
truepurpleEarlier I asked a question in a channel, the only person replying there at the time said s/he did not know, so I asked in another channel, and had ikonia jump all over my for cross channel topics or something01:07
truepurpleand I think that was unfair01:09
rwwwhich channels?01:09
truepurpleIt was not necessary or proper to make a issue of this01:09
truepurpleubuntu-beginners and ubuntu01:09
truepurpleI would note that while I was in ubuntu, someone who knew something did answer01:10
truepurplebut it didn't seem like there was anyone there at the time when I asked in ubuntu01:10
truepurpleI mean someone from ubuntu beginners01:11
rwwAsking the same question in multiple channels is not a good idea because it duplicates the effort of our helpers and can cause confusion if you're following instructions from two sets of people. Please do not do it.01:12
truepurpleYou would object even if there is noone in the channel at the time?01:15
rwwYou sent your first message of the day to #ubuntu-beginners at 11:08. You were answered by yofel at 11:17. 10 minutes is not an adequate amount of time for you to decide there is nobody in the channel.01:16
rwwAnd besides, it looks like the first message you sent about TRIM was to #ubuntu at 11:04. So you posted to #ubuntu, then #ubuntu-beginners, then #ubuntu.01:18
truepurpleAside from wish, asking different people sometimes results in difference answers, and a spectrum of opinions is useful to getting to a trueth. Also I don't see how asking the same question in mulitple channels causes confusion01:18
rwwI just told you how it does.01:18
truepurpleubuntu is one of those channels that if someone doesnt answer you soon, it is soon lost in the tide of other people talking about other things01:19
rwwIncreasing that tide by getting into arguments with our channel operators doesn't really help things.01:19
truepurpleId have rather have done it in PM, but ikonia at first refused01:20
truepurpleAnd at first, I just wanted to know exactly what the reprimand was about01:20
truepurpleIkonia might have found his/her words clear on that matter, but I did not01:21
rwwI'm not surprised. You've repeatedly demonstrated a tiresome tendency to debate and complain about everything you can.01:21
rwwCrossposting is against our guidelines. Don't do it. Not following operator instructions is against our guidelines. Don't do that either. I think that's really all that needs to be said.01:21
truepurpleWell I disagree, those words are not so clear, it is not blatantly obvious to everyone what is considered cross posting for example.01:23
truepurpleAnd if this has been answered before, I apologize, but where does it forbid "cross posting"?01:25
rwwin our IRC guidelines, as you've been told.01:26
rwwIt has its own nicely bolded and indented heading, for pete's sake01:26
rwwI'm not interested in discussion what you think is blatantly obvious to everyone or rehashing things you've been told repeatedly.01:26
truepurpleThis is not something I have been told repeatedly01:27
truepurpleI do not feel I have earned your anger here either.01:27
rwwI'm not angry, I'm contemptuous.01:27
truepurpleThen your contempt, and contempt is even worse01:28
rwwYour attitude over the last few days indicates to me that you are doing one of: 1) deliberately wasting time, 2) not reading things people tell you, 3) severely lacking in comprehension. I am not fond of any of these alternatives.01:28
truepurpleWhere are these IRC guidelines if you would please01:29
truepurpleWould it really injure you to repeat it, even if I was told before.01:30
rwwChanServ NOTICEs you our Terms of Service, which include the IRC Guidelines, when you enter the channel. They're also in #ubuntu's /topic.01:30
rwwI'm not interested in indulging any of the problems that I just enumerated.01:30
tonyyarussoWhy is he back?01:31
truepurplewell entering text has long been shoved off for ubuntu, and I dont see it for this channel01:32
Picitonyyarusso: --team might be a good place to ask01:32
rwwtruepurple: Your continued inability to use your IRC client is also not something I plan to indulge.01:32
truepurpleFFS, I just asked you for a link01:33
rwwand I told you where to find it01:33
