ScottK | Fixing okular | 00:49 |
ScottK | Done | 00:54 |
ScottK | OK. Not done. Fixing harder. | 01:50 |
Daskreech | :-) | 01:54 |
ScottK | OK. Let's try that. | 02:35 |
ScottK | marble done | 03:20 |
ScottK | Doing kdegames | 03:42 |
ScottK | kdegames done. | 03:45 |
ScottK | Off to bed with me. | 03:45 |
bambee | morning | 07:42 |
Mamarok | good morning veryone :) | 07:47 |
Mamarok | is there an ETA for KDE 4.7 in 11.04? | 07:48 |
bambee | Mamarok: it's packaged, kde 4.7 will be moved in kubuntu-ppa really soon :) | 07:53 |
Mamarok | bambee: nice! | 07:54 |
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan | ||
Quintasan | Greetings | 09:48 |
Quintasan | Mamarok: I will continue uploading to oneiric now | 09:49 |
* Quintasan looks at blinken | 09:52 | |
Mamarok | Quintasan: OK | 09:55 |
=== timblechmann is now known as tim | ||
Quintasan | cantor and blinken uploaded | 10:07 |
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger | ||
* Quintasan looks at kalgebra | 10:11 | |
Quintasan | kalgebra done | 10:14 |
* Quintasan looks at kalzium | 10:16 | |
Quintasan | kalzium uploaded | 10:20 |
* Quintasan looks at kamera | 10:23 | |
Quintasan | kamera uploaded | 10:26 |
* Quintasan looks at kanagram | 10:27 | |
Quintasan | apachelogger: How does one setup bzr magic so commits get reported here? | 10:32 |
Quintasan | kanagram uploaded | 10:33 |
* Quintasan looks at kbruch | 10:36 | |
CIA-52 | [kbruch] Michal Zajac * 11 * debian/changelog Releasing version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu1 | 10:37 |
Quintasan | oh | 10:37 |
Quintasan | \o/ | 10:37 |
Quintasan | kbruch uploaded | 10:37 |
CIA-52 | [kcolorchooser] Michal Zajac * 6 * debian/changelog Releasing version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu1 | 10:39 |
* Quintasan goes on a break | 10:42 | |
* ScottK just hit retry on the 4.7.0 FTBFS. | 10:46 | |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: TF2 in 25 minutes? | 11:04 |
* nigelb renames channel to #kubuntu-devel-gamers :P | 11:10 | |
* apachelogger whips shadeslayer with a rusty pipe | 11:11 | |
yofel | nigelb: feel free to rename it into #kubuntu-deve-offtopic, but I think the new -devel channel would be pretty vacant :P | 11:16 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: I'ma playin Heroes of Newerth now, are you going to be able to play in ~1h? | 11:22 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: sure no problem | 11:22 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: MEEEEEEEEEEEDIC! | 11:22 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: gimme your steam id | 11:22 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: Quintasan | 11:23 |
Quintasan | :D | 11:23 |
shadeslayer | kdone | 11:24 |
apachelogger | | 11:25 |
apachelogger | who'd have known that there is such a thing for lame qml | 11:25 |
apachelogger | | 11:25 |
apachelogger | that is what I like best :D | 11:25 |
yofel | why not? That procedure at least got enough testing :P | 11:28 |
bambee | shadeslayer: no problems with the lastest version of steam ? | 12:15 |
nigelb | yofel: heh | 12:27 |
bambee | problem found, I need in 32bits o_O | 12:28 |
shadeslayer | bambee: nope | 12:30 |
bambee | shadeslayer: wine is 32bits, I get this error "err:module:load_builtin_dll failed to load .so lib for builtin L"OPENGL32.dll":" | 12:31 |
bambee | I need the 32 bits version | 12:31 |
bambee | and pb will be fixed, I think | 12:32 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: TF2 nao | 12:32 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: join me game etc | 12:32 |
debfx | what, tf2? where? | 12:32 |
yofel | Quintasan, shadeslayer: are you guys going to finish artwork and plasma-addons or should I do it? | 13:15 |
Quintasan | yofel: Do them since I have limited upload options now | 13:16 |
yofel | k | 13:17 |
Quintasan | WoW is derp :/ | 13:17 |
shadeslayer | yofel: i uploaded artwork iirc | 13:21 |
yofel | indeed you did, but forgot about the wiki.. | 13:21 |
* yofel does some upgrade tests in natty | 13:33 | |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: didja close it? | 13:40 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: Did I close what? | 14:08 |
debfx | yofel: you should send a mail to kubuntu-devel if you want to have the meeting tomorrow | 14:24 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: steam | 14:29 |
kinta | Is kde 4.7 currently building for 11.04? | 14:45 |
yofel | debfx: on mobile currently, I'll send it when I get home (in ~30m) | 14:47 |
CIA-52 | [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdegames] Philip Muškovac * 130 * debian/ (changelog control) Bump klickety breaks/replaces on ksame to 4:4.6.80 to catch Natty 4.6.5 packages. | 14:55 |
Quintasan | yofel: Can I just use kopypackages now? | 14:57 |
