
Anilhello guys01:25
thumperDBO: I'm sure I've jumped into a pair of pants before02:39
DBOthumper, see02:39
DBOmen, we try these things02:40
thumperI'm heading home now (from town)02:41
DBOso was yours a success?02:41
thumperhalf I think02:41
thumperI got both legs in, but not all the way02:41
didrocksgood morning05:15
andyrockgood morning08:24
ephanmorning andyrock08:25
andyrockephan, hey08:27
ephanandyrock, I'm new in this channel08:43
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andyrocknjpatel, ping10:19
andyrocknjpatel, i'm porting TestFavoriteStoreGSettings to googletest10:20
andyrocknjpatel, it's a WIP http://paste.ubuntu.com/653673/10:20
andyrockdo you think it's ok?10:20
* njpatel looks10:21
njpatelandyrock, yes, excellent start!10:22
andyrockandyrock, i will add it to test-gtest10:22
andyrockandyrock, or i have to create another bin?10:22
njpatelandyrock, speaking to youself?10:22
njpatelandyrock, add it to test-gtest :)10:22
andyrocknjpatel, ops... sorry :) xchat should avoid these things...10:23
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didrocksAPI: hey, with accessibility enabled, I get some dbusmenu crash. Not sure to what component I should set that, can you have a look? bug #81747711:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 817477 in unity (Ubuntu) "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in main_arena()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81747711:59
andyrockwith the last commits i get error when i try to build unity12:01
ephanWhich reminds me where can Unity source be downloaded?12:02
andyrockbzr branch lp:unity12:03
andyrockephan, ^^^12:03
ephanoh thanks12:03
ephanI still need all the dependencies, don't have them on this comp12:03
ephanhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/653749/ I read somewhere it's all these12:04
APIdidrocks, ok12:20
APIlamalex, would you prefer if I find anything else to review that a11y branch?12:21
APIdidrocks, probably your bug is a duplicate of this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/81003912:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 810039 in unity (Ubuntu) "unity-panel-service crash with a11y enabled on Unity at Oneiric" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:22
APIdidrocks, in fact I will set your bug as a duplicate12:24
didrocksAPI: mine has the stacktrace if needed :)12:24
APIdidrocks, well, yes, but the other is older ;)12:24
APIbut you are right12:24
APIthe one that you pointed12:24
didrocksAPI: as you wish, I don't care :)12:24
APIhave more info12:24
APII will close the older as a duplicate12:24
didrocksAPI: are you working on it for alpha3?12:25
ephanSpeaking of bugs, I reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dmz-cursor-theme/+bug/817435 today12:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 817435 in dmz-cursor-theme (Ubuntu) "mouse cursor is not black" [Undecided,New]12:25
ephanAlso everybody, may I know what Unity 2D and 3D are? I do not know the difference12:27
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APInjpatel, didrocks, I'm having a problem compiling unity from the source code:12:51
API                 from /home/devel/Unity/source/last/unity/plugins/unityshell/src/QuicklistView.cpp:21:12:51
API/usr/include/sigc++-2.0/sigc++/functors/mem_fun.h:2126:12: note:   candidate expects 5 arguments, 6 provided12:52
API/usr/include/sigc++-2.0/sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_trait.h:189:75: error: return-statement with a value, in function returning 'void' [-fpermissive]12:52
APImake[2]: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/test-quicklist.dir/__/plugins/unityshell/src/QuicklistView.cpp.o] Error 112:52
APImake[1]: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/test-quicklist.dir/all] Error 212:52
APIseems a problem of a change on Nux that was not still synced on unity12:52