truepurpleIf its so common and easy01:33
truepurpleI told you, if its at the start of ubuntu channel, its long been pushed off01:33
rwwI believe I answered that, too.01:34
truepurpleOh, I enter the command "/topic"?01:34
truepurpleI see01:34
truepurplewell that entry is pretty broadly worded, with no consideration of lack of response, you said 10 minutes, well specification like that would be a big help01:37
elkythis is mr audit my helpers, yeah?01:41
elkyso now he's collecting responses and then going to what? poll us?01:42
rwwask more questions, I expect01:42
truepurpleHow do I may I get a discussion going about a policy for the possibility of change?01:43
rwwtruepurple: of the IRC Guidelines?01:43
truepurpleOr any policy, but sure, of the IRC guidelines01:43
truepurpleI mean ops policy01:44
rwwtruepurple: email the ubuntu-irc list on lists.ubuntu.com01:44
rwwor bring it up at an IRC Council meeting01:44
truepurpleSo I suppose the IRC guidelines would encompass all of that, right?01:44
rwwI don't understand the question, can you rephrase it?01:44
truepurpleIs all the hard and fast dictates of behavior regarding ops and ops enforcement, present in that IRC guildeline?01:46
tonyyarussoIt's like the Catholic Church - it's a mix of written documents and deliberated agreements.01:47
rwwI resent that analogy :(01:47
truepurpleI assume at a IRC council meeting, there would not be alot of room for discussion, its only so long after all01:47
truepurpleSo may I discuss the policy here to find out the reasons behind it ahead of time?01:48
rwwtruepurple: As the IRC Guidelines say, users are also held to the Code of Conduct, freenode policy, and directives from operators. Operators are additionally held to the Leadership Code of Conduct.01:48
truepurpleand perhaps if I manage to persuade anyone, they could also bring it up if I am not able to make it.01:48
rwwThis isn't a good venue for soliciting opinions on channel policy. I've mentioned the two venues that are.01:49
tonyyarussotruepurple: The mailing list is much better suited to these sorts of things than this channel or in meetings, actually.01:49
truepurplewell I am sure meetings aren't01:49
truepurpleAnd mailing list, I hate those, not really gotten the hang of them, are you really saying that is my only option?01:50
truepurplePlus live chat would be better01:50
tonyyarusso(This channel should be kept clear to deal with any immediate issues that may crop up, and not distract people in the meantime.)01:50
truepurpleIs there another channel I could do it in?01:50
rwwYou've been told where you can do it.01:51
tonyyarussoNot a currently defined one, no.01:51
rwwI note that your behavior continues to fall under either deliberate timewasting, failure to read, or failure to comprehend.01:51
truepurplerww, Please, I am trying to remain calm but the way you speak to me really upsets/angers me.01:52
rwwI'll stop speaking to you like this when your attitude and behavior stop being problematic.01:52
truepurpleWould one of you please consider bringing up the subject of a channel or something for discussing issues of policy regarding ops?01:53
rwwIf you want that subject to be discussed, please bring it up at one of the locations I've mentioned.01:53
truepurplerww, in my eyes, you have things wrong, and are just using your quick conclusions as a excuse.01:53
rwwIf you don't have another subject that's on-topic for this channel to discuss, I believe we're done here.01:54
truepurpleThe subject is another venue,  and you only mentioned two, the meeting, which I might not be able to make, and the mailing thing, which I hate. And the subject is another venue to discuss things like this, the Irony!01:54
truepurpleYou said it could be discussed in the meeting01:54
truepurpleSo would you please bring it up, or someone01:54
rwwNo, I don't think there's a problem with the current situation.01:55
truepurpleI see a need, I really do. That is why I brought it up01:55
rwwAs I've already said, if you want the policy changed, you bring it up. If you don't care enough about the policy to attend a meeting or send an email, I'm afraid I can't help you.01:55
truepurpleYou could help me, is it against the policy to bring it up yourself to be nice?01:56
