
antiherothing is the nouveau-firmware package DOES NOT provide the firmware for nouveau to actually run on most current bloody cards.00:00
edbianantihero: I'd just like to figure out a way to get that driver OUT!00:00
antiheroedbian: Yeah I want to get back to the goood old nvidia module00:00
antiherothat actually works00:00
ghostnik11edbian: the first line with /boot up to quiet splash vt.handoff=700:00
edbianghostnik11: yes00:00
edbianantihero: :/00:00
ghostnik11edbian, thanks00:01
edbianghostnik11: sure00:01
antiheroimma try reboot again00:02
antiheroI physically moved the ko file out00:02
edbianantihero: It'll probably just crash00:02
TBotNikAll:  Those of you who have been following my delimna on WiFi bridging can join the discussion on ##networking. Thanks!00:03
edbianantihero: There is a #nouveau channel00:04
antiheroedbian: managed to get rid of it00:04
antiheromoved it from /usr/lib/modules00:04
edbianyyyaaaaaayyyyy!!!! \o/00:04
antiheroor /lib/modules or whatever00:04
antiheroand also blacklisted i and did update initrd or wahatever it was00:05
edbianantihero: Did it load your other driver?00:05
antiheroedbian: it did :)00:05
edbianantihero: yay00:05
BASHn00bhey guys00:06
BASHn00bgood idea or bad idea, trying to get a cute girl a job working with me as a sort of Jr. Jr. system admin00:07
BASHn00bI'm a database admin00:07
cSquall@Bashn00b if you have to ask, I think you already know the answer...00:08
BASHn00bbut I could get her a job doing shit like repairing apache and exim file systems00:08
=== Kyoku is now known as Kaizen
BASHn00btouche sir, touche00:08
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:08
edbianBASHn00b: do it00:08
BASHn00bI really would like to dump my tables in her database though if you know what i mean ^_~00:08
=== Kaizen is now known as Kyoku
Hamradio2008Can someone please tell me how to share my Ubuntu computer into a Windows 7 network "homegroup" I have a home group character string that I entered into the my second windows machine and they can see each others harddrives  I want to also share my ubuntu computers hardrive into the windows 7 "homegroup" ???00:10
edbianHamradio2008: it's not simple.  samba is the solution :)00:11
BASHn00bor tortoise00:11
=== Kyoku is now known as kaizen
JoeR1Hey I need to know where the installed programs folder in is Ubuntu00:12
JoeR1I need the path00:12
BASHn00bwell, any subversion to subversion setup00:13
BASHn00bso like00:13
edbianJoeR1: There isn't one per se.  Things mostly go into /usr/bin/00:13
BASHn00bhttp://tortoisesvn.net/ on your windows machine and hook it to  Eclipse or Netbeans on your linux machine00:13
felipe_BrzI've created a new user on my server. I've added it to the 'admin' user group, and I've added it to the list of 'sudoers' through visudo. However, I'm still not able to do stuff like remove a directory using 'rm'. What am I doing wrong?00:13
edbianfelipe_Brz: are you using sudo rm ??00:14
JoeR1well specifically I am looking for the Google Earth folder to modify some settings00:14
K-Richfelipe_, rm -rf <directory>00:14
K-Richalso did the user log out and back in ?00:15
edbianJoeR1: /home/you/.google-earth  (my guess at the folder name) it's hidden00:15
Hamradio2008Just for fun This is my Ubuntu computer booting from SSD  see youtube ...   http://youtu.be/iAs9J0fekT400:15
JoeR1it shouldn't be hidden because I am logged in as root00:15
felipe_Brzedbian:  K-Rich:  I would like it not to require a passwd... I've just thought of something though, I'll try it now00:15
Cas07JoeR1: the program should be located in /opt/google00:16
edbianJoeR1: Some files are hidden for every user (root or otherwise)  you can see them using ls -a or turning on hidden files in view hidden files in nautilus.  You should not be logged in as root in ubuntu.00:16
K-Richummmmm there is a way to do that one sec i have notes on it, had to make a tweak so all users could you my proprietary scanner00:16
=== kaizen is now known as Kaizen
JoeR1edbian - I may not know the folder structure for linux but I assure you i am no fool, I am viewing hidden files00:17
edbianJoeR1: I guessed at the name.  I may be wrong.  Do you see the other .stuff folders?00:18
felipe_Brzedbian: I would like this user not to require a password to do 'sudo' stuff because I'll be using it in Filezilla to upload files... Does that mean I have to add it to the 'sudo' group instead? Since  that's the group I can remove password need for, via 'visudo'??00:18
edbianfelipe_Brz: I'm not sure.  I've never done that.  I'm worried that doing so might be a security vulnerability00:18
K-Richfelipe_, i have it so all users can run one command as sudoer, the way i did it was 'ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: <command goes here, nexxt command, net etc seperated by comma>'>00:19
BASHn00buh... not putting a pass on the super user00:19
BASHn00bbad idea00:19
K-Richshould be like 'user ALL=NOPASSWD: <command>'00:19
BASHn00bespecally if its connected to a network00:19
JoeR1edbian - Cas07 had the correct answer, thank you both00:19
iosolidarmy burner doesn't work, i keep getting a "MEDIA: closed or not recordable"00:19
bobweaver_anyone here want to help me out with some cli stuff00:19
bobweaver_I need to move some files and rename them00:20
edbianJoeR1: sure00:20
felipe_BrzYeah.. I don't like it either but I think Filezilla requires a user with all the possible control so that it can browse folders and change folders too00:20
K-Richbobweaver_, man mv, it does both00:20
BASHn00bFilezilla just runs off folder permissions like anything else00:21
=== go87_away is now known as go876_away
Juv1228hello, can someone help me out? im trying to do something similar to http://www.linuxscrew.com/2007/09/06/local-and-remote-x-sessions-on-different-consoles/00:22
ActionParsnipbobweaver_: mv will rename the file for you00:22
ActionParsnipbobweaver_: mv name newname00:23
Juv1228if i execute that in console 7 (minus xinit) it works and i get both gui's mashed on top of eachother00:23
BASHn00bare you running vsftpd ?00:23
Juv1228if i ctrl-alt-f1 and try it from cmd line it gives me various errors00:23
iosolidarthis is brasero's log00:23
ghostnik11can anyone tell me how to tell grub2 to place it self in its root partition00:24
bobweaver_so I need to copy the file ~/.config/munus/applications-kdemenuedit    to  /etc/xdg/application-merged/ then rename it to applications-local.menu00:24
ActionParsnipiosolidar: what are you burning?00:25
bobweaver_so there are two of the files just named different things00:25
iosolidarbobweaver_: cp -R ~/.config/munus/applications-kdemenuedit    to  /etc/xdg/application-merged/applications-local.menu00:25
iosolidarActionParsnip: an ISO image00:25
ActionParsnipbobweaver_: sudo cp ~/.config/munus/applications-kdemenuedit /etc/xdg/application-merged/applications-local.menu00:25
ActionParsnipiosolidar: did you MD5 test the image as good?00:25
bobweaver_thanks guys00:25
iosolidari can't find an MD5 hash in the ubuntu site and i tried it a couple of times with different imags (which i know are good)00:26
ActionParsnipiosolidar: what isthe filename, i'll find you the hash00:26
iosolidarActionParsnip: ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso00:27
ghostnik11can grub2 even be placed in its root partition00:27
ActionParsnipiosolidar: 7de611b50c283c1755b4007a4feb037900:27
ActionParsnip!hashes | iosolidar00:27
ubottuiosolidar: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.00:27
ionitewhy is natty laggy on my system? how can i make it run on optimal mode?00:27
iosolidarActionParsnip: thanks i'll check it now00:28
ActionParsnipionite: what video chip?00:28
iosolidarActionParsnip: as i suspected the disk is OK00:29
ActionParsnipiosolidar: well, the image.00:29
iosolidaryep :D00:29
ActionParsnipiosolidar: have you tried a different burning app?00:29
ActionParsniphi q_00:29
iosolidaryep... i've install pretty much anything that matched "burning" in the software center00:30
ActionParsnipiosolidar: even xfburn?00:30
iosolidarits different errors though00:30
ActionParsnipiosolidar: did you burn as slowly as allowed?00:30
ioniteActionParsnip: GeForce 550000:30
ActionParsnipiosolidar: do you have free space on your system00:30
iosolidarActionParsnip: yes00:31
iosolidarActionParsnip: do you think it might be a hardware problem?00:31
pdtpatrickQuestion .. openvpn cannot see my user.keys file. Any suggestions?00:31
ioniteActionParsnip: is it because of my video card that's causing the visual lag?00:31
ActionParsnipionite: http://www.pc-freak.net/blog/how-to-install-nvidia-geforce-fx-5500-on-ubuntu-11-04/00:32
K-Richanyone know of a way to get hulu desktop to stop slowing down and freeing?00:32
ActionParsnipionite: the video hardware draws the screen00:32
ActionParsnipiosolidar: possibly, do you have an external burner (or can you fit a different burner to the system)00:32
iosolidarnot now.. (its 3 am here) but maybe tomorrow00:33
ioniteActionParsnip: thanks. btw, i managed to install natty sucessfully but i'm having a hard time locating drivers for natty. such as my java. i tried software centre but it didn't install the latest java.00:33
ActionParsnipionite: the guide shows that you need the 173 driver, install it and it wil work fine :)00:33
bobweaver_Premissions ?    # sudo cp /home/tester/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu  /etc/xdg/application-merged/applications-local.menu00:34
bobweaver_cp: cannot create regular file `/etc/xdg/application-merged/applications-local.menu': No such file or directory00:34
ghostnik11can i install grub with this command to my root partition: grub-install /dev/sda100:35
ioniteActionParsnip:  i typed it it says permission denied. and prompt me if i am root.00:35
ghostnik11or can grub 2 be installed with that command00:36
felipe_BrzI would like some commands (like mkdir) not to require sudo permission anymore. Is that possible?00:36
ActionParsnipionite: you need to run:   sudo -i   first00:36
ActionParsnipfelipe_Brz: yes it's possible00:37
tripelbhello. I'd like to get help on setting my new-to-me monitor. I set things in the Nvidia x-server settings. Wot, did I do something wrong? I get • MetaMode 15 of Screen 0 is the same as MetaMode 1.  All MetaModes must be unique. (One monitor, 10.04) - what to do not clear.00:37
=== earl__ is now known as danoo
ActionParsnipfelipe_Brz: it will need sudo and only sudoers will be able to do it but it won't require a password00:37
iosolidarActionParsnip: thanks for the help and good night :)00:38
ioniteActionParsnip: it says command not found00:38
JoeR1Ok mew question, I am trying to set a different value for the font sized used by google earth for the GUI, anyone know where I might find that?00:38
jenwill itunes work on natty?00:38
ActionParsnipionite: there is a space between sudo and -i00:38
tripelbI autofixed what it said and then saved it to config file and then nothing changed. (I have a floating box that says out of range and I have a not correct aspect ratio.00:39
ActionParsnipjen: some versions work in some versions of wine00:39
ioniteActionParsnip: the sudo -i worked but not the command for the nvidia00:39
ActionParsnipjen: check the appdb00:39
jenI plan on getting an ipod touch00:39
felipe_BrzActionParsnip: hmmm... I think what I really want is for a command not to require passwords, OR sudo00:39
jenIm on my cousins dumb windows computor00:39
felipe_BrzActionParsnip:  is that feasible?00:39
ActionParsnipionite: you just need: sudo apt-get install nvidia-173     and you'll be fine00:39
tripelbjen afaik there is no itunes for linux.00:39
jenI was just wondering for now00:39
jentripelb: well there is other things that can make it work right?00:40
ActionParsnipjen: the appdb may be able to tell you00:40
JoeR1jen I think there are Itunes equivilents but I think I read something about apple cutting linux support00:40
jenActionParsnip: the who?00:40
jenaww man00:40
ActionParsnipfelipe_Brz: they will need to be in the admin group to use sudo, then the app will not ask for a password, you will lose all user control00:40
ActionParsnipjen: websearch it, you'll see00:41
tripelbwell jen I dont know. I am assuming you mean- will make the ipod music communicate with a linux OS.00:41
tripelbjen, maybe you can run itunes in a mac emulator00:41
jenyes, I seen rythombox will?00:41
JoeR1jen - are you wanting the itues store or just the ability to transfer music00:41
jenability to transfer apps and music00:41
sparc_Is there some "Right" way of checking whether a service is up?   I was just going to pgrep, but I thought maybe init kept a running tally of what's running, and what's not.00:41
tripelbshe has the itunes store thru the ipod jen joer100:41
JoeR1jen - you should be able to do that with programs from the software center00:42
jensay what?00:42
ioniteActionParsnip: do i need to restart updating?00:42
jenI want the texting app00:42
ioniteActionParsnip: i mean restart after updating?00:42
ActionParsnipionite: read the guide00:42
sssssssssssssssshi, how do I identify wich things are usin my internet, I found that theres python2.7 listening on port 8080, why?00:42
gnewbjen: Here is the Psychocats page on itunes: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/itunes < still looking for offiial docs....00:42
jenI have never mess with an ipod00:42
bastidrazorsparc_: service servicename status00:42
sparc_bastidrazor: thank you00:42
bastidrazorsparc_: you're welcome.00:43
tripelbI am still trying to set this monitor so I dont have an outofrange box floating. Do I have to reboot after changing the monitor?00:43
ActionParsnipjen: no bad thing at all :D00:43
jenwhat do you mean00:43
JoeR1jen - I detest apple so I can offer little information about the apps or the functionality of an Ipod but I know there are programs in the repositories that will work for most of what the average ipod user will do00:43
tripelbjen you want to be able to take music from your linux computer to your ipod and vice versa. Is this correct?00:44
jenyes and apps00:44
ioniteActionParsnip: i was prompted error so such device00:44
tripelbjen I'm not trying to tell you can use things other than an ipod. that's what joer1 is telling you. True or not it doesnt answer your question. ATM I dont know.00:45
K-Richtripelb, logout, CTRL-F1, login to console, 'sudo restart gdm', CTRL-D to logout of console, the ALT-F7 i think (or ALT-F8) to go back to GDM with new settings00:45
JoeR1now again i ask, is there anyone that can offer insight into changing the gui font size used by google earth 6?00:45
jenI cannot do anything right now because Im on a dumb windows computor00:45
jensemi dumb00:45
jenit has photoshop00:45
JoeR1I do often wonder why people voice such a dislike of windows00:45
tripelbK-Rich, I dont understand what that is doing. Why do I have to do all that? I need to understand. I've not had to do that before when I switch monitors. And what is GDM?00:46
jenI NOW like linux better00:46
JoeR1and jen - it is spelled computer00:46
jenI always misspell it00:46
tripelbjen all systems are fine. They have pros and conts. and I can spell computador any way I please if you understand me.00:46
ActionParsnipionite: you will need to reboot to apply the driver00:47
JoeR1I am sometimes a spelling nazi so don't read too much into it jen00:47
jenI do waht I wnat00:47
jenbut thanks for you help00:47
jenI will prolly ask for more help when I get there00:47
ioniteActionParsnip: i mean after i typed modprobe nvidia-173, it tells me error inserting device00:47
tripelbjen can I pm you?00:48
soupeeenatty narwhal-1104 here, seem to have lost my little volume widget. There's a speaker image but just three dots coming out of it. Anybody know what to look for. I've got ALSA set up and I can hear mplayer ok, it's the desktop that has know vol control.00:48
JoeR1so is there anyone that can shed light on the google earth gui font size question?00:48
ActionParsnipionite: just reboot and it wil work00:49
JoeR1so is there anyone that can shed light on the google earth gui font size question? if not a solid "no" would be a good way to get me to look elsewhere00:50
jenwhere is my pchat spos to pop up?00:50
lapagaJoeR1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116307500:51
JoeR1jen - what chat client are you using?00:51
jenI got on here from ashleys google chrome browser00:51
soupeeenatty narwhal-1104 here, seem to have lost my little volume widget. There's a speaker image but just three dots coming out of it. Anybody know what to look for? I've got ALSA set up and I can hear mplayer ok, it's the desktop that has no vol control.00:51
jenIm on freenode ubuntu channel00:52
* soupeee me too00:52
chaddyme 300:52
JoeR1lapaga, yes I have seen similar threads, however these seem related to older versions of google earth00:52
gnewb!sound | soupeee00:53
JoeR1lapaga, specifically they do not seem to work with my version00:53
ubottusoupeee: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:53
balaji_Is current consumption of cpu related to cpu usage?00:54
soupeeeubottu: thanks00:54
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:54
* soupeee goin in ...00:54
jentripelb: did you want to talk to me>00:55
lapagaJoeR1: is  mscorefonts installed?00:56
JoeR1lapaga, specifically they do not seem to work with my version00:56
JoeR1lapaga, I do not know, one moment00:56
vahnxanyone firmillar with toggling the boot flag and why would it cause complete data loss on a bootable osx86 usb?00:56
ioniteActionParsnip: after i enter: 'service gdm stop' i couldn't do anything.00:57
ActionParsnipionite: could just reboot, it'll do it all for you00:57
ioniteActionParsnip: what command do i type to reboot?00:58
ActionParsnipionite: sudo reboot00:58
JoeR1lapaga, yes, it was already installed before google earth00:58
ionitenow my screen resolution and i can't change the resolution on my monitor preferences00:58
ioniteActionParsnip: now my screen resolution and i can't change the resolution on my monitor preferences00:58
ActionParsnipionite: use nvidia-settings00:59
JoeR1lapaga, I have to go do somethings, I shall continue later00:59
lapagaJoeR1: good luck00:59
ioniteActionParsnip: there's no nvidia-settings in my preferences00:59
ActionParsnipionite: then install it. It should have come down with the nvidia-173 driver01:00
abtexasHi all01:05
DasEi!undelete > converge01:05
ubottuconverge, please see my private message01:05
abtexasI am new to linux world and wanted to get into this some how01:05
abtexasIs there any one from Texas in here ?01:06
abtexasand how do i switch servers ?01:07
convergeDasEi: thnks, but i think ill kill myself01:07
convergeDasEi: i was working 2 months on it01:07
DasEiconverge: ouch01:07
convergeDasEi: i have a backup, last week i think but i already did so much :(01:08
tyler_dI cannot get x to load with the nvidia xorg.conf file I just made.... GdmLocalDisplayFactory: maximum number of X display failures reached don't know what file to tail in order to get more detailed logs, however would appreciate any help please?01:08