Quintasan | ScottK: ^^ to natty I mean | 15:00 |
Quintasan | Hmm should it go to backports or to updates? | 15:03 |
Quintasan | Policy, policy everywhere | 15:03 |
yofel | Quintasan: backports, but we're not even remotely finished | 15:09 |
Quintasan | yofel: With natty? | 15:09 |
yofel | or how many positive testing feedbacks have you gotten so far? | 15:09 |
Quintasan | Mine doesnt count? | 15:09 |
yofel | I only have one failed upgrade test | 15:09 |
Quintasan | I see | 15:14 |
Quintasan | conflicts | 15:14 |
Quintasan | yofel: plasma-scriptengine-declarative breaks stuff | 15:15 |
Quintasan | | 15:18 |
Quintasan | brrr | 15:18 |
yofel | no conflicts here, although plasma-scriptengine-declarative gets removed here | 15:18 |
yofel | I get a ton of overwrite errors | 15:19 |
yofel | brrrrrrrrrr - out of battery, bbl | 15:19 |
Quintasan | kde-baseapps-data depends on kdebase-data | 15:19 |
yofel | transitional stuff | 15:19 |
Quintasan | so 15 removal is good | 15:19 |
Quintasan | plasma-scriptengine-declarative gets removed here too | 15:20 |
Quintasan | yofel: Apart from those removals, smooth update here | 15:27 |
Quintasan | no overwrites | 15:27 |
Quintasan | hmm | 15:31 |
Quintasan | plasma and kde deamon crashed after login | 15:31 |
Quintasan | yofel: well it works now | 15:32 |
Quintasan | JontheEchidna: Do you have a natty vm? | 15:33 |
yofel | k, home again | 15:33 |
JontheEchidna | Quintasan: maybe | 15:33 |
yofel | Quintasan: that's a 4.6.2 -> 4.7.0 upgade I guess | 15:33 |
Quintasan | yofel: kded crashes on startup here | 15:33 |
yofel | test 4.6.5 -> 4.7.0 please | 15:33 |
Quintasan | Oh | 15:33 |
JontheEchidna | I'm just on my lunch break, so I won't be able to really do any testing until 17:30 GMT -4 | 15:34 |
JontheEchidna | (In 6 hours) | 15:34 |
JontheEchidna | saw some TF2 love in the chat logs. Y'all should add me: | 15:36 |
Quintasan | yay @ purging whole kde just to test update | 15:37 |
* yofel suggests using a chroot | 15:39 | |
shadeslayer | JontheEchidna: darn, i just rebooted into kubuntu, will add you later then :) | 15:41 |
JontheEchidna | My favorite classes are Soldier/Engie/Medic for Offense/Defense/Support | 15:45 |
* debfx <3 demoman | 15:46 | |
JontheEchidna | "Ahm drunk; Yew dun have an excuse" | 15:47 |
yofel | debfx: are all of the background images now in kde-workspace-data-extras? | 15:50 |
yofel | you've got a broken link btw. | 15:50 |
yofel | debian/kde-workspace-data.links:usr/share/wallpapers/Horos/contents/images/1920x1200.png usr/share/kde4/apps/ksplash/Themes/Default/1920x1200/background.png | 15:50 |
yofel | or... nvm | 15:50 |
shadeslayer | debfx: i couldn't control the demoman properly | 15:51 |
shadeslayer | for me its pyro/engineer/medic | 15:51 |
* shadeslayer grumbles about broken SIP | 15:52 | |
* Quintasan installs 4.6.5 | 15:53 | |
CIA-52 | [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-workspace] Philip Muškovac * 539 * debian/ (changelog control) Bump various breaks/replaces to catch the 4.6.5 packages. | 15:55 |
Quintasan | JontheEchidna: MEEEEEDIC | 15:57 |
Quintasan | Today is good day to be spy | 15:57 |
* Quintasan goes for a nap | 15:58 | |
CIA-52 | [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-baseapps] Philip Muškovac * 185 * debian/ (changelog control) Bump various breaks/replaces to catch 4.6.5 packages | 15:59 |
JontheEchidna | welp, back to it. I'll be home in 5 1/2 hours | 16:03 |
CIA-52 | [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/libkdeedu] Philip Muškovac * 9 * debian/ (changelog control) Bump various breaks replaces to catch 4.6.5 packages | 16:04 |
CIA-52 | [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kalzium] Philip Muškovac * 10 * debian/ (changelog control) Bump breaks/replaces on libkdeedu4 to catch 4.6.5 packages | 16:07 |
debfx | yofel: no, just a few ksplash background images | 16:07 |
yofel | k | 16:09 |
debfx | yofel: the version of kdesdk was wrong 1ubuntu1 vs. 0ubuntu1 | 16:09 |
yofel | -.- | 16:09 |
yofel | thanks for noticing | 16:10 |
debfx | ScottK: if you have some time, could you accept kde-workspace-data-extras and kde-wallpapers-default from binary new | 16:12 |
yofel | ScottK: smoke stuff should be stuck in source new too | 16:15 |
debfx | JontheEchidna: if you see a friend request on steam from someone with a kitty as avatar, that's me :D | 16:23 |
shadeslayer | yofel: new nm09 snapshot works in neon, uploading | 16:54 |
yofel | hm, now what apt-get wants to remove doesn't match with what aptitude wants to remove | 16:57 |
yofel | should we backport/fix kubuntu-desktop btw.? (I tend to yes) | 16:57 |
_Groo_ | hi/2 all | 16:58 |
yofel | kdiff3 needs a rebuild as always... | 16:58 |
yofel | hey _Groo_ | 16:58 |
_Groo_ | yofel: hey hey | 16:59 |
