bobweaver_ | anyone here want to help me out with some cli stuff | 00:18 |
bobweaver_ | I need to meove some files and rename them | 00:19 |
bobweaver_ | I need to move some files and rename them | 00:19 |
=== okami is now known as raevin | ||
raevin | hey does anyone know when kde 4.7 will be pushed out? | 00:30 |
iconmefisto | just did a fresh install of 11.04 kubuntu, using my old home dir from 10.10. every time I try to install something with apt-get, it fails to download packages the 1st two times, but works on the 3rd try. any ideas what is going on? | 00:39 |
Betrug | hi | 01:00 |
Squidy | hi there.. when will kde sc 4.7 available for kubuntu 11.04? | 01:01 |
phoenix_firebrd | is kde 4.7 available in backports? | 01:01 |
Squidy | * when will kde sc 4.7 be available for kubuntu 11.04? | 01:01 |
claydoh | Squidy: when it is done :) | 01:06 |
Betrug | lol | 01:06 |
claydoh | Squidyiirc they are packaging it as we type, after getting it into 11.10 first (as is the norm for Kubuntu) | 01:07 |
claydoh | I would guess tomorrow perhaps, but i have been wrong before :) | 01:08 |
Squidy | claydoh: ok dude.. thank you for explanation | 01:08 |
phoenix_firebrd | Squidy: | 01:09 |
Squidy | phoenix_firebrd: nice | 01:10 |
phoenix_firebrd | Squidy: we all are eager :) | 01:11 |
Squidy | it's true.. =D | 01:12 |
raevin | so we're not going to see 4.7 in repos until 11.10? | 01:17 |
phoenix_firebrd | Squidy: i found that kde 4.7 may probably available today | 01:18 |
Squidy | perhaps tomorrow morning we will have good news.. | 01:21 |
=== Betrug is now known as Jessic[a] | ||
* Jessic[a] is away: Gone away for now | 01:54 | |
=== Jessic[a] is now known as Betrug | ||
* Betrug is back. | 02:04 | |
cypha | l | 02:05 |
=== LjL^ is now known as LjL | ||
=== mike is now known as Guest4613 | ||
=== Guest4613 is now known as mikeghlarsen | ||
ubuntu4shane | ok, my update thing, says that there are updates, however my only two options are, Reboot, or later?? there is no update now, where is that found so I can reset it? or delete it? is it in the .kde folder? | 02:32 |
claydoh | ubuntu4shane: it looks like the updates are already installed, and require a reboot? | 02:34 |
ubuntu4shane | claydoh: no, because it says, there are 6 updates available | 02:34 |
ubuntu4shane | this is on my laptop, on my desktop, it is has the normal thing, this one is odd. | 02:35 |
claydoh | dunno, go to kpackagekit and update there | 02:35 |
claydoh | right-click on the icon may allow you to turn it off maybe | 02:35 |
raevin | i just checked and i got updates too, but for soup... | 02:43 |
raevin | try rebooting ans the updates my not recognize or show or whatnot until you reboot? | 02:43 |
ubuntu4shane | ? no this is an on going problem. It happens all the time. This laptop has been rebooted, and updated many times, but the gui update thing isn't the normal KDE Kubuntu update notifier, it is odd. | 02:44 |
raevin | what is it? did you have another ubuntu system installed then you installed kde over it? | 02:45 |
ubuntu4shane | I guess I didn't make that clear, and it isn't a big deal, as I just usually update via cli, however I would like it to look right for the rare time I'm tired and lazy and just want to click my way through an update | 02:45 |
ubuntu4shane | raevin: I may have, I don't remember, with this computer what I did. | 02:45 |
cypha | how can I setup a visual bell? | 02:46 |
ubuntu4shane | There must be a config file somewhere, that is really what I'm curious about | 02:46 |
raevin | ubuntu4shane: could poke around in /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:46 |
raevin | ubuntu4shane: might be old records or something in there? | 02:46 |
ubuntu4shane | raevin: no, that is just the sources, been in there many times | 02:46 |
ubuntu4shane | I'm talking about the gui updater appearance isn't right it is weird. | 02:47 |
e_t_ | cypha: System Settings > Application and System Notifications | 02:47 |
ubuntu4shane | and wrong options | 02:47 |
raevin | ubuntu4shane: could also try reinstalling kpackagekit then? i know it's not a big deal, just throwing out possible helps lol | 02:47 |
raevin | ubuntu4shane: ah, sorry, can you maybe screenshot it? | 02:47 |
ubuntu4shane | raevin: perhaps that would work, is kpackagekit in charge of the update thing? | 02:47 |
raevin | ubuntu4shane: kpackagekit is the package manager for kubuntu :D not sure how new it is, just recently started using kubuntu again | 02:48 |
ubuntu4shane | raevin: that would have been a great idea, I updated via cli, next time an update comes in though I will try to remember to do that. | 02:48 |
raevin | ubuntu4shane: can do it now even, i just dunno the cli commands for reinstalling anything | 02:48 |
ubuntu4shane | raevin: I'm with you there, been with Kubuntu for a little bit now, but not super kde knowledgeable | 02:49 |
raevin | ubuntu4shane: lol, i used to until i ran into windows-only needs and stuff, been a good year or so, if not longer. but, glad i can help out someone :D | 02:49 |
ubuntu4shane | e_t_: was that for me?? seems that is what I want, but I don't understand how to fix my setting | 02:53 |
e_t_ | It wasn't. Though I'm glad if it helps. | 02:57 |
e_t_ | ubuntu4shane: you say the the gui updater looks "weird". Can you post a screenshot of what "weird" looks like? | 02:58 |
lautaro | hi | 03:14 |
lautaro | how conect me to irc hispano? | 03:14 |
lautaro | help me | 03:14 |
lautaro | diganme como me conecto no sean forros | 03:16 |
=== Betrug is now known as Jessic[a] | ||
* Jessic[a] is away: Gone away for now | 03:18 | |
lautaro | tan piolas ustedes... | 03:18 |
e_t_ | !es | lautaro | 03:21 |
ubottu | lautaro: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 03:21 |
lautaro | ok tell me how i can join to irc hispano | 03:22 |
lautaro | ubottu: | 03:22 |
e_t_ | >>> Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. <<< | 03:24 |
lautaro | i wont to join to argentina not ubuntu | 03:25 |
=== Jessic[a] is now known as Betrug | ||
* Betrug is back. | 03:26 | |
lautaro | tengo que agregar el servidor a este programa y no se como | 03:26 |
lautaro | thanks anyway | 03:27 |
=== Betrug is now known as Jessic[a] | ||
* Jessic[a] is away: Gone away for now | 03:36 | |
e_t_ | Jessic[a]: Many people in the *buntu channels strongly dislike away messages. | 03:38 |
=== Jessic[a] is now known as Betrug | ||
* Betrug is back. | 03:52 | |
Betrug | my bad. | 03:52 |
dpeach | I had my system crash a couple of days ago and could no longer login via the KDE login screen. It would accept my username/password, but then flash and come back into the login screen again. | 03:56 |
dpeach | I can drop out to a terminal and do sudo startx and get in that way, but then I am logged in as root instead of my user. | 03:56 |
e_t_ | dpeach: don't use sudo. You should be able to startx as a normal user. | 03:57 |
dpeach | I was running 10.04. I installed 11.04 tonight hoping that a new system would get me up and running. But I have the same problem. Since I am still using the same home directory, it must be something in my user profile. | 03:57 |
dpeach | thanks e_t_, it isn't that. I can't login using startx as a user. | 03:57 |
dpeach | I get the same login loop. | 03:57 |
=== Betrug is now known as Jessic[a] | ||
* Jessic[a] is away: Gone away for now | 03:58 | |
=== Jessic[a] is now known as Betrug | ||
* Betrug is back. | 03:58 | |
e_t_ | dpeach: Try this: log in on the console, then "mv ~/.kde ~/.kde-bak" then startx | 03:59 |
e_t_ | Betrug: Many people in the *buntu channels strongly dislike away messages. | 03:59 |
dpeach | ok. give me a sec and I will let you know. | 03:59 |
dpeach | screen went black like X is trying to start, but there is no hard drive activity. | 04:02 |
e_t_ | Does X eventually die? | 04:03 |
dpeach | so far, no. I hit cnt alt f7 and it is hung on "starting automatic crash report generation [fail]" | 04:03 |
dpeach | cnt alt f1 says "No protocol specified" and is scrolling the message (I think) | 04:04 |
dpeach | yes, it is scrolling | 04:04 |
dpeach | cnt alt backspace isn't working to kill X. I had it setup in my previous install to kill X though I know Kubuntu did not have that enabled by default, so it may not work because of installing the new release. | 04:06 |
cypha | where can I create a keyboard shortcut for Run Command? | 04:06 |
dpeach | ok, back to terminal 1 | 04:06 |
dpeach | In the end it says "xinit: server errror" "xauth: error in locking authority file /home/david/.Xauthority" | 04:07 |
e_t_ | cypha: Alt+F2 is the default shortcut for Run Command. | 04:07 |
cypha | ok, I guess that'll work | 04:07 |
cypha | i still don't see where to change it though | 04:07 |
cypha | and what exactly is that run command app called? | 04:07 |
cypha | so I can call it from terminal, for example | 04:08 |
e_t_ | cypha: It is called Krunner. All keyboard shortcuts can be configured from System Settings > Shortcuts and Gestures. For any sort of configuration in KDE, /always/ check System Settings. | 04:09 |
dpeach | e_t_: looking at my home directory, there is no .kde folder now. I assumed it was supposed to recreate it. But it did not. | 04:09 |
dpeach | Should I try rebooting the machine and see if it recreates the .kde folder? | 04:10 |
cypha | e_t_, out of curiosity, is there a way to always get to the search box in kde apps? | 04:10 |
cypha | like in system settings | 04:10 |
cypha | ...I mean a kb shortcut to | 04:10 |
e_t_ | dpeach: actually, I wanted you to move .kde to .kde-bak, but after I posted it occurred that it does look visually similar to remove, which seems to be what happened. | 04:11 |
dpeach | I did mv | 04:11 |
dpeach | I have the .kde-bak folder. | 04:11 |
cypha | e_t_, i don't see krunner listed in system shortcuts | 04:11 |
e_t_ | dpeach: I was operating under the assumption that KDE was crashing and dumping you back to the login screen. The .kde directory contains all KDE configurations, so removing it (or moving it) sets everything back to defaults. It is only recreated when you successfully log into KDE (console doesn't do it). Definitely try rebooting and see if that clears up the X problems. | 04:14 |
dpeach | when I tried to do startx again as user then I saw an error that it 'failed to load GLX extensions...something, something, something'. I guess it is hanging on a video driver maybe. | 04:14 |
dpeach | ok. here goes. | 04:15 |
e_t_ | cypha: Global Keyboard Shortcuts tab and you want "Run Command Interface" | 04:16 |
e_t_ | dpeach: What's your video card? | 04:16 |
dpeach | uh, small. maybe green. uh. Don't know. | 04:16 |
dpeach | let me check. | 04:16 |
e_t_ | dpeach: I mean AMD/ATI or nVidia or Intel | 04:17 |
dpeach | e_t_: it is an Intel Corp Mobile GM965/GL960 | 04:17 |
dpeach | Intel | 04:17 |
dpeach | I think the error I saw was trying to load an nVidia driver. | 04:18 |
dpeach | I rebooted and keep getting the login loop. | 04:18 |
dpeach | I have not tried jumping out to console and logging in that way again. | 04:18 |
dpeach | I can do that and get the exact error. | 04:18 |
dpeach | e_t_: doing startx this time seems to be getting me somewhere. | 04:19 |
Shirakawasuna | Using vlc, when I use PulseAudio the sound eventually becomes delayed. When I use ALSA or OSS, the audio may or may not be delayed (haven't gotten far enough to tell), but if I pause the video and then unpause, the audio is gone | 04:20 |
Shirakawasuna | any ideas? | 04:20 |
cypha | oh thanks | 04:20 |
cypha | e_t_ ^^ | 04:20 |
cypha | never know what to look for in global | 04:20 |
Shirakawasuna | nevermind | 04:21 |
Shirakawasuna | this is happening with pulseaudio as well (the pause unpause thing) | 04:21 |
dpeach | I still got an '(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)' when I look at terminal 1. X seems to want to start, but it is hung further into the process. | 04:21 |
e_t_ | cypha: A little exploration almost always pays off. | 04:21 |
e_t_ | dpeach: Do you have an /etc/X11/Xorg.conf file? | 04:22 |
dpeach | e_t_: no, I don't. | 04:22 |
dpeach | terminal 7 (f7) made it past the Stopping automatic crash report generation this time. It now hung on Checking battery state. | 04:23 |
dpeach | going to reboot again and see if I get a little further. | 04:23 |
cypha | e_t_, I love exploring! just didn | 04:24 |
cypha | 't see that | 04:24 |
Shirakawasuna | crap | 04:24 |
Shirakawasuna | dev suggestion appears to be to use vlc 1.2 | 04:25 |
Shirakawasuna | I don't see any ppas for vlc 1.2.... | 04:25 |
e_t_ | dpeach: Intel graphics (besides GMA500) should "just work" in Linux. The errors you're getting make me think that your install is really buggered. | 04:26 |
dpeach | well... | 04:26 |
dpeach | If you only knew. :-) | 04:26 |
Shirakawasuna | n/m, found one, lol | 04:27 |
Shirakawasuna | we'll see if this helps | 04:27 |
e_t_ | dpeach: I've always done fresh installs. It eliminates random weird problems (for me) and forces me to have current backups. | 04:27 |
dpeach | What happened was that i was recovering some files from a friends hard drive that he deleted. I didn't expect the files to be so much space. It quickly filled up the 50 GB I had available on my drive and then locked up my system. Someone on here helped me a couple of nights ago to get started again, but I have not been able to get into X with my user since. | 04:27 |
cypha | e_t_, how can I make the krunner always on top? | 04:28 |
e_t_ | cypha: What do you mean? | 04:28 |
dpeach | My drive got filled up and then the system became so unstable it would not delete files. | 04:28 |
cypha | i have tilda terminal open and krunner gets hidden under it | 04:29 |
cypha | dpeach, start with x off | 04:29 |
dpeach | I did a fresh install this evening, but kept my /home directory in place. | 04:29 |
dpeach | cypha: I can start into the console, but then startx won't get the system going. | 04:29 |
cypha | dpeach, after deleting the files you needed to delete, then just restart with X | 04:30 |
