
horstleis anybody interested in a reproducable "NVRM: os_schedule: Attempted to yield the CPU while in atomic or interrupt context"?00:42
horstleim running NVIDIA 275.19 with a gf 9300 onboard00:43
RAOFhorstle: nvidia might be; bug reports go to the nvnews forums.00:46
horstlewell im waiting for response from bjsnider, afaik he is from nvidia00:47
bjsnideryou're waiting for a response from me?01:56
bjsniderthis is the first i've heard of it01:56
bjsniderand i'm not from nvidia01:56
bjsnideri'm from canada01:56
bjsniderhorstle, http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=4667802:00
rippswell, the lastest xorg-edgers has been causing my i5-2400 igp to hang alot. It loses all 3d/2d acceleration until I reboot after dmesg says I fails from a gpu hang07:21
RAOFripps: Kernel problem, or DDX/mesa?07:21
BigWhaleGreetings... Where can I find some more info what's going on with intel drivers and 855GM chipset?07:22
RAOFBigWhale: There's not much going on.  Hm.  Maybe we should turn them back on; it's apparently possible that they work now.07:22
RAOFUpstream is where you want to be, though.07:22
rippsRAOF: I don't know. I've gotten these gpu hangs in the recent past, but I could always recover from them. I wouldn't lose my acceleration altogether, I just had to restart compiz.07:23
RAOFripps: Feel like trying an older/newer kernel, then?07:24
rippsRAOF: I'm using 3.0.0-707:24
BigWhaleI instaled Natty on some old laptop and then enabled intel drivers and the results were poor... windows flickering and disappearing...07:24
rippsThis is a natty machine with xorg-edgers07:24
RAOFripps: You could try the drm-intel-next mainline build, and/or go back to an older kernel.07:25
rippsIt's kinda late for me now, I'm going to bed. I'll pastebin my dmesg and any other logs you want the next time it happens, then I'll try out an older kernel07:27
RAOFripps: If you want to help debug, i915_error_state is pretty much mandatory.07:32
RAOFBigWhale: I'd want to be sure that you successfully enabled the intel drivers, but I wouldn't expect flickering windows; I'd expect it to hang pretty frequently, though.07:32
rippsJust FYI, the hang usually happened when switch mplayer between fullscreen and windowed07:35
BigWhaleRAOF, I installed this driver https://launchpad.net/~glasen/+archive/intel-driver09:03
BigWhaleRAOF, enabled modeset and there was a lot of flickering and unity failed to start so it was a fallback to classic desktop. Flickering was take care of by disabling effects.09:04
BigWhale3D support seems to work only partially glxgears will run but there's a game that doesn't work09:05
Sarvattripps: try again after updating now, I didn't see there was a new update to fix that a few days ago14:19
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kirklandhowdy, I have a video/unity/x issue, thinkpad x201, lspci at http://paste.ubuntu.com/653832/15:02
kirklandI can't get 1920x1080 to my external monitor15:02
kirklandworked in lucid,maverick, regressed in natty (and I just lived with 1280x800), and I just upgraded to oneiric hoping it might have been fixed15:02
kirklandbut no dice15:03
seb128kirkland, what output do you use?15:06
kirklandseb128: okay, so the thinkpad sits in a docking station, connected externally by SVGA to a 24" Samsung monitor15:07
kirklandseb128: i want to disable the output on the laptop screen, and only have one output, to the external monitor15:07
kirklandseb128: i can only do that up to 1280x800 resolution, which is what the laptop screen maxes out at15:08
seb128kirkland, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/72978815:08
kirklandseb128: however, the external monitor can certainly do 1920x108015:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 729788 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "xrandr reports incorrect max resolution from displayport in laptop dock i915 (affects: 2) (heat: 23)" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:08
seb128seems similar15:09
kirklandseb128: yeah, definitely15:09
seb128kirkland, I don't know the specific, I asked because I know pitti or some others had issue which were happening on the displayport but not on the standard vga output I think15:10
kirklandseb128: hmm, okay, maybe i'll poke pitti?15:10
kirklandseb128: any known workarounds?15:11
seb128kirkland, he's on holidays until end of next week15:11
seb128kirkland, did you try the commands from this bug?15:11
kirklandseb128: okay15:11
seb128I'm looking for the other bugs I read on the topic, wait15:11
kirklandseb128: not yet, do you recommend those?  I'm not as familiar with xrandr as I should be ...15:12
seb128kirkland, bug #737891 is the one I was thinking about15:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 737891 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Natty) (and 5 other projects) "[Arrandale] gnome-display-properties unable to correctly enable monitors connected to VGA (affects: 15) (dups: 2) (heat: 98)" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73789115:12
kirklandseb128: yes, that one I am familiar with15:12
kirklandseb128: I'm subscribed, and have commented a few times15:12
kirklandseb128: i sort of gave up on that one being solved for Natty15:13
kirklandseb128: but really, really hoping it gets solved for Oneiric15:13
kirklandas 1280x800 resolution on a 24" monitor looks comical :-)15:13
kirklandseb128: i've nominated it for Oneiric15:13
seb128kirkland, it shouldn't hurt to try to set the resolution with the second call from the first bug I pointed15:14
seb128if that doesn't work wait for some of the x guys to reply15:14
seb128they probably know better than me ;-)15:14
kirklandseb128: thanks man :-)  will try now15:14
kirklandseb128: hmm, hang on a second ...15:15
kirklandseb128: in the displays dialog, I have 1920x1080 as an option15:15
kirklandseb128: but when I switch to it, I get unity offset from the center, some big black, unusable areas of the screen, and the display is just not coherent15:15
seb128kirkland, what happen if you try to use it?15:15
kirklandseb128: I can shoot a picture with my phone, one second ...15:16
seb128kirkland, that seems a compiz bug, just alt-f2 compiz --replace15:16
seb128or alt-f2 unity15:16
seb128compiz doesn't like dynamic resizing it seems15:16
kirklandseb128: oh?15:16
kirklandseb128: that sounds promising15:16
kirklandseb128: it certainly looked to me to be a unity/compiz bug from my first guesses, but most of the time when I talk to someone about it, they point me to X, and then to the kernel :-)15:17
kirklandseb128: actually, that worked15:21
kirklandseb128: so here's what i had to do:15:21
kirklandseb128: 1) go to displays, select 1920x1080, apply15:21
kirklandseb128: 2) very quickly do the alt-f2 unity <enter>15:21
kirklandseb128: 3) very quickly click keep configuration15:22
kirklandseb128: not that alt-f2 compiz --replace did NOT work15:22
kirklandseb128: and note that it took me a couple of tries to get it right within the 15 seconds before it automatically reverted15:22
kirklandseb128: so now I wonder if it persists across reboots ...15:23
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