=== LjL^ is now known as LjL | ||
=== victorp_ is now known as victorp | ||
* skaet waves | 14:57 | |
jdstrand | hello | 14:57 |
skaet | hiya seb128, connection ok? | 14:59 |
* charlie-tca waves | 14:59 | |
seb128 | hey skaet, just a focus issue in unity which leaded to close the irc channel I just joined rather than the browser tab I was aiming at ;-) | 15:00 |
Daviey | o/ | 15:00 |
skaet | seb128, coolio. :) | 15:00 |
jibel | \o | 15:00 |
skaet | ok, looking like that time. Welcome all. | 15:00 |
seb128 | \o/ | 15:00 |
skaet | #startmeeting | 15:00 |
MootBot | Meeting started at 10:00. The chair is skaet. | 15:00 |
MootBot | Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] | 15:00 |
skaet | [Topic] Oneiric Release Meeting overview - skaet_ | 15:00 |
skaet | . | 15:00 |
skaet | Agenda is at: | 15:00 |
skaet | [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2011-07-29 | 15:00 |
skaet | . | 15:00 |
MootBot | New Topic: Oneiric Release Meeting overview - skaet_ | 15:00 |
skaet | Summary of the feedback session on 10.04.3 from last week can be found at: | 15:00 |
MootBot | LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2011-07-29 | 15:00 |
skaet | [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/10.04.3/Feedback | 15:00 |
MootBot | LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/10.04.3/Feedback | 15:00 |
skaet | . | 15:00 |
skaet | Events Approaching: | 15:01 |
skaet | - 11.10 Alpha 3: August 4, 2011, soft freeze will be August 1 at 1200 UTC | 15:01 |
skaet | - 11.10 FeatureFreeze : August 11, 2011 at 1800 UTC | 15:01 |
skaet | . | 15:01 |
skaet | Other News: | 15:01 |
skaet | An unscheduled Debian Archive synch occured on July 27 as a side effect from testing new launchpad sync feature. A summary of affected packages can be found at: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/sync110727/ . | 15:01 |
skaet | Please let the release team know if you can see this impacting A3 from your team's perspective. | 15:01 |
skaet | . | 15:01 |
skaet | On a much more positive note, on July 27 Lubuntu started producing daily images and has joined the set of official flavors for 11.10. Welcome gilir!! | 15:01 |
skaet | The release and QA teams are working with gilir to see if we can get the images added to the A3 release next week. | 15:01 |
skaet | . | 15:01 |
skaet | Bugs targetted for this release can be found: | 15:01 |
skaet | [LINK] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+bugs | 15:01 |
skaet | Bugs milestoned for oneiric alpha 3 are at: | 15:01 |
skaet | [LINK] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=39142 | 15:01 |
MootBot | LINK received: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+bugs | 15:01 |
MootBot | LINK received: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=39142 | 15:01 |
skaet | . | 15:01 |
skaet | Reminder: please use ".." on separate line when you've finished typing. If someone wants to comment during the updates, please "o/", so we know to wait. | 15:01 |
skaet | questions? | 15:01 |
skaet | .. | 15:01 |
* skaet looks around for hands, if no questions will head into the round table. | 15:02 | |
skaet | [TOPIC] QA team update - jibel | 15:03 |
MootBot | New Topic: QA team update - jibel | 15:03 |
jibel | Hi all o/ | 15:03 |
skaet | :) | 15:03 |
jibel | * Automated Testing progress | 15:03 |
jibel | * QA Lab servers hard disks have been upgraded this week. Which means increased I/O and more tests run simultaneously. | 15:03 |
jibel | * Fixed bugs/limitations of the testing framework (extraction of hardlink, selection of the right kernel for server testing, kernel SRU testing) | 15:03 |
jibel | * 10.04.3 Testing: | 15:04 |
jibel | * Better now than never, the testing report for 10.04.3 is available at | 15:04 |
jibel | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ReleaseReports/LucidPoint3TestReport | 15:04 |
jibel | * Oneiric A3 Testing: | 15:04 |
jibel | * Status of smoke test is not good. | 15:04 |