_Groo_ | yofel: just waiting for you to stpo uploading stuff ;) and ill update :D | 16:59 |
_Groo_ | such a buzy bee | 16:59 |
_Groo_ | busy | 16:59 |
_Groo_ | yofel: are you gonna package telephaty too? | 16:59 |
_Groo_ | telepathy | 16:59 |
yofel | I probably not, shadeslayer and Quintasan know more about it | 17:00 |
_Groo_ | little dislexic today | 17:00 |
_Groo_ | k if no one will i might do it this weekend | 17:00 |
_Groo_ | kinda curious to see how far they went so fa | 17:00 |
_Groo_ | far | 17:00 |
_Groo_ | have been following the blogs, but a real experience its always better | 17:00 |
shadeslayer | _Groo_: afaik the plan is to just use the debian packaging | 17:00 |
_Groo_ | shadeslayer: k | 17:01 |
_Groo_ | shadeslayer: im gonna do it for personal consumption then | 17:01 |
shadeslayer | _Groo_: Quintasan might need a hand ;) | 17:01 |
_Groo_ | shadeslayer: like im doing with calligra :D | 17:01 |
shadeslayer | :) | 17:02 |
yofel | btw. can someone please upload kdevelop 4.2.3 to oneiric please now that kdesdk 4.7.0 is up? | 17:02 |
yofel | -please | 17:03 |
shadeslayer | add libindi + the one other driver to that list as well | 17:03 |
yofel | bah, workspace still fails *-.- | 17:05 |
_Groo_ | yofel: no workspaces no update ;) | 17:15 |
yofel | nah, I tried it before new workspace was built on amd64 -.- | 17:15 |
yofel | still not finished... | 17:16 |
_Groo_ | ah i just updated, i use amd64.. and it build correctly :D | 17:16 |
_Groo_ | i should update in a hour or so | 17:16 |
yofel | what kde did you have before? | 17:16 |
_Groo_ | then ill see whats broke, hunt you down and biitch slap you | 17:16 |
_Groo_ | 4.6.x | 17:16 |
yofel | what x? 2 is ok, 5 breaks here | 17:17 |
_Groo_ | latest from backports | 17:17 |
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin | ||
yofel | updates would be 5 | 17:17 |
_Groo_ | its 5 | 17:17 |
_Groo_ | well then you better hide :D | 17:17 |
yofel | if it breaks just run apt again, shouldn't lock itself in a loop | 17:19 |
yofel | gaaaah | 17:21 |
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech | ||
* yofel is drowning in mail from rosetta | 17:21 | |
yofel | Quintasan: you wanted to try kopypackages right? fancy copying kdepim/-runtime to experimental for oneiric? ^^ | 17:27 |
* debfx reminds yofel of the kubuntu-devel mail :) | 17:30 | |
yofel | debfx: was just thinking about sending it or doing it monday... | 17:30 |
yofel | then again, everyone will be in DS mood by then | 17:31 |
* yofel sends mail | 17:31 | |
debfx | tomorrow is better, then you can help uploading 4.7.0 :P | 17:32 |
yofel | ack | 17:32 |
yofel | sent | 17:35 |
yofel | also: I did some more testing on kdevelop 4.2.3 and if nobody finds any problems with it I'll move the natty packages to updates in an ~hour | 17:39 |
Quintasan | yofel: k | 17:42 |
Quintasan | _Groo_: I'm the "official" maintainer of telepathy-kde stack in Ubuntu | 17:43 |
Quintasan | I have talked with gkiagia and we concluded Ubuntu will just use Debian packaging (we will eventually add our patches) | 17:44 |
Quintasan | I have also set up daily builds PPA but it is not populated yet | 17:44 |
Quintasan | yofel: Kopied | 17:46 |
Quintasan | :D | 17:46 |
yofel | :D | 17:47 |
Quintasan | Testing natty 4.6.5 -> 4.7.0 upgrade now | 17:48 |
* yofel does another try too | 17:48 | |
yofel | oops, backported the workspace mods from debfx without the wallpaper ones :S | 17:51 |
Quintasan | BREKAGEE | 17:53 |
yofel | sorry | 17:54 |
Quintasan | kde-workspace-data depends kde-wallpapers-default -> UNSATIFIED | 17:54 |
yofel | right, exactly that... | 17:54 |
Quintasan | and | 17:54 |
yofel | fixed wallpapers up | 17:55 |
_Groo_ | Quintasan: nice... can you link the ppa? | 17:55 |
Quintasan | kde-workspace apparently break libpowerdevilcore0 (UNSATISFIED) | 17:56 |
Quintasan | I wonder wtf | 17:56 |
Quintasan | _Groo_: | 17:56 |
yofel | wasn't that removed? | 17:57 |
_Groo_ | yofel: btw i tested kdeveloper and its aparently working ok | 17:57 |
_Groo_ | Quintasan: k tks | 17:57 |
Quintasan | yofel: powerdevilcore? | 17:57 |
yofel | right, it's gone | 17:57 |
yofel | what depends on it? | 17:57 |
Quintasan | yofel: kde-workspace | 18:00 |
Quintasan | kde-workspace-bin | 18:00 |
Quintasan | and kdebase-workspace* | 18:00 |
yofel | trash kdebase* | 18:00 |
Quintasan | yofel: | 18:01 |
Quintasan | That's what I'm left with | 18:01 |
yofel | here it breaks it, but it doesn't depend on it | 18:01 |
yofel | right, wait for wallpapers :/ | 18:01 |
Quintasan | however it wants to keep kde-workspace uninstalled | 18:01 |
Quintasan | hmm | 18:04 |
Quintasan | yeah | 18:04 |
Quintasan | wallpapers break runtime | 18:04 |
Quintasan | That's all | 18:04 |
yofel | it's the missing kde-wallpapers-default package that breaks everything | 18:04 |
