there any way out of this? anyone who can help or anything i can try? i'm so just so vexed with ubuntu14:11
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ActionParsnipjane-: is the system a branded pc?14:11
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ioniteActionParsnip: Would reinstalling help or whatever?14:11
ActionParsnipionite: use the alternate CD. It doesn't have the GUI installer so will work with your problematic nvidia chip14:11
Sidewinder1!lts > aetas14:11
ubottuaetas, please see my private message14:11
ionitei am already using the alternate CD install which is text based14:12
jane-ActionParsnip yes. dell14:12
jane-ActionParsnip it sayas , ntfs-3g  unknow option -e  . and stops booting. any solutions?14:12
aetasSidewinder1, I mean support as in not getting the newer features, not support support14:12
jane-BHSPitMonkey ^14:12
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Sidewinder1aetas, You may wish to install Lucid, 10.04.14:12
ActionParsnipionite: no you are using the live CD hence being asked for login and the CTRL+ALT+F1 combination taking you to a "dos screen". You are using the desktop  ISO, Not the alternative14:12
Sidewinder1aetas, If you prefer bleeding edge, LTS is probably not for you. :-)14:13
ActionParsnipjane-: which model dell?? Dell make HUNDREDS of different systems14:13
jane-ActionParsnip it sayas , ntfs-3g  unknow option -e  . and stops booting. any solutions? external fuse low 28 , third gen ntfs driver configs type 5  bla bla bla posix acls are off. yura pakhuchiy (C)14:13
BHSPitMonkeyjane-: I really want to say there's a hardware problem at some point (probably the hard disk) with such widespread errors14:13
aetasSidewinder1, thats not really what I was hoping for.  I would run Unity if I could if they had the old launcher but since they don't, I'm trying to find out how to get appindicators to work on the classic gnome-panel14:14
ActionParsnipjane-: what are you doing in order to  generate that error message?14:14
BHSPitMonkeyit's one thing for a single service to stop working, but you have dozens it seems14:14
PolahBHSPitMonkey, jane-: Have you attempted a SMART test yet to check if the disk is functional?14:14
aetasbrb gonna go switch back to classic14:14
dmsupermanHow do I arrange things on the unity bar?14:15
tftechActionParsnip: did the install nvidia-current. Going to reboot now14:15
jane-ActionParsnip gatway dell,  e630014:15
dmsupermanI don't like the ordering14:15
dmsupermanAnd dragging just seems to drag the whole list up and down14:15
jane-Polah you mean fsck?14:16
aetasmuch much better14:16
punkinhellHey guys, i have skype installed.....but when i call skype users using windows, everything is working fine....but when i call skype users using ubuntu...no sound is heard on both sides...what might be the problem???14:16
BHSPitMonkeyjane-: SMART test is a hardware-level test for the disk (fsck is a filesystem-level test)14:16
ActionParsnipjane-: then its not a dell. Its a gateway e630014:17
jane-ActionParsnip iam just seeing and typing the error14:17
mmanhow do i define an environmental variable?14:17
Polahjane-: That's for the file system. Go to System > Disk Utility, select the drive, go to SMART Data and check self test.14:17
BHSPitMonkeyjane-: though I would bet that if you run fsck, you'll encounter some errors with your filesystem14:17
ActionParsnipjane-: if you add the boot option: nomodeset   you should get a boot14:17
aetasunity does nothing more than make my carpal tunnel worse14:17
jane-ActionParsnip dell is printed but never mind14:17
ActionParsnipmman: set it in ~/.bashrc14:17
ioniteActionParsnip: so how should i go about to install the alternative?14:17
Sidewinder1punkinhell, Perhaps since Micro$oft bought skype?14:18
rundgrenhello everyone, I'm on Natty with btrfs, encrypted, and no separate /boot. I'm getting the "sparse file not allowed" error from Grub at boot, can anyone point me to a solution, please?14:18
jane-Polah 1. iam using kubuntu, 2.  what will that do?14:18
ActionParsnipionite: download and md5 test the ISO and transfer to the USB, its EXACTLY the same method as you did with the desktop ISO14:18
mmanActionParsnip, I know, but how should it looks like? export VARIABLE=whatever?14:18
punkinhellSidewinder1 : Nice one mate :)14:18
ActionParsnipionite: try websearching a little, you'llfind your own answers a lot of the time, if you get no joy then ask14:18
ioniteActionParsnip: but my iso stated alternateXXX.ISO14:18
jane-ActionParsnip how to add that option. and where in?14:18
ActionParsnipmman: absolutely14:18
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | jane-14:19
ubottujane-: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:19
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Polahjane-: I'm sure someone can tell you the way to run a SMART test with KDE. It'll run a series of tests such as writes, passes reads and suchlike to locate bad sectors and such and check the performance of the drive14:19
aetasionite, whats wrong?14:19
mmanActionParsnip, i've seen soething like: export PATH=$PATH:whatever   what is the difference?14:19
ioniteaetas: black screen. and i'm stuck at User Login:_14:19
* Sidewinder1 Is glad that aetas booted into classic! :-)14:19
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JonathanLimacould someone give me a hand at permissioning a svn repository?14:20
icerootJonathanLima: #svn14:20
rundgrenhas anyone solved the problem with "no sparse file allowed" errors from Grub on btrfs in Natty?14:21
aetasionite, heh so login?14:21
ioniteaetas: any ways u can help me please? i've just passed nomodeset and i'm now prompted for User Login and i still cant get into my main frame14:21
ActionParsnipmman: export sets a variable, modifying the path will add a folder to the locations looked in when you run commands14:21
JonathanLimaiceroot: i think it´s actually a permission problem... and not svn problem14:21
ioniteaetas: it kept prompting login incorrect14:21
icerootJonathanLima: file permission or svn-repo permission?14:21
mmanActionParsnip, didnt understand that :S sorry14:21
aetasSidewinder1, it drives me nuts having to type out what app I want.  I always will prefer to mouse something than use the keyboard14:21
wonderwalhow do you upgrade 10.10 server to 11 server?14:21
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Polahrundgren: Perhaps try reinstalling GRUB. Or asking in #grub14:21
iceroot!upgrade | wonderwal14:22
ubottuwonderwal: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:22
aetasionite, have you tried logging into the console from the text-console?14:22
Sidewinder1aetas, I have the same affliction. :-)14:22
ioniteaetas: how do go to the text console? i'm really noob at ubuntu. please help me14:22
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aetasionite, hit Ctrl+Alt+F2 or something14:22
JonathanLimaiceroot: file permission14:22
aetasSidewinder1, yeah I dunno why they went to something so confusing.14:22
Ellipsis753Hey, I just got this "easyCAP" thing to record TV input. It appears as a webcam for the video but I cannot get any sound. Apparently it needs the microsoft generic usb audio driver. Is there anyway I can get it to work?14:23
JonathanLimaiceroot: file permission from the files that are the repo, actually14:23
ioniteaetas: i tried the text console to log in but it says login incorrect when i use suko adduser ubuntu admin14:23
ActionParsnipmman: if you run:   echo $PATH    you willsee the folders the interpretter looks in (and the order) which is will try to find the command you run14:23
Polahionite: the ubuntu user should already exist on a LiveCD.14:23
aetasionite, then your login is hosed and you need to reset the password for the user you forgot14:23
icerootJonathanLima: and what issue exactly? who is the owner? subversion is running as "svn"?14:24
ionitePolah: So what should I do?14:24
JonathanLimaiceroot: i keep getting: Can't open file '/var/local/portalJP/db/txn-current-lock': Permission denied, when i try to commit anything... even tho i have permission on that file14:24
ActionParsnipmman: you don't run:  /usr/bin/firefox   do you, you just run:  firefox    the interpretter starts looking throuh the folders til it hits the binary14:24
rundgrenthanks, polah  - will ask in #grub14:24
Polahionite: When you switch to a TTY it should prompt you for a login, right? It'll say "<hostname> login:"14:24
icerootJonathanLima: svn must have permissions, not you14:24
JonathanLimaiceroot: subversion is running as root, the owner is svn:svn... and my user belongs to svn group... permissions are set 77514:24
ActionParsnipmman: setting variables with export is nothing like this, it is used like in programming and they can hold strings, values and folder locations14:24
ActionParsnipmman: clearer?14:25
icerootJonathanLima: never ever!!! run svn as root14:25
JonathanLimaiceroot: it´s just a local server14:25
_eddie_i have a problem with splash screen resolution. It starts in the right resolution and then it switches back to a lower resolution at the very end of booting (just before login screen). Is there a way to set the same resolution for whole process?14:25
icerootJonathanLima: doesnt matter14:25
ionitePolah: how do i go to TTY?14:26
koichiroseI set environmnent variables in my .bashrc file. Is it correct? It's not really working: I can echo the variables from bash, but can't use them in a script.14:26
Polahionite: Ctrl+Alt+F114:26
jane-Polah what is the package name for smart ... ill install it14:26
ioniteaetas: how do i reset password14:26
mmanActionParsnip, yes that was clear for me from the beginning but my question is, how should i declare the variable cuz ive seen two ways 1) export FIREFOX=/usr/bin/firefox   and 2) export FIREFOX=$FIREFOX:/usr/bin/firefox14:26
sysdocAppearance Preferences> where have we hidden the setting to enable compiz?14:26
JonathanLimaiceroot: ok, i´m already running it from svn user14:26
sipiorkoichirose: how are you setting the variables?14:26
aetasionite, boot off a rescue cd and either manually edit the password in /etc/shadow or use a tool to do it14:26
ActionParsnipmman: use 1, you can then run:    exec $FIREFOX     and it will run14:27
ionitePolah: please guide me step by step? what do i do after ctrl alt f1?14:27
Polahjane-:  What you're looking for is KDE Partition Manager. I imagine you already have it installed. I can't tell you the specifics of running a SMART test with it thought since I've never used it.14:27
Polahionite: It prompts you for a login, correct? What exactly is the problem you're attempting to solve, by the way?14:27
ActionParsnipmman: adding 2 after 1 will mean FIREFOX is equal to:   /usr/bin/firefox:/usr/bin/firefox      which isn't incredibly useful14:28
ioniteaetas: a rescue CD? meaning my USB which i used to install?14:28
koichirosesipior: VARIABLE=/path/to/dir14:28
aetasionite, sure14:28
_eddie_is there a log for screen resolution changes?14:28
ionitePolah: i'm trying to get pass the black screen14:28
sipiorkoichirose: try "export VARIABLE=foo"14:28
ionitei'm still stuck at the black screen for days!14:28
edbianionite: Did you try nomodeset?14:28
jane-Polah what is the command to install smart test . apt-get .. ?14:29
mmanActionParsnip, yup ill try 1 then ;) thanks14:29
ioniteedbian: i tried then i arrive at the login screen14:29
HyperbyteIn the language selector, I have installed Dutch language, but it still stays greyed out as a language choice.  What can I do to make this system Dutch?14:29
Polahionite: Just a black screen with no prompt whatsoever? Just when it boots up, correct?14:29
_eddie_                                                                       is there a log for screen resolution changes?14:29
ionitePolah: that's right14:29
ioniteedbian: i dun know what to do at the log in screen14:29
Polahjane-: There's nothing to install. Look for the KDE Partition Manager and look for an option to run a SMART test in that somewhere. If you ask in #kubuntu they can probably tell you how.14:29
edbianionite: So you press shift at boot?14:29
JonathanLimaiceroot: any ideas what could be?14:29
Polahionite: And you haven't tried the alternate CD like someone suggested above?14:30
edbianionite: And you get the grue menu right?14:30
ioniteedbian: yep and i pressed E14:30
koichirosesipior, it works, thanks14:30
edbianionite: You pressed e on the first line right?14:30
sipiorkoichirose: no trouble14:30
ionitePolah: i d/l the alternate CD.ISO and md5sum check it and checks is fine14:30
phper_got to go14:30
Polahedbian: Better watch out for that grue menu, it might eat someone.14:30
phper_good evening14:30
jane-Polah theres not optioin in kde partition manager for smart tests14:30
Polahionite: Is that what you're on now.14:30
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edbianPolah: ahahah14:30
jane-Polah which app did YOU USED that had smart functions14:30
ioniteedbian: yes i press E and go to first line and i typed : nomodeset14:31
edbianionite: Polah didn't mean to hijack things14:31
Polahjane-: Apparently there is, according to a bit of searching I did. Ask in #kubuntu for how to do it specifically. I used GNOME's Disk Utility, which you don't have because you're using KDE. You probably won't be able to install it without the entire GNOME environment either.14:31
ioniteplease help me guys! i'm really @ a mess here for days stuck at the ubuntu14:31
ionitei feel like giving up natty and go back to windows.14:31
edbianionite: no, you press e on the first line.  It should be something like ubuntu kernel 2.6.28-24-generic blah blah14:31
edbianionite: Awww  :( don't give up!14:31
ioniteedbian: so i'm stuck at the login in screen for now.14:32
edbianionite: The login screen?14:32
ioniteedbian: yes the login text prompt.14:32
ActionParsnipionite: use the alternate installer14:32
edbianionite: what does it say?14:32
ioniteActionParsnip: i installed the alternate installer on my USB.14:32
leafcutter9000ionite: Try Fedora, it comes with GNOME 3 which some people prefer to the Ubuntu interface14:32
edbianActionParsnip: he already installed14:32
edbianionite: please ignore the peanut gallery14:32
ActionParsnipedbian: gotcha14:32
edbianActionParsnip: :)14:33
d_atharvaHi...I have my computer on a LAN and I want tha anyone should be able to create or delete files and folders anytime without my permission...What and how should I set the permissions ?14:33
ActionParsnipleafcutter9000: why not install LXDE in ubuntu, some people prefer that to the Ubuntu interface too....14:33
edbianionite: what does the login screen say?  You're making me think you fixed your blank screen issue14:33
icerootJonathanLima: can you paste the permission of that file please14:34
ActionParsnipd_atharva: what OS is the file server?14:34
Polahd_atharva: Set the directory permissions that you want people to be able to create/delete/modify files in to 777 or 766, or 77614:34
antiihmmpf, some ugly noises come to my headphones in ubuntu, like static sounds, cant explain :P14:34
aetasawesome...get to spend an hour watching a tech write numbers down onto a notepad14:34
Polahantii: Could be a hardware problem, i.e. they're not plugged in properly, give that a check first.14:35
ioniteedbian: i typed nomodeset and now i'm at User Login:_14:35
edbianionite: hello?14:35
Ellipsis753anyone know where I should ask about getting the ubuntu driver for microsoft's generic usb audio device?14:35
d_atharva<ActionParsnip> : All are ubuntu (host) with windows (guest) in virtual box14:35
edbianionite: oh yay!  That's tremendous progress :)14:35
edbianionite: log in and type sudo gdm14:35
ioniteedbian: sorry i mean Ubuntu Login:_14:35
aetasEllipsis753, I dont think microsoft makes generic usb audio devices so Im assuming you read this from the Windows device manager?14:35
ioniteedbian: what do i type as login ID?14:36
leafcutter9000ActionParsnip: True, LXDE is nice also14:36
edbianionite: Your username14:36
BHSPitMonkeyionite: are you on the live cd, or an installed copy of ubuntu?14:36
edbianionite: Ubuntu is up and running (which is good) and we just have to fix your graphics14:36
edbianBHSPitMonkey: he's installed14:36
edbianBHSPitMonkey: he installed and got a blank screen.  turned on nomodeset and now has a CLI login.14:36
ioniteedbian: are u sure? it's the user ID and password i set during the installtation right?14:36
edbianionite: yes14:37
mendel_guys lspci | grep -i Philips is showing my DVB-C TV card14:37
d_atharvapolah : how to set it to 777 or 766 ? can you please guide me ?14:37
edbianionite: I'm sure about everything I've said :)14:37
ionitefinally someone undrestand me14:37
mendel_but w_scan is saying there is no active dvb-c tv card14:37
edbianionite: awwww14:37
PolahEllipsis753, aetas: I believe Windows just names devices "Generic USB Audio Device" when it doesn't recognise the actual hardware model, due there being nothing but generic drivers for it or something along those lines14:37
jane-is ther a drive test utility with KDE. It'll run a series of tests such as writes, passes reads and suchlike to locate bad sectors and such and check the performance of the drive ?14:37
edbianionite: We're soul mates?14:37
Polahd_atharva: chmod <permission> <directory>14:37
mendel_someone knows anything about tv cards?14:38
ioniteedbian: now i'm at ionite@ubuntu:~$14:38
aetasPolah, exactly, thats what I mean14:38
JonathanLimaiceroot: sorry for the delay... it´s -rwxrwxr-x 1 svn svn 014:38
edbianionite: You're logged in which is great.  It means the system is working (except for graphics).  Can you run sudo gdm ?14:38
BHSPitMonkeymendel_: #mythbuntu will probably have more people who know about those14:38
edbianionite: gdm is the graphical login manager.  It will start the GUI for you14:39
ioniteedbian: i need specific instructions and commands as i'm a noob to natty.14:39
edbianionite: sudo gdm14:39
d_atharvapolah : how to confirm whether it is set or not ?14:39
edbianionite: type that and press enter14:39
ioniteedbian: so i enter this: 'sudo gdm' ?14:39
edbianionite: yes14:39
BHSPitMonkeyionite: yes, and then it will ask you for your password once again14:40
Ellipsis753Polah and aetas, sorry I'd just seen it writen somewhere and I assumed it was a thing.14:40
icerootJonathanLima: strange, even svn should write into that14:40
ioniteedbian: it'll look like this: ionite@ubuntu:~$ sudo gdm              is it correct?14:40
edbianionite: yes14:40
edbianionite: press enter14:40
ioniteedbian: so what do i do when it ask me for my password?14:40
Polahd_atharva: If you run ls -l in the directory that the directory you want people to be able to write into and look for the line with that directory, at the beginning it'll say something like drwxrwxrwx, the last three characters should be "rw-" or "rwx"14:40
BHSPitMonkeyionite: give it your password again14:40
aetasEllipsis753, nah not likely, however if you type lsusb in a terminal it will tell you what it is14:40
JonathanLimaiceroot: i know... that´s why i came here to ask14:40
BHSPitMonkeyionite: note that it won't look like anything is being typed, this is normal14:41
JonathanLimaiceroot: is there a way to log the file´s access? maybe it´s not using svn´s user?14:41
edbianionite: yes, you won't see the password.14:41
Polahaetas, Ellipsis753 you mean lspci, lsusb would just show usb devices14:41
dori922hey bro's14:42
edbiandori922: hello14:42
aetasPolah, and being he said it was a usb audio device....14:42
ioniteedbian: it says GDM command not found14:42
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: it says gdm command not found14:42
edbianionite: really...14:42
ioniteedbian: yes14:42
edbianionite: you used what installer?14:42
Polahaetas: Oh yes, I forgot.14:43
rwwsudo service gdm start, yo14:43
edbianrww: He used the alternate installer.  gdm is missing perhaps?14:43
BHSPitMonkeyionite: try 'sudo service gdm start' (without quotes)14:43
PolahWhat was the login system that Ubuntu was switching to with 11.10, because it's lighter than GDM?14:44
edbianPolah: lightdm14:44
Polahedbian: Thank you14:44
edbianPolah: sure14:45
d_atharvaPolah : No its not saying.......Can you give me an example how can I set permission for /home/user/Pubilc folder ?14:45
JonathanLimais there a way to log who´s accessing a file?14:45
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: Sudo: Sudo Service gdm start produced this: Sudo: unregcognized service14:45
BHSPitMonkeyionite: all lowercase14:46
ioniteedbian: Sudo Service gdm start produced this: Sudo: unregcognized service14:46
aetasJonathanLima, do you need to log who accesses a file or do you just need to be able to see who is accessing it?14:46
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: i did all lower case14:46
Polahda_atharva: cd ~ and then do chmod 777 Public14:46
BHSPitMonkeyionite: are you positive? and is that the exact message it showed you?14:46
edbianionite: what you copied / pasted to use has uppercase S in Sudo and Service.  Make sure allt eh commands are all lower case14:47
JonathanLimaaetas: who accesses... it could be on screen log14:47
BHSPitMonkeyedbian: he's not copying/pasting anything, he doesn't even have X14:47
mendel_how do I let ubuntu reinstall my pci card14:47
ioniteedbian: all commands are lower cased i tried it already.14:47
edbianBHSPitMonkey: good point14:47
mendel_I've added some drivers to the blacklist and want to reinstall the pci card14:47
edbianionite: ok, sudo apt-get install gdm14:47
Mono**************** Join #wolfgame14:47
edbianionite: what does it say?14:47
aetasJonathanLima, that I don't know off the top of my head, if you just needed to be able to see who accesses it I was gonna suggest lsof14:47
BHSPitMonkeyionite: does the computer have a wired internet connection?14:47
oratedHow to check which version of Ubuntu I'm using?14:47
edbianorated: cat /etc/issue14:48
d_atharvaPolah : And what if I need to remove it ?14:48
oratedThank you edbian14:48
edbianorated: sure14:48
love4linuxhello everyone... how can I check the integrity of an unsigned tool?14:48
Polahd_atharva: rmdir <name> for an empty directory, rm -r <name> for a directory with stuff in it.14:49
ioniteedbian: wireless connection yes.14:49
oratededbian: I see Ubuntu 11.04 \n \l What \n and \l for?14:49
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: wireless yes14:49
edbianorated: new line14:49
ioniteedbian: i'm prompted package gdm is not available.  Package GDM has no installation candidate14:49
BHSPitMonkeyd_atharva: always be careful using 'rm -r', as if you accidentally hit Enter too soon, you could end up losing a LOT of files permanently14:50
JonathanLimaaetas: lsof could be used to continuous?14:50
edbianionite: well, you're not online so it won't be able to find it right now14:50
dori922i love it when you think a system has hanged and then it continues and your like SCOOOORE!14:50
aetasJonathanLima, no thats why I said other than that I dont know14:50
pcoderHello group, Can somebody give me a hint of email reminder software or script, I would like to have it for checking the diskspace of my server??14:50
ioniteedbian: i'm on USB wireless14:50
edbianionite: because you didn't connect to a wifi network.  (which I'm not sure is even going to be working)14:50
JonathanLimaaetas: i see... thanks anyway =]14:50
BHSPitMonkeydori922: I usually spam NumLock for a while until the LED stops working, then I give up hope :)14:50
edbianionite: Yeah but you didn't connect to a wifi network using ubuntu14:50
ioniteedbian: how do i connect to a wifi network at this text stage?14:50
edbianionite: yeah, that's the hard part.14:50
edbianionite: first: sudo iwlist scan    does it list any networks?14:51
ActionParsnipedbian: looks like you got it dude :)14:51
BHSPitMonkeyedbian: are we really assuming that his installer "forgot" to install gdm?14:51
edbianActionParsnip: :)14:51
edbianBHSPitMonkey: He used the alternate installer.  I think he didn't tell it to install gdm (or gnome)14:51
edbianionite: You installed with the alternate installer?14:52
d_atharvaPolah , BHSPitMonkey : Thanks ...14:52
ActionParsnipedbian: what was the magic bullet?14:52
italoxpHey guys, can you help me?14:52
edbianActionParsnip: It's not fixed yet.  We're trying to connect to wifi via cli.  He used nomodeset to fix the blank screen problem.14:52
Polahitaloxp: If you tell us what the problem is, there's a fair chance we could.14:52
italoxpCompiz is not decorating windows here.14:52
ActionParsnipedbian: nice14:52
edbianitaloxp: turn on window decoration plugin in ccsm14:53
italoxpI did14:53
ioniteedbian: yes alternate installer14:53
BHSPitMonkeyedbian: I didn't think alt even gives you that choice14:53
edbianitaloxp: restart14:53
ioniteedbian: iwlist command not found14:53
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: any way out of this?14:53
italoxpI tried...14:53
* Sidewinder1 Bangs head on desk!14:53
edbianBHSPitMonkey: What is the installer that asks you what to install during install time?  Not alternate?14:54
edbianBHSPitMonkey: Why does every command he types say 'command not found' :(14:54
aetasionite, try /sbin/iwlist14:54
aetasionite, I thought you were just going to reset the password14:54