jibel | * Alternate and server were broken today and yesterday (bug 817443) waiting for a new build tomorrow with the fix | 15:04 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 817443 in udev (Ubuntu Oneiric) "d-i based images failed to install: mount: mounting /dev on /target/dev/ failed: Invalid argument" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/817443 | 15:04 |
jibel | * No desktop images today (dependency issue on indicator-me) but yesterday was ok. Fix uploaded | 15:05 |
jibel | * New product available for testing next week: Lubuntu | 15:05 |
jibel | * Lubuntu Desktop added to the tracker | 15:05 |
jibel | * Waiting for alternate builds to add them to the tracker too. | 15:05 |
jibel | * Apart from that we are on track for Oneiric A3 testing. | 15:05 |
jibel | * Bug activity | 15:06 |
jibel | * Top 5 packages with most bug reported during last week | 15:06 |
jibel | * gnome-settings-daemon(155 reports, 19.6% of buf reported against Oneiric over last week) (use /+text at the end of the url to read the report to avoid LP timeout) | 15:06 |
jibel | * unity(63 reports, 8.0%) | 15:06 |
jibel | * nautilus(31, 3.9%) | 15:06 |
jibel | * lightdm(30, 3.8%) | 15:06 |
jibel | * compiz(27, 3.4%) | 15:06 |
jibel | * Top 5 dups of the week | 15:06 |
jibel | bug 804896+64 dups | 15:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 804896 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Oneiric) "gnome-settings-daemon assert failure: gnome-settings-daemon: ../../src/xcb_io.c:140: dequeue_pending_request: Assertion `req == dpy->xcb->pending_requests' failed." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/804896 | 15:06 |
jibel | bug 804221+27 dups | 15:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 804221 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "gnome-settings-daemon assert failure: gnome-settings-daemon: ../../src/xcb_io.c:515: _XReply: Assertion `!dpy->xcb->reply_data' failed." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/804221 | 15:06 |
jibel | bug 807950+18 dups | 15:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 807950 in zeitgeist (Ubuntu Oneiric) "zeitgeist-daemon crashed with LookupError in remove_from_connection(): <_zeitgeist.engine.remote.RemoteInterface at /org/gnome/zeitgeist/log/activity at 0xb74ee2cc> is not exported at a location matching (None,None)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/807950 | 15:07 |
jibel | bug 814619+17 dups | 15:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 814619 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in __strlen_sse2()" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/814619 | 15:07 |
jibel | bug 804472+16 dups | 15:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 804472 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "gnome-settings-daemon assert failure: gnome-settings-daemon: ../../src/xcb_io.c:221: poll_for_event: Assertion `(((long) (event_sequence) - (long) (dpy->request)) <= 0)' failed." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/804472 | 15:07 |
jibel | * Number of crashes reported is increasing to 77% of bug reported against Oneiric (+7% over last week) | 15:07 |
jibel | .. | 15:07 |
jibel | any question ? | 15:07 |
skaet | Thanks jibel! Do you want me to trigger some alternate and server rebuilds after the meeting so we can confirm 817443 fixed? | 15:07 |
jibel | If you wish, but cron will do the job tomorrow morning | 15:08 |
skaet | As you wish. | 15:09 |
jibel | I mean the tests are automated, so even if tomorrow is saturday, we will know if it is fixed. | 15:09 |
skaet | Any impact from the inadvertant debian import from your perspective (ie. more breakage showing up?) | 15:09 |
jibel | no visible impact. | 15:10 |
skaet | good to know. Thanks. | 15:10 |
skaet | any other questions? | 15:10 |
seb128 | (it's worth noting that those g-s-d issues are probably mostly apport noise happening at session closing) | 15:10 |
seb128 | still annoying from a qa perspective but not real world usage issues | 15:11 |
skaet | thanks seb128 - was wondering a bit about those. | 15:11 |
skaet | [TOPIC] Hardware Certification team update - mlegris | 15:11 |
MootBot | New Topic: Hardware Certification team update - mlegris | 15:11 |
mlegris | Hi all! | 15:11 |