Quintasan | yofel: 13 removals, that's it | 18:21 |
yofel | I'm getting 14, but looks about right | 18:22 |
Quintasan | TEEEESTING | 18:22 |
yofel | yay, upgrade test didn't error out \o/ | 18:26 |
Quintasan | Same here | 18:26 |
Quintasan | kubotu: order cookies for yofel | 18:26 |
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of world's finest cookies down the bar to yofel. | 18:26 | |
* kinta give thanks to yofel and Quintasan | 18:28 | |
yofel | I'll try to figure out if you can run kdepim 4.7 + kde 4.6 | 18:28 |
Quintasan | yofel: NM widget b0rked | 18:29 |
Quintasan | \o/ | 18:29 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: where? | 18:29 |
shadeslayer | p-n or stable ? | 18:29 |
yofel | ouch | 18:29 |
Quintasan | natty 4.6.5 -> 4.7.0 upgrade | 18:29 |
yofel | define borked? | 18:29 |
shadeslayer | ^^ | 18:29 |
Quintasan | yofel: white cross in a red box | 18:29 |
Quintasan | funny thing | 18:29 |
Quintasan | if you click it it actually shows nm window | 18:30 |
shadeslayer | lol | 18:30 |
Quintasan | but | 18:30 |
Quintasan | no network card apparently | 18:30 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: remove and re add plasmoid | 18:30 |
Quintasan | same stuff bro | 18:30 |
Quintasan | Do you think I'm not smart enough to try that? | 18:30 |
shadeslayer | ok, then its broken indeed | 18:30 |
shadeslayer | :P | 18:30 |
Quintasan | But hell, rest works | 18:31 |
shadeslayer | just eliminating the possibilities here :D | 18:31 |
yofel | might need a rebuild | 18:31 |
Quintasan | It's plasma-widget-networkmanagment? | 18:32 |
yofel | yep | 18:32 |
Quintasan | It's networkmanagement in oneiric | 18:34 |
yofel | wait, don't take the O one, that's for NM 0.9 | 18:35 |
Quintasan | hmm | 18:36 |
Quintasan | ScottK: ping | 18:36 |
yofel | either rebuild the natty one or take a new master branch snapshot | 18:36 |
* Quintasan wonders if he can just mash the rebuilt command or there is some sort of POLICY comming at him | 18:37 | |
KubuntuUser | Should I expect any complcations if I compile KDE 4.7 Source on my system (x86) and then install backport packages when they are available? | 18:37 |
Quintasan | KubuntuUser: overwrites most likely | 18:38 |
Quintasan | KubuntuUser: 4.7.0 should hit kubuntu-ppa later today | 18:38 |
yofel | if you install in /usr/local the packages will get ignored | 18:38 |
KubuntuUser | or /opt/kde/ ? | 18:38 |
yofel | then it's up to how you set up your env | 18:39 |
KubuntuUser | ok | 18:39 |
* yofel goes copying kdevelop so staging is free | 18:39 | |
Quintasan | yofel: Wait, we need to pull the natty nm, rebuild it in our PPA, right-o? | 18:40 |
yofel | would be my first try | 18:41 |
Quintasan | hmm | 18:41 |
Quintasan | will ubuntu3~ppa1 will superseed ubuntu2, right? | 18:42 |
KubuntuUser | Will packages of KDE 4.7 be available for bug triaginging Natty as well? | 18:42 |
Quintasan | and ubuntu3 would superseed ubuntu3~ppa1, right? | 18:42 |
yofel | yep | 18:42 |
Quintasan | KubuntuUser: You mean testing? | 18:42 |
KubuntuUser | yes and bug triage | 18:42 |
Quintasan | KubuntuUser: Most likely, but you will need debug libs to provide a useful stacktrace as usual | 18:43 |
KubuntuUser | bug squad | 18:43 |
Quintasan | hmm | 18:44 |
Quintasan | yofel: plasma-widget-networkmanagement_0.9~svngit20110408-0ubuntu3~natty1~ppa1 | 18:44 |
Quintasan | :O | 18:44 |
shadeslayer | heh | 18:44 |
yofel | yep, looooks about right | 18:44 |
Quintasan | yofel: Uploaded, let's hope rebuild helps | 18:45 |
yofel | which reminds me, I still need to figure out how to auto-build -dbg packages | 18:45 |
Quintasan | >New mandatory build dependency for kde-workspaces | 18:45 |
Quintasan | kde-packagers-- | 18:45 |
yofel | mgraesslin was drinking too much beer :P | 18:45 |
mgraesslin | what? | 18:46 |
Quintasan | :O | 18:46 |
yofel | mgraesslin: your idea of making opengl mandatory for -workspace | 18:46 |
Quintasan | oh btw. | 18:46 |
mgraesslin | yofel: any problem with that? | 18:46 |
yofel | from us not really (I think) - though I understand that the gentoo folks etc. might not be too happy about it | 18:47 |
Quintasan | mgraesslin: I've got kwin-gles package ready though apachelogger said some other packages will need readjustments. Can you tell me what can possibly be broken with GL ES now? | 18:47 |
mgraesslin | sorry got to go - back in about 1 h | 18:47 |
jussi | because your cpu sucks? | 18:51 |
Quintasan | jussi: PROTIP: I already built it three times here, LP is sllllllllllllooooooooooow | 18:52 |
Quintasan | I require beer | 18:52 |
Quintasan | I think I had some in the fridge, brb | 18:53 |
yofel | Y U NO PUBLISH FASTER LP? | 18:53 |
Quintasan | LP == root of all evil | 18:53 |
* Quintasan votes for LP to have a separate full-blown machine for KDE-only builds | 18:54 | |
