
jjessewhen did the history channel stop being about actual history?00:47
jjessesee my current g+ rantings about this00:51
Blazeixback whenever Deadliest Catch and Ice Road Truckers started00:57
Blazeixthen it sort of collapsed into ghost stories00:57
jjessethis one is about how aliens caused an ice age to get rid of the dinosaurs, impregnated humans and jesus was an alien00:58
brouschsnap-l: ug, this nanowar music is horrible01:06
brouschi hates it01:06
rick_h_brousch: Error (404)01:16
rick_h_jjesse: about a year ago01:16
rick_h_jcastro: to raise it you press in on the round button of the arm at the joint01:20
rick_h_when you press it in, the arm will swing free and you can move it in stock increments01:20
jcastroI must seriously be weak01:20
rick_h_this is what it doesn't give for the more expensive onces01:20
rick_h_it only moves in set amounts and only so far01:20
rick_h_yea, you've got to press them in01:21
jcastroI might need to take the monitor off01:22
jcastroand hammer it01:22
rick_h_well, just lift on it01:22
jcastroeven pulling up and mooshing it with all my strength01:22
rick_h_so the weight of the monitor isn't on it01:22
rick_h_once you get it on one you'll do it01:23
rick_h_it took me a few my first time if I recall01:23
brouschhm, dropbox is misbehaving01:23
rick_h_I was doing stuff like turning the monitor01:23
rick_h_so that moving the two sing arms added/reduced some vertical levels01:23
rick_h_there's some room to tweak01:23
jcastroI got it on the small ones01:24
jcastroit's the 24 inch monster that's giving me heartache01:24
jcastroI might need to wait for jill so I don't overcrush something01:24
brouschrick_h_: try it now01:24
jcastrofeels like a 2 person job01:24
rick_h_ah yea, isn't it limited to 23"01:24
rick_h_24 might be stretching those limits I guess01:25
rick_h_brousch: wtf?!01:25
rick_h_brousch: you RT me too much :P01:25
rick_h_make up your own posts :P01:25
jcastrorick_h_: oh sonofa.... my FPW weighs 22 lbs01:25
jcastroThis whole time I was worried about jill's 23 being too heavy but it's fine01:26
rick_h_jcastro: ah, crazy01:26
jcastrothe new 24 inch awesome dell is only .... 8.73 pounds!01:27
jcastroI think it's obvious what needs to be done here01:27
jcastroyou saw this right?01:27
rick_h_no, missed that. I was checking for a 22" ultrasharp though01:28
rick_h_but they weren't ips and had bad reviews01:28
jcastroI have the 22's01:28
jcastrothey're nice side panels01:28
rick_h_I miss my good 20" ultrasharp I had, best looking display ever01:28
jcastronot something I would want as my main panel01:28
rick_h_meh, they're all 192001:28
jcastroI with with FPW for my main panel, and the cheaper E series ones for the side panels since they were like 200 bucks01:29
rick_h_so I'd prefer 21/22" at 1920 vs 24/2701:29
jcastrowell, it's not my fault display manufactures stopped giving a shit01:29
jcastroHDTV. :(01:29
rick_h_yea, no shit01:29
* rick_h_ grumbles about the res I had on my old 21" CRT01:29
snap-lbrousch: Sorry that you didn't like Nanowar.01:32
jcastrorick_h_: they make a more heavy duty arm for bigger monitors right?01:32
rick_h_jcastro: I'm not sure, I don't think in this model01:32
jcastrorick_h_: ok I might move that one back to a stand in the meantime01:33
snap-lbrousch: Some of the more popular CC metal I have to wonder about sometimes01:34
snap-lseriously, some folks have som estrange taste in music01:34
* snap-l waits for someone to point the finger back at him. ;)01:34
rick_h_heh, I wasn't going to say it01:35
snap-lAlthough i went to Flipside last weekend and couldn't name half of their metal bands01:36
jjessethis histroy show is epic01:36
snap-ljjesse: You must tell me what this is01:37
jjesseancient aliens: the misson01:37
snap-lFUCK YEAH01:37
snap-lFucking cook central01:37
jjessethis is the GREATEST F#%()A#&%#% SHOW EVAR01:37
jjessenew episode at 10pm helllllll yeah01:38