truepurpleYou would think courtesy itself was against the policy01:56
truepurpleand the issue with the mailing thing isnt sending emails, its getting a mess of them01:57
hypatiatruepurple: you can use filters to deal with that.  send them all to a folder.01:58
truepurpleWould someone please do me this small courtesy?01:58
rwwtonyyarusso: Would you kindly put an end to this silliness?01:58
truepurpleI still have to sort through em and stuff, anyway so noone?01:59
tonyyarussotruepurple: You're welcome to create an About channel per Freenode guidelines if you must discuss things on IRC, with the caveat that there won't be anyone there with you.  Otherwise the mailing list is the appropriate venue.  Do you have any further business?01:59
truepurplehypatia, might you please?01:59
truepurpletonyyarusso, That caveat makes it the same as nothing at all, would you please consider bringing this up at the next meeting?02:00
tonyyarussotruepurple: I don't care about it, so no.02:00
truepurpleWell there is one other thing02:00
tonyyarussoIf you want something done, you do it yourself.  That's a pretty basic rule of life.02:00
truepurpleI dont see anything in the rules about not PMing someone, and I think you guys should be more open to talking to someone in PM if they are having trouble understanding a instruction given02:01
truepurpleThankyou for your time02:02
rwwYou're not welcome.02:02
tonyyarussoWell, if there was an individual interested in discussing in PM that would of course be fine.  It's just that nobody was interested.02:02
rwwHe's not interested in discussing anything, he's interested in being a burden on the channel operators :P02:03
rwwMy prediction is that he creates a channel and then starts advertising it in #ubuntu*, then comes here to complain about the consequences.02:04
tonyyarussoWell, I know that, and you know that, but my statement is still true for the general case for the logs.  ;)02:08
rwwMeh, I stopped caring. The worst that can happen is that I get de-opped for expressing my opinion, and that's a rather weak worst-case scenario :P02:10
tonyyarussoTrue enough.02:11
elkygetting de-oped for that would be a case whereby it'd be a favour to you, as if it gets to that you'll want to run from the implosion.02:22
Tm_Twhy all the interesting happens while I'm away04:47
elkybecause too much interesting in once place would implode the universe?04:58
rwwgoing through bans from over 90 days ago is tedious and some of you should feel bad for having removable bans over 3 months old :(04:59
Tm_Tlike me? (:05:00
rwwTm_T: Yes :P05:00
Tm_TI could do again what I did once in #k, do -b *05:02
elkyunless you want us to come over to finland and throw snowballs at you05:02
elkyi may or may not consider putting rocks in the snowballs05:02
rwwI would not be opposed to removing all of #ubuntu's bans, readding IRCC decreed bans, then letting the rest sit until needed again.05:03
rwwbut I'm weird.05:03
elkymaybe some time when we have lots of active ops for an entire consecutive week.05:04
Tm_Telky: you can come and throw snowballs at me even without me doing the -b (;05:05
rwwI wouldn't be mentioning that if I thought we didn't have enough ops to handle it.05:05
elkyrww, based on experience, i believe we fail to have enough for at least *one 24/7 week*05:07
rwwelky: based on experience, I disagree. but then, if we're paying attention to #ubuntu to see if it has ops paying attention to it, then ops are paying attention to it, so...05:08
rwwif that makes sense (:05:08
elkydo you remember the last time we lost our ban list?05:09
rwwanyways, I'm well aware that that suggestion is about as likely to happen as I am to start working for Canonical, so.05:09
rwwelky: If I say no, I lose the argument. If I say yes, people start poking into how I remember things that happened before any of my nicks were around :P05:10
rwwunless it happened while I was around and it was so uneventful that I forgot05:10
rwwalthough I could dodge it by saying "we have better op coverage than then" :P05:11
elkywe don't actually05:12
rwwI guess we'll have to disagree on that, too :(05:12
elkywe had half as many people and still the same number of ops for my timezone.05:12
elky(people = users there)05:12