BHSPitMonkeyionite: type 'which gdm', hit enter, and tell us what it says14:54
ioniteedbian: can i try sudo apt-usb add?14:55
chenthuwhere to get 64 bit driver for nvidia geforce go 615014:55
edbianionite: that isn't a valid command?14:55
aetasare you making this stuff up now?14:55
ActionParsnipchenthu: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current14:55
ActionParsnipchenthu: I have the same chip in natty, works well14:55
edbianchenthu: search 'nvidia' in the repos.  There is more than one driver14:55
BHSPitMonkeyionite: where did you get that idea? try the thing I asked14:55
edbianaetas: what?14:55
chenthuactionpasnip : i am stuggling to install natty for the past 72 hrs14:56
edbianBHSPitMonkey: perhaps he should echo $SHELL14:56
ActionParsnipchenthu: what is the output of the command? Use a pastebin to host14:56
edbianchenthu: What specifically are you struggling with?14:56
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: i tried which gdm nothing shows up. it just hows a new line14:56
chenthuactionparsnip: i dont have ineternet connection  so i have to download 64-bit driver14:56
edbianBHSPitMonkey: that command does the same for me...14:57
edbianionite: me too :P14:57
italoxpedbian, restarted and now compiz is decorating windows, thank you14:57
BHSPitMonkeyedbian: you don't have gdm?14:57
edbianitaloxp: sure14:57
edbianBHSPitMonkey: I do.14:57
italoxpedbian, but I can't move them14:57
chenthuedbian: problems with driver...display...black screen and other probs14:57
edbianBHSPitMonkey: that's what confused me14:57
edbianitaloxp: turn on the move plugin ;)14:57
BHSPitMonkeyedbian: that's puzzling. It should give you the path to the gdm binary14:57
BHSPitMonkeyionite: how about 'which startx'14:57
ioniteaetas: /sbin/iwlist says no such directory on my screen14:58
edbianBHSPitMonkey:  which startx works for me (prints the path), which gdm prints nothing.14:58
chenthuedbian: i am not able to install natty from usb... i get a discoloured corrupted screen14:58
italoxpThank you again, edbian14:58
edbianitaloxp: haha, sure14:58
aetasionite, what are you trying to do anyway?14:58
BHSPitMonkeyedbian: maybe you accidentally installed kubuntu and never noticed? :)14:58
edbianchenthu: Mmmm, that's not good.  It works from a liveCD?14:58
edbianBHSPitMonkey: hahahah, that is not the case :(14:59
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: which startx doesn't show anything but a new line of command.14:59
BHSPitMonkeyaetas: his system boots to a black screen and we're trying to solve why14:59
italoxpBut edbian , I have one more question. Why Unity always bugs when I change a setting at ccsm?14:59
BHSPitMonkeyaetas: we've got him booted to a CLI to try some things.14:59
ioniteaetas: get into my GNOME mainframe14:59
italoxpLike, glitches on the sidebar and the menubar14:59
edbianitaloxp: cause ccsm is buggy14:59
italoxpIt's a known bug, edbian ?14:59
edbianitaloxp: well, more directly, compiz is buggy14:59
aetasionite, I was under the impression it was a black login screen14:59
chenthuedbian: nope14:59
edbianitaloxp: IDK, the bugs many and listed on launchpad14:59
edbianchenthu: So you can't install?15:00
italoxpOk, edbian , thank you15:00
ioniteaetas: yes. now i am still in the login screen but the gdm is the problem15:00
edbianitaloxp: sure15:00
chenthui installed some how using the cpmplex alternate download iso15:00
edbianBHSPitMonkey: I have a /usr/sbin/gdm and a /usr/sbin/gdmsetup15:00
BHSPitMonkeyionite: try 'echo $SHELL'15:00
=== go8765432 is now known as go8765432_away
edbianBHSPitMonkey: strange to say the least15:00
aetasionite, have you been able to login atleast?  where were you typing iwlist?15:01
chenthubut while loggin i get blsck screen and "ICEauthority"15:01
chenthuand other errors15:01
BHSPitMonkeyedbian: uh, maybe /usr/sbin isn't in your path??15:01
edbianaetas: fixed that :)15:01
d_atharva<BHSPitMonkey> : I want to set permissions of my computer in such way that any one on LAN network in my office should be able to create and delete files and folders without my permissions15:01
edbianBHSPitMonkey: that would be why! :P15:01
aetasionite, I'd check to make sure /tmp or /var isn't full15:01
edbianBHSPitMonkey: have him run sudo which gdm15:01
edbianaetas: He just installed15:01
BHSPitMonkeyd_atharva: over what protocol?15:01
aetasedbian, this is a fresh install?15:02
BHSPitMonkeyaetas: fresh alternate cd install15:02
edbianaetas: He just installed using the alternate installer.  He has never logged in.15:02
d_atharva<BHSPitMonkey> : Means ???  Its a LAN workgroup15:02
ActionParsnipchenthu: you could pull down the packages individually and let the system tell you what you need to install to satisfy deps. I suggest you get a web connection to not only install the driver but also to get updates15:02
ActionParsnip!away > go8765432_away15:02
ubottugo8765432_away, please see my private message15:02
justmozzyhi guys, I've been searching now for a while on google but couldn't find the answer. I used to transfer files via the ssh command since my server doesn't support scp. can someon remind me how to do that?15:03
dori922is there any work around to "version 'x' bad syntax: version number does not start with digit"]15:03
fonrithironghello. i'm having problem with my power management pref. it says i have 0% battery time left and it won't charge. but right now i'm running out of the battery and it seems to be working fine15:03
ActionParsnipjustmozzy: is openssh-server running on the server side?15:03
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: bin/bash15:03
ioniteedbian: will i be able to get over this problem?15:03
ioniteaetas: how do i check if it isn't full?15:04
ActionParsnipjustmozzy: once that's installed you can use scp just fine15:04
chenthuactionparsnip: i can only connect using wifi...but when i run "iwlist scan" i doesnt detect the ssid15:04
GladiusMaximusare there any good desktop enviornments (not gnome3, KDE4, or Unity) that i can install on Ubuntu?15:04
aetasionite, df -h15:04
edbianfonrithirong: Let it charge and discharge completely 2 or 3 times and see if it gets better at predicting15:04
justmozzyActionParsnip: how can I check? well I can logon via SSH but running the SCP command gives me a compatibility error. I used to use the ssh command alone with some piping to do the same. can't remember though how15:04
=== go8765432_away is now known as go8765432
edbianionite: yes15:04
ActionParsnipchenthu: do you use hidden SSID?15:04
ThinkT510GladiusMaximus: xfce or lxde15:04
aetasedbian, did you guys check the X logs and all?15:04
abidcaranya njebol wifi gimana?15:04
BHSPitMonkeyionite: is there -any- way you could get a wired internet connection plugged into this box?15:05
ActionParsnipjustmozzy: scp should be contactable by nautilus, filezilla  can also do it15:05
justmozzyActionParsnip: and I don't have root access to fix things. Admin won't give me the access and won't fix it either... grrr...15:05
edbianaetas: He finally logged into CLI and I said run 'sudo gdm' and bash said no command found.  Now we're looking for it.15:05
BHSPitMonkeyionite: move it near a router if you must?15:05
justmozzyActionParsnip: Am going over command line. Have to jump over several servers15:05
BHSPitMonkeyor bring your modem into the room15:05
chenthuactionparsnip:nope.....i can find it on my windows...why not ubuntu?15:05
ActionParsnipjustmozzy: if ssh is running, the admin may have disabled scp15:05
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: i can get it wired but i'm in text based mode how can initiate a connection via LAN?15:05
fonrithirongedbian, i also can't restart w/o plugging in because i'll get low battery critical, is this ok? (but i'll try that. thank you)15:05
aetasionite, in that case run "sudo -i gdm"15:05
ActionParsnipchenthu: run:  dmesg | less     and see if your wireless device needs any extra stuffs15:06
ActionParsnipchenthu: could always use a wired connection15:06
GladiusMaximusThinkT510: aren't LXDE and XFCE only for old computers15:06
BHSPitMonkeyionite: it's going to be tough-to-impossible to get a wifi connection up, especially considering it appears the wifi tools aren't installed on your machine15:06
chenthuactionparsnip: ok15:06
edbianfonrithirong: It's just estimating your battery life incorrectly.15:06
ThinkT510GladiusMaximus: no, they are lightweight and work great on modern hardware15:06
fonrithirongedbian, ok, thank you so much!15:06
edbianBHSPitMonkey: I think he installed near nothing using the alternate installer15:06
BHSPitMonkeyionite: if you could get some internets flowing into your ethernet port, you could at least install the missing packages15:06
ThinkT510GladiusMaximus: i always use xfce15:06
oratedWhat does /etc /var etc partitions mean? Is thier an website which can help me understand it?15:06
edbianfonrithirong: sure, not sure it will fix itself though! :P15:06
edbianionite: Did you install using the alternate installer because of the blank screen problem?15:07
GladiusMaximusThinkT510: i will take a look at them15:07
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justmozzyActionParsnip: do you think cat filename > ssh user@host would work?15:07
jane-can you tell me comand to test sda ? in smartctl15:07
chenthuactionparsnip: when i run that. i get a flood of details which keepos scrolling when i press enter15:07
d_atharvaHi...when some computer on a LAN network creates a folder in my computer,the permission is set to nobody.How to avoid it ?? I want everyone on the network should acces that folder15:07
BHSPitMonkeyorated: the top level of a linux filesystem is made up of folders like /etc, /home, /boot, and so on. You can tell the computer to make any of them live on their own hard drive, or hard drive partition15:07
ioniteedbian: yes15:08
chenthuactionparsnip: right now i think only my nouveau driver is activre15:08
ThinkT510orated: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard15:08
ioniteaetas: gdm command not found15:08
BHSPitMonkeyorated: I keep my /home folder on a separate partition from my main OS, so that when I need to reinstall ubuntu, my home and settings don't get erased15:08
seven_hi, i can connect vpn via vpnc at console but not with network-manager-vpnc -> invalid secrets :( i use natty 11.04 german15:08
edbianionite: BHSPitMonkey aetas perhaps it would be easiest / best to re-install using the normal installer and the nomodeset option turned on.15:08
edbianionite: You see, many things are missing from your install that we're going to have to install anyway.15:09
bamprok"!bot @help"15:09
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: is it certain that if i can plug in a LAN connection I'll be able to d/l?15:09
ActionParsnipchenthu: yes, that's normal15:09
BHSPitMonkeyionite: almost positive15:09
BHSPitMonkeyionite: which ubuntu CDs have you burned so far?15:09
edbianionite: Yes, do you have the original installer laying around?15:09
ActionParsnipjustmozzy: I doubt it, You can also use nautilus to access it, does this not work?15:09
ThinkT510orated: how did your install go?15:09
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: i burned none because i got no CD writer15:09
chenthuactionparsnip; i have to keep scrolling?15:09
ioniteedbian: its in my USB drive the alternate installer15:10
oratedThanks BHSPitMonkey ThinkT51015:10
ActionParsnipchenthu: yes, keep reading down. You can stop when you see a line regarding ipv615:10
Sidewinder1ionite, After watching this for about two hours now, my advice would be: move your computer to where ever you can get wired internet; fresh install the ubuntu version of your choosing...15:10
justmozzyActionParsnip: unfortunately no. I can't access the server that I want to put the file on from my network. have to ssh to my office server and from the transfer the file to the other server :s15:10
oratedThinkT510: It went fine :-)15:10
BHSPitMonkeyionite: okay, so the alternate installer is the only one you have available to you at the moment? Or do you have another USB with the regular installer too?15:10
ThinkT510!yay | orated15:10
ubottuorated: Glad you made it! :-)15:10
chenthuactionparsnip: ok15:10
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: alternate is the only one i have15:10
ActionParsnipjustmozzy: can you not install apps on the client system? You can always add anaddon to your webbrowser15:11
ioniteSidewinder1: i'm so tired now. figuring out how to work this out.  feel like instaling windows.. ;(15:11
aetasedbian, why is he using the alternate anyway?15:11
BHSPitMonkeyionite: it's possible that when you installed, you were given an option of what feature to install and you accidentally skipped past it without selecting anything15:11
ioniteSidewinder1: actually i spent 5 hours at this screen asking for help.15:11
edbianaetas: Becuase it was the only one that didn't boot to a blank screen.  He didn't know about nomodeset when he was installing15:11
chenthuactionparsnip: nothing sort of like that..... and i have reached the end15:11
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: so i'll have to reinstall my natty using alternate installation?15:11
edbianBHSPitMonkey: that's my theory15:11
BHSPitMonkeyionite: that, or get an internet cable hooked up15:12
BHSPitMonkeyionite: if you have a slow connection, trying the usb again might be faster15:12
Sidewinder1ionite, Alternate cd is more difficult than Desktop; especially for newer users, with all due respect, of course. :-)15:12
ActionParsnipchenthu: you arent looking for ipv6 you are looking for lines relating to your wireless device15:12
wasanzyhi guys. am trying to compile zaptel and even dahdilinux, but am getting this error: fatal error: linux/autoconf.h: No such file or directory, I installed the automake but still the error is coming15:12
wasanzywhat can be wrong?15:12
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: so i'll choose to reinstall but can i set nomodeset at the initial phase? i'm using unetbootin15:13
devenin disk utility i see my swap 4gb partition when i clicked edit partition on it, i see it does not have bootable option check marked, do i need check mark it, to make it available as swap?15:13
BHSPitMonkeySidewinder1: I believe he also had the blank screen issue with the default installer, hence the alternate15:13
justmozzyActionParsnip: what apps would be helpful on my office server to transfer the files?15:13
Sidewinder1BHSPitMonkey, It can be frustrating...15:13
chenthuactionparsnip: yeha...any idea how it looks...casue every line looks same to me...15:13
ActionParsnipjustmozzy: filezilla15:13
justmozzyActionParsnip: ah wait... sftp is working. done15:13
ActionParsnipchenthu: try reading it rather than just looking at it15:13
BHSPitMonkeyionite: you should be able to, but I'm not sure.  I tend to have good luck with installers and don't have to fiddle with them much15:13
ioniteSidewinder1: i really got no idea. i am simply in a maze. trying anyting that works.15:14
ActionParsnipjustmozzy: sweet :)15:14
ionitehow do i set nomodeset at alternate installer?15:14
justmozzyActionParsnip: yeah filezilla wouldn't have really worked. can't use GUI apps on the office server :) but now it is fixed15:14
edbianionite: yes you can use nomodeset15:14
edbianionite: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313215:14
ioniteedbian: what do i do?15:14
edbianionite: see the bit about 'How to enable kernel options on the livecd (before install)'15:15
ActionParsnipjustmozzy: as long as its fixed that's fine ;)15:15
BHSPitMonkeyionite: this is a rite of passage; you're not an adult until you've spent at least a full day futsing around with a completely broken OS15:15
ioniteedbian: but i'm using unetbootin can it work?15:15
edbianionite: yep15:15
edbianionite: you might want to get the regular installer (which will probably be closer to the installer)15:16
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: i hope it'll be sunshine after the rain for me.15:16
wasanzyhi guys. am trying to compile zaptel and even dahdilinux, but am getting this error: fatal error: linux/autoconf.h: No such file or directory, I installed the automake but still the error is coming what can be wrong?15:16
Sidewinder1ionite, Might be best to give yourself some rest and come back to it. Again, my advice is to hook up your system to wired internet,... and do a fresh install of the desktop version that best suits your needs. Believe me, it'll all be worth it once you're up and running. You'll never look back at Win. :-)15:16
SURFkeesOk, so it's now actually loading gfx drivers and what not, but when starting up I now get a full black screen. I can't even do anything anymore except for using the power buttong to shutdown.15:16
devenplz help me guys disk utility i see my swap 4gb partition when i clicked edit partition on it, i see it does not have bootable option check marked, do i need check mark it, to make it available as swap?15:16
chenthuActionparsnip; wil give you an example " [4749.406511]  [drm] nouveau 0000:00:05.0: PFIFO_DMA_PUSHER - Ch 0 Get 0x0000f460 State 0x80000000 Push 0x0000000015:17
BHSPitMonkeyionite: if you still have the regular ubuntu installer downloaded to your good PC, I would suggest putting it back onto the flash drive15:17
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: i only have the alternate installer now.15:17
ActionParsnipchenthu: i thought you were having issues with wireless? So you can install the proprietary driver....?15:17
BHSPitMonkeyionite: alright then15:17
ioniteedbian: but my unetbootin screen is different from the webbite u gave me.15:17
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: so i'll reinstall right? what do i do next?15:17
n3rV3deven, plz run this command on terminal: swapon -s15:17
Dice-Manbwahaha unebootin15:18
BHSPitMonkeyionite: do you need to use nomodeset with your alternate installer, anyway? I thought the installer itself worked fine for you15:18
edbianionite: mmm, yes I'm not sure exactly how to get to it15:18
edbianionite: I know it is possible but I've never done it on the alternate installer + unetbootin so I don't know where to find it.15:18
devenn3rv3 i did that15:18
chenthuactionparsnip: i ahve problem with nvidia......and i just installed my b43 driver and activated my wireless card...bvut when i scan it gives no result though i could see ssid of 3 including mine...15:18
BHSPitMonkeyedbian: like I said, does he even need to use nomodeset on the installer itself?15:19
Little-GnomeHey all I love linux and Don't wanna go back to winbloze but for some reason my internet is seriously slow can someone help me or give me a reason why it is slow?15:19
n3rV3deven, you see any line like this:15:19
n3rV3/dev/sda9                               partition390552816480-115:19
chenthuactionparsnip : i am trying to use the wirless to connect to net so i can solve my nvidia issue15:19
edbianBHSPitMonkey: he says even the installers give a blank screen15:19
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: i think i need to do nomodeset because if the current problem repeats?15:19
BHSPitMonkeyedbian: clearly he's been able to use the installer in the past without doing it15:19
devenyes i see like that yes!!!15:19
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: hoestnly what is my current problem?15:19
edbianBHSPitMonkey: ionite wait, you said you installed using the alternate installer without nomodeset before!15:19
ActionParsnipchenthu: so why do you need to look at youor video driver, if you are troubleshooting wireless......15:19
ioniteedbian: would reinstaling really help? what should i avoid?15:20
devenn3rv3 but used is 015:20
jamey-ukI upgraded my packages and now my UEFI system won't boot, how can I get grub reinstalled on there?15:20
BHSPitMonkeyionite: you should only need to use nomodeset AFTER you've installed, to get into the installed system15:20
chenthuactionparnsip: but now my wireless is not connecting wither so i have to download it manuallya dn install...thats how i installed driver for my wifi15:20
ioniteedbian: yes i installed w/o nomodeset15:20
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BHSPitMonkeyionite: just use the usb installer normally15:20
n3rV3deven, then its accessible to the system, dont edit anything15:20
edbianionite: you need to re-install because many of your packages are missing.  Forget about nomodeset for now then.15:20
n3rV3would be zero if you have ample ram15:20
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ioniteBHSPitMonkey: so after installation of my alternate install what do i do?15:20
ActionParsnipchenthu: if you look through the dmesg text you will see things relating to the WIRELESS15:20
skegeekUbuntu installs web software to /usr/share/, how are these meant to be used...symlinking from /usr/share/ to the web root?15:20
BHSPitMonkeyionite: and when the installer asks you which packages you want, consult with us15:20
AviMarcusUh. Oops. So I set a proxy setting and did "apply system wide" and now I can't use switchy in chromium to set the proxy, it just keeps getting overwritten by stuff from this sysem wide proxy. How do I just turn off/revert the system wide changes?15:20
ioniteedbian: partition can i skip the swap area option?15:21
devenn3rv3 same is with my /home folder its also same, should i make it bootable or leave it as it is15:21
edbianionite: no, you need swap15:21
BHSPitMonkeyedbian: but I think his swap partition is already made15:21
edbianionite: Is this a dual boot?15:21
n3rV3deven, plz leave it to system defaults if it is working15:21
ioniteedbian: no15:21
VictorCL2why did openoffice went from open to libre ? xD15:21
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: yes swap part already made15:21
edbianBHSPitMonkey: I have to go.  Can you help him install?15:21
BHSPitMonkeyedbian: he shouldn't have to do anything in order to get it to be used15:21
edbianBHSPitMonkey: yeah15:21
devenok thanks alot n3rv3 for quick help.15:21
edbianionite: listen to BHSPitMonkey15:21
edbianionite: I have to go15:22
ActionParsnipchenthu: you can then get the wireless setup and connect and install the driver using the repos. ALternatively if you move the system you cna use a wired link and get updates easily15:22
BHSPitMonkeyionite: so you have one partition for the OS, and one partition for swap made?15:22
BHSPitMonkeyionite: two total?15:22
chenthuactionparsnip: my video driver is corrupted as well...thats the reason i wanna connect to net...and find a solution..byut then found my wireless to be  not working ...so now i installed but couldnt find hosts...so two problem one video other wireless15:22
ActionParsnipchenthu: you can use the driver from the nvidia site but it may caus issues later, your choice15:23
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chenthuActionParsnip: hmmm... trying out all options...15:23
VictorCL2will next ubuntu come with kernel 3 ?15:24
ThinkT510VictorCL2: yes15:24
ThinkT510!11.10 | VictorCL215:24
ubottuVictorCL2: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:24
BHSPitMonkeyionite: for partitioning you should be able to do the same thing you did last time. Just make sure there's a big ext3 or ext4 partition, set to mount to '/'15:25
AviMarcusUh. Oops. So I set a proxy setting and did "apply system wide" and now I can't use switchy in chromium to set the proxy, it just keeps getting overwritten by stuff from this sysem wide proxy. How do I just turn off/revert the system wide proxy changes?15:25
VictorCL2but .. this new theme .. unity.. is a relly cheap copy of mac .. how with so many good graphic designers ..etc .. willing to help .. you come up with something like that?? .. is it so hard to make a goo UI?15:25
jamey-ukVictorCL2: yes, have you seen Windows?15:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:26
sipiorVictorCL2: no one like an ingrate.15:26
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: now i can't even boot from my USB15:26
BHSPitMonkeyVictorCL2: make your own. I'm sure with your superior design skills, whatever OS you create will take over Ubuntu in popularity15:26
VictorCL2I am no designer ^^15:26
BHSPitMonkeyionite: wat.15:26
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: i don't know why even when i selected my BIOS to boot from USB it keeps going back to boot natty instead of prompting me to install.15:27
VictorCL2and it was just a though ¬¬15:27
BHSPitMonkeyionite: and usb is ahead of hard disks in the boot order?15:27
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: i even disabled HDD to boot and solely selected to boot from my USB only and it cant15:27
jamey-ukCan anyone help me with UEFI boot problems?15:28
siavoshkchow can I be multi task in terminal15:28
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: feel like giving up....15:28
d_atharvahi....can anyone tell me whats the diffrence between /etc/samba/smb.conf     and      /usr.share/samba/smb.conf    files ?15:29
Benkinoobysiavoshkc, how do you exactly imganine this? have multiple input possibilites in one termina?15:29
BHSPitMonkeyionite: weird. If you can get the machine connected to the internet, you should be able to solve everything pretty fast.15:29