Quintasan | Like, 16GB ramz so we can build Qt in tmpfs | 18:54 |
Quintasan | and quad-core Phenom | 18:55 |
shadeslayer | \o/ upgrade to 4.7 via repos is a success in oneiric | 18:55 |
KubuntuUser | I think launchpad servers must be having so many builds going on and lots of resource demand | 18:55 |
yofel | shadeslayer: see +1 and try again :P | 18:55 |
Quintasan | one eye rick? | 18:56 |
Quintasan | let me try upgrading that too | 18:56 |
shadeslayer | yofel: updating | 18:56 |
shadeslayer | did i mention plasma is becoming a PITA | 18:56 |
yofel | why? | 18:56 |
KubuntuUser | PITA ? | 18:57 |
shadeslayer | Plasma and QML don't like my QStringList associated with one key | 18:57 |
Quintasan | KubuntuUser: Pain In The Ass | 18:57 |
yofel | ah, O is fine now | 18:57 |
shadeslayer | might have to re write my dataengine :P | 18:57 |
Quintasan | I require more ram on my pc | 18:57 |
* Quintasan will buy + 4GB DDR3 tomorrow | 18:58 | |
Quintasan | VirtualBox > kvm | 18:58 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: yofel | 18:58 |
shadeslayer | that just popped up on #plasma | 18:59 |
Quintasan | What be that | 18:59 |
yofel | niiiiice | 18:59 |
Quintasan | Desktop? | 18:59 |
yofel | looks gnome-ish though | 18:59 |
shadeslayer | yeah :D | 18:59 |
shadeslayer | uh | 19:00 |
shadeslayer | The following packages will be REMOVED: | 19:01 |
shadeslayer | kde-window-manager kde-workspace kde-workspace-bin kubuntu-desktop | 19:01 |
Quintasan | huh? | 19:01 |
Quintasan | Where? | 19:01 |
Quintasan | refresh ur sources | 19:01 |
shadeslayer | one-eye-ric | 19:01 |
shadeslayer | i just dud | 19:01 |
shadeslayer | s/dud/did/ | 19:01 |
kubotu | shadeslayer meant: "i just did" | 19:01 |
Quintasan | :/ | 19:01 |
yofel | I got that a while ago, your mirror is slow :P | 19:01 |
Quintasan | kubotu: shut up, k? | 19:01 |
yofel | bah | 19:01 |
* yofel hits debfx | 19:01 | |
yofel | Unpacking kde-wallpapers-default (from .../kde-wallpapers-default_4%3a4.7.0-0ubuntu1~natty1~ppa2_all.deb) ... | 19:02 |
yofel | dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-wallpapers-default_4%3a4.7.0-0ubuntu1~natty1~ppa2_all.deb (--unpack): | 19:02 |
yofel | trying to overwrite '/usr/share/wallpapers/Horos/contents/images/1920x1200.png', which is also in package kde-wallpapers 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1 | 19:02 |
shadeslayer | yofel: sure, the main archives are slow | 19:02 |
yofel | or wait, sorry debfx | 19:02 |
yofel | that never made it into the archive | 19:02 |
Quintasan | apachelogger: add bash <target> to kubotu k? | 19:02 |
shadeslayer | yofel: you better watch out in tf2 now :P | 19:03 |
debfx | ouch! | 19:03 |
Quintasan | yofel is playing TF? | 19:03 |
yofel | Quintasan: not yet | 19:03 |
Quintasan | How about we raid some server after we release 4.7? | 19:03 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: if he does, in the future | 19:03 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: sure :P | 19:03 |
yofel | shadeslayer: archive not fixed either, I just had natty ninjas enabled too which had the right package | 19:05 |
yofel | needs scott to look at NEW | 19:05 |
shadeslayer | yus, so archives are broken -> alert +1 | 19:06 |
yofel | I'm looking at too many archives at the same time @_@ | 19:06 |
shadeslayer | hahaha | 19:07 |
yofel | fun, add staging to natty -> 79 removals ^^ | 19:12 |
shadeslayer | lol | 19:12 |
shadeslayer | want me to test the natty upgrade too? | 19:13 |
yofel | wait a bit | 19:13 |
yofel | then help me testing kdepim with 4.6 first | 19:14 |
shadeslayer | sure | 19:14 |
shadeslayer | but iirc i have KDE PIM 4.7 on the old machine | 19:14 |
yofel | ah | 19:15 |
* shadeslayer starts writing ugly workarounds around QML and Plasma | 19:15 | |
=== darkwingduck is now known as DarkwingDuck | ||
yofel | Quintasan: NM seem fun -.- | 19:26 |
yofel | *seems | 19:27 |
yofel | great, now I have 275 removals | 19:30 |
yofel | progress | 19:30 |
yofel | bah, the kdepim packages obviously depend on kde-runtime :S | 19:40 |
yofel | apachelogger: we can't conveniently say that people that want 4.7 on natty are adventurous enough for kdepim 4.7? ^^ | 19:40 |
apachelogger | no we cant | 19:41 |
yofel | thought as much... | 19:42 |
yofel | then I'll need to write some dummy packages | 19:42 |
Quintasan | yofel: rebuild implies more removals? | 19:58 |
yofel | no, NM failed to build | 20:01 |
yofel | the removals were about kdepim | 20:01 |
Quintasan | :S | 20:07 |
_Groo_ | is it safe to upgrade from ninja now? :D | 20:11 |
_Groo_ | or wallpapers still breaking stuff? | 20:11 |
yofel | no, ~safe - unless you don't want kdepim | 20:11 |
yofel | although NM seems broken | 20:12 |
_Groo_ | nm using 0.9 branch doesnt work with 0.8 | 20:12 |
