
=== calvin is now known as MutantTurkey
rmg51morning JonathanD08:59
JonathanDhey hey09:14
rmg51hi hi09:30
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!11:32
jacksonsalami SamuraiAlba12:16
jedijfmoes sw today12:51
jedijfthat's the plan12:51
JonathanDMorning v2.12:54
ChinnoDogAnyone have a favorite intranet domain suffix and can tell me why you picked it?15:57
ChinnoDoge.g. ssweeny.local15:57
ChinnoDogor pleia2.lan16:00
ChinnoDogOh. If I use .local then the computers identity could be confusing since it is used by OSX computers that are not on any domain16:04
pleia2people actually use them?16:09
ChinnoDogI am already administering servers on .lan and .local domains for customers16:10
pleia2that explains the exchange servers I see pouring .local adresses on to the internet16:11
pleia2always wondered about that16:12
ChinnoDogIt is used by OSX for workstations not on a domain, a recommended best practice for MS for intranet domains, and I think it might even be default in the Ubuntu hosts file as an alias for the local workstation.16:13
pleia2I'm familiar with the tld allocation, I just didn't realize people were actually using it ;)16:14
pleia2now I'm curious about lan naming practices, I can't find documented that the .local tld is actually reserved for this purpose (or at all)19:50
pleia2I've always used real names that just weren't world routable19:51
* pleia2 has phone.alderaan.princessleia.com etc19:52
JonathanDpleia2: I don't think they're reserved, exactly.19:58
JonathanDIt was assumed no one would use them.19:58
pleia2well, you don't /need/ to reserve 192.168 if you're the governing body giving out addresses either, but they do :)20:01
JonathanDDespite not being a valid top-level domain in the Internet, considerable DNS traffic exists, querying the local domain in the public Domain Name System.[1] In June 2009, the L root server received more than 400 such queries per second,[2] ranking 4th in DNS traffic of all TLDs after COM, ARPA, and NET.20:07
pleia2yeah well, people also query localhost :)20:08
pleia2certainly seems to be a popular thing20:08
pleia2and people should probably stop leaking internal dns requests all over the internet, that's not very good form20:09
ChinnoDogpleia2: petition for a new rule. Deny DNS service to clients that search for hosts at invalid tlds.20:28
ChinnoDogI guess you could also build a DNS server that ignores them20:29
ChinnoDogOr create a .local offender blacklist. haha20:29

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