snap-lSo this is a new series, then01:38
jjesseI learned a lot tonight, Jesus was an alien raised after the humans killed him by alien technology01:39
jjessenative americans had sex w/ aliens to create humans01:39
jjesseand ancient crystal skulls contain gigabytes of data that when you put all 13 together form some kickass computer01:40
snap-lWow, they pulled out the stops01:40
jjesseits epic01:40
jjessewonder where i can get a degree in ancient astronomy theroy01:40
snap-lThe ones that I've seen say that if you filled one of the great pyramids with some gas, it'll act as some kind of flashlight01:40
jjessethis was was way better01:41
snap-lI think you just apply to BSU01:41
snap-lBull Shit University01:41
jjesseits been since 8pm01:41
snap-lYeah, it's total crackpot nonsense.01:41
jjesseif you have history channel you should put it on01:41
snap-lWe've been watching it on Netflix01:41
jjesseawesome cowboys shot at an alien ship in texas01:41
snap-lI wouldn't directly pay for this shit.01:41
jjesseits on in the hotel tonight01:42
jrwreni'd like a 19" or 20" if its just 1920x108001:42
jrwren3 of those should be good.01:42
jjessedo you guys know about the "zoo hypothesis"01:44
jjesseapparently aliens are observing us like we observe animals in a zoo01:44
jrwrenit explains how obama fucked up so much. they made him do it.01:44
jjessedamn those aliens01:45
jjessedude Jonah was trapped in a whale shapped vessel, not an actual whale01:53
jjessethat explains so much01:53
greg-gman, working two jobs isn't always all it's cracked up to be :)01:56
jjessesnap-l i bet you can't wait for this season to show up on netflix01:56
snap-l oh  yeah01:56
jjessein case you didn't know aliens brought the moon and parked it in orbit01:57
greg-gthe things you learn on IRC01:57
snap-lSounds like it goes fulll-bore into crazytown.01:57
greg-gand my mom said it wasn't good for anything01:57
jjessesome idiot just said the moon was like george lucas's death stra01:58
jjessedeath star01:58
_stink_that would spice things up, at least01:58
jjesseyeah it would be awesome01:58
snap-lSometimes I wonder if their "Research" materials are Alternate History gamebooks02:00
jjessethey are now referencing the cowboys and aliens movie that comes out friday02:03
greg-grick_h_: which one is your g-voice, 810 or 248?02:19
brouschah, crap, i just read half of my talk at out-loud speed, and it took 10 minutes03:04
brouschi'll have to talk slow03:05
snap-live had thr same oroblem03:51
TeamXlinkWhats better, 2.5gb RAM Dual Channel @ 400mhz or 3gb RAM Non-Dual Channel @ 400mhz or 3gb RAM Dual Channel @ 266mhz?05:56
TeamXlinkWhich company has better Linux Driver support, ATI or NVidia, I'm not sure on the current status, but I know NVidia used to be the only one offering official Linux drivers, I'm unsure if that has changed or not.06:00
rick_h_greg-g: 248 is my gvoice11:24
Wolfger<3 Gvoice11:25
greg-grick_h_: cool. I went through my old phone's phone book last night and transfer to g-contacts. all set to go now :)12:07
rick_h_greg-g: awesome12:08
snap-lGood morning12:27
snap-lEveryone enjoy the light show last night?12:27
rick_h_missed it12:27
rick_h_didn't know it rained until this morning12:28
snap-lWe had a lot of lightning outside around 4am12:28
snap-lYay, the coffeepot is not affected. ;)12:30
Wolfgerenjoyed the show this morning12:33
Wolfgeroh, it would be horrible if a thunderstorm knocked out the coffee maker :-p12:33
snap-lyes, yes it would have been12:34
snap-lWow, this ADP site for reporting time has an extremely hypnotic wait symbol12:43
snap-lChanged over to Firefox, and apparently it isn't supported (but Chrome wasn't explicitly denied)12:46
WolfgerIt's freaking 2011. Aren't we beyond "this site best viewed with" or "this site only viewable with" yet?12:47
snap-lYeah, have to use IE to access this site12:47
snap-lWow, this page is complete shit12:49
