
jcastrojono: ping01:07
jcastrodid you happen to go to Clint's ensemble talk?01:07
jcastrodoctormo: YEARLING03:33
czajkowskistupid not being able to sleep grrrr03:39
czajkowskijcastro: ello03:42
czajkowskiit's 4:42am here03:42
czajkowskiand i have to get up at 6am :/03:42
doctormojcastro: Hey!03:50
jcastrodoctormo: you got a silver badge on AU today03:51
jcastrofor being around for a year03:51
jcastrocongrats, you're a pillar, etc. etc.03:51
doctormoHas it really been a year, wow03:51
doctormoI'm a a pillow you mean, soft, and comfortable. ;-)03:52
czajkowskijcastro: would it be ok to upload my talk from community week on stuff to AU ?03:52
czajkowskijcastro: that year flew03:52
czajkowskii remember when  we were trying to get people to sign up and the whinging for a another place to add content, but it's worked out soo well.03:53
jcastroczajkowski: for sure03:53
jcastrowhere's the raw data?03:53
jcastrowe'd need to format it to be question and answer03:53
czajkowskijcastro: i have it in a tomboy notes03:53
jcastrodoctormo: we couldn't have done it without you03:53
jcastrodoctormo: btw, your last blog post, could have totally been Q+A03:54
jcastrodon't worry though, we're working on a widget so you can have the data be on AU but embed it in a blog post.03:54
doctormojcastro: Yeah, you said :-P I fumbled the ask.03:54
jcastroczajkowski: is it an IRC log? like question + answer, over and over?03:54
jcastrodoctormo: we can move it over now03:54
jcastroI can do it for you if you'd like03:55
jcastroonly need your permission03:55
doctormoThanks for the +1 though, much appreciated. Just make a new question on AU right?03:55
czajkowskijcastro: no  all me and i link to the logs where tey are 2/3 questions03:55
jcastrodoctormo: yeah, just pretend you're on jeopardy03:55
jcastroczajkowski: pastebin it and I'll help you on it03:55
czajkowskijcastro: tis cool i'll do it over the weekend, and work it out thanks03:56
czajkowskijust heading off now03:56
jcastroczajkowski: or just fwd it to me, I'll do it for you if you want03:57
jcastrobut don't let me delay a trip to the pub!03:57
jcastrogod knows I need one down here!03:57
czajkowskijcastro: http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/07/22/preparing-for-approval-and-re-approval-dos-and-donts/03:58
czajkowskijcastro: http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/07/21/an-overview-of-loco-guidance/03:58
jcastroczajkowski: cool, gimme a day or so04:00
jcastrodoctormo: I reworded it to mean programatically04:00
czajkowskijcastro: cheers04:00
jcastroas opposed to "check this wiki page dude"04:00
jcastrosince you wanted to check it from a script right?04:00
doctormojcastro: Yes04:01
doctormoSpecial bonus question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/54951/if-ive-signed-the-canonical-contributors-agreement-do-i-have-to-sign-the-new-ha04:01
doctormoThanks for the reword :-)04:02
jcastrohmm, I don't know that one04:04
jcastroyou might want to CC bacon and/or amanda on that one04:04
kim0Morning everyone07:27
dpmgood morning all08:26
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duanedesignmorning all11:07
popeyhi duanedesign11:10
Pendulumhiya duanedesign11:14
nigelbhey popey11:18
jcastropopey: you about?14:52
jcastroJoeb454: around?15:03
popeyjcastro: yo17:50
jcastropopey: hey so Joeb454 sent me a mail that the old archives are no unindexed17:50
jcastrobut google doesn't seem to have caught up yet17:50
jcastroso if you're bored and want to try random searches over the next few days and lmk that would be swell17:50
popeywhat does that achieve?17:52
jcastrotheoretically it shouldn't return something from like 2007, etc.17:53
AlanBellarchives of what?17:53
popeyhow far back are we talking?17:54
popeyAlanBell: crusty ubuntu forums posts from the past17:54