elkyin fact, my timezone is like twice as covered now as it was a month ago.05:13
rwwI remember back when I was up during Australiatime a year ago and would end up calling ops for half an hour or so before anyone turned up. If this is still happening, I'm not seeing it.05:14
rwwI could probably go grab irclogs.ubuntu.com and graph ops calls as a function of time, under the premise that if we have ops watching the channel we're less likely to get to the point of ops being called, but I'm too busy fixing the banlist.05:15
Tm_Tunless we do set up watch turns, we cannot cover the channel 24/705:28
Tm_Twe cannot cover it even for 6 hours for that matter (:05:29
=== gary is now known as Gary
ikoniahello gary09:48
Garyhey ikonia09:58
bazhangstudent and whity seem to be same exact IP12:56
Picibazhang: good catch12:56
oCeanlarsT in #kubuntu14:45
ikoniajust +b on him, so he can sit there quietly, enough of him14:45
oCeanhe was even in #u couple of days ago (as marmelade)14:46
ikoniaI can't be bothered waiting for the usual stuff14:47
genii-aroundHard to tell if they are trolling there yet, all I've seen is they want to switch from unity and try kubuntu....14:47
oCeanhere we go again, he will start explaining how maximizing a window will maixmize that window on another desktop14:47
* genii-around hears boss yelling down the hall, investigates14:48
ikoniaif this is the same problem he's been asked and had explained to him mutliple times, I'm going to ban him14:49
oCeanmany, many times indeed14:50
oCeanthis https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/790394 is his, marked invalid14:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 790394 in unity (Ubuntu) "When maximizing windows, they move onto another virtual desktop." [Undecided,Invalid]14:50
popeywhy is that bug marked invalid without specifying the dupe?14:53
ikoniaask the bug team14:53
ikoniaso much is marked wrong14:53
ikonianormally it tells you who changed the status14:56
charlie-tcaThat does tell who did it, at least he commented that it is a duplicate.14:59
ikoniaI don't see it ?14:59
popeyi do14:59
ikoniawhere, am I being blind ?15:00
charlie-tcafirst comment - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/790394/comments/115:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 790394 in unity (Ubuntu) "When maximizing windows, they move onto another virtual desktop." [Undecided,Invalid]15:00
popeythat view doesnt show it15:01
popeythe big list of all comments does15:01
ikoniayou can only see it if you're logged in15:02
ikoniaI an now15:02
ikoniadider sorry15:03
charlie-tcaReally have to log in now to read comments? That seems wrong15:04
charlie-tcaLarsT now in #ubuntu-devel15:05
Picinot anymore15:05
Pici"Where did you get the python script?"15:42
Pici"From the internet"15:42
charlie-tcaheh, the always available source of anything15:42
ikoniaPici: do you mean X or Y - "yes"16:05
ikonialove it16:05
Piciikonia: I mean't Psydoll's question, but this is weird too.16:05
ikoniaah, that's just him being his foolish self16:05
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Pici_ appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)16:06
ikoniayeah pici, abusive16:06
ikoniapici_ is being abusive16:07
PiciDid I somehow have that ignored? I didn't see anything.16:07
ikonia17:06 < ubottu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Pici_ appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)16:07
PiciI saw that.16:08
ikoniait was hit and run spam16:08
PiciBut not the nickspamming.16:08
Picior anything from them at all.16:08
ikoniablah blah16:08
Picifor some reason I have Pici_ on my ignore list.16:09
ikoniaI ignore myself too16:09
Picithats why I have it ignored... some bitlbee thing.16:11
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (slasn appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)16:31
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Tabgook appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)16:31
ubottudaedra called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()17:05
PiciMabye I was wrong to remove $r:noob17:07
* genii-around sips and thinks about croon jobs20:38

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