
knomei think it's time to prepare going to sleep00:10
knomegood night and see you tomorrow/later! :)00:10
astraljavaHave a good night, sir!00:11
charlie-tcaknome: I don't know if the ops list is up-to-date. I never saw it before02:30
knomemr_pouit, read the problem of Wizard in #xubuntu 12:18
madnickHm, I did not concider this, we will need some neat graphics for the text input label of the plymouth theme14:11
madnickI made it simply a black label for now14:11
knomemadnick, text input?14:12
madnickknome: it can promt for password14:12
knomeneed to think about that14:14
knomeit's not too straightforward14:14
madnickits crawling up to 1k lines slowly ;)14:16
knomehehe, nice14:16
knomei was wondering...14:16
knomecan we fade in the fsck bar/text14:16
knomethat would be cool14:16
knomeand maybe just fade in everything14:17
charlie-tcaplease don't14:17
knomecharlie-tca, ?14:17
charlie-tcamakes the eyes go nuts14:17
charlie-tcamany people can not handle much in the fading thing14:17
charlie-tcasmall bits fading are fine, but a lot of it makes it unusable for a lot us14:18
knomethen maybe just fade in the fsck stuff14:18
madnickwell, if its just the FSCK it happens every 20 boots i think14:18
madnickand we decided we shall not display anything unless it takes +5 seconds14:18
knomeor anything else that might come up after the initial draw14:18
knomefsck can be even less than every 20 boots :)14:18
madnickiirc it does a forced check14:19
charlie-tcaSo, if boot gets down to 10 seconds, and we wait 5 seconds to see the fsck, people will think it broke?14:19
knomecharlie-tca, fsck usually takes longer than 10 seconds anyway14:19
madnickAtm fsck isnt even showing, in the script that was there14:19
knomecharlie-tca, the reasoning behind that was to NOT show any useless stuff unless it's taking long (>5secs)14:20
knomecharlie-tca, reduces the amount of information sent to the user, who might not understand what something meangs14:20
charlie-tcaI know, my point is if the boot is very fast, 5 seconds can be a long time14:20
knomebut it's not too long14:20
knomeanybody will wait for 5 secs14:20
charlie-tcawill the user see the splash screen or a blank14:21
madnickit will look like its loading14:21
charlie-tcano, they won't. They will report bugs if it takes 50% longer to boot at times14:21
charlie-tcapeople time the boot process. If it takes 10 seconds some times, and 15 seconds other times, they will file bug reports for boot taking too long without knowing why it is doing that.14:22
knomecharlie-tca, i disagree. if they get feedback after 5 secs on what's happening, it is not too slow. booting always takes way more than 50% longer if the fsck check jumps in.14:22
charlie-tcaso, the fact that it takes my computer 1 minute to boot, sometimes and 1 and 1/2 minutes at other times, you don't think I would question?14:23
knomecharlie-tca, no, because after 5 secs, you are getting feedback on what is taking that 30secs longer.14:23
charlie-tcaThat 5 seconds is the same for some people. It is a great deal of time to them14:23
knomecharlie-tca, the thing is, they'd have to wait that 5 seconds anyway14:23
charlie-tcabut they should know why they are waiting14:24
knomethey will, after 5 secs14:24
charlie-tcaThey should not have to wait 5 seconds14:24
charlie-tcaThey should know during that time what is happening, if it is not a normal boot time for their computer14:25
knomethey will have to wait for the fsck process to finish anyway14:25
charlie-tcaThen why can't they be told immediately?14:25
charlie-tcaWe need to tell the user what any delay is, that we know of.14:26
charlie-tcaNot create a wait for them to find out14:26
knomeif a process takes less than 5 seconds, why clutter the interface, because the user might not understand what the message means anyway, or have time to read it.14:26
knomeright now there is no visual feedback on fsck, as madnick told14:26
charlie-tcaIf they don't understand the message, why bother with one at all?14:26
knomei'm okay with leaving the text out, if you really think so.14:27