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: i need to rest and maybe i'll try again another day. sighs. what's ur email? i need to keep in touch with ur wonderful help.15:29
ioniteaetas: Thanks for ur help15:29
Benkinoobysiavoshkc, or run two progs simultaniously15:29
BHSPitMonkeyionite: try to get the machine hooked up to the internet, and do 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'15:30
BHSPitMonkeyionite: actually do 'sudo apt-get update' before doing that15:30
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: fundamentally not being about to boot from USB already spells somethign wrong?15:30
DJonessiavoshkc: you should be able to open more than one tab within terminal and be able to switch between them, or you could use "screen" to have apps running in a terminal window even when the terminal windows has been closed15:30
BHSPitMonkeyionite: that would be related to your BIOS and the drive itself, and honestly there are lots of possibilities15:31
Benkinoobysiavoshkc, mabye you are interested in screen or tmux. both of them will "split" so you can use the splits like windows... the best know packages for that is screen. if you want something more modern, go for tmux. http://tmux.sourceforge.net/ best thing you install  both and see what you like15:31
justmozzycan anyone point me to a direction on how to install a SSL certificate in apache?15:31
siavoshkcI mean no X windows or such thing15:31
siavoshkconly one terminal15:31
the-ubuntu-userhi, Is there anything on ubuntu similar to YUMI, for multibooting USB disks?15:31
BHSPitMonkeysiavoshkc: look into GNU Screen15:31
Benkinoobysiavoshkc, this is without X ... it is pure console15:31
coz_siavoshkc,   you can also install   terminator   a nice terminal emulator15:31
DJones!screen | siavoshkc15:31
ubottusiavoshkc: screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen15:31
BHSPitMonkeysiavoshkc: that ^15:31
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: what's ur email?15:32
siavoshkcso I need an extra tool15:32
BHSPitMonkeyionite: sorry, I'd rather not give it out. But the fine people who frequent this channel know as much as I do15:32
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: how certain are u that if i hooked up with a wired connection i am able to to d/l the updates while at the text based console?15:32
siavoshkcThan You15:33
Benkinoobysiavoshkc, yes15:33
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: it's ok. i'll be back friday after some rests.15:33
Benkinoobysiavoshkc, they also have some good advantages15:33
BHSPitMonkeyionite: pretty certain, barring additional problems. Just write down those two commands.15:33
BHSPitMonkeyionite: 'sudo apt-get update', then 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'15:33
Benkinoobysiavoshkc, both of them can "connect" to their "windows" and "unconnect"... so you run a program, disconnect and connect later when you need it... so you can save monitor space15:33
siavoshkcis it installed on ubuntu by default?15:33
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Benkinoobysiavoshkc, no, but you will find it in the standard repositiories... look for screen or tmux15:34
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: alright. i had enough for today.15:34
ionitei'm leaving. now15:34
coz_Guest68266,  mud is much easier to tab :)15:34
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: thank you very much for ur help.15:34
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: but it's funny why can't i boot from USB to reinstall again?15:35
BHSPitMonkeyDoes anyone here use a DisplayPort monitor and run into problems getting it to wake up?15:35
BHSPitMonkey(Or have experience with said problem)15:35
BHSPitMonkeyionite: no idea. Motherboards can be weird.15:35
Benkinoobyionite, did you try with different versions of linux or version of ubuntu?15:36
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: why is natty so buggy?15:36
BHSPitMonkeyionite: are you sure you weren't booted to the USB drive during that entire time you were running console commands?15:36
ioniteBenkinooby: not yet. now natty is giving me a very bad head start & impression15:36
ioniteBHSPitMonkey: 100% sure as my USB is plugged off15:36
BHSPitMonkeyjust checking15:36
rwwSeems like every version of Ubuntu, people say "$version-1 was so stable, why is $version so buggy?". This phenomenon does not seem internally consistant.15:37
Benkinoobyionite, hm... maybe ou start better of with ubuntu 10.04 ... ubuntu 10.04 is "long term supported" and hence more stable and better tested15:37
ionitethanks everyone for ur help.15:38
Benkinoobyionite, natty got a lot of new features that are very new, while ubunut 10.04 was pretty conservative with uptodate-ness the software15:38
Benkinoobytoo late :P15:38
BHSPitMonkeyrww: indeed, though I've been using Ubuntu since just before dapper, and I honestly feel like the past release or two have been stability regressions15:39
ConfusionistIs there a way to perform an Ubuntu installation on another harddisk from inside a running Ubuntu install? So I have a machine where Ubuntu is running just fine, but I want to install Ubuntu on a second machine. It doesn't have a USB drive or a CDROM player, but I can simply open it up, take out the harddisk and put it inside the machine that already has ubuntu. Now I could boot that machine from USB and install that way, but that seems15:40
Confusionist a bit silly (and slightly risky, if I accidentally choose the wrong drive)15:40
CedaraHi, does anyone remember off-hand what I need to play encrypted dvds in ubuntu 11.04? I don't wanna copy them, just watch. (I think it's a codec but I don't remember which.)15:41
coz_Cedara,   yes hold on15:42
DJonesCedara: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs15:42
coz_Cedara,  did you already install  ubuntu-restricted-extras15:42
xangua!dvd | Cedara15:42
ubottuCedara: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:42
DJonesSound slike you need libdvdcss215:42
issamI've got a problem with the cam15:43
coz_Cedara,   run this command in the terminal          sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh15:43
issamit's up down15:43
CedaraI think it's the libdvdcss215:43
Cedarathanks, guys15:43
xangua!medibuntu > Cedara15:43
xangualibdvdcs2 is what you need, you can also install it via medibuntu15:43
ubottuCedara, please see my private message15:43
issamany one here ?15:43
coz_issam,   I there are many here  ..what's the issue?15:44
issamhave a problem with the cam it's up down15:44
coz_issam,  you mean panning with the cam?15:44
issamit's rotated15:44
bamprok"!bot @help"15:45
Pici!usage | bamprok15:45
ubottubamprok: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:45
fmauroissam: what application are you using to capture your cam, what camera?15:46
sanesto123hello, is it possible to make a ssh tunnel for the tty ?15:46
issammmmm web chat15:46
sipiorConfusionist: it has neither usb slots, or an optical drive?15:46
issamit's laptop cam15:46
fmaurosanesto123: you mean redirect ssh input to tty?15:46
Confusionistsipior, indeed15:46
sipiorConfusionist: you could try debootstrap to get a minimal install going. look here, for example: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/01/debootstrap-minimal-debian-ubuntu-installation/15:46
sanesto123fmauro: yes i want to be able to see a picture using fbi via ssh, so i want to redirect the tty from the server to my laptop15:47
fmauroissam: are you using a tablet or a rotatable cam?15:47
issamfmauro tablet15:47
fmaurosanesto123: I've never done that before, I would use screen to achieve the same effect.15:48
issamfmauro I've laptop15:48
fmauroissam: In that case the picture is coming in rotated already from the camera.15:48
Confusionistsipior, thanks, that sounds like a way to accomplish what I want15:49
fmauroissam: what laptop exactly?15:49
issamwhen I use cheese it seems normal15:49
fmauroissam: so this issue is only within skype?15:50
issamweb chat too15:50
issamfmauro: google+ for example15:51
th0rissam: I just got here...you can get the webcam in cheese but not skype?15:51
hwilde!find python-wxgtk natty15:51
ubottuFound: python-wxgtk2.6, python-wxgtk2.6-dbg, python-wxgtk2.8, python-wxgtk2.8-dbg15:51
fmauroth0r: no, it's upside down15:51
sanesto123 hello, is it possible to make a ssh tunnel for the tty ? i'm using fbi and i want to see the picture on my laptop instead of the server15:51
fmauroissam: take a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=523735615:52
Picisanesto123: What is 'fbi' ?15:52
th0rfmauro: well, my camera didn't work in skype but did in cheese, and I found a short script that fixed it. I will pastebinit for you and you can give it a try to see if it helps15:52
sanesto123man fbi: linux framebuffer imageviewer15:52
th0rfmauro: http://pastebin.com/ay6TfaJA15:52
fmauroth0r: thx but no need, if you want to post it to issam. feel free although he describes his problem differently15:53
th0rfmauro: well...it is there. All it does is set a library path before calling skype, and you could use it for webchat too15:53
Picisanesto123: As far as I know you cannot forward a framebuffer from one machine to another.15:53
sanesto123Pici: thank you15:53
DarsVaedahi I installed apache and php and want to use mail() but it does not work out of the box anymore...it wants to run sendmail which was not installed, now I installed that but still it does not work, maybe because of rights? I do not get any error but also no mail15:55
Colin969ikonia, The damn usb wont boot15:56
Colin969ikonia, I've tried from Unetbootin UniUSBCreator and LinuxLive =[15:56
PiciColin969: ikonia asn't said anything here for over 3 hours, I suggest re-asking the channel.15:57
Colin969Oh Ok15:57
Tommy_nmwanyone to help me?15:58
fmauroColin969: Have you tried creating the bootable USB manually?15:58
Tommy_nmwhow can I make my EVDO modem work with ubuntu? no drivers can be found15:58
fmauroColin969: like so http://edoceo.com/liber/ubuntu-live-usb15:58
italoxpColin969, maybe your BIOS can't boot by USB .-.15:59
italoxpHi =D15:59
fmauroTommy_nmw: is it usb?15:59
Tommy_nmwfmauro: yes16:00
Tommy_nmwfmauro: it is deteced only as flash drive with autorun feature16:00
fmauroTommy_nmw: brand, model?16:00
Tommy_nmwfmauro: Harvilon16:00
Tommy_nmwfmauro: CDMA 800Mhz16:00
fmauroTommy_nmw: have you tried this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=343989 (lower part)16:01
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fmauroTommy_nmw: read whole post first as the upper half is pre-gutsy16:02
ole_ole_oz6oh hej16:02
nsd_I've got a networking problem between two machines, both connected to a switch that is in turn connected to a wireless bridge that links them to the rest of the network. One machine has no problem reaching the rest of the network and the internet, but the other (a server) can only connect (via ssh) to the desktop machine.16:04
Ubyhello :)16:04
nsd_Oh, and the server can't ping the wireless bridge.16:04
nsd_Anyone have any ideas?16:05
fmauronsd_: possibly a MAC filter on the bridge?16:05
fmauronsd_: are both connected by wire?16:05
nsd_fmauro: Well, I poked around in the web interface and didn't see one, but y'know it might be lurking in there somewhere; I'll try that again16:05
th0rnsd_: maybe a bad route in the server16:05
nsd_fmaure: Yes, they are both connected to the server. I've used the server with that switch and another desktop machine, connected to the rest of the network by wire instead of by a bridge and it worked fine, so it's not the cables or the switch.16:06
nsd_Or the ethernet adapter (I don't think)16:06
fmauronsd_: both clients running ubuntu?16:06
nsd_fmauro: Server and desktop are both running ubuntu 10.04.0316:07
nsd_fmauro: Both are configured using /etc/network/interfaces, one as a static IP (the server) and the other uses DHCP16:07
th0rnsd_: since you are using static on the server, did you add ip's to /etc/resolv.conf?16:08
fmauronsd_: could be that the dhcp server has issues with self assigned ips, you could assign the server the desired IP and let it use DHCP as well. It sounds as though your addresses are not being resolved without the proper nameserver16:08
nsd_th0r: No, in fact I wasn't even aware of that configuration file16:08
EL_KRIMENhola , alguien español16:09
chenthuany one know how to close the x server so i could install my nvidia driver?16:09
nsd_fmauro: Well, the server can't even ping the wireless bridge. I don't think it's an issue with the router and static IPs because I was using that way before, minus the bridge (with a cable instead)16:09
Pici!es | EL_KRIMEN16:09
ubottuEL_KRIMEN: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:09
th0rnsd_: I also agree with fmauro, the dhcp server might not recognize static IPs. I suspect since you are using static you might also have to do the routing manually16:09
TheRedOctoberchenthu: as root, init 316:09
PiciTheRedOctober: that will not work as you expect.16:10
Pici!runlevels | TheRedOctober16:10
ubottuTheRedOctober: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.16:10
chenthuTheRedOctober: U mean sudo init 3?16:10
nsd_th0r: Would that be via /etc/resolv.conf? I don't know anything about manual routing, but if you pointed me to a man page I could do it myself16:10
Picichenthu: sudo service gdm stop   is probably what you're looking for.16:10
chenthuPici: ok thanks will try and post16:10
ole_hello from denmark16:10
mendel_how do I install a pci card with a specific driver?16:11
th0rnsd_: been a while since I did it, but there is a way to define routes so they are installed at bootup16:11
mendel_the pci card is there, the driver is loaded16:11
Tommy_nmwfmauro: i once tried but not ok16:11
Tommy_nmwi will try again16:11
coz_mendel_,  what is the picie card exactly16:11
nsd_th0r: I'll google the subject16:11
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chenthuPici: it worked thanks bro16:11
nsd_th0r, fmauro: Thanks for the help; I'll try th0r's suggestion16:11
TheRedOctoberPici: Oh how things change...16:11
chenthuPici: how to disable the vouveau driver?16:12
th0rnsd_: here you go http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-add-permanent-static-routes-in-ubuntu.html16:12
mendel_coz_: it's a tv card, philips saa7146 chipset.. I found while googling that it's uses the budget-av driver16:12
mendel_coz_: http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/KNC1_TV-Station_DVB-C_Plus, but lspci -v is not showing any modules/ kernel drivers with the pci card16:12
Picichenthu: nouveau? I suppose you can blacklist it, but I'm not sure of the exact module name.16:12
coz_mendel_,  oh i see,, to be honest , I have no experience with tv cards at all,, I probably cant help with this one16:12
nsd_th0r: That looks just like what I needed, thanks again16:13
ole_am i visible here ?16:13
fmauroole_: you are16:13
mendel_coz_: but in general, is there a way to install that pci card with that specific driver? it\s loaded on the os16:13
ole_fmauro thanks16:13
chenthuPici: My NVIDIA driver installation asked me if i want it tro diable and i gave yes now i am rebooting lets see what happens16:13
coz_mendel_,  well out of curiosity,, did you reboot  after the system recognized it?16:14
mendel_yeah multiple times16:14
coz_mendel_,  ooo ok16:14
mendel_even changed it to another pci slot, in the hope it was using the driver16:15
aetasyou guys know if I need to do something special to make sure background images work in gnome-panel?16:16
coz_aetas,  ubuntu 11.04  Unity?16:16
aetascoz_, ubuntu 11.04 classic16:16
b43helphello there16:16
b43helpi just installed 11.0416:16
coz_aetas,  oh ok,, it should work,, you already right clicked the panel ...yes?16:17
edbianb43help: Are you looking for help with the b43 driveR?16:17
b43helpand it says my wifi driver is enabled but i cant see any wifi networks16:17
edbianb43help: PM me16:17
aetascoz_, yeah it lets you set one...you can even set the color and transparency and it works, it just images the background image if you choose one of those16:17
b43helpso i installed the b43 fwcutter16:17
coz_mendel_,  then I am not sure  . i would suggest  ##linux or ##hardware  ,, give both a try16:17
edbianb43help: pm me16:17
b43helprebooted and evrything16:17
b43helpand still nothing16:17
b43helpok debian16:17
mozOhello. I have one UBUNTU11.4 and LinuxMint in my VM VirtualBox and both are running so how can I ssh from one to the other one?>16:17
aetascoz_, is it possible a for a theme to block use of custom bg images?16:17
edbiannot me name...16:17
coz_aetas,  its possible I s uppose  ,, I havent tried this recently with current ubuntu revisions16:18
coz_aetas,  change the theme and test it16:18
aetascoz_, no help :(16:18
coz_aetas,  no one in either of those channels had any suggestions?16:18
coz_aetas,  sorry wrong person16:19
coz_aetas,   mm not sure then let me test it here I am also on classic,, hold on16:19
=== Rei`ZzZz is now known as Reikoku
coz_aetas,  it seems to be working here,, what exactly does it show when you enable this16:20
ThinkT510moz0: wouldn't it be just like ssh-ing between any two machines?16:20
aetascoz_, whatever would be shown if you had it set to use the theme one16:21
coz_aetas,  and no image at all attemps to show itself?16:21
mozOThinkT510: actually I asked it cause when i use "ifconfig" command in both operating sys, both result are the same16:21
coz_aetas,  what is the size of the image you are choosing?16:22
mozOThinkT510: I mean all the Ip address and other stuff..16:22
ThinkT510moz0: and they are running at the same time?16:22
coz_aetas,  what I am noticing is a clear cutting off of the image I chose,, the top portioin of the panel is not being rendered with the image at all16:22
aetascoz_, its a normal panel background from gnome-look...no images work16:23
aetascoz_, hrm16:23
=== bk_ is now known as Guest15308
ThinkT510mozO: i guess you need to setup the network in both of them differently16:23
mozOThinkT510: yeah they are running now ... both together!16:23
alpha_I have ubuntu 10.04 and I know ubuntu 11.04 is out there. I am wondering when the update will be available (automatically, that is, without me having to add some new software source) in the update manager?16:23
koichirosewhat file system should I use that is readable/writeable on win/mac/linux and where I can write files over 4gb? is ntfs the only option?16:23
aetascoz_, ah ok yeah it looks like its skipping the first amount and then the panel image is too small16:23
coz_aetas,  this may be an onverlooked issue,, or perhaps a purposeful one,,  I have not used this until today for some time ,, so I can say this is not      normal for adding images16:23
mozOThinkT510: I used the NAT network! it doesn't help me!?16:23
ThinkT510moz0: maybe you need bridged networking so they can see eachother and have seperate ip addresses16:23
aetascoz_, well Im downloading known used ones that worked on previous ubuntu version so this must be overlook or something16:24
ThinkT510moz0: but i'm guessing here, hope somebody else knoes better16:24
mozOThinkT510: thanks .. let me try ;)16:24
xanguaalpha_: by default lts editions are configured to upgrade only to the next lts, you can change this in uptates preferences and upgrade to 10.04 and then to 11.0416:25
coz_aetas,  right only the bottom half of the panel seems to be  accepting an image  and yes i know that lst time I tried it, it worked well, although I always hated disabling it becuase if the image disappears  its a pain to remove that reference in the panel properties16:25
bikalpaunity sucks16:26
alpha_xangua, so if I would not take action I would not be presented this automatic update for perhaps in years?16:26
aetascoz_, this makes very little sense...if I increase the size of the panel and use the same image, it still doesn't show anything so I dunno whats happening16:26
xanguaalpha_: until the next lts, 12.0416:26
coz_aetas,  its probably an onversight16:26
coz_aetas,  no harm in reporting it for sure16:27
ldrhello, is this the proper channel to ask questions regarding xen and ubuntu?16:27
bikalpaempathy keeps on crashing16:27
Picildr: #ubuntu-server would probably be better.16:27
xanguabikalpa: do you have a support question or are you just gonna keep complaining¿16:28
coz_aetas,  I dont see any reference to this as a bug yet after a quick search  so it may be worth the effort in reporting it16:28
alpha_xangua, oh, ok. Thanks! It seems 12.04 LTS is scheduled for April 2012. How do I manually make 11.04 pop up in the update manager?16:29
italoxpOpen Synaptic16:29
alpha_xangua, nvm. I think I can google it. Thanks for your help16:29
xanguaaphistic: in the update preferences change to upgrade from lts to normal editions; upgrade to 10.10 and after to 11.0416:30
aetascoz_, trying to find some info if maybe gnome screwed with some of the image offsets or something16:30
xanguaalpha_: above16:30
aetascoz_, I've not submitted an ubuntu bug before16:30
justmozzyhey guys. I am having a bit of trouble with SSL. apache is configured etc however it seems that connections to port 443 are rejected. when I looked at iptables -L -n I didn't find any directive for port 44316:30
justmozzycan anyone help me out on this?16:30
italoxpalpha_, did it work?16:31
coz_aetas,   check this out,, it may help in understanding  how to report bugs   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs16:31
coz_aetas,  although I never really liked that post ing but  check it  out anyway16:31
fmaurojustmozzy: you did configure the virtual hosts accordingly? (I am no master on the subject)16:31
alpha_italoxp, yes it works if you follow xanguas instructions :)16:32
italoxpalpha_, but you'll have to update do 10.10 and then to 11.04, right?16:32
alpha_italoxp, exactly16:33
chenthuany idea of how to blacklist nouveau from command line?16:33
justmozzyfmauro: yupp, even netstat is saying that 443 is being listened to16:33
jughead4hey is it possible to install ie9 on ubuntu?16:33
fmaurojustmozzy: so there is no reason to believe that apaches config is faulty?16:33
rumpe1jughead4, sure .. but i guess a virtual machine would be a good idea16:34
justmozzyfmauro: so far nopes.. .however I get error 109 when trying to access the website over https (Error 109 (net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE): Unable to reach the server)16:34
wols_!blacklist > chenthu16:34
ubottuchenthu, please see my private message16:34
wols_jughead4: appdb.winehq.org16:34
chenthuthanks wols16:35
fmaurojustmozzy: so you are having trouble connecting from the outside or from localhost as well?16:35
jughead4rumpe1, i have to test my website on ie 6,7,8,9 ...just for that i dont want to install virtual machine16:35
italoxpGuys, how do the update system in Ubuntu works?16:35
wols_italoxp: be more specific16:35
italoxpFor example, a new version of Firefox is launched16:35
Pici!apt | italoxp16:35
ubottuitaloxp: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)16:35
justmozzyfmauro: just from the outside16:35
jughead4wols_, ty im installing wine16:35
Psydollitaloxp: sudo apt-get update16:35
maco!sru | italoxp16:36
ubottuitaloxp: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates16:36
italoxpI didn't mean that16:36
aetascoz_, do you know the difference between gnome shell, metacity, compiz, gtk2, etc themes?16:36
rumpe1jughead4, well.. you could try it with wine. But several different versions at the same time? ... sounds difficult16:36
macoitaloxp: and firefox should be in the "special cases" section at the bottom but isnt....16:37
wols_rumpe1: very very easy with wine. IF the specific version of IE works in wine in the first place, which is a BIG if16:37
jughead4oh ok16:37
macoitaloxp: for 11.04 the new firefox releases are going straight into the repositories16:37
coz_aetas,  well basically  gnome shell is a "overlay" onto gnome3,, compiz is a window manager + compositor..metacity his also a window manager with a compositor,,, gtk2 is the gimp tool kit  and gtk themes are themes designed specifically for gnome = gtk16:37
coz_aetas,   as is Unity a shell I guess window manager over gnome  as is gnome shell16:38
aetascoz_, so gnome shell only works for gnome3?16:39
italoxpmaco, it was an example .-.16:39
coz_aetas,  no I believe it can be run on to of gnome2.x16:39
italoxpaetas, gnome shell is a part of gnome316:39
coz_aetas,  although ontop of gnome it is very nice16:39
italoxpIt uses gtk3, so you can't run it in gnome 216:39
coz_aetas,  rather ontop of gnome316:39
justmozzyfmauro: running nmap on localhost also tells me that it is open16:40
aetascoz_, damn :/16:40
justmozzybut I can't seem to find where the configuration is set that 443 is blocked for requests from the outside16:40
coz_aetas,  well its not that bad,,  I prefer compiz as the window manager,, however not all day long,, i often switch back to metacity16:41
wols_jughead4: your router is portforwarding properly. you are absolutely sure of that?16:41
coz_aetas,  gnome 3 with gnome-shell is rather nice,, but even then I switch to the fallback mode so I can use compiz16:41