abtexasIs this the only chat room i can joing ?01:08
tyler_dabtexas: no there are thousands out there?01:09
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
DasEiconverge: thing rm kills the header which sometimes can be restored, if the body of the file isn't overwritten;  good practise is not rm but mv to a folder trash ;)01:09
abtexashow do i find them ?01:09
nit-witabtexas, it isa Ubuntu channel per-say try #linux01:09
melim running 32-bit natty on a 64 bit processor. it's a new laptop and i didn't think to check what kind of processor it was before i installed. im getting a few issues i thought might be attributed to this. for example, saving a file in gedit takes approx. 2 seconds as opposed to a fraction of a second etc...01:09
melwould this be caused by that?01:09
convergeDasEi: i was about do a new backup01:09
tjiggi_foabtexas, /join #ubuntu-us-tx01:09
nit-witabtexas, there is a server channel as well unless server=  regular install to you. ;)01:10
tyler_dhrmm, should have been /list or such01:10
=== ParadigmUltra is now known as UltraParadigm
tjiggi_fotyler_d, /msg alis list foo01:11
ioniteActionParsnip: i am stuck at a screen which says many [OK] and one [Fail]01:11
tyler_dtjiggi_fo: good to know. I typically just join #whatever-im-looking-for and it usually exists :)01:12
tyler_dback in a sec after I break this some more01:12
BitWraithI'm looking at a ubuntu box that is giving me a very strange error when I attempt to apply updates. "dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000' near line 1: newline in field name `[timestamps]' "01:13
BitWraithHow should I fix that?01:13
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
ioniteActionParsnip: i am stuck at a screen which says many [OK] and one [Fail]01:17
bmanplus2anybody have a minute to help with ppa issues01:17
BitWraithI've tried "sudo apt-get update," that failed01:18
soupeeenatty narwhal-1104 here, what's a good volume ctrl app, something with a small footprint?01:18
DasEibmanplus2: details ?01:19
Kresnicanyone knows any info on LOIC?01:19
=== wilson_ is now known as Guest88983
ionitecan anyone help me with my video card update? geforce fx 550001:20
xrfangI wonder how mature is the ppa of gnome-3 team. is it safe to try gnome-3 on 11.04 now?01:21
soupeeeSince I'm using the new Unity desktop, what's a good vol ctrl for it? I guess gnome's out?01:21
DasEiKresnic: #ubuntu-offtopic maybe01:21
ActionParsnipxrfang: it's not stable or advised01:21
xrfangthanks ActionParsnip.01:21
Gunz4MiPPleionite: does that use the classic (96.*) drivers?01:22
Gunz4MiPPleif so, it wont work with natty01:22
beatriz-ubuntu-p A R G E N T I NA ??01:22
ioniteGunz4MiPPle: how do i see if it's 96 or 86?01:22
bmanplus2DasEi W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net natty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5A9A06AEF9CB8DB001:23
bmanplus2W: Failed to fetch http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/dists/stable/non-free/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found01:23
bmanplus2E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.01:23
CaptWhodoes a non-buggy version of a netbook operating system exist.  the latest version of ubuntu seems to run normally on it aside from numerous window problems.  i installed easypeasy and it's seriously buggy01:23
Gunz4MiPPlego to the nvidia driver download site and see which drivers they recomend01:23
DasEibmanplus2: np, second01:23
Gunz4MiPPleionite: go to the nvidia driver download site and see which drivers they recomend01:23
ioniteGunz4MiPPle: thanks01:24
Gunz4MiPPleionite: the older style pc cards dont work with natty due to nvidia not updating the drivers to work with the new version of the x server01:24
nit-witCaptWho, the regular ubuntu release looks like netbookversion unty it is.01:24
DasEibmanplus2: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 5A9A06AEF9CB8DB0 && sudo apt-get update &&& sudo apt-get upgrade01:24
nit-witCaptWho,  just installed pinguy os it has a interesting setup.01:25
ioniteGunz4MiPPle: why can't this command work? 'sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1.run' it says to me can't open01:26
beatriz-ubuntu-pcanal ARGENTINA , para ubunteros argentinos}01:26
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:27
Gunz4MiPPleionite: u might need to 'chmod +x FILE' and then try again, or do './FILE'01:27
CaptWho@nit-wit:  does it seem to have the video drivers for the small screen size?01:27
bmanplus2DasEi http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/191/terminal005.jpg/01:27
ioniteGunz4MiPPle: natty can't run .BIN files?01:28
Gunz4MiPPleionite: those commands I posted are to make the file executable so that it can be ran01:28
DasEibmanplus2: so? provides no info, did the update work now ?01:29
nit-witCaptWho, I use generic so it works, i have a aceraspire, but it's plugged into a flatscreen right now I haven't loke at it from the tiny screen.01:29
gnewbionite: Try alien?01:29
radioxidionite: what does the file command say about those files?01:29
pythonirc1011my vbox 4.1 hangs on me with ubuntu guest+win host+ ubuntu screen saver. How can i find out whats wrong?01:29
SaEeDIRHAhey guys , how can i activate remote desktop for GDM ubuntu 11.04 ?01:30
bmanplus2DasEi sorry I hit a wall I do not know how to make it go forward from here01:30
nit-witCaptWho, pinguy though is part debian,mint,natty, with a lot of extras installed, pretty plug and play.01:30
SaEeDIRHAthe problem is file "/etc/gdm/gdm.conf" does not exist :(01:30
CaptWhonit-wit: "interesting" = good, right?   :-)01:30
DasEibmanplus2: you entered the command and the update finished with no errors ?01:30
JoeR1lapaga, I have returned01:31
ionitecan't open: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1.run01:31
ioniteradioxid: can't open: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1.run01:31
radioxidionite: wat01:31
ioniteradioxid: can't open: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1.run when i type : sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1.run01:31
Gunz4MiPPleionite: if you have a fx 5500, it should use the 173 drivers, which should be in apt01:31
nit-witCaptWho, I haven't spent a lot of time on it but it has wine,skype, the restricted extras, and others stock, a good one for a new user really, not saying you are though, just seems well set up.01:32
Gunz4MiPPleand the 173 drivers will work with natty01:32
lwizardldoes anyone know if there is a distribution of CloneZilla designed for PPC based macintosh computers ?? I have a system I could really prefer to have a backup of the system incase of a failure01:32
ioniteGunz4MiPPle: May i have the exact commands because i'm really noob to natty01:32
DasEiionite: prefixed with sudo ? executable bit set ? done out of x ? (I can't oversee if that's the right driver, but I guess actionPars.. led you there , so I assume it is)01:33
Gunz4MiPPleionite: run 'additional drivers' or jockey01:33
nit-witCaptWho, desktop is a panel om top and docky on the bottom and left panel01:33
bmanplus2DasEI no I am doing something wrong I entered sudo apt-key adv and got the screenshot I sent you tried to enter in the --keyserver stuff but would not go forward so I am not doing something, also just closed term and reopened and ran apt-get update and same error01:33
Gunz4MiPPleionite: from the menu button01:33
Gunz4MiPPlenot the terminal01:33
DasEibmanplus2: just copy the whole following line in your terminal :01:33
DasEibmanplus2: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 5A9A06AEF9CB8DB0 && sudo apt-get update &&& sudo apt-get upgrade01:34
GalaxorI just created a loopback device with losetup.  With that persist across boots?01:34
DasEiah, typo ^01:34
GalaxorWill that persist across boots?01:34
DasEibmanplus2: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 5A9A06AEF9CB8DB0 && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:34
GalaxorIf not, is there a way to set it up to persist across boots?01:34
ioniteGunz4MiPPle: how can i do over terminal? the additional drivers is giving some problems it freezes after updating half way01:34
DasEibmanplus2: sry, I typed one "&" too much above01:35
CaptWhonit-wit:  thanks, i'll take it for a test-flight01:35
Gunz4MiPPleionite: ok, try opening a terminal and typing 'sudo jockey-text'01:35
Gunz4MiPPleionite: then it should be self explainitory01:36
nit-witCaptWho, I surprised more don't mention it, good luck. ;)01:36
tripelbhi abtexas I think I can help you. let me look back to be clear on your question.01:36
DasEibmanplus2: should fetch missing key and get your apt running01:36
abtexasI have it answered01:37
abtexasfor you help01:37
abtexasI am all over the place now01:37
abtexasI love this01:37
nit-witabtexas, go texxa go. ;)01:37
JoeR1I need help changing the gui font size in google earth 601:37
CaptWhonit-wit: the iso is 1.6gb, hope it runs on my little 4gb netbook01:37
tripelbtjiggi_fo, I did not know there are local channels. oh.01:37
abtexasnothing like chatting while your wife is out at the bar drinking :O01:37
abtexasyes nit wit01:37
bmanplus2DasEi ok typed in the whole thing with the extra & so typing again, to dumb to figure out cut past from chat01:38
nit-witCaptWho, it wont it unpacks to 5 something gigs.01:38
SaEeDIRHAdo u know where is gdm.conf file located on ubuntu 11.04?01:38
JoeR1abtexas - I understand texas but what does ab mean? perhaps a school I am unfamiliar with?01:38
abtexasArthur Brown01:38
nit-witCaptWho, sorry about that I didn't realize your HD size. ;(01:39
JoeR1abtexas, well that makes sense, I never would have guessed that01:39
tjiggi_fotripelb, use wildcards to catch them all /msg alis list *ubuntu*01:39
CaptWhonit-wit: any other suggestions?01:39
DasEibmanplus2: without the extra & , two are used to seperate  the comands; which messenger in use ? ( can also type each command single an drop the &'s)01:39
abtexasyeah nice to meet ya joer101:39
Tobarjashould i have a script/file named "dpkg-maintscript-helper" ? it seems to be part of the reason i can't install or even dpkg --unpack git01:39
sluganyone with experience building with the launchpad ppa virtual machines? what's the hardware characteristics of these ? I just started a build and wondering how long would it take.01:39
ionite_Gunz4MiPPle: i restarted after installing 173 driver but i still can't change my resolution01:40
abtexaswhat do your name stand for ?01:40
nit-witCaptWho, not sure really with wanting a netbook version persay. For size I would run a puppy or pupplet  a bit more work though in leraning.01:40
JoeR1abtexas, Nice to meet you too, to let you in on a secret my name is Joe01:40
bmanplus2DasEi W: Failed to fetch http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/dists/stable/non-free/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found01:41
bmanplus2E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.01:41
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: when you are using the nvidia driver, clicking 'moniter' in your prefs should open up the nvidia display screen01:41
bmanplus2DasEi so we are getting somewhere01:41
Troy^how come when typing su it asks for passwd i enter it in and it said invalid but anytime i run say like sudo to install something i enter the same passwd for the root and it works?01:41
nit-wit*puppy linux CaptWho01:41
tripelbtjiggi_fo, grin. I guessed on ca. but I saved your suggestion.01:41
JoeR1joer1 = Joseph Richard and a 1 just to make sure it wasn't in use01:41
ionite_Gunz4MiPPle: i tried that it doesn't show any nvidia settings in my monitor01:41
DasEibmanplus2: ic, whichh distro are you using ?01:41
abtexasbut what do the R1 mean ?01:41
bmanplus2DasEi 11.0401:42
CaptWhonit-wit, i've seen puppy linux, just haven't tried it01:42
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: do you have unity running now??01:42
JoeR1abtexas, I sure it comes a great shock that Joseph Richard Taylor is a very common name01:42
ionite_Gunz4MiPPle: no01:42
tripelbI have problems with my nvidia and my monitor someone! I have reset the display stuff but I still have this out-of-Range box floating on my screen. Must I reboot? Help please.01:42
abtexasgot ya01:42
nit-witCaptWho, it has it's merits, runs in root but you can set it up not to if you want.01:42
CaptWhothe irrating thing about easypeasy is primarily the video drivers01:42
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: ok, in your prefs, do you have NVIDIA X server settings?01:42
DasEibmanplus2: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list,  remove the skype entry and wait , I'll look for correct entry01:43
dellphhello where is the config file of empathy i want to reset all.01:43
ionite_Gunz4MiPPle: none. my monitor settings are still known as default. i clicked detect monitor but it won't work.01:43
abtexasI was just looking around trying to find ex-cost guard people or people from texas to say hi too I have not chatted to anyone in 13 years or so01:43
nit-witCaptWho, did you look for help on the drivers on the irc?01:43
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: in your Menu > Settings do you have a thinggee for NVIDIA Something01:43
Troy^how come when typing su it asks for passwd i enter it in and it said invalid but anytime i run say like sudo to install something i enter the same passwd for the root and it works?01:43
dellphhello where is the config files or folder of empathy i want to reset all. any ideas guy?01:44
slugTroy^: you need to enable su for the user.01:45
ionite_Gunz4MiPPle: nope. totally none at all. when i check my additional driver section it shows that i have installed the approprate driver for my natty.01:45
abtexasalso is there any reason that my INTERNET back and forward buttons just stopped working01:45
Troy^slug: please tell me how i can do that? im still learning01:45
bmanplus2DasEi well I may be a moron but I ctrl f ed and looked for skype and could not find it01:45
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: when you type 'lsmod' in a terminal, do you see nvidia01:45
DasEibmanplus2: nvm, open another tab in trml (ctrl+t)01:46
CaptWhonit-wit, i did a ton of googling and didn't find anything that worked.  xrandr failed a lot and wouldn't find the settings that were built into the video card01:46
DasEibmanplus2: sudo apt-get install pastebinit01:46
slugTroy^: do this: sudo passwd root01:47
DasEibmanplus2: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list01:47
dr_willisthere should be no need to set a root password.01:47
CaptWhoif i could get a decent video driver, i'd just go back to ubuntu 10.1001:47
Troy^i already have a root password01:47
DasEibmanplus2: give resulting url from terminal here01:47
slugTroy^: but i don't advise you to do this, as there's no need to use root directly. if you are learning, use sudo.01:47
nit-witCaptWho, graphic cards are out of my area in general, and I'm not sure of the easypeasy support, I installed once out of curiosity.01:48
Troy^slug along with my new experience to linux im going through a bash programming guide and am trying to learn and run my scripts i create01:48
ActionParsnipslug: if you don't advise it, why give the method.... makes no sense at all01:48
nit-witCaptWho, made a recovery partition I thought that was unique.01:48
tripelbTIL there exists a channel called #ubuntu-beginners and I SUGGEST that that info be in the topic.01:48
Sexybobook my bios has screwed up the HPA on my drive making it show as 1tb instead of 2 are there any linux tools to fix?01:49
lucusoidplease some help! Everytime I try to play a 3D game the mouse is trying to reset its position01:49
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: i saw this, use at your own risk http://www.pc-freak.net/blog/how-to-install-nvidia-geforce-fx-5500-on-ubuntu-11-04/01:49
tripelbdo I have to reboot after changing my monitor settings to get the new settings working? YES? NO?01:49
ActionParsniptripelb: no01:49
CaptWhonit-wit, they seem to be very machine specific and a lot of the instructions for one card won't help on another card01:49
nit-wittripelb, if you speakin to me or the other please tab it01:50
Troy^slug: ty very much01:50
slugTroy^: why do you need su for?01:50
bmanplus2DasEi http://paste.ubuntu.com/654115/01:50
Troy^to run certain bash scripts01:50
slugTroy^: why is not sudo enough?01:51
Troy^hmm maybe i could of just sudo run it01:51
ActionParsnipTroy^: you can run scripts with sudo01:51
Troy^ActionParsnip: see i did not know that01:51
CaptWhonit-wit, but thanks for the suggestions and your help01:51
tripelbnit-wit yes I know. ActionParsnip thanks. the beginners channel just told me to log out and in. I've been asking this same thing in here for hours. AP, I suggest that #ubuntu-beginners be in out TOPIC.01:52
DasEibmanplus2: righty , so you added skype ppa with no need as it's already in ubuntu ;  any reason you use backports ?01:52
acovriglshw shows my wifi, but it doesn't show up in ifconfig as wlan# as it did, now its eth# why!?01:52
nit-witCaptWho, no problem.01:52
tripelbActionParsnip, I lied. I got that word in #ubuntu-us-ca which I found out about a few minutes ago.01:52
ActionParsnipTroy^: all the more reason you should NOT use root and stick to sudo01:53
slugTroy^: if you want to become root, you can always do sudo -i01:53
Troy^lol ok i wont use it anymore01:53
nit-wittripelb, no problem I wasn't really watching the channel so I couldn't tell if it was just us. ;)01:53
tripelbnp nit-wit I was reaching out for anyone.01:53
Troy^ActionParsnip, slug: yea im just experimenting with a bash scripting guide.. wanted to start somewhere to understand more lol01:54
DasEibmanplus2: ?01:54
bmanplus2DasEi cuz im ignorant and did it without knowing, soooo how do I un-do it01:54
ActionParsnipTroy^: there are tonnes of bash samples online, start with basic stuff and ramp up to advanced level :)01:54
DasEibmanplus2:   any reason you use backports ?01:55
slugTroy^: well, if you are a beginner, I advise you to not run bash script as root.01:55
ActionParsnipbmanplus2: I always just install the deb from the skype site personally01:55
slugTroy^: which documentation are you reading?01:55
Troy^slug: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/01:55
bmanplus2DasEi I dont even know what a backport is so yea01:55
tripelbActionParsnip, to confirm I need to logout of my account and in to make the new monitor settings viable.01:55
lucusoidplease some help! Everytime I try to play a 3D game the mouse is trying to reset its position01:56
ActionParsniptripelb: how did you set the res?01:56
DasEibmanplus2: k, so let'mply settle it  and install sky01:56
BitWraithI have tried dpkg --configure -a, and it is not helping. :-/01:56
ActionParsniplucusoid: a native linux game or one in Wine?01:56
lucusoidmostly native ones01:56
ionite_Gunz4MiPPle: when i type lsmod i saw nvidia. and i tried the link actionparsnip gave but when i was at gdm stop i can't proceed from there.01:57
