
billfarrowwhat would we need to host a local Global Jam workshop in the Triangle ?13:13
holsteinbillfarrow: not much really14:16
holsteinwe (akgraner internalkernel and i) were talking about doing one more online anyways14:16
holsteinjust say when, and let the where's be local14:16
holsteinsend out emails about where you are doing it, and then try and check in here :)14:17
holsteinanyways... you really just need a place with internet, and some folks to come14:17
billfarrowyeah, I don't want to drive 3hrs to Charlotte, but I would like more face to face colaboration14:18
holsteinwhere are you?14:18
billfarrowNivex: do you want to do some Global Jam together ?14:18
holsteinwe are hosting something in asheville for sure14:18
billfarrowholstein: Raleigh14:18
holsteini say, pick a place, and send it out on the list14:19
holsteinsomeone will probably come14:19
billfarrowI think we could russle something up here.  I have no idea what we would do, but get enough smart people in a room and something good should happen14:20
holsteinwell, you just check in on here, and we can make sure we are not doubling our efforts14:21
holsteinwe'll probably try and fix wikis14:21

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