dpeach | btw, e_t_ rebooting didn't get me any further on this go around. | 04:30 |
dpeach | cypha: I deleted the files a couple of nights ago. Since then I could not get X going again. | 04:31 |
cypha | oh | 04:31 |
cypha | maybe you deleted something important? | 04:31 |
dpeach | I just did an install of the newest release over my 10.04 installation. | 04:31 |
e_t_ | cypha: Try using yakuake instead of tilda. | 04:31 |
cypha | oh wow | 04:31 |
cypha | i dunno | 04:31 |
cypha | e_t_, yakuake is also on top of it | 04:32 |
cypha | i have both installed | 04:32 |
dpeach | cypha: the only things I deleted were the files I was recovering from my friend's drive. | 04:32 |
cypha | i just don't know how to get to the custom window settings for it | 04:32 |
e_t_ | cypha: Press Alt+F2 again, and krunner should come to the top again. | 04:32 |
cypha | e_t_, nope | 04:32 |
dpeach | e_t_: do you think if I created a basic xorg.conf file I could get this up and running.? | 04:32 |
dpeach | And can I create one with a fancy little command line tool? | 04:33 |
cypha | dpeach, you could try, couldn't hurt | 04:33 |
cypha | that, i don't know | 04:33 |
cypha | e_t_ seems knowledgeable, he might | 04:34 |
e_t_ | dpeach: No. Xorg.conf is an ugly monster. Everything is detected automatically now. I was just thinking that if you had a spurious Xorg.conf that was trying to use nvidia drivers, that might explain what was happening. | 04:34 |
dpeach | no. that ain't it. | 04:35 |
* e_t_ is probably not as knowledgeable as he seems. | 04:35 | |
dpeach | what is the grep command to dig through my /home directory to look for any xorg.conf files that I might have lying around from old installs? | 04:35 |
dpeach | The odd thing is that I can start X as root. So I know that it should be working fine. It is as a user it won't start. | 04:36 |
e_t_ | You'd actually use find for that. >> find /home/dpeach -name "Xorg.conf" << | 04:36 |
Linkmaster | dpeach: maybe xorg is root only | 04:37 |
* Linkmaster suggests a 'sudo chown dpeach /home' perhaps | 04:37 | |
e_t_ | The X server is always run as root (rootless X is in the works), but should be started by a user. | 04:38 |
dpeach | did not find one on my search. | 04:42 |
dpeach | How do I check and see what my UID is? | 04:43 |
e_t_ | dpeach: the id command | 04:43 |
dpeach | I remember a few years ago I switched from one system to another and my UID changed and locked me out of everything. I don't think that is the problem now. | 04:43 |
dpeach | gce nrrto pcidy | 04:43 |
dpeach | oops | 04:43 |
dpeach | uid looks right | 04:44 |
* dpeach is typing with QWERTY on one keyboard and Dvorak on another. | 04:44 | |
e_t_ | Fedora/RHEL give the first user a ~500 uid. Ubuntu uses ~1000. | 04:44 |
dpeach | 1000 is what I got here. | 04:45 |
* dpeach wonders if he creates a whole new user if he could get into X. Then move stuff as necessary. | 04:45 | |
dpeach | CLI skills rusty. Time to hit the Google on how to create a new user at command line. | 04:46 |
e_t_ | dpeach: Do you have sufficient external space to back up your /home ? If so, back it up, fresh install, and copy back only the files you need/want. | 04:46 |
dpeach | Actually did a full backup before I started this. But I never like to trust my backup. | 04:47 |
dpeach | I may have to do that though. | 04:47 |
e_t_ | That's what I'd do. | 04:47 |
e_t_ | As for creating a user, >> sudo useradd $name << and >> sudo passwd $name << | 04:48 |
cypha | e_t_, not really a kde question, but how can I get Tilda to run with screen and then irssi on start? Tilda has an option to run a custom command instead of the shell. What command allows me to run the shell, and then screen, and then Irssi? | 04:49 |
cypha | because I presume you have to run shell before screen | 04:50 |
e_t_ | cypha: I know nothing about tilda. You actually don't need a shell to run terminal apps. If you give 'screen' or 'irssi' as the custom command, they will open fine, but the terminal window will close if you exit, rather than giving you back a shell. | 04:52 |
cypha | ohh, gotcha | 04:52 |
cypha | wtf, i swear it didn't work last time i tried it | 04:56 |
dpeach | ok. I am going to wipe it all and install fresh and restore from my backup. | 04:56 |
dpeach | But that will come in the morning. | 04:56 |
cypha | e_t_, gracias | 04:56 |
dpeach | thanks e_t_! | 04:56 |
cypha | e_t_, when I search for stuff in krunner, it shows the app and then "run appname" | 04:58 |
cypha | what's the difference? | 04:58 |
cypha | "run appname" seems to open it a lot faster though | 04:58 |
e_t_ | The app name references a .desktop file that can include a bunch of variables and information about the app. The run $app just runs it with no options, as if you'd typed it into a terminal. | 05:00 |
dpac | Hey guys, I recently moved from ubuntu to kubuntu by doing a clean install of natty. I've been having problems with startup programs. For some reason on every start deluge, dolphin, chrome, synaptiks and kmixer runs. I've not found where I could disable them from auto start | 05:00 |
cypha | e_t_, how can I have the "run appname" start with the computer? | 05:01 |
e_t_ | cypha: From System Settings > Startup and Shutdown, you can start programs as soon as you log into KDE. | 05:03 |
cypha | e_t_, starting tilda from a terminal window by typing "tilda" doesn't work | 05:03 |
cypha | so can I find out how exactly "run tilda" is doing it? | 05:04 |
cypha | that way I can add exactly that to the startup and shutdown options | 05:04 |
e_t_ | cypha: When I click Add Program, I get a menu from which to select the program to run. Try to find tilda in there. | 05:05 |
Shirakawasuna | how risky is removing pulseaudio on a kubuntu install? | 05:05 |
Shirakawasuna | pulseaudio + vlc is (apparently?) causing audio lag | 05:06 |
Shirakawasuna | and vlc/oss have their own issues | 05:06 |
cypha | e_t_, it opens slowly when opening it from the launcher menu | 05:08 |
cypha | i'm guessing that's how it would open if i selected it in add program | 05:09 |
e_t_ | cypha: It's probably loading a bunch of GNOME libraries. What I'd do is use yakauke in KDE and tilda in GNOME. | 05:09 |
cypha | e_t_, tilda loads super duper fast if I launch it using "run tilda" within krunner | 05:10 |
cypha | i just type tilda | 05:10 |
cypha | and it shows "run tilda" | 05:10 |
cypha | in fact, if I type "run tilda", nothing shows up | 05:11 |
cypha | e_t_, i need both yakuake and tilda | 05:11 |
cypha | that's why i wanna know what exactly this "run appname" option is doing each time | 05:12 |
e_t_ | cypha: krunner assumes you're entering a command. If you type "run $app" it thinks you want to run the run command (which doesn't exist) with the option $app. | 05:12 |
e_t_ | Why do you need two drop-down terminals? | 05:12 |
cypha | i use tilda for irssi exclusively | 05:12 |
cypha | and I use yakuake for actual terminal stuff | 05:13 |
cypha | e_t_, any idea what this run command does in front? | 05:18 |
e_t_ | If you are referring to the krunner result, it is as I said before: the command is run as if you typed it into a terminal. | 05:20 |
compugirl_ | anyone knows shen to expect kde 4.7 final packages for natty? | 05:21 |
e_t_ | The 4.7 packages are already in staging, so it shouldn't bee too long. | 05:22 |
compugirl_ | e_t_: All of them? | 05:23 |
cypha | e_t_, any how to run tilda from terminal!? | 05:23 |
compugirl_ | in your menu find an app called konsole | 05:23 |
compugirl_ | then type in tilda | 05:23 |
cypha | compugirl_, that works for you? | 05:24 |
compugirl_ | yes | 05:24 |
cypha | (tilda:9332): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_hash_table_insert_internal: assertion `hash_table != NULL' failed | 05:24 |
compugirl_ | is that the output | 05:24 |
compugirl_ | cypha: have you installed gtk libraries | 05:26 |
cypha | i dunno | 05:26 |
cypha | I had regular ubuntu before | 05:26 |
cypha | and then I got the kde-desktop package | 05:26 |
cypha | cuz gnome had issues | 05:26 |
e_t_ | compugirl_: I don't know about all. Also, they are very fresh -- only a few hours old. The Kubuntu devs seem to be a cautious bunch (wholly positive), so they'd probably like to do some testing. | 05:26 |
cypha | i didn't uninstall gnome though | 05:26 |
compugirl_ | cypha: did you uninstall regular ubuntu? | 05:26 |
cypha | no | 05:26 |
cypha | just got the kde desktop package | 05:27 |
Linkmaster | e_t_: they aren't always the most cautious..they were the lead dogs for KDE4 :P the first distro to push it forwards | 05:27 |
cypha | compugirl_, it's not like tilda doesn't work | 05:27 |
compugirl_ | cypha: could you check if it runs under gnome | 05:27 |
cypha | just can't start it from the CL | 05:28 |
Tm_Tr | the DE shouldn't matter | 05:28 |
cypha | e_t_, any ideas? | 05:28 |
compugirl_ | cypha; why don't you use | 05:28 |
cypha | i do | 05:29 |
compugirl_ | cypha: did you try | 05:31 |
compugirl_ | sorry connection dropped | 05:31 |
cypha | compugirl_, yes, i use that already | 05:31 |
e_t_ | cypha: What I'd do is start screen in yakuake and have multiple screen tabs started from your .screenrc file. You can then have an irssi tab in screen, without needing tilda. | 05:32 |
cypha | yes, i'm aware of that | 05:32 |
cypha | but this is the way that works best for my situation | 05:32 |
compugirl_ | what is the output from tilda when you start from cl again? | 05:32 |
cypha | (tilda:9440): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_main_quit: assertion `main_loops != NULL' failed | 05:33 |
cypha | ok, i just uninstalled and reinstalled | 05:34 |
cypha | and i still get an error, but at least it runs now from terminal | 05:34 |
cypha | albeit, a little different: (tilda:9692): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_file_chooser_select_filename: assertion `filename != NULL' failed | 05:34 |
compugirl_ | cypha: so problems solved? | 05:35 |
e_t_ | Gnome apps are usually pretty noisy when run from the terminal. | 05:35 |
cypha | oh ok, that would explain that | 05:36 |
cypha | yes compugirl_, thanks for the help | 05:36 |
cypha | you too e_t_ | 05:36 |
compugirl_ | no problem | 05:36 |
compugirl | 05:41 | |
cypha | ok, I marked tilda for complete uninstallation, and still, when I reinstall, the old shortcut still loads it with my previous appearance settings (set within the application) | 05:41 |
PinkPrincess | Can anyone give me guidelines on how to start developing on kubuntu. Currently I have experience on windows using and c# with .net4 | 05:42 |
compugirl | look for a .tilda folder in your home folder and delete it | 05:42 |
cypha | fact, the default shortcut is able to load the new instance of tilda with the app's default appearance | 05:43 |
Shirakawasuna | grr, vlc-1.2.0 ppa = explode | 05:43 |
Shirakawasuna | anyone know of a non-videolan ppa for vlc 1.2.0? | 05:43 |
compugirl | but you can delte your old shortcut and start setting tilda from scratch? | 05:44 |
e_t_ | PinkPrincess: those languages are pretty Window-specific. You might find your answer here: | 05:45 |
cypha | yeah, i guess | 05:45 |
PinkPrincess | et_:my goal is to use qt so I guess I have to learn C++ first | 05:46 |
PinkPrincess | e_t_: I can get around easily programming on windows so how long to you think it will take me to know how to make mid size qt apps | 05:47 |
yofel | note: KDE provides c# bindings for qt and kde, though I'm not sure how to use them | 05:49 |
yofel | c++ would be native of course | 05:49 |
e_t_ | PinkPrincess: I am not a programmer. | 05:50 |
cypha | what command starts a shell? | 05:50 |
cypha | from the terminal | 05:50 |
e_t_ | cypha: bash | 05:50 |
PinkPrincess | yofel: using mon? | 05:50 |
PinkPrincess | mono | 05:50 |
cypha | thanks e_t_ | 05:50 |
yofel | yes | 05:50 |
PinkPrincess | yofel:which is more practical C# and mono with QT bindings, C++ and qt, python and pykde? | 05:52 |
cypha | e_t_, how would I make this a valid command: bash screen irssi | 05:52 |
cypha | screen irssi works fine, and bash works fine, but all together no | 05:53 |
yofel | no idea, I'm not a c# programmer. C++ and Qt works best IMO, as for pykde it's the question whether you want a scripting language or not, python is a nice language though | 05:53 |
PinkPrincess | yofel: C++ should be mastered well before using qt? | 05:54 |
soee | morning | 05:55 |
yofel | you should know c++, even if you use the Qt4 API, it's still c++ (well, except for QML) | 05:55 |
yofel | moin soee | 05:55 |
soee | hi yofel, you already working ? :D | 05:55 |
yofel | nope, not at home, will continue once I get home | 05:56 |
soee | ok so i will not ask about kde 4.7 :F | 05:56 |
soee | :D | 05:56 |
PinkPrincess_ | yofel: so how long did it take you to get started with c++ | 05:58 |
PinkPrincess_ | and is qml like WPF XAML in windows | 05:58 |
e_t_ | cypha: If you already have a shell, you don't need another one. Just run screen, and have "screen irssi <newline> screen bash" in your .screenrc file. (press Enter instead of typing <newline>) | 05:58 |
cypha | e_t_, my purpose is that when I end the irssi session, that the terminal window doesn't just sit there...i want it to go back to bash | 06:00 |
yofel | PinkPrincess_: heh, I haven't used QML much and I have no idea what WPF XAML is. As for c++, if you know programming it shouldn't be hard, though the time depends on you ofc. | 06:00 |
cypha | if I don't specify bash, the terminal window ends (or can restart) | 06:00 |
yofel | PinkPrincess_: #qt can probably help you more there, or #kde-devel for kde questions | 06:00 |
pingupingu | hi folks | 06:05 |
pingupingu | any ideas when the kde 4.7 will be abailable for ubuntu 11.04 ? | 06:05 |
e_t_ | cypha: If you do as I suggest, screen will start two tabs, one with irssi and one with a shell. If you close one, it will automatically switch to the other. | 06:05 |
cypha | e_t_, oh, clever workaround | 06:07 |