Wolfger'tis to be expected, when the page is browser-specific....12:49
snap-lThing sounds like a woodchuck with turrets when it loads12:50
snap-lclick click click click clikc12:51
Wolfgera woodchuck... with turrets?12:51
WolfgerArmy-issue woodchucks.12:51
Wolfgerthe swearing syndrome :-p12:52
Wolfgerwas watching some comedian (Tosh?) who pointed out nobody ever has polite Turrettes (or however the hell you spell it). Nobody is ever afflicted with blurting out compliments.12:53
greg-gthat you know of, maybe they just "pass" in society and are actually really well liked by everyone12:57
snap-l"And in conclusion... NICESHOES... I think that..."12:57
=== bmcmahon is now known as nullspace
nullspaceoh wow DoD released their own linux distro13:15
greg-gbut they might be violating the terms of the GPL13:19
greg-gthere's a link to download an iso, but no links to the source13:19
greg-g</license nerd moment>13:19
Wolfgermeh. Come back to me when you *know* they're violating the GPL13:20
snap-lWolfger: What's the difference?13:20
greg-gWolfger: ok, Lemme go ask for the source and when they don't respond, I'll let you know.13:20
snap-lIf you know it in your heart, it must be true13:20
jrwrenhttp://www.ubuntu.com/download <-- no link to the source.13:20
greg-gjrwren: :P true true13:21
snap-lthat seems to be the modus operandi for the OCD license community13:21
jrwrenif they have /usr/share/*/README with links the source, its GPL OK, right?13:21
greg-gthere's actually been a (OMG way too long) thread on debian-legal about whether or not torrenting .isos is violating the GPL13:21
jrwrenhow in the hell is that violating the GPL?13:21
greg-gyeah, really.13:21
greg-gno source available13:21
jrwrensounds like the fudtastic get voiced too much13:22
jrwrensource is available.13:22
greg-gso, debian has their own torrent server with all of the source code available as a torrent, but no one is downloading it13:22
jrwrensounds like them fools need a dictionary13:22
snap-lBecause nobody needs the source in that form13:22
jrwrennor wants it.13:22
snap-lWell, what's really stupid are the folks who think they "know better" and add nothing to the conversation13:24
snap-lE-mail threads tend to go like this:13:24
snap-l1) Semi-plausible claim13:24
snap-l2) Several pokes, one of which might be right13:25
snap-l3) Several more semi-plausible claims13:25
snap-l4) Someone who knows from whence they speak weighs in13:25
snap-l5) Several "That's counterintuitive" statements13:26
snap-l6) Pissing contest over what's correct vs what's intuitive13:26
snap-l7) Personal attacks13:26
snap-l8) Hitler13:26
jrwrenlol. excellent13:27
greg-gthat reminds me of this post from joey hess: http://kitenet.net/~joey/blog/entry/thread_patterns/13:28
snap-lgreg-g: That is awesome.13:29
snap-lYeah, I love the blindingly obvious ones13:29
snap-lusually followed by the "Would you please not 'Reply All'"13:30
snap-lJoDee had one of those go viral at Macomb13:30
Wolfgersnap-l: I think you should make an "8 stages of mailing list threads" blog post.13:31
snap-lWent from some innocent, shouldn't-have-been-posted-to-this-list to several people claiming being on this list was a right of passage to work there, and if they didn't want to be on the list, maybe they sholdn't work there.13:31
Wolfgerpreferably with solid examples :-)13:31
snap-lEventually causing the admins to employ the nuclear option.13:32
snap-lWolfger: Bah, no, thanks.13:32
Wolfgerdrop rocks on it from low earth orbit13:32
greg-gwe just had an epic one at the U today, someone sent a message to EVERY SINGLE list they were one to say "I'm updating my email address, but change it for me please!" They emailed THOUSANDS of U-M Medical school staff and first responders, and then 4 others replied with similarly stupid responses.13:36
snap-lWolfger: Your wish is my command: http://decafbad.net/2011/07/29/the-8-stages-of-e-mail-threads/13:36