BitWraithI have also cleared my dpkg cache (following unstructions on launchpad), and I'm still getting this parse error01:57
lucusoidlike 0ad01:57
DasEibmanplus2: ur sources.t comment the backports lines, safe se files01:57
Sexybobook my bios has screwed up the HPA on my drive making it show as 1tb instead of 2 are there any linux tools to fix?01:57
tripelbActionParsnip, system,prefs,monitors. chose yes I want the nvidia controls (X-Server) and reset the resolution, chose auto for the rest, said ok to lose the old settings, saved.  (this was after a lot of wrong fussing)01:58
lucusoidActionParsnip: 0ad is unplayable this way. Same thing with crayonphysics01:58
acovrigmy wifi isn't working iwlist eth1 scan says there isnt one-yet Im right beside it-why isn't it wlan0?01:59
ionite_Gunz4MiPPle: when i type lsmod i saw nvidia. and i tried the link actionparsnip gave but when i was at gdm stop i can't proceed from there.01:59
DasEibmanplus2: sorry, overload for a minute here, let's settle it back and install skype02:00
PythonTalking in a console02:01
Pythonso great!02:01
bmanplus2DasEi I am lost I need step by step help at this point02:01
DasEibmanplus2: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list , comment the lines concerning backports (put a # in front that lines) ,save n close gedit02:01
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: when you type gdm stop, then you lose the instruction becasue your computer goes into command line mode?02:02
lucusoidplease some help! Everytime I try to play a 3D game in full screen the mouse is trying to reset its position to the center02:02
ionite_Gunz4MiPPle: that's right02:02
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: can you print them out?02:02
Pythonlucusoid: wine ?02:02
joao_adventurePython, i too ^^02:02
lucusoidPython: No, native Linux games. For all the others I use windows02:02
JoeR1While I have been sitting here working on google earth and remembering the 5 billion other problems that needed fixed in the 2-ish years I have been using linux I remember why Windows is great02:02
ionite_how do i print screen? or even print from printer?02:02
Pythonjoao_adventure: :-o no Xorg ?02:03
lucusoidPython: Like some games from the Indie bundle02:03
JoeR1ionite_ if it is a dell printer there  is a good chance it falls into the "worthless in linux" category02:03
ionite_Gunz4MiPPle: how do i print screen? or even print from printer?02:03
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: you dont have a working printer? no matter... just write them down, its pretty easy : 'sudo nvidia-xconfig' and then 'sudo service gdm start'02:04
slugTroy^: for the abs you don't need root02:04
ionite_Gunz4MiPPle: nono. i mean i tried copying down on paper and when i enter gdm stop what do i do?02:04
ionite_Gunz4MiPPle: i tried hitting the copied commands but it didn't work. the cursor shows this: _02:05
Troy^slug: well the one little script they had that deleted some log files required it02:05
ionite_Gunz4MiPPle: it doesn't even show ionite@ubuntu:~$02:05
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: well it should go to whats called a virtual terminal, and you would log in02:05
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: after gdm shuts down, hit alt + f102:05
flodinecan someone tell me is there a channel for unity02:06
ionite_Gunz4MiPPle: there after?02:06
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: i mean control + alt + f102:06
Pythonflodine: #unity02:06
slugTroy^: you probably don't want to delete log files. are you running those scripts on your system or on a virtual machine?02:06
ionite_Gunz4MiPPle: there after i enter the commands from there?02:07
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: that is how you go to virtual terminals, and control alt f7 is the one that will have your gui after you restart gdm02:07
Troy^slug: on my system02:07
slugTroy^: if you want to start playing with root, i would advise you to run UML or kvm so that you don't mess up your system.02:07
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: which, it should automatically return to after you restart gdm02:07
ionite_Gunz4MiPPle: let me try and update u guys later. thanks for ur help.02:07
joao_adventurePython, I don't know this file, rsrsrs,02:07
bmanplus2DasEi Here?? ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'02:08
JoeR1does anyone know a way to force linux to display in 60 hz? I am running Xubuntu and in is running my video card at 50hz no matter what I do02:08
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: yes, hit control alt f1 after you shut down gdm, then login, type sudo nvidia-xconfig and then restart gdm02:08
Troy^slug: ok thanks :) im thinking of removing my dual boot altogether and just using linux.. im comfortable with it besidesthe fact that i cant play my usual games02:08
joao_adventureI'm level 2, rsrs02:08
Gunz4MiPPleionite_: i am sorry its a pain, but you will learn some good stuff along the way, i promise you!02:08
PythonHow to watch videos without Xorg02:08
DasEibmanplus2: done ?02:08
slugJoeR1: what video card do you have ?02:08
JoeR1slug geforce 940002:09
Gunz4MiPPlePython: you have to install some framebuffer thinggee, and then install mplayer, and then tell it to output to that framebuffer02:09
JoeR1it should have no problem doing 1080 at 6002:09
bmanplus2DasEi no Is this where I need to do it??? ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'02:09
Gunz4MiPPlecant tellyou step by step, but its a pain02:09
DasEiin your sources.list, bmanplus202:10
=== LjL^ is now known as LjL
bmanplus2DasEi yes02:10
bmanplus2DasEi in gedit02:10
DasEibmanplus2: the lines containing backports, prefix with #02:10
Luig1Hello. I'm considering giving Xfce a try. Should I use sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop, or some other command for the job?02:11
plucSotware to create Internet Radio... anyone?02:11
DasEibmanplus2: this is then read as a comment, not as an entry, so no harm02:11
magn3tsIt is so wildly unacceptable that many gnome pop up dialog boxes inhibit the system screensaver.02:11
magn3tsespecially ones that pop up on their own.02:11
ActionParsnipLuig1: sudo apt-get install xfce4    will give you just the DE if that's what you desire02:12
ActionParsnipLuig1: xubuntu-desktop will give you ALL the default apps in Xubuntu as well02:12
flodinewhy cant you edit that bar on unity?02:12
JoeR1Luig1, - Somewhat related - I am running Xubuntu and I like the contextual menu available anywhere but I have a harder time finding answers and sometimes Ubuntu solutions do not apply to Xubuntu, sometimes they do but just a heads up02:13
flodineor remove it02:13
bmanplus2DasEi I think I am Done I am saving exiting and running sudo apt-get update02:13
Luig1Thanks ActionParsnip. Last time I installed a DE (2009) they recommended aptitude for the job because it would allow me to remove all of the new packages at once if I chose to.02:13
tcphi, how to change GUI login screen to CLI login screen without startx command ??02:13
nit-witflodine, it's part of the design, you can run the classic desktop from the login window02:13
DasEibmanplus2: save, but not yet update02:13
Luig1Thanks, JoeR1 ! I'll keep that in mind.02:14
bmanplus2DasEi ok what now me scared02:14
DasEibmanplus2: cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/02:14
DasEibmanplus2: ls02:14
flodinenit-wit will classic desktop be in the next release?02:14
Troy^flodine: i hope so because gnome 2 is the best02:14
DasEibmanplus2: more than 1 entry of skype ?02:14
flodineim downloading debian right now.02:15
joao_adventurePython, oh, i'm sorry, my english is bad, i didn't understand your question. English not is my first language.02:15
bmanplus2DasEi hold on looking02:15
xanguaflodine:  Troy^ it will not02:15
flodinewow i never wanted to leave ubuntu but owell.02:16
nit-witflodine, that sounds more applicable even the classic desktop on unity is not a true classic.02:16
JoeR1So did anyone evey offer up a solution to the issue of refresh rate?02:16
nit-witOn 11.04 that is02:16
flodinenit-wit im on 10.0402:17
ActionParsnipflodine: use what you wish02:17
flodinejust thinking of the next LTS wont have classic02:17
ActionParsnipflodine: unity2D will replace classic in Oneiric02:18
ActionParsnipflodine: you do know there are more desktops than gnome?02:18
bmanplus2DasEi no just skype.list and skype.list.save02:18
DasEibmanplus2: fine;  sudo rm *02:19
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV
bmanplus2DasEi you want me to sudo rm skype.list ?? not * right02:19
deven_everytime i restart pc my ubuntu sound level goes to default how can i change it for permanant02:19
DasEibmanplus2: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install skype02:20
ActionParsnipflodine: you can run another DE and run all the same apps you do now02:20
DasEibmanplus2: rm * will delete the two there02:20
neophtyeI'm curious. what changes regarding Canonical's relationship to an Ubuntu release when LTS ends? (links to other resources are appreciated as well)02:21
flodineno thxs im going to keep 10.04 and run debian on my other laptop love that classic gnome.02:21
tripelbActionParsnip, nevermind I must go02:21
DasEineophtye: me too, but rather a concern for #ubuntu-offtopic02:21
neophtyeDasEi: danke!02:21
ActionParsnipflodine: seems really OTT to change distro just for a DE02:22
pythonirc1011whats a good terminal recommendation for ubuntu?02:22
DasEibmanplus2: working?02:22
ActionParsnippythonirc1011: guake is what I use02:22
aeon-ltdActionParsnip: not advocating ditching ubuntu, but some may like others better02:22
bmanplus2DasEi sorry switching monitors again02:22
H3aDsHotmy snd-hda-intel (vt1708a) doesn't work02:23
flodineubuntu 11.10 wont have classic gnome so what do i do?02:23
H3aDsHotit is listed and recognized, but no sound comes out02:23
ActionParsnipaeon-ltd: oh true but the rationale is pretty immature if you ask me02:23
H3aDsHotis there some repository for bleeding-edge alsa/pulseaudio software?02:23
H3aDsHotor maybe there's some config option that i'm missing02:24
bmanplus2DasEi just ran rm * now still in directory should I apt-get update in the /etc or should i cd ..02:24
flodineActionParsnip are you saying debians a bad choice.02:25
DasEibmanplus2: doesn't matter , works in every dir (but DON'T use rm elsewhere unless you know what is up)02:26
ActionParsnipflodine: no, just that your reason for changing distro is a bit strange02:26
ActionParsnipH3aDsHot: in which release?02:27
DasEiActionParsnip: lil ot here, but a concern to me , too02:27
pythonirc1011ActionParsnip: How do i change the font size/font in guake?02:27
ActionParsnippythonirc1011: in the settings, right click it and select prefs, you can use any font or colour you like too as well as move its location etc. Good times02:27
bmanplus2DasEi working02:28
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)02:28
LewocoHow do I make nautilus-actions or nautilus-scripts appear in the right-click menu for items in the tree pane (the left pane)?02:28
xideAnychance of ATI GPU support with pyrit currently on ubuntu 11.04?02:28
flodineActionParsnip listen bro i love ubuntu but if they firer gnome classic im not going to be forced to run unity or R2D2 or whatever you called it.02:28
DasEibmanplus2: so got phoning home , ET :)02:28
pythonirc1011ActionParsnip: Thanks02:29
Snooffyhi guys, i have 2 network adapters in the box, the cannot run in the same time (terms and conditions) 1 network is "private" 2 network is public with internet connection, so when i want to install or upgrade anything i have to ifdown eth0 && ifupeth1 and the other way round when i want to switch back to the other network, ho can I test with if what eth is up and then act accordingly?02:29
bmanplus2DasEi not yet but soon02:29
flodineActionParsnip i take it you like unity02:29
DasEibmanplus2: if apt-get update throws no errors, it'll work02:29
ActionParsnipflodine: i use only a few apps, so it works for me. I use unity2D in LXDE02:30
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bmanplus2DasEi skype is the newest version02:30
micanUpdate manager popped up on my Natty. I click ok, it says Requires installation of untrusted pacakges, I click ok and nothing happens. The details on the dialog are " apt apt-transport-https apt-utils dbus dbus-x11 gir1.2-soup-2.4 gstreamer0.10-tools icedtea-netx icedtea-plugin libdbus-1-3 libdbus-1-dev libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev libgstreamer0.10-0 libpng12-0 libpng12-dev libqt4-dbus libqt4-declarative libqt4-designer libqt4-dev libqt4-help libqt4-network02:30
micanlibqt4-opengl libqt4-opengl-dev libqt4-qt3support libqt4-script libqt4-scripttools libqt4-sql libqt4-sql-mysql libqt4-sql-sqlite libqt4-svg libqt4-test libqt4-xml libqt4-xmlpatterns libqtcore4 libqtgui4 libsndfile1 libsoprano4 libsoup-gnome2.4-1 libsoup2.4-1 libsoup2.4-dev linux-generic linux-headers-2.6.38-10 linux-headers-2.6.38-10-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-2.6.38-10-generic linux-image-generic linux-libc-dev logrotate nautilus-sendto ntpdate02:30
micanqt4-demos qt4-demos-dbg qt4-designer qt4-dev-tools qt4-doc qt4-doc-html qt4-qmake qt4-qmlviewer software-center soprano-daemon update-manager update-manager-core xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-radeon"02:30
FloodBot1mican: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:31
ActionParsnipSnooffy: unplug one and reboot, the one that gets dhcp is the interface02:31
DasEibmanplus2: so you should be fine02:31
ActionParsnipmican: think next time, ok02:31
bmanplus2DasEi you get the gold star for the day, my personal hero02:31
DasEibmanplus2: rofl, protect me of darthVader and have a good time, see you around02:32
micanActionParsnip: No, everytime it just pops up that dialog and nothing happens.02:32
bmanplus2DasEi thanks bye02:32
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tripelbIm trying to get this newtome monitor working. I reset it. I logged out and in. And still there's this floating box that reads out of range.02:34
ActionParsnipmican: use a pastebin and you can paste as much text as you want, spamming the channel like that isn't smart02:34
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H3aDsHotActionParsnip, sorry for the delay... my hda-intel isn't working in 11.0402:35
H3aDsHot(i think it kinda worked with earlier releases, but pulseaudio wouuld crash)02:36
tripelbworked. found a webpage. set the frequency lower. that is all02:36
ActionParsnipH3aDsHot: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh      Thanks02:36
DasEitripelb: you might have to add modelines to your /etc/xorg.conf02:36
DasEi!info videogen02:37
ubottuvideogen (source: videogen): Create arbitrary-res modelines using hardware parameters. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.32-5 (natty), package size 27 kB, installed size 132 kB02:37
ActionParsnipmican: if you pastebin the text you pasted, we may be able to advise02:37
LewocoIs there some sort of a nice gui for editing file associations?02:37
DasEitripelb: an idea about them might be found in /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:37
H3aDsHotActionParsnip, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=e2e77cee03837242aa40575d206bcd8315e68aef02:37
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tripelbDasEi, i will see about those. ty.02:38
DasEitripelb: I'm sry for tonight, it's 5.40 pm here and my time is up, so too tired for step by step02:38
tripelbI'm done. I posted to say "success" . Till another dqy02:39
newz_junkieHi everybody. I'm learning Linux, but Ubuntu kicks ass02:39
newz_junkieits amazing how everything just works02:40
tripelbnewz_junkie, fyi there is #ubuntu-beginner02:40
micanActionParsnip: Thanks, I just firgured it out, I had click the "Check" button on the update manger, otherwise before that it was showing a dialog "Requires installation of untrusted pacakge" which when clicked OK would not do anything. So as I clicked "check" alls well now. thanks.02:40
tripelbnewz_junkie, fyi there is #ubuntu-beginners02:40
jtannenbaumwhen you do a sudo command, you have sudo privledges for a while. How do you relinquish them immediately?02:40
almoxarifeis there a hidden setting associated with log-view that would auto send the cursor to the end of the file upon click?02:40
ActionParsnipmican: if you can give a pastebin of:  sudo apt-get update     I can clear that for you02:41
ActionParsnipmican: glad you cleared the initial issue though :D02:42
newz_junkieok thanx- i'm going somewhere else now I'm on a mission from gawd but ill check out the beginners room l8r02:42
micanActionParsnip: wish I could, but I already have update manager downloading the pacakges02:43
cypharww, hey02:44
LewocoAfter I modify ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list, how do I get nautilus to reread the file?02:44
ActionParsnipmican: ok that's cool. Once it's dome we can progress. Sounds like you added a PPA but missed the GPG key ;)02:44
cyphahappen to know where I can set for a visual bell?02:44
newz_junkiejoin/ ubuntu -beginner02:45
newz_junkiehow do i change servers u guys please?02:45
nit-wit"/join ubuntu-beginners"02:45
cyphaor anyone on kde?02:45
koppeTrying to install one of those "install everything" packages (the xfce desktop), but one of the required packages are blocked.  Is there a way to unselect the blocked package, and yet force the installation of the xfce-desktop package, thus installing everything else?  (currently using aptitude)02:46
newz_junkiethanks i thought i just tried that no spaces right02:46
nit-witcypha, ask your question oif anybody knows an answer the will probably reply. ;)02:46
koppeManually selecting all the other required packages would be such a drag... (unless there is a quick way, is there?)02:47
cyphanit-wit, as opposed to?02:47
ActionParsnipcypha: is there one in the accessibility options?02:47
cyphaooh, clever02:47
cyphalet me check02:47
nit-witcypha, that is how it works do you wangt to see it from the bot.02:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:48
cyphaoh yeah, there it is02:48
cyphaawesome ActionParsnip , there she is!02:48
ActionParsnipcypha: just a guess. Makes sense. Accessibility for the deaf ;)02:49
cyphaand for the 'gf's sleeping'02:49
newz_junkiei type this & nothing happens="/join ubuntu-beginners" & nothing happens02:49
mrdebhow is ubuntu 111002:50
newz_junkieCan anyone tell me what was wrong with that command?02:50
Loshkijtannenbaum: there's a timer in /etc/sudoers (timestamp_timeout) you can set to zero I believe. See man sudoers....02:51
dinesh_How to cover switcher in ubuntu 11.0402:57
dinesh_in kubuntu its easy...can you help me to make this in ubuntu?02:58
TBotNikAll: Well back to my drama. Please read my writeup and look over the drawing at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11097226#post11097226  All help appreciated! Thanks!02:58
mrdebdo what02:58