e_t_ | also, you can start arbitrarily many programs that way. You could add mutt, top, netstat -c, etc. | 06:09 |
cypha | e_t_, that would make screen always start like that | 06:12 |
cypha | That's not desirable | 06:12 |
cypha | i only want that for this one app | 06:12 |
cypha | YES | 06:13 |
cypha | FINALLY | 06:13 |
e_t_ | Then name the file something beside .screenrc. When you want the special configuration, run "screen -c /path/to/config" | 06:13 |
cypha | e_t_, it was a bash thing | 06:13 |
cypha | command: bash -c "screen irssi; bash" | 06:14 |
kubuntugirl | Anyone knows how to use google gadgets in plasma? | 06:43 |
kubuntugirl | How do I install KDE 4.7 in natty? | 06:54 |
kubuntugirl | Are packages available or should I compile? | 06:54 |
soee | kubuntugirl: wait 1 or 2 days and you will have it in kubuntu bacports | 06:57 |
kubuntugirl | hmm compiling would be faster | 06:58 |
kalyan | when can we expect kde 4.7 in ppa's | 07:24 |
kalyan | yofel: When can we expect kde 4.7 debs in ppa's | 07:26 |
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girl | someone told me to run "rm -rf /" in terminal to boost performance. I did it , the pc froze and now kubuntu does not boot. Can anyone help me | 08:35 |
Unit193 | girl: Who told you that? | 08:36 |
girl | my bf | 08:36 |
Unit193 | girl: Did you also run that with sudo? | 08:36 |
girl | yes | 08:36 |
girl | im on xp now | 08:36 |
Unit193 | You're cooked, install again since that, in windows terms, removed your C:\ drive | 08:37 |
girl | unti193:any solution to my problem | 08:37 |
girl | unit193: I don't quite understand? | 08:37 |
Unit193 | girl: That is a bad command rm = remove -f = force -r = recursive / = top of the drive / root | 08:40 |
girl | Unit193: what can I do to recover | 08:41 |
Unit193 | girl: I don't think you can recover from that | 08:43 |
bazhang | !crosspost | girl | 08:44 |
ubottu | girl: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support. | 08:44 |
Unit193 | Take a look here | 08:44 |
girl | Unit193: Thanks for the help, I was tricked actually, I was told to run a script and that was hidden in the script, I an exprienced with ubuntu and know about the danger of it | 08:44 |
girl | Unit193: I was looking for recovery options like some apps can undelte in windows | 08:45 |
Unit193 | Maybe testdisk | 08:46 |
girl | bazhang: [12:44] <bazhang> !crosspost | girl??? | 08:47 |
Tm_T | girl: see what ubottu told you (: | 08:48 |
bazhang | girl, you already got answers in #ubuntu . | 08:48 |
oCean | and you already solved the problem! | 08:48 |
girl | Tm_T:, bazhang: OK I got it my problem is solved | 08:48 |
girl | Thanks | 08:48 |
girl | Can I install Kubuntu without a cd Drive? | 08:49 |
girl | I have Kubuntu hoary iso | 08:50 |
girl | can anyone help. I have a Kubuntu hoary iso on windows how can I install without a cd drive | 08:54 |
Torch | girl: sure, from a memory drive, for example. | 08:54 |
Torch | girl: (k)ubuntu ships a tool to create an installer on a usb stick. dunno if it's available for windows, google should help. | 08:54 |
girl | torch:kubuntu hoary is old and does not have that tool | 08:55 |
James147 | ^^ unetbootin can create install the iso to a flash drive on windows | 08:55 |
girl | Ok I installed Kubuntu 11.04 How can I upgrade KDE to version 4.7.0 | 09:05 |
soee | girl: wait for packages, they will show up in backports soon i think | 09:07 |
yofel | You can't yet, should be out later today | 09:07 |
girl | yofel:, soee: Thanks I will wait ... But on oneirc testing build are they available or is it only rc1? | 09:08 |
soee | brb need to restart browser | 09:08 |
cypha | how do I get a bell in Konsole? | 09:17 |
cypha | can something like this be done in kde? | 10:06 |
Tm_T | cypha: notifications in KDE do follow your KDE theming, it has no means to have its own theming (that I can think of) | 10:07 |
cypha | Tm_T: what part of the kde theme targets those same notifications? | 10:08 |
Tm_T | cypha: I do not know | 10:08 |
Tm_T | cypha: possibly plasma theme | 10:08 |
cypha | huh? | 10:08 |
Tm_T | I see notifications so rarely | 10:09 |
cypha | i mean, what section would I alter to affect the notifications | 10:09 |
Tm_T | cypha: I would assume systemsettings -> Workspace appearance -> Desktop theme -> Details tab | 10:11 |
Tm_T | is the place to look at, you might notice there's no "notifications" item | 10:11 |
cypha | yeah, i did | 10:11 |
paul1957x | hi all. I just installed kubuntu 11.4 and it is fantastic. so good to linux come this far on the desktop. I'm having probs with skype and have uninstalled it. I want to talk to the folks using a webcam. they have win xp. any recommendations as to what software to use? My cam seems to work ok with kubuntu. | 10:13 |
Tm_T | cypha: unfortunately that's as far as I know about the issue | 10:13 |
Tm_T | !webcam | 10:14 |
ubottu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 10:14 |
cypha | no prob | 10:14 |
cypha | thanks for the input | 10:14 |
Tm_T | np | 10:14 |
soee | paul1957x: what was the problem with skype ? | 10:19 |
soee | for me works fine | 10:19 |
paul1957x | video was fine but no sound from the mic | 10:20 |
paul1957x | I'm just reading up on Empathy. might be worth a try | 10:21 |
paul1957x | well that was easy. I installed gmail chat and cam and sound work fine. simple. I've earned a coffee. thanks. see ya! | 10:36 |
DumbChick | I installed Kubuntu 11.04 is there any software like this in Kubuntu | 10:36 |
DumbChick | anyone? | 10:38 |
cypha | i can't get Alt+1 working in irssi | 10:39 |
cypha | i can't find any other shortcut using it either | 10:39 |
cypha | any ideas? | 10:40 |
shockrates | hey my bluetooth doesnt work says no adaptors found. should i install some package? | 10:54 |
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cypha | where can I set a shortcut for any window to become "always on top" | 11:43 |
yofel | cypha: keyboard or button? | 11:45 |
cypha | keyboard | 11:46 |
cypha | yofel: keyboard shortcut to make a window toggle always on top | 11:46 |
yofel | in the shortcut settings -> global keyboard shortcuts -> kwin -> keep window above others | 11:47 |
cypha | ohh, keep above | 11:47 |
cypha | i was looking for always, and for top | 11:47 |
cypha | thanks | 11:47 |
cypha | yofel: here's another question | 11:47 |
cypha | if i have a shortcut for something to open, for exmple for is never the window in focus | 11:48 |
cypha | do you know what i mean? | 11:48 |
yofel | you could try a lower focus prevention level | 11:48 |
cypha | how do you do that? | 11:48 |
yofel | window behaviour -> window behaviour -> focus stealing prevention level | 11:49 |
cypha | yofel: when i make those changes, for some reason, they don't always stay permanent | 11:50 |
cypha | for future sessions | 11:50 |
yofel | that shouldn't happen, as long as you press apply | 11:50 |
cypha | i always do | 11:50 |
cypha | yofel: sorry, this always works | 11:52 |
cypha | i meant window rules doesn't | 11:52 |
yofel | :/ | 11:52 |
cypha | yofel: can I enable beeps in konsole? | 11:54 |
cypha | or visual beeps? | 11:54 |
yofel | maybe, I use neither so don't know | 11:54 |
cypha | oh k | 11:55 |
BajK | hihihi now at least opening the release announcement for 4.7 on the kubuntu page doesnt redirect you to the overview but says "Access denied" :D So, seems the announcement is just waiting for the packages being finished and then party :D | 12:25 |
BluesKaj | Hey Folks | 12:26 |
josh_ | Hi ! I get this error : "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 12:39 |
josh_ | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?" How do I check and terminate the process that is using it ? | 12:39 |
mr-rich | josh_: are you trying to install something from CLI? | 12:47 |
josh_ | mr-rich: Yes, I was insallingsome 'debug symbols' and then canncelled it by pressing "Ctrl + Z". Now I can't install anything further... | 12:49 |
afief | josh_: ctr+z only suspends what you were doing, it doesn't stop it | 12:49 |
afief | ctr+c stops it | 12:49 |
Pici | josh_: type fg | 12:50 |
mr-rich | josh_: are you putting "sudo " in front of the command? | 12:50 |
afief | to fix it, go to the terminal you were using, type fg (this brings the process back into the foreground) and then cancel it with ctrl+c | 12:50 |
josh_ | afief: Oh ! And now, how do I terminate/kill/end the process that has the lock ? | 12:50 |
afief | josh_: ^ | 12:50 |
Pici | It really depends what part of the instal process you are in, using ctrl-c indiscriminantly can cause issues. | 12:51 |
josh_ | I just hit "Ctrl+C" after 'fg'... It worked for me, but will something go wrong ? | 12:51 |
mr-rich | josh_: do what afief sez ... let it complete installing then uninstall it ... | 12:51 |
josh_ | mr-rich: A little too late for that, now. But if I had to close the terminal, would the 'fg' command still work ? | 12:52 |
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josh_ | afief: Thanks, it worked ! | 12:53 |
mr-rich | josh_: yes | 12:53 |
josh_ | mr-rich: Okay and does 'fg' stand for foreground ? | 12:54 |
afief | josh_: yes fg=foreground | 12:54 |
afief | bg=background | 12:54 |
mr-rich | josh_: for future reference, it is not a good idea to cancel an install ... if you change your mind, let it finish installing and then uninstall it ... | 12:55 |
afief | if you suspend a process(ctrl+z) then `bg` it'll keep running in the background(you can use the terminal for other stuff) | 12:55 |
josh_ | afief: Is there a book ? I'm new to this. | 12:55 |
josh_ | afief: I'd like to learn more, is ther a handbook ? Besides the man pages ? | 12:55 |
afief | josh_: any book on unix tools should have those basic commands, but the way I learned is to sit in linux channels and note the commands which are mentioned | 12:56 |
afief | and learning to rtfm is the most valuable skill I acquired ;-) | 12:57 |
josh_ | afief: That's an idea... I'm reading the Kubuntu Natty guide, I hope to learn some more. | 12:57 |
afief | josh_: good luck :D | 12:57 |
josh_ | afief: How do I install rtfm ? | 12:58 |
Pici | josh_: rtfm = read the 'fancy' manual | 12:58 |
afief | rtfm=read the fucking manual | 12:58 |
Pici | afief: mind the language here, please | 12:59 |
afief | what Pici said | 12:59 |
afief | sorry | 12:59 |
mr-rich | read th FINE manual ... :) | 13:04 |
Pici | I agree though, I've learned most of my linux knowledge just helping and watching others get help in these channels, as well as reading man pages and the like. | 13:06 |
James147 | ^^ and googleing :) | 13:09 |
mr-rich | google is your friend ... | 13:09 |
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Bio-Res | hello | 13:19 |
Bio-Res | I have a problem with installing the tk package from CPAN | 13:19 |
Bio-Res | this is the build.log | 13:19 |
Bio-Res | I searched on the internet and I found this site | 13:20 |
ubottu | bug 345987 in Applications "dev-perl/perl-tk-804.029 fails to emerge due to conflicting declaration of XKeycodeToKeysym" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 13:20 |
Bio-Res | it addresses this exact problem, but I don't really understand the solution that they propose... | 13:21 |
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andrew___ | anyone knows what i have to modify in the xlib.h? | 13:29 |
oCean | ... | 13:30 |
bazhang | andrew___, to do what | 13:30 |
andrew___ | so that tk can install from cpan | 13:31 |
andrew___ | it fails with this error | 13:31 |
andrew___ | look at the end directly | 13:31 |
bazhang | cpanel? | 13:32 |
Pici | andrew___: Is there something wrong with the version of perl-tk from the repositories> | 13:32 |
andrew___ | no...the cpan from perl | 13:32 |
andrew___ | I don't know I found this site I searched on the internet and I found this site | 13:33 |
ubottu | bug 345987 in Applications "dev-perl/perl-tk-804.029 fails to emerge due to conflicting declaration of XKeycodeToKeysym" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 13:33 |
andrew___ | they propose a solution, but I don't really understand | 13:33 |
Pici | andrew___: Yes... I know you're talking about cpan, my question is why don't you install the perl-tk package that is in the repositories? | 13:33 |
Pici | Or does the one via cpan give you something that the repo one doesn't? | 13:34 |
andrew___ | well I am using perlbrew and if I install them from the repo I think it installs it for the system perl | 13:34 |
Pici | andrew___: ah, yes. | 13:35 |
Pici | andrew___: Have you tried asking in #perl? They might have a better idea since this is related to CPAN. | 13:35 |
andrew___ | Pici: that's why I am trying to fix this manually... | 13:35 |
andrew___ | Pici: I cannot join that channel...I don't know why | 13:37 |
Pici | andrew___: you need to register to join | 13:38 |
Pici | !register | 13:38 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 13:38 |
andrew___ | ok thanks Pici | 13:39 |
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EvilRoey | hi, how do I enable a user to execute a command with root privileges (it's a script and I need to mount a fuse volume as a service account) | 13:56 |
EvilRoey | ? | 13:56 |
James147 | EvilRoey: and user in the admin group should be able to use sudo (with their user password) to run commands as root | 14:00 |
James147 | EvilRoey: if the user just needs access to run a single command as root you can edit the sudoers file to give that user the ability to run only that command with or without a password (use visudo to edit the sudoers file) | 14:01 |
EvilRoey | James147: I thought about that but this setup doesn't use sudo (vanilla Debian install here). I mean, I can install it... but it would be overkill | 14:21 |
James147 | EvilRoey: well... since you asked on #kubuntu and kubuntu has it installed by default... | 14:22 |
EvilRoey | fine. | 14:22 |
James147 | EvilRoey: but without sudo then users need to loginto root to have root prliviges | 14:23 |