snap-lgreg-g: yep13:37
greg-ghah, you're quick snap-l13:37
Wolfgerhe went from "bah, no thanks" to "here you go" in a very short amount of time13:37
greg-gwell, the solid examples part is still a "bah, no thanks" :)13:38
Wolfgerah, I see13:38
WolfgerI'm amazed I can still read snap-l's blog... Paul Graham's blog is blocked now. As is webchat.13:39
snap-lWolfger: Well, Paul Graham's blog gets people to think about what they're doing with life13:39
snap-lI'm sure Zen Habits is also blocked, as is 43 folders.13:39
greg-gnot the best thing to have your employees doing13:39
Wolfgervery bad for corporate moral, true13:39
Wolfgers/moral/morale/ even :-p13:40
snap-lAlso "I think we should rewrite our whole infrastructure in LISP" is not what you want to hear on a friday morning.13:40
WolfgerI don't care what language they use (please, god, not Java), they just need to rewrite the infrastructure.13:41
Wolfgerand the structure, and the exostructure too :-p (am I just making shit up now? I bet there is an exostructure...)13:42
greg-gsure, like ants13:43
brouschi'm starting to freak out14:05
brouschi don't think i'll have enough material to fill an hour14:05
jjesseso take questions :P14:05
brouschit's not really a technical talk14:05
brouschi cannot rely on questions14:06
jjesseanimated gifs?14:06
brouschi am making heavy use of them already ;)14:06
rick_h_brousch: don't have to fill an hour14:07
rick_h_really 40min14:07
brouschi think i'll have 30mins14:07
rick_h_so you need 10min :)14:07
rick_h_sounds like demo time14:07
brouschgotta finish the main part first ;)14:08
brouschbut yeah, i could throw up some flask-based projects14:08
Wolfgerstall a bit at the beginning and take questions at the end. Easy way to kill 10 minutes in two smaller chunks. :-)14:08
jrwrenwhat are you presenting?14:08
ColonelPanic001well, that's not surprising14:09
brouschjrwren: mostly my experience discovering python and django14:09
snap-lbrousch: Wrost case, you let people out early.14:20
Wolfgerand if they leave early because they had no questions, that's on them :-D14:21
snap-lWorry about the content, not about the space14:25
rick_h_Wolfger: that thread is as good as the "Why do developers still use archaic editors from a command line when better tools exist?" thread14:43
WolfgerI wasn't even aware that a Git vs. Mercurial holy war existed.14:47
jrwrenit doesn't.14:50
jrwrenthere are jihadists that will assure you that a war between christianity and islam is happening right now.14:51
jrwrensimilar insanity14:51
Wolfgerjrwren: clearly it does exist, as evidenced by that thread (even if it never existed prior)14:53
rick_h_it's not so much a git vs Hg, but more a "My tool rocks! your tool sucks!"14:54
Wolfgerlikewise, Christian and Muslim extremists killing people for religious reasons are proof that a holy war is going on... just with very limited "armies"14:54
jrwrenno, a war doesn't exist just because 2 people say it does.14:54
Wolfgerrick_h_: Right. Just like vim vs emacs.14:55
rick_h_meh, at this point I think most of that is just to keep our old jokes alive14:56
Wolfger"war" is a loose term in the computer world.... no killing involved (so far as I know)14:56
rick_h_for me it's more about using vim/emacs gets you more respect than eclipse14:56
Wolfgeryeah, well, you're fighting the cli vs gui holy war :-)14:56
rick_h_I run gvim :P14:56
WolfgerWhat I really want to know is, why does stackexchange even host "Programmers" when they never really discuss code at all? It should be "Geek Philosophy" based on the typical content.15:00
WolfgerStackOverflow is programmers fo' realz15:00
Wolfgerand consequently often over my head, which I why I read the drivel on Programmers :-p15:01
jrwrencan I use vmbuilder to install oneric ?15:03
jrwrenStackOverflow is over your head?15:03
jrwrenyou should read more there then. its a great place to learn.15:04