charlie-tcaThe no feedback is why it needs to be added to plymouth. 14:27
charlie-tcaThere is a bug report for that14:27
charlie-tcaThen stop working on it14:27
charlie-tcaThere is no point in you making decisions that are wrong14:27
knomei don't like people who are attacking me personally.14:28
madnickokay, so we go with showing the text and progress directly14:28
charlie-tcaThe whole idea is telling the user something is happening14:28
charlie-tcaIf we are not telling the user what happened, we are creating a problem for them.14:29
charlie-tcaAs boot times drop, it becomes more important to tell the user as much as possible.14:30
charlie-tca5 seconds is very little at 1 to 2 minutes to boot.14:31
charlie-tca5 seconds is twice as long at 5 seconds to boot14:31
knomemadnick, do you think it would be too hard to create the version with the delay and take a screencap, just so i could see how that would look?15:55
knomeastraljava, woot, you didn't tell jussi about QI?! :)15:56
madnickknome: i could create a seperate version for you :)16:00
madnickand sceencap16:00
knomemadnick, thanks. at first i'd just like to see how that looks like. charlie might be right about it, but i want to see if this made it visually more clear, as i suspect.16:01
madnickdo you also want the fadeS?16:01
knomeif that's not too much work16:01
madnickok sure16:01
madnickit'll take a lil while16:01
knomeno problem, and thanks a lot!16:01
madnickknome: i do have some issues with the textbox however16:02
madnickWe cannot use the old one16:02
knomewhat kind of?16:02
madnickAnd I tried making different colors, but it was just not blending in16:02
knomeso do you just need artwork for that, or is there other problems too?16:03
madnickNo thats the only problem 16:03
knomei'll try to create something that fits in later today16:03
madnickI can show you how that part looks16:03
madnickdont pay attention to the graphics, its from a version im testing stuff on16:05
madnickjust the box16:05
knomeuh, yeah, that doesn't work...16:05
madnicktoo me, its too transperant, i wouldnt see it16:05
knomethat's the box for the text, or the text input?16:05
knomewhich one?16:06
madnickoh, for the text input16:06
madnicksorry i read it quickly16:06
knomei'll try to come up with something16:06
knomesomething as unobtrusive as possible16:06
madnickin the version im giving you, do you need the progressmeter for fsck? because that will need to simulated16:06
knomeif possible, yes, but it doesn't have to "move"16:07
knomejust fade in something16:07
madnickknome: here is the fade http://www.madnick.se/~madnick/fade.ogg16:16
knomeimo that looks good.16:17
knomei think you have to ask the project lead though, if he approves16:17
madnickI dont like the fade personally :)16:17
knomewe can leave that out too16:18
knomei'd maybe fade in the fsck text16:18
madnickWell, if people want fade, ill do fade ofcourse16:18
knomenot necessary really16:18
madnickknome: i can show you how that looks16:19
knomelet's get it done otherwise as ready as possible16:19
knomethen think about the polishing stuff16:19
madnickIts not much left to do on the technical part16:19
madnickWell, some fsck stuff, but otherwise not16:20
knomewill the progressbar bg be transparent in the final version like in my mockup?16:20
madnickI could programmatically make it transparant, but you could also provide transperant png that you would like to use16:21
knomejust a sec16:21
madnickknome: dude that looks awesome :P16:24
madnickmuch better16:24
knomeif you need any other stuff, just tell me16:24
knomethe mockup i made is svg and i can export easily16:24
madnickacctually, if its not too much trouble, that white part of hte progressmeter16:25
knomesure, just a sec16:25
knomethere you go16:26
knomewill be back later17:33
madnickknome: perhaps we should hide the top progress meter when fsck is doing its work?19:59
madnicki almost got confused myself :)20:00
knomemadnick, or stop it?20:00
madnickthats true20:00
madnicki could try that, and you can have a peek?20:00
madnickgimme 1 sec20:02
knomehad a horrible migraine attack20:02