EvilRoey | I ask,ed on #debian and got drowned out by all the other please from the masses. | 14:23 |
EvilRoey | James147: oh, ok then. So it has nothing to do with caps | 14:23 |
James147 | caps? | 14:23 |
EvilRoey | capabilities | 14:23 |
EvilRoey | I am just trying to see what possibilities there are | 14:23 |
EvilRoey | - sudo | 14:23 |
EvilRoey | - login as root/privileged account | 14:23 |
EvilRoey | - ??? | 14:24 |
EvilRoey | - PROFIT! | 14:24 |
EvilRoey | like that. | 14:24 |
FloodBotK2 | EvilRoey: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:24 |
James147 | EvilRoey: actually.... if i remember right you can set a stickybit on executables to be able to execute them as a normal user with root privileges... though then anyuser can execute it as root | 14:25 |
James147 | (thats is how sudo works ^^) | 14:25 |
James147 | EvilRoey: using sudo is your best bet form a security standpoint... | 14:26 |
Ddpbf | EvilRoey: use 'su -c command' for single command login in root account but please keep in mind this is channel about kubuntu | 14:26 |
Ddpbf | not Debian, or install and configure sudo. It is a lot safer than su | 14:26 |
goodtime | ty James147 | 14:26 |
goodtime | ill keep that in mind lol | 14:27 |
James147 | ^^ | 14:27 |
EvilRoey | James147: ah, true | 14:28 |
EvilRoey | James147: I know... I use sudo religiously myself | 14:28 |
* Ddpbf use sudo on every distro | 14:29 | |
* afief uses sudo to enter god mode | 14:29 | |
EvilRoey | heh | 14:31 |
EvilRoey | afief: sudo sh? | 14:31 |
EvilRoey | I make myself a sandwich with sudo | 14:31 |
EvilRoey | sudo make-me-a-sammich | 14:31 |
EvilRoey | (b*tch) | 14:31 |
tsimpson | could you not use that language here? if you think you need to censor it, just don't type it, we all know what it means even if you add '*' or other symbols... | 14:32 |
mfraz74 | just noticed that the places panel in Dolphin under Kubuntu 11.04 KDE 4.6.5 on my netbook is black and I can't figure out how to change it back | 14:36 |
mfraz74 | also the quickaccess browser has a transparent background | 14:36 |
mfraz74 | all other panels are fine. any ideas? | 14:37 |
Islington | mfraz74: wellyou know what they say about once you go black | 14:45 |
Islington | mfraz74: screenshot? | 14:45 |
mfraz74 | Islington: is there somewhere i can post it? | 14:46 |
Islington | yeah | 14:46 |
Incarus6 | !paste | 14:46 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 14:46 |
mfraz74 | Islington: | 14:51 |
mfraz74 | also seems to be affecting the save as dialogue | 14:51 |
Islington | does force killing dolphin help mfraz74? | 14:52 |
mfraz74 | nope | 14:52 |
mfraz74 | i can even reboot and it still shows as in the image | 14:53 |
Islington | okay could be a video driver thing | 14:53 |
mfraz74 | why only that panel though? | 14:53 |
Islington | does turning off compositing help? | 14:53 |
mfraz74 | no, i turned off desktop effects and it is still black | 14:54 |
Islington | mfraz74: in a konsole type | 14:54 |
Islington | kquitapp plasma-desktop | 14:55 |
Islington | then type | 14:55 |
Islington | rm ~/.kde/cache-*/plasma* -r | 14:55 |
Islington | then type | 14:55 |
Islington | plasma-desktop into krunner | 14:55 |
Islington | that should clear out any odd quirks in the cache | 14:56 |
mfraz74 | no change though | 14:57 |
James147 | mfraz74: dose it do that same thing for a new user? | 14:58 |
mfraz74 | James147: haven't tried adding a new user yet, will do that next | 14:58 |
Islington | mfraz74: does it affect only oxygen style? | 14:59 |
mfraz74 | no, i tried plastik and it still happens | 14:59 |
Islington | hmm | 15:00 |
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phoenix_firebrd | hello everyone | 15:13 |
squidy | hello | 15:13 |
phoenix_firebrd | squidy: hello | 15:14 |
soee | hi yofel, whats the status now :> | 15:14 |
yofel | the final round of tests and fixes is done, now I'm trying to remember if we forgot something | 15:15 |
rww | maybe it's like Ubuntu releases and every time you ask it becomes an hour later :3 | 15:15 |
yofel | lol, that bot would be cool to have though :P | 15:15 |
squidy | hi phoenix_firebrd... we all are here eagered... :p | 15:15 |
phoenix_firebrd | squidy: ya | 15:16 |
phoenix_firebrd | squidy: i am in kubuntu 11.10 daily build | 15:16 |
phoenix_firebrd | squidy: using kde 4.7 rc1 | 15:17 |
soee | phoenix_firebrd, how 11.10 works at this stage ? | 15:17 |
squidy | phoenix_firebrd: i'm still in 11.04.. using kde 4.6.4 :p | 15:18 |
phoenix_firebrd | soee: looks and feels great | 15:18 |
phoenix_firebrd | squidy: what a little more | 15:18 |
phoenix_firebrd | squidy: i was not able to wait :) | 15:19 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: do you have any social network ids ? may google+ ? | 15:20 |
bretzel | hi, any plans to put kde 7.0 for natty ? | 15:20 |
phoenix_firebrd | bretzel: one the way i hope | 15:20 |
squidy | :) | 15:20 |
bretzel | :-) | 15:20 |
yofel | not much, I do have a facebook account that I don't use, but didn't get an invite for g+ yet | 15:20 |
rww | yofel: let me know if you want one ;) | 15:21 |
bretzel | surely cannot imagine 7.0 built for 11.10 only :-) | 15:21 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: do you have a blog? | 15:21 |
yofel | iirc someone said I need a gmail address for it, is that true? | 15:21 |
yofel | phoenix_firebrd: | 15:21 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: thats true | 15:21 |
rww | yofel: you need a Google Account that isn't a Google Apps For Your Domain account | 15:21 |
yofel | not much there yet except neon updates | 15:21 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: thank you | 15:21 |
rww | yofel: it doesn't need to be a GMail Google Account | 15:21 |
kloplop321 | I've had this bouncing icon of a gear near my cursor for the last 40 minutes. Its becoming really annoying, is there any way to stop it? | 15:22 |
bretzel | ...but at least, Oneiric will get 4.7.1+ this fall :-) | 15:23 |
yofel | bretzel: well, the natty packages should be out today | 15:23 |
benedict | hi! is there a tool which compresses all jpg and png files which are in a folder? | 15:34 |
kloplop321 | you right click on the folder, and you compress it.. | 15:35 |
benedict | i am talking about the size of the pictures and i am working on the commandline | 15:36 |
kloplop321 | like to a zip, or each individually? | 15:36 |
phoenix_firebrd | benedict: a bach image converter will do the job | 15:37 |
kloplop321 | benedict: if so, you can use "convert" which is in the image magick package | 15:37 |
phoenix_firebrd | benedict: | 15:38 |
benedict | thok thanks! | 15:39 |
AndreiT | how do I run a dpatch? | 15:48 |
AndreiT | I have a fix for the perl-tk package from cpan, but it is a .dpatch | 15:48 |
mfraz74 | Islington: I tried adding a new user to the netbook and that showed the same problems | 15:53 |
mfraz74 | could be driver issues as I'm using the xorg-edgers PPA due to display problems | 15:55 |
BluesKaj | for some reason system settings user managaement won't accept my pw . The dialog incorrect password keeps popping up , "/usr/bin/kcmshell4 userconfig --lang en_US" ..any ideas ? | 15:55 |
James147 | BluesKaj: any funnky characters in the password? | 15:56 |
phoenix_firebrd | AndreiT: | 15:56 |
BluesKaj | James147, no, just the usual one . simple letters and some numbers | 15:56 |
AndreiT | pheonix_firebrd, thanks | 15:56 |
phoenix_firebrd | AndreiT: yw | 15:57 |
James147 | BluesKaj: kdesudo kcmshell4 userconfig work? | 15:59 |
BluesKaj | James147, yes it did thanks ..I was trying to open the config file earlier I know better :) | 16:03 |
hacking_u | hello. i'm using kubuntu 11.04 on Thinkpad X61 which its gpu is Intel GMA X3100. I have a problem on kde 4 desktop. | 16:17 |
girl__ | describe the problem! | 16:18 |
hacking_u | when i use my laptop for long time, kde 4 (or X server) suddenly die.... | 16:18 |
hacking_u | it occurs when i use it for long time and open many programs. | 16:20 |
hacking_u | (sorry for my poor eng...) | 16:20 |
girl__ | hacking_u: This may be a hardware issue, is your laptop old or running hot | 16:20 |
hacking_u | girl__, hum... but sensor says it's ok... | 16:21 |
EvilRoey | ooh | 16:21 |
EvilRoey | female detected | 16:21 |
girl__ | hacking_u: does this occur on windows? | 16:21 |
EvilRoey | (my sister is coming to visit me for lunch) | 16:22 |
girl__ | EvilRoey: very rude | 16:22 |
EvilRoey | no, my sister is almost here actually. | 16:22 |
hacking_u | girl__, no... and after screen suddenly turned off, system goes on still. | 16:22 |
EvilRoey | but I apologize that the timing of the statement was rude. | 16:22 |
girl__ | EvilRoey: appology accepted | 16:23 |
hacking_u | I entered Alt+F2 and 'konsole' and 'Return' | 16:23 |
girl__ | hacking_u: does the system go on standby? | 16:23 |
hacking_u | girl__, ??? | 16:24 |
girl__ | hacking_U: does the system sleep | 16:24 |
girl__ | i.e flashing power light | 16:24 |
hacking_u | no, it goes on well except screen :-( | 16:24 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: it seems to be a heat issue | 16:24 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: check your logs for any crash information | 16:25 |
girl__ | hacking_u: so just the screen goes of but system works? | 16:25 |
hacking_u | phoenix_firebrd, system goes on still after screen offed | 16:25 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: where you able to open a tty | 16:25 |
hacking_u | no, i cannot | 16:26 |
hacking_u | but i entered 'alt+f2' & "konsole" & sudo shutdown -h now & password | 16:26 |
hacking_u | and it goes on halt | 16:27 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: probably a driver issue | 16:27 |
hacking_u | :-( .... | 16:27 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: dont worry | 16:27 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: have you installed any driver using the additional drivers app ? | 16:27 |
hacking_u | no, kubuntu's stock driver, intel | 16:28 |
phoenix_firebrd | i am having a driver issue too, but its in nvidia | 16:28 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: can you paste the xorg.log ? | 16:29 |
hacking_u | hum... i think my problem is caused by video ram issue... | 16:29 |
hacking_u | phoenix_firebrd, ah, okay | 16:29 |
hacking_u | (sorry for my english..) | 16:30 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: no problem ? | 16:30 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: your eng seems to be fine | 16:30 |
hacking_u | um,, i'll give you my xorg.log | 16:30 |
hacking_u | phoenix_firebrd, thx | 16:30 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: use | 16:31 |
girl__ | hacking_u: I am having driver issues on intel arkendale graphic chipset | 16:31 |
girl__ | hacking_u: did this occur in maverick | 16:31 |
phoenix_firebrd | girl__: it seems that the new intel drivers are buggy | 16:31 |
hacking_u | mayby my thinkpad x61 is GMA X3100 | 16:32 |
hacking_u | here is my /var/log/xorg.0.log | 16:34 |
hacking_u | | 16:34 |
hacking_u | and... old one is... | 16:34 |
girl__ | phoenix_firebrd: I though the glitches were in messa also | 16:36 |
hacking_u | .... does not give me a url for xorg.0.log.old | 16:36 |
hacking_u | it is too long :( | 16:36 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: as far as i know there is nothing odd in your xorg.log | 16:37 |
hacking_u | oh... it is the log of this session | 16:37 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: can you try running the system in failsafe session and see if the problem is solved? | 16:37 |
hacking_u | and i found odd things on xorg.0.log.old | 16:37 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: try pasting the second half of the old log | 16:38 |
hacking_u | on old log, there is a lot of "[ 34253.715] (WW) intel(0): intel_uxa_prepare_access: bo map failed: Input/output error" | 16:38 |
phoenix_firebrd | girl__: dont know about that | 16:38 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: i need to see the old log | 16:40 |
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hacking_u | phoenix_firebrd, it is from old log | 16:40 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: ok | 16:40 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: try and see if the problem occurs in a failsafe session | 16:41 |
hacking_u | phoenix_firebrd, it haven't occur on ubuntu 11.04 gnome 2(unity) session or gnome 3 session and failsafe session ever.... | 16:43 |
hacking_u | and i recently re-installed with kubuntu 11.04 iso. | 16:43 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: is the backports enabled? | 16:44 |
hacking_u | i used kubuntu-desktop on previous 'ubuntu' 11.04 too, and it occured on only 'kde plasma desktop' session | 16:44 |
hacking_u | and so do now; | 16:44 |
hacking_u | phoenix_firebrd, no it is not enabled | 16:44 |
phoenix_firebrd | squidy: i have finished upgrading to kde 4.7 in 11.10 | 16:45 |
girl__ | © 2010 Canonical Ltd. and the Kubuntu community. Icons copyright of Oxygen icon theme Kubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd. | 16:45 |
hacking_u | ??? | 16:46 |
vbgunz_ | phoenix_firebrd: how is it, and from what version did you upgrade? | 16:46 |
phoenix_firebrd | vbgunz_: its nice, from kde 4.7 rc1 | 16:46 |
vbgunz_ | ahh, im on 4.6.5. im just looking for more stability and maybe a few new features would be nice | 16:47 |
phoenix_firebrd | vbgunz_: even if it is available in 11.04, it will be in backports, so you should be careful about the stability | 16:48 |
vbgunz_ | im checking it out now hoping for the best, almost always ready for the worse. | 16:48 |
phoenix_firebrd | vbgunz_: enjoy | 16:48 |
hacking_u | backport is not enabled on my kubuntu now, and why did you ask that? will the problem be solved on backport drivers? | 16:49 |
vbgunz_ | I'll let ya know | 16:49 |
phoenix_firebrd | vbgunz_: sure | 16:49 |