micanActionParsnip: Ok, the updates have been installed, I notice it installed linux headers  When I restart will everything work fine or are there any chances of falling to prompt during bootup?02:59
micanI have nvidia latest graphics if that matters03:00
mican*graphics drivers03:00
ActionParsnipmican: sure. you will still need the ke importing.03:01
codename09is there any way that i can install my old pidgin back on my 11.04 ubuntu machine ???03:01
confezzorwhats wrong with the new one codename0903:02
codename09comfezor : i cant work with facebookchat plug in ... thats the only way that i can upload my status threw it03:03
micanActionParsnip: Ok I did 'sudo apt-get upgrade' as you asked, and nothing much interesting http://pastebin.com/SHvD1Vwb03:03
Doonzdoes the ubuntu live cd come with gparted included?03:03
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KM0201Doonz: yes, it does03:04
xi32how can i set my wifi card to 802.11g mode?03:06
codename09okay .. i m gonna repeat my question again ... how can i downgrade pidgin in ubuntu natty ?03:07
Ninjagamercodename09, if you can find an older version online and install that?03:07
Ninjagamerit shouldn't be too difficult to find03:07
koppeHow can I limit log-in for certain users/groups and/or from certain terminals to specified times (e.g. work-hours or a few hours after school)?  There was (is) a config-file for it, but it don't work for PAM...  So how can I set it up under PAM?03:08
shadow__how can i integrate audacious into the volume indicator applet?03:08
al_nz1any americans here?03:08
codename09ninjagamer i got an old version on the net pidgin 2.6.6 but there are some dependency issues03:09
SnooffyActionParsnip: no no you don't underestand03:09
al_nz1could someone (an american) pls help me03:09
confezzorcode you there03:10
Snooffymy goal here is to create a script which would do the adapters switching automaticaly03:10
codename09like pidgin -data03:10
confezzoryou can try this one http://pidgin.en.softonic.com/03:10
confezzorit's one verison back03:10
TBotNikRepeating: All: Well back to my drama. Please read my writeup and look over the drawing at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11097226#post11097226  All help appreciated! Thanks!03:10
Snooffyit would check which one is on and than ifdown the one and ifup the other... basically how to form IF to get adapter name which is currently on03:10
TrippEvening Guys03:11
confezzorand code if you are thinking about that you can just run sudo apt-get -f install and that should fix it in the terminal03:11
confezzorthat's if it's missing any dependency03:12
TrippJust did a fresh ubuntu server 11.04 installed on a GX280.  Install went fine asked me to reboot. PC Posted fine. as soon as the monitor leaves the post screen all video signal dropped03:12
Trippany thoughts?03:12
shadow__Tripp, video card?03:12
Tripp1 sec shadow03:12
kantit2 anyone?03:12
codename09confezzor  oh that wont work .. cuz i had installed 2.7 and i want to go back to 2.603:12
drake01codename09,  Follow this: Try to search for the ubuntu version which was having the pidgin version you want say ubuntu 10.04. Now add the ubuntu 10.04 to the software list in other software tab. Now reload and search for pidgin in synaptic package manager. U'll be able to find the old version there. Select and install it. Also from menu option lock the version so that it does not update with other available updates. This is general way to downgrade any s03:13
drake01/w. It takes care of dependency also.03:13
codename09but i guess i m just gonna try building from source than and install any missing dep !03:13
confezzorok than do the 2.6 and try that03:13
SnooffyActionParsnip: or what would be a system variable where is current running adapter shown.,,, i get that from ifconfig, but how could i possibly use that in conjunction with IF03:13
kantii use ubuntu03:13
kantiwhat is the problem?03:13
kantiif pidgin isnt working03:14
kantidownload smuxi. its a good irc client for ubuntu03:14
shadow__kanti, have you double checked your account setup?03:14
codename09drake01 thanks man !03:14
Trippshadow__ :  looks to be a radeon card03:14
Ninjagamerso what do you guys think is a good irc client with lots of customization? i've used empathy and pidgin. pidgin is ok but i def don't like empathy for irc.03:15
Trippcan't say for sure but looks like a 557003:15
Trippsingle dvi output on it03:15
TrippI will try switching to the onboard and see if there is signal there03:15
shoenigNinjagamer, what do you mean by customization?03:15
shoenigirssi is very good03:16
shadow__Tripp, I'm not used to video card problem but i suggest you search for documentation :D03:16
codename09ninjagamer  x-chat is great !03:16
drake01codename09, U r always welcome. But thanks me afterinstalling only.03:16
Ninjagamerfor example like somehow highlighting when your name is mentioned03:16
Ninjagamermaybe highlight certain people with colors?03:17
afatyHello, everyone, in which HISTFILE variable defined in the file?03:17
crc32Is there a doc on how to set up a non reeprepro repository? reprepro can't handle multiple versions of the same package for some reason.03:19
crc32err I mean non reprepro03:19
W43372histo, everybody!03:21
W43372histo, everybody!*03:22
W43372Great, now I forgot what I wanted to ask...03:22
StepNjumpI am running Ubuntu 11.04 and at times, the unity menu fails to hide and thus prevents me to see the software behind it. Any ideas guys?03:23
StepNjumpI am running Ubuntu 11.04 and at times, the unity menu fails to hide and thus prevents me to see the software behind it. Any ideas guys? actionparsnip?03:24
Tripponboard video same thing.  Computer Posts fine, screen goes black and sits there. monitor light starts blinking03:24
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codename09drake01 one more question .. how do i add 10.04 repo ???03:24
W43372StepNJump, that happened to me a few times.03:24
StepNjumpW43372, what did you do? reboot?03:25
Ninjagameri played with OS X Lion the other day and I really enjoyed the multitouch gestures. this lead me to install touchegg (i'm on 10.10). some things worked and other didn't. i could get two-finger scrolling in all directions to work but not three-finger scrolling. three-finger tapping worked however03:25
confezzorcode go into software sources in system preferneces03:25
W43372StepNJump, no. I just went WTH?? and clicked randomly on the screen until it fixed itself. It only happened to me a couple of times. Sorry I can't actually help.03:26
confezzori mean administration03:26
NinjagamerStepNJump, this has happened to me too. it seems to fix itself.03:27
codename09confezzor i did but i dont know what do next i mean there are natty repos there ..03:27
StepNjumpW43372 ok.. WTH! lol thanks!03:27
W43372Oh, wait! Now I remember. Lets say that I have source code compressed into a tar.gz what am i supposed to so with that? I've aways been clueless when it comes to source.03:27
drake01codename09,  in synaptic manager, settings->Reositories->OtherSoftwares->u need to add " deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu /lucid main" without quotes to add lucid lynx repo. Now reload.03:27
W43372StepNjump, yup.03:27
StepNjumpWhat is the app that allows to stop and restart apps (equivalent to restarting explorer.exe in Win)?03:28
nit-witW43372, cd ./configure /make    unpack it.03:28
StepNjumpI like that WTH.. never heard that one b403:28
=== reaper is now known as Reaper
Ninjagamersystem moniter?03:28
StepNjumpyeah system monitor03:28
W43372StepNjump, system monitor03:28
StepNjumpI can't find it03:29
StepNjumpWhat's the terminal cmd?03:29
seclm193Is there a way to repair the Gnome Shell in 10.10?  My screen is a little wacked.  The Logout button at the top is missing.  I can post screenshot03:29
zykotick9StepNjump, kill or killall or top - are some cli options03:29
Ninjagamerit's under System> Administration03:30
StepNjumpI dont know how to run ps03:30
zykotick9StepNjump, "ps aux" to list all running processes03:30
drake01codename09,  There r 2 spaces in the text within quotes"deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid main" one after ubuntu/ and other after lucid03:30
W43372StepNjump, you can also open a term window and enter kill <PID # of prog in sysmon> or killall <nameofprog>. Example, when conky gives me problems when I play with the code I enter killall conky03:30
W43372nit-wit, can you be more specific?03:30
Ninjagameri love conky03:30
StepNjumpok zykotick9 thanks also to W43372. Ill give it a try03:31
Reapercrap, took forever to get here now I cant remember my questions lol03:31
seclm193anyone have any ideas on repairing that?03:31
W43372Ninjagamer, Yeah, it is pretty sweet.03:31
W43372StepNjump, no problem.03:31
ZeldaHello everyone. Can someone help me with my HDMI not working. I think I have the wrong drivers installed.03:31
codename09drake01 thats what i meant ..03:31
UltraParadigmNinjagamer: That sounds wierd03:31
zykotick9seclm193, do you mean gnome-shell like Gnome3?03:31
codename09got it !03:31
Ninjagamerdoes anyone know a site that might mention the specs of a laptops trackpad?03:32
arooni-mobilecant get weather applet working on ubuntu 11.04;  tried installing indicator-weather.  seeing: LilArooni ~: indicator-weather; Another instance of this program is already running; LilArooni ~:03:32
W43372Ninjagamer, most tech sites like endgadget and whatnot usually tell you if the trackpad supports multi-touch.03:32
StepNjumpW43372, and to restart unity?03:33
W43372Ninjagamer, the netbook I use has multi-touch, but it only worked in windows.03:33
gnewbIs 11.04 slow on all PCs?03:33
W43372StepNjump, I have no idea. Whenever unity gave me an issue I would reboot.03:33
W43372gnewb, no.03:33
Zeldacan someone help me with my HDMI driver? its not showing when I lspci.03:33
kantisomeone play me in t2 ;/03:33
StepNjumpI guess I should do that03:33
gnewbW43372: Thank you03:34
StepNjumpI probably need more RAM W4337203:34
nit-witW43372, sorry it took so long it can be confusing so tried to find a link I could understand at the least.  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/unpacking-or-uncompressing-gz-files/03:34
W43372gnew, slow for you how?03:34
meomichey, my os is ubuntu 11.04x86-64 , ive used wireshark - dumped packets and it crashed - i killed it but now new istnance cant see any interfaces on which it can dump (bt the net works) - what could have died - i cant reboot - so much stuff opened03:34
Ninjagamerwell i know that mine does. i'm using twp-finger scrolling right now but when i tried using touchegg to add gestures some worked and some didn't. so i was hoping to somehow find more info03:34
W43372StepNjump, I've only got 1GB of RAM in this 'book.03:34
gnewbW43772: Just slow, CPU cycles look ok, RAM looks good, maybe I need to tweak it or something, I am running fresh vanilla install. 512mb RAM, PIII or better.03:35
UltraParadigmkanti: What's T2?03:35
W43372gnewb, ooooooh >.< yeah you're going to run slow. Try Karmic or lower. Karmic ran nearly perfect on the old laptop I used to use before upgrading.03:36
W43372nit-wit so I need to unpack the tarball before I can compile the source code?03:36
gnewbW43372: Thank you.03:37
crc32Anyone know how to setup an ubuntu repo?03:37
crc32reprepro doesn''t support versioning03:37
crc32but it seems every one is allegedly using reprepro03:38
W43372gnewb, I've only got a gig of DDR3 RAM in this netbook and I'm currently using 97% RAM and 17% on Swap just to put it in perspective for you.03:38
nit-witW43372, you unpack it and run a config to compile then make to install., I rarely do it so I'm probably not your best source, others on though know this stuff front and backwards.03:38
Reaperso how do I add something to the "task bar"?03:38
=== Tripp is now known as wrtiii
zykotick9!checkinstall | W4337203:39
W43372nit-wit; so you were saying earlier that I CD to where I unpack it then type in /config followed by /make?03:39
ubottuW43372: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!03:39
NinjagamerW43372, are things smooth?03:39
ReaperI guess it would be called the launcher03:39
nit-witW43372, sometimes times the tar has a run script, always a rad me for help.03:40
W43372Ninjagamer, I'm sorry; what?03:40
Reaperanyone know how to put something inthe launcher that i've already dl'ed?03:40
nit-witW43372, the cd is to open the directory where it's at the the command to unpack it.03:40
codename09reaper what do u want to add ?03:40
nit-wit*then the03:41
Ninjagameris your netbook running smoothly such little RAM left?03:41
W43372Reaper; drag, drop03:41
Reaperlol ill give it a try03:41
Reaperseems so simple03:41
W43372Ninjagamer, as long as I don't go overboard. Don't run a bunch of tabs in chrome, try not to have too many things open at once.03:41
nit-witW43372, for example if in Downloads it would be cd ~/Downloads03:41
Reaperim super new btw lol03:41
W43372Reaper; don't feel bad, we were all there once.03:42
demiancan anyone fix failed to connect NBD server?03:42
ReaperI like it so far.03:42
gnewbW43372: Wowsers, I am kinda hesitant to go K, it is a Desktop, I am simply testing it, am also running other *nix systems, what if I chose a lighter desktop, LXDE. OpenBox, JWM?03:42
W43372Reaper, I've only been doing this for a couple of years and I'm still learning new stuff every day.03:42
Reapervery cool03:42
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W43372gnewb, I couldn't tell you. I just do Ubuntu straight up. I never used NBR on my mobiles. I used Karmic Desktop on my old lappy and it ran fine.03:43
nit-witW43372, gotta step out for a few minutes, you will figure this out and know more than me which is not much. ;)03:43
civillianI'm trying to debug unicorn for high CPU usage, running a rails app, I want to know what the worker process is doing03:43
Reaperbrb gonna see if it stays in the launcher03:43
W43372nit-wit, thanks, only ever built source a few times before this a year and a half ago and pretty sure i didn't do it right then.03:44
W43372Crap, I forgot to tell Reaper that he needs to right click and select 'keep in launcher' =/03:44
gnewbW43372: Okee dokee, Thank you, I will look into that now, hopefully I can just transition it, rather than a download, install....03:44
demian hi03:44
W43372gnewb. you can do it; we believe in you.03:44
W43372What's up demian.03:44
codename09gnewb xfce is good too03:45
demiani have a problem my ltsp display an error failed to connect NBD Server03:45
demiani have read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1473451 but still not work03:45
Ninjagameri was disappointed when i couldn't get 11.04 to work on this laptop03:45
codename09ninjagamer why ?03:46
reaperyep drag and drop works but cant be in the prog before you do that03:46
Ninjagameri believe it has to do with the new video stuff in the kernel03:46
codename09reaper you can always use 'add launcher' mannually03:47
W43372Reaper, forgot to ask; you're using Natty yeah?03:47
Ninjagamerwell, actually i got it to work with nomodeset but the resolution was off and wasn't adjustable03:47
W43372Reaper, yeah, well when you launch the prog and it goes to the launcher just right click on it and tell it to stay in launcher.03:47
StepNjumpW43372, me too. Acer?03:47
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.03:48
W43372Alternatively, reaper; hit super and type in the name of the prog and drag it to the launcher, then repeat previous direction03:48
W43372StepNjump, Acer Aspire One D22503:48
demiani have a problem my ltsp display an error failed to connect NBD Server03:48
W43372Yes demian?03:48
reaperwhat do you mean hit super?03:48
W43372win key reaper03:48
reaperoh got cha03:48
StepNjumpMine is a 255-1268  W4337203:49
Ninjagamerthe windows button, reaper.03:49
reapernow thats very cool03:49
demianstuck at NBD server03:49
W43372StepNjump; werd03:50
demianW43372  can u help me?03:51
crc32is there documentation on how to setup a debian repositor that isn't someones blog?03:51
reaperis the ubuntu 10.04 "lighter" then natty?03:51
setongo random chat!!!!!03:51
reaperthis is a bit much for this laptop to run.. its not bad just a tiny bit slow03:51
setontry puppy linux03:52
xanguareaper: low resources¿ try xubuntu or lubuntu03:52
NinjagamerReaper, I would say so.03:52
NinjagamerI think 10.10 is too03:52
* demian waiting response W4337203:52
setonwonder if suspend will finally work in 11.1003:52
W43372demian, sorry dude; I'm not glued to the screen or anything. Whatcha need?03:53
wrtiiiTwo failed ubuntu attempts.  Installs fine, reboot, posts, goes to black. Optiplex GX280, Radeon 5570 Video Card,  also switched to onboard video and same thing happens. Any thoughts?03:53
reaperyeah its not too bad just a bit slower then I would like. and im looking for something that works with virtual box.03:54
W43372Natty x64 runs like a dream on my AAO, Reaper03:54
seclm193I need to repair my gnome shell, anyone know how?03:54
xanguaseclm193: reinstall ubuntu03:54
reaperI have a acer aspire. has 1 gb ram03:54
seclm193xangua, must be a better way03:54
xanguagnome shel is not supported and may break tour system is what the gnome3 ppa says seclm19303:54
xanguabreak your system*03:55
setonbreak or brick sounds fun03:55
seclm193xangua, oh. this is the gnome on the 10.10, not gnome 303:55
Ninjagameri've wanted to try so many other distros haven't had the time. :/03:55
W43372Ninjagamer, Ubuntu is a great place to start. Fedora is also pretty cool.03:56
seclm193xangua, what it is.  I just upgraded to 10.10 and now my gnome is showing all sorts of special03:56
NinjagamerI'm allready on Ubuntu lol03:56
setonthere's only 10,000+ diff distro03:56
reaperI have another machine thats dual booted with win 7 and lxde03:56
NinjagamerBut yea i've been curious about Fedora too.03:56
xanguaseclm193:  a gnome shell older that the one for 11.04, even worse :S03:56
xanguagood luck with that03:56
setonFedora sucks go APT-GET03:57
seclm193xangua, so your opinion, upgrade to 11.04?03:57
Ninjagameris Jolicloud any good? it seems pretty at least...03:57
seclm193xangua, I went to this because my ATI Radeon HD 6250 and 11.04 didn't play well03:57
setonit's ok, tried it few times03:58
xangua!ot |  Ninjagamer03:58
ubottuNinjagamer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:58
mrdebseton: fedora is ok and fuduntu too03:58
xanguaseclm193: don't know i only use LTS03:58
setonwhere's the fun in that??03:58
seclm193xangua, LTS?03:58
Ninjagamersorry bout that. didn't mean to go off topic03:58
ACubed10whats up fellow geeks03:59
setonthe sky03:59
setonwho thinks that songbird is ubuntu's next cal app04:00
reaperbrb /afk04:00
Ninjagamernot sure, seton. never tried it myself.04:01
setoncan anyone READ ME!?04:01
e_t_!poll | seton04:01
ubottuseton: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:01
gusgMy computer keeps crashing (the entire system becomes unresponsive) when I run a certain application which should not be using any kernel drivers or anything else that would make the entire system crash. I suspect bad RAM. Before I run memtest, though, are there any logs I can check?04:02