skaet | :) | 15:12 |
mlegris | [Week 30] | 15:12 |
mlegris | No report this week due to changes made to the auto login configuration and 10.04.3 certification taking up most of the week | 15:12 |
mlegris | We're also gearing up for the A3 testing when it hits | 15:12 |
mlegris | should be a fun week, Jeff will be flying up to assist us | 15:12 |
mlegris | Bugs: | 15:13 |
mlegris | * Bug #810145 - unity-panel-service crashes | 15:13 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 810145 in unity (Ubuntu) "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/810145 | 15:13 |
mlegris | * Bug #708286 - Resume after suspend not working - Toshiba Tecra R700R | 15:13 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 708286 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Resume after suspend not working - Toshiba Tecra R700" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/708286 | 15:13 |
mlegris | We're currently updating checkbox to match the change in Oneiric, next week should be better | 15:13 |
mlegris | unless Oneiric changes again :) | 15:14 |
mlegris | . | 15:14 |
mlegris | .. | 15:14 |
skaet | Thanks mlegris! :) | 15:14 |
skaet | any questions? | 15:14 |
skaet | [TOPIC] Security team update - jdstrand | 15:15 |
MootBot | New Topic: Security team update - jdstrand | 15:15 |
jdstrand | [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric | 15:15 |
MootBot | LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric | 15:15 |
jdstrand | [LINK] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-security.html | 15:15 |
MootBot | LINK received: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-security.html | 15:15 |
jdstrand | We are on the trend line for our assigned work items in our blueprints. We are trying to balance reactive security with work items at this time, and are getting to our remaining work items as time allows. We are hopeful several apparmor work items that our team is responsible for will be completed in the coming weeks. | 15:16 |
jdstrand | Looking at the list of oneiric bugs, I don't see anything else worth highlighting. | 15:16 |
jdstrand | Also, I will be gone the next two release meetings, but will try to have someone stand in for me. | 15:16 |
jdstrand | .. | 15:16 |
skaet | Thanks jdstrand! | 15:16 |
skaet | any questions? | 15:16 |
skaet | (and thanks for arranging for coverage for this meeting, just let me know who to call on ;) ) | 15:17 |
jdstrand | skaet: sure thing | 15:17 |
skaet | [TOPIC] Kernel team update - ogasawara | 15:17 |
MootBot | New Topic: Kernel team update - ogasawara | 15:17 |
ogasawara | Overall status is reported at the first link below. Burn down for oneiric-alpha-3 is at the second link below. Burndown for the cycle is at the third link: | 15:17 |
ogasawara | [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric | 15:17 |
ogasawara | [LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-kernel-team-oneiric-alpha-3.html | 15:17 |
ogasawara | [LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-kernel-team.svg | 15:17 |
MootBot | LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric | 15:17 |
MootBot | LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-kernel-team-oneiric-alpha-3.html | 15:17 |
MootBot | LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-kernel-team.svg | 15:17 |
ogasawara | We're planning one final upload of the kernel today in order to make Alpha 3. It primarily enables support for Ralink 53xx devices, the cmd64x driver for powerpc, and some Ricoh SD card readers. We are trending slightly above the Alpha3 burn down line but are below in our overall burndown. The remaining Alpha3 work items are not release critical and will likely be pushed to Beta-1. | 15:18 |
highvoltage | ~~~/win 22 | 15:18 |
ogasawara | Of the bugs called out on the agenda against the kernel, there is not much change since last week. status is as follows: | 15:18 |
ogasawara | #542660: looks to be related to EFI boot not loading the video bios into ram. | 15:18 |