fmaurojustmozzy: wouldn't that point to apache blocking requests from the outside?16:41
aetascoz_, I got one to work.  This png doesn't have the problem so it looks like its filetype-based16:42
wols_jughead4: nmap isn't for localhost. netstat is16:42
fmaurojustmozzy: oh, just read the rest of your post16:42
b43happinessnmap ftw :D16:42
coz_aetas,  if you use and like compiz,, there will be a few issues because gnome3 no longer uses desktop windows16:42
justmozzyfmauro: wouldn't that be weird? I mean apache is listening to 443. here is my iptables -L -n http://pastebin.com/c9EC5Zag16:42
b43happinessedbian, it works now, tyvm for helping me, bye16:42
wols_jughead4: what happens if you telnet to port 443?16:42
coz_aetas,  so things like transparen cube or the snow plugins etc will not work unless you enable the wallpaper plugin in compiz16:42
justmozzymaybe I am not seeing something in there16:43
dori922dudes im trying to use the command "chmod g-s /usr/src/ -R" and it saying i dont have permission to change permissions, when i use SUDO beforehand it just goes to a new prompt without doing anything16:43
dori922any thoughts on whats wrong16:43
fmaurojustmozzy: why don't you specifically accept port 44316:44
dori922it goes through the files without sudo(but doesnt change them) but when  i use sudo it doesnt appear to do anything16:44
doug_fgents quick question about a ubuntu 10.04 system becoming unresponsive randomly.16:44
wols_justmozzy: why would any traffic to 443 be accepted there?16:44
issamhello fmauro that link can't fix my cam problem16:45
justmozzywols_: what do you mean?16:45
sipiordori922: try putting the -R directly after chmod.16:45
fmaurowell your apache is listening to 443 isn't it?16:45
wols_justmozzy: you explictly allow several ports and ip ranges and reject the rest. port 443 is never allowed16:45
doug_fWhen the system fails it states that it cannot allocate memory. I ran "free -m -t -s 3 >> mem.log &" and after the reboot the last entry shows 4.6 Meg Free. Any Ideas?16:46
wols_justmozzy: have you flushed your iptables settings yet?16:46
fmaurojustmozzy: iptables -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT16:46
moZoI have to linux operating system in VM box and when they are running both have the same IP address so I can not ssh from one to another? what i have to do to make two different Ip for them?16:46
wols_doug_f: exact error message please16:46
wols_doug_f: and there should NEVER be any memory free16:46
fmauromoZo: go to VirtualBox machine settings (turn them off first)16:46
kiliwatchwhy does chromium get installed when i remove firefox and vice versa????? i only want CHROME16:46
fmauromoZo: then set their Network Adapter setting to bridged16:47
doug_fwols_, Cannot allocate memory is the error.16:47
wols_doug_f: there is more to it16:47
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:47
frostschutzkiliwatch: maybe you have a package that depends on one or the other?16:47
kiliwatchfrostschutz: probably totem-mozilla, good idea!!!!!16:48
moZofmauro: but u sure that i wont loose my internet access?16:48
doug_fwols_, any ideas where to start checking. We already ran a memtest over the weekend with no errors on 8gigs of ram. Also I think it was 4.6Gig mem free not Meg sorry aobut that.16:49
fmauromoZo: why would you? you're just adding a rule to your firewall16:49
justmozzythanks wols_ and thumbs. am gonna add 443 explicitly in iptables16:49
wols_doug_f: I told you were to start but you don't want to listen. so I guess I don't want to either. good day16:49
fmauromoZo: oh sorry16:49
kiliwatchfrostschutz: nope, it still wants to reinstall firefox when i try to remove chromium16:49
fmauromoZo: mixup, no you will not.16:49
moZofmauro: ok thanks . so let me try..first i have to turn them off now..tnx anyway16:50
hanthanawhich package/file i should translate in order to make ubuntu installation localize16:53
TheRedOctoberHi all.  After adding a device to increase the size of an MD raid, how do you get LVM to recognize the increased size of the MD device?16:54
fmauroTheRedOctober: Your md raid will not be expandable until all drives match in size16:54
fmauroTheRedOctober: afaik16:54
TheRedOctoberfmauro: all drives match, mdraid is set up fine.  I just need to get LVM to see that the device /dev/md1 has an additional 300GB16:55
fmauroTheRedOctober: So you have resilvered the whole thing with new drives and now need to expand the FS?16:57
bl00dyhelp pls i am using xubuntu 11 version wanted to change the password that i made when i installed it cz i forgot it :S :( how can i do that ?16:58
TheRedOctoberfmauro: well, I need to get LVM to expand...if it was just resize2fs it would be simple, but pvs doesnt show that my MD device has a bunch more space.16:59
TheRedOctoberpvs says I have 598gb, but the useable array size is apx 900gb17:00
bl00dyhelp me someone pls17:00
frostschutzTheRedOctober: pvresize17:01
PKKid-WorkHey guys, my Bluetooth icon in the notification area is gone missing, and I can't seem to get it back.  Is this common?17:01
PKKid-WorkI'm on Ubuntu 10.1017:01
TheRedOctoberfrostchutz: that was the missing piece...this is the second time this month I forgot that!  thx17:02
frostschutzTheRedOctober: then lvresize and then resize2fs if you have one volume you want to make larger17:02
TheRedOctoberfrostschutz: danke danke17:02
jbwivguys, I'm deleting data on a vfat partition and would like to see how much is *really* deleted. Anyone know of a decent data recovery tool for linux which will search said partition for files?17:03
jbwivdeleted files, that is17:03
[THC]AcidRainim probably the most noob person in this entire irc server17:04
frostschutzjbwiv: if you're deleting with rm, then nothing really is deleted17:05
jbwivfrostschutz, I deleted through nautilus17:05
frostschutzjbwiv: if you want to test, use jpg files (such as photos from a digital camera) and photorec to restore em17:05
francis__Hello I wanted to test oneiric but got burn after applying an update. Oneiric reaches checking batteries but would not boot. any ideas17:06
szal!oneiric | francis__17:06
ubottufrancis__: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:06
debianuserOlá pessoal17:07
frostschutzjbwiv: don't do it if you ever had porn on the disk though. I once helped some distant relative of mine recover some of their lost photos and the results were rather embarassing because photorec found far more pictures than intended :)17:07
jbwivok ;-)17:07
TomasHanzelHi, can you tell me please, how can i add repository in command line?17:08
ldrhello can someone tell my what this kernel parameter is supposed to accomplish reserve=0xc0000000-0xd0000000, commenting it out seems to make no difference17:08
ldrTomas: apt-add-repository ppa.. always worked fine for me17:09
frostschutzldr reserve=        [KNL,BUGS] Force the kernel to ignore some iomem area17:09
tristanseifertTomasHanzel: I believe you edit /etc/apt/sources.list17:09
oCean!addppa | TomasHanzel17:09
ubottuTomasHanzel: Since Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details17:09
frostschutzldr: might be a workaround against some bug on some systems, might not make any difference for you specifically17:09
ldrthe question is how can i determine if i need it?17:10
ldre.g. if i have this particular bug17:10
neurochromeWord up folks, quick question..... is it possible to ssh from local>remote>local?17:11
fmauroneurochrome: yes17:11
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neurochromefmauro, because I'm trying to test my router setup and it's not working... wondered if that was the issue... darn it!17:11
fmauroneurochrome: just tested it here, works local->remote->local->inssheption . (jk it really works)17:12
ldrneuro: maybe you need port forwarding, to access the ssh server on a pc connected to the router17:12
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neurochromefmauro, yeah, I can ssh to my remote machine, but not back again17:13
neurochromefmauro, connection refused17:13
NecromankasHello, I'm running a samsung n130, I have Ubuntu 10.10, how would I get my on-board microphone working?17:13
fmauroneurochrome: but is your local running ssh server?17:13
th0rneurochrome: you have to run your local ssh server on something other than port 2217:13
fmauroth0r: no17:13
fmauroneurochrome: it works fine with both set to 2217:14
neurochromefmauro, yeah, and my router is set to forward port 2217:14
th0rfmauro: might be a problem with port forwarding in the wifi router17:14
neurochromeit has a service I can enable already setup17:14
fmauroth0r: agreed17:14
dlineurochrome, does it work when: ssh localhost17:14
neurochromedli, no17:14
fmauroneurochrome: then your ssh server on local is not running / installed17:15
dlineurochrome, sudo service ssh start17:15
ZiaixI'm currently setting up an Ubuntu mininmal install, (no gnome, just openbox) and am trying to find out if there is any way of changing the themeing of the default UI elements (Like you would normally do with the Appearance Prefrences). Is anyone able to help with that?17:15
NecromankasYou lost the game.17:15
dliZiaix, or you can pull in lxde? just a little bit more than openbox17:16
jiffeI'm trying to migrate between IPs on 2 different subnets, I have 2 interfaces on the machine, is there anyway I can get both running simultaneously and publicly accessible?17:16
dlijiffe, should work by default, any problem?17:17
fmaurojiffe: you will need to set up your machine as a NAT . try : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing17:17
neurochromedli, goddamnit, I'm a tool, I have ssh server installed on every machine in the house but my main machine lol17:18
g[r]eekHi. I have a monitor plugged into my laptop. Is it possible to make the laptop screen separate from the monitor screen, so that when I move my mouse to its edge, it doesn't automatically shift over to the other screen?17:20
g[r]eekBasically I want to be able to see my laptop screen's contents, but I never need to move my mouse to it (and on the rare occasion that I do, I can just press some kind of shortcut to make it the active / focused screen. Is that possible?17:21
neurochromedli, well what do you know... that worked.  I'm going to go buy a bottle of rum and get s***faced.  I need a drink.17:22
g[r]eekThe best would be to be able to dedicate a workspace to it.17:23
g[r]eekIs it possible to dedicate a workspace to a 2nd screen?17:23
g[r]eekCause with the default settings, when both screens are on / active, the taskbar only appears on the one.17:24
alticeg[r]eek: do you mean have a separate logon X session?17:24
g[r]eekaltice, I'm not sure what that means :(17:24
alticehehe alright, well good news is that's already a built in option with your display settings17:25
alticeyou can have each screen have it's own login and thus it's own task bar17:25
g[r]eekaltice, ok cool how do I go about that?17:25
Ziaixdli: thanks, have installed lxde and it does what I want :)17:25
alticein screen settings17:25
alticeusing nvidia graphics drivers?17:26
g[r]eekaltice, my laptop has ATI graphics card17:26
alticehmm, okay well I'm not super sure on ATI settings, but I'd assume they're similar17:26
g[r]eekaltice, where are these "screen settings" you speak of? In my System menu there is only "Monitor settings" which doesn't seem to have any options for adjusting logon session etc17:27
alticewell, in nvidia, it's under a setting for how you want the extra monitor to display a screen17:27
alticeg[r]eek: you can either have a "twin view" which extends the current desktop OR a separate "X Screen"17:28
g[r]eekYeah I want that latter17:28
alticein NVIDIA it's under the "X server display configuration" tab17:28
alticenot sure for ATI17:29
alticetrying to find that out17:29
AviMarcusHi folks. I messed with the "system wide" proxy settings, and now I seem to be unable to change the proxy settings within chrome using switchy. How can I "undo" or remove the system wide proxy settings? Thx!17:29
tftechHello, I need help with Video drivers17:30
dliAviMarcus, system wide proxy? printenv|grep -i proxy17:30
AviMarcusdli, all_proxy=socks://
AviMarcusis one of 4 lines17:32
alticeg[r]eek: having trouble finding screen shots on the GUI, I'd suggest just playing around/look for the setting I'm talking about, it exists17:32
AviMarcusthat's the stuff I set.17:32
g[r]eekaltice, ok thanks will do17:32
g[r]eekaltice, I'm going to leave this channel now because it's a bit noisy. I'll pop back in if I come right17:32
alticegood deal, peace17:32
dliAviMarcus, find out where it's set17:33
AviMarcusso.. dli if I just unset it in the terminal I'm good ?17:33
AviMarcusuh ok. How do I do that?17:33
dliAviMarcus, it could be like: ~/.bash* , or ~/.config/17:33
dliAviMarcus, grep all_proxy .bash*17:34
wols_AviMarcus: grep -r all_proxy ~17:34
claire3244hi guys, has anyone had any luck getting a 3 mobile internet dongle to work under 11.04?17:34
AviMarcuswols now that's inclusive :P17:35
wols_AviMarcus: not really. misses dotfiles17:35
claire3244-and if so, can i get some help?17:35
AviMarcusso.. it will miss the .bash  then?17:35
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claire3244Hi, I'm wondering can anyone help me with a mobile internet dongle17:36
dliAviMarcus, find ~ -type f -exec grep -H all_proxy {} \;17:37
joeoshawahello i am using ubuntu 11.04 and libreoffice won't open17:37
joeoshawai am trying to do a school assignment so its kinda a serious issue17:37
claire3244joe, open it in the terminal and tell us the errors17:37
joeoshawa[Java framework] Error in function createSettingsDocument (elements.cxx).17:38
joeoshawajavaldx failed!17:38
claire3244update java17:38
dlijoeoshawa, what does it mean, when 'won't open'17:38
claire3244did you install restricted extras?17:38
Guest96362I cannot open a pass-protected pdf, it just errors out saying it is not supported, are there any other powerpoint programs that will open it?17:39
dliGuest96362, tried adobe reader?17:39
claire3244hey can anyone help me?17:39
Guest96362no not yet17:40
Guest96362I was hoping for a program that wasn't too invasive17:40
ThinkT510Guest96362: what are you using to open the pdf?17:41
alticeGuest96362: don't use a power point program to open a PDF, not going to work. Use a PDF specific program there's lots to choose one. I like okular as it has a lot of features.17:43
ThinkT510to open a pdf?17:43
milen8204Anyone knows a program which can save my phone contacts on the computer17:43
milen8204trough bluethoot17:43
alticemilen8204: what kind of phone do you have?17:43
ThinkT510Guest96362: why don't you use evince oe xpdf?17:43
milen8204Sonny ericson cedar17:44
Guest96362it's a pps - sorry I'm stil battling with a few pdf's, this is a pass-protected (i have the pass) but openoffice will not open it.17:44
alticeis it a smart-phone? I'm not familiar w/ that model17:44
maulanahai all. am need remove panel bar on left at ubuntu 11.04 how to?17:45
milen8204I want to save the contacts on the computer and then to upload to my smart phone17:45
andrewSi just had to format my machine from ubuntu 10.04 to (now) 11.xx. I had a dsa key saved i guess on my local drive? now it is gone. is there any way for me to connect to a secure server as before just using the public key i sent to my boss when he setup the username/account/key?17:45
ThinkT510!fr | abat_lamisere17:45
ubottuabat_lamisere: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:45
Guest96362I thought that openoffice impress might have opened it..:(17:46
alticemaulana: log out of your current screen, and when prompted to log back in (after clicking on the user name and being presented a password box) look at the bottom bar of the screen and click on "ubuntu classic" for your desktop session17:46
joeoshawaomg nothing works i can't start xchat unless its from terminal17:46
andrewSuse "xchat &" to retain control of your console17:46
joeoshawaok how do i update java17:46
maulanabut am need top bar, couse that make my pc like mac :)17:46
g[r]eekaltice, just out of curiosity, assuming I got the separate X login session on my other screen to work, how would I switch my keyboard / mouse between the two screens?17:47
alticemilen8204: you need to check on the manufactures website to see if that phone supports it first, Since it's not a typical smart phone then I cannot say. Bluetooth is touchy. Sometimes companies don't build in support for the PUSH option of it17:47
ThinkT510!classic | maulana17:47
ubottumaulana: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".17:47
alticeg[r]eek: download a program called "quicksynergy" and setup the client/server relationship between them. Then you can use both the mouse and keyboard seemlessly17:47
maulanaThinkT510, how can i modification fo unity of ubuntu 11.0417:48
alticebtw it should be in the ubuntu repositories17:48
milen8204altice, I checked but no sing of contacts downloading program17:48
g[r]eekaltice, ok thanks17:48
ThinkT510maulana: i don't use unity, i prefer xfce17:49
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joeoshawai tried installing sun java6 from the repos and no go17:49
alticeno not a contacts downloading program. the phone has to support it in the first place.17:49
maulanaxfce what ?17:49
ThinkT510!xubuntu | maulana17:49
ubottumaulana: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels17:49
joeoshawajava is intalled but libreoffice still not working17:49
alticemilen8204: can you connect via bluetooth already? Once you do what are some options from your phone? push contacts? push anything?17:50
alticethat's the key17:50
milen8204altice, I conect whit bluetooth just whit the SD card17:50
milen8204and have no access to contacts17:51
alticemaulana: Both ThinkT510 and myself have given you the exact directions you need to change from the Unity desktop to the classic Gnome. Try that first.17:51
maulanaaltice, that heve done, thanks17:51
alticeMilen8204: not sure what you mean by that sentence,. try rephrasing17:51
alticemaulana: cheers!17:52
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crc32Ok. I'm on ubuntu 10.04 and it looks like scripts in rcN.d arn't being run at boot. What does it take to get scripts such as S91glassfish to start in ubuntu 10.04?17:52
FenixdeuxHi I need a new OS for my VPS the old one is like Fedora Core 6 ( ancien ) so is this Ubuntu 10.04 Server edition good17:52
rwwFenixdeux: 10.04 should be fine.17:53
ThinkT510!upstart | crc3217:53
ubottucrc32: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/17:53
FenixdeuxI need only tripwire, iptables and LAMP17:53
milen8204altice, When I connect to the phone whit my PC bluetooth I have access only to files which are in SD card17:53
chopinhey folks ... all signs point to evince supporting xps but i can't select a xps file to read it in ... using the latest version according to ubuntu 11.04 apt repos.17:53
milen8204In SD card have no phonebook17:53
maulanahttp://www.xfce.org/images/about/screenshots/4.8-1.png are the xfec like this ?17:53
alticemilen8284: from your phone's point of view, what are some bluetooth options? Does it have the PUSH feature I'm talking about?17:54
ThinkT510maulana: yes that is xfce, it's very customizable17:54
chopinanyone have a reliable way to read xps files? okular printouts are horrible, but at least i can read them ... need to port the xps to pdf or print it the way it looks when i view it via okular.17:54
maulanaare that stable and esy for used17:54
milen8204altice, no just browse files and send files17:55
ThinkT510maulana: yes, it is stable and easy to use17:55
g[r]eekaltice, do you mind if I pm you17:55
alticeg[r]eel: sure17:55
maulanai will try17:55
chopinhah, nvm .... http://www.xps2pdf.org/ ftw17:55
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ThinkT510maulana: hope you like it17:55
Fenixdeuxrww I'm really happy with my 11.04 Xubuntu I have on my other laptop17:55
crc32ThinkT510 thats great that upstart is replaceing SysV startups but I these upstart docs seem to spend time just convincing me that I should use upstart but don't seem to be showing me how to use it at all.17:56
rwwFenixdeux: I'd recommend sticking to LTS on a server, hence 10.04.17:56
alticemilen8204: can you copy your phonebook to anything? Btw all these options are going to be phone specific and not linux specific. My suggestion at this point would be to start googling your phone make/model with tag lines "download phone book bluetooth" included17:56
Fenixdeuxrww: yeah. LTS is nice17:56
crc32My question for now is Is ubuntu 10.04 no longer honoring the /etc/rcN.d symlinks?17:56
jiflican someone point me to a document that decribes the ubuntu boot process17:56
andrewSwhat's the code to generate a dsa public/private key pair please from console?17:56
milen8204altice, thanks for the help but I have google it all ready17:57
ThinkT510crc32: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html17:57
fmauroandrewS: ssh-keygen -tdsa17:57
Fenixdeuxand I've used debian based systems so I know to aptget install this that and thatoneoverthere ..17:57
alticemilen8204: sorry then, it's specific to your phone. I have a blackberry, what works for me probably will not work for you17:57
aleperaltaHello all, I'm using hardy in a server and I've just installed the postgresql-8.4 backports, and it's running fine, but now I need postgresql-8.4-postgis but that isn't supplied by the backports. I've also checked out the ppa UbuntuGis but postgresql-8.4-postgis isn't supplied by the ppa. What choices do I have besides compiling17:57
Guest96362is there any way one can play .pps files in ubuntu, pass-protected or not? Impress does not work with pass-protected ones :(17:58
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Fenixdeuxpiece of cake.. except.. does the 10.04 Server Edition have some sane set of defeault configuration for it17:58
Fenixdeuxof tripwire17:58
FenixdeuxI couldn't get that running on my last box17:58
ThinkT510evo4360bhp: a longwinded way would be to install msoffice under wine17:58
milen8204altice, I thik so , thanks for that you have tried to help me17:58
evo4360bhpooooer :(17:58
sushanttHi. I have a ATI Radeon HD 6470 and just installed Ubuntu 11.04. I installed the drivers available from jocket-gtk manager. But the machine never reaches the Login screen. and there are visually distorted lines on the screen.17:59
crc32ThinkT510: So is ubuntu 10.04 no longer honoring /etc/rcN.d in favor of using the unstable upstart system?17:59
Fenixdeuxrww: relay my kindest thanks to all the people who put in hard work so I can have a really nice free OS XD XD XD18:00
AviMarcusuhm dli wols_ I changed something and now I can't find that proxy setting int he printenv at all.18:00
evo4360bhpis gnome 3 useable yet ?18:00
ThinkT510crc32: it can only use one init system at a time, so only upstart is supported (i prefer the way arch does it)18:00
andrewSthanks fmauro18:00
AviMarcusI found http_proxy folder but I don't see what settings inside should be changed18:00
fmauroandrewS: glad to help18:00
maulanaall am open my terminal and how to cheng maulana@maulana-Lenovo-G460:/$18:00
maulana to maulana@pc:/$ ?????18:00
milen8204altice, I found a program coled wammu may be it can help18:01
crc32ThinkT510: I just think its a really bad idea to have the disclaimer "the Job file format is not stable yet, so if you upgrade upstart later you may need to fix existing files" yet upstart is already configured during the install. :(18:01
ThinkT510crc32: like i said, i prefer the way arch does it (much like the bsds); i don't know much about upstart but it isn't my decision which init system ubuntu decides to support and implement18:02
oratedWill ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso work both for 32 and 64 bit systems?18:03
oCeanaleperalta: it seems there's a PPA called ubuntugis-unstable, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ubuntugis-unstable, with hardy packages. I'm not familiar with it though. You could also try #ubuntu-server, since there's specific server support18:03
crc32ThinkT510: Its cool. I'll see what I can get out of it. :|18:04
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ThinkT510orated: yes 64bit cpus will run both 32 and 6418:04
aleperaltaoCean: thanks for your reply, I did try it but it didn't supply the right packages, I'll ask in #ubuntu-server18:04
altinhello can anyone tell me how can I install nvidia recomended drivers for ubuntu via terminal cuz i uninstalled them and now the ubuntu wont boot18:04
altinit stays loading18:05
oratedThinkT510: Yeah, 64 bit can handle both. But is i386 iso designed for both 32 and 64 bit?18:05
bullgard4Why do exist 2 different directories /var/log/unattended-upgrades/ and /var/log/dist-upgrades in Natty? (Both are empty with me.)18:05
ThinkT510orated: it will work whether you have a 64bit or 32bit cpu18:06
oratedThinkT510: Alright. Thanks again :-)18:06
ThinkT510orated: np18:06
altincan anyone tell me how can I install nvidia recomended drivers for ubuntu via terminal cuz i uninstalled them and now the ubuntu wont boot18:06
jiflican someone point me to a document that decribes the ubuntu boot process, step by step, chronologically?18:08