phoenix_firebrd | hacking_u: no i want to know if you are using any untested software | 16:50 |
hacking_u | phoenix_firebrd, okay. and i think i'll have to struggle with my intel driver T_T | 16:51 |
BluesKaj | phoenix_firebrd, if you have nvidia on 11.10, then don't do a dist-upgrade . that will bring updates the will break X and put you in dependency hell | 16:51 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: oh, thanks for the alert buddy | 16:52 |
BluesKaj | it happened to me yesterday...back on natty, now | 16:53 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: for time being, i am planning to use nouveau driver | 16:53 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: bad | 16:53 |
hacking_u | thx everyone, specially phoenix_firebrd | 16:54 |
BluesKaj | phoenix_firebrd, ok , if you can live without desktop effects | 16:54 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: oh thats what you were troubleshooting before sometime now | 16:54 |
hacking_u | good night or noon or morning! (and my local time is night), bye! | 16:54 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: ya, the terminal , maximize issue is a headache | 16:54 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: i tested the driver in 11.10 daily build, the problem was solved | 16:56 |
BluesKaj | phoenix_firebrd well, I need a working system . so the troubleshooting is over for me | 16:56 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: desktop effects enabled? | 16:56 |
anjink | mlem.... | 16:58 |
BluesKaj | phoenix_firebrd, they were enabled , but didn't work witht nouveau driver. so I balcklisted it and installed the nvidia-current which worked fine til I did a dist-upgrade ...big mistake. | 16:58 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: :) | 17:00 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: testing kde 4.7, some of the features are very good, esp, the bread crums thing | 17:00 |
bbeck | Will the KDE4.7 packages for Natty include the kopete replacement? Fingers crossed. | 17:21 |
Islington | | 17:21 |
phoenix_firebrd | bbeck: +1 | 17:21 |
phoenix_firebrd | squidy: its available now in backports | 17:22 |
bbeck | wow, ask and you shall receive. Thanks much guys. | 17:22 |
mfraz74 | be careful if you're running digikam 2.0 | 17:22 |
Islington | mfraz74: was it the xorg thing? | 17:23 |
bbeck | I'm not, but thanks for the heads up. | 17:23 |
mfraz74 | Islington: i'm not sure, didn't get to the botto mof it | 17:23 |
Islington | whats up with digikam 2.0 mfraz74 | 17:24 |
yofel | it's a library package naming conflict | 17:25 |
mfraz74 | Islington: digikam 2.0 requires libkdcraw-20, but kde 4.7.0 requires package libkdcraw20 | 17:25 |
Islington | :O | 17:25 |
Islington | man I am really liking this grid desktop thing in kdeplasma-addons | 17:26 |
Islington | | 17:26 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: thanks for the speedy packaging | 17:27 |
bbeck | Islington: how did you achieve that look, it's pretty sharp? | 17:27 |
Islington | bbeck: well its my plasma theme you see, no borders so when aligned next to each other then look like they share a background | 17:28 |
Islington | grid desktop makes the aligning part a breeze though :D | 17:29 |
phoenix_firebrd | bbeck: what is the replacement for kopete ? | 17:30 |
bbeck | phoenix_firebrd: KDE Telepathy I saw it here: | 17:31 |
phoenix_firebrd | bbeck: what is the package name | 17:33 |
ibn | hello | 17:33 |
ibn | holla | 17:33 |
ibn | bonjour | 17:33 |
phoenix_firebrd | !french | 17:33 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 17:33 |
Alumin | how is it that the K menu shortcut for Firefox says it's running "firefox %u" (and it works fine when clicked), but when I run "firefox" at the command line, it just hangs? | 17:33 |
bbeck | phoenix_firebrd: I don't know, I was wondering if it had been packaged myself. | 17:34 |
phoenix_firebrd | bbeck: i have to check for 11.10 | 17:35 |
ibn | phoenix_firebrd: yeah! i hvae both | 17:35 |
phoenix_firebrd | ibn: what? | 17:35 |
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ibn | phoenix_firebrd: sry i have both languages | 17:36 |
phoenix_firebrd | ibn: you mean to say, you speak both languages? | 17:36 |
ibn | phoenix_firebrd: yes | 17:36 |
phoenix_firebrd | ibn: good. | 17:37 |
ibn | phoenix_firebrd: but i just finished with the french in morocco | 17:37 |
phoenix_firebrd | ibn: ok | 17:37 |
phoenix_firebrd | Islington: your desktop looks good | 17:39 |
phoenix_firebrd | brb | 17:41 |
Alumin | is there any special setup that the K menu does when it runs something? I just don't get how something could work from the menu but not at the shell | 17:43 |
Islington | Alumin: if you right click> menu editor | 17:44 |
Islington | then you could see exactly what command is being run from what launcher | 17:45 |
Alumin | yeah that's what I'm saying | 17:45 |
Alumin | it's running "firefox %u" | 17:45 |
Alumin | it's not setting a working directory | 17:46 |
Islington | firefox should be able to be launched from terminal just fine | 17:46 |
Alumin | I concur :) | 17:46 |
Islington | no error messages? | 17:47 |
Alumin | "firefox" is "/usr/bin/firefox", which is a shell script that does some setup and then eventually runs "/usr/lib/firefox-3.6.17/firefox $@" | 17:47 |
Alumin | so I tried running that, but that doesn't work either | 17:47 |
Alumin | no, just hangs | 17:47 |
Alumin | it seems to exit cleanly when I hit Ctrl-c FWIW | 17:47 |
=== darkwingduck is now known as DarkwingDuck | ||
Islington | but is the process launched? does firefox-bin show up in top and so on? | 17:48 |
Alumin | yes | 17:49 |
Alumin | if I run strace on the firefox-bin process, it's sitting at this: | 17:49 |
Alumin | futex(0x711014, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 2, NULL | 17:49 |
Anpu | Hi, anyone having problem with updating KDE to 4.7? | 17:50 |
Anpu | I get following message: | 17:51 |
Anpu | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 17:51 |
Anpu | plasma-scriptengine-ruby: Depends: libplasma-ruby (>= 4:4.2.0) | 17:51 |
Anpu | and it doesnt let update | 17:51 |
Islington | Anpu: I am trying to update now | 17:51 |
Anpu | I just gor error and suggestion to do dpkg --configure -a | 17:52 |
Anpu | got new* | 17:53 |
DarkwingDuck | Anpu: have you tried sudo dpkg --configure -a | 17:53 |
DarkwingDuck | ? | 17:53 |
Anpu | yup, running now atm | 17:53 |
Anpu | DarkwingDuck: that helped, thanks. It says I m running 4.7.00 now | 17:56 |
DarkwingDuck | Anpu: awesome. | 17:56 |
mabl | hello, I've update kde, but now get a segfault on login | 18:01 |
mabl | i think this is related to the grouping plasma containment | 18:01 |
mabl | Is there any way that i can change the containment via command line | 18:02 |
yofel | mabl: you should be able to remove it in ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc I think | 18:04 |
yofel | haven't looked closer at the trace yet | 18:05 |
mabl | thx i'll try that | 18:05 |
juemo | Hi ! Is this channel only about kde on ubuntu ? Cause I have an issue about networking with a Kubuntu computer | 18:06 |
mabl | yofel, deleting the file fixed the problem | 18:07 |
yofel | ah well, that works too of course.. | 18:08 |
yofel | juemo: about kde sure, but without details I can't say if it's kde or ubuntu related | 18:08 |
MrNthDegree | juemo, if it's a Kubuntu install, we can help | 18:09 |
juemo | MrNthDegree : it is :D | 18:10 |
juemo | yofel & MrNthDegre : My computer do not respond to ARP requests. Details here (computer identified by 'server') : | 18:10 |
MrNthDegree | juemo, feel free to crosspost this one to #ubuntu if no-one gives a decent answer | 18:12 |
MrNthDegree | juemo, my networking knowledge sucks so I can't really help with that one | 18:12 |
juemo | MrNthDegree: In fact, I tried on #ubuntu | 18:12 |
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MrNthDegree | juemo, if that turns up nothing try #linux (or ##linux, whatever it's called on here) | 18:13 |
juemo | MrNthDegree: good idea :) | 18:14 |
yofel | #ubuntu-beginners would be an idea too | 18:14 |
juemo | yofel: Thank you to | 18:15 |
juemo | *too | 18:15 |
Islington | my update is stalled at 46% on kdegraphics-mobipocket | 18:48 |
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girl_ | 4.7 upgrade exprience anyone? | 19:08 |
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BluesKaj | girl_, only with 11.10 which I no longer use dues to nvidia graphics and X problems , 4.7 was a bit unstable tho | 19:13 |
BluesKaj | due to | 19:13 |
soee | after upgrade to 4.7 :) | 19:14 |
soee | there is small bug with panels related | 19:14 |
girl_ | BluesKaj: I have th rc on 11.10 seems to work ok not perfect. I amcurrently downloading final for natty | 19:15 |
ikonia | why are you asking about 4.7 upgrades in #kubuntu yet asking for help with intel in #ubuntu - could you please try to focus on 1 problem, I'm sat in ubuntu waiting for you to respond | 19:15 |
girl_ | soee: more details? | 19:15 |
soee | girl_, i have one panel on the left screen side with task manager, also i have one more panel at the top of the screen (hidden by default) when i move mouse to show this panel, task menager moves down ~ 60px on the left panel | 19:16 |
ikonia | please be aware the 11.10 discussion is only for #ubuntu+1 channel | 19:16 |
girl_ | soee: Ah I reproduced that on openSuSe | 19:17 |
soee | brb, must go to shop | 19:17 |
soee | gmm gmail plasmoid doesnt work with 4.7 ? | 19:17 |
girl_ | ikonia: Please be aware that we are discussing kde not 11.10 and please be aware that #Kubuntu is not overloaded with chats and we do not appreciate too many excess posts | 19:18 |
soee | hmm, switching windows is slower now :) | 19:18 |
ikonia | girl_: sorry, you seem to be missunderstanding | 19:18 |
girl_ | soee: maybe nvidia update? | 19:18 |
soee | girl_, nvidia update ? | 19:18 |
yofel | ikonia: the 4.7 backports for natty are out, so this isn't oneiric related | 19:19 |
girl_ | soee: Nvidia Drivers | 19:19 |
ikonia | girl_: you're welcome to talk about any kubuntu release and componetns up to 11.04 any othe rcomponents please take to #ubuntu+1 | 19:19 |
ikonia | yofel: sure, I'm just making it clear | 19:19 |
yofel | ok :) | 19:19 |
girl_ | ikonia: KDE SC 4.7 IS IN KUBUNTU BACKPORTS PPA FOR NATTY | 19:19 |
ikonia | girl_: please don't use caps | 19:20 |
ikonia | girl_: I've just read what yofel said, I'm just making the topic of the channel clear | 19:20 |
girl_ | ikonia: thanks again | 19:20 |
soee | girl_, are there any new drivers ? | 19:21 |
girl_ | 27X .XX | 19:21 |
soee | link pls, brb | 19:21 |
girl_ | ok | 19:21 |
girl_ | x86 or x86-64? | 19:22 |
girl_ | soee: x86 or x86-64 | 19:22 |
girl_ | soee: 32 or 64 bit | 19:22 |
girl_ | soee: 32 bit | 19:22 |
yofel | there are usually updated packages in the x-updates PPA, for both archs | 19:23 |
ikonia | please don't recommend/push the drivers to people | 19:23 |
girl_ | soee: 64 bit | 19:23 |
ikonia | ahhh there we go yofel is well ahead of the game | 19:23 |
yofel | 275.19-0ubuntu1~natty~xup1 is in x-updates for example ;) | 19:23 |
girl_ | yofel: generally drivers from nvidia are more stable (don't know why) | 19:23 |
yofel | girl_: yes, but we don't support them in kubuntu in any way | 19:24 |
yofel | also, they're quite a bit more work to maintain | 19:24 |
girl_ | yofel: true and kernel update breaks it | 19:24 |
yofel | soee: so rather add ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates to your sources if you want a newer driver | 19:25 |
girl_ | yofel: package downloads finished guess I'm all set to install now (crosses fingers) | 19:27 |
AlexZion | Hi guys I just upgrade kubuntu 11.04 with kde 4.7 ....., really and nice and smooth upgrade , thanks a lot to everyone did the job ... ;) | 19:37 |
soee | yofel, ok ill try this ppa | 19:37 |
Daskreech | AlexZion: \o/ | 19:45 |
AlexZion | few days ago I saw a screeshot of kubuntu 11.10 , and the usage of memory was less than 200 mb, someone says that is kde 4.7 which is improved a lot , is it true ? | 19:48 |
Daskreech | AlexZion: I ... guess. That's kinda the point though I suppose it's how you measure improvement | 19:49 |
AlexZion | I think it was a fresh and clean installation ....., but 200 mb for such as great system is unbeliavable .. :) | 19:50 |
BluesKaj | AlexZion, seems the same as 4.6.2 , but i just installed 4.7 so ... | 19:50 |
Daskreech | BluesKaj: Yeah KDE has gotten a lot more incremental | 19:51 |
BluesKaj | on natty | 19:51 |
Daskreech | Logging in a new release used to hit you within 10 minutes how much new stuff there was | 19:51 |
* BluesKaj looks around for new stuff :) | 19:52 | |
islington | so after updating I cant log into my default plasma session | 19:53 |
islington | only the failsafe will work | 19:53 |
AlexZion | anyway, kubuntu is growing up very fast and well ....., I really love it , and of course ....., even because kde 4 is the best DE out there ...... | 19:53 |
islington | any ideas? | 19:53 |
AlexZion | islington: have upgrade to kde 4.7 in natty ? | 19:54 |
Daskreech | islington: do you have any errors in ~/.xsessions-errors? | 19:55 |
islington | AlexZion: yes just did | 19:55 |
islington | Daskreech: let me check | 19:56 |
AlexZion | maybe some strange config you had before, because I did and everything works perfectly ..... | 19:57 |
Girl_ | DE 4.7 PPA installation with muon ... seems to have stalled at 40% installing says running dpkg | 19:57 |
islington | Daskreech: | 19:58 |
Daskreech | AlexZion: doesn't have to be strange | 19:58 |
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AlexZion | ahh islington I did by konsole and when it ask me to change the kdm config I say yes ....., did you did the same !?! | 19:59 |
islington | like I said I can login into the failsafe just fine | 19:59 |
BluesKaj | Girl_, if muon fails , sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports | 19:59 |
islington | the default hangs on the kdm animation | 19:59 |