didrocksI thought jay fixed it?12:52
APIalthough it is also true that this is just for test-quicklist12:52
didrocksI would say, just disable it for now12:53
APIdidrocks, there is a way to disable tests, or do you mean just edit by hand CMakeLists.txt?12:53
didrocksAPI: by hand unfortunately AFAIK12:54
APIdidrocks, ok, thanks12:54
didrocksyw :)12:54
ephanguys, as I'm new here, I'd like to know something. Do you most of you work for Canonical?12:57
APIjaytaoko, Im having this problem compiling last nux:unity:13:10
APIPI>                  from /home/devel/Unity/source/last/unity/plugins/unityshell/src/QuicklistView.cpp:21:13:10
API<API> ...13:10
API<API> /usr/include/sigc++-2.0/sigc++/functors/mem_fun.h:2126:12: note:   candidate expects 5 arguments, 6 provided13:10
API<API> /usr/include/sigc++-2.0/sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_trait.h:189:75: error: return-statement with a value, in function returning 'void' [-fpermissive]13:10
API<API> make[2]: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/test-quicklist.dir/__/plugins/unityshell/src/QuicklistView.cpp.o] Error 113:10
API<API> make[1]: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/test-quicklist.dir/all] Error 213:10
API<API> seems a problem of a change on Nux that was not still synced on unity13:10
APIdidrocks mentioned that you were working on something related to that13:10
jaytaokoAPI: hello13:11
ephanAPI, lots of other people complained already they can't compile13:11
ephanBecause of that same error13:11
APIephan, ah ok13:11
APIsorry I had some problems today with the net13:11
APIand I didn't connect until know13:11
ephanWhich reminds me, what's the release date of Alpha 313:12
ephanAugust, 4th13:13
jaytaokoAPI: I am checking the unity trunk...13:24
APIjaytaoko, ok13:31
Trevinhojaytaoko: is the branch I sent fine?14:07
lucazadeTrevinho: with latest updates of unity-2d your patch for scrollwhell on sound-indicator doesn't work anymore or better scroll-up and down are inverted14:26
jaytaokoAPI: A branch was merged in unity trunk and that branch required a compatible Nux branch to be merged in unity... I will push the nux branch shortly... sorry about this14:39
APIjaytaoko, ok, no problem14:40
APIjust warned here to check if was just my problem14:40
Trevinholucazade: In unity-2d or unity?14:43
lucazadeTrevinho: in unity-2d14:44
TrevinhoFor sure that issue was in unity, since nux inverted they scrolling events14:46
TrevinhoHowever, I don't know how they implemented in unity-2d as I heard they moved to unity-panel-service too14:46
lucazadehaven't tried yet in unity-3d cos my netbook can't handle it :)14:46
Trevinholucazade: are you still using natty or oneiric?14:47
lucazadeTrevinho Oneiric14:48
TrevinhoI'll give a look14:48
lucazadetnx (also for the patch that is really handy)!14:48
andyrockjcastro: meeting today?14:48
Trevinholucazade: So actually the volume increases on scrolling down and vice-versa?14:49
lucazadeTrevinho, yep and notify-osd sometimes seems to freeze to follow volume changes14:49
TrevinhoThat is related to indicator-sound14:50
lucazadein fact click in volume slider inside indicator-sound the volume goes from mute to max only14:51
TrevinhoI'll try14:51
TrevinhoHowever I'm sure that when I proposed the branch for merging it was working correctly14:53
Trevinholucazade: you're running the bzr version, isn't it?14:55
TrevinhoSince the version I've installed in my oneiric machine (the default one) doesn't seem to support the scroll at all yet14:55
lucazadeTrevinho, it was working correctly before gtk3 porting of unity-2d latest days. Yes, i'm using from bzr14:59
jcastroandyrock_: dang, I thought it was yesterday15:00
jcastroandyrock_: but hey, we can go over some merges if you have anything clogged up15:00
andyrock_jcastro: oh damn... i missed it! :( no problem....15:01
jcastroandyrock_: Trevinho hey have you guys been using the review thing in launchpad?15:01