* drake01 gonna grab a huge cup of coffee04:02
setonnot saying it;s the best, just thunderbird doesn't have built in cal04:02
The_Eccentricwhat the name of that app that you can have animated icons at the bottom of your screen04:02
xanguaseton: there is an addon for that and songbird is not a calendar app04:03
Ninjagamerso has anyone figured out how to fix the modem manager bug? i still get this slowdown every few bootups04:03
felipe_BrzHey i just did apt-get install php5 and the 5.3.2 version got installed, which is about 8 months old I think... I did apt-get update and upgrade before I installed php5... What's wrong here? Why did I get an old version?04:03
setonopps, it's sunbird. lol04:04
xangua!latest | felipe_Brz04:04
ubottufelipe_Brz: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.04:04
rmdscodename apt the dependecies..04:04
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging04:04
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates04:04
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa04:04
drake01felipe_Brz, You got the stable php available in repository. To get the cuttin edge swares add ppas04:04
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details04:05
setononly problem I've had with ubuntu is that suspend never works.04:06
Doktor_Zhivagomine works great04:06
felipe_Brzdrake01: Hm... At home I have 11.04 and I got php 5.3.5 from apt-get.... But my VPS has 10.10 LTS I think... That may be why an old version of php5 got installed?? Because it's ubuntu 10 rather than 11????04:06
zykotick9Darksmurf, "/msg ubottu FOO" to get factoids privately04:07
george_eDoes anybody know a command that given a function, will return the shared library that exports it?04:07
drake01 felipe_Brz, Exactly!!!04:07
Darksmurfzykotick9, oops, k :-)04:07
drake01felipe_Brz, As I said stable + available04:07
townesare there any ubuntu programs out for google plus? just trying to keep up and see what's out there04:07
townesvague question I know :) I mean things besides browser extensions04:07
dr_willistownes:  ive not seen ay yet04:08
george_etownes: There won't be until Google finishes their API.04:08
townesdr_willis, ah okay04:08
felipe_Brzdrake01: oh that explains it.... so the apps you get from running apt-get in different versions of ubuntu are different too? That's news to me... Thanks anyway04:08
townesgeorge_e, good point, good point04:08
NinjagamerGoogle+ doesn't have an API yet, so no, townes04:08
drake01felipe_Brz, If u desperately need the one available on 11.04. Add 11.04 repo in other softwares list and install usin synaptic manager04:08
townessorry I forget the obvious Ninjagamer :)04:08
george_eI've signed up to be notified when they start testing it.04:08
setonYA!!!!! Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 3 comes out next week ( http://goo.gl/ucbCf )04:09
townesso you've got a few ideas yourself04:09
dr_willisfelipe_Brz:  different versions of course.. unless  theres no new versiont out in the 6 mo between releases04:09
Ninjagamertownes, that's the problem with technology, there are too many technicalities04:09
townesNinjagamer, yeah. I'm not a programmer type, I just wanted to see if I was missing anything, in a curious mood04:10
zykotick9dr_willis, <OT> I found this quote I recorded from you yesterday going through my notes, still makes me laugh.  <Dr_Willis> but with compiz eyecandy it Vacumes in a sexy little maid outfit!   </OT>04:10
setonbut technicalities makes things neat04:10
Ninjagamerlol they do seton04:10
towneswell good luck to all the coders when G+ gets ready to open it up for all you people04:11
townescan't wait to see where this goes04:11
setonWonder if kernal 3 will finally fix my suspend issue04:11
zykotick9seton, lol - i'm seeing a lot of people with suspend issues with 304:12
Ninjagamerso will 11.10 use kernel 3?04:12
zykotick9seton, who knows?  perhaps yours is fixed?04:12
dr_williswhen i get such fast boot times and loong up times. i rarely suspend.. unless i hit that button by mistake. ;)04:12
dr_willisNinjagamer:  yes04:13
Ninjagamercool. hopefully 11.10 fixes the modem manager bug. i feel like it must only happen on slower systems like the one i have04:13
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
ActionParsnipNinjagamer: oneiric questions in #ubuntu+1 please :)04:13
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest19519
setonmodem?? who still uses a phone modem??04:14
Ninjagameri don't but i still get that bug04:14
setonAction Parsnip: we're just random chatting04:14
dsisterWhenever I log on I need to unlock a keyring to get online. Is there anyway to get pass this? [my laptop running Ubuntu doesn't need to, neither does my w7 partition]04:14
confezzoromg a phone modem lol...i know some companys that still have them up and running04:14
zykotick9seton, "random chatting" is actually OT in this channel04:15
Ninjagamerit slows everything down to a crawl and then i just reboot to fix it04:15
setonA take all phone modems out back with 2204:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:15
JZApplesWhat is the easiest way to change the gnome toolbar font color?  I installed gnome-color-manager, but am not having any luck.04:16
zykotick9JZApples, the "easiest" way would be to change your theme I believe04:16
Ninjagamerdo you think if i physically remove the modem from inside the case it will stop hanging on modem manager?04:17
setonTried getting neat background then make toolbar clear??04:17
setonwould think so04:17
JZAppleszykotick9, I like the theme I have, just can't really read the file,edit, etc and datetime very well.04:17
NinjagamerJZapples, what version are you running?04:18
JZApples11.Ninjagamer, 0404:18
JZApples11.04 ninjagamer04:18
setonI'm out, laterz04:19
Ninjagameryou can't customize it in the appearance preferences?04:19
* drake01 is leavin in 5 minutes04:20
gogetadrake01: request denyed04:20
drake01gogeta: ha ha! sudo drake01 is leavin in 5 min04:21
Ninjagamerso nobody knows anything about the modem manager issue?04:22
zykotick9drake01, "sudo make me a sandwich"04:22
drake01zykotick9: you are not in sudoers list. This will be reported04:23
gogetaNinjagamer: modem manager? relly a modem04:23
zykotick9drake01, literally LOL04:23
confezzorthat's coming in version 12.0404:23
dsistersudo said no :(04:23
philippe-b-winteHi, ive just installed ubuntu and would like to use that cool app launcher on the bottom of the screen... how can i do this?04:23
ronin___Hi, How can I change my gcc4.5.2 to 3.2 in ubuntu 10.10?04:23
Ninjagamergogeta, like said before i'm not using it (it is inside my machine though) but i still get the bug04:24
* drake01 is thinkin "Y the hell everybody tryin to downgrade their softwares?"04:24
gogetaNinjagamer: so you would care why?04:24
ministerdudedoes ubuntu have a 'back' button to revert to default?04:24
confezzordowngrading is sometimes best04:24
gerzelI'm wondering if anyone can help me.  Whenever I use a JAVA program that works with sound I get bad distortion.  I'm using the Sun JRE and 11.04 ubuntu.  Anyone know why the two are not playing nice?04:25
gerzelI'd really appreciate any help I could get04:25
Ninjagamergogeta, when i boot it sometimes slows everything down and i have to reboot to fix it04:25
gogetaronin___: should be in the repos and multi version of gcc can be installed along side eatch other you will just need to tell it witch one to use04:25
confezzoryou sould install the JDK one gerzel04:26
JZApplesSo there's no easy way to change the toolbar font color?04:26
gogetaNinjagamer: i say blacklist it from the modprobe04:26
* drake01 has left the chatroom.04:26
gogetaNinjagamer: no modem to see no bug04:26
confezzorno JZApples not in 11.0404:26
confezzorat least not yet until 12.04 hopefully04:27
ronin___gogeta: I need to change the gcc?04:27
JZApplesIs there a way to edit a config file or something and add the hex value?04:27
gogetaronin___: no04:27
ronin___gogeta: I can install them04:27
gerzelConfezzor: I have sun jdk installed as well.  JRE is required for the JDK04:27
gogetaronin___: yea you can use 3 to compile if you whant wile still ahve 4 installed04:28
bladethe xbox 360 wired controller should be plug and play with Ubuntu 10.10 but when I run lsusb I get "Bus 007 Device 002: ID 162e:beef"04:28
gogetaronin___: it will even say this and tell you ewhat option to pass04:28
confezzorgerzel: if you have the open JDK you shouldn't have the need to have the JRE from what i know i could be wrong04:28
ronin___gogeta: How?04:28
gogetaronin___: when there both installed it will see it04:28
gerzelI don't have the open jdk  I have the sun jdk04:29
r000tI have a x64 chip. Is there any reason I shouldn't use Ubuntu x64?04:30
JZApplesblade, you should eat it.04:30
confezzoryea the sun one always gave me issues to...try just using the open JDK in the repos04:30
gogetar000t: no04:30
blader000t, how much ram do you have04:30
felipe_BrzDoes anybody know whether it's safe to use this PPA to download the latest version of php for older ubuntu versions?: ppa:fabianarias/php504:31
bladeJZApples, now why would you say something like that04:31
gogetar000t: gotta admit linux 64 finnly cought up with the 32 bit packages04:31
gogetar000t: and the 32 bit emu works very wlel to04:31
JZApplesblade, its made of delicious ID 162e:beef04:31
r000tDoes the 32bit emu work automatically?04:31
gogetar000t: yes04:31
r000tA friend says it has problems with Flash. Is this true?04:32
gogetar000t: flash 64 is out now04:32
bladeJZApples, lol... yea i seen that... when i would google the problem... guess what i would get04:32
confezzorno they fixed it04:32
confezzoryea it's out04:32
r000tOkay. Now, I can only assume x64 processes twice as fast. Am I close?04:32
ActionParsnipr000t: there is a 64bit native flash but the one in the repos will also work fine04:32
EnigmaticCoderHow do I check if a certain pearl module is installed on my system?04:32
ActionParsnipr000t: 64bit isn't twice as fast04:32
r000tSo what's the advantage to having twice the word size?04:33
Ninjagamerr000T: more basically04:33
gogetar000t: faster task just not twce as fast04:33
ActionParsnipr000t: higher resolution of calculations, also data transforms and such benefit too (encoding audio and video etc)04:33
blader000t, it is more efficient as well as faster04:33
Ninjagamerr000t: more RAM use as well i what i meant04:33
confezzorwell 64bit lets you use more than 4GB of RAM has better encryption as well..04:33
gnewbW3372: Back, all fixed.04:34
ActionParsnipconfezzor: PAE for 32Bot allows up to 64Gb RAM...04:34
r000tWell thanks guys. I'll be back when I invariably fuck something up.04:34
gnewbW43372: Back., all fixed04:34
confezzoryea that works to with the PAE but not all Linux distro's support it04:34
bcxhi there04:34
felipe_BrzDoes anybody know a good/official PPA for the latest versions of PHP?04:34
Ninjagamerr000t: that's the spirit04:34
ActionParsnipconfezzor: true but the subject of the channel is Ubuntu, which does04:34
ActionParsnip!ppa | felipe_Brz04:34
ubottufelipe_Brz: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa04:34
confezzorok never had to use it for pure Ubuntu, now i know..thanks for the info04:35
felipe_BrzActionParsnip: thank you04:35
gogetaconfezzor: i think 64 bit is 128gb04:35
r000tOne more question04:35
r000t32bit Ubuntu is reporting only 3.4GB RAM04:36
bcxhi there, I have a directory that has like more than 400000 files in it..  Is there some way to iterate over the files in the directory04:36
r000tWill it still only report 3.4GB when I go x64?04:36
gogetar000t: thats couse thats the max for 32bit04:36
zykotick9r000t, no 64 bit can use all your memory.04:36
gogetar000t: well if you have shared memery somes getting used for video04:36
blader000t, it may also have to do with how much ram you have dedicated to your on board video04:36
Ninjagameralso there are a few lines of code that can enable more RAM in 32bit ubuntu04:37
zykotick9Ninjagamer, PAE is a "hack" and not a very good one...04:37
gogetaNinjagamer: he will be fine in 64 heh04:37
r000tblade: I have an Nvidia 8800GS04:38
r000twhich bring me to my last question04:38
Ninjagamerah ok. i've never used it.04:38
zayayeah 64 will change some things04:38
r000tWill there be drivers for it on the x64 side?04:38
gogetar000t: yep04:38
blader000t, do you have your onboard disabled in bios?04:38
ActionParsnipr000t: you will see the full RAM. The drivers wil be fine04:38
JZApplesIs there a way to automatically refresh the window through gnome when cutting and pasting something out of the current location?  I have to manually do it in 11.04.04:38
zayaa lot of the 32 bit is compatible on 6404:38
r000tblade: There is no onboard video. It needs a gfx card. It's actually a 'TV PC'... I just took the TV part out04:39
confezzorPAE lets your kernel use more than 4GB of RAM on a x86 PC...it's not bad04:39
r000tThe thing's got composite inputs on the front AND back...04:39
blader000t, ahhh ok04:39
r000tMythTV likes it04:39
r000tI have no use for it04:39
r000tuntil I can afford a CableCARD04:39
gogetar000t: tv pc?04:40
zykotick9confezzor, the kernel using 4GB of RAM is partially correct.  the "it's not bad" is also partially correct.04:40
gogetar000t: do you mean a media center04:40
r000tgogeta: It's what HP calls it on the labels on the front04:40
zayagogeta probably so04:40
gogetar000t: oh hps touch screen pc04:40
confezzorhow so?04:40
r000t"HP Pavilion Media Center TV PC"04:40
Ninjagamera home theater pc04:40
zykotick9confezzor, i'm told individual apps can only use 1.8GB04:41
confezzorwhen i used it nothing bad happened..and i've used it many times on other distro's04:41
gogetar000t: yea i seen them pretty nice but pricey04:41
r000tI got mine for free04:41
zayar000t nice find04:41
r000tbecause it would not boot for my father. I quickly diagnosed the PSU as the problem, fetched a server PSU from the basement, worked fie04:41
zykotick9confezzor, why not use the real thing?  64bit to actually use all your memory.  The nothing bad is what i meant by you're "partically correct"04:42
gogetar000t: whos house toy rob for that04:42
confezzorohh...than that sucks...but i never seen a decrease in my app's performances04:42
gogetar000t: lol your dad04:42
r000tHe ragequit and bought a new machine, and he raged harder when I fixed it within 90 seconds04:42
confezzorzykotick9 it wasn't for me it was for someone else in chat talking about it...i use 64bit already04:42
r000tI don't always fix things that fast though... it went down and it took me 6 months to diagnose the graphics card04:43
gogetar000t: yea i do that to my dad and cars he swore up and down his trans was bad in his van. i put a new tps in and the transproblem quit04:43
gogetar000t: i knoe it was in the cou being it didnt slip but shifted strange04:44
r000tAh, last question I swear: If I apt-get install something, will it 'prefer' the x64 version04:44
r000tor do the repos simply not have x64 versions?04:44
gogetar000t: yes04:44
r000tIs there a way to know which applications are x64?04:44
bladeanyone able to use the xbox wired 360 controller?04:44
zykotick9r000t, almost everything04:44
zykotick9r000t, the only thing that isn't that jumps to mind is flash04:44
ActionParsnipr000t: it will only install the 64bit version of what you request04:44
dsisterblade: I'm in the same boat as you. I can't get it to work either =(04:44
voidhow to make huawei e367 usb modem work with Ubuntu 11.0404:44
zykotick9ActionParsnip, pardon?  what do you mean?04:45
seclm193Anyone here have any experience with RadeonHD 6250?04:45
ActionParsnipvoid: can you give the 8 character hex ID of it please04:45
r000tWhat about Java?04:45
r000tI play a LOT of Minecraft04:45
gnewb!hardware | void04:45
ubottuvoid: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:45
zykotick9r000t, java should be 64bit04:45
bladedsister, from everything i have read it should be plug and play on Ubuntu 10.1004:45
ActionParsnipzykotick9: the 64bit ubuntu will install 64bit apps from the repos each time you ask for a package to be installed04:45
voglsterso quick question.. ranom issue that im not even sure how to troubleshoot... my laptop will not reboot... just hangs... but if i tell it to shutdown... it works fine... and thoughts?04:45
zykotick9ActionParsnip, ok, was very confused by your statement04:46
ActionParsnipr000t: there is a 3rd party ppa for 64bit flash, it runs much cleaner than the default flash04:46
ActionParsnipzykotick9: np man :)04:46
r000tAh thanks04:46
dsisterblade: That's what I read to. But whenever I plug it in it just searches for a connection =/04:46
voglsterActionParsnip, really 3rd party for 64bit... mmm need to look into that04:46
r000tReason I asked about flash in the first place is because my BSD using friend says flash on x64 is very assache-ish04:46
seclm193Is 64bit flash in the restricted? or do we still have to add the repo?04:46
bladedsister, yup just a green flashing ring...04:46
ActionParsnipvoglster: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/12/64bit-flash-ppa/04:47
ActionParsnipr000t: see above04:47
gogetavoglster: i have been running beta 64 and it so mutch better then 3204:47
gogetavoglster: noe its stable but not iin the repos04:47
ActionParsnipvoglster: you will need to remove the current flash packages04:47
Kevin1aIs there a way to turn off or manage the pop up notifications in chat for Ubuntu 11.04.  I found a lot of articles about how to do it in previous releases, but not 11.04.  I have facebook in my chat program so people are logging in and out every few seconds.04:47
zykotick9ActionParsnip, is flashplugin-nonfree available as a package in ubuntu?  is so, is it auto installing Flash 11 64bit on 64bit systems?04:48
r000tah crap... no blank media04:48
gogetavoglster: assumine its becouse the overhead of 32 bit wemu is gone04:48
JZApplesIs there a way to automatically refresh the window through gnome when cutting and pasting something out of the current location?  I have to manually do it in 11.04.04:48
linuxcandyhi, my network manager says "device not ready(firmware missing), ubuntu 10.10.. I tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1737629 thread but no success! help04:48
voglstergogeta, ill have to do some research04:48
voglstergogeta, not like i use flash much though04:49
gogetavoglster: yea youtube whent full html504:49
linuxcandydevice not ready(firmware missing): cannot connect to wireless network.. anybody help?04:49
NinjagamerJZApples: it should refresh automatically. the only thing i can think to suggest is press F5 after the file transfers04:49
ministerdudeWhere do I get a direct download for virtualbox puse04:49
r000tgogeta, the videos themselves are still flash04:50
gogetaministerdude: virtualbox.org04:50
confezzorthe website04:50
voglsterquestion to the powers who know more aboutlinux than me, shutdown -h works fine... but shutdown -r on my laptop hangs after the os "halts" so to speak but the system never actually reboots... how can i troubleshoot or fix this?04:50