diegoviola | hi | 20:00 |
AlexZion | otherwise the problem could be around there ....., but I'm not an expert..... | 20:00 |
diegoviola | does kde 4.7 has kwin enabled by default with opengl ES? | 20:00 |
diegoviola | in kubuntu | 20:00 |
Girl_ | BluesKaj: nevemind I killed muon on qapt and did dpkg --configure -a now its proceeding | 20:00 |
petete | diegoviola: no | 20:01 |
Daskreech | diegoviola: should | 20:01 |
Daskreech | If it's supported | 20:01 |
Daskreech | Doubt you will find support though | 20:01 |
blackcatnekonegr | Hello, I installed gnome 2.32.0 and My lcd monitor just keeps turning off after a few minutes. Happens even in terminal mode | 20:01 |
diegoviola | why not? | 20:01 |
BluesKaj | Girl_, right , was going to mention dpkg --configure -a | 20:02 |
petete | you have to install a different package for GLES on kwin | 20:02 |
Girl_ | BluesKaj: Thanks | 20:02 |
Girl_ | petete: Really? | 20:02 |
petete | but on 4.8 it will be a runtime check, probably | 20:02 |
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petete | Girl_: yes, GLES has to be enabled on compile time | 20:03 |
petete | so that means 2 packages | 20:03 |
BluesKaj | blackcatnekonegr, ask in #ubuntu , they might be able help , this is kubuntu/kde | 20:03 |
islington | ok how do I go back to pure kde folks? | 20:03 |
diegoviola | why not enable on compile time? i heard it improved performance! | 20:03 |
Girl_ | petete: which packages | 20:03 |
blackcatnekonegr | ok sorry | 20:03 |
BluesKaj | !purekde | 20:04 |
ubottu | If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « » | 20:04 |
BluesKaj | islington,^ | 20:04 |
julianrabe | hi | 20:05 |
islington | BluesKaj: no natty instruction changes? | 20:05 |
petete | Girl_: maybe they are both installed in the same package? | 20:05 |
soee | what is the easiest way to reset all KDE settings and get default desktop settings ? | 20:05 |
julianrabe | may i get some support on setting up a repository? | 20:05 |
petete | im upgrading to 4.7 so ill see soon | 20:05 |
AlexZion | islington: have you already tried to rename the .kde folder just to see what happen ? | 20:05 |
Girl_ | soee: simply delete .kde folder in you home folder | 20:05 |
petete | just finished upgrading, brb | 20:06 |
islington | AlexZion: good idea let me try that | 20:06 |
BluesKaj | sorry islington , the factoids are a bit behind the curve | 20:06 |
Daskreech | soee: mv ~/.kde ~/.kdebroke | 20:06 |
petete | yay, 4.7 | 20:07 |
AlexZion | petete: nice and smooth upgrade for you too .... ;) | 20:08 |
BluesKaj | that dam pulseaudio is default install again ... what a pita for my setup | 20:08 |
petete | ahh, i found it | 20:09 |
petete | | 20:10 |
petete | "Thanks to the awesome Kubuntu crew there will be a kwin_gles package available in Kubuntu 11.10. So users can switch to use this package." | 20:10 |
julianrabe | did everybody answer to my repos-signing-problem? sorry for crashing my irc-client... | 20:13 |
julianrabe | *anybody | 20:13 |
yofel | julianrabe: the last we got was "may i get some support on setting up a repository?" | 20:14 |
OerHeks | julianrabe, what error do you get ? paste it in | 20:15 |
julianrabe | ok... ive set up a repository and now my problem is signing it using gpg | 20:16 |
AlexZion | ok guys I'm going out ....., thanks again for the great job ..... bye bye | 20:16 |
julianrabe | i created a key on the host machine, exported the public key, put it into apt-key | 20:16 |
julianrabe | and signed my repo on my host | 20:16 |
julianrabe | but when i try to install a package using apt-get install, it says that the package could not be authenticated | 20:17 |
yofel | run 'sudo apt-get update', do you get a gpg warning? | 20:19 |
* Linkmaster is about to upgrade to KDE4.7 | 20:20 | |
julianrabe | no | 20:20 |
julianrabe | even when i delete the key with apt-key | 20:20 |
yofel | then you should be fine | 20:20 |
yofel | ah wait | 20:21 |
yofel | what *exactly* are you trying to do? | 20:21 |
julianrabe | ive got a http-server | 20:21 |
* Daskreech plays appropriate music for Linkmaster | 20:21 | |
julianrabe | i try to set up a repository for .deb-packages | 20:22 |
julianrabe | everything works fine | 20:22 |
julianrabe | but the gpg-signing of the repos | 20:22 |
Linkmaster | Daskreech: I just realized I needed to restart my computer from earlier, I don't want to do a full upgrade with that in the background o: | 20:22 |
yofel | I fear I don't know anything about manual repositories | 20:22 |
julianrabe | and repositories in general? | 20:23 |
Daskreech | Linkmaster: Where is the excitement in that? :) | 20:23 |
Linkmaster | Daskreech: You know very well that excitment = VERY BAD | 20:23 |
Daskreech | julianrabe: might want to ask in #ubuntu-devel or #kubuntu-devel | 20:23 |
julianrabe | ok, ill do, thank you ;) | 20:23 |
Daskreech | Linkmaster: Oh yes. Esp when it's spelt Transformers the movie :) | 20:23 |
Linkmaster | Daskreech: tell me about it xD See you in a few minutes | 20:24 |
BluesKaj | julianrabe, sometimes the sources.list needs editing as well | 20:24 |
Daskreech | :) | 20:24 |
julianrabe | i added my repo to it | 20:24 |
yofel | BluesKaj: I believe he wants to _host_ packages | 20:24 |
julianrabe | like "normal" repositories | 20:24 |
julianrabe | and that works fine | 20:25 |
yofel | I myself only use PPAs though | 20:25 |
jmichaelx | so, i just upgraded to kde 4.7 on one machine, and am nearly done with another. on the one where the upgrade is complete, kdm comes up, but when i sign in, i just get kicked back to kdm again. anyone have a suggestion? | 20:28 |
yofel | didn't happen to anyone yet, can you get to your /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old or /var/log/kdm.log ? | 20:28 |
BarkingFish | Hi guys. Do you have some sort of online resource which tells you what packages you need to download prior to installing something? | 20:29 |
maco | BarkingFish: lists dependencies, but your package manager should resolve and fetch them automatically if youre online | 20:30 |
BarkingFish | I know this is weird, but I'm converting my main PC to kubuntu, as well as my laptop. The problem I have is that I need ndisgtk available, before I can get my network up | 20:30 |
BarkingFish | the ndiswrapper tools are on the CD, but ndisgtk, surprisingly, isn't. | 20:30 |
jmichaelx | yofel: it is giving me a klauncher error "no dbus session-bus found. check if you have started the dbus server" | 20:31 |
BarkingFish | maco, the idea is I install kubuntu, then go to where i put the ndisgtk package and its deps, install them manually, then bring up the wifi | 20:31 |
yofel | jmichaelx: odd, I got that on one machine _once_ before even trying to log in, after that it worked fine | 20:31 |
jmichaelx | yofel: well, i have rebooted once, but that didn't help. not sure where to go from here | 20:32 |
LINKSWORD2 | Hey all, how's it going? | 20:33 |
yofel | jmichaelx: can you try to pasetbin your kdm.log? | 20:33 |
maco | BarkingFish: sounds fair. the list should be on | 20:33 |
LINKSWORD2 | DarkwingDuck: You alive? | 20:34 |
jmichaelx | yofel: i could possibly. this machine uses wireless, and without network manager running, it has no internet access | 20:35 |
BarkingFish | got it maco, thanks :) | 20:35 |
BarkingFish | I need 4 other packages, one of which is on the cd, so only 3 to download | 20:35 |
yofel | jmichaelx: you said it happens after you try to log in? | 20:36 |
jmichaelx | yofel: yes | 20:36 |
yofel | jmichaelx: take a look at your ~/.xsession-errors then, that might have some useful information | 20:37 |
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jmichaelx | yofel: ~/.xsession-errors does not seem to say very much | 20:38 |
soee | after hour with kde 4.7 i must say its slower for me than 4.6.5 | 20:38 |
yofel | jmichaelx: still, that's the output of anything that tried to run after you tried to log in, so I would expect an error of some sort there | 20:39 |
Daskreech | BluesKaj: What requires ndisgtk ? | 20:40 |
jmichaelx | yofel: there did not appear to be any errors there | 20:40 |
Daskreech | Ugh | 20:40 |
Daskreech | Sorry was talking to barkingfish | 20:40 |
yofel | :S | 20:40 |
Daskreech | LINKSWORD2: yo | 20:40 |
LINKSWORD2 | Hello, Daskreech | 20:41 |
jmichaelx | yofel: the only two schoices for sessions in kdm now are 'default' and 'failsafe'. that seems odd | 20:41 |
yofel | what was there before? | 20:41 |
LINKSWORD2 | Daskreech: I may have a problem... | 20:42 |
LINKSWORD2 | My system is attempting to update, and is telling me; "Another application is using this package manager." (KPackageKit) | 20:42 |
jmichaelx | yofel: i am not sure, to be honest, but i think there was a reference to kde, and a few others | 20:42 |
jmichaelx | very, very strange | 20:42 |
yofel | the layout changed a bit, should be like that I think | 20:42 |
jmichaelx | ok | 20:42 |
Daskreech | LINKSWORD2: Is another application using the packagemanager? | 20:42 |
LINKSWORD2 | None that I know of. I just started the system up a couple minutes ago. | 20:43 |
jmichaelx | well, this kind of sucks. hopefully this can be fixed without network :-D | 20:43 |
Daskreech | LINKSWORD2: probably a stale lock file then | 20:43 |
LINKSWORD2 | Hmm.... | 20:43 |
LINKSWORD2 | And how would that be taken care of? | 20:44 |
yofel | jmichaelx: I guess your Xorg.0.log.old ends with ddxSigGiveUp or so? | 20:44 |
Daskreech | LINKSWORD2: I think that might be under /var/cache/apt/archives/lock | 20:45 |
LINKSWORD2 | lol! Right when you said that, I got an authentication prompt. | 20:46 |
LINKSWORD2 | And it's installing the updates, now. | 20:46 |
=== niels__ is now known as nielsbusch | ||
Daskreech | LINKSWORD2: Wonderful :) | 20:47 |
Daskreech | resolved! | 20:47 |
* Daskreech stamps | 20:47 | |
yofel | probably an auto-update-check that locked the DB | 20:47 |
LINKSWORD2 | .... I feel the urge to dork-stamp Daskreech's forehead. | 20:47 |
* Daskreech prestamps | 20:47 | |
LINKSWORD2 | -_- Fail. | 20:48 |
jmichaelx | yofel: no, Xorg.0.log.old just ends with X.Org XInput driver : 12.3 | 20:48 |
yofel | ok... | 20:49 |
yofel | jmichaelx: sorry, I'm busy for a while now, maybe the others can help you | 20:50 |
jmichaelx | yofel: no, problem. thanks for your help! | 20:51 |
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna | ||
islington | so I cannot login to a default session after updating, I can only login into the failsafe mode | 20:53 |
jmichaelx | so, i just upgraded to kde 4.7 on one machine, and am nearly done with another. on the one where the upgrade is complete, kdm comes up, but when i sign in, i just get kicked back to kdm again. anyone have a suggestion? | 20:53 |
jmichaelx | islington: my problem may have some relation to yours | 20:54 |
islington | yeah just what I was thinking | 20:54 |
islington | nvidia? | 20:54 |
jmichaelx | islington: except that i cannot log in to a default or a failsafe session | 20:54 |
jmichaelx | islington: no, intel | 20:54 |
islington | hmm | 20:54 |
jmichaelx | islington: however, i was in the process of upgarding a machine with an nvidia gpu, and halted the upgrade | 20:55 |
jmichaelx | this sucks | 20:55 |
islington | yu[ | 20:55 |
jmichaelx | i should have known better than to just jump into this upgrade | 20:56 |
islington | I havent had this kind of problem before | 20:56 |
jmichaelx | it is great that in kubuntu these kde sc upgrades come out so quickly, on the other hand, that sometimes means there has been little testing | 20:56 |
islington | jmichaelx: try renaming the .kde folder into something elese | 20:56 |
jmichaelx | islington: i did that, did not help | 20:57 |
islington | oh good same here | 20:57 |
LINKSWORD2 | Daskreech: Looks like the system wants to restart after those updates. | 20:58 |
LINKSWORD2 | Back in a bit. | 20:58 |
soee | anyone got the same slow effect with minimize/maximize windows ? | 21:00 |
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan | ||
islington | jmichaelx: | 21:03 |
islington | this worked for me | 21:03 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
jmichaelx | islington: ty, i am giving that a try | 21:05 |
jmichaelx | islington: didn't work for me | 21:06 |
islington | I am sorry man | 21:06 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: did you pastebin the ~/.xsession-errors file? | 21:07 |
jmichaelx | no problem, thanks for the help... the main issue is that linux graphics (and drivers) are such a tangled mess | 21:07 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: i cannot pastebin anything at the moment. no network without network manager | 21:08 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: Even dhclient on the cli doesn't work? | 21:09 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: if a person relies on network manager to authenticate with any kind of the kinds of wireless encryption that a person should be using (wpa2, in my case) dhclient is not going to get you anywhere, until you hace /etc/network/interfaces set up | 21:11 |
Daskreech | ah or you know how to use iwconfig | 21:11 |
Daskreech | and I suppose a wire isn't an option | 21:12 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: yea, i don't know how to use iwconfig with wpa2 encryption.... have used it a lot in the past with open and wep wireless | 21:12 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: wired would be a very huge pain, but it may come to that | 21:13 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: i simply made the unwise decision to upgrade right away. should have known better from experience | 21:14 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: Thanks for the attempt though | 21:15 |
BluesKaj | !wpa_supplicant | 21:15 |
soee | i got this msg in console when mini/maximize windows: QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap | 21:16 |
BluesKaj | !info wpa_supplicant | 21:16 |
ubottu | Package wpa_supplicant does not exist in natty | 21:16 |