jcastrohow's that coming on?15:01
Trevinhojcastro: about merging... I just need that the BAMF branch I did (that has been approved) would be added in the merging queue!15:01
jcastroandyrock_: it's ok, I missed it too, been so off this week.15:01
jcastroDBO: around? let's do this bamf thing15:02
Trevinhojcastro: I didn't yet since I finally have been able to upgrade to oneiric and so I finished the working branches I was on15:03
* jcastro nods15:04
jcastroI mentioned you guys on this podcast I did!15:04
TrevinhoReally? Do you have an audio file to link?15:05
DBOjcastro, yes I am here15:06
jcastrojcastro: about merging... I just need that the BAMF branch I did (that has been approved) would be added in the merging queue!15:07
jcastroDBO: ^15:07
jcastroTrevinho: http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2011/07/20/s04e11-the-trooper/15:07
jcastroLike the last 1/3 of the show, I talk about Unity, you guys, make fun of Jason a little bit (j/k)15:08
jcastroTrevinho: where's the link to that bamf branch?15:08
TrevinhoDBO: you already approved it https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/bamf/fixes15:08
TrevinhoI really want to listen at your voice... I miss it! :D15:09
DBOand weird15:09
DBOthank you Trevinho15:09
TrevinhoYou're welcome ;)15:09
DBOI'll take care of it as soon as I am back from the dentist15:09
DBO(filling popped out)15:10
TrevinhoOh have a nice dentist session! :)15:10
TrevinhoIf it ever could be15:10
ephanIs Unity compilable again?15:12
Trevinhojcastro: your "Marco Trevisan" American pronunciation is awesome! :)15:20
TrevinhoThank you for mentioning... Also if i'm the 2nd one :D :D15:20
jcastroyeah I totally butcher that15:20
jcastrothe nice thing about just saying "Marco" is that I can cover like 3 people. :)15:21
TrevinhoEhehe... I know.. It's so popular15:21
TrevinhoAlso there are too many Andrea's15:21
jaytaokoAPI: get unity from trunk and try to compile again. it should be ok now15:26
ephancool jaytaoko15:27
APIjaytaoko, ok, thanks15:27
Trevinhojcastro: I just asked again to the chromium guys to change their code to get the proper wm_class... Damned libwnck! :P15:37
jcastrook so basically15:38
jcastrowe told them to fix it wrong15:38
jcastroand then they did15:38
jcastronow we're telling them to fix it again15:39
TrevinhoYes :P15:39
TrevinhoWe're crazy guys :D15:39
jcastrook and we're sure this time right?15:39
TrevinhoYes, we asked them not to follow the standard15:39
Trevinhosince libwnck is bugged (was, using my patch)...15:39
ephanThey're gonna get us wrong?15:39
ephanUs as in, you, Ubuntu coders15:39
TrevinhoNo... Basically we didn't have any way to get the value using libwnck15:40
Trevinhoso we asked to use the bad way...15:40
jcastroTrevinho: is the patch in upstream libwnk's bugzilla?15:40
Trevinhoit's just waiting for merge15:40
jcastroany review from upstream?15:40
jcastroah awesome15:41
Trevinhobut they doesn't reply so often15:41
seb128try pinging vuntz directly on #ubuntu-desktop15:41
jcastrousually you can ping someone on irc or something15:41
Trevinhoso It seems ok, I should have to fix two bytes, but I didn't got no answers about the main question: how to name these two APIs15:41
TrevinhoOk, thank you15:41
TrevinhoHowever, that's not the main issue for us15:42
seb128well I tried to ping vuntz one week ago and he was still not sure about the naming15:42
Trevinhowe could always impelment this in bamf waiting them15:42
seb128can you ping him on #ubuntu-desktop?15:42
jcastroTrevinho: in those situations we have plenty of gnomers on board, they can tell you how to talk to someone to get a fix looked at15:42
Trevinhojcastro: I actually made all the patches that we needed, but since I didn't had any reply  in few time I re-implemented it in bamf using X raw calls... and for us could be also a good thing until libwnck get what we miss15:43