ogasawara | #557261: bug reporter has followed up in the upstream bug report regarding the driver warning, but no response back yet. Still not convinced the driver warning is the root cause of the usb-creator persistence issue. | 15:18 |
ogasawara | #754711: on a 3.0 oneiric kernel, system now suspends but doesn't resume. investigating use of cking's systemtap scripts on it. | 15:18 |
ogasawara | #758486: updated debug information attached, investigation ongoing. | 15:18 |
ogasawara | #760131: partly fixed in Oneiric and soon natty, more analysis ongoing upstream. | 15:18 |
ogasawara | #784937: investigation by kernel dev still ongoing as well as discussion with upstream. | 15:18 |
ogasawara | #790712: the order 5 allocation seems to be bogus and non-fatal; further investigation ongoing. | 15:18 |
ogasawara | #791850: kernel dev able to reproduce on a CentOS test system. investigation ongoing but at least not blocking on amazon now. | 15:18 |
ogasawara | Questions? | 15:18 |
ogasawara | .. | 15:19 |
skaet | Thanks ogasawara | 15:19 |
skaet | Any concerns about A3 next week from your team's perspective? | 15:19 |
ogasawara | skaet: nothing so far | 15:19 |
* ogasawara knocks on wood | 15:19 | |
* skaet knocks on wood as well. :) | 15:20 | |
skaet | [TOPIC] Foundations team update - cjwatson | 15:20 |
MootBot | New Topic: Foundations team update - cjwatson | 15:20 |
skaet | or doko ? | 15:21 |
Daviey | both at DebConf? | 15:21 |
doko | no update frome me, and colin is likely in another session | 15:21 |
skaet | thanks doko. Moving on then. | 15:22 |
skaet | [TOPIC] Server team update - Daviey | 15:22 |
MootBot | New Topic: Server team update - Daviey | 15:22 |
Daviey | Hello o/ | 15:22 |
Daviey | Hello o/ | 15:22 |
Daviey | Since the last meeting, Eucalyptus has become unseeded. Orchestra has not yet been seeded, and will therefore not offically be part of the Alpha 3 release. However, it would be prudent for it to be considered part of it for testing purposes (still mostly in Universe). | 15:22 |
Daviey | This does mean that many of the QA test cases can be removed regarding UEC. | 15:22 |
Daviey | Addionally, mentions of 'UEC' in Oneiric should be considered a bug. If a reference is noticed, please help by raising a bug. | 15:22 |
Daviey | bug #817443, has caused the current daily to be uninstallable, which should mean that Monday we can start sniffing things. | 15:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 817443 in udev (Ubuntu Oneiric) "d-i based images failed to install: mount: mounting /dev on /target/dev/ failed: Invalid argument" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/817443 | 15:22 |
Daviey | I will be updating the TechnicalOverview first part of next week. | 15:22 |
Daviey | WI Tracking: | 15:22 |
Daviey | http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/group/topic-oneiric-server-overview.html | 15:22 |
MootBot | LINK received: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/group/topic-oneiric-server-overview.html | 15:22 |
Daviey | - server boot, Clint has been working on this - but has mostly been at a conference this week. I need to sync with him, but i suspect the things which are not yet complete will not be part of A3. | 15:23 |
Daviey | - LXC related items have a specific sprint dedicated to it. It is expected that many of these items will be brought back inline shortly. | 15:23 |
Daviey | - Openstack, there is an openstack sprint week after next to polish some issues being encountered. | 15:23 |
Daviey | Release Bugs: | 15:23 |
Daviey | http://people.ubuntu.com/~davewalker/release-bugs.html | 15:23 |
MootBot | LINK received: http://people.ubuntu.com/~davewalker/release-bugs.html | 15:23 |
Daviey | As ever, if there are bugs pertinent to server release that are not on that list, please raise them with me ASAP. | 15:23 |
Daviey | I will be re-targetting milestoned bugs for things we are working on as suitable, start of next week. | 15:23 |
Daviey | Thanks. | 15:23 |
Daviey | .. | 15:23 |
skaet | Thanks Daviey! | 15:23 |
Daviey | Questions? | 15:23 |
skaet | Are you working with jibel to remove the unnecessary bugs from the iso tracker already? | 15:23 |
Daviey | no. :) | 15:23 |
skaet | heh | 15:24 |