sushant@altin : you can do a sudo apt-get install nvidia- and press tab to select drivers for your model18:09
crc32In upstart how can I see a list of events that I can choose to configure my upstart job to start on. For example I see some jobs start on the "filesystem" event. Is there a list somewhere?18:10
trismbullgard4: /var/log/unattended-upgrades/ is part of the unattended-upgrades packages, which allows you to automatically install security upgrades, /var/log/dist-upgrade/ is part of update-manager-core and I believe it will contain logs of upgrading between releases (10.10 -> 11.04 for example)18:10
jiflicrc32: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28281/what-events-are-available-for-upstart18:11
crc32Danm I'm on 10.04 this doc doesn't seem to apply to me at all. :|18:13
electrallanyone successfully installed VMPK? I've just installed it, but no sounds out18:15
crc32Since upstart doesn't look ready for 10.04 is there a way to revert back to the systemV startup for ubuntu 10.04? Seems I keep falling further down the rabbit hole when I try to configure upstart.18:16
joeoshawaupdated java and libreoffice still not working18:16
joeoshawageneral error occured while trying to access your central configuration18:17
nsd_I'm having trouble with a server connecting to the network here. I have a server and client machine both connected to a switch. I had asked two hours ago about this problem and was advised to look into manual routing, but I got nowhere with it. I can ping the server from the desktop, and I've stopped the firewall on it, but yet I can't ssh into it. I was able to ssh into it just a few hours ago, however.18:17
nsd_The situation is just deteriorating the more I work on it... The switch connects to a wireless bridge that connects those two machines to the rest of the network, but while the desktop can use it just fine, the server can't18:18
nsd_The server is running apache, and I can see that it's serving pages fine from the aforementioned desktop....18:19
NERDLINEhi guys, how to open .iso from 2 seperate .rar files? ( tried to use unrar-all and archive manager, failed on both)18:19
crc32Anyone know what happened to /etc/inittab? Its not on my systems which seems really alien.18:19
ThinkT510!rar | NERDLINE18:19
ubottuNERDLINE: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free18:19
macocrc32: ubuntu doesn't use sysv init18:19
NERDLINE!info unrar-free18:20
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (natty), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB18:20
maco!upstart | crc3218:20
ubottucrc32: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/18:20
nsd_crc32: Look in /etc/init.d18:20
crc32http://upstart.ubuntu.com/faq.html#example-jobs-what <-- While trying to read I noticed it references iniittab :( so even this example doc doesn't apply to me.18:20
macobah, someone let the docs get out of date18:20
NERDLINEthanks...found the multivolume paragraph, however my 2 files dont contain 001, 002 endings.. :|18:22
bullgard4trism: I found your statement very useful and could confirm using another Lucid computer of mine.  --  Thank you very much for your help.18:22
crc32I am not running 11.04 so I can't "man upstart-events" to see a list of events to choose from. I'm trying to use upstart and I'm just trying to find a list of events I can schedule this job to run at. :|18:23
TheRedOctoberHi all.  What is the best free pdf editor for basic users?18:24
nsd_Anyone know why ssh would inextricably stop working?18:24
TheRedOctoberMalware: nice:)18:24
joaoapt-cache search xpdf*18:24
Malwarensd_ deleting something you need18:24
MalwareI did that on a VPS once18:24
Malwaremake sure you are using " " if you are rm -rf'ing :p18:25
nsd_Malware: Hmmph.... it's not that, it's my network18:25
nsd_Malware: My network is a total mess right now18:25
Malwarei learned my lesson  for not using " " when rm -rf'ing. :p18:25
nsd_Malware: I hear ya18:25
yo123how to map network drive on ubuntu18:27
Malwareugh......i don't know.18:27
dvdrany suggestions for the best way to encrypt a folder under ubuntu? I'm trying to help a buddy who has no command line or linux knowledge so something simple would be nice. Ive seen a few ideas out there on google but please let me know what you think is best18:27
Malwaredvdr *_* hide it in a billion sub folders18:27
Malwarethats what I do18:27
dvdrMalware: Nice, but not quite secure enough!18:28
ubottuTruecrypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume18:28
th0rdvdr: once it is set up gpa does a decent (and easy) job18:28
Malwaremake a billion sub folders in folders and put shit in there thats top secret18:28
oCeanMalware: that's not really helpful18:29
Malwareyes it is.18:29
Malware:| Some people may find it helpful18:29
MalwareI do18:29
Malwarejust don't do it, yo. if you has problem take it up with me in pm, kthxbai?18:29
Alexis15excuse me pls18:29
dvdrBHSPitMonkey: ok thanks. Ill look into that18:30
* wols_ excuses Alexis15 18:30
BHSPitMonkeyAlexis15: you're excused.18:30
Alexis15i have kinda a long question pls lol18:30
oCeanMalware: your answer has nothing to do with encryption. Hiding anything in milions of folders is very easy to find18:30
dvdrth0r: thanks ill look it up18:30
MalwareoCean, I can encrypt it18:30
Malwareits called 7zip password protection18:31
Alexis15ok, so i 15 but my summer job is i help old people fix their computer for them and the laptop i have.. it was super slow right18:31
yo123does anybody know how to map network drive on ubuntu?18:31
Alexis15so i was trying to change things from PIO to DMA.. and the HDD just like died18:31
Alexis15and i cant boot up W7 on it at all.. so i used puppy linux to get to the computer18:31
wols_Alexis15: this is ubuntu related how?18:31
Alexis15the question is this18:31
Malware<Alexis15> and i cant boot up W7 on it at all.. so i used puppy linux to get to the computer18:31
Alexis15how can i use puppy linux to recover her files, and system restore so that w7 will be bran new on it18:31
Malwareshe said she used puppy linux18:31
wols_Alexis15: we don't know, don't care and you are OT. please go away18:32
Alexis15if she finds out i like crashed her hdd she will tell all her friends im a bad computer fixer and then they wont let me help n e more :(18:32
Alexis15whats OT?18:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:32
Alexis15ok well i asked in puppy linux18:32
Alexis15and the jerks said i should ask here18:32
Alexis15so this is a bit unfair18:32
Malwarealexis15, lolol'd.18:32
Alexis15cant u just pls tell me at least what i cna google18:33
wols_I don't believe they did. in any way: we don't know about puppy linux or care about it. and this is not the right place to ask about fixing windows7. so please don't18:33
Alexis15so i can have like a clue18:33
crc32I'm just going to ask straight up. Does anyone know how to list the available list of events some one can start an upstart job at. I'm looking through the upstart docs but they are clearly in flux.18:33
Malwarenobody here uses windows >_>18:33
wols_crc32: politely put18:33
Alexis15let me ask you this18:33
oCeanAlexis15: this is ubuntu support. Support for puppy is in#puppylinux18:33
oCeanMalware: sure, many are using windows18:33
Alexis15if you know nothing about windows, ur about useless to 80% of society who uses windows wouldnt you agree18:33
Malwareew, oCean. nasty. Windows is a sin.18:34
oCeanAlexis15: please drop that discussion18:34
Alexis15how does it feel to be useless and ignorant to the majortiy of the nation18:34
Malware<Alexis15> if she finds out i like crashed her hdd she will tell all her friends im a bad computer fixer and then they wont let me help n e more :(18:34
Malwarelol ^18:34
NERDLINEseeking some guidance unpacking file.part1.rar and file.part2.rar into 1 fail which will be iso [ tried unrar-free :( ]18:36
Malwarewho users .rar?18:36
Malwarejust like right click the file and unpack it dood.18:36
wols_NERDLINE: unrar programs can unpack split files easily if they can unpack the archive at all. but for rar v3.5 archives you need the non-free unrar18:37
crc32does anyone have any files in their /etc/event.d directory?18:37
NERDLINEit will unpack only 1 archive...it forgets other archive Malware18:37
NERDLINEweird stuff18:37
wols_Malware: this is not a social channel. can't you please ramble on #ubuntu-offtopic instead?18:37
MozoOin ubuntu do we have any proxy cache package and does it have any web interface?18:37
Malwarewols_ shut the fuck up dood. I'm giving support to these niggers18:37
wols_MozoO: there are tons of proxies, but why do they need web interfaces?18:38
rwwMozoO: I've used privoxy occasionally in the past, I know it has a web UI18:39
joeoshawafor people having a problem opening Libreoffice the fix is this  sudo chown -R joe.joe /home/joe/.libreoffice18:39
MozoOwols_:  to give the url to some admins to check the log files?18:39
MozoOwols_: just read about a good one named squid but does it have any WEB UI?18:40
wols_I'm pretty sure someone somewhere made a tool to read logs via web...18:40
wols_tho why it's needed is not entirely clear when there is less, grep and the like18:41
crc32ok. on my system I can see the file "/etc/rcN.d/S15bind9" and bind9 is running on this system, but there is no bind9 config in /etc/init. This implies both sysv scripts are starting as well as jobs managed by upstart. How is this possible?18:41
crc32I was told it was either one or the other.18:42
=== tristanseifert is now known as ts|cleansing
Xodiac13can someone please point me in the right direction of which wireless hardware to by for a pci xpress 16 slot that is compatible and out of the box for ubuntu 11.04 64bit version18:45
wols_Xodiac13: usually atheros based cards. no firmware, direct linux kernel support18:45
sleeprso.. i cant get any connection when i use Wubi, not wireless and not even via cable :x any ideas?18:46
Xodiac13wols_ : are there any new current ones i can buy like if i were to go by bestbuy18:46
Xodiac13wols_ : cause the problem i ran into my usb wireless device is not supported yet and plus i want one that i can put into the desktop using the pci x1618:46
oxseynI'm install Ubuntu 11.04 server x64 from CDROM to a 2GB flash/ide drive.  It fails every time on "Select and install software" about 50% through.  The only "option" selected is SSH Server.  Any ideas?18:47
wols_Xodiac13: there are no cards for a pci-e x16 slot. you can put a normal pci-e 1y one in (tho they are a bit rare for pci-e) tho that's a waste18:47
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN18:48
wols_and naming specific brand or card names is a waste of time since they change monthly18:48
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wols_oxseyn: fails how?18:48
Xodiac13wols_ : so what do you recommened to get most out of my wireless and im able to put it into a slot and have it work out of the box or at least config it a little18:48
oxseynwols_: The only feedback i get is: "Installation step failed ... the failing step is "Select and install software."18:49
wols_Xodiac13: I already told you18:49
oxseynwols_: That's the third time I've tried.  The base install goes just fine.18:49
wols_oxseyn: then don't install software at all18:49
mrwinkydinkyanybody here have a general understanding of how magnets work18:49
oxseynwols_: i'll give that a try, see what happens.18:49
Xodiac13wols_: yeah but you said its rare for pci-e and did you say that even if its not it will still work in the slot anyways18:49
mrwinkydinkyi think i came up with an idea to perpetuate magnetic energy18:49
wols_mrwinkydinky: is ubuntu a magnet?18:49
mrwinkydinkyubuntu is not a magnet18:50
mrwinkydinkybut the components in the hardware are magnetic, some of them anyways18:50
wols_mrwinkydinky: then go away until you have proof that ubuntu is a magnet. goodbye18:50
mrwinkydinkydon't goodbye me missy18:50
mrwinkydinkyoh, ha18:51
mrwinkydinkyi'm in the wrong chat room18:51
guest123456hi everyone18:51
mrwinkydinky1000 pardons18:51
mrwinkydinkygood bye18:51
guest123456does anyone here have demonoid invite codes?18:51
rwwguest123456: that's offtopic for this network, please don't ask here.18:52
guest123456whats the topic?18:52
rwwguest123456: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support.18:52
guest123456does anyone know how to get flash not to lose focus in full scree (w/ multiple screens) and working on another window?18:53
Stef__Hi, i want to set up a mail-server. Is there someone who has a good tutorial for this? Thanks18:53
NERDLINE!info unrar-free18:54
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (natty), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB18:54
pi_how do I get to the kernel boot line on startup in 10.04?18:54
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots18:55
pi_please can someone tell me how to edit the grub line on startup? do I hold down shift?18:55
pi_please can someone tell me how to edit the grub line on startup? do I hold down shift?18:55
pi_please can someone tell me how to edit the grub line on startup? do I hold down shift?18:56
ldrpress e18:56
szal!repeat | pi_18:56
ubottupi_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:56
ldrfor edit18:56
pi_ok, I'll try thanks18:56
chenthupi: if u dont get the grub boot options hold shift while booting18:57
chenthupi: then press 'e' to edit18:57
* szal sees that chenthu likes talking to ppl who aren't there ;)18:58
pi_hi, "e" didnt work18:58
ldrpi: if your question is how to do change it persitend and not just for one boot look in /etc/grub.d and do update-grub18:58
chenthuszal: lol...18:58
pi_ldr, I'd like to edit the line on startup - I cant seem to access the kernel line18:58
pi_i'm 10.0418:58
wols_pi_: press right shift, yes18:59
pi_ok I'll try right shift, thanks18:59
Xodiac13does anyone know any good wireless desktop cards that are compatible with ubuntu 11.04 64bit18:59
ldrpi: just select the grub menupoint you want to change, press e, scroll to the line you want to change press enter edit the line and press b for boot18:59
Xodiac13off the bat18:59
Piciloki_: again, they're not here anymore.19:00
nos09does anyone knows why facebook-chat plugin is not working in pidgin-2.7.1119:00
crc32Why am I getting "unknown" when I execute "runleve" how can my system be in an unknown runlevel?19:00
aztek[tum]if i ps -ef and in the CMD field it shows a - instead of the full command, what does that mean?19:01
crc32Is ubuntu getting rid of runlevels too? WTF?19:01
dliXodiac13, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported19:01
Pici!runlevels | crc3219:02
ubottucrc32: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.19:02
Xodiac13dli: thanks19:02
Picicrc32: And we're not the only ones using upstart19:02
szalPici: no, but some distros are switching to systemd19:02
crc32Pici? I've heard the upstart spill before but I'm asking is ubuntu getting rid of the notion of runlevels too?19:03
nos09does anyone knows why facebook-chat plugin is not working in pidgin-2.7.1119:03
Picicrc32: They should still exist despite us using upstart.19:03
crc32Pici: is runlevel "UNKNOWN" appropriate.19:03
crc32Pici: Yes I see it on another ubuntu system but on another machine runlevel is "unknown" and I believe this is why my SNN startup scripts aren't running.19:04
Picicrc32: Not on my machines, weird.19:04
crc32yea I'm researching it now but I'm getting references to /etc/inittab which doesn't apply to me. :|19:05
ldrmaybe some fancy security stuff prevents you from reading the runlevel as normal user?19:05
crc32Pici: When you run "runlevel" your getting N 2 right?19:05
oCeancrc32: do you use encrypted partition?19:05
pi_hi - right shift worked thanks - couldnt fix my problem though, I have a black border around my screen - ati card, installed the proprietry catalyst driver - anyone know a fix?19:06
th0rcrc32: have you tried it with sudo? In debian it is a root command19:06
crc32this machine has been rebooted several times and theirs no prompt for a crypto key19:06
trismcrc32: there was a bug in earlier versions of 10.04 that caused it to go into runlevel unknown, but it should be fixed in an up-to-date system19:06
crc32yes I'm root19:06
oCeantrism: oh right19:07
roothai all19:07
oCeancrc32: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/54350619:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 543506 in upstart (Ubuntu) "Some services not started on boot, runlevel returns "unknown" (dup-of: 554172)" [High,Confirmed]19:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 554172 in linux (Ubuntu) "system services using "console output" not starting at boot" [High,Confirmed]19:07
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Picicrc32: I see "N 2" on my Ubuntu servers, but these are either running 10.04 or were upgraded from that.19:08
Guest42117hey anyes19:08
Guest42117hew ru??19:08
crc32I run sudo apt-get upgrade but all I get is "The following packages have been kept back linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server" 3 not upgraded.19:10
Picicrc32: you should be able to use dist-upgrade to get those19:11
ldrcrc32: what about dist-upgrade?19:11
ThinkT510!backports | orated19:11
ubottuorated: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging19:11
crc32Yea I want to run that but will it try to bump me to 11.04 or will it upgrade 10.04Lts19:11
runicfoxcrc32, you should also be able to use sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade19:11
Pici!dist-upgrade | crc3219:12
ubottucrc32: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.19:12
crc32I just hope this machine still boots afterwords. I don't have access to the DRAC interface.19:13
crc32DRAC = KVM over ip. If networking and ssh don't come up this is a lost node.19:13
pi_hi, i have a huge black border around my desktop can anyone help?19:16
crc32the dist-upgrade didn't fix it. My uptime is less then 1 minute and I still show runlevel "unknown"19:16
=== kitia is now known as spei
pi_c'mon there's 1552 people in here surely someone knows how to get rid of this black border19:18
wols_pi_: interaction between your videocard(driver) and your monitor19:19
pi_my graphics card is ati hd 5xxx19:19
wols_set it to the proper resolution for your monitor and it goes away19:19
pi_i installed the proprietry driver when prompted19:19
pi_it won't let me set it wols_19:19
jiffeI don't think connection sharing is what I want19:20
jiffeNAT won't allow both subnets to be publically accessible19:20
pi_the resolution is set at 1920 x 1080 which is correct19:20
pi_it seems ubuntu thinks my monitor is smaller19:21
TheRedOctoberHi all.  How do you keep the screen from going black when using tty?19:22
PolahTheRedOctober: You mean when using it or just when it switches?19:22
joaowhat o.o'' ?19:23
TheRedOctoberPolah: when using it...in my server room I want to be able to keep nmon on and not have to walk over and hit a key (or find a keyboard to hit a key on) everytime I want to see what the load is19:23
mgjTheRedOctober, ssh to the server? :P19:24
oCean!google | oCean19:24
ubottuoCean, please see my private message19:24
g0tResults for | oCean on Google:19:24
crc32My runlevel is "unknown" and this is disturbinmg. :|19:25
PolahTheRedOctober: Sounds like you'd need to edit power options to stop Ubuntu turning off the display after an amount of time.19:25
PolahWhat does pulseaudio have a default nice value of -11? It doesn't seem to make much sense to have a sound server as such a high priority.19:25
DeviceZer0hello all. Is there anyway i can make the scrollbar stand out more? its hard to find the little slider as its pretty much the same color as the whole slider19:25
=== Betrug is now known as Jezebel
wols_Polah: it does19:25
Polahwols_: I meant to say why does it set it to -11.19:26
TheRedOctoberPolah: no X running here, and this isn't strictly an Ubuntu question...I would rather not have this feature and turn off the monitor when I want it off...19:26
TheRedOctoberPolah: found it, "setterm -powersave off -blank 0"19:27
PolahTheRedOctober: This seems to be what you want, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-disable-screen-blanking-screen-going-blank.html specifically setterm -powersave off -blank 019:27
TheRedOctoberrock on19:27
aryanHi, I'm having a problem with a USB webcam. It was working fine on another PC running 10.10, but now I've connected it to a new PC running natty and it only shows a blank screen19:28
aryanThe output of cheese is: libv4l2: error turning on stream: No space left on device19:29
aryanDoes anyone have an idea?19:29
G00053is there a hotkey to open nautilus ?19:29
goodtimeyeah you dont seem to have the space to install cheese aryan19:30
aryanno, cheese is installed19:30
goodtimethen you dont have enoughf to take a shot19:30
mangolianwhat was the command along the lines of "sudo apt-get build-essential" ?19:30
Polaharyan: What other USB devices do you have plugged in/running. Also, try plugging the webcam into a different USB hub (i.e. on the front of the computer rather than the back)19:30
Polahmangolian: To do what, exactly?19:31
mangolianto get the C stuff19:31
oCeanmangolian: to install: sudo apt-get install build-essential19:31
mangolianthat's what I was looking for19:31
aryanThanks Polah,  I've tried various USb ports (front and back) with same effects. I've got a headset, a mouse and keyboard connected, all USB. they all work fine19:31
=== project is now known as Project
Polaharyan: not just different ports, a different hub. Your USB ports on the front should be on a separate hub from the USB ports on the back.19:32
raluxgazaHey guys what good terminal based gui will you recommend for me19:34
Polaharyan: Ah, I missed the bit where you said front and back. My mistake. It could be a driver incompatibility issue since you've upgraded your Ubuntu distribution. I just though it could've been a USB bandwidth issue19:34
Polahraluxgaza: What do you mean? Most desktop environments will have a terminal-type application that comes with them. Ubuntu has a command line by default that's accessible without a desktop environment. On a regular install, Ctrl+Alt+F1 through F6 will give you six command line interfaces you can use.19:35
adacwhich logging mechanism is the standard one in ubuntu? rsyslog?19:35
aryanThanks Polah, I think you were right about the USB bandwidth issue19:35
Polaharyan: Ah, it works now?19:35
aryanI just tried it to a different port at the back (different to the one I had tried before) and it works19:36
raluxgazaPolah, sorry I want clear enough, I mean I want to get ride of gnome and install a window manager without any UI just terminal19:36
Polaharyan: Ah, there you go them (:19:36
oCeanadac: yes, rsyslog19:37
Polahraluxgaza: You don't need any window manager or desktop environment then. Like I said, using the other six TTYs will give you a plain cli19:37
sandprickleanybody care to give advice on a grub issue?19:37
sandprickleor not really a grub issue19:38
Polahsandprickle: If it's to do with Ubuntu, yes. Although you still might have better luck in #grub19:38
sandprickleyou tell me:19:38
sandpricklei had Ubuntu installed,19:38
sandpricklebut i had several other partitions set up19:38
oCeansandprickle: try to describe your issue in single line19:38
sandprickleI installed Windows XP in the NTFS partition and I think it overwrote grub in the mbr19:39
adacoCean, is there a difference between syslog and rsynclog?19:39
Picisandprickle: See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub19:40
Polahsandprickle: Boot up from a LiveCD, open up a terminal and do : grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/sdX19:40
Polahsandprickle: Replace the X after sd with the correct device letter19:40
adacoCean, sorry: syslog and rsyslog19:40
sandprickleok. thanks19:40
mangolianI'm dual booting ubuntu and windows19:41
mangolianhow do I access the data on the partions for windows?19:41
mangolianwhile on ubuntu19:41
mangolianI can get to C19:41
mangolianbut not to E19:41
FloodBot1mangolian: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:41
mangolian(ubuntu is located in E)19:41
Picimangolian: Did you install using Wubi?19:42
oCeanadac: I don't think ubuntu repositories offer package syslog. I'm not sure but I think the old syslog did not have the extended capabilities that rsyslog has.19:42
Picimangolian: Then you should be able to see your data in /host/19:43
edwardthefmahey all19:43
chenthuis it posible to just install the plasma desktop of kde instead of whole?19:43
Galvatronmangolian Wubi is not the best idea, ince the requirements of Windows and Linux sum up, as well as it may cause some unusual issues.19:43
adacps aux | grep syslog19:43
adacsyslog     219  0.0  0.0  12452   804 ?        Ss   Jun22   0:01 /sbin/syslogd -u syslog19:43
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
adacI'm on lucid19:44
mangolianwhat do you mean the requirements sum up?19:44
mangolianAnd thanks Pici  that worked19:44
oCeanadac: right. What's your actual question?19:44
edwardthefmahello all19:45
SinnerNyxi need to set up nfs on ubuntu-server. I've never done this before and could use some pointers. I need to set it up so that only 1 computer can access the shared folders.19:45