jcastroTrevinho: wow, I'm starting to have some hope this might get fixed! (hah)15:43
Trevinhoyes is something that is in my queue...15:43
TrevinhoHowever in my first fix I didn't touch too much the bamf architecture since I didn't want to t too much old work...15:44
seb128we can ship the patch in ubuntu with a function prefixed ubuntu_ if vuntz doesn't review it15:44
TrevinhoThat could be a possibility, but the needed raw X calls to get this directly in BAMF aren't too much, so we can avoid to do that15:45
TrevinhoI guess15:45
ephanWill the unity dash be supporting minimizing?15:47
TrevinhoOk, thanks seb128 vuntz is in IRC ;)15:48
brogdoggWhere can we give some feedback on Unity?15:48
ephanLaunchpad perhaps15:48
ephanIf it's a bug or a wishlist15:49
ephanwhich would be www.launchpad.net/unity15:49
brogdoggyeah, just wishlist.15:49
brogdogg@ephan thanks!15:49
ephanNo problem15:49
brogdoggdo you know if there is a plugin or 3rd party app that allows win 7 behavior of hovering the icons in the unity bar?15:50
ephanThere is brogdogg15:50
ephanIn compiz15:50
ephanIt's called "Window Previews"15:50
brogdoggsweet, I will have to check it out. Just trying Unity today and that was the only thing that I wish it would have had by default.15:51
ephanGood to know ;)15:51
ephanNever hesitate to suggest a new feature on Launchapd though ;)15:52
brogdoggyeah, going to suggest for sure.15:52
ephanAlso, anybody around here that could help me starting to help on Unity too? I wonder, what is there to do/code/etc?15:55
jcastrook, start off with the stuff in the topic15:55
* API it seems that I need to compile libunity-misc to compile unity from sources ....15:55
jcastrospecifically the bitesize links15:55
jcastrothey have a step by step on how to check out the code and get started15:55
jcastrothen, just ask us questions as you run into problems!15:55
ephanSo I'll browse through the code first, and read the hacking files (if they exist)15:56
ephanAnd understand the code structure, Unity is mostly C++, I guess right?15:57
ephanCheck the bitesize bugs on Launchpad and if I run into problems, just say here. Thanks jcastro15:57
jcastroyeah, the bitesize ones are supposed to be nice and beginner, more to get you familiar with the code, etc.15:58
jcastroif you need help and no one is around you can also post to the mailing list (link in topic)15:58
ephan_http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/#coding By the way, isn't that page wrong (as HTML), it looks a bit "buggy" on #coding16:29
ephan_Translations should not be made on unity/po/ right? But on Launchpad.net? thanks, just want to know16:32
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TrevinhoI was wondering... What actually can be dragged in the Unity panel?17:25
TrevinhoIcons... Then?17:26
Trevinhoany file accepted by a launcher handler....17:26
andyrockTrevinho: for unity panel do you mean unity launcher (dock, springboard) etc?17:27
Trevinhoyes, sorry17:27
andyrockTrevinho: i think, .dekstop file17:27
TrevinhoI don't know why I've said panel :P, maybe because I'm both workin on them :D17:27
andyrockTrevinho: i know :)17:27
TrevinhoMh... So, we can't currently drag a text, or a firefox image there for example17:27
andyrockif there is an icon application17:28
andyrockthat handle this kind of file17:28
andyrockso when we something is dragged over the launcher17:28
TrevinhoOk that's what I knew17:29
andyrockwe read its type17:29
Trevinhothe fact that the launcher something reveals when there's something that it can't handle17:29
andyrockthe problem is just one :)17:29
andyrockx dnd sucks :)17:29
TrevinhoYes, I know that... but it's the only whe have17:30
andyrockwe can only know what kind of thing we are dragging17:30
andyrockwhen we enter the launcher...17:30
TrevinhoMh, that could be enough by the way17:30
andyrockbut DBO has a solution....17:31