BluesKaj | bah | 21:16 |
soee | also there were: QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap | 21:16 |
soee | *X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3 | 21:16 |
soee | Major opcode: 20 (X_GetProperty) | 21:16 |
soee | Resource id: 0x2050efa | 21:16 |
soee | etc etc for each windows | 21:16 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: did you see that i mentioned that i am getting a lot of D-Bus related errors | 21:17 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: in kdm.log | 21:17 |
BluesKaj | jmichaelx, check out the forums on might work for you | 21:17 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: No missed it. Are they normal timing errors? | 21:17 |
Daskreech | soee: check in #kwin ? | 21:18 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: i would definitely say the errors are not normal at all | 21:18 |
jmichaelx | BluesKaj: i believe i know how to configure /etc/network/interfaces to get network going, i'll just have to look that up again | 21:19 |
* Daskreech suddenly wonders how you are on the net now | 21:19 | |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: obviously on a different machine | 21:20 |
Daskreech | Great :) So you are not having GL issues like islington did you have DBus errors? | 21:20 |
Daskreech | I would say to run a dist-upgrade to ensure that you don't have stray packages missing | 21:21 |
Daskreech | but no network :( | 21:21 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: there could be GL issues, no idea.... | 21:21 |
jmichaelx | dist-upgrade was done before rebooting. i have all the packages | 21:21 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: have you tried doin a rax X start and adding in new KDE components? | 21:21 |
jmichaelx | rax X start? | 21:22 |
Daskreech | raw | 21:22 |
jmichaelx | i don't think i have xinit configured on this thing.... is there another way to start X if i don't? | 21:23 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: Killkdm | 21:23 |
Daskreech | service stop kdm | 21:23 |
Daskreech | then run X | 21:23 |
Daskreech | then export DISPLAY=:0.0 | 21:23 |
Daskreech | then krunner& | 21:23 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: i stopped kdm, ran 'X' (have never done that before), got a black screen | 21:25 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: Welcome to Raw X :0 | 21:25 |
Daskreech | ;-) | 21:25 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: i supposed the other things you mentioned should be run in a different tty?? | 21:25 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: no | 21:25 |
Daskreech | Umm press ^Z | 21:26 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: very cool, odd that i had not seen this before | 21:26 |
Daskreech | that's Ctrl+Z in case you didn't knwo | 21:26 |
Daskreech | then type bg | 21:26 |
Daskreech | that will run X in the background of your tty and give you back control so you can type more commands | 21:26 |
jmichaelx | ok, ^Z does not do anything visible... should it? | 21:26 |
jmichaelx | did this room just suddenly stop? | 21:30 |
|Alexia_Death| | rooms dont move | 21:31 |
jmichaelx | so, i just upgraded to kde 4.7 on one machine, and am nearly done with another. on the one where the upgrade is complete, kdm comes up, but when i sign in, i just get kicked back to kdm again. anyone have a suggestion? | 21:39 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: Ctrl+Z does not give you back the command line in the TTY? | 21:40 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: no, it seemed to do nothing | 21:41 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: does ctrl+C end X ? | 21:42 |
jmichaelx | i'll check | 21:42 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: no, ctrl+ c does not do anything either | 21:43 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: did you press Ctrl+S at some point? | 21:43 |
jmichaelx | nope | 21:43 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 | 21:44 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: ok, but that just takes me to tty1 | 21:45 |
|Alexia_Death| | log in there? | 21:45 |
|Alexia_Death| | then you can do what ever you want, | 21:45 |
|Alexia_Death| | probably you should re-run the upgrade | 21:45 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: yea, we are trying to sort out some possible X issues. i was allready using other tty's to do that | 21:46 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: Then you should go to a tty and read the X log. | 21:46 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: the .old one if you got kicked back to kdm. | 21:47 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: have already gone over that | 21:47 |
jmichaelx | yea, i looked at .old | 21:47 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: Was there an error at the end? | 21:47 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: yes, a lot of d-bus errors | 21:48 |
jmichaelx | "Not connected to D-Bus server" | 21:49 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: then you should REALLY rerun your upgrade process. Something hasnt upgraded cleanly. | 21:49 |
|Alexia_Death| | most likely the dbus itself | 21:49 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: i am using X from the xorg-edgers ppa... i wonder if that might be realted to this | 21:49 |
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy | ||
jmichaelx | related* | 21:49 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: that is not impossible, though everything seemed to go smoothly | 21:50 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: Not sure yet. You are getting Dbus errors | 21:50 |
Daskreech | but it is posible | 21:50 |
|Alexia_Death| | yeah | 21:50 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: Press Ctrl+Q on the tty then Ctrl+Z | 21:50 |
Daskreech | might have locked Keyboard input | 21:50 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: still does nothing | 21:51 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: you can just use another TTY if you like | 21:52 |
|Alexia_Death| | What are you trying to do Daskreech? | 21:52 |
jmichaelx | well, i have no completed the upgrade on this machine as well.... not sure whether or not i should reboot, lol | 21:52 |
Daskreech | remember to run export DISPLAY=:0.0 first | 21:52 |
Daskreech | |Alexia_Death|: run X then introduce KDE apps to see what they fail on | 21:52 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: not for what we are trying to do (if i understand things correctly) | 21:52 |
|Alexia_Death| | Daskreech: Not gonna work imho, his dbus isnt running. | 21:52 |
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Daskreech | |Alexia_Death|: Well then needs to kickstart dbus then | 21:53 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: apparently dbus is not needed for KDM to start? | 21:53 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: Nope | 21:54 |
jmichaelx | brb, i am going to reboot this machine.... maybe i'll have 2 that do not work | 21:54 |
Daskreech | KDM starts X | 21:54 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: don't do that | 21:54 |
Daskreech | have oneworking at least | 21:54 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: i have others i can fire up, if need be, but yea, i can wait | 21:55 |
jmichaelx | i am going to try to configure network/interfaces on this thing, | 21:57 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: just checking, in your X log, did the DBus errors really have an [EE] at the start of the line? | 22:03 |
|Alexia_Death| | if not, could you grep for EE? | 22:04 |
jmichaelx | ok, i have network now | 22:04 |
jmichaelx | what is CLI pastebin app? | 22:05 |
jmichaelx | nm, found it | 22:06 |
jmichaelx | also discovered that python-kde4 did not upgrade properly.... which means |Alexia_Death| may well have been corect | 22:07 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: Then you should really rerun the upgrade process. | 22:08 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: how would i rerun the entire upgrade process? | 22:08 |
|Alexia_Death| | not the entire | 22:08 |
|Alexia_Death| | just run dist-upgrade untill its done. | 22:09 |
|Alexia_Death| | and then once more to make sure it really is done. | 22:09 |
jmichaelx | ahh, OK, well i am upgrading python-kde4 atm, and am hopeful that might fix things | 22:09 |
|Alexia_Death| | if you have one thing borked it may have dependencies. | 22:09 |
jmichaelx | oddly though, i had run dist-upgrade the first round, and when it finished, i ran it again to double-check, and everything seemed fine | 22:10 |
|Alexia_Death| | odd | 22:10 |
jmichaelx | i did notice that on that machine 'kpat' was held back, and on the one i am usng right now, it wasn't | 22:11 |
jmichaelx | ok, merely installing python-kde4 did not fix things | 22:12 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: | 22:17 |
jmichaelx | (or Daskreech ) | 22:18 |
Daskreech | Hi :) | 22:18 |
|Alexia_Death| | klauncher(973) kdemain: No DBUS session-bus found. Check if you have started the DBUS server. kdeinit4: Communication error with launcher. Exiting! | 22:19 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: I normally do a apt-get update && dist-upgrade | 22:19 |
|Alexia_Death| | IMHO relevant bits | 22:19 |
Daskreech | Yum for fedora won't do one without the other (for bad reasons) but you can still run them yourself (for good reason) | 22:20 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: I read it saying that your system dbus server isnt running. | 22:20 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: if you are done with the net use&updates, try a plain reboot. | 22:20 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: have already rebooted several times since then | 22:21 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: what does qdbus give you from the tty ? | 22:21 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: yes, i generally do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade/dist-upgrade as well | 22:21 |
jmichaelx | stupid thing will not let me pipe the output for qdbus to pastebinit | 22:24 |
|Alexia_Death| | why not? | 22:24 |
jmichaelx | beats me | 22:24 |
jmichaelx | this is freaking frustrating | 22:25 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: qdbus > tmpfile && pastebinit tmpfile doesn't work? | 22:28 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: qdbus outputs 'Could not connect to D-Bus server: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: //bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the following error: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed | 22:28 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: ah. tried running dbus-launch manually ? | 22:28 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: is that what qdbus does? | 22:29 |
jmichaelx | oops, no | 22:29 |
jmichaelx | should i enter 'dbus-launch'? | 22:29 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: No qdbus is a simplified version of the dbus command that does things like give incomplete listings of channels | 22:29 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: That should do nicely | 22:30 |
Daskreech | SHould print an address and a PID | 22:30 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: ok, i ran dbus-launch | 22:31 |
Daskreech | printed an address and a PID? | 22:31 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: yes | 22:31 |
Daskreech | What does echo $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS output ? | 22:32 |
Daskreech | Just to make sure it didn't die subsequent to that | 22:32 |
Daskreech | oh and could you check the output of <which dbus-launch> | 22:33 |
Daskreech | the double // for the error is worrying | 22:33 |
jmichaelx | echo $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS returns nothing | 22:34 |
jmichaelx | which dbus-launch just returns /usr/bin/dbus-launch | 22:35 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: that might be a problem then :) | 22:35 |
Daskreech | qdbus is looking in /bin/dbus-launch ... for some reason | 22:35 |
Daskreech | Though it's getting an error from something .... | 22:36 |
jmichaelx | hmm | 22:36 |
kinta | hi all | 22:36 |
Daskreech | hi kinta | 22:36 |
Daskreech | hi Islington | 22:36 |
Islington | hey Daskreech | 22:36 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: what does qdbus say now? | 22:37 |
Daskreech | same error? | 22:37 |
Islington | is there a way to slowly move my old setting back? I renamed my old .kde folder | 22:37 |
kinta | does anyone tried to install kde-telepathy from git ? | 22:37 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: the output is the same as last time for qdbus | 22:37 |
kinta | I cannot see the presence plasmoid... | 22:38 |
Daskreech | Islington: Sure. Slowly move them back | 22:38 |
Islington | okay I figured as much | 22:38 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: could there be a missing symlink or something? or is my dbus-launch just in the wrong dir? | 22:38 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: No it's correct | 22:39 |
Islington | as a result of this kerfuffle I am back to pure kde. A state I havent been in 2 years :) | 22:39 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: so why is qdbus looking in the wrong directory? | 22:40 |
Daskreech | My instant reaction would be some variable is set wrong | 22:40 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: could this misconfigured variable be the source of my problem? | 22:41 |
Daskreech | assuming it exists it would | 22:41 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: i am going to guess that i will not be the only person who runs into this | 22:41 |
|Alexia_Death| | The double dash in //bin/dbus-launch suggest theres a variable there that is missing | 22:42 |