edbianhighline: hi19:47
edbianSinnerNyx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo19:47
adacoCean, I was just wondering: syslog == rsyslog ?19:49
SinnerNyxedbian: so I have to set up NIS to restrict the clients?19:50
edbianSinnerNyx: You can restrict clients by ip address in /etc/exports (or whatever the config file is).19:50
edbianSinnerNyx: NIS is used to restrict by user19:51
SinnerNyxedbian: oic. I misread it. Thanks.19:51
edbianSinnerNyx: sure :)19:51
jiffeI'm trying to migrate between IPs on 2 different subnets, I have 2 interfaces on the machine, is there anyway I can get both running simultaneously and publicly accessible?19:52
chenthuguys is Unity worth installing....can you share your experience?19:52
MozoOi have two directories named "gadmin-s (1)" & "gadmin-s (2)" and I want to 'cd' into the 2nd one. I type "cd gadmin-s " and then when I press TAB i can not go to the 2nd folder? how can I go into it? i think the problem is the space between 's' and '('??????19:52
=== fumanchu182 is now known as Evil_Hill_Billy
* edwardthefma is looking for a power pc live disc19:53
edbianchenthu: I like it.  It's installed in 11.04 by default.19:53
=== Evil_Hill_Billy is now known as fumanchu182
trismMozoO: either start the tab complete before the space, or escape the space: gadmin-s\ <tab>19:54
towneshaving trouble mounting a nikon coolpix camera. it seems to be a fairly common prob but so far I haven't found a solution19:54
ovbMozoO, try like this: cd gadmin-s\ \(2\)/19:54
ThinkT510!ppc | edwardthefma19:54
ubottuedwardthefma: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ19:54
townesanyone have suggestions?19:54
chenthuedbian; i know its installed by default in natty...i am jiust in the process o installing i am just wondering whether to install the desktop or not... :)19:54
DanaGSay, what does it take to get a working libva and xvba-video on Natty?19:55
chenthuedbian : what are the '+' and  '-' you would recomend?19:55
DanaGI've installed the upstream libva1 and xvba-video, but vainfo reports xfree-dri missing.19:55
DanaGXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".19:55
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townesBus 001 Device 006: ID 04b0:0181 Nikon Corp.19:56
MozoOovb:  :D thanks.. It works :P ;)19:56
towneslsusb knows the cam is connected19:56
ovbMozoO, cheers!19:56
towneshowever nothing is mounted19:56
edbianchenthu: Well the + is that it looks nice and actually considered that my screen is not 768 pixels high.  The - is that there is no window list applet (so you can't see what programs are running).19:56
chenthuedbian : thank you for sharing your opinion, is it worth a replacement for kde or gnome?19:57
edbianchenthu: Depends on the form factor IMO19:57
edbianchenthu: For a netbook YES19:57
=== Guest16722 is now known as nickSwe
ThinkT510chenthu: only you can decide whether it is suitable for you19:58
chenthuedbian: for a laptop19:58
edbianchenthu: eh, then I'd probably go classic ubuntu19:58
townesso yeah.....digital camera.....lsusb sees its......but....it's not mounted19:58
chenthuThinkT510: yeah but never used it so i asked... :)19:58
edbianThinkT510: Only you can prevent unity.19:58
townesor rather I can't get to it19:58
edbiantownes: Does it show up in the output of sudo fdisk -l ?19:59
edbianTameableExpert_: lulz19:59
TameableExpert_nice one edbian19:59
TameableExpert_New favorite quote19:59
townesim not sure edbian.....it really doesn't look like it to me19:59
townesI have sda 1 through 619:59
townesnone of them look like a cam19:59
chenthuedbian:thank u...i'll try if i dont like it i could always switch... :)19:59
Galvatronchenthu: Unity is very much like Mac OS X, with the most visible difference being the placement of the dock.19:59
townesone says HPFS/NTFS, other is extended, then Linux, then Linux swap20:00
chenthuGalvatron: Oh My I hate macbook20:00
townesto be honest I'm not sure if its showing up w/ fdisk but nothing sticks out to me there20:00
Galvatronchenthu: Why? OSX is just like Ubuntu with Compiz.20:00
TameableExpert_OSX is like ubuntu...20:01
edbiantownes: mess with the settings on the camera until you get it into MSC mode (instead of MTP) then it will show up in fdisk.20:01
TameableExpert_but I would choose the GNOME Desktop anyday20:01
townesedbian, k20:01
edbiantownes: fdisk lists attached storage devices.  hdd's usb drives, comeras...20:01
townesright, just none of those stuck out to me as being the cam20:02
chenthuGalvatron: Yeah But i dont know...i hate it...20:02
edbiantownes: pasetbin it paste.ubuntu.com  for me to see20:02
chenthuTameableExpert: Reason?20:03
Galvatronchenthu: Getting back to Unity - in my personal opinion Gnome + Cairo Dock is a better choice, since Cairo itself is way better than the thing in Unity.20:03
jiffeif I have 2 interfaces on different subnets, IFa and IFb, and the default gateway is on IFa, if a packet comes in on IFb from a non-local subnet, should the response to the packet be sent out IFa?20:03
TameableExpert_chenthu: I feel alot more comfortable with it. And with Unity... I disliked not being able to see my windows open at the bottom...20:04
chenthuGalvatron: hmmm.....20:04
TameableExpert_I did like the Unitys search feature though20:04
jiffeI have this situation right now where I am pinging the IP on IFb from an outside source and I don't see a response on any interface20:04
chenthuTaemableexpert: yeah that would be a problem for me as well20:04
townesedbian, I will once I figure out how to change the modes20:04
Galvatronchenthu: GNOME can be easily customized into Unity/OSX20:04
townesI don't see it in options20:04
TameableExpert_it drove me insane.20:04
edbiantownes: sure20:05
TameableExpert_chenthu: plus they messed with the format of the workspaces...20:05
oslinux23I found the driver's source of  a TV tuner, what I should do next ?20:05
edbiantownes: Not every camera has the option, just most.  If it does not then I don't know how to fix it.20:05
chenthuGalvatron: but something in me says i would go for KDE20:05
townesedbian, I'm thinking ti doesn't. nothing comes up on google for my model and those options20:06
edbiantownes: aww :(20:06
Galvatronchenthu: I'm yet to test KDE 4.7, but the 4.6.x line was a complete bloatware, with initial memory usage easily exceeding 500MB20:06
chenthuTameableExpert: I already am installing it now...will check and then decide...messing work spaces...now i am getting a lot of negatives that i wouold care20:06
townesedbian, at least lsusb shows it, that's a start20:06
TameableExpert_chenthu: They place the workspaces in a 2 x 2 zone... and I didn't see an option to add more or swap how they were areanged.20:07
chenthuGalvatron: Wow thats toomuch20:07
akash_I was upgrading 10.04 to 11.04 on my laptop..  at the final step of installation (1 min left) I am getting a blank screen with just the pointer visible and continous HDD activity20:08
akash_I am unable to move the pointer20:08
Galvatronchenthu: Also GNOME can look as good, with things like Murrine RGBA engine20:08
akash_any idea on what I should do now?20:08
TameableExpert_chenthu: murrine?20:08
abuchbinderI have a bug I filed on Pidgin, but I think the core dump has my IM password and such in it. How can I make the core dump private, but the bug report public?20:08
abuchbinderIt's bug 817119.20:08
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 817119 could not be found20:08
TameableExpert_chenthu: I shall google it20:08
Galvatronchenthu:And in the terms of funcionality, a difference is like 10%20:08
SinnerNyxfor nfs: The SettingUpNFSHowTo page states: "With NFS, a user's access to files is determined by his/her membership of groups on the client, not on the server." The intended client in this case is a windows machine. How does this translate? I really want the files to be accessible to anyone on the machine with a specific network IP.20:09
chenthuTeamableExpert: Glavatron: ahhh...now i am getting the reps for Gnome..should have chosen it better...but i just have to trry20:09
Galvatronchenthu: GNOME and KDE are pretty much on par in every single aspect.20:09
chenthuTeamableExpert: i never heared of murrine it too...20:09
edbianSinnerNyx: NFS does not support windows.  You must use smaba20:09
edbianSinnerNyx: Which also confuses me in the same question :P20:10
TameableExpert_chenthu: i am looking it up... it may be as cood as Compiz20:10
chenthuGalvatron: i was rading on abt gnome and kde but still couldnt make up my mind20:10
psichasdo you like dancee sambo? :D20:10
chenthuTeameableExpert: ok20:10
akash_I was upgrading 10.04 to 11.04 on my laptop..  at the final step of installation (1 min left) I am getting a blank screen with just the pointer visible and continous HDD activity20:10
chenthuGalvatron: What would you prefer?...and why?20:10
akash_any idea on what I should do now?20:10
chenthuakash: could be display graphics iussue20:11
akash_chenthu, SHould I try a hard restart? or leave it as it is?20:11
TameableExpert_chenthu: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=4275520:11
Galvatronchenthu: To me, KDE uses too much resources, compared to what it offers (just like Windows it tries to be like). Also, Compiz is still much better than Kwin.20:11
chenthuakash: press ctrl+alt+f2 and go in command prompt then search in ubuntuforums20:11
akash_its a lenovo R61 with intel integrated graphics20:12
chenthuTameableExpert; tq looking at it20:12
Galvatronchenthu: GNOME can do as fine, but on a much lower resource cost (pure GNOME takes like 200-250MB of RAM)20:12
chenthuGalvatron : Thats a wonderful point...will consider...20:13
akash_chenthu, ctrl+alt+f2 doesnt do anything .. I have a mouse pointer and a non blinking input prompt20:13
plasmoidiaAnyone have any experience with PLX PCI bridge chips?20:13
abuchbinderHi, all. I have a bug I filed on Pidgin, but I think the core dump has my IM password and such in it. How can I make the core dump private, but the bug report public?20:13
chenthuakash: ctrl +alt+f120:13
Galvatronchenthu: With customization, GNOME can look perfectly like Windows 7 (Win2-7 pack) or OSX (Macbuntu pack from gnome-look.org)20:14
akash_chenthu, that doesnt work either (even caps lock isnt responding)20:14
chenthuakash: reboot20:14
TameableExpert_galvatron: lol... I tried to get away from windows... :P20:14
chenthugalvatron: hmmm...20:14
edbianGalvatron: I like it to look like Linux :)20:15
chenthuTeamableExpert: jiust looked at it...nice and wonderful20:15
chenthuTameableExpert: wht abt performance for murrine20:15
TameableExpert_chenthu: It is too much like windows vista and 7 for me... I like the default look of GNOME...20:16
chenthugalvatron: windows makes me lazy20:16
chenthuTameableExpert: I like the default look of KDE20:16
towneswell this is down right frustrating20:16
TameableExpert_chenthu: I am not too sure about the performance of Murrine...20:17
phnomI am on Natty, fresh install, and I can't get vga_switcheroo to work. I tried modeset=1 as it says in the community docs but no dice. Any tips?20:17
jen__I have a moronic question20:17
jen__why is the power button on the top right hand corner for ubuntu red instead of white?20:17
TameableExpert_you need to reboot20:18
Galvatronchenthu: This thing looks as good as KDE: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Win2-7+Pack?content=113264 Just a bit of customizing to make it mor Linux-like.20:18
=== gregorio_ is now known as aziquiel
TameableExpert_you just installed updates... right?20:18
jen__oh yes am installing20:18
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:18
TameableExpert_ok... wait for updates to finish then restart20:18
jen__oh ok20:18
jen__and if I dont?20:18
TameableExpert_(mine is red too...)20:18
TameableExpert_then the update will not take effect till you do a reboot20:19
jen__ok thanks :D got that dumb question solved20:19
jen__oh I dont think its important20:19
Galvatronchenthu: Also, I recommend checking out and trying GNOME3 - this thing is pretty good, especially the virtual desktop management.20:19
* TameableExpert_ AFK20:19
townes"Bus 001 Device 010: ID 04b0:0181 Nikon Corp."20:20
chenthuGalvatron: thats nice...the default purple on ubuntu sucks lol...i know i can change it but still....purple default?20:20
towneslsusb knows its connected. fdisk doesn't.20:20
plasmoidiaI'm having trouble with a PLX-based PCI card on the 10.04 LTS (Lucid) release20:20
Galvatronchenthu: You can change everything20:20
chilverscin chromium, anyone know how to make clicking the middle mouse button scroll?20:20
chenthuTeamableEXpert: its gnome so must have a good performance....thats what i would expect :-P20:21
chenthuGalvatron: Yeah..thats the spirit of linux20:21
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v0lthi i can't login to ubuntu after changing the video adapter from nvidia to ATI is there a way to fix this ? i load command line tool20:21
abuchbinderIs there another channel I should look in for help with launchpad?20:21
chenthuGalvatron: is there wa way to just make our own distro?20:21
v0ltit load the video adapter20:22
rwwabuchbinder: #launchpad20:22
abuchbinderRight; already there. Thanks.20:22
v0ltit load the command line interface20:22
astraljavav0lt: Check if you have a file /etc/X11/xorg.conf, it might have configurations for the old card. If you remove it, ubuntu should autodetect your current setup, and configure it on-the-fly.20:22
SinnerNyxok so i uninstalled nfs and am now installing samba20:23
SinnerNyxcan I limit the samba service to only allow a particular network IP address to connect to it?20:23
chenthuGalvatron: not easy?20:23
v0ltastraljava: how do i remove it20:23
v0ltsorry 4 bad english20:24
astraljavav0lt: For instance `sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_nvidia`20:24
astraljavav0lt: Quite alright. :)20:24
townesanyone have probs getting their cam to work in ubuntu? (digital camera, nikon)20:25
v0ltastraljava: then it will load correctly ? after doning this ?20:25
astraljavav0lt: You might need to reboot, or simply issue `sudo service gdm restart`, but reboot is simple and safe.20:25
v0lt astraljava ok i'll  try it now20:26
delta16hey guy's20:26
v0ltthank you20:26
astraljavav0lt: No prob, hope it helps.20:26
delta16got a problem with my audio on my Aspire one D26020:26
delta16it has a intel hda20:27
TameableExpert_delta: whats the issue20:27
delta16i had audio but i broke it !! :S20:27
towneslol where are my camera fiends20:27
delta16wel i think the alsa is not loading the corect driver : snd-hda-intel20:28
akash_chenthu, I rebooted, GRUB looks different now (its 1.99~rc1-13ubuntu3)  when I try to boot into ubuntu, I get the desktop, but the touchpad doesnt boot. ctrl+alt+f1 and ctrl+alt+f2 lead to a blank screen20:28
edbiantownes: yo20:28
townesedbian, still no luck20:28
edbiantownes: This is news?20:28
townesoh absolutely20:28
delta16whe i do an alsa force reload , it sais that alsa has nothing to realod20:28
chenthuboot in recovery mode20:28
townesedbian, sorry mate it's just bugging me20:29
astraljavadelta16: If there's no-one here who knows what's going on, you can always check the documentation:20:29
astraljava!intelhda > delta1620:29
ubottudelta16, please see my private message20:29
townesand I am googling and googling20:29
edbiantownes: ha, sorry to hear that. pastebin sudo fdisk -l for me?20:30
townesalright one moment20:30
delta16i checked the whole documtentation and goolged for houres20:30
akash_chenthu, recovery mode is displaying "loading Linux 2.6.38-10-generic-pae ..." with no HDD activity20:30
delta16i even had to recompile and install alsa driver20:30
astraljavadelta16: Okay, sorry I can't help you further. :( Keep asking every once in a while, and you can also try askubuntu.com20:30
chenthuakash:wait for some time and tell me...whats the result20:31
townesedbian, http://pastebin.com/aT463RUw for your viewing pleasure20:31
edbiantownes: It ain't there.  This is an old machine!  20Gb!!! :(20:32
townesI know, I know20:32
townesbut lsusb shows it20:32
townesedbian, but feel free to laugh at my ancient machine hehe I don't mind20:32
edbiantownes: That just means it connected.  Not that it's mountable storage device20:32
=== akash_ is now known as akash
townesI can't give up on this!20:32
AlanKeyho does anyone know how i can use iso images in ubuntu 11.04?20:32
edbianAlanKey: You wanna use them?20:33
Picitownes: This is a big if, but you might look to see if gphoto2 and its gui tool can see the camera.20:33
townesPici, okay20:33
townesPici, I'm skeptical though from googling....but I will try20:33
akashchenthu, even the cursor isnt blinking , no HDD activity, no significant processor activity (it isnt getting warmer)  expected?20:34
ThinkT510!iso | AlanKey20:34
ubottuAlanKey: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:34
craigbass1976I'm having a bad time of it trying to get moonlight up and running with chromium in lucid.  Any ideas on which trees to bark up?20:34
technicoshi all20:35
edbiantechnicos: hello20:35
technicosto remove unity, shall i simply remove the package in the soft manager?20:35
chenthuakash: nope...this is bad...i am not sure whats happening....casue u should be able to atleast go into a comand line20:35
ssfdre38when will kernel 3.0 be set up for update on 11.0420:36
edbiantechnicos: I'm not sure how to remove it.  I know you can log into ubuntu classic.  Log out, click your name, change the session, log in.20:36
edbianssfdre38: It will be used in 11.1020:36
Picissfdre38: Never. You'll see it in 11.10 though.20:36
edbianPici: I win :P20:36
ssfdre38so if i want to use it on 11.04 i should update it myself20:37
akashchenthu, when I booted into windows. it displayed a "windows crashed" message and took an unusually long time to boot. is that related in any way?  (its a dual boot setup with win 7)20:37
edbianssfdre38: yes20:37
oopswhen you download some software, extract it, where's the .exe file? I cant launch software. pls excuse my appalling rubbish noobyness\20:37
chenthuAkash: could be...u mighht have messed up the mbr..20:37
edbianakash: It's probably freaked because the partition size changed.  Additionally you may have hard reset in the early stages of windows20:38
edbianoops: We do not have .exe's in linux! :)20:38
technicosTechnicus lol20:38
chenthuoops: no exe file here as in windows20:38
oopswhat the equivalent? thx20:38
macooops: no file extension is needed20:38
Technicustechnicos: HEY!20:38
edbianoops: Depends on where you downloaded it from / what format the software was packaged.  Why aren't you using the package manager?20:38
edbianodn: hello20:38
oopsso how do you launch the software? I couldnt work out which file to use20:38
townesPici, is f-spot a frontend for gphoto??20:38
chenthuoops: depends in the distro, build and type20:39
edbianoops: ./path/to/file/20:39
townesthe readme seems to imply that but I didn't think it was20:39
edbianoops: Or double click the correct file20:39
oopspackage manager...20:39
akashchenthu, I was able to boot into the recovery mode of the oldest version of ubuntu on the system.. what should I do now? (I have a pink screen with a menu listing resume,clean,dpkg,failsafeX,etc..)20:39
edbianoops: the package manager, ubuntu software center, synaptic, apt-get...20:39
macooops: have you come across the Ubuntu Software Center yet?20:39
odndoes someone knows the name of the ubuntu coman-line installer and the package it's in ? (he alternate installer)20:39
Picitownes: I was thinking of using gtkam20:39
oopsnope, not software centre or package manager20:39
TechnicusHello . . . how can Ubuntu be setup for internet connection sharing via broadcasting a wifi and by connecting through ethernet?20:39
Picitownes: I'm not sure if f-spot uses gphoto or not.20:39
TBotNikAll:  Still trying to fix my remote network.  Forum write up at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1804424&page=3  Hope we can whip this today.  Thanks!20:40
oopsor I can uise the command line?20:40
chenthuakash: try failsafe20:40
ThinkT510!manual | oops20:40
ubottuoops: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:40
oops:)) thx20:40
edbianoops: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/add-applications/C/add-applications-introduction.html20:40
townesPici, for some reason i don't think it does, the readme file for gphoto seemed to imply it20:40
edbianoops: My link is specifically about package managers20:40
technicosedbian : should be ok, i sat off unity and installed gnome, ill see whats happening20:40
edbiantechnicos: sat off?20:40
townesdling gtkam now20:40
townespray for me br20:40
step2edbian, he's using 8.04?20:40
edbianstep2: No but that's the newest guide20:41
akashchenthu, IT seems to be working fine now.. (in the recovery mode)20:41
step2oh ...20:41
edbianstep2: It talks about package managers, not really specific to 10.0420:41
jiffeis there anyway to create separate routing tables in /etc/network/interfaces for each interface?  I'm trying to use the `up` indicator but I'm getting a syntax error, although it works fine from command line20:41
chenthuakash: i think u better find the right display driver20:42
oopsthankyou edbian20:42
chenthuakash: or other driver20:42
edbianoops: sure20:42
TBotNikAll: Got back to having IPs on LAN via dhcp3-server, but can not ping hard address or names.  Had hard addresses working before, but on new install now.20:43
v0ltastraljava, it works thanks man :D20:43
TechnicusHow can Ubuntu be setup for multiple pointers . . . say separate onscreenn pointers for two separate mice and keyboard combinations?20:44
MonotokoTechnicus, interesting and unique question...do you have two monitors as well?20:45
DARKGuy_hey, I'm trying to share a folder using samba (server edition) but the client can't create folders or edit files, it says Access Denied. Folder has read only = no and browseable = yes, so, wtf?20:45
TechnicusMonotoko: Well was not thinking about that . . . but it seems to add a dimension.20:46
blackswanhi. natty evolution, exchange 2003 server, suddenly i can't see any of my contacts any more. outlook web access can still see them. ideas?20:46
townesPici, I love you20:46
MonotokoDARKGuy_, have you actually given the folder write permissions in SAMBA? Not sure how you would do it in the server edition but I'm sure someone else does :)20:46
townesedbian, thank you as ewll20:47
townesPici, but it worked!!!20:47
MonotokoTechnicus, I see a lot of questions repeat themselves...never seen or thought about that, let me have a look...20:47
edbianDARKGuy_: just as a test: sudo chmod -R 777 /path/to/folder/20:47
DARKGuy_Monotoko, I think so :/20:47
edbiantownes: yay :)20:47
Picitownes: Wow! Great!20:47
edbianPici: good guess20:47
DARKGuy_edbian, yeah but 777 makes *everything* executable and I need to preserve the non-x bit sometimes20:47
townes:) thanks guys20:47
edbianDARKGuy_: Yes, it is just a quick test to see if permissions are the issue20:48
DARKGuy_oh, okay20:48
MonotokoDARKGuy_, try: guest ok = yes20:48
edbianDARKGuy_: You need execution to view a folder20:48
TechnicusMonotoko:  Ok . . . thanks.20:48
akashchenthu, Ok, after some more trial and error, Ubuntu seems to be stuck in a partial upgraded state for me. The oldest kernel boots to GNOME, 2.6.35-30 boots to UNity , while the latest one ( 2.6.38-10 ) doesnt work(boots to GNOME desktop, but with non functional mouse, ctrl+alt+f2 gives a blank screen and hangs it)  1st 2 show the correct version of 11.0420:49
akashIS it still likely to be a video driver issue?20:49
DARKGuy_Monotoko, edbian: guest ok = yes does nothing, restarting the samba service says it's ignoring such parameter because it's unrecognized, and with a test folder, changing it to 777 worked, but then again that's not the case for me20:50
edbianDARKGuy_: not the case for you?20:50
chenthuAkash: Natty is highly messed up...the most probs i faced was display issues20:50
MonotokoTechnicus, as far as I can work out theres a program called TeamPlayer...you might want to look here for more info: http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=two+mice+one+computer+linux&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gl=uk (I know..two mice one computer...lol!)20:50
DARKGuy_edbian, nope because I need to preserve the permissions, not give everything 77720:50
Monotokothe articles seem a bit outdated though20:50
edbianDARKGuy_: try 77020:51
chenthuakash: back up and go for a clean 10.04 install20:51
akashchenthu, ok, I'll do that20:51
edbianDARKGuy_: or 771  and then try settings samba's user as the group and give group 720:51
chenthuakash :)20:52
akashchenthu, should I backup windows data as well? (same physical drive)20:52
DARKGuy_edbian, 770-771 doesn't allow to browse it20:52
edbianDARKGuy_: make samba's group the group owner20:52
chenthuakash: i dont think so...but the problem is...i havent seen the actual scenario so i could be wrong....if u really have something that is invaluable then better back up...even in windows...20:52
DARKGuy_edbian, okay, how do I do that?20:52
edbianDARKGuy_: (we almost def want 771 or 77520:52
DARKGuy_I don't know how to manage groups very well20:53
edbianDARKGuy_: sudo chown _R root:<samba'suser> /path/to/folder20:53