andyrockwe create a BaseWindow as soon as dnd start17:31
andyrockread the type of dragged things17:31
andyrockdestroy the base window we have created17:32
andyrockemit a signals, that is handled by the launcher17:32
andyrockin this way we could17:32
mterryDoes anyone know where the unity-greeter design spec is?  (for lightdm)  Mika apparently did it?17:32
TrevinhoOk... So this is something that he'll do :P17:32
andyrockTrevinho: the problem is not DBO... the problem is X17:33
andyrockbtw using this solution we could:17:34
andyrock1) highlight the launcher icon as soon as dnd start and not when mouse enters the launcher17:34
andyrock2) don't reveal the launcher if there is no reason to do that :)17:35
andyrocki know that my english sucks, so we can speak italian in private :)17:36
TrevinhoI know that DBO is not the problem... :)17:36
TrevinhoOk ok...17:36
TrevinhoHowever I got what you wanted17:36
Trevinhoto say17:36
andyrockTrevinho: if you are interested to it, i can post here the link to lp bug :)17:37
TrevinhoNo, thank you... If that's the solution, I wait for it... Now I have to do something else :P17:38
MacSlowjderose, hey there... the ustream broadcast is in 22 min?!17:38
andyrockTrevinho: i can do it, but jaytaoko should help in base window stuff :)17:38
MacSlowjderose, btw... congrats to reaching hte kickstarter-goal!17:38
jderoseMacSlow: thanks :)17:39
DBOback from the dentist!17:39
hyperairhad fun?17:39
MacSlowDBO, let them bolt that stuff this time17:39
tedgkenvandine, seb128, libindicate-gtk3 merge request updated, please double check!17:39
DBOit seems I broke17:39
DBOit seems I broke the filling in half17:40
DBOwith dental floss17:40
andyrockDBO, first the glasses, now the dentist :)17:40
kenvandinetedg, will do17:41
TrevinhoDBO: now you can merge the bamf branch, isn't it? :D17:55
=== daker is now known as daker_
andyrockjaytaoko: around?17:59
andyrockcan anyone help me with nux::basewindow? :)18:05
TrevinhoDBO: is this something up to you? https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity/laucher-edge-reveal-revisited/+merge/6970118:14
DBOwe're planning to not go the timeout route18:15
DBOI am trying to see if we can get X support for getting motion events "out of screen" so to speak18:16
DBOI'll write a more detailed description in the review18:16
DBOsince that might still be merge worthy as the fallback18:16
TrevinhoOk... I've read something like that in the related bug18:25
Trevinhobut going out the screen seems weird to me :o18:26
om26ernew unity release happening today?18:27
jaytaokoandyrock: brb18:33
andyrockjaytaoko: i need your help :) when you are free ping me!18:36
jaytaokoandyrock: ping18:52
andyrockjaytaoko: so i'm looking to this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/72790118:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 727901 in unity "When dragging and dropping a file on to the Launcher, the Launcher icons that are valid drop receptacles don't highlight until the cursor is over the launcher." [Medium,Triaged]18:53
andyrockbut i've no idea how i should create an invisible base window :)18:53
ephaninvisible base window? i don't get what you mean xD Although even if I did, I'm not sure if I can be of help18:54
jaytaokoandyrock: so a BaseWindow cannot be invisible like an XWindow18:55
andyrockephan: don't worry, jaytaoko should have understood18:55
jaytaokoandyrock: BaseWindow have a visibility flag but it is purely logical (used mostly to draw or not draw the BaseWindow)18:56
Trevinhojaytaoko: so no way to build an event window?18:57
andyrockjaytaoko: mmm ok... so how we should do?18:57
jaytaokoandyrock: are you refering to a BaseWindow backed by an InputWindow?18:57
jaytaokoandyrock: and X InputWindow18:57
jaytaokoandyrock: right now the launcher is a BaseWindow but it also has an X inputWindow to receive events coming from X18:58
