
peitschiehi poolie, fullermd :)00:10
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mlhsomething for the SCA folks: http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/digital/fact-vs-fiction/medieval-knights-on-a-treadmill-put-historical-myths-to-the-tes01:03
mlhoops wrong chan01:03
thumperpoolie: hi01:31
pooliehi there01:31
thumperis there a way to get bzr to apply a patch file?01:31
thumperor do I just use patch?01:32
poolie"bzr patch" :)01:32
thumpergah, here I was looking for a merge option01:32
pooliefrom bzrtools i think01:32
poolieis this a bzr bundle, or just a plain patch?01:32
poolieif it's a bzr bundle with metadata, you want 'bzr merge'01:32
thumperit is a plain patch01:33
thumperwhich fails to merge01:33
pooliethumper, can you search your brain and social network for someone suitable for bit.ly/ubuntu-vcs-job01:33
thumperso I'll be editing the files manually by the look of it01:33
poolietry the external tool 'wiggle'01:33
thumperpoolie: I mentioned the job to thomi01:33
thumperpoolie: he is mildly interested01:33
thumperbut committed to teach until Dec01:34
poolieyeah he could be interesting01:34
AfCInteresting to see Go in that job description01:35
thumperAfC: Go has been added to almost all the new canonical jobs01:38
thumpersomeone is becoming a fan01:38
thumperpoolie: bit.ly is timing out for me :(01:38
AfCthumper: the same person who became a Qt fan? :)01:38
thumperAfC: perhaps01:39
thumperI couldn't possibly comment :)01:39
thumperthat said, Go does look interesting01:39
thumperI've been trying to think of something interesting to write in it01:39
AfCthumper: http://www.dilbert.com/fast/1995-11-17/01:41
* thumper sighs01:42
thumperit seems vodafone's 3G is having issues01:42
thumpersome ports are fine01:42
thumperbut 80 doesn't seem to be one of them01:42
poolieafc, more like http://twitter.com/#!/gniemeyer01:47
pooliealso, http://browsertoolkit.com/fault-tolerance.png01:47
poolieand hi01:47
AfCpoolie: and unto you, hi01:48
pooliei love that01:48
AfCthat's bloody awesome01:48
mlhgo and qt huh?  has someone put them together?  I goog'd but didn't find anything03:22
mlhalso, that ft comic is awesome; does anyone know where the original is?03:23
thomipoolie: got a second?06:49
pooliehi, sure06:49
thomiI've managed to get the system-wide config file working under Linux, with a few caveats:06:49
thomifirst, as far as I can see, the only place in bzrlib that uses the config stack rather than the old config store API is when picking which editor to use for commit messages.06:50
thomiSecond, I'm unsure how to go about writing tests for the new code.06:50
poolieit's mostly not updated yet06:50
poolievincent's in the middle of working on this06:50
thomioh ok, cool.06:51
pooliebut if you update some of them that are relevant to your work, i'm sure he won't object06:51
poolieso, what do we want to test?06:51
pooliei'd say it's mostly that when you ask for one of these stacks, you get something that includes the global config fie06:51
thomithere are tests already for the stack stuff.. let me see....06:52
pooliefor the purposes of test isolation, we might want to make sure we don't see the actual real global file06:52
poolieso i'd probably add something in osutils or config.py that says where it is06:52
pooliethen that can be overridden by the test suite06:53
thomiSo there's already a test that makes sure that the stack works as expected with mutliple config sources.06:54
thomiThere's also tests that ensure that the config file stores work as expected.06:54
thomiDo we need a third test that explicitly tests with two files on disk? It seems like the functionality has already been covered by other tests; I'm not sure what I'd actually be testing...06:56
poolieso i think your incremental test mostly needs to be that the pre-canned class stacks are including something that points to the global one06:59
pooliei don't think so06:59
pooliewe can add that if we find there's actually a problem06:59
thomiwhen you say "pre-canned class stacks" you're referring to "GlobalStack", "LocationStack" and "BranchStack"?07:02
thomihmmm, those Stack classes create the config store instances in their constructors, so unless I'm missing something (possible), I can't see how to write that test and keep it independant of the files on disk.07:04
poolieit's ok if they read the file on disk during the test07:05
pooliewe may want to make sure that other tests don't read the global config though, or it will tend to leak in07:05
poolieone way is to use overrideAttr to monkeypatch the method that gives you the file name07:05
pooliemaybe you should push your branch and propose it and then we can look at that together?07:05
thomiok, it's pushed, I'll propose it now, although you have to understand that it's really not finished yet ;)07:06
pooliethat's totally ifne07:06
* thomi waits for the diff to update...07:07
thomiHere we go:07:10
thominuts - my editor automatically trims trailing whitespace, which makes the diffs in launchpad look a bit messy.07:13
pooliethat's ok, there's not meant to be any whitespace07:22