jmichaelx | interesting | 22:43 |
jmichaelx | i just wonder how that could have happened | 22:43 |
Daskreech | me too | 22:44 |
Daskreech | and why would $usr be a variable | 22:44 |
jmichaelx | yes, that was certainly unexpected | 22:45 |
|Alexia_Death| | i rather think /user would be and thats somehow / | 22:45 |
|Alexia_Death| | ugh /usr | 22:45 |
Quintasan | kinta: I will have a PPA with 0.1 release soon | 22:45 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: try eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session` | 22:45 |
Quintasan | kinta: If you did cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` it should be there | 22:45 |
Daskreech | Quintasan: \o/ | 22:45 |
Daskreech | Beer Cookies and many unicorn hugs will be yours | 22:46 |
Quintasan | | 22:46 |
|Alexia_Death| | somebody is claiming that unless dbus is eval-ed it wont affect the current session | 22:46 |
Quintasan | Do not install anything yet since I didn't upload everything | 22:46 |
Quintasan | + i386 is busy somehow | 22:46 |
Daskreech | :-) | 22:47 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: i entered that, there was no output | 22:47 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: the output for qdbus is now completely different | 22:47 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: try echo $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS | 22:47 |
kinta | Quintasan: thanks I've put prefix on /usr/local , everything ok, except plasma widget... | 22:48 |
Quintasan | kinta: I think KDE ignores /usr/local by default :) | 22:48 |
* Quintasan goes back to uploading | 22:48 | |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: | 22:49 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: now that looks sane. | 22:50 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: it appears to me that your eval statement definitely changed something | 22:50 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: did that statement something assign a missing value to a variable? | 22:51 |
jmichaelx | ok, that was not intelligible | 22:51 |
|Alexia_Death| | It launced the dbus the way its supposed to be launced setting some session variables. | 22:51 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: do you think it possible that things may start working now? | 22:52 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: anything you run from the console is a one-off fix | 22:52 |
|Alexia_Death| | somewhere out there is a configuration error | 22:53 |
mory | how can i install a package manually from my hdd with kpackagekit? :/ | 22:53 |
jmichaelx | yea... i was wondering whether or not this might have fixed things in my case... but may indicate a bug somewhere | 22:53 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: tried to log in using kdm again. did not work | 22:54 |
kinta | mory: you can do it with gdebi-kde | 22:55 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: try running drom the same terminal where you ran the eval kde-session | 22:55 |
Daskreech | mory: Don't use kpackagekit | 22:55 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: i will have to try again. i rebooted | 22:55 |
Daskreech | :-) | 22:55 |
mory | but that just open with error and then close :/ | 22:57 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: should kde-workspace-bin not already be installed? | 22:57 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: Why the question? | 22:59 |
mory | why the hell kbununto use other software packages :( the browser and messenger is buggy | 22:59 |
kinta | mory: what's that package? | 22:59 |
mory | crashed several time | 22:59 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: i just tried to run 'startkde' in the tty where the eval statement was run... it then told me that startkde was not installed, and that i could install it by installing kde-workspace-bin | 22:59 |
mory | i mean ubuntu package is standard | 23:00 |
jmichaelx | kde-workspace-bin and kde-workspace-data are not currently installed | 23:00 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: sounds horribly suspicioous that it isnt installed. | 23:00 |
|Alexia_Death| | try installing? | 23:01 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: very horribly | 23:01 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: i cannot understand how these packages would not have been pulled in during the upgrade\ | 23:01 |
|Alexia_Death| | broken dependency somewhere perhaps? | 23:02 |
jmichaelx | sure, i guess that is a likely possibility | 23:02 |
jmichaelx | i wonder what else is missing | 23:03 |
|Alexia_Death| | reinstall full kde-desktop perhaps? | 23:03 |
jmichaelx | |Alexia_Death|: i also upgraded the machine i am using right now, but have not rebooted.... it also does not contain kde-workspace-bin | 23:04 |
Daskreech | mory: what are you trying to install ? | 23:04 |
mory | i just downloaded nvidia linux driver with .run extension ! how can i install that driver in kbuntu? | 23:05 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: presume that kubutu-desktop is installed? | 23:05 |
Daskreech | mory: you will have to shut down X and run sh *.run | 23:06 |
Daskreech | or whatever the .run's file name is | 23:06 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: it is possible that kubuntu-desktop was not installed on my machines, because i get rid of things like kmail, kaddressbook, quassel, etc | 23:06 |
mory | damn hard for a lazy windows user :( | 23:06 |
mory | i just installed linux based system for the first time | 23:07 |
mory | and maybe for the last time | 23:07 |
kinta | why you need that nvidia driver? | 23:07 |
mory | laptop | 23:07 |
kinta | blame nvidia instead ;) | 23:07 |
mory | so run that command in cosole? that's it? | 23:08 |
kinta | mory: Have u tried jockey-kde? | 23:08 |
mory | i just saw an update prompt in additional driver for installng nvidida!! | 23:09 |
mory | no i didn't tried anythinget y | 23:09 |
mory | damn asus top keyboard :(( | 23:10 |
mory | *laptop | 23:10 |
kinta | launch it and install this way | 23:10 |
kinta | it's easier | 23:10 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: yes | 23:10 |
mory | ok but tired of downloading huge softwares from net | 23:10 |
Daskreech | mory: install the nvidia update! :) | 23:11 |
mory | already took 4 hourse to update the whole latest kbuntu!!! | 23:11 |
mory | lol hourse!! | 23:11 |
mory | and here we go rekonq crashed again | 23:12 |
Daskreech | mory: Install chromium | 23:13 |
mory | firefox <3 | 23:13 |
Daskreech | rekonq is nice and all but it's very young | 23:13 |
Daskreech | or that :) | 23:13 |
Daskreech | It's on it's 6th release | 23:13 |
Daskreech | oh dear he rebooted | 23:14 |
mory | where i could disable asking for password for install!! it reminds me of windows !! | 23:14 |
Daskreech | mory: it should ask you once every 15 minutes | 23:15 |
mory | what?!! | 23:15 |
mory | i don't want it | 23:15 |
Daskreech | if you install something the next time it installs you shouldn't need to put in a password again once it was within 15 minutes | 23:15 |
Daskreech | You can turn on password less sudo but then anyone can do anythign to your computer | 23:16 |
mory | t a waste of time | 23:16 |
Daskreech | having people ruin your computer or putting in a password? | 23:16 |
mory | but with typing my password every 15 minute anyone could see my hands and that is security fail | 23:17 |
mory | and for god sake who don't lock the system when going away?!!! | 23:18 |
Daskreech | mory: if you think that's less of a fail than no password that's fine I suppose | 23:18 |
mory | so there is no way to disable that? | 23:18 |
Daskreech | I just said there is | 23:18 |
mory | turn on password less sudo??! | 23:19 |
Daskreech | Yes | 23:19 |
mory | i mean where ;(( | 23:19 |
Daskreech | kdesudo kate /etc/sudoers | 23:20 |
Daskreech | it will ask you for your password :) | 23:20 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: Machine 3 ? | 23:20 |
mory | yea hope for the last time | 23:20 |
Daskreech | Look for your name | 23:20 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: |Alexia_Death|: many thanks for the hand-holding.... things appear to be working well on both machines now | 23:20 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: you didn't have kubuntu-desktop installed? | 23:21 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: lol, no, thank the deities.... | 23:21 |
|Alexia_Death| | jmichaelx: Awesome that you got it sorted. | 23:21 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: yes, on the one machine, the kubuntu-desktopp package was not installed for whatever reason | 23:21 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: Ha ha yeah quick way to break things on a dist-upgrade | 23:21 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: apparently so, but had not wound up in the predicament before | 23:22 |
jmichaelx | many, many thanks for the help from both of you | 23:23 |
mory | Daskreech: anyway how could i install compiz on kubuntu? | 23:23 |
|Alexia_Death| | mory: why would you do that? | 23:23 |
Daskreech | mory: you don't want to finish the passwordless sudo first ? | 23:23 |
mory | lol i didn't ifnd the path | 23:24 |
mory | too complicated os | 23:24 |
Daskreech | mory: It's remarkably simple | 23:24 |
kinta | take it easy mory | 23:24 |
mory | i'm here /etc/sudoers.d/ | 23:25 |
mory | but just a readme :/ | 23:25 |
Daskreech | mory: hmm? no /etc/sudoers | 23:25 |
Daskreech | no .d | 23:25 |
kinta | man sudoers | 23:25 |
mory | no :( | 23:26 |
Daskreech | mory: really? hmm | 23:26 |
mory | nothing :( | 23:26 |
Daskreech | not sure why it's asking for a password then. It can't do that unless that file exists | 23:26 |
Daskreech | mory: can you press alt+F2 | 23:27 |
Daskreech | you should get a little box dropeed from the top | 23:27 |
mory | yep | 23:27 |
Daskreech | in it type kdesudo kate /etc/sudoers | 23:27 |
mory | k | 23:28 |
jmichaelx | on a sadder not, XBMC is not wanting to start for me since this upgrade | 23:28 |
Daskreech | Let me know if it opens up a text editor with a file | 23:28 |
jmichaelx | note* | 23:28 |
mory | save? | 23:28 |
Daskreech | mory: Hmm ? | 23:28 |
|Alexia_Death| | Daskreech: I dont have that file either. All I have is /etc/sudoers.d/ | 23:28 |
Daskreech | It's open? | 23:28 |
mory | yea | 23:28 |
Daskreech | |Alexia_Death|: really? wonder when that changed? | 23:29 |
|Alexia_Death| | Oh, sory | 23:29 |
|Alexia_Death| | I do thave it | 23:29 |
|Alexia_Death| | got the .d | 23:29 |
|Alexia_Death| | too | 23:29 |
mory | why developers didn't use a universal command like run instead of kdesudo kate ?!!!! | 23:30 |
mory | this is crazy | 23:31 |
Daskreech | mory: ok look for your name in the file | 23:31 |
Daskreech | Ctrl+f and your username should work | 23:31 |
mory | o hdamn i saved that :/ | 23:31 |
Daskreech | mory: krunner is a universal launcher | 23:31 |
mory | need to run that command again | 23:31 |
Daskreech | mory: alt+F2 and press up | 23:31 |
mory | nothing show up?!!! | 23:32 |
Daskreech | Probably shouldn't ask for your password this time | 23:32 |
mory | sr\traange | 23:32 |
Daskreech | mory: in the text editor? | 23:32 |
mory | nothing | 23:32 |
Daskreech | or in krunner ? | 23:32 |
linux-beginner-h | where is kmail2 in kubuntu (kde:4.7)? | 23:32 |
Daskreech | linux-beginner-h: Just run kmail and it should start kmail2 if you have KDE 4.7 | 23:33 |
Daskreech | help ->about kmail | 23:33 |
Daskreech | mory: nothing in the text editor? | 23:34 |
mory | no | 23:34 |
linux-beginner-h | Kontact | 23:34 |
linux-beginner-h | Version 4.4.10 | 23:34 |
Daskreech | mory: press Ctrl+O | 23:35 |
Daskreech | it will open the open dialog | 23:35 |
mory | i'm not that noob | 23:35 |
Daskreech | type sudoers~ in the line there and open that | 23:35 |
Daskreech | mory: did' | 23:36 |
Daskreech | not say you were | 23:36 |
jmichaelx | there appears to be some issues with kickoff in kubuntu's kde 4.7... on both machines, if i go to the office apps (for example), but then want to switch to the media apps, i can't go back | 23:36 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: can you report that in #kubuntu-devel ? | 23:36 |
mory | Daskreech: empty | 23:37 |
Daskreech | mory: >_> | 23:37 |
Daskreech | and it had things before? | 23:37 |
Daskreech | well that's not great | 23:37 |
jmichaelx | also XBMC is no longer working.... i know that working with X is troublesome for the KDE devs, but good grief | 23:37 |
Daskreech | |Alexia_Death|: can you give a example sudoers file on pastebin I have to step away for a while | 23:38 |
jmichaelx | Daskreech: i will have to do that, and in the mean time quit using kickoff | 23:38 |
Daskreech | jmichaelx: lancelot! | 23:38 |
mory | forgive me | 23:38 |
mory | i prefer typing my paswword till die | 23:38 |
jmichaelx | yea, i would prefer kickoff.... anyways, i have the task ahead of me (i am afraid) of getting rid of 4.7 and going back to 4.6.5 | 23:39 |
mory | anyway could you help me for installing compiz? | 23:39 |
jmichaelx | kde4.7 still has this bug where things get selected by the pointer that were never intended to be | 23:41 |
mory | ok i type compiz in kpackage kit for install | 23:41 |
mory | hope that work without nvidia driver | 23:42 |
jmichaelx | mory: why are you avoiding the nvidia drivers? | 23:47 |
mory | not avoiding / | 23:48 |
mory | <.< there is no songbird for linux?!! | 23:50 |
Daskreech | Hmm? | 23:58 |
Daskreech | songbird was made on linux as far as I know | 23:58 |
mory | yea but now it's just mac and win app | 23:59 |
jmichaelx | actually songbird quit officially supporting linux a year or more ago | 23:59 |
mory | all of music players ofr linux is fail!! i need something like winamp ! skinny and fast | 23:59 |
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