_Groo_ | which is the one in natty correct? | 20:12 |
_Groo_ | you need to get 0.8 branch and recompile with 4.7 | 20:13 |
yofel | we didn't backport the applet, but it didn't work and the rebuild just failed | 20:13 |
_Groo_ | the author warned the 0.9 branch isnt compatible with 0.8 | 20:13 |
yofel | I know, nm 0.8 and 0.9 are totally incompatible | 20:13 |
_Groo_ | yofel: from what i see its the 0.9 branch | 20:13 |
yofel | huh? | 20:13 |
_Groo_ | 0.9~svngit20110408-0ubuntu3~natty1~ppa1 | 20:13 |
_Groo_ | i think you guys need to pull from the 0.8 master tag | 20:14 |
_Groo_ | for natty | 20:14 |
yofel | . . . | 20:14 |
yofel | Quintasan: . . . | 20:14 |
_Groo_ | since natty is using 0.8 :P | 20:14 |
_Groo_ | and oneiric uses 0.9 :D | 20:14 |
Quintasan | FFS | 20:14 |
yofel | ah no | 20:14 |
yofel | _Groo_: the natty main package is named 0.9 too | 20:14 |
yofel | for whatever reason | 20:15 |
Quintasan | yeah | 20:15 |
Quintasan | ffs | 20:15 |
Quintasan | natty has 0.9 uploaded apparently | 20:15 |
* yofel just uploaded kde-dummy 0~ppa1 | 20:15 | |
yofel | totally innovative | 20:15 |
_Groo_ | plasma-widget-networkmanagement 0.10~git20100406-0ubuntu1 | 20:16 |
_Groo_ | in natty | 20:16 |
_Groo_ | beats me | 20:16 |
_Groo_ | gotta love random version numbers :D | 20:16 |
yofel | where the hell did you get that from | 20:16 |
yofel | !info plasma-widget-networkmanagement | 20:16 |
ubottu | plasma-widget-networkmanagement (source: plasma-widget-networkmanagement): Network Management widget for KDE4 Plasma. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9~svngit20110408-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 62 kB, installed size 296 kB | 20:16 |
_Groo_ | huuu nvm | 20:17 |
_Groo_ | its my own build :P from git... | 20:17 |
mgraesslin | Quintasan: now bakc to your question - there are no known issues with OpenGL ES for mesa users with at least 7.11 | 20:17 |
_Groo_ | based on the 0.8 tag | 20:17 |
yofel | fun | 20:17 |
Quintasan | mgraesslin: Great. And file wise? | 20:17 |
_Groo_ | i upped it to 10... cause im lazy :P and 0.9 would screw me over if i put 0.8 | 20:17 |
mgraesslin | Quintasan: what do you mean "file wise"? | 20:18 |
Quintasan | mgraesslin: *.desktop for effects | 20:18 |
_Groo_ | yofel: but back to the subject | 20:18 |
Quintasan | mgraesslin: KWin GL ES has all effects that normal kwin has? | 20:18 |
_Groo_ | yofel: i read in the developer blog you need to get 0.8 master cause he did some changes for 4.7 and he also forked 0.9 cause its incompatible with 0.8 | 20:18 |
_Groo_ | yofel: or something very similar | 20:19 |
mgraesslin | Quintasan: all except logout, but it does not get loaded even if the desktop file is installed | 20:19 |
yofel | great.... | 20:19 |
yofel | _Groo_: can you make a snapshot for us? | 20:19 |
Quintasan | mgraesslin: Great. | 20:19 |
_Groo_ | yofel: not from work | 20:19 |
_Groo_ | yofel: my stupid proxy doesnt suppoort svn/git | 20:19 |
yofel | ah, let's leave it to Quintasan then | 20:19 |
_Groo_ | yofel: let me try to track down the blog post, might make things easier for ya guys | 20:20 |
mgraesslin | and also back to yofel: do you see an issue with having a build dep on OpenGL|OpenGL ES? | 20:21 |
yofel | mgraesslin: I know there are people that might prefer not to have that, but from our POV it wouldn't matter | 20:21 |
_Groo_ | yofel: this is is blog | 20:21 |
mgraesslin | yofel: yeah well Gentoo, but I just replied to that :-) | 20:22 |
yofel | yeah ^^ | 20:22 |
mgraesslin | the only ones noticing when it breaks | 20:22 |
yofel | _Groo_: oh, we're getting bluetooth support, cool :D | 20:23 |
_Groo_ | yofel: latest post even says whats the recomended snapshot for both master and 0.9 branch | 20:23 |
_Groo_ | just go back to the root/index | 20:23 |
_Groo_ | scroll down the post... | 20:23 |
yofel | ah thanks | 20:24 |
yofel | Quintasan: ^ | 20:24 |
_Groo_ | yofel: end story if i got it right... 0.9 branch only works with 0.9, 0.8 MASTER works with 0.8 for both 4.6 and 4.7, but you need a pretty recent 0.8 master for it to compile in 4.7 | 20:25 |
yofel | seems so | 20:25 |
_Groo_ | since hes doing all work in 0.9 and backporting what he can to 0.8 | 20:25 |
Quintasan | so we need a snapshot for natty? | 20:26 |
_Groo_ | Quintasan: prolly quin | 20:26 |
yofel | yep, see the hashes on the blog | 20:26 |
_Groo_ | see the blog | 20:26 |
yofel | we should probably update the nm09 package in O too | 20:26 |
_Groo_ | go to the bottom of the last post, and try the snapshot for 0.8 master he recommends | 20:26 |
yofel | ok, back to 80 removals from 275 | 20:26 |
_Groo_ | btw calligra weekly snapshot is ready :) | 20:27 |
_Groo_ | they are renaming the new names to calligra<name> i wonder why ;) | 20:27 |