Riddellhello all08:00
pooliehello riddell08:05
tmm1is there a way to set the default repo/pack format to use?08:53
tmm1i'm dealing with a legacy remote and don't want to do the on-the-fly conversion all the time08:53
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jelmertmm1: hi09:12
jelmertmm1: you can set an alias for init, e.g. "bzr alias init='init --format=pack-0.92'"09:13
tmm1jelmer: thanks09:33
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thevibebzr 2.1.1 break-lock not working - can't break the lock? how can I break a lock? Any ideas?14:39
thevibeso... any ideas?14:49
Riddellthevibe: what doesn't work about it?15:17
Riddelloh, too late15:17
kjbbbhey everyone. quick question. i created a branch with --no-trees. How do i get a working tree back?15:24
jelmerkjbbb: "bzr co"15:25
kjbbbah, easy, thanks :)15:25
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lamontif I want to alter a single tree on a machine such that "bzr uncommit" requires extra effort to do, maybe even blatting out a "no really, don't do that" message, is that trivial, or painful to do?18:31
fullermdThere's that param to require the head to stay on the left path.  It's really aimed at keeping people from pushing over something changing the left path (e.g., 'merge X ; push X'), but it prevents uncommit too.18:38
fullermdNo override for it other than commenting out the config param, AFAIK.  So that may be too heavy for you?18:38
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pooliehi all22:36
=== poolie changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control <http://bazaar.canonical.com> | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: poolie
Riddellgood morning poolie23:07
pooliehi there, good evening23:07
Noldorinjelmer, heya23:08
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jelmerNoldorin: hi23:13
jelmerhi Riddell, poolie23:13
Noldorinjelmer, i'm back (after much time) to trying to install bzr-git ;-)23:13
Noldorinthought i could use your assistance a bit23:14
Riddellhow's Republika Srpska jelmer?23:14
Noldorinso firstly23:14
Noldorinhow do i install dulwich so that it gets included by the precompiled version of bzr on Windows?23:14
jelmerRiddell: it's great, much nicer than I had expected23:15
jelmerNoldorin: you'll have to compile dulwich yourself, the standalone installer doens't include it23:16
Noldorinjelmer, sure...are there instructions anywhere? i see none23:16
jelmerNoldorin: I don't think there are; if you're ok with running just the python source (not the optimized compiled versions) it should be a matter of putting dulwich somewhere in your $PYTHONPATH23:18
Noldorinjelmer, no INSTALL file in the package...23:18
Noldorinjust dloaded 0.7.123:18
jelmerNoldorin: The installation should be like any other Python package23:19
Noldorinpython setup.py install23:19
Noldorinjelmer, that works but remember i am running the Windows bzr binaries...which ignores PYTHONPATH i believe23:20
jelmerNoldorin: you can't use the standalone python installer if you do that23:20
jelmerI think23:20
Noldorinjelmer, so i cannot use the standalone python installer + bzr-git at all?23:21
jelmerNoldorin: as far as I understand, no23:21
Noldoringot it23:22
Noldorinjelmer, time to uninstall the standaloen version and re-install the python 2.7 version :-)23:22
Noldorinjelmer, shouldn't affect how i use it, right?23:22
jelmerNoldorin: I don't think so, but I have almost zero experience using bzr on windows23:24
Noldorinok sure23:24
Noldorinyeah think you've said before23:24
Noldorinjelmer, it sounds logical though23:24
Noldorinjelmer, any x64 builds of the windows installer?23:27
Noldorinbut i want x6423:27
jelmerno idea, sorry23:28
jelmerNoldorin: the bzr-windows mailing list might also be of use23:28
Noldorinfound something there already23:28
Noldorinjelmer, ok i've installed bzr-python (with a bit of trouble on my x64 box)...where is its location on disk?23:46
Noldorinalso no tortoisebzr i guess? :-(23:47
jelmerNoldorin: sorry, I have no idea about those things23:48
Noldorinok sure23:48
jelmerNoldorin: the bzr-windows list might be a better bet, or jam/bialix when they get back from holidays23:49
Noldorinjelmer, no-one else here eh??23:49
jelmerNoldorin: I'm not sure if there is anybody else here at the moment familiar with the internals of the windows installer23:50
pooliei think you can still catch jam today before he leaves but you'd better send mail23:51
Noldorinok sure23:51
Noldorinpoolie, nickname is 'jam' too?23:52
Noldorinpoolie, the code for building the windows installer is in the standard bzr branch?23:54
Noldorinmaybe i can just modify that23:54
* jelmer gets some sleep23:54
poolieNoldorin: i think it's in a separate project https://launchpad.net/bzr-windows-installer23:56
Noldorinok cool23:56
Noldorinpoolie, might be my best bet if i want dulwich/bzr-git on windows?23:56
poolieif you get that and update it to include them it could well work23:57
Noldorinthat's the plan23:57
Noldorinand also make the installer x64 if it's not too hard!23:57

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