
tripelbhi. I am trying to get my new-to-me monitor working better. Right now it has this out of range box floating around. I reset the Nvidia X-server stuff in the window I get from prefs, monitors. I set.. set the resolution let the rest go auto. told it it was alright to lose the earlier config. saved it. closed it.01:40
tripelbnow what. still have the box.01:40
philipballewtripelb, try #ubuntu-beginners01:42
philipballewsomeone will help you there easier01:42
philipballewbut your welcome to get help here, just less eyes on the channel01:43
tripelbI've been in #ubuntu and expect for some guy who said some really complex stuff I didnt hardly believe. No one will give me the time of day. I try to help the beginners. I'll go to the beginners as you suggest.01:47
tripelbMan, I've been around computers for decades and still, these little things. Just changing a monitor. Do you have to reboot after that or not?01:47
akkWouldn't think so, but you'd probably need to restart X (log out and back in).01:48
philipballewi would recomend logging out as well01:48
philipballewrarly on a linux system do you need to reboot01:48
tripelbah restart X. ok01:50
tripelbsee you soon01:50
akkIt does sometimes happen -- like the Intel driver rendering bug doesn't reset itself until you reboot.01:50
akkThe video driver in the kernel and the one in X are so tightly interwound now, I guess. Dunno if that's true for nVidia as well.01:51
philipballewit appears he never came back02:03
nhainesOh wow, Ubuntu One now offers 5GB of free storage!02:30
nhainesAnd the Music Streaming service now includes 20GB of storage!02:30
crashsystemscan one use U1 on a mobile with a free account now?02:33
nhainescrashsystems: one always could.02:34
crashsystemsI thought that was limited to pay accounts02:35
nhainesNo, that was for contact syncing (discontinued) and music streaming (still not free, but now comes with extra storage).02:35
nhainescrashsystems: https://one.ubuntu.com/services/02:35
crashsystemsmight be time for me to ditch dropbox then02:36
nhainesThe new "alt-tab" is pretty but it's bound to Ctrl-Tab and I need that.  :[03:00
crashsystemsyou running 11.10 already?03:07
nhainescrashsystems: yes, I installed it on my laptop yesterday.03:12
crashsystemshow is it going for you?03:12
nhainescrashsystems: well, I installed right into a display manager transition, so I couldn't log in graphically until this morning.  :)03:13
nhainesIt's a bit crashy but not terrible.03:13
crashsystemsI usually install beta versions, but I probably won't this time.03:19
nhainescrashsystems: well, it'll probably be fine by then, but oneiric beta isn't scheduled until September 1st.03:22
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jyopleia2: So what are you doing for sysadmin appreciation day?21:27
nhainesjyo: listening to her cat meow incessantly at her.21:27
jyoOne of our colo customers brought quite a bounty of Costco foodstuffs.21:29
pleia2I should have never replaced this toy, she is really being awful :)21:34
pleia2jyo: I bought myself sushi and a membership to Usenix's SAGE21:35
* pleia2 appreciates herself21:36
rwwI disabled all the administrator accounts on our domain except for four of them today. Go me!21:36
pleia2my boss +1ed my g+ post about the day, I guess that counts as something :)21:37
pleia2jyo: so who do I need to bribe to get an HE ipv6 shirt? :) (better than penguin!)21:40
jyopleia2: Do the IPv6 certification thing and get sage: http://ipv6.he.net/certification/21:41
pleia2hmm, I'm not running a mailserver w/ ipv6 but MJ is..21:42

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