andyrockjaytaoko: but the xinputwindow is of the same geometry of the basewindow right?18:59
andyrock*have the same...18:59
jaytaokoandyrock: yes19:00
andyrockso i cannot use it...19:00
andyrockbecause what i need is a fake window to just read the type of dragged stuff19:01
andyrockbefore the mouse pointer enter the launcher window19:01
jaytaokoandyrock: I see, we are doing something like that,  Jason has more is the one who worked on that feature19:03
jaytaokoandyrock: is this something that was recently broken?19:03
jaytaokoandyrock: we have changed the event architecture in Nux recently19:04
andyrockjaytaoko: no, has always been broken...19:04
jaytaokoandyrock: and I still have to finalize the change in the DnD procedure19:04
jaytaokoandyrock: ok, allow me to ask Jason when he is available. He may have more ideas on the matter19:05
andyrockjaytaoko: i know, but this is an X problem, that let you to read the type of drugged stuff only when the pointer enters the xwindow19:06
DBOallo gents19:07
andyrockjaytaoko: basewindow cannot be invisible ok... can it be transparent?19:08
jaytaokoDBO: andyrock is working on this  https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/72790119:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 727901 in unity "When dragging and dropping a file on to the Launcher, the Launcher icons that are valid drop receptacles don't highlight until the cursor is over the launcher." [Medium,Triaged]19:08
DBOandyrock, look at the LauncherIconDrawWindow19:09
jaytaokoandyrock: a basewindow can be invisible, put when it is invisible, its X Inputwindow stops receiving events19:09
DBOandyrock, just remove the parts where it draws the icon (after it clears everything)19:09
andyrockjaytaoko: i got it :)19:09
DBOjaytaoko, he means he is just going to render 0x0000000 to its entire surface19:09
jaytaokoDBO: oh Ok!19:10
andyrockDBO jaytaoko: thx :)19:11
jaytaokoandyrock: no problem! :)19:11
andyrockP.S.: dnd is broken in unity...19:11
DBOandyrock, known issue19:14
DBOthe event arch broke it19:14
DBOI am fixing it19:14
andyrockDBO: ok when you fix it, i will work on it19:15
=== andyrock is now known as andyrock-dinner
Trevinhohi Andy8019:51
Andy80Trevinho: hola :)19:51
andyrock-dinnerHi Andy80 :)20:24
Andy80hey ;)20:24
=== andyrock-dinner is now known as andyrock
ephansudo apt-get source unity20:54
ephandoes that install all unity dependencies?20:54
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andyrockephan: sudo apt-get build-dep unity21:23
ephanthanks andyrock21:23
andyrockephan: read also the last ayatana-dev mail21:24
ephanI am not yet in the mail list, I have to do that now21:24
andyrockephan: you can read the archive21:25
ephanI know andyrock :)21:26
ephanandyrock, oh I need an extra package, I see thanks for warning, just installed21:32
andyrockephan: yw21:33
thumperephan: another point21:46
ephanyes thumper21:46
thumperephan: I found the build instructions in the branch both confusing and contraditionary21:46
ephanAnd so did I, I was just reading and asking a friend for help21:46
ephanBecause CMAKE ../\nmake is not possible21:47
thumperephan: I had to get the right lines from njpatel :)21:47
thumperephan: I'll be around online for the next few hours if you need help21:47
thumperfor whatever help I can actually offer :)21:47
ephannjpatel as in the freenode channel?21:48
ephansorry, njpatel the person*21:48
ephanNeil J. Patel*21:48
ephannux-core-1.0 says I don't have it installed. I thought pretty much all packages were included in sudo apt-get build-dep unity21:50
ephanAnd it's not on apt-get, so I need to build from source I think21:50
* thumper hmms and aahs21:51
thumperthe build deps for unity don't cover bumped versions of dependent libraries21:51
thumperas the package for unity isn't trunk (yet)21:51
thumpertrunk has moved on, the package hasn't caught up21:51
thumperyou probably need to compile nux too21:51