TechnicusMonotoko: I shall continue the investigation.20:53
chenthuakash: what is your sys config?20:53
edbianDARKGuy_: IDK samba's group or if the current owner is root20:53
edbianDARKGuy_: but I'm guessing it is root20:53
MonotokoTechnicus, sorry I couldn't help you more...but if you get something working, let me know :)20:53
akashchenthu, Lenovo R61 with C2D 1.8GHz , 4GB RAM, Intel integrated graphics20:53
chenthuakash: intel graphics should work...hmmm....20:54
TechnicusMonotoko: Indeed.20:54
chenthuakash: but u back up imporatant data then can experiment20:54
DARKGuy_edbian, hmn, but I don't have any samba user created, I have it (and want) anonymous20:54
akashchenthu, would it cause issues if I keep using 2.6.35 with unity?  can I make it the default in GRUB?20:54
DARKGuy_edbian, there's a "sambashare" group with me on it20:55
chenthuakash: as long as this one works...just make it default.....as soon as can get in back up everything20:55
edbianDARKGuy_: samba has a user that it users to do stuff on the system.  (because it doesn't run as you).  all the windows / linux users that access this folder will appear to be 'samba user'20:55
chenthuakash; did u try nomodeset in the boot o[ptions?20:55
edbianDARKGuy_: pastebin /etc/passwd and /etc/group and I will be able to tell what samba group you need to set that file too.20:55
edbianGet it?20:55
bynwHi, the folders in the ~ dirctory have special icons from other folders. how to i use those same icons for folders elsewhere?20:56
akashchenthu, ok..   can you tell me how to make it default?  (I dont know what nomodeset is )20:56
edbianDARKGuy_: paste.ubuntu.com20:56
TBotNikWho knows about dns-nameservers?20:56
DARKGuy_edbian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/653360/20:57
AaronDCampbellIs there a log that shows what packages were recently updated?20:57
AaronDCampbellI use Update Manager in Gnome for all my updates if that makes a difference20:58
rwwAaronDCampbell: look into /var/log/dpkg.log and /var/log/apt/*20:58
edbianDARKGuy_: sudo chown -R root:sambashare /path/to/folder20:59
edbianDARKGuy_: then make it 775 or somethin'20:59
chenthuakash: u can do that by either going into windows or through ubuntu...or using a software easybcd....available for both... nomodet disables the default driver ...20:59
oopsam I having problems cos I'm in ubuntu 7.1? nothing seems to work...20:59
edbianoops: 7.10 ???  That's from 200720:59
DARKGuy_edbian, nah, it doesn't work with <77720:59
rww!eol | oops21:00
ubottuoops: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:00
edbianDARKGuy_: I thought it did work with 777?21:00
edbianDARKGuy_: What are you talking about?21:00
AaronDCampbellrww: Thanks.  I rebooted (after having not done that for a little while) and everything looks graphically different (all icons in panel, etc) so I was wondering what upgrade did that21:00
PolahAaronDCampbell, /var/log/apt/history.log should show recent changes from apt.21:00
oopsI just had the cd kicking around whn windoze died21:00
DARKGuy_edbian, yeah it works with 777, but not with less21:00
DARKGuy_edbian, the chown did no effect21:00
edbianDARKGuy_: It should with with 775 if you change the group21:00
oopsto update it without installing i need to download the latest version and make a new cd.. right?21:00
edbianDARKGuy_: Did it change the owner and group?21:00
chenthuakash: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How_do_I_make_Ubuntu_the_default_boot_option.3F21:00
DARKGuy_edbian, now it says root   sambashare21:00
DARKGuy_edbian, yes I typed your command :P21:01
edbianDARKGuy_: But you still can't access it?21:01
akashchenthu, I'm not using Wubi .. its a native dusl boot install21:01
DARKGuy_edbian, that's correct21:01
oopsIve got the partitions ready, i wanted a dula boot, but couldnt manage it on my own. i dont want to install ubuntu fully now as I really need to repai wondoze first and get my info off from there21:01
edbianDARKGuy_: Well there are no other samba user's or groups so I have no idea.21:01
edbianDARKGuy_: I reboot may help.21:02
DARKGuy_edbian, oh well, it's okay u.u21:02
DARKGuy_I haven't rebooted yet...21:02
chenthuakash: i dint mention wubi too21:02
AaronDCampbellPolah and rww: Thanks.  Looks like I got libqtcore4 since my last reboot...so that explains it.21:02
CLF1need help fixing samba4...broken and cannot repair broken package....what should I do21:02
chenthuu better download Easybcd and install in windows then u can use to select default21:02
djskiddGUYS, STORY TIME21:03
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djskiddSo my friend was at summer school today21:03
chenthuakash: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51751321:03
oCeandjskidd: wrong channel21:04
bynwHi, the folders in the ~ directory have special icons from other folders. how to i use those same icons for folders elsewhere?21:05
kubancanyone ever tried to connect hdd 2.5 inch disk via USB to SATA & PATA Combo Bridge21:05
chenthuakash: i think your desktop is corrupted...21:06
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Guest42318anyone here know why a Drive would be telling me that my dvd is blank when I know there is data on it?21:06
chenthuakash:better backup and reinstall21:06
akashchenthu, I think I'll do that only.. this is getting too complex21:06
chenthuGuest42318: Ur dvd drive is not working or dvd is corrupted21:06
chenthuakash: complex but u can learn21:07
duckx0rI updated to the latest kernel using kernelcheck and I get an error when trying to reinstall my ATI drivers. http://pastebin.com/R5m46iH1 Does anyone know how I can fix this? Do I need to recompile the kernel with some sort of missing support?21:07
chenthuakash:if u had this system infront of me i would help u really bro...i am sorry. that i cannot help u much on this ....21:07
akashthats fine.. thanks for the help21:07
CLF1can you help me fix my samba4 that seems to be corrupt...it won't repair21:08
carandraughi! very simple question with irssi? How do I exit? I can't find it on the documentation. A search for exit, close or quit returns nothing. And there's also nothing on the man page21:09
TBotNikI would if a simple Q, but not that.  As I stated, in my writeup, got IPs on LAN via eth0 (local remote network) coming from dhcp3-server, but can not ping hard addresses or names.  I ping fine on this box that bridges them via wlan0 (the internet connect) so either a bridging issue or dns-nameserver issue.  Trying to debug.  Can you help?21:09
acovrigis it possible to boot an encrypted lvm-ext4 partition without a password-using a keyfile on a fat32 partition?21:09
prathambsome c++ codes wont work in linux21:09
Guest42318I've googled "Dvd drive doesn't work", "Won't read DVDs" , etc... and I haven't ran across anything relevant to this situation. It likes to bring up stuff about burning dvds, or how I should use Windows to record a DVD21:10
prathambis ther a good c++ compiler for linux??21:10
Guest42318comes installed21:10
prathambi get lot of errors21:10
Guest42318or NetBeans, or CodeLite21:10
kubancis this a good command to mount disk.... sudo mount /dev/sdb /media/ps321:10
Guest42318I use both of those21:10
wildbatTBotNik:  you done with DCHP-servevr? ~ so you mean LAN side can't ping WAN ~ or can't ping your router box?21:11
Guest42318NetBeans reminds me a lot of the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE21:11
ThinkT510kubanc: as long as the divice and the directories exist then yes21:11
TBotNikwildbat U-box is the router.21:12
wildbatTBotNik: you know there are packages that can setup your box just a professional router ,  check e-box21:12
wildbatTBotNik: that what i mean. can you LAN side PC ping the router box LAN ip/ WAN ip?21:13
Guest42318to PM someone you do use "/msg" without quotes correct? Been a while since I have used this IRC client21:13
Polahkubanc: Yes, looks fine to me.21:13
ReikokuGuest42318: Yes21:13
jeremymwe are using a very old version of ubuntu...version 8.04.  I need to upgrade GCC to at least 4.2.4.  According to http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/i386/gcc-4.2/download it is there.21:13
jeremymhowever when i do apt-get update gcc it says im using the newest version.  I know im not21:14
jeremymgcc version 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)21:14
jeremymthats the version thats installed...any ideas why i cant update htat package with apt-get21:14
Reikokujeremym: Need a dist-upgrade probably21:14
ReikokuOld servers arent all maintained21:14
jeremymthats what i was afraid someone would say haha21:14
chenthuis there a way i can download gnome 3 seperately and then install on ubuntu?21:14
kubancPolah, it's the PS3 hdd disk, so i don't know which filesystem type to use, and it looks like ubuntu also doesn't know, because it's asking me for mount: you must specify the filesystem type21:15
step2jeremym, do apt-get upgrade gcc-4.2 ?21:15
TBotNikAll: Wait a minute, I just did new install and may have forgot install of bridgin utils, BRB checking!21:15
ThinkT510!gnome3 | chenthu21:15
ubottuchenthu: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.21:15
Reikokuchenthu: Is apt-get not working?21:15
jeremymstep2, if i do that it wants to upgrade the OS21:15
Reikokujeremym: Grab gcc sources and compile?21:16
jeremymwell thats always an option...but according to ubuntus site there is a debian package for it in the security repo21:16
jeremymhowever i dont see it21:16
step2mmmh. do you only have oldish sources in package sources? or new ones too?21:16
trismjeremym: apt-get install gcc-4.2; will just update that individual package if necessary, and any other packages needed by it21:16
martin_tschow can I run a script as su?21:17
naptasticAlright, I've purged all traces of my custom kernel and the modifications I tried to make to fglrx, I purged the entire OpenGL / Mesa stack, cleared my apt cache, then reinstalled everything, apt-get installed fglrx, which reported no errors, and 3D apps **STILL** segfault on start. WTF?!21:17
chenthuThibnkT510: thanks21:17
jeremymthat worked trism.  Thank you very much21:17
naptasticmartin_tsc, sudo ./script-name?21:17
step2jeremym, maybe the new gcc really depends on lots of other packages that have to be updated, doesn't mean os is update even if it seems a lot21:17
chenthuReikoku: i am not connected to net .... :)21:17
Reikokuchenthu: Apparently it's going to break everything, but you could grab sources from gnome3 site if you dont mind21:18
TBotNikK bridging utils missing, so installing, will take a while.21:18
martin_tscnaptastic, doesnt work, needs to be done as root via sudo su, but how can I put this in the script to run with cron?21:18
ThinkT510chenthu: 11.10 should have proper support for gnome321:18
Polahkubanc: I believe the PS3 uses FAT32. Try sudo mount -t fat32 /dev/sdb /media/ps321:18
chenthureikoku..yeah but i would better stick with the previous version lol21:19
kubancPolah, if it was using fat32 then the windows XP OS would recognized it, but it didn't21:19
chenthuThinkT510: when is 11.10 releasing?21:19
ThinkT510chenthu: the clue is in the name21:20
Polahkubanc: I just recall something about FAT32 and PS3. Perhaps look up mounting PS3 drives on ubuntu21:20
edwardthefmahey who knows any thing about ubuntu and mac21:20
rwwchenthu: October21:20
rwwchenthu: (Ubuntu version numbers are year.month)21:20
edwardthefmai need a person not the wiki21:20
chenthurww: oh ok thanks for the info21:20
Reikokuchenthu: You can grab a beta version21:20
ra21vihi, I am not able to install Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit on Dell XPS 15z. Any help would be appreciated.21:20
Polahra21vi: Specifics on why you can't install it or what happens when you try would be good.21:21
chenthureikoku: yeah but natty is in itself buggy....how abt a beeta?21:21
martin_tscis there some line/code I can add to a script equivalent to "sudo su"?21:21
acovrigis it possible to boot an encrypted lvm-ext4 partition without a password-using a keyfile on a fat32 partition?21:22
ra21viPolah: I boot from CD, gets the initial screen, i put acpi=off and then screen hangs foor quite some nits, then black scree comes for another 5-6 mins... does nothing21:23
bynwanyone know how to change the icons of folders to match some of those within the home directory? like how the music folder has a musical note on it ... i want to use that same icon for another folder elsewhere on the system. thanks21:24
martin_tscbynw, right click, permission21:24
martin_tscbynw, right click, permission, then the icon tab21:24
Polahmartin_tsc, bynw: Emblems tab21:24
danDirOfITregister password danmc58@gmail.com21:25
chenthuis there a way to male a customized distro...21:25
ThinkT510danDirOfIT: you may need a new password21:25
danDirOfITwhy registration hasn't worked for three days now21:26
chenthudanDirOfIT: send that to nickserv21:26
oCean!register | danDirOfIT21:26
ubottudanDirOfIT: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:26
* edwardthefma need help with mac and ubuntu21:26
bynwmartin_tsc: there is a right click and properties and no icon tab21:26
edwardthefmalol needs21:26
danDirOfITjoin #freenode21:27
acovrigedwardthefma: be more specific21:27
oCean/join #freenode danDirOfIT21:27
ThinkT510edwardthefma: for someone to help you you need to tell us the problem21:27
chenthuSome who is free can help me join a discussion on making our own build of linux.........21:27
PolahdanDirOfIT: Because you need to send it to nickserv. Do /msg nickserv register and it'll tell you want to send to register. Then do it again with the values for password and suchlike you want21:27
Polahchenthu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization21:27
edwardthefmai got a mac g3 im trying to install ubunu on it21:28
Reikokuchenthu: Why would you want to make your own build (I assume you mean distro) of Linux?21:28
acovrigedwardthefma: and what is ur problem with it?21:28
chenthuPolah: not live cd customization...a complete build...21:28
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Polahchenthu: Compiling your own kernel?21:28
bynwmartin_tsc: there is an emblems tab but only options to add to the current design nothing to completely change it21:28
chenthuReikoku: just curious...i always wanted to build one for me so i get what i want21:29
Reikokuchenthu: You mean a distro or a kernel build?21:29
Reikokuchenthu: Grab LFS and build away then :P21:29
chenthuPolah: yeah///downloading kernel from kernel.org21:29
oCean!remaster | chenthu21:29
ubottuchenthu: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility21:29
chenthuReikoku: distro21:29
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Reikokuchenthu: You'd have a lot of work, you have to manage the package repositories and bump every program when it gets upgraded21:30
ReikokuProbably compile it for every arch you support21:30
oCeanchenthu, Reikoku  remember, this is not really a discussion channel. You can use #ubuntu-offtopic for that21:30
Polahchenthu: That's not really an Ubuntu support question.21:30
chenthureikoku: i can use repositories of 3rd party21:31
Reikokuchenthu: Suggest http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/ if you wan to learn more21:31
Reikokuchenthu: Then you're not making a distro21:31
PolahChenthu: If you want to customize the Ubuntu distro, then you'll want the link I gave you. Building your own distro is a bit more difficult.21:31
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ReikokuThe main differences between distros are in package management21:31
chenthuPolah ocean: thanks for the info and sry if that was disturning....it was just a doubt...21:32
oCeanchenthu: you're most welcome to continue in #ubuntu-offtopic channel21:32
chenthuReikoku: thats a good link....thank u21:32
chenthuocean: tq21:32
ReikokuI recommend everyone builds LFS at least once even if just for the experience chenthu21:33
ben_qhey guys, is there a tweak that would allow me to set a different default browser for a specific domain?21:33
acovrigI doubt that figuring out how to build your own distro is not off-topic, it seems quite on-topic to me21:33
chenthuReikoku: yeah for saure thats my point to so we can conbtri bute a lot to opensource adn Ubuntu as well21:33
Reikokuacovrig: It's not really on topic, this is #ubuntu not #linux21:34
Polahben_q: What do you mean? Using a specific browser for a specific website?21:34
acovrigReikoku: true, but if they are starting from ubuntu (based on ubuntu) then, it seems like a good place to start21:34
oCeanok, let's drop the discussion, and continue with support ok?21:35
ben_qyes, Polah21:35
ReikokuWho needs support? :P21:35
Reikokuben_q: The easiest way I can think of is write a script which takes the URL, then determines the browser, and set the script as your default URL handler21:36
mewaywhat should I do to go about mentioning ubuntu on my site?21:36
TechnicusMonotoko: I Have studied the MPX modification: [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-Pointer_X ], and it has been integrated into Xorg since Intrepid.  There is a way to invoke it by following this wiki: [ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/MPX ].  However, I am using Compiz and they do not cooperate with each other.21:36
mewayI would like to throw more people in ubuntu's direction21:36
Reikokumeway: Mentioning in what context21:36
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mewaya link or so21:36
W43372Hi everybody!21:36
Reikokumeway: What is your site about?21:36
Polahben_q: Not as a program or anything. Reikoku's idea might work. Why would you need to open a website in a specific browser?; display problems?21:36
ReikokuIs it hosted on ubuntu or something?21:36
ReikokuPolah: I used to do that when I had one browser on a VPN and one on another VNP21:37
mewayReikoku, yes It is hosted on ubuntu, but I work on pc's and I want customers to try ubuntu.21:37
oCeanmeway: this channel is for technical support. There's channels like #ubuntu-marketing for discussion/help like that21:37
mewaythanks oCean21:38
ben_qPolah, it's a session thing. I'm playing a browser game only on opera (due to some things possible there). for anything else I use FF. but when links from the game are posted on skype, it will open the links in FF then by default21:38
ben_qI will try Reikoku's idea21:38
ben_qI suppose setting a simple shell script as default browser then!?21:39
ben_qshould have thought of that myself21:39
ThinkT510you just did21:39
Reikokuben_q: That should work, browser handler functions just pass a parameter to a program so you could set up a shell script to take that parameter and pass it to the browser you want21:39
W43372I'm making a USB startup disk on Ubuntu. The .iso I need is on my NAS how do I browse to the NAS in the SDC without having to download the iso to my hard drive from the NAS?21:39
ReikokuI did it in perl with regexp21:39
ReikokuW43372: Mount the NAS21:40
MonotokoTechnicus, thank you very much :)21:40
ReikokuW43372: It's probably got a builtin NFS or SMB server21:41
W43372Reioku The NAS is mounted. I just don't know how to navigate to it when I'm using the program to select a source iso, it takes me to the home folder21:41
NotreDevi just created a new user, and copied my home folder over under their name, and did a chown'd for the new user. however, when i "su - newuser", i'm unable to do basic things like "source ~/.bashrc" and my env is quite different. why is this?21:42
ReikokuWhere is it mounted?21:42
ReikokuYou probably have to choose root file system from your program, W4337221:42
TechnicusMonotoko: It is super easy to make a second pointer, but I have Compiz enabled and it doesn't refresh the second pointer with all the amazing effects that are going on.21:43
NWHHow do I edit my html file /var/www/html21:43
TechnicusMonotoko:  I have gone on to #compiz and am asking if anyone knows any way to get them to cooperate.21:44
W43372Reioku cant find21:44
NWHI have a simple question.21:45
NWHHow do I edit my html file /var/www/html21:45
PolahNWH: command line or graphical editor?21:45
NWHgraphical editor21:45
th0rNWH: kompozer?21:46
NWHand Kate21:46
PolahNWH: gedit /var/www/html or gksudo gedit /var/www/html depending on whether you will not or will need root permissions to edit it21:46
orchataNWH: Right click =>  open with => kompozer?21:46
PolahNWH: Hmm, not gedit then. I just assumed you were on GNOME.21:47
W43372Reioku cant find21:47
NWHorchata: right clicked, now open...21:50
NWHorchata: That is what I did " Right click =>  open with => kompozer?"21:50
W43372Where do I look to find my NAS in the file system?21:50
orchataNWH: so did it open it?21:51
NWHorchata: yes.21:51
th0rorchata: I think he is looking for help on the actual html code21:52
NWHorchata & thor: I can't edit  the code.21:52
orchataNWH: what do you mean by saying you cannot edit it?21:52
th0rNWH: if it opened, why can't you edit it?21:52
NWHorchata & thor: Edit the text.21:53
NWHorchata & thor: Beginner stuff here.21:53
th0rNWH: I am not into playing twenty questions. If you can't supply some information about the problem I can't help21:54
orchataNWH:   You cannot type/delete stuff?21:54
NWHorchata: yes21:54
orchataNWH: can you open terminal?21:54
NWHorchata: yes.21:55
bynwNWH: since the file is located in /var you need to open it with gksudo since as your regular user login you dont have write permission in the /var directory21:55
orchataNWH:  open terminal and type:     gksudo /var/www/<name of your file>21:56
orchataand then enter the password21:56
th0rorchata: gksudo kompozer /var/www........?21:57
NWHorchata: Right and it prompts me for my password.21:58
orchatath0r: well, yeah you are right21:58
orchataNWH:  type your password and it will open it21:58
Ynoddehai guys21:58
Ynoddequestion for opinion, on my ubuntu server/router should i manage fw with ufw or just my old iptables script21:59
th0rYnodde: the end result would be the same21:59
NWHOrchata: Terminal says: "/usr/share/themes/MurrinaBleu/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:85: Murrine configuration option "scrollbar_color" is no longer supported and will be ignored.22:00
NWHorchata: I can open the index.html file22:00
Ynoddeth0r:aye, just wondering what is more ubuntu ;)22:01
NWHorchata: I cannot edit the code/text/words...22:01
dr_willissome people find ufw limiting...22:01
NWHorchata: Inside of the index.html file22:01
Ynoddehavent used ufw as of yet22:01
NWHThor: Thanks a lot it worked. You are a good man.22:04
=== esing2 is now known as esing
esingi forgot how to setup ethtool :(22:05
esinghow would I find the port which is set? would i have to find the config file or hows that working?22:06
esingalso how do I see my startup entries?22:07
esingI remember that I put ethtool to the startup22:07
dr_willisPort? I thought ethtool just confiured some interface settings22:07
esingdr_willis hm I remember that it uses a port which I can send the magic package to22:08
orchataNWH: show the results of:   ls -l /var/www/index.html22:08
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot22:08
elslunkoAnyone have a suggestion for a good pci or usb wireless adapter? Moved my work PC to a new room and want to go wireless.22:09
dr_willisid avoide the USB ones..22:09
esingi remember very lightly that I put it to some init folder so it started up automatically22:09
esing(iam not sure about that)22:09
dr_willisesing:  /etc/init/22:09
esingah okay22:09
dr_willisesing:  but you dont just put things in there.. you make a proper upstart script for things22:09
elslunkodr_willis, Yeah from what I've read they're generally bad, I suppose I'll start my search with pci ones.22:10
esingdr_willis ahhh exactly!22:10
esingi had a script for that22:10
esingdamn how things which i dont use often just forget so fast22:10
ownerSOS! I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed, but somehow someone overwrote the GRUB and everything with the boot loader for XP.22:10
stuxpoopHello, I need to do the following command ar xjvf modusb-linux.tar.bz2 -C /media/blah blah blah - but when i do cd /media/ ls22:10
stuxpoopIt lists my usb22:10
stuxpoopas Mac OS X Install DVD - so i do ar xjvf modusb-linux.tar.bz2 -C /media/Mac OS X Install DVD it says no file or directory i just cant work it out22:11
ownerI need to know how to restore the Grub and boot loader to dual boot from 10.04 live22:11
ownerI'm running on a live USB now 10.0422:11
stuxpoopHow do I CD into my USB? I know the name of it and know its under Media but I just cant seem to get it to work for me22:12
jribstuxpoop: either escape or quote your spaces22:12
stuxpoopjrib: Well I've named the USB OSX - but under cd /media/ ls it calls it Mac OS X Install so am rather confused22:13
jribstuxpoop: did you see what I toldy ou?22:14
owneram I invisible?22:14
jribowner: no way of knowing over irc22:14
stuxpoopjrib: Yes, I dont quite understand what u mean - can u give me an example please22:14
jribstuxpoop: change /media/Mac OS X Install DVD to: /media/'Mac OS X Install DVD'22:15
ownerOk. when the computer starts it does not show a boot loader, just goes right into XP. How to I re-write the Linux boot loader / Grub to the HD from a Live disk?22:15