_Groo_ | before gnome trolls start shipping word, flow and plan too XD | 20:27 |
yofel | DS will be fun ^^ | 20:28 |
_Groo_ | ds? | 20:28 |
yofel | desktop summit | 20:29 |
_Groo_ | ah yes | 20:29 |
_Groo_ | pitty i cant attend | 20:29 |
_Groo_ | im poor, and no one sponsors me, not even my boss :P | 20:29 |
yofel | ah, I'm ~98% sure I can go | 20:29 |
_Groo_ | yofel: being the 2% chance of being hit by a bus? | 20:30 |
yofel | no, depending what comes out of an appointment tomorrow, I won't go into details | 20:30 |
_Groo_ | Oracle values open source and will continue to work with open source communities, but it is driven by customer needs and solutions | 20:31 |
_Groo_ | ah... like the king in game of thrones said... dont listen to anything that comes before a BUT | 20:32 |
yofel | that re OOo? | 20:32 |
_Groo_ | about opensource in oscon | 20:32 |
yofel | ah | 20:32 |
_Groo_ | readying... dont listen dont listen ... BUT it is driven by customer needs and solutions | 20:33 |
_Groo_ | which means, dont trsut them, fork the, stay away from them | 20:33 |
yofel | is there something we didn't fork yet? | 20:33 |
_Groo_ | virtualbox | 20:33 |
_Groo_ | so far so good | 20:33 |
yofel | well, that's still usable | 20:34 |
_Groo_ | lets see how far the poor guys can go before they are "outsourced for innovation" | 20:34 |
_Groo_ | or some other stupid line with innovation, customer satisfaction and beat the competition in it | 20:34 |
yofel | well, at least we here are only pretty loosly bound to canonical ^^ | 20:35 |
_Groo_ | canonical for the better or the worse IS a open source company | 20:35 |
_Groo_ | with a dictator for life, but still | 20:35 |
_Groo_ | oracle is a shark, always was always will be | 20:35 |
yofel | someone take the right to name the releases away from him and I'm happy | 20:35 |
_Groo_ | yofel: lol | 20:36 |
yofel | yay, down to 1 removal | 20:36 |
_Groo_ | yofel: im waiting for the day he says kubuntu will use unity by default :D | 20:36 |
_Groo_ | yofel: not that will change anything but... | 20:36 |
yofel | now I want to hit the one that split kate out of kdelibs -.- | 20:36 |
yofel | _Groo_: we'll fork kubuntu .P | 20:36 |
yofel | :P | 20:36 |
_Groo_ | yofel: kate binary or libkate? | 20:37 |
_Groo_ | yofel: no need | 20:37 |
yofel | libkatepartinterfaces4 | 20:37 |
_Groo_ | yofel: just ship kde as default... and leave unity 2d (whatever name) for the noobs | 20:37 |
yofel | true | 20:37 |
_Groo_ | yofel: wha? why did they take kate out of kdelibs? | 20:37 |
yofel | _Groo_: ask... *whoever* | 20:37 |
* _Groo_ invokes the kde god, aseigo appear before me! | 20:38 | |
yofel | now we at least have a fun circular dep: kdelibs5-plugins dep on katepart, kate build-deps on kdelibs | 20:38 |
_Groo_ | oh yeah i forgot | 20:38 |
_Groo_ | aseigo | 20:38 |
_Groo_ | aseigo | 20:38 |
_Groo_ | aseigo | 20:38 |
_Groo_ | didnt work :P | 20:38 |
_Groo_ | maybe i need to wait a few minutes | 20:38 |
yofel | now what do I do... | 20:39 |
_Groo_ | yofel: lol poor yofel :D | 20:39 |
yofel | put kate together with kdepim and hope it'll break nothing when used with 4.6? | 20:39 |
_Groo_ | yofel: but kate client will work? what if ppl doenst install kdepim? | 20:40 |
yofel | _Groo_: situation: we'll have 4.7 in backports, and pim 4.7 in experimental. Now: try using 4.6.5 from updates with pim 4.7 | 20:40 |
_Groo_ | yofel: how about make a libkatepackage and link to there? | 20:40 |
yofel | would still require backporting kate, but I could throw the other binaries out I guess | 20:41 |
_Groo_ | yofel: so if you use 4.7 and pim4.7 you dont need to do squat | 20:41 |
_Groo_ | and if you use 4.6.x and pim4.7 put that package as dependency | 20:41 |
yofel | _Groo_: yes, you don't. But this is about 4.6.5 + the people that have experimental already on | 20:42 |
_Groo_ | read above :D | 20:42 |
yofel | if anyhow possible I don't want to totally foobar their system | 20:42 |
_Groo_ | the package would be precisely for that scenario | 20:42 |
_Groo_ | if we cant break users desktops why do we do all this much work? thats my motivation... | 20:42 |
_Groo_ | my ultimate price is to totally crash linux dekstop | 20:42 |
_Groo_ | linus* | 20:42 |
yofel | you are using oneiric, are you? | 20:43 |
_Groo_ | natty | 20:43 |
yofel | you're boring | 20:43 |
_Groo_ | k ill do something else | 20:43 |
yofel | :P | 20:43 |
_Groo_ | but think about what i said... libkatewhatever for kdepim4.7 with 4.6x as dependency.. and dont toucha thing for kde4.7 with kdepim 4.7 | 20:44 |
yofel | I already have dummy packages, but this would be an issue of versioning | 20:44 |
yofel | or well, I could use 4.6.10 or so I guess | 20:44 |
yofel | I'm not convinced that would work though | 20:45 |
* yofel looks at symbol files | 20:45 | |