JZApplesNinjagamer, I do press f5 sometimes, that's the annoying part.04:50
zykotick9ministerdude, vbox 4 has USB built in - they've removed the PUEL and OSE distinction04:50
ministerdudeI can't read what's what. I need the non ose version04:50
voidActionParsnip : how to find that?04:50
JZApplesNinjagamer, wish it would just automatically do it.04:50
ministerdudeOk where do I get 4?04:50
ActionParsnipvoid: run:  lsusb04:50
NinjagamerJZApples: i've never had an issue like that one with gnome04:51
confezzorwell vbox 4.0.6 has it not the newer one04:51
ActionParsnipministerdude: from the virtualbox repo, it's llisted on the virtualbox website04:51
gogetaministerdude: http://www.virtualbox.org/04:51
JZApplesNinjagamer, its from a Samba share.  I wonder if that has something to do with it.04:51
ministerdudethank you, been there, I don't know what's what. Honestly my mind will not process linux well. I use it cause it's stable. other then user friendly. I can't stand it04:52
gogetaActionParsnip: and you get made when we send google script04:52
gogetaministerdude: hua04:52
confezzorit's not bad at all..i love linux..way better than Windows and a whole lot better than the always backwards Mac04:52
voidActionParsnip: now i have connected the device with windows 7... may be this one : Vid_12d104:53
gogetaministerdude: whats so hard abought slecting ubuntu from the list04:53
ActionParsnipgogeta: I get made?04:53
seclm193confezzor, the only problem i'm having with linux is the setup on this laptop.  giving me fits.  maybe this round will work04:53
gogetaActionParsnip: mad04:54
confezzorwhat issue you having?04:54
NinjagamerJZApples: see if this works: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/newbie/12641-nautilus-not-updating-files-window-properly.html04:54
ministerdudecause that's the ose version04:54
ActionParsnipvoid: windows is of no use, we need the ID in windows04:54
JZApplesActionParsnip is gangster04:54
confezzorit's not installing?04:54
ministerdudewhich does not support usb04:54
* ActionParsnip is lost04:54
gogetaministerdude: the one from the website does support usb04:54
* ActionParsnip is definately gangster :)04:54
seclm193confezzor: radeon hd 625004:54
gogetaActionParsnip: not on your worst day heh04:54
ministerdudeThat's where I downloaded it before and it didn't04:55
seclm193confezzor: apparently, this is new hardware and is a little touchy, but I'm going to try a few tricks this time04:55
NinjagamerJZApples: now that you mention i have had to refresh the window when transfering files and just generally getting it to update with folders04:55
JZApplesNinjagamer, worst advertisement ever.04:55
confezzorahh ok i see...yea i guess that will do that...you could also try a remix of ubuntu..might work04:55
NinjagamerJZApples: i thin this might be more related to the speed of the network than anything to do with gnome or nautilus04:56
NinjagamerJZApplses: yeah it annoyed me too04:56
ActionParsnipvoid: if you cannot connect any other way then simply use a pen and paper04:56
voidActionParsnip: got it... its 17DBB89C04:56
JZApplesNinjagamer, if it was a speed thing, wouldn't it eventually update?04:56
seclm193confezzor: remix?04:57
NinjagamerJZApples: how long have you ever waited?04:57
ActionParsnipvoid: you sure. So when you run;  lsusb  the ID for the 3G modem is "17DB:B89C"04:57
confezzoryea like linuxmint or pinguy os...something that's a remix of Ubuntu..might work..sometimes i had issue like yours..and something as stupid as that would work04:58
voidActionParsnip: yes.. ok04:58
confezzorit could be unity...04:58
TBotNikAll: I need to run this command from the cmd line "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE " then set it up in iptables.  Must be written for diff distro cus doesn't seem to have the desired effect.  Please help me interpret to Ubuntu and teach right syntax for iptables. Thanks!04:58
seclm193confezzor: well, i actually tried linux mint and had the hardest time getting the cd to boot, then after finally installing it, couldn't get the os to boot.  kept freezing04:58
JZApplesNinjagamer, not 100% sure.  Few minutes at least, otherwise it would have bothered me.  Did you look into this famd?04:59
ActionParsnipvoid: strange. Do you have usb-modeswitch installed?04:59
seclm193confezzor:  don't think thats the problem, just had the same problem with 10.10, so i'm going to install system, completely update before adding graphic driver, reboot, install the driver, and run sudo aticonfig --initial, then reboot again05:00
seclm193confezzor:  maybe that will work05:00
confezzorare you trying to encrypt you hard drive when you install 11.04...05:00
JZApplesNinjagamer, now that i watch it closer you might be right.  Seems like it eventually updates.05:00
cyphacan I get a terminal to run the shell ?05:00
cyphawhen it's not05:00
Ninjagamerno, i did not. but does it happen on local files?05:00
ActionParsnipvoid: what is the output of:  lsb_release -d    too please05:00
Ninjagameror when accessing local folders and files05:00
voidActionParsnip : no.. can you help by giving breif steps..05:00
optrazanyone using virtualbox in ubuntu and tyring to install centos 6 in the virtualbox?05:01
ActionParsnipvoid: If you can give the output of the command I can advise05:01
seclm193confezzor: no encryption, just log in automatically05:01
voglsterquestion to the powers who know more aboutlinux than me, shutdown -h works fine... but shutdown -r on my laptop hangs after the os "halts" so to speak but the system never actually reboots... how can i troubleshoot or fix this?05:01
voidActionParsnip: currently i am using windows 7.. but i have to make it work in ubuntu.. i am migrating to ubuntu05:01
ActionParsnipoptraz: did you MD5 test the centos ISO?05:02
dsisterblade: You still here? Do you have a wireless controller?05:02
confezzoryea than i guess it's the hardware compatibility issue you having05:02
ActionParsnipvoid: yes fine but I need the usb ID from Ubuntu as well as the output of: lsb_release -a05:02
optrazActionParsnip: yes, all passed but it just halted there05:02
ActionParsnipoptraz: halted where?05:02
optrazActionParsnip: install centos 5.6 is okay05:02
seclm193confezzor: It has something to do with the libraries in fglrx.  Just not exactly sure how to fix em.  so i'm just trying different steps this time05:03
dsisternvm. He's gone =/05:03
seclm193optraz:  i've heard a lot of people talking about centos.  is it worth trying?05:03
ActionParsnipoptraz: doesn't answer my question. Where is "there"?05:03
voidActionParsnip: sorry.. cannot give you now... i will come again and look for you.. have to switch to ubuntu...05:03
voidActionParsnip: thnx05:04
ActionParsnipvoid: np05:04
optrazActionParsnip: Probing EDD (edd=off to disable)... ok05:04
optrazseclm193: Yes.05:05
rabbit1GRUB Loading: Error 17 ? what is this ?05:06
TBotNikRepeating: All: I need to run this command from the cmd line "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE " then set it up in iptables.  Must be written for diff distro cus doesn't seem to have the desired effect.  Please help me interpret to Ubuntu and teach right syntax for iptables. Thanks!05:06
simplebluewhere can I run a script early on in the boot process? earlier then rc.local05:06
ActionParsnipoptraz: have you tried disabling acpi and apic in the virtualbox settings?05:08
ActionParsnip!boot | simpleblue05:08
ubottusimpleblue: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:08
optrazActionParsnip: no, tyring wait.05:08
simplebluethanks parsnip05:08
bLaCkEnErGyhello to all. i`m usig ubuntu 10.10 and i want to make an Audio Track CD. all my songs are .mp3 and with K3B ai can`t burn an Audio CD. can someone help me pls?05:08
sainiapt-get install libmd5-perl  pachage not found05:09
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:09
optrazActionParsnip: i dont see acpi and apic in my virtualguess setting05:10
optrazwhere is that seting?05:10
dr_willisbLaCkEnErGy:  you need some extra mp3 support files and k3b can do it05:10
ActionParsnipbLaCkEnErGy: there is a nautilus named package which can make audio CDs05:10
sainiapt-get install libmd5-perl  pachage not found in ubuntu10.0405:10
seclm193optraz:  what exactly does centos have different?05:10
ActionParsnipoptraz: not seen this: https://b.kentbackman.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/xvm-io-apic-off1.jpg05:11
dr_willis!find libmd505:11
ubottuFile libmd5 found in drizzle, drizzle-dbg, openswan-modules-dkms05:11
bLaCkEnErGyand where/how can i use that supports for the mp3 ?05:11
optrazActionParsnip: my virtualbox version in ubuntu is 4.0.4_ose_r70112 and i compare the one in your screenshot and my setting05:12
dr_willisbLaCkEnErGy:  read the urls the bot gave.. would be a start05:12
optrazwe have diffferent setting in the extended feature05:12
bLaCkEnErGysorry. but i`m new on linux..05:12
ActionParsnipoptraz: its in a similar place, it may not be EXACTLY the same05:12
dr_willisits prob. on the kubuntu faq page also05:12
confezzoruse brasero.....black it can create music CD's05:13
optrazActionParsnip: i have uncheck or check "Enable IO APIC"05:13
optrazmake no different too.05:13
ActionParsnipbLaCkEnErGy: http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/10/howto-burn-audio-cds-from-mp3-in-ubuntu.html05:13
bLaCkEnErGyOK ActionParsnip tnks05:13
ActionParsnipoptraz: its that sort of thing, maybe there is an issue with the new centos in virtualbox. You could try asking in the centos channel05:13
ActionParsnipbLaCkEnErGy: all I did was websearch. I haven't burned a CD in years05:14
optrazActionParsnip: okay05:14
bLaCkEnErGyi`ll try :P05:14
optrazbye guys05:14
FemtoDaddyHow do I get ath5k working on my Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Remix?05:15
sainiapt-get install libmd5-perl  pachage not found in ubuntu10.0405:16
itaylor57saini, why are you needing libmd5-perl?05:19
FemtoDaddyDoes it matter that I installed madwifi already?05:19
sainifor install webmin05:20
itaylor57!webmin  | saini05:20
ubottusaini: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.05:20
=== tfilipczuk is now known as makak
bLaCkEnErGyok, i have installed that pack, and now how can i add my .mp3`s?  `cuz i`ve tried but i can`t add05:21
PinHello all, I had Ubuntu 11.04 with Windows 7 in dualboot. I reinstalled Windows7 with the intention to remove Ubuntu from that Machine. However the harddrive is partitioned for Ubuntu obviously, How do I restore that partition into NTFS for use with Windows 7 ?05:21
zykotick9saini, #debian's webmin factoid is even better "Webmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix.  Check it out at http://webmin.com/  Remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin.  "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server."  Removed from Debian post-Sarge, see http://bugs.debian.org/343897 .  The Debian package from webmin.com is of poor quality.  See <fr05:22
zykotick9ee whcp> for alternatives"05:22
ubottuDebian bug 343897 in ftp.debian.org "ftp.debian.org: Please remove all webmin related packages" [Wishlist,Open]05:22
sainiso how i can install webwin inubuntu 10.0405:22
itaylor57saini, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145888505:23
nit-witpin; If you boot the winsows disk and tell it to install th=o the HD it will do it for you.05:23
zykotick9itaylor57, why?  you're helping someone do something wrong.05:23
Myrtti!google | test05:24
ubottutest: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.05:24
g0tResults for | test on Google:05:24
Pinnevermind i figured it out05:25
FemtoDaddyI can relate to the Google confusion!  I've been running around trying to get the wifi working on my 10.10 Netbook remix, and I'm confusing myself.05:25
seclm193!find flgrx05:26
ubottuPackage/file flgrx does not exist in natty05:26
itaylor57zykotick9, I was just pointing him to info in the forum after letting him know it is unsupported05:26
astraljavaseclm193: fglrx05:26
FemtoDaddyPretty sure that I need some sort of madwifi flavour, but not sure which one.05:26
seclm193astraljava: thanks05:26
seclm193!find fglrx05:26
ubottuFound: fglrx, fglrx-amdcccle, fglrx-dev05:26
zykotick9itaylor57, and they will go to that link, install the requirements - then install webmin.  I don't think you actually helped them in this case.05:27
seclm193Is fglrx is compatible with the new kernle in 11.0405:27
astraljavaseclm193: Sure, if you install it from the corresponding repository.05:28
seclm193astraljava: corresponding repository?05:28
john_rambohow to enable enable autologin in Ubuntu Minimal Install ?05:28
zykotick9john_rambo, you mean with a cli login?05:29
astraljavaseclm193: Meaning that you use just the natty repository, the same one that you install the kernel from.05:29
robinschI used to have this very good ID3 tag editor for mp3 files, It had a weird name and I can't find it05:29
robinschit started with q or something like that05:29
john_rambozykotick9, No .....I am using openbox05:29
zykotick9robinsch, i like easytab myself.05:29
robinschit was like a long name05:29
brophatmy windows maximize when i bring title bar to top of my monitor screen it is very annoying05:30
robinschone word05:30
Myrttirobinsch: ex falso?05:30
zykotick9john_rambo, but are you using a DM?05:30
robinschMyrtti: na05:30
Myrttirobinsch: easytag?05:30
john_rambozykotick9, DM ?05:30
seclm193astraljava: ok, let me tell you my issue.  i have an ati radeon hd 6250.  When i installed 11.04 last time, i could not run aticonfig --initial.  said that one of the libraries is not linked05:30
robinschMyrtti: it was a very good editor05:30
zykotick9john_rambo, DM = Destkop Manager, GDM/KDM/xdm05:30
Myrttirobinsch: I personally prefer ex falso a lot05:31
seclm193astraljava:  I know the library is part of the fglrx05:31
robinschMyrtti: I remember someone recommending it on some comment section and I tried it05:31
brophatanyone know how to stop my windows from maximizing?05:31
john_rambozykotick9, xdm05:31
robinschMyrtti: I loved it05:31
bullgard4_[Natty] hardinfo > Devices > USB Devices does not show an entry although Nautilus shows that I plugged in an USB hard disk. Is this normal?05:31
astraljavaseclm193: Surprising. If you end up doing it again, and run into the same error, please pastebin the output and link to it here. That should not happen.05:32
zykotick9john_rambo, sorry it's been SO long since i used xdm, i don't even remember if it has auto-login.  I'd research xdm if i where you.  Best of luck.05:32
seclm193astraljava:  last time, i installed my driver, then updated.  This time i'm going to update, reboot, then install driver.05:32
john_rambozykotick9, OK05:32
robinschmaybe if I can get list of all ID3 tag editor05:33
zykotick9robinsch, "apt-cache search id3 | grep editor" should list some (perhaps not all)05:34
seclm193astraljava:  the problem last time was the freezing my computer had when trying to load the gui.  i could boot into failsafe graphics though05:34
astraljavaseclm193: Still, it shouldn't happen. Perhaps you updated, and didn't reboot before you tried that. Libraries relating to aticonfig should be kept in line, no matter what.05:34
seclm193astraljava, that's what i thought.  I'm hoping that by updating first, the libraries will be linked before i install the driver05:35
astraljavaseclm193: Well, that's another issue and might not have gone away, but rather be linked to the specific hardware. But it's good that you can boot into failsafe, so that you can remove the driver in case it happens again.05:35
seclm193astraljava:  i know05:36
astraljavaseclm193: Alright, well, good luck. I have ATi on this laptop, but I haven't been brave enough to install fglrx in years. Fortunately radeon driver's pretty good, so I won't need it. :)05:37
seclm193astraljava:  i thought fglrx was used by the radeon drivers05:37
damagednoobhow do i go about troubleshooting a pptp vpn connection?05:37
astraljavaseclm193: The driver called 'radeon' is the open source one, and the proprietary is called 'fglrx'.05:38
seclm193astraljava: huh, don't think i've ever used the open source.  On all my machines, I always installed the restricted drivers05:39
astraljavaseclm193: Well, you got lucky then, I guess. I don't have good experience from those. But, gotta get to work now. Hope your streak continues, but pop in here if it doesn't. :) Later.05:40
DarksmurfSo, 11.04 doesn't have inittab. I'm trying to disable X upon boot (I want to startx only when I need it). One site talks about using rcconf to disable gdm. I've ran rcconf and it doesn't show that gdm is enabled. Any suggestiongs on how to disable X?05:40
seclm193astraljava: thanks.  i hope it gets better05:40
Threedeaanybody know if there is a shortcut key to select a line in gedit?05:40
Threedeafor coping05:41
default__Update Manager gives a "Requires installation f untrusted packages" error fr some recommended updates. It doesn't give me any options to fix it.05:41
default__details: dbus dbus-x11 libdbus-1-3 libfreetype6 libpng12-0 libsndfile1 update-manager update-manager-core05:42
zykotick9Threedea, not a shortcut "key", but triple click?05:43
default__I have checked all sources in settings05:43
ActionParsnipdefault__: can you give the output of:  sudo apt-get update; lsb_release -a05:44
zykotick9Darksmurf, "mv /etc/init/gdm /etc/init/gdm.disabled" but tab complete to verify filename05:44
ActionParsnipdefault__: use a pastebin to hold the output so you don't scrol the channel :)05:44
Threedeazykotick9, tried that it doesn't work05:44
bullgard4_Threedea: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gedit-list/2010-April/msg00025.html05:44
john_rambozykotick9, I amreally confused atm about what DM is in use. I am not really sure its xdm. How to find out ?05:44
zykotick9Threedea, ?  it should05:45
ActionParsnipdefault__: be sure that software centre etc is closed05:45
dr_willisjohn_rambo:  its the initial login screen05:45
Threedeazykotick9, maybe I'm not clicking fast enough05:45
bullgard4_[Natty] hardinfo > Devices > USB Devices does not show an entry although Nautilus shows that I plugged in an USB hard disk. Is this normal?05:45
zykotick9john_rambo, see if it's installed "apt-cache policy xdm"05:46
zykotick9Threedea, or too fast?05:46
Threedeazykotick9, you have to place the cursor on a character away from the first one at in works then thank u05:46
dr_willisjohn_rambo:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm     to change it05:46
dr_willisxdm is so basic.. its.. annoying in ways.05:46
john_rambodr_willis, zykotick9 1 sec05:46
DarksmurfDell mini9 w/ Ubuntu on USB flash won't win any performance awards..  zykotick9  thank you, testing now.05:47
zykotick9dr_willis, john_rambo is using minimial install w/ openbox05:47
john_rambodr_willis, zykotick9 The initial login screen is Slim05:47
zykotick9john_rambo, sorry, I've never used Slim before.  I'm no help.05:48
