
=== troy_s is now known as troy_sleep
falktxhey guys09:08
falktxthis is serious...09:08
falktxsorry but I have to post this, quote from a forum user:09:09
falktx"I do think Ubuntu Studio is pretty much obsolete. However, as one of their original users since 1.0, I hope they will come around."09:09
falktxthis makes me sad...09:09
falktxplease tell me the XFCE transition is working... right?09:28
falktxoh, we should ignore my first comment, take a look:09:38
falktxthis guy is a asshole09:38
saidinesh5falktx: with the kxstudio website down, i had a bit of tough time passing it onto my friends :P10:02
falktxit's the internet tech guys fault!10:03
falktxthey never came yesterday10:03
saidinesh5Ah iSee...... ya, same problem @ my end too......10:03
falktxnow I don't have the time to work on the website, cause I still don't have network at home...10:03
saidinesh5oh k10:03
astraljavafalktx: The transition is in progress, but we haven't had an installable candidate so far in the cycle.  So cannot comment on that one.11:02
falktxoh, ok11:03
falktxI know oneiric itself has lots of issues right now because of all the changes, so it's a bit too soon to do testing11:03
falktxbut it's good to know that it's in progress11:03
falktxdo you wanna read something cool?11:04
falktx^ this Studio war is getting intense...11:04
astraljavaNah, I tend to separate myself from those.11:53
astraljavaI'm more of a technical kinda guy, at least at the moment. I don't have enough experience in making judgment calls one way or the either.11:54
astraljavaBut yeah, it's actually our fault at the moment, due to seeds being in a bad state.11:54
astraljavaOnce we get that fixed, we can start testing, and ironing out the irks.11:55
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ScottLthe ubuntu forums link posted was interesting...i had already read the linuxmusician forums thread12:23
ScottLi am planning to respond to the ubuntu forum thread because there's some specific misinformation in it12:24
ScottLwell, after the thread is opened again in 24 hours12:24
ScottLand he is quite mistaken on a few counts as well that probably should be addressed12:25
ScottLlest this become FUD and people start whispering it to others in back alleys and darkened pub rooms12:25
astraljavaScottL: Sounds good, thanks for setting the record straight! :)12:36
ScottLi had wanted to keep up with my blog to push information and correct misconceptions but haven't kept up as i desired12:37
ScottLtoo much going on12:37
ScottLhowever, this may help push me to write some more about issues12:38
astraljavaUnderstandable. It's not like you can dedicate your days for US. It'd be nice if you could, though. :D12:39
ScottLyes it would :D12:42
astraljavaI'd love to, as well. :)12:51
astraljavajussi01: cdngiadmnkhgemkimkhiilgffbjijcie12:54
astraljavaFor everyone else, that's how we communicate here in Navicron. :D12:54
jussiastraljava: gofhjkjmkpinhpoiabjplobcaignabnl12:55
astraljavajussi: Gotcha, I'm on it tomorrow.12:56
jussiastraljava: that one is open source :D12:56
astraljava*grumble* Now did you have to blow my cover?! ;D12:58
astraljavaDoesn't matter, this one works. OS never does. Wait, what?!12:58
jussiastraljava: hehe... I tried the other one... and it works :P :P:13:02
ScottLhi falktx , i am planning to respond to the ubuntu forum post you linked after it is opened again in 24 hours13:09
ScottLthanks for linking it13:09
ScottLwhile avoiding a pissing match with him (lowtech?) i will specifically address some of the misinformation and misconceptions he stated13:10
falktxpeople should be informed at the UbuntuStudio state13:11
falktxit certainly isn't obsolete!13:11
ScottLfalktx, ubuntu studio has a few things that studio4 doesn't currently and might never have13:12
ScottLwe have an established history, a huge code base within ubuntu, thousands of users and therefore a deep help base, and a modicum more documentation than studio413:13
holsteinfalktx: eh... folks just dont understand whats going on14:07
holsteinwe are going to get that just becuase its changing14:07
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