skaet | will hope that they get pulled before we start posting images. ;) | 15:24 |
Daviey | We have loadsa time. | 15:24 |
skaet | and timezone compatible on monday morning. :) | 15:25 |
skaet | Are you impacted much by the debian import? | 15:25 |
Daviey | Only positively :) | 15:26 |
Daviey | Some syncs i was waiting on were done faster. | 15:26 |
skaet | coolio. :) nice to hear some good news. | 15:26 |
Daviey | (from initial inspection) | 15:26 |
skaet | any other questions? | 15:26 |
skaet | [TOPIC] ARM team update - NCommander | 15:27 |
MootBot | New Topic: ARM team update - NCommander | 15:27 |
skaet | or infinity ? | 15:27 |
skaet | hmm... ok, will move on for now. | 15:28 |
skaet | [TOPIC] Linaro update - rsalvetti | 15:28 |
MootBot | New Topic: Linaro update - rsalvetti | 15:28 |
* rsalveti waves | 15:28 | |
skaet | [TOPIC] Linaro update - rsalveti | 15:28 |
MootBot | New Topic: Linaro update - rsalveti | 15:28 |
skaet | sorry 'bout the typo. | 15:28 |
rsalveti | - Cross toolchain based on 4.6 for armel/armhf updated | 15:29 |
rsalveti | - Ubuntu LEB 11.07 released | 15:29 |
rsalveti | - Next week Linaro Connect, normal sprint and planning for the next 3 months | 15:29 |
rsalveti | - ARM folks there to work on armhf bringup | 15:29 |
rsalveti | .. | 15:29 |
rsalveti | np, got highlight for both | 15:29 |
rsalveti | :-) | 15:29 |
skaet | :) | 15:29 |
rsalveti | unfortunately no progress on the eglibc bug | 15:29 |
skaet | heh, just about to ask that. | 15:29 |
rsalveti | bug will ping folks next week during the sprint | 15:29 |
skaet | thanks | 15:29 |
rsalveti | .. | 15:30 |
skaet | Thanks rsalveti! any other questions? | 15:30 |
skaet | [TOPIC] Ubuntu One Team - Chipaca or joshuahoover | 15:31 |
MootBot | New Topic: Ubuntu One Team - Chipaca or joshuahoover | 15:31 |
* skaet looks around for Chipaca ? | 15:31 | |
skaet | [TOPIC] Desktop Team update - seb128 | 15:32 |
MootBot | New Topic: Desktop Team update - seb128 | 15:32 |
seb128 | hey | 15:32 |
skaet | :) | 15:32 |
seb128 | [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus | 15:32 |
seb128 | [LINK] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-desktop-team.html | 15:32 |
seb128 | [LINK] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-desktop-team-oneiric-alpha-3.html | 15:32 |
MootBot | LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus | 15:32 |
MootBot | LINK received: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-desktop-team.html | 15:32 |
MootBot | LINK received: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-desktop-team-oneiric-alpha-3.html | 15:32 |
seb128 | == Weekly summary == | 15:32 |
seb128 | * No compiz or unity updates yet but dx is planning on some for monday it seems | 15:32 |
seb128 | * GNOME 3.1.4 landed | 15:32 |
seb128 | * GNOME in shape for alpha3, unity and compiz are having issues though, dx is working on those but timing is tight for alpha3 it seems | 15:32 |
seb128 | * Work items are behind the trend for alpha3, still work on thunderbird but nothing concerning otherwise, we can descope or delay most of the other remaining ones | 15:32 |
seb128 | 15:32 | |
seb128 | == RC Bugs == | 15:32 |
seb128 | under investigation: | 15:32 |
seb128 | #772873 ''[Vino does not work with compositing]'': Got feedback that the problem isn't fglrx specific; no progress this week. | 15:32 |
seb128 | #790240 ''[at-spi needs demotion for oneiric (at-spi2-core in main)]'': blocked on upstream response about a license problem; not a release blocker, moved to a3. | 15:32 |
seb128 | #806399 ''[Remote Desktop Viewer with Unusual Screen size]'': Reported upstream, no progress yet | 15:32 |
seb128 | triaged/in progress: | 15:32 |
seb128 | #795519 ''[Add back system-wide network proxy settings]'': Our ubuntu-system-service patch needs to be ported to control-center 3. No progress this week, but no blocker, just a manpower issue. | 15:32 |
seb128 | #806064, Bug:799754 ''[lightdm needs something like gdm-set-default-session]'': Discussed with Robert and Mario Limonciello, solution is clear now; Robert is on holidays though so going to miss a3 | 15:32 |