ephanthumper, do you suggest I install nux dependencies or try to install nux-core-1.0? The problem with nux-core-1.0 is it is not in apt-get and I could not find it online21:54
thumperephan: I mean, branch lp:nux and build locally21:54
thumpernux and unity are quite intertwined in the dependency chain21:55
thumpernux often has abi breaks21:55
ephanI see21:55
thumperwhich unity trunk depends on21:55
thumperI'm pretty sure the packaged nux won't allow trunk unity to compile21:55
ephanthanks, getting nux now21:58
* thumper nods21:59
ephanI actually downloaded nux, but can't figure out how to compile HMmm22:03
thumperephan: do you have a build or staging directory?22:05
thumperlike ~/staging22:05
ephanI have indeed a build directory22:06
thumperthis is where I install my local build stuff to22:06
ephanI called it "build"22:06
thumpernot local22:06
thumperwe need somewhere inside $HOME to put the builds22:06
ephanyou mean a global one22:06
ephanhm, I never used anything like that22:06
thumperpersonally (and a lot of the dx team) uses ~/staging22:06
thumperso make that22:06
thumper ./autogen.sh --prefix=~/staging --enable-debug22:07
thumperthen make22:07
ephanshould I branch nux here then? Or this is only for the builds?22:07
thumpermake check22:07
thumpermake install22:07
thumperno, that is just where we put the binaries22:07
thumperI have my branches in ~/src22:07
ephanconfigure: error: expected an absolute directory name for --prefix: ~/staging hm22:10
thumperephan: then expand it out22:13
thumperI thought the shell would22:14
thumperbut I guess not22:14
thumperI have mine expanded here22:14
ephanhm, I'm not quite understanding what you mean by "expand it out"22:14
ephanI need google-mock, just had to install it22:20
ephanI think I need sudo make install22:34
ephan/bin/mkdir: cannot create directory `/staging': Permission denied22:34
thumperephan: you shouldn't need sudo22:35
thumperephan: what was the command line you used for autogen?22:35
ephan ./autogen.sh --prefix=$(HOME)/staging --enable-debug22:35
thumperwhat is $HOME22:37
thumpermine is /home/tim22:37
ephan/home/david/ for me22:37
thumperwith the trailing slash?22:38
thumperchange the prefix to /home/david/staging22:38
ephantrailing slash unncessary22:38
thumperand try again22:38
ephan"make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'"22:41
ephanmake says that for all folders22:41
thumperephan: because it is built22:43
thumperand you only changed the install location22:44
thumpertry make check22:44
TrevinhoDBO: are you here?22:44
thumperephan: ah...22:45
thumperephan: that is some extra test only dependencies22:45
thumperephan: I added that :-|22:45
ephanI'm confused TheMuso22:45
thumpersudo apt-get install libboost-filesystem-dev22:46
thumperephan: we use google test and google mock for the tests22:46
thumperephan: for some of those tests I needed independent verification of the file system22:46
thumperephan: so I used boost::filesystem22:46
thumperephan: it isn't a run time dependency, just for the tests22:47
ephanI see22:47
ephanmake check worked22:47
ephantime for make install22:47
ephanhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/654043/ Does this mean successful installation?22:48
thumperhave a look in /home/david/staging22:49
thumperthere should be some shared object libraries in lib, and headers in include22:49
thumperif there is, you're all good22:49
ephanlots of headers in include22:50
ephanand lib checeks, everything seems fine22:50
ephantime to build Unity?22:50
ephan"--   package 'nux-core-1.0' not found" ack22:51
thumperephan: what is your cmake line?22:54
ephana lot of packages were not found22:58
ephanlibnotify, unity-misc, indicator3-0.4, libbamf323:01
ephanI'll look at those 4 packages and  build them tomorrow23:02
thumperI don't build them23:09
thumperhmm... gone23:09

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