AlanBellah, I was thinking repos17:54
AlanBellwhat makes them think it won't be indexed?18:00
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jcastroAlanBell: right, that's what I wanted to check18:07
AlanBellnormally to unindex stuff from google you set the robots.txt up and when the googlebot next slurps up your content it will remove all the stuff it shouldn't have any more18:09
AlanBellthey may have done it some other way that I don't know of18:10
* jcastro nods18:10
jcastroomg jono18:34
jcastroopen source air DRUMS18:34
jonothat is awesome :-)18:37
jcastroI was thinking "ok I am making that"18:37
jcastrobut towards the end it looks complicated18:37
jcastrojono: any word from david nielsen?19:27
jonojcastro, none yet, I reminded him19:31
jonograbbing lunch19:32
Joeb454jcastro: I'm around now19:38
jcastroJoeb454: the ping was before I sent you that mail19:39
Joeb454hello :) I thought it may have been, but just in case it wasn't, thought I'd better check19:39
paultagheyya Joeb45419:41
jcastroJoeb454: so how does the deindexing work? AlanBell was checking out the robots.txt19:41
Joeb454hey paultag19:44
Joeb454jcastro: well from what I've read, we simply don't allow people who aren't registered to view the forum, and Google de-indexes it. I'm a little skeptical, but willing to give it a go19:45
Joeb454but it's been what, a month now, since we made that change, and it's still not had an effect19:45
jcastrooh wait, you made the change a month ago?19:47
Joeb454near as, yeah. Think it might be 3 weeks19:49
jcastrohmm, their bot can't possibly be that slow19:49
Joeb454that's what I thought19:50
jcastrois there a way to turn that on for like one subforum or something? And see if it works?19:52
jcastrothat appears to be for like when something is really wrong19:57
jcastroso basically, we add that to any page that is an archive page right?19:59
Joeb454jcastro: afaik, that's not really feasible20:01
Joeb454there could be a way to conditionally enter it, but that'd require messing with vbulletin templates, which I know technoviking (and most of the FC) are keen to get away from, because doing that makes upgrades a PITA20:03
jcastrowhat about just modifying the site-wide robots.txt?20:03
jcastroit's totally dumb that vbulletin doesn't have this feature ootb20:12
jcastroIf I'm ever at a bar, and guy comes up to me and is like "Hi, my name is Bob, I work on vbulletin" I'm just going to pour a beer in his lap.20:14
Joeb454haha, be my guest20:15
Joeb454jcastro: IS asked us what rule we'd want in the robots.txt (I emailed about it this week), I need to look into it a little more, I don't know whether adding each forum would work. Hopefully I'll have some time over the weekend to take a look20:16
jcastroI am checking to see if you can do date based things in robots20:16
jcastro"Anything older than 5 years" or something20:16
jonomhall119, howdy20:28
mhall119jono: evening22:48
jonohey mhall11922:48
jonohows things?22:48
mhall119how was oscon?22:48
jonomhall119, it was good, exausting, good to be back23:03
jonomhall119, cjohnston showed me some of the work on the blogging support in the LTP, looks like it is going well23:03
jonoI am going to see if I can get some EC2 storage funded for some limited testing23:04
mhall119jono: awesome, I have an ec2 account, so if you can just get approval for me to get reimbursement I'll host it23:16
jonomhall119,  what do you estimate the costs will be?23:17
mhall119not much, a micro instance on full time is baout $15/month23:17
mhall119if we only bring it up for testing before a release, it'll be less than that23:17
jcastromhall119: there's a blanket EC2 reimbursement policy somewhere on the wiki23:20
jcastroMy bill is up to a whopping 54 cents, heh23:21
cjohnstonjcastro: thats expensive23:21
jonolets do this23:21
jonoI am happy to +1 it23:21