seb128 | #806559 ''[debconf prompt about DM to use during natty->oneiric]'': Discussed with Robert, settled for a solution | 15:33 |
seb128 | #804009 ''[clicking on the volume slider closes the SoundMenu]'': New on the radar this week; fix will beworked on by DX | 15:33 |
seb128 | fixed since last report: | 15:33 |
seb128 | #787694 ''[GNOME 3 System Settings: Provide stub icons for launching Ubuntu specific capplets]'': remaining updates got rolled out | 15:33 |
seb128 | #795046 ''[xauth broken after logging in with lightdm]'': the new version landed in oneiric | 15:33 |
seb128 | #809890 ''[lightdm-example-gtk-greeter crashed with SIGSEGV in __strcmp_ssse3()]'': should be fixed in the new version which is in oneiric | 15:33 |
seb128 | .. | 15:33 |
skaet | Thanks seb128! When will the compiz/unity land for A3? | 15:33 |
seb128 | check with dbarth when it's his turn | 15:33 |
seb128 | they plan for updates on monday | 15:33 |
skaet | will do. | 15:33 |
seb128 | but that's hoping that testing on tarballs that didn't get rolled yet is good | 15:34 |
seb128 | i.e we will know once we start seeing tarballs which build and can be tested ;-) | 15:34 |
skaet | hmm.... thought we were supposed to get out of that monday squeeze. fingers crossed tarballs are good. | 15:34 |
skaet | any other questions? | 15:35 |
NCommander | skaet: Bavk, house internet went blink | 15:35 |
skaet | NCommander, ack, call on you after dbarth then. :) | 15:35 |
skaet | [TOPIC] Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth or njpatel | 15:36 |
MootBot | New Topic: Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth or njpatel | 15:36 |
dbarth | hi | 15:36 |
skaet | :) | 15:36 |
dbarth | ouch, too many open windows | 15:36 |
dbarth | status report: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/OneiricReleaseStatus | 15:37 |
dbarth | missing news about utouch | 15:37 |
dbarth | but mostly a transition week before FF for us | 15:37 |
dbarth | still we're preparing test packages for both unity & compiz | 15:37 |
dbarth | to provide for the a3 milestone | 15:37 |
dbarth | doing a cut of what's in trunk, and reverting to a more stable version of the decorator, sans dialog style plugin | 15:37 |
dbarth | and with gsettings support | 15:38 |
dbarth | also neil is doing a cut of what's in unity's trunk with mostly crashers and leaks fixes | 15:38 |
dbarth | on the u-2d front, the shared panel is finally merged in, as well as the a11y support code | 15:38 |
dbarth | and slow but some progress at last on the stacking issue with a reproducible way to make the system fail with systematically the same event type | 15:39 |
dbarth | .. | 15:39 |
skaet | Thanks dbarth! | 15:40 |
skaet | Why so late for the a3 drop? | 15:40 |
* skaet thought it was supposed to be week before? | 15:41 | |
dbarth | because we're late essentially | 15:42 |
dbarth | :-/ | 15:42 |
skaet | dbarth, understood. Please test that drop real well. | 15:43 |
skaet | :) | 15:43 |
skaet | any other questions? | 15:43 |
skaet | [TOPIC] ARM team update - NCommander | 15:44 |
MootBot | New Topic: ARM team update - NCommander | 15:44 |
NCommander | mornign all | 15:44 |
skaet | :) | 15:44 |
NCommander | so preinstall pool handed for ARM this week while gets our server images to be fully self-contaned | 15:44 |
NCommander | this will be getting its first real testing during A3 next week so we'll be looking for bugs and various oddities | 15:45 |
NCommander | We expect our desktop, server, and netboot images for omap3/4 to be in a releasable state, and don't expect any major issues | 15:46 |
NCommander | As for as general ARM porting issues, ocaml remains broken and under research onto the root cause of its segfault | 15:46 |
NCommander | .. | 15:46 |
* skaet keeps fingers crossed on those omap3 images | 15:47 | |
skaet | Thanks NCommander! | 15:47 |
NCommander | np | 15:47 |
skaet | any progress on the bugs on the agenda? | 15:47 |
skaet | couple are A3 milestoned, and not sure if ogra will be back in time? | 15:47 |
NCommander | ogra will be back on monday | 15:48 |