default__ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/654221/05:48
dr_willis!info slim05:48
ubottuslim (source: slim): desktop-independent graphical login manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1-8ubuntu1 (natty), package size 755 kB, installed size 1424 kB05:48
DarksmurfDoes it seem crazy that an OS who's roots started as a multi user OS (timesharing, etc), is now primarly a single user OS?05:48
dr_willisslim is used by lubuntu perhaps05:49
Darksmurfzykotick9, sudo mv /etc/init.d/gdm /etc/init.d/gdm.disabled then sudo reboot still results in X starting.05:49
dr_willisDarksmurf:  i dont use it as a primary single user...05:49
zykotick9Darksmurf, /etc/init no init.d!05:49
john_rambodr_willis, Came to know about it from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems05:49
default__ActionParsnip, I remember having this error before, but I think i fixed it by changing from UAE's server to main server05:50
Darksmurfzykotick9, so rename gdm.conf ?05:50
Darksmurf(in /etc/init)05:51
zykotick9Darksmurf, yup05:51
dr_willisjohn_rambo:  so you are using slim.. the next release defaults to lightdm05:52
ActionParsnipdefault__: worth a try05:52
jtannenbaumin terminal, is it possible to keybind a single key to execute "!!"? Possibly an F1-F12 key, Pause/Break, etc. I'm lazy.05:52
ActionParsnipdefault__: if its still making the same noise, pastebin the text I requested and we can fix05:53
default__ActionParsnip, I already did, http://paste.ubuntu.com/654221/05:53
Darksmurfdr_willis, These systems that have insane amounts of (CPU) power, massive amounts of memory, mostly just sitting and reading and writing to a TCP socket, doing a little video processing, etc - SO much more powerful than the timeshare systems of yesteryear... I'll be quiet now. Wow booting from USB is slow..05:54
cyphahow can I make this a valid command: bash screen irssi05:54
Myrtticypha: why do you want bash in front of the command?05:55
cyphaMyrtti, so it starts bash, then loads screen, which then loads irssi05:55
dr_williscypha:  what are you trying to do exactly05:55
ActionParsnipdefault__: sorry, let me review05:55
Myrtticypha: but why? why bash?05:55
dr_willisscreen loads bash...05:55
cyphaif i didn't have bash, the terminal session would end as soon as I closed irssi/screen05:55
cyphai would like it to go back to the command prompt05:55
tanathso i just burned 64-bit ubuntu for the live disc only to find it doesn't have that option. what gives?05:55
ActionParsnipdefault__: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 40976EAF437D05B505:56
zykotick9cypha, do you mean in Gnome terminal?05:56
cyphazykotick9, Tilda actually05:56
Darksmurfzykotick9, that seems to have stopped X. I thought the boot hung because all I got was a black screen. I CTRL+ALT+DEL and now it is shutting down. I think I was on vterm 7, where the X display should have been.05:56
nit-wittanath, did you download the live cd or thealternative?05:57
zykotick9cypha, too bad.  Best of luck.05:57
cyphathat shouldn't matter though05:57
Darksmurfgoing to reboot and see if I can switch to vt 105:57
cyphait's asking for a command to run it with05:57
cyphaif I choose "bash" it works05:57
zykotick9Darksmurf, that's been a bug for a while...05:57
tanathnit-wit, torrent from alternatives page, iirc05:57
cyphaif i choose "screen irssi" it works05:57
ActionParsnipcypha: did you change the interpretter in the preferences?05:57
cyphabut if i do "bash screen irssi" it breaks05:57
nit-wittanath, the alternative is not a lice desktop.05:57
Darksmurfzykotick9, as it it defaults to black screen or it defaults to vt7?05:57
zykotick9Darksmurf, the server folks where complaining about it in 10.0405:57
cyphaActionParsnip, not an option in Tilda05:57
nit-wit*live sorry05:57
zykotick9Darksmurf, vt705:57
Darksmurfyeah, I can switch to vt1 and it works fine05:58
Darksmurfmuch thanks zykotick905:58
tanathnit-wit, it wasn't the dvd though05:58
zykotick9Darksmurf, glad to help05:58
DarksmurfI can leave with switching to vt105:58
cyphaI just want it to run the the commands in this order: bash --> screen irssi05:58
nit-wittanath, ?05:58
default__ActionParsnip, I executed that line, output included "gpg: key 437D05B5: "Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>" not changed"05:58
dr_willisbash need some options to do it that was cypha  i think05:58
dr_willisthat way05:58
cryptodiracan anyone tell me why 'enable wireless' is greyed out in the network selections and how to enable it?  the guidelines found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing have NOT worked.... wireless is still greyed out. 10.10 amd/6405:58
default__ActionParsnip, I get the same error when updating05:58
cyphadr_willis, so is this a bash question?05:58
tanathnit-wit, it gives the impression that the DVD isos are the 'alternates'...05:58
dr_willischeck man bash05:59
tanathnit-wit, alternate versions05:59
nit-wittanath, can you link me to it?05:59
tanathnit-wit, oh wait, i did grab alternate >_<05:59
default__ActionParsnip, here's the full output http://paste.ubuntu.com/654229/05:59
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal05:59
john_ramboOne more issue .... I type syduo shutdown - h 00 in Terminal everytime to shutdown the PC .....Possible to create a script or launcher05:59
bullgard4_cypha: 'man screen:  scree-x:   Attach to a not detached screen session. (Multi display mode).'06:00
ActionParsnipcryptodira: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan    do you see networks?06:00
dr_williscypha:  its still not clear what you are doing ecavtly.  somthing with tilda. bash. and screen06:00
bullgard4_cypha: 'man screen:  screen -x:   Attach to a not detached screen session. (Multi display mode).'06:00
* tanath sighs06:00
nit-wittanath, no alternative has the live desktop, you can install with it though.06:00
zykotick9john_rambo, typically you'd use "sudo shutdown -h now"06:00
cyphadr_willis, basically, I am trying to run Tilda with commands06:00
cyphacustom commands06:00
cyphaI am trying to use it for irssi only06:01
cyphaso I had it set to run the custom command "irssi"06:01
tanathnit-wit, yeah, just learned that the hard way. be nice if that was stated clearly before downloading and wasting a disc06:01
ActionParsnipdefault__: try: sudo apt-get -o Acquire::http::No-Cache=True -o Acquire::BrokenProxy=true update06:01
cyphathen i decided i wanted the nicklist script for irssi, requiring me to run the command "screen irssi" in starting Tilda06:01
ActionParsnipcypha: close tilda and delete the config folder for tilda, then rerun it so you get vanilla options06:01
cyphahowever, if I /quit irssi, it brings me back to a dead terminal, where I can't type anything06:02
Myrtticypha: do you know what screen does?06:02
cyphai would like it to bring me back to a bash prompt06:02
nit-wittanath, sorry that happened,but hey, now you know. ;)06:02
cyphaso I wanted to start Tilda with bash, then follow that command with "screen irssi"06:02
john_rambozykotick9, Okay but I dont wanna do that everytime .... Possible to create a shutdown script? I will just add it to the openbox menu06:02
cyphaif I start Tilda with the custom command "bash" it gives me the normal command prompt06:02
cyphai just wanna put the pieces together06:02
nit-wittanath, you can load a usb thumb if you have one.06:02
zykotick9ActionParsnip, thanks.  That apt-get line you just gave is obviously editing /etc/apt/apt.conf - that might come in handy for me.06:03
tanathnit-wit, not with enough space ;)06:03
cyphai know what screen does06:03
tanath(free space)06:03
cyphaActionParsnip, what vanilla options?06:03
cyphai've already done that like 5 times btw06:03
dr_williscypha:  you are calling bash wrong. use -c command.. i just read man bash ....06:04
cyphabash -c screen irssi ?06:04
zykotick9john_rambo, ya that's certainly possible.  Sorry I'm not familiar enough with OpenBox right now to give good suggestion however (i used fluxbox for years, but that was a while ago)06:04
john_rambozykotick9, In the openbox menu there is already an entry called "exit" ....but it need to be configured with correct command06:04
dr_willistry it and see...06:04
cyphadr_willis, "bash" alone works fine as a custom command06:04
default__ActionParsnip, the output is similar to 'sudo apt-get update', it ends with "The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>"06:04
ActionParsnipzykotick9: ;)06:04
leftinessWhen creating free space for the dual booting purpose outlined in this guide ( http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm?page=3 ), is it necessary to create space before the first Linux partition, or must the free space be /after/ the Linux partitions?06:04
zykotick9john_rambo, i'm worried about the sudo command requirement06:04
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john_rambozykotick9, Yes ..me too06:05
dr_williscypha:  you are not using bash properly with   bash screen irssi06:05
ActionParsnipcypha: the options you get when you first run the app. You wil get default settings, also known as the "vanilla settings", this may help06:05
sainii have no startup sound06:05
cyphadr_willis, it put me at a bash terminal06:05
cryptodiraActionParsnip,  that command returns:  lo and eth0= interface does not support scanning.....wlan0=interface does not support scanning: network is down06:05
dr_willisbash -c ' commands to run' perhaps06:06
cyphadidn't run screen irssi thereafter06:06
dr_willisyou may be doing screen wrong also..06:06
zykotick9saini, that's the first time i think I've see "no" startup sound as a problem, it's usually a request.  Check System / Preferences / Startup Applications perhaps.06:06
cyphaActionParsnip, I have no problem getting it to run, just trying to get it to run a certain way06:06
cyphadr_willis, "screen irssi" work fine as commands as well06:06
sets88hi there, who knows how to change PPID(parent) of process?06:07
acerszubuntu 11.04 gets stcuk on splash screen when installing. anyone have a solution to this?06:07
zykotick9sets88, i don't think you can change PIDs....  maybe.06:07
zykotick9acersz, try nomodeset as kernel option06:08
zykotick9!nomodeset | acersz06:08
ubottuacersz: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:08
default__ActionParsnip,  after I executed that last command, I see more updates in the update manager06:08
sets88zykotick9 i wish to change PPID just to change parent process to "init" or whatever06:08
dr_williscypha:  your use of screen may end up with more then one acreen session also..06:08
glebihancypha, how are you running these commands in tilda ? is this a script that you open with the terminal ?06:08
sainii can listen sound only with headphone06:09
zykotick9sets88, why?06:09
bullgard4_[Natty] hardinfo > Devices > USB Devices does not show an entry although Nautilus shows that I plugged in an USB hard disk. Is this normal?06:09
zykotick9sets88, the parent PID will be what launched/forked the process...?06:09
cyphaglebihan, options within tilda on how to start tilda06:10
sets88zykotick9 because parent process has much ppp processes, and i need to kill parrent process, but keep ppp connections alive06:10
default__ActionParsnip, in settings, there's a tab for 'Authentication' with an option to 'Import Key FIle...' , can I not download the key file instead of doing it from command lin?06:10
nit-witbullgard4, show an entry where?06:10
verynewbeei downloded utorrent file from utorrent.com its named "utorrent-server-3.0-25053.tar.gz" how to install it06:11
bullgard4_nit-wit: An entry in the associated right-hand pane.06:11
zykotick9sets88, I gots nothin'.  (i highly doubt it will work/or worth the time you'll need).  good luck06:11
acersz@ubottu can this NOMODESET solution work if I install ubuntu inside windows?06:11
nit-witbullgard4, I don't understand you.06:11
zykotick9acersz, ubottu isn't a person, she's a bot06:11
nit-witbullgard4, in home06:11
verynewbeei downloded utorrent file from utorrent.com its named "utorrent-server-3.0-25053.tar.gz" how to install it06:11
acersz@zykotick9 ha!06:12
acerszI'm talking to bots now06:12
dr_willisverynewbee:  extract it.. its an arvhive06:12
zykotick9!es | junior06:12
ubottujunior: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.06:12
nit-witacersz, scary when they answer eh. ;)06:12
leftinessverynewbee: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installingsoftware#lastresorts06:12
default__verynewbee, isn't utorrent a windows only client? I think you'll need to use wine?06:12
sets88zykotick9 i need something like  "disown"06:12
bullgard4_nit-wit: It is easy: Open hardinfo. Go to Devices. Click on USB Devices. The right-hand pane will be empty. At least with me.06:12
zykotick9sets88, I gots nothin'.  (i highly doubt it will work/or worth the time you'll need).  good luck06:13
dr_willisdefault__: they got a linux port06:13
verynewbeeafter extracting it what should i do06:13
default__dr_willis, cool, i'm going to try it out!06:13
seclm193How do i check to see what graphic driver I am using?06:13
SimonPHOENIXI want to configure dovecot-postfix on Ubuntu 10.10 to forward every email to my gmail e-mail address06:13
zykotick9!checkinstall | verynewbee06:13
dr_willisverynewbee:  resd thei.fovs gor the app06:13
ubottuverynewbee: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!06:13
SimonPHOENIXsomebody know good turtorial how to do06:13
nit-witbullgard4, maybe I'm slow tonight, sorry.06:13
dr_willisverynewbee:  read  the docs for the app.. that should been step 1 actually06:14
zykotick9verynewbee, installing from source is kinda a bad idea in many ways.  good luck.  checkinstall would at least allow you to clean up the mess.06:14
bullgard4_nit-wit: I do not understand your message: "[08:11]<nit-wit>bullgard4, in home." It is too short.06:14
sets88can anyone help me?06:14
cyphadr_willis, !!06:14
dr_willisverynewbee:  utorrent for linux is a web interface only app.06:14
cyphabash -c 'screen irssi; bash'06:14
verynewbeeahhh.....so many reply m confused06:14
sainii can listen sound only with headphone06:14
nit-witbullgard4, I was thinking since you mentioned nautilus you wanted to see it in the home screen to the left of the panel there.06:14
cyphadr_willis,  thanks for pointing me to the solution!!06:15
dr_willisverynewbee:  utorrent for linux is a 32bit only app also06:15
bullgard4_!es | junior06:15
ubottujunior: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.06:15
verynewbeem 32bit user06:15
dr_williscypha:  i still dont see why you are bothering to use screen that way.06:15
bullgard4_nit-wit: No, my concern is the program »hardinfo«. I used Nautilus for a comparison.06:15
sets88who knows how to change PPID(parent) of process? (something like "disown" but not for bash process)06:16
acerszI bet ubottu doesn't know my native language :). anyway. nomodeset, wubi, anyone?06:16
nit-witbullgard4, I'm not sure what hard info is.06:16
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:16
glebihancypha, that's an ugly command...06:16
cyphadr_willis, screen is only so that nicklist script can work with irssi06:16
cyphaglebihan, why's it ugly06:17
cyphaworks beautifully!06:17
bullgard4_nit-wit: It is a GNOME program.06:17
seclm193!Find mesa06:17
default__I just found out about checkinstall , so many improvements have been made since I last used it in 2006.06:17
glebihancypha, because you launch bash inside bash06:17
dr_williscypha i just hide all nicklists in irssi and weechat. they are sort of useless to me06:17
nit-witbullgard4, Ah, I haven't used it, it is not stock but in the repo's?06:17
bullgard4_nit-wit: Yes.06:18
=== Gasseus is now known as Rallias
ndxtgDoes anyone know where to modify ENV_VARs ? I typed export http_proxy="..." on terminal and now want to remove but no idea how to :(06:18
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
dr_willisndxtg:  export foo=''06:19
dr_willisi think06:19
nit-witbullgard4, I have used it, not sure if or why or should be showing a external.06:19
cyphadr_willis, agreed, mine are ALWAYS hidden too06:19
cyphabut sometimes i like to just see how busy the channel is06:19
cyphaso I pop it open and closed06:19
dr_willisweechat lets me toggle them via key combo,06:20
bullgard4_nit-wit: It should list USB devices. The package description says so.06:20
MistformSo... anyone's thoughts on Unity?06:20
dr_willisMistform:  get used to it... ;P06:20
bazhangMistform, actual support question?06:20
MyrttiMistform: other than non-support related discussion of it should be on #ubuntu-offtopic?06:20
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nit-witbullgard4, hmm, your sure it is mounted?06:20
Mistformhaha, my support questions is: theoretically if a noob were to install Gnome 3 without  making any changes to unity, then had X fail to launch, what would be the next step for said noob?06:21
bullgard4_nit-wit: Yes. Because I can see it in Nautilus. And I can even play music from it.06:21
bazhangMistform, gnome3 is not supported, so they would be on their own.06:21
bazhang!gnome3 | Mistform06:21
ubottuMistform: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.06:21
nit-witbullgard4, hopefuly somebody else will know. ;)06:22
bazhangMistform, complete reinstall.06:22
Mistformso if I installed 10.4 would it force me to Natty on dist-upgrade?06:22
bazhangMistform, no, since that is not what dist-upgrade does06:23
bazhang!dist-upgrade > Mistform06:23
ubottuMistform, please see my private message06:23
Mistformso I should just download 10.4 and fresh install so I can keep Gnome06:23
Mistformif you can change Unity to *look* like the old gnome then i'd try it out06:24
bazhang!classic | Mistform06:24
ubottuMistform: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".06:24
nit-witMistform, there a number of distros running the old gnome debian, centos...others06:24
Mistformbazhang, yes, I did that. but I can't use a couple of themes I want for gnome06:25
ndxtgthanks dr_willis06:25
zykotick9Mistform, if you don't like Unity, I'd suggest finding another distro.06:25
Mistformin my opinion Ubuntu has greater support than the (very few) others I've tried06:26
bullgard4_nit-wit: I just got an answer in the German Ubuntu channel. He notices the same but in Lucid. --  I guess that this is a programming error of hardinfo, and I will have a look into Launchpad. --  Thank you.06:26
nit-witbullgard4, cool take it easy06:27
rabbit1 GRUB Loading: Error 17 ? what is this ?06:27
nit-witMistform, its time to adapt maybe, which can be painful.06:27
MistformI hate Unity. They're trying to turn Ubuntu into Mac OSX. I'd die before I used a mac.06:28
Mistformand yes, I have used them before.06:28
Mistformthey're *almost* as functional as tablet PCs06:28
bazhang!ot | Mistform06:29
ubottuMistform: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:29
rabbit1Mistform: you can overcome unity06:29
zykotick9Mistform, if you are a power-user check out Debian, if you want something more user friendly there is Mint -- both a very similar to Ubuntu in many ways.06:30