knomeno hurry20:02
madnickmigrane is aweful20:02
madnickused to have them all the time when i was working20:02
knomeyeah, it's actually worse in the summer, since the hot air doesn't really help20:03
madnickdarn :) recoded the audio20:07
madnick(nobody worry about the fade, this is just the version of the script im testing stuff on)20:10
knomemm, that's not bad20:10
astraljavaknome: Ahh... damnit! I forgot! Well, at least now there's something to do tomorrow. :)20:10
knomei'm not sure if stopping the original slider gives any extra clearness, but it's definitely not bad either20:11
knomeastraljava, hihi, well i told jussi to ask you about QI20:11
knomemadnick, what do you think if the normal progress slider went left-right-left-right...20:11
madnickthat could be arranged20:12
madnickit probably better20:12
knomemadnick, i think that's what's been used in ubuntu20:12
madnickoh okay20:12
knomemadnick, it is slighty less obtrusive i think, because nothing suddenly (dis)appears20:12
madnickyeah i was thinking about smoothing that20:13
madnickbut back and forth is also cool20:13
knomeyeah good! :)20:13
knomei think you can also increase the speed a notch20:13
knomewhat about using the blue color for the fsck bar, like in http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/oneiric_plymouth/draft3.png ?20:13
knomewould that confuse less or more20:14
knomeit kind of tells the user "this is a different process"20:14
madnicki think it would be cool, i just didnt have a transperant version myself20:14
knomebut i'm not sure how people will perceive that20:14
knomedo you want me to export something? :)20:14
knomethe bar background is the same20:14
knomeit's only the moving part that changes20:15
madnickyeah then i just need hte moving part :P20:15
knomehow do you want it?20:15
knome1px wide?20:15
madnickalso, did you think about the text input bar?20:15
astraljavaOH man, that draft3 is magnificent!20:15
madnickknome: if you like20:15
madnicki think 1px is fine20:15
knomeyeah, but no ideas yet20:15
knomeastraljava, thanks, and thanks to madnick, we're pretty close of actually already having that...20:16
astraljavaYou guys rock!20:16
knomemadnick, i'm afraid we're losing the "blur" effect on the sides though...20:16
madnickwell, size does not matter20:16
madnicki will scale it accordinly20:16
knomethat might just work20:17
knomei'm not sure about how good scaling looks, but let's try20:17
knomei have an another idea if that looks bad20:17
madnicki am a little worried about the text input, because all things i tried was "bad"20:18
madnickThe best idea I had20:18
madnickwas putting the input on the top20:18
knometext input idea20:20
knome(insert text on top of the line)20:21
madnickknome: the bar looked really good 20:21
madnickok looking20:21
knomeor, the *****'s20:21
knomemadnick, nice!20:21
TheSheepknome: it doesn't scream "I'm a text input, put text in me" at me :(20:22
madnickI feel color blind people could have a problem with this one20:22
knomewhat if we added a title20:22
knome"Insert your password"20:22
knomedoesn't that replace the progressbars anyway?20:22
knomeor am i wrong20:22
madnickIt could20:22
knomelet me work on an another mockup20:22
TheSheepknome: I think people are really expecting a box, it can have shiny outline, but basically an empty rectangle is what I would expect20:23
knomeTheSheep, that just looks fugly20:23
TheSheepknome: I know it's not nice20:23
TheSheepknome: it's a tradeoff20:24
TheSheepyou knwo what I mean20:24
madnickthe current "box.png" is that, and i pasted a picture, it did not look that nice20:24
TheSheepthere are lots of things you can do with a box20:24
knomethe textbox is always selected anyway, isn't it?20:25
TheSheepknome: maybe add a couple of large arrows too ;)20:25
knomearrows? lol20:25
* TheSheep ducks20:26
madnickyou could say that knome 20:26
madnick(its just an illusion)20:26
knomethere doesn't need to be any visual feedback on that20:26
knomebut if you type something, it doesn't matter where the input box is20:26
knomeas long as any input is catched20:27
