
morsikhow can i download files from some repo located on launchpad?00:36
morsikfor eg http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~extension-hackers/globalmenu-extension/trunk/files00:37
wgrantmorsik: Click on the file, and you'll see a "download file" link.00:37
wgrantAlternatively, the right-most icon next to each file in the listing (with a green arrow) is a download link.00:38
morsikwgrant: really easy for 1000 files...00:38
morsikwell, i want to clone repo00:38
wgrantbzr branch lp:~extension-hackers/globalmenu-extension/trunk00:38
morsikwgrant: thanks00:39
morsiki couldn't find any info about that on page00:39
wgrantIn fact, bzr branch lp:globalmenu-extension00:39
wgrantClick "Back to branch summary" at the top.00:39
wgrantThat gives you more instructions.00:39
morsikoh damn00:39
wgrantThat link you mentioned is the browser.00:39
morsiknow i see00:39
=== jtv-afk is now known as jtv
pfarrellI might be being stupid, but I'm having trouble editing a recipe09:06
pfarrellOn https://code.launchpad.net/~pefarrell/+recipe/spud-builder , I edit the recipe (with the yellow pencil button)09:07
pfarrelland remove the revno:423 as it's no longer needed09:07
pfarrellbut when I click the green tick to save my changes09:07
pfarrellthe recipe doesn't change09:07
pfarrellI've tried refreshing, but it doesn't change anything09:07
pfarrellany ideas?09:08
pfarrellI can however change the revno09:09
pfarrellfrom 423 to 436, and launchpad accepts that change09:09
pfarrellthis is really weird09:09
pfarrellare any launchpad staff around?09:23
pfarrellare any launchpad staff around?10:17
bigjoolspfarrell: what's up?10:30
=== jtv is now known as jtv-eat
pfarrellah, great, hi10:30
pfarrellI have a recipe on launchpad for building a library10:30
pfarrellnow, I'm trying to change the recipe at the bottom of the page10:31
pfarrellI want to get rid of the revno:436 (to just build the head)10:31
pfarrellso I click on the yellow pencil, remove revno:436 from the text box, and then click the green tick10:31
pfarrellbut for whatever reason, launchpad keeps the revno:43610:31
pfarrellam I doing something wrong, or is it a bug?10:31
bigjoolsyou need someone who knows more about recipes than me... /me looks around10:32
pfarrellit looks like it checks the recipe for validity, because if I deliberately break it (e.g. remove the lp:spud line)10:34
pfarrellit gives me a red box around it and refuses to accept it10:34
pfarrellbut it accepts my change, but just ignores it :-)10:35
pfarrellno ideas, no? :-)10:59
pfarrellshould I report a bug?10:59
bigjoolspfarrell: sorry, I'm not sure there's anyone around who can help at the moment.  I would file a bug or ask a Question.11:00
pfarrellok, thanks11:00
jimisHello, any updates on fixing lp:gcc?11:15
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