jonolets just keep it for limited testing so it doesn't get crazy23:21
jcastromake sure you set up an EBS thing if you want persistant storage23:22
jonomhall119, would you be happy to deploy an instance and let me know when it is up?23:22
jcastrook done!23:25
* jcastro grins at his brand new instance23:26
jcastromhall119: what are you setting up?23:26
cjohnstonwow.. jcastro says done, and jono goes bye bye23:26
cjohnstonjcastro: loco directory and summit23:26
jcastroensemble formulas for those would be awesome23:27
jcastrothen we'd never have to do it again!23:27
* cjohnston thinks jcastro should get to work on that ;-)23:27
jcastrowell, do you have like a deployment script for it?23:27
mhall119jcastro: +1 on ensemble23:27
mhall119jcastro: would you like to help make that happen?23:27
jcastroI've never done one before and I'm worthless, but I can help!23:28
mhall119jcastro: the current deployment script is "Hey RT, please update this"23:28
mhall119is that enough?23:28
jcastrohah no23:28
jcastrolike, you bzr pull it23:28
jcastrothen what?23:28
jcastrowhat's it need, mysql?23:28
cjohnston./manage migrate23:28
jcastrothat's it, ./manage migrate?23:29
mhall119there are some other ./manage commands23:29
mhall119especially for initial deployment23:29
jcastrook, so put those in order in an etherpad or something23:29
jcastroand I'll get started right now23:29
cjohnstonmhall119: jcastro http://pad.ubuntu.com/BaSLqQuo7d23:30
jcastrobasically, if you can script it to deploy all at once ensemble can just automate it23:31
mhall119jcastro: the fun part is getting the DB information through ensemble to Django23:37
jcastroyeah, one step at a time, heh23:37
mhall119though I suppose since we'll be running the db locally, we don't have to do that23:37
jcastrodo you guys have the deps for summit handy?23:40
mhall119jcastro: I put the apt-get install line in the pad23:41
mhall119these will need to be Lucid servers23:42
jcastroand we need apache too I take it?23:42
cjohnstonmhall119: is feedparser on cranberry already?23:43
mhall119to make a proper staging env, yes23:43
mhall119cjohnston: most likely not23:43
cjohnstonI guess I'll go on and file an RT on that mhall119 so that it will hopefully be ready when we are23:44
mhall119jcastro: what is a2enmod?23:46
cjohnstonadding a module to apache23:46
jcastroenables the apache module for whatever23:46
cjohnstonsimilar to a2ensite23:46
cjohnstonmhall119: what else for loco directory23:47
jcastrowe need that right?23:48
cjohnstoni have no idea23:50
cjohnstonmhall119: ?23:50
jcastrogod google is worthless sometimes23:51
mhall119jcastro: not sure if it's using mod_python or mod_wsgi23:51
jcastroall I want to know is what "a2enmod blah" should be for python23:51
mhall119jcastro: just apt-get install usually works23:51
jcastrooh ok23:51
mhall119I'm pretty sure it'll put it into mods-enabled23:51
jcastroI'll know when I test it, heh23:52
mhall119jcastro: do you have access to cranberry?23:53
mhall119ok, loco-directory uses mod_python23:53
mhall119summit uses mod_wsgi23:53
jcastrogot it23:54
* jcastro shakes fist in the general direction of Keybuk23:54
jcastrook, ready to try it in a vm23:55
* jcastro testdrives and hits sync23:55
jcastroI will need help with db-relation-changed23:55
jcastrostart, stop, and install are done23:55
mhall119jcastro: that looks like it's for python3, which isn't what we want23:56
mhall119jcastro: libapache2-mod-wsgi23:56
jcastroah, lucid, right23:56
jcastrothis is fun!23:57
mhall119jcastro: you gonna come to our global jam?23:57
jcastroI need to see what our car situation is, etc.23:57
mhall119statik will probably come again too23:58
cjohnstoni need to start calling a few places23:58
cjohnstonjcastro: im headed to the keys in a month23:59

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