
karniGood day everyone!10:01
faganmorning karni10:02
karnihi fagan10:02
faganQuiet week10:03
karnifagan: Maybe on #ubuntuone ;d10:08
fagankarni: yeah the entire team is on the sprint so its quiet for me although im keeping busy even if I have no assignments :)10:10
karniah I see10:10
fagankarni: its funny though ive never seen the channel this quiet10:10
fagan my connection has been pretty spotty all week11:46
faganreally weird11:46
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duanedesignmorning all12:00
faganmorning duanedesign12:15
duanedesignhey there fagan12:27
duanedesignfagan: doing good today?12:27
duanedesignfagan: it was 30°C this morning at 5:30a.m. ugh. gonna be a hot one today12:29
faganduanedesign: yeah its really really hot12:29
faganive been complaining on fb a lot about the heat at night too12:30
faganireland wasnt designed to be this hot12:30
faganmy room is like 35 now I think12:30
faganim boiled out12:31
faganI think its more humidity than sunlight though12:32
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nessitadobey: good morning! would you help me debugging why https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/avoid-circular-imports/+merge/69329 is not landing?14:06
nessitafacundobatista: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/restore-perms/+merge/6946614:09
dobeynessita: well it failed yesterday because of an IOError in a test14:14
dobeynessita: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/653129/14:14
nessitadobey: I re run the tets suite today locally, and re approve it14:14
dobeynessita: now, it probably left a unicode file around, which bzr doesn't like14:14
nessitadobey: ah, would you please do the required magic to clean that up?14:15
dobeyam looking14:15
dobeynessita: it should try again at ~ 10:30, but i suspect the tests may fail again :(14:16
nessitadobey: any idea why they may fail again?14:17
dobeynessita: well if it failed last night due to a test failing, and you didn't change anything... :)14:17
nessitadobey: but that file is created... is there any chance you ran out of disk space where you run the tests?14:18
dobeynessita: not likely, no. There are 255GB available :)14:20
nessitadobey: ok, let's see if it fails again, I think it shouldn't14:20
nessitadobey: branch landed! :-)14:52
dobeybbiab, lunch15:26
facundobatistaalecu, ralsina, mandel: http://orsai.bitacoras.com/2005/04/cagar_leyendo_un_placer_rioplatense.php17:02
facundobatistaalecu, mandel: https://code.launchpad.net/~facundo/ubuntuone-client/smart-add-watch/+merge/6951417:19
alecufacundobatista, test_add_general_watch_twice17:51
alecufacundobatista, self.eq.monitor.add_watch = lambda *a: called.append(a) or "bar"17:53
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dobeywtf. just discovered a cut on my finger. no idea how it got there18:28
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DiegoSarmenteroralsina, https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/controller-with-initialized/+merge/6953419:09
ralsinanessita, mandel: whenever you have some time, could I get one or two reviews of https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntu-sso-client/login-user-password/+merge/6933619:17
alecunessita, bug #817171 if you want to say "affects me also"19:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 817171 in ubuntuone-client "Need to set tcpactivation registry keys before running tests (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81717119:17
alecuralsina, mandel, DiegoSarmentero, nessita: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/user-id-tcp-port/+merge/68920 and https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/use-staggered-sso-ports/+merge/68922 are needing a bit of review love.19:20
ralsinaalecu: I'll give it some19:21
alecugreat. now they need just a bit more.19:22
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dobeyi wonder if aquarius 'got' my twit reply to him19:35
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dobeynessita: hi. does your restore-perms branch fix the tests on windows in the mounted dir?20:05
nessitadobey: nopes, just allows us to remove some dirs after tests are done20:05
nessitadobey: we haven't diagnosed the thing with the mounted dir... :-/20:05
dobeyah ok20:05
dobeynessita: right. it would be interesting to know if those changes had any effect though. if someone could try to reproduce the other bug now with that branch landed20:06
nessitadobey: I could try but later today, I'm trying to have a branch ready ASAP20:07
dobeynessita: sure. i just saw the branch and was curious :)20:07
facundobatistanessita, mandel: https://code.launchpad.net/~facundo/ubuntuone-client/multiplatform-longfiles/+merge/6955120:18
alecufacundobatista, https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/use-staggered-sso-ports/+merge/6892220:20
nessitaralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/no-more-vm-helper/+merge/6955520:41
nessitafacundobatista: ^20:44
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
DiegoSarmenteronessita, https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/xdg-test-improved/+merge/6956021:03
alecunessita, mandel, ralsina: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/653365/21:04
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dobeyalrigh tall, have a good evening!21:53
aquariusdobey, possibly. I interpret "1911" as being the Colt. :_23:16

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