shadeslayer | i feel like jumping off the top of my house | 20:45 |
yofel | you can't be worse off than me right now | 20:46 |
shadeslayer | heh | 20:46 |
shadeslayer | been trying to get my plasmoid to connect to my dataengine | 20:46 |
shadeslayer | nothing | 20:46 |
Quintasan | yofel: For master branch: bb6e3b82dd23f05df8d875627622195e291b5a6d | 20:49 |
Quintasan | We want this? | 20:49 |
yofel | I would say so | 20:49 |
shadeslayer | i'm sleeping | 20:49 |
shadeslayer | night guys | 20:49 |
yofel | gn | 20:49 |
Quintasan | where the hell is the code? | 20:49 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: gn | 20:49 |
yofel | git clone kde:networkmanager ? | 20:49 |
bambee | shadeslayer: night | 20:49 |
Quintasan | fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly | 20:50 |
Quintasan | lol | 20:50 |
yofel | ah well, I'll backport kate and just install the lib | 20:50 |
yofel | let's see what break | 20:51 |
yofel | *breaks | 20:51 |
yofel | 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu1~natty1~ppa1~exp1 is also a fun version | 20:52 |
Quintasan | yofel: How do I do this shit? | 20:53 |
Quintasan | git branch bb6e3b82dd23f05df8d875627622195e291b5a6d ? | 20:53 |
yofel | uh, git checkout or reset I think | 20:53 |
yofel | lemme try | 20:53 |
yofel | use checkout | 20:54 |
yofel | and ignore the detached head warning | 20:54 |
bambee | Quintasan: what do you want to do ? | 20:55 |
Quintasan | bambee: create a snapshot of plasma-widget-networkmanagement | 20:55 |
Quintasan | bb6e3b82dd23f05df8d875627622195e291b5a6d | 20:55 |
Quintasan | this one | 20:55 |
bambee | it's not possible via gitweb? | 20:55 |
Quintasan | *shurg* | 20:56 |
bambee | (usually git web interfaces have a "create tarball" button somewhere) | 20:56 |
bambee | (at least it's possible with cgit) | 20:56 |
Quintasan | yofel: Should I name it 0.8 or still 0.9? | 20:56 |
yofel | obviously 0.9 or how do you expect apt to downgrade | 20:56 |
* bambee blames gitweb.k.o | 20:57 | |
yofel | they use quickgit, no idea if that can do it | 20:58 |
bambee | Quintasan: this one? | 20:59 |
Quintasan | I got it | 20:59 |
bambee | click on "snapshot" | 20:59 |
bambee | ;) | 20:59 |
bambee | magic :D | 20:59 |
yofel | good to know | 21:00 |
Quintasan | phailed | 21:00 |
Quintasan | :/ | 21:00 |
Quintasan | kubuntu_05_save_autoconnect_settings.diff | 21:00 |
Quintasan | THIS PATCH | 21:00 |
bambee | already applied on upstream? | 21:00 |
Quintasan_ | not really | 21:02 |
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan | ||
yofel_ | patches are the art of increasing the pain caused by the system to a user and developer to never seen heights | 21:03 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
Quintasan | DIE | 21:09 |
Quintasan | DIE | 21:09 |
Quintasan | DIE | 21:09 |
Quintasan | IN A FIRE | 21:09 |
Quintasan | Uploading | 21:10 |
Quintasan | oh wait | 21:11 |
Quintasan | yofel: Why didn't we fucking checked the buildlog? | 21:11 |
Quintasan | it installs .so.4.6.0 T_T | 21:11 |
yofel | I would still take a snapshot, he *did* fix 4.7 related bugs | 21:12 |
Quintasan | k | 21:12 |
yofel | s/would/should/ | 21:12 |
kubotu | yofel meant: "I should still take a snapshot, he *did* fix 4.7 related bugs" | 21:12 |
yofel | nvm | 21:12 |
yofel | I'm too tried | 21:12 |
yofel | *tired | 21:12 |
Quintasan | CURSES | 21:42 |
* Quintasan grabs Dr. Pepper | 21:44 | |
maco | Quintasan: curses or ncurses? | 21:51 |
Quintasan | I think ncurses | 21:52 |
Quintasan | yofel: This "fixed" nm is even more broken | 21:58 |
Quintasan | yofel: | 21:58 |
yofel | just great | 22:05 |
* yofel tries to build here | 22:05 | |
* yofel tries his kdpim attempt in the meanwhile | 22:07 | |
bambee | woo | 22:08 |
yofel | people have too much free time | 22:08 |
* yofel wonders why the hell it's 12:11 AM here | 22:12 | |
yofel | tons TODO and I need to get some sleep soon -.- | 22:12 |
yofel | Quintasan: IMO it's the kubuntu_05 patch that breaks it | 22:18 |
yofel | just building without it | 22:18 |
yofel | which seems to have been cherry picked from upstream in the first place | 22:18 |
yofel | ok, at least the upgrade to kdepim didn't barf | 22:23 |
yofel | ok, kate, kile and kdevelop work so kate shouldn't be broken | 22:24 |
yofel | hm, kmail runs too | 22:25 |
yofel | "using KDE Platform Version 4.7.00 (4.7.0)" | 22:25 |
yofel | fun version | 22:25 |
yofel | ok, this is usable, hurray | 22:26 |
yofel | hm, knetworkmanager is gone here too... | 22:27 |
yofel | k, fixed and uploaded | 23:14 |
* yofel goes to bed and continues 4.7 tomorrow | 23:14 | |
debfx | apachelogger: I've finally implemented the source package => desktop file gettext domain mapping in pkg-kde-tools: | 23:42 |
apachelogger | debfx++ | 23:44 |
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