charlie-tcaWhat is the password for? lightdm should have it's own, right?20:27
madnickits for encrypted disks20:27
madnicki use it with alternate cd20:27
charlie-tcaOh, I like that idea. Anything would be better than the black box on black background using black text that comes up now20:27
TheSheephm, in that case an explanatory text would be better, then you don't need the box or anything20:27
knomeTheSheep, did you look at draft5?20:28
TheSheepknome: yes20:28
knomefor visual feedback on text input20:28
knome(an idea)20:28
TheSheepknome: yeah, you don't even need that line20:28
madnickoh it goes above?20:28
knomeyeah, that's what i thought :)20:28
madnicksweet man20:29
TheSheepknome: just add the huge arrow as we agreed ;)20:29
knomeTheSheep, and the pink bunny?20:29
TheSheepknome: no, but you can make the arrow sparkle20:30
charlie-tcaKeeping in mind, that is a pass phrase, and could be several lines, too.20:30
charlie-tcaor can the line be reused as needed to fit everything?20:30
madnickYeah it wouldnt be great moving down the boxes20:30
TheSheep"type the first two chapters of your novel here"20:30
madnickif we added a marker20:30
TheSheepan arrow!20:31
madnickif would be like when entering into a password <input> html box20:31
charlie-tcawell, at least 255 characters, I think it is for the passphrase20:31
charlie-tcabut if the machine doesn't have to give new lines, it would be nice, too20:31
charlie-tcahalf the time now, you type blind, hoping it accepts it20:31
madnickbtw, charlie-tca did we establish no fades?20:32
TheSheephidden passwords are a thing of the past anyways20:32
charlie-tcano, we requested few fades, if we are using them20:32
knomeTheSheep, yeah, let's show it plaintext20:32
madnickokay, few fades20:32
knomeTheSheep, that way you can check if it's correct20:32
TheSheepknome: have a checkbox to show it20:33
charlie-tcaThe only requirement is to tell users what is happening, as it happens20:33
charlie-tcaI don't care where they type, how long, whether or not it shows in a box, etc.20:33
madnicki made that earler for knome 20:33
charlie-tcaI like knome's #520:33
knomemadnick, let's not use the fade to fade in everything20:34
knomemadnick, maybe only fade stuff in after the password prompt has disappeared20:34
madnickokay, but the text?20:34
charlie-tcamadnick: my artistic eye screws that up, I can't tell what is happening. knome will judge that better than me20:34
knomemadnick, mmh, yeah, right20:35
knomelet's fade in:20:35
knome- the fsck bar and the text, ALWAYS20:35
knome- the "normal" progress bar after password prompt is faded out20:35
knomemadnick, does that make sense?20:35
madnicki wonder how much time we got to fade stuff out however20:36
knomejust make it a quick transition20:36
knomeif we don't have time, then heck, just skip fadeout/in20:36
madnickWe have time for in's, since it only takes less than a second currently20:36
knomethe transition can be pretty quick20:37
knomeno need to use a 8sec transition ;)20:37
knomei'm happy as long as nothing doesn't (dis)appear from/to nothingness20:37
madnickis something else in the plymouth setup changed?20:38
madnickcurrently fsck is messaged like this20:38
madnick(from the new version i mean)20:38
madnickplymouth --update=fsck:sda1:020:38
madnickfor example, and if thats changed i will need to adjust20:39
knomeno idea, mr_pouit might know20:39
knomebah, michael vogt isn't online so i can't bug him either20:41
madnickbtw, seems the alternate cd's are broken20:43
madnickdependency broken20:43
charlie-tcafor oneiric?20:51
charlie-tcadesktop images are broken; failed to build today, so yes, I would expect alternate images are broken too20:52
charlie-tcaThey changed lightdm again20:52
madnickoh i see20:53
NWHHello: I have a simple question. 21:42
knomeif it's support question, then use #xubuntu :) otherwise, go ahead21:42
NWHHow do I edit my html file /var/www/html21:42
NWHSounds like support to me as well. 21:43
NWH:) Have a good one. 21:43
knomejoin there, and i'll try to help21:43

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