NCommander | I haven't reviewed the ARM bug list milestoned for A3, but I'll go through it later today and make adjustmnts to due dates as needed | 15:48 |
skaet | thanks! :) | 15:48 |
skaet | any other questions for NCommander ? | 15:49 |
skaet | [TOPIC] Kubuntu Team update - ScottK | 15:49 |
MootBot | New Topic: Kubuntu Team update - ScottK | 15:49 |
* skaet looks around for someone from Kubuntu team? | 15:51 | |
skaet | [TOPIC] Edubuntu Team update - highvoltage | 15:51 |
MootBot | New Topic: Edubuntu Team update - highvoltage | 15:51 |
skaet | hmm... ok, moving on here too | 15:52 |
skaet | [TOPIC] Xubuntu Team update - charlie-tca | 15:52 |
MootBot | New Topic: Xubuntu Team update - charlie-tca | 15:52 |
charlie-tca | Xubuntu Desktop images available today. Live session now works, but will not automatically login. | 15:52 |
charlie-tca | Installation must be run from the cd menu. | 15:52 |
charlie-tca | Alternate images fail for the bug discussed above in QA's report. | 15:52 |
charlie-tca | * #799238: "Xubuntu i386 and amd64 20110618 xserver abort" - should be fixed; will verify today | 15:52 |
charlie-tca | * #799754: "Please let vendors easily provide their own config" - inwork. A workaround has been done so lightdm is working at this time. | 15:52 |
charlie-tca | * #806408: "After xubuntu upgrade or installation, default session on greeter must be xubuntu" - still blocked by 799754. | 15:52 |
charlie-tca | Alpha3 is looking okay at this time. Images are even sized right. | 15:53 |
charlie-tca | All in all, Xubuntu is happy today. | 15:53 |
charlie-tca | Any questions? | 15:53 |
charlie-tca | .. | 15:53 |
skaet | Thanks charlie-tca! | 15:53 |
* skaet happy to hear all is going well with Xubuntu and images are fitting. :) | 15:53 | |
charlie-tca | as well as can be expected | 15:54 |
skaet | indeed. it is A3 after all. ;) | 15:54 |
skaet | [TOPIC] Toolchain update - slangasek or doko | 15:54 |
MootBot | New Topic: Toolchain update - slangasek or doko | 15:54 |
skaet | hmm, I suspect doko's comments above hold here too | 15:55 |
skaet | moving on | 15:55 |
skaet | [TOPIC] MOTU team update - tumbleweed | 15:56 |
MootBot | New Topic: MOTU team update - tumbleweed | 15:56 |
tumbleweed | ohi | 15:56 |
skaet | :) | 15:56 |
tumbleweed | not that much to report, FTBFS are up a lot since the unexpected sync | 15:56 |
tumbleweed | http://corelli.tumbleweed.org.za/ubuntu-qa/qa-ftbfs/oneiric-historical.html | 15:56 |
MootBot | LINK received: http://corelli.tumbleweed.org.za/ubuntu-qa/qa-ftbfs/oneiric-historical.html | 15:56 |
tumbleweed | but half of them have been dealt with already | 15:56 |
skaet | \o/ | 15:56 |
tumbleweed | anyway, I'm at debconf and currently driving a dvswitch, so | 15:57 |
tumbleweed | .. | 15:57 |
skaet | thanks tumbleweed! | 15:57 |
skaet | [TOPIC] any other business/questions/comments? | 15:57 |
MootBot | New Topic: any other business/questions/comments? | 15:57 |
skaet | going once | 15:58 |
skaet | twice | 15:58 |
micahg | o/ | 15:58 |
skaet | go micahg | 15:58 |
skaet | heh, just caught me... ;) | 15:58 |
micahg | just wanted to follow up on the e-mail I sent about libjpeg-dev, I just gave a patch to the patch pilot to revert libjpeg8 providing the virtual package | 15:59 |
micahg | .. | 15:59 |
Daviey | can we go home now? :) | 15:59 |
tumbleweed | oh, I seem to remember someone mentioning an unexpected transition in #ubuntu-motu (not the jpeg one), but I can't remember what it was | 15:59 |
skaet | Thanks micahg | 15:59 |
tumbleweed | I'll invistigate this evening | 16:00 |
tumbleweed | .. | 16:00 |
skaet | Daviey, yeah I think its a wrap... | 16:00 |
Daviey | \o/ | 16:00 |
skaet | Thank you everyone. | 16:00 |
skaet | #endmeeting | 16:00 |
MootBot | Meeting finished at 11:00. | 16:00 |
skaet | Thanks jibel, mlegris, jdstrand, ogasawara, doko, rsalveti, Daviey, seb128, dbarth, charlie-tca, tumbleweed, micahg, NCommander | 16:01 |
charlie-tca | skaet: you are very welcome. Thank you for chairing the meeting. | 16:01 |
jibel | thanks skaet | 16:01 |
rsalveti | skaet: thanks! | 16:01 |
Daviey | thanks skaet | 16:02 |
seb128 | thanks | 16:12 |
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