stuxpoopoh ok thanks22:15
stuxpoopI'll try that22:15
stuxpoopjrib: thanks that worked for me22:15
jrib!grub | owner22:15
ubottuowner: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:15
jribstuxpoop: no problem22:15
BlueMattany guesses as to why mountall isnt daemonizing and is just exiting?22:15
ownerthat's just great, how do I restore Grub2 and the boot loader22:16
jribowner: read what ubottu said22:16
owneryes that's all well and good but it doesn't say how to restore it from a live disk22:17
jribowner: more specifically, click and read the first link in what ubottu said22:17
=== McPeter is now known as Noob`s
wonderwalhi im using ubuntu server 11, how do i recompile the kernel?22:20
esinghopefully it works22:20
esinggonna try it the setup now22:20
ejvi can't type when grub loads22:24
ejvepic fail ubuntu22:24
dajxdis it possible to boot XP live from a partition with grub?  i can't get it to recognize the OS.22:27
=== Furai` is now known as Furai`asd
=== Furai`asd is now known as Furai`
ldleworkIs there a way to programatically, temporarilly, disable the mouse?22:30
BlueMattanyone know why mountall would fail to daemonize after running, and just exit instead?22:30
allowoverridein what file and where does the utility `locate` store its findings, where is the DB??? im on ubuntu linux 10.1022:30
wolteris there a way the Run Dialog can use the path22:30
wolter(env var)22:31
allowoverride? huh22:31
ubottulocate is a command-line file search utility. To make sure its cache is up to date run: sudo updatedb22:31
allowoverridethanks qin, not what i asked22:31
allowoverridewhere does it store its cache is the question in otherwords22:32
katrinallowoverride: /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db i guess22:32
th0rallowoverride: have you looked at the man page for updatedb?22:33
allowoverridekatrin: yah good guess, i try,, brb22:33
allowoverrideth0r: its locate, just where the db/cache is all i need, either you know or your dont, thanks22:33
th0rallowoverride: it is clearly defined at the end of updatedb man page...updatedb is the program that creates the database22:33
allowoverridewow really? gee thanks th0r, tell oden hello for me22:34
wolterallowoverride, no need to be rude, hes just teaching you could get to know that kind of stuff in future occasions22:34
allowoverrideim just looking for a file name is all... sheshh22:34
wolterin his own way22:34
allowoverridewolter: this room is often rude, so... whats your point?22:34
allowoverridebrb i have things to do...22:34
wolterallowoverride, so you want to be rude as well?22:35
qinSweet, /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db, bye.22:35
th0rwolter: no problem. Too many ubunties don't want to learn...they just want to pass the test22:35
wonderwalwhich file has the options which are passed to modules when they are loaded?22:36
allowoverridesend a copy of that test to me there th0r see how i do... then you can comment thereafter ;)22:36
jointhello. does anybody here use Ubuntu?22:36
BlueMattanyone know why mountall would fail to daemonize after running, and just exit instead?22:40
allowoverridei found my answer.... in #linux room22:40
allowoverridethanks katrin that helped22:41
kirk__I have a set of computers that kernel panic when the screen goes blank at the login screen. I want to disable that.22:41
allowoverridei thought it was /var/db/something.db22:41
allowoverrideevery distro has to play with paths... yawn22:41
allowoverridejoint: you thinking about trying Ubuntu?22:44
Chat8741 xxx22:45
edwardthefmai need help instyalling ubuntu on my mac22:46
W43372Hi everybody!22:46
edwardthefmait says it cant find the hard disk and asks me wich driver i want to use22:47
W43372I was wondering if it was possible to partition a flash drive so that it shows up as multiple drives when I plug it in.22:47
icerootW43372: sure22:47
W43372iceroot, if it works I was wanting to install a different boot disk on different partitions ubuntu, DBAN, etc. You think that would work?22:48
icerootW43372: there is no difference between a real harddisc and a flash-drive. you could do the same things with partitions22:49
W43372So a partitioned flash drive with a boot disk on different partitions when plugged into a machine would prompt me with a boot menu?22:50
W43372iceroot, So a partitioned flash drive with a boot disk on different partitions when plugged into a machine would prompt me with a boot menu?22:51
icerootW43372: at boot, yes22:51
icerootW43372: when using grub22:51
W43372iceroot, grub?22:51
iceroot!grub | W4337222:51
ubottuW43372: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:51
=== Noob`s is now known as McPeter
W43372iceroot, so I'd only get the boot menu on a linux machine? Ideally what I wanted to do was set it up so when I work on peoples machines I'd have bootable tool kits on a flash drive instead of carrying around a book of CDs22:53
kirk__Did anyone answer my question about preventing screen from going black at the login screen?22:54
icerootW43372: at boot there is no linux-system22:54
icerootW43372: its a normal boot-manager has nothing to do with an installed linux-system22:54
W43372iceroot, so as long as the system can boot USB I shouldn't have an issue?22:55
icerootW43372: correct22:55
=== Captainkrtek is now known as Krtek|Coding
W43372iceroot, and if the system won't boot USB I can just update the BIOS to a version that will, correct?22:56
allowoverridekirk__: no22:56
icerootW43372: depending on the bios22:56
allowoverridekirk__: whats happening?22:56
W43372iceroot, whats that mean?22:57
* ugly_duck gets kicked back to the login screen with 11.04 sometimes... Weird!22:57
allowoverridekirk__: i had that happen before as well22:57
icerootW43372: that not every system can boot from usb even after a bios-update22:57
tucemiuxwhat email client you guys recommend besides evolution?  I want a plain email client that doesnt try to organize my emails for me22:57
W43372iceroot, why?22:58
icerootW43372: ask the mainboard manufactor22:58
Praxinot all BIOS's are created equal :D22:58
igraltisttoday i use on grub the boot param single, than i can use the cursor to get a rootshell without asking any password22:58
W43372iceroot, ok, well how would I determine if a system is incapable of USB booting?22:58
icerootW43372: ask the mainboard manufactor, google or the manual22:59
ugly_duckif you were updating the bios to boot from usb, would it not state, THIS FIRMWARE is to allow usb boot, blah blha blah22:59
W43372iceroot, is it a thing like boars made before <year> can't boot USB?22:59
Praxinot always ugly_duck but usually would be in the patchnotes22:59
icerootW43372: yes. i think that is more related to ##hardware23:00
BlueMattanyone know why mountall would fail to daemonize after running, and just exit instead?23:00
ugly_duckPraxi: yeah, well should be noted somewhere, if its not, then maybe its a good sign not to buy that hardware23:00
linuxman410how can i install another os based on ubuntu 11.04 and it keeps trying to upgrade ubuntu23:01
W43372iceroot, alright then, thanks for all the info. I should be able to achieve the partitioned flash with a combination of gparted and startup disk creator, right?23:01
linuxman410i want to dual boot23:01
balvinder25hello all23:01
GhostFreemanI uninstalled all Nvidia drivers and I can't boot into X or GDM, someone help me fix this23:01
balvinder25im getting error messages when i chck my ntfs partition using gparted..23:02
icerootGhostFreeman: remove the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:02
icerootGhostFreeman: remove, not delete23:02
balvinder25Cluster accounting failed at 8382544 (0x7fe850): extra cluster in $Bitmap23:02
GhostFreemanIceroot can I do that in recovery mode23:02
KonataHello, I currently experience this issue with an acer aspire 5810TZ notebook: http://bit.ly/rj6s0a23:02
icerootGhostFreeman: just press ctrl + alt + f123:02
balvinder25Filesystem check failed! Totally 9184 cluster accounting mismatches.23:02
balvinder25ERROR: NTFS is inconsistent. Run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot it TWICE!23:02
balvinder25The usage of the /f parameter is very IMPORTANT! No modification was23:02
balvinder25and will be made to NTFS by this software until it gets repaired.23:02
dr_willislinuxman410:  you just boot the other os's cd..   and manually partion the disk i think.23:02
KonataI was wondering if there was any known fix for it or if the issue is solved in the latest release of Ubuntuu23:02
GhostFreemanIceroot that does nothing23:02
balvinder25then i get this..23:03
dr_willisbalvinder25:  you should do what it says.. use windows to 'scan/fix' the ntfs..23:03
GhostFreemanI can only get to a shell in recovery23:03
balvinder25but i dont have windows installed23:03
GhostFreemanI removed all nvidia drivers and nouveau23:03
icerootbalvinder25: why use ntfs then?23:03
balvinder25i only have ubuntu no windows.. no dual boot23:03
dr_willisbalvinder25:  ms has rescue/recovery isos you an download/burn.23:03
balvinder25well i have alot of data already stored..23:03
balvinder25cnnot move it thats why..23:04
balvinder25any specific iso that can help23:04
dr_willisdata worth keeping.. is worth backing up...23:04
balvinder25Yes sir i agree..23:04
balvinder25any specific iso that can help23:04
dr_willisms has vista/win7 rescue/repair iso files you an get.23:04
dr_willisi dont know the url to them. ask in #windows or check the lifehacker web site.23:05
dr_willistghats where i learned about them23:05
balvinder25hmm.. ok i'll try.. thank  dr willies..23:05
dr_willisor use a live cd and backup the ntfs files to a linux filesystem somewhere..23:05
player1upi am running ubuntu from a live cd and it works fine..i can see the HD on my laptop..but i cannot install Ubuntu on the HD..it just keeps hanging...any ideas?23:06
PraxiKonata: I have seen sort of similar issues to what you are describing.  At Lan parties, so games that if you adjusted the Gamma, your frame rates would dive.  default the gamma and it would be fine again.  Don't have anything useful to add on how to fix it though :(23:06
KonataPraxi: It's a laptop23:06
KonataAttempting to adjust the brightness via the applet or via the keyboard will cause the machien to completely hang23:07
Praxiplayer1up: Alienware laptop? Had teh same exact issue, had to use some alternate install CD23:07
edwardthefmawho hear has installed ubuntu on a mac g323:07
player1upPraxi: no..HP23:07
Praxiplayer1up: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate23:08
player1upPraxi: it's weird..have tested the HD and it's fine..just cannot install Ubuntu onto it23:08
Praxiya totally, mine did that too hehe.23:08
Praxiedwardthefma: I have a mac running ubuntu 11.04 sitting on the desk next to me, don't know what type of mac23:09
csdserveri want to completely wipe all my network configs and start over23:09
edwardthefma<Praxi> g323:09
BlueMattanyone know why mountall would fail to daemonize after running, and just exit instead?23:09
Praxiedwardthefma: I know nothing about macs, on the back of this one the only thing I can see is 'imac'23:10
GhostFreemanIceroot, thank you23:10
edwardthefma<Praxi> http://www.apple.com/support/powermac/g3/23:10
doritoDanIs there a general Ubuntu-oriented discussion channel?23:10
csdserver#ubuntu-offtopic ?23:10
doritoDanCool, thanks.23:11
edwardthefmai need help it says it cant find the right disc drive23:11
edwardthefmathen it gives me a bunch of driver names23:11
tucemiuxive had it with evolution and it just made me lose an e-mail I wrote, anyone know of a simple email client that doesnt try to organize emails for you that way the email client feels like it ?23:12
csdserverhave you tried Thunderbird?23:13
dr_willisedwardthefma:  this one?  http://support.apple.com/kb/SP13323:13
dr_willisedwardthefma:  its using a PPC processor.. You need the Ubuntu PPC versions23:14
dr_willisthe standard intel disks wont work.23:14
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edwardthefmai allredy have that23:14
Praxitucemiux: Second thunderbird, used it on windows for simple PoP testing.23:14
dr_willisand to be honest with you.. I found the PPC macs lacking in their ability to run Ubuntu. I sold my iMAC DV a few weeks back.23:15
W43372iceroot, alright then, thanks for all the info. I should be able to achieve the partitioned flash with a combination of gparted and startup disk creator, right?23:16
meomichey, is it possible somehow to send mouse click(left click pos x: 300 y 500) event to a window which is not active - minimized? i see xdotool have mouse click but it cant send event to the coord i want - and i dont want my mouse to be moved like crazy23:16
dr_willis!info xautomation23:17
ubottuxautomation (source: xautomation): Control X from the command line, and find things on the screen. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.03-1 (natty), package size 40 kB, installed size 220 kB23:17
meomicill check it out - thanks for the info - btw ive googled but did not found this one...23:19
dr_willisi just happened to see it mentioned at a blog site i was reading like 2 min ago.. :)23:19
dr_willisive never used it23:19
BigMaoHi there, I'd like to convert a PDF file to a PDF file.  My reason for doing this is because my current PDF doesn't comply with a webpage, and I know that if I re-save the PDF using the commercial Adobe Acrobat, it works.  But I don't have the commercial Acrobat on my Ubuntu computer.  Can anyone help out? :)23:19
pwnusmaximushi guys, my install of "remote desktop" seems to be missing some components23:19
pwnusmaximusis there an easy way to re-install it?23:19
BigMaoFor instance, are there any programs that compress or manipulate PDF files?23:20
BigMaoIf I just pass the PDF through that program with minimal modifications, it may fix the problem. :)23:20
qinBigMao: pdf2ps and ps2pdf23:21
dr_willis'dosent comply with a webpage' is sort of a scary statement.. :)23:21
W43372iceroot, yes? no?23:21
BlueMattanyone know why mountall would fail to daemonize after running, and just exit instead?23:22
dr_willisUnless its somehow testing the creator of the pdf..23:22
BigMaodr_willis, my apologies for being very imprecise, it is a manuscript submission system for a scientific journal.23:22
Konatapwnusmaximus, I'm guessing just remove it with apt-get remove and then try to reinstall it23:22
BigMaothe webpage accepts my PDFs and converts them into a proof for the reviewers23:22
pwnusmaximushi guys... when i launch "remote Desktop" i get this error: "failed to execute child process 'kmailservice' (no such file or directory)23:22
pwnusmaximusany hints on how to fix this?23:22
Konatapwnusmaximus, see above23:22
pwnusmaximusKonata: ill try that23:22
dr_willis!info kmailservice23:23
ubottuPackage kmailservice does not exist in natty23:23
pwnusmaximusKonata: tttyl23:23
dr_willis!find kmailservice23:23
pwnusmaximusdr_willis: ok23:23
ubottuFile kmailservice found in app-install-data, kdelibs-data, kdelibs-dbg, kdelibs4c2a, kdelibs5-dbg, kdelibs5-plugins23:23
Konatapwnusmaximus, he wasn't talking to you, but talkt o you late23:23
dr_willisthat sounds like some kde service/applet that just checks the mail..  I dont see how that would keep the rest of the desktpp from loading23:23
BigMaowhen I tried pdf2ps and ps2pdf, I lost a lot of detail in the original PDF23:24
BigMaoqin: is there some other way to try it?23:24
BigMaoalternatively i could just go home and use the commercial acrobat but i'd prefer that a free software would have this capability .. :)23:24
dr_willisIts possible the site is checking that you DID use the commercial acrobat...23:25
qinBigMao: Thinking...23:25
dr_willisand thats all it will be happy with.23:25
BigMaodr_willis, that is possible, but the commercial acrobat is able to process these files, so i doubt they're using it since it gives them an error23:26
pwnusmaximusKonata: doesnt seem to be working... im going to try just making that directory in my user folder23:26
Konatawhat directory?23:26
=== JoeGazz84 is now known as JG84|food
pwnusmaximusthe "kmailservice"23:26
frostschutzBigMao: try ps2pdf on the pdf without pdf2ps, if that's any better23:26
Konatapwnusmaximus, kmailservice isn't related to you23:26
pwnusmaximusit is23:26
frostschutzBigMao: pdftk and pdfjam might also be worth a try23:27
dr_willisBigMao:  it may be their 'pdf to proof ' (whatever that means) is very picky on its input.23:27
meomicthat xte is not what ive been lookin for, it also cant jus tsent event that mouse was clicked at 500 500 - i must move mouse and then just click... - i want to have my mouse free23:27
koffeehausfedora channel is full of rude dorks - official23:27
pwnusmaximusim trying to get remote desktop working. but when i try to turn it on it get a "Failed to execute child process "kmailservice" (No such file or directory)"23:27
pwnusmaximushowever kmail the app works..23:27
qin!ot > koffeehaus23:27
ubottukoffeehaus, please see my private message23:27
dr_willispwnusmaximus:  it could be the issue is not related to that error message..23:27
dr_willispwnusmaximus:  theres always the stand alone vnc servers you could try. tightvnc or vnc4server23:28
pwnusmaximusanything that will work with chicken of the vnc?23:28
pwnusmaximusim trying to access this computer from a mac23:28
dr_willispwnusmaximus:  vnc standard is a standard.. :) shouldent matter if the client/servers are all following the standard23:29
Karma_Lawplease can someone tell me why flash player not works fine for games (facebook, firefox) in ubuntu?23:29
pwnusmaximusok :) ill try tightvnc23:29
dr_willisKarma_Law:  because adobe dosent really support linux very well.23:29
Praxi+1 for tightvnc23:29
BigMaofrostschutz, thanks a lot for your help, i will try to use your suggestions and write them down for later if it works :)23:29
dr_willisKarma_Law:  ive had very few issues with facebook games in flash on Ubuntu. but i guess theres always quirks that can popup23:30
PraxiKarma_Law: what browser, maybe try chromium?23:30
pwnusmaximusdr_willis: one caveat. i want a gui. like the full desktop, not a terminal vnc23:30
lauratikadoe any body knowe where i should look for cryptkeeper error log cause everytime i try to mount a folder it disapear from the notification area and cant unmount the folder only via terminal,, and i would like to see if i can see what is wrong.23:30
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Praxipwnusmaximus: just make your window full screen then?23:31
Karma_Lawdr_willis, Praxi in debian squeeze i was try it and fine very well, but no in ubuntu :S23:31
pwnusmaximusPraxi: well here in the tightvnc listing it says "Note: This server does not support or need a display."23:31
dr_willispwnusmaximus:  vnc server/viewer runs a full desktop....23:31
Phr3d13does anyone know how i would port a milkdrop preset to openvp preset?23:32
dr_willispwnusmaximus:  most vnc servers/clients work that way..  :)23:32
=== castro is now known as CasTro_
Praxidr_willis: the display thing is a carry over from original VNC when you had to specify what display you were connecting to right?23:32
dr_willispwnusmaximus:  the 'view the current desktop' is a specialized feature of the kde/gnome vnc built in server. You can have a dozen+ 'hidden' desktops that you vnc into.. none are visiable on the  machines actual monitor.23:32
dr_willisPraxi:  thats how vnc works.. the 'view local display' is a specilized way to use vnc.23:33
clausenis there a way to disable networking BEFORE boot, on the Ubuntu LiveCD?23:33
clausen(I don't want to disable it AFTER it might have been enabled automagically)23:33
lauratikai mean crash log23:33
dr_willispwnusmaximus:  you can have a headless server running 100+ vnc sessions each with their own 'full' desktop.23:33
pwnusmaximusim not that technical.. i just want a "logmein" clone23:34
Snooffyclausen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions23:35
hashitishJust gonna hang right here, might learn sommit!23:38
hashitishif thats cool23:38
clausenSnooffy, I see netcfg/disable_dhcp=true23:40
clausenSnooffy, how do I find all netcfg options?23:40
qininotify do not "see" sshfs mount, what else to use to have live watch?23:40
Snooffyclausen: I'm going through this http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt as well23:41
clausenSnooffy, I don'23:41
clausendon't thin it's a kernel option23:41
clausenbasically, I'm asking userspace not to load wireless kernel modules23:41
clausen(the livecd userspace scripts look at the kernel command line for options)23:42
hip2theehopwhats the question I may be able to help just connected so I missed it.23:42
clausen(presumebly, this netcfg command is ignored by the kernel)23:42
Phr3d13does anyone know how to port milkdrop presets to Banshee's OpenVP Visualizer?23:42
clausenhip2theehop, how do I tell the ubuntu livecd to not enable the wireless card at any point?23:42
clausenmeta question: how do I find out all the commands the livecd understands?23:43
wolteris it build into the kernel that a laptop will only wakeup if the lid is opened?23:43
hip2theehopclausen what type of wireless card?23:43
v3nd3tta``sudo chown <myuser> <file> doesn't work for some files at my hdd, the user stays '1001', what to do?23:44
clausenhip2theehop, intel centrino?  (built into the motherboard, probably)23:45
hip2theehopclausen, is this a laptop or desktop?23:45
italoxphip2theehop, Intel Cetrino is a platform23:46
zykotick9v3nd3tta``, usually it's "chown myuser:myuser file" if you are seeing 1001, then your system may not have a user with that UID.23:46
italoxphip2theehop, a codename, like Sandbridge for the new i processors23:46
hip2theehopitaloxp, i know this23:46
italoxphip2theehop, sorry .-.23:47
v3nd3tta``zykotick9: did that already a few times (even in the directories with * and single filenames)23:47
hip2theehopitaloxy, its ok23:47
v3nd3tta``and also in the top directories with -R (recursive) option etc23:47
zykotick9v3nd3tta``, "grep 1001 /etc/passwd" is there a user with 1001?23:47
hip2theehopclausen, they way I would do it little backwards would be to go into the live cd and let it run one time jump into terminal and lspci and find out the driver used.23:48
hip2theehopclausen, once done with that blacklist it in kernel options on reboot23:48
v3nd3tta``zykotick9: nope, no user id 1001 there, also I am user 1000 (which is the default single user i believe)23:49
qinv3nd3tta``: ls -l and lsattr on _the_ file23:49
zykotick9v3nd3tta``, are these files on an EXT filesystem?23:50
intel_ixHello, I'm using linux mint, but it seems that I have an upstream issue. In simple terms, I installed using wubi, and after a power failure, the system no longer boots.23:51
intel_ixIs there a way to recover data using windows? It's ext4 iirc23:51
vltintel_ix: This is Ubuntu support channel.23:51
intel_ixYes but, mint is a modified version of ubuntu23:51
hip2theehopintel pm me23:51
intel_ixand the windows installer is ubuntu's23:52
vltintel_ix: Then find a modified support channel.23:52
intel_ixAlright, then the issue is with ubuntu's wubi.23:53
intel_ixNot the OS23:53
vltintel_ix: Power failure during wubi install?23:53
v3nd3tta``qin: ls -a returns my username, but lsattr returns '-----------------e-' on the file23:53
clausenhip2theehop, how do I find out the driver with lspci?23:53
clausen(it just gives the device name, not the driver)23:53
intel_ixno, while os was running23:53
intel_ixbut I was asking how to fix that install23:54
vltintel_ix: Do you see grub when booting?23:54
qinv3nd3tta``: Thats ok23:54
intel_ixyes but the linux kernel doesn't even start23:54
v3nd3tta``but in nautilus the user is still '1001' - could that be because my previous install had the same username and also other users and that file was in backup?23:55
vltintel_ix: Do you get a grub error msg?23:55
intel_ixit just resets, like it would if overclocking failed23:55
vltintel_ix: So what exactly happens?23:56
intel_ixgrub, pick linux, restart23:56
vltintel_ix: Are there other menu items in grub?23:56
qinv3nd3tta``: I do not know nautilus, maybe.23:56
clausenhip2theehop, how do you blacklist a driver?23:56
ctvhi to all23:56
intel_ixjust recovery mode and boot to windows23:57
OerHeksintel_ix if wubi gives problems, i suggest re-install23:57
intel_ixWell, see23:57
intel_ixI just really want to know how to repair root.disk23:57
vltintel_ix: What happens when choosing recovery mode? And what wit windows?23:58
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
intel_ixWindows boots fine23:58
intel_ixI'm using it23:58
intel_ixRecovery mode just restarts23:58
vltintel_ix: Ok, then I'll no loonger help you.23:58
vltintel_ix: kidding23:58
vltintel_ix: Boot a live CD or USB stick please.23:59
hip2theehopclausen. one sec23:59
intel_ixRight well it's on this computer, so what should I do after that?23:59
vltintel_ix: Then run grub-install again.23:59
zykotick9vlt, how would a livecd help a WUBI install?  Plus, intel_ix should really be getting support for there LinuxMint in a linuxmint channel, not here.23:59
Troy^for a 500gb drive how much of a partion should i set for ubuntu?23:59

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