jrwrenwhy doesn't help.ubuntu.com list the stackexchange site?15:10
Wolfgerjrwren: A lot of it is, yeah. I'm actually picking out Python questions now since I'm making an effort to learn Python.15:33
jrwrenis dive into python not a good learning tool anymore?15:37
WolfgerI'm sure it's just as good as it ever was.15:39
WolfgerIt's one tool in the box15:40
WolfgerHell, I just *answered* a question on StackOverflow :-)15:40
jcastrojrwren: just use testdrive15:43
jcastrofor your vmbuilder question15:43
jrwrenjcastro: thanks.15:46
jrwreni didn't know about it.15:47
jrwrenknowing is more than half the battle15:47
jcastroGI JOE!15:55
jcastrojcastro: I'll write up an answer after lunch15:55
jcastroI don't think vmbuilder's been updated15:55
jcastro+ testdrive is the way to go, it'll auto zsync your ISOs and just fire them up in KVM automagically15:55
jcastrojrwren: you did it wrong15:57
jcastroyou should have posted that edit as your own answer15:57
jcastroand then accept it15:57
Wolfgergreg-g: zomg, emacs violated GPL!!!one1!16:09
WolfgerUgh. Sorry, that's a wretched URL paste.16:10
* jcastro plonks jrwren, yo, pay attention16:23
jrwrenjcastro: yeah, i forget the SO rules WRT answering your own Question16:42
jrwrenyou want me to update it?16:43
jcastrojrwren: yeah16:43
jcastroanswering your own question is totally fine!16:43
jcastroI'll fix up your answer16:43
jcastro I need you to post it first tho16:44
jrwrenanybody have any broken PS2 Keyboard lying around?16:58
Wolfgeryou wouldn't rather have a working one?16:59
Wolfgerregardless, I think mine was trashed/yardsaled/donated some time ago.16:59
jrwrenyeah, I should find a computer recycle place.16:59
jrwrenI just want the connector to cut off16:59
Wolfgerbut I'll look this weekend and see if I do still have it17:00
Wolfgerwhat do you want next, a 5.25" floppy drive?17:01
nullspace8" nothing less17:05
ColonelPanic001that's what sh... nevermind17:06
* Wolfger has never even seen an 8"...17:10
ColonelPanic001I'll show you sometime17:13
WolfgerBring it Penguicon and show it off in the lobby.17:14
jrwreni think i have a 5.25" aruond.17:15
jrwrenno... maybe no.17:15
ColonelPanic001excellent idea17:15
jrwrenouch.  kvm segfaults when I connect to it with VNC :(17:16
WolfgerColonelPanic001: on the night of the masquerade, you can carry it around under a trench coat and ask everybody if they'd like to see your "8-incher"17:18
Wolfgerand if they say yes, whip it out17:19
* Wolfger considers maybe this is being stretched a bit thin17:20
ColonelPanic001that'd amuse me17:20
WolfgerIt's Friday. I'm stuck here for another 90 minutes-ish. I'm in "can't the weekend just START already?" mode.17:21
WolfgerAlready did my daily quota of Python skill building. Started getting overwhelmed with all the non-python crap I need to learn as well.17:22
Wolfgerthe wx, the (possibly, haven't decided yet) sqlite....17:23
Wolfger...the twitter api....17:24
jrwreni guess you know you are a real programmer when you scoff at the ease of learning those things.17:36
WolfgerWell, I've already got a decent mock-up of my GUI done, when it occurs to me I haven't actually learned much at all about wx. I'm cut'n'pasting my way through it mostly.17:37
Wolfgerand I'm not satisfied with that17:37
WolfgerIt'd be nice if I could put together a code block without flipping back and forth to the internets for each line17:38
Wolfgerand everything (in the tutorials) has a -1 id passed to it, but nowhere does it explain why it's -1, or what that really means, and that annoys the crap out of me.17:45
Wolfgerif ID is always -1, why even bother having that parameter? That's 4 useless keystrokes per instance.17:47
rick_h_hello from Ohio20:47
snap-lHello from PyOhio. :)20:49
rick_h_who let the java speak?20:54
* rick_h_ looks for the java mute button :P20:54

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