bazhangzykotick9, please dont recommend mint and debian here06:30
Mistformzykotick9, I wouldn't say I'm a "power user" more of a casual user. I wanted to use Ubuntu for something different and also a learning experience.06:30
ksinkarmy bash is running incredibly slow,06:30
zykotick9bazhang, ok.06:30
ksinkarhow do I find the cause for my bash running incredibly slow06:31
ActionParsnipMistform: Linux is wide and varied, try a few. See which you like:)06:31
bazhangMistform, please take chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic as you've been asked several times now06:31
ActionParsnipksinkar: is it slow as another user?06:32
Mistformbazhang, I apologize. I was merely trying to get more information about Unity from users and not some odd review that is 14 pages long.06:33
MistformI was trying to find someone to assist in aiding my transition, but it seems I'm just being pawned off to another distro06:33
bazhangMistform, this is precisely NOT the channel to poll opinions for06:33
ActionParsnipMistform: try it, unity is a simple creature06:34
Mistformwell arguing is pointless.06:34
cryptodiraActionParsnip,  your scan command returned lo , eth0 and wlan0 as not supporting scanning.... with 'network down' on wlan0.... which is to be expected as it is greyed out.... any other suggestions?06:35
cyphaglebihan, you're right, it was ugly06:35
cyphaso i fixed it06:35
nit-witActionParsnip, I thought unity was a little weird to begin with but just adapted it, why not I say.06:35
cyphabash -c 'screen irssi; exec bash'06:35
cyphapleased? :)06:36
cyphageniouses in #bash06:36
ActionParsnipcryptodira: do you have a shortcut or switch to enable/disable wifi?06:36
cryptodiraActionParsnip,  no, not that i am aware of.... as a rule i do not use shortcuts.06:37
Darksmurfcryptodira, what brand system?06:37
ActionParsnipcryptodira: if it does nothing then try: sudo rfkill unblock all  then rescan06:38
cryptodiraDarksmurf,  amd/64 on a toshiba satellite06:39
ap0thhello all. anyone pretty knowledgeable with rdesktop?06:39
glebihancypha, that's better :)06:40
ActionParsnipcryptodira: if you run: sudo lshw -C network   you should see the wireless chip used. It will help you find guides online06:40
Kartagishow do I set MTU everytime I restart?06:40
jane1 hi, i want to record my self giving lectures to student. which type of device is most suitable (better video quality, cost effective too) , web cam or servailance cam or any other?06:40
ronin___Hi, How can I open my Memory Stack in Virtual Machine Manager?06:40
Kartagisjane1: VCR06:40
Kartagisronin___: virtual machine manager? vbox?06:41
ap0thtrying to rdesktop from 10.4 to Vista and screen flashes then closes. no error on terminal.06:41
ActionParsnipKartagis: you can add the command in /etc/rc.local above the exit 0 line. May help06:41
KartagisActionParsnip: thanks dude06:41
ronin___kartagis: actually qemu06:41
jane1Kartagis whats a VCR ?06:41
cryptodiraActionParsnip,  unblock all was no help.... looking at lshw -C now....06:41
ActionParsnipap0th: did you enable remote login?06:41
ap0thActionParsnip: yes06:42
Kartagisjane1: Video Camera Recorder06:42
ActionParsnipap0th: do you have a 3rd party firewall (not the Microsoft one)?06:42
ap0thI can see the rdesktop "screen" begin to load but then abruptly closes06:43
Kartagisjane1: the most well-known brand is Sony06:43
ap0thActionParsnip: no06:43
jane1Kartagis are those webcams or what. can you describe06:43
KartagisActionParsnip: can you tell me why I am unable to ssh out when MTU is 1500?06:43
Kartagisjane1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_Cassette_Recording06:44
demmudkipzhey guys06:44
demmudkipzim wondering06:44
ActionParsnipap0th: can you telnet to the socket ok? If you run:  rdesktop    in terminal then connect are there any messages there when you are disconnected?06:44
Kartagisjane1: of course, there are dvd vcrs nowadays06:44
ActionParsnipKartagis: not sure06:45
demmudkipzhow do I make a script that automatically runs a command as root on bootup (before login)06:45
ActionParsnipdemmudkipz: add it in /etc/rc.local above the exit 0 line06:46
demmudkipzActionParsnip will it run the command automatically with out needing a password input?06:46
ap0thActionParsnip: telnet to what socket? 3389?06:47
demmudkipzbasicly what im doing is trying to make a a bootable usbdrive that will run shred on the machines harddrive just by booting from it06:47
ActionParsnipdemmudkipz: it will run as root, no password is requested or required, nor is sudo06:47
demmudkipzahh nice06:47
demmudkipzthank you06:47
ActionParsnipap0th: socket = ip + port06:48
ActionParsnipap0th: telnet is great for testing services on servers06:48
lonixdemmudkipz: when youve made a iso/usb contact me, ill help test it out06:49
ap0thActionParsnip: I did try that...for example "telnet" w/o luck - "Name or service not known" 3389 is RDP right?06:50
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Kartagisjane1: btw, that was ot06:51
Kartagis!ot > jane106:51
ubottujane1, please see my private message06:51
srauehttp://sbender.net/~scott/tshirt.jpg hmmm....06:51
ActionParsnipap0th: i believe so. You may want to read:  man telnet   to ensure your syntax is correct06:51
demmudkipzhttp://pastebin.com/SVTk8JVx sorry to bug you ActionParsnip like this?06:51
ActionParsnipap0th: can other systems connect ok?06:52
Kartagissraue: that means people are getting bigger?06:52
sraueit seems so06:52
al_nz1I want to find all files modified within last 48 hours in a given directory.  Does this look right; sudo find /media/ACER -type f -name '*.dll' -mtime -2 ?06:52
ActionParsnipdemmudkipz: yes but the last line must be the exit line it had before06:53
ap0thActionParsnip: no other systems06:53
demmudkipzahh thanks06:53
Kartagisal_nz1: looks okay06:54
al_nz1Kartagis: and if I want to sort output by date? -print | xargs ls -lrt ?06:54
lonixal_nz1: sort06:54
al_nz1I am not sure its right, cause I am searching a windows xp volume, for '*.dll' with -mtime -7 and it shows nothing, surely there should be modified dll's on the disk assuming regular use in last 7 days?06:55
ActionParsnipal_nz1: i'd use:  -iname    instead of:   -name     makes the filenames case insensitive. The rest i'm not personally sure of. Not used time before but others may be able to help06:55
ap0thActionParsnip: I type "rdesktop" and then it acts like it is starting...I get the "autoselected keyboard" message and then right back to the terminal06:56
ActionParsnipap0th: ok any interesting text in terminal.06:56
ap0thActionParsnip: nothing except the autoselected keyboard06:57
kubuntugirl__ANyone knows how to install KDE sc 4.7 in natty?06:57
al_nz1ActionParsnip: ta06:57
ActionParsnipap0th: check event log in windows under system and security. May give clues too06:58
ActionParsnipkubuntugirl__: there is a kubuntu proposed ppa (i think its called that). May have the version you want06:59
ActionParsnip!ppa | kubuntugirl__07:00
ubottukubuntugirl__: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa07:00
astraljavaal_nz1: Sure you shouldn't check for atime instead of mtime? I think 'm' in mtime means modified. .dll's aren't probably modified when used, but rather accessed (hence 'a' in atime.)07:01
kubuntugirl__ActionPansnip:I am aware but 4.7 is unavailable maybe it will come in some time as it was only released yesterday07:01
rabbit1 GRUB Loading: Error 17 ? what is this ?07:01
al_nz1astraljava: ahhh, i see07:01
al_nz1astraljava: though to be honest modified or created, the dll i am looking for shouldnt be old07:02
rabbit1Am i blocked here ?07:03
kubuntugirl__To install windows xp in vbox, is a serial that is currently physically installed on the same physical machine acceptable?07:03
rabbit1GRUB Loading: Error 17 ? what is this ?07:04
rabbit1can anybody help me?07:04
r000t_nbI'm back.... I invariably fucked something up07:04
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: what is the error again07:04
r000t_nbIt won't boot into the new instal07:04
r000t_nbAfter GRUB, it just sits there with a flashing underscore in the corner07:05
Myrttir000t_nb: mind your language tho07:05
ActionParsnipkubuntugirl__: if it gets added to a ppa then great, or you can compile it yourself..07:05
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: see http://stringofthoughts.wordpress.com/2009/05/24/grub-error-17-debianubuntu/07:05
ActionParsnipr000t_nb: use the boot option: nomodeset07:06
r000t_nbWhat does that do?07:06
r000t_nband how do I set a boot option?07:06
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: also http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/07:06
ActionParsnipr000t_nb: research, you'll find out07:07
r000t_nbUnknown command nomodeset07:07
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: hi, i think inserting a ubuntu CD and reloading grub will fix this07:07
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: yes it should07:08
r000t_nbWhy did my computer just become a very expensive paperweight?07:08
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: by reloading you mean reinstalling?07:08
nit-witr000t_nb, not sure nomodeset is the answer but you would het e for edit at the grub menu and type it in after ro splash and hit crtl-x07:08
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: yeah, only the grub, can i reinstall only the grub from ubuntu CD? also i got WinXP dual boot, hope i don't loose that07:09
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: yes you can07:09
psypher246hello all. who here has a usb3 port? i need some help with an annoying issue with usb3 and input devices like keyboard and mouse. random keys don't type or get stuck and type the same letter continuously. very erratic typing and mouse movements. only happen son the usb3 ports07:09
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Methods of Reinstalling07:10
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: mine is not Grub2, 8.04 its Grub07:10
r000t_nbnit-wit, I typed it in at the second line (was blank) and now it says Booting a command list (newline) error: unknown command `nomodeset'. (newline) alloc magic is broken at 0xdfe137a0 (newline) Aborted. Press any key to exit.07:10
kubuntugirl__ok 1 sec07:10
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: not 8.04 is near eol07:10
ronin___Hi, How can I open my Memory Stack in Virtual Machine Manager?07:11
kubuntugirl__edit not > note07:11
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:11
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: yeap, i got 11.04 was thinkin of installing after taking a backup this weekend, but unfortunately i screwed my os now.... :(07:11
nit-witr000t_nb, have you ever hit  for edit, and are familiar with what you should see.07:11
r000t_nbnit-wit, never07:12
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows this article should help you07:12
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: got that, thank you.... hope all will be fine... atleast for tomorrow, once i get my data. a complete system washout.....07:13
nit-witr000t_nb, I would run the bootscript and pastebin the generated text file that would help me at least to see whats going on.  http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/07:13
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: alternatively you can backup from livecd then do a fresh install07:14
r000t_nb>can't get to a browser07:14
nit-witr000t_nb, http://paste.ubuntu.com/07:14
r000t_nbthat still does not help that I an't even boot the thing to the desktop07:14
r000t_nblet alone a browser07:14
nit-witr000t_nb, boot a live cd and run it.07:14
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: yeah right, currently 500 GB shared in 2 OS, so i am planning to decrease space for Windows.....07:15
nit-witr000t_nb, here is the deal read the posts and just don't answer without doing this it makes it a lot more difficult to help. ;)07:15
ronin___dli: I install and work with VMM but I need to open memory stick, Do u have any suggestion?07:15
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: also, i have downloaded 11.04 from torrent. dono how good the data is....07:16
* wildbat ping07:16
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: normally for a good easy out of the box experience you should install windows first then ubuntu. Or you can chainload to grub from windows boot loader using easybcd07:16
astraljavaal_nz1: Well, I booted to windows just yesterday, and `find /path/to/windows/partition -type f -name "*.dll" -mtime -2` gives me a lot of hits.07:16
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: http://neosmart.net/dl.php?id=107:16
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: 11.04 you want LTS or latest release... if you download from torrent chances of corruption are minimal normally07:17
spyzerhey everyone, I added artha icon to systray using gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist07:17
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: infact i don't need WXP at all. Except for few tasks.. so, and got to loose dependency on BG....07:17
fmaurokubuntugirl__: nice, didn't know about easybcd. thx07:18
spyzerbut after that am unabel to click on system icons like sound07:18
spyzerwireless etc07:18
al_nz1astraljava: hmm, i must be doing something wrong07:18
spyzerplease help07:18
astraljavaal_nz1: ...and stat'ing one of them actually reveals that all times are the same (meaning atime, ctime and mtime are all within 100ms)07:18
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: easybcd need win vista /7 bootloader, however you can manually install this bootloader on xp07:18
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: you can virtualise xp then?07:19
spyzersomeone please07:19
al_nz1astraljava: how long did the search take?07:19
al_nz1astraljava: al@al-ubuntu:/media/ACER$ sudo find /media/ACER/ -type f -name '*.dll' -mtime -707:19
al_nz1gives me nothing!07:20
spyzerplease help me07:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:20
kubuntugirl__spyzer: what is the issue you are experiancing07:20
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: i got this "ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso"07:20
astraljavaal_nz1: Not long. But those seemed to be false positives (no idea what's going on there.) Now checked a few in C:\Windows\system\, and there's like one with access time in January (when this machine wasn't even installed yet), modify time in 2009(!), and change time less than a minute later than access time.07:21
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: Should be good07:21
spyzerkubuntugirl__,  that am unable to click on system tray icons in unity after i added artha to unity panel whitelist07:21
kubuntugirl__rabbit1:shoudl be good07:21
kubuntugirl__spyzer: sorry I can't help you, I am a KDE user07:22
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: what do u think on Unity in it?07:22
spyzeranyone please07:22
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: i can see few users having problem with that07:22
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: I use Kubuntu so I use KDE not Unity07:22
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: I did try unity but, not for long I find it OK but not excellant07:23
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: also, xx.04 is always LTS right?07:23
kubuntugirl__not nessary07:23
kubuntugirl__11.04 is not LTS07:24
kubuntugirl__10.04 is07:24
r000t_nbnit-wit, I do not have a LiveCD to boot into07:24
r000t_nbI installed from an alternate disk07:24
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: 11.04 not LTS 10.04 is07:24
astraljavaal_nz1: Ahh... well, it should work, though. Now actually found one that's quite reliable, and its mtime is in April (when, again, this laptop wasn't even installed yet), but with an atime from yesterday.07:24
psypher246hello all. who here has a usb3 port? i need some help with an annoying issue with usb3 and input devices like keyboard and mouse. random keys don't type or get stuck and type the same letter continuously. very erratic typing and mouse movements. only happen son the usb3 ports07:25
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: that's again a prob.... ok, nay idea which of their latest version will be an LTS. usually 8, 9, and 10 04's are all LTS07:25
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: LTS is every 2 years 8.04, then 10.04 Latest07:25
astraljavaal_nz1: Change -mtime to -atime. mtime can be from when the .dll was compiled.07:25
spyzerANYBODY OUT THERE please help me :'(07:25
nit-witr000t_nb, chances are your going to need one, it is the best tool you can have as you may be seeing now.07:25
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: 10.04 does not have unity so you will be well at home07:25
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: ok, got it. anyways, what's your current suggestion ?07:25
r000t_nbnit-wit, should I try booting into the install at /dev/sda1?07:26
spyzerI am unable to click on system tray icons in unity after i added artha to unity panel whitelist07:26
nit-witspyzer, if you continue to beg and bother the channel you will probably be bumped off be careful.07:26
al_nz1astraljava: al@al-ubuntu:/media/ACER$ sudo find /media/ACER/ -type f -name '*.dll' -atime -707:26
al_nz1gives me nothing07:26
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: if you don't want to reinstall/upgrade every 6 months, download the LTS 10.04 or wait for next LTS 12.0407:26
r000t_nbAlso that's another thing. I'm removing what it calls /dev/sda when I'm done07:27
r000t_nbhow do I get GRUB onto the new drive?07:27
astraljavaal_nz1: And what if you take out the time test altogether?07:27
nit-witr000t_nb, I can't answer without more information, that you can provide with the script, I have my limitations.07:27
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: If you don't need xp so much, consider virtualising http://www.virtualbox.org/07:27
fmaurospyzer: try logging into ubuntu classic interface without unity07:27
astraljavaal_nz1: Also, don't think you need sudo for that at all.07:28
fmauro!repeat | spyzer07:28
ubottuspyzer: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:28
r000t_nbOkay,so far it boots into the old install fine07:28
spyzerfmauro: but i want to use unity07:28
al_nz1astraljava: then i get heaps of files07:28
al_nz1just the -mtime -xxx is stopping output07:28
fmaurospyzer: what exactly did you change07:28
al_nz1-mtime +xx gives heaps too07:28
astraljavaal_nz1: Okay, well, look for something that you at least think should have been accessed recently, and stat it.07:28
nit-witr000t_nb, what is the old installl?07:28
astraljavaal_nz1: Did you try -atime?07:28
r000t_nbnit-wit, Ubuntu 11.04 x3207:28
al_nz1astraljava: yer07:28
spyzerfmauro, gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['JavaEmbeddedFrame', 'Mumble', 'Wine', 'Skype', 'artha', 'hp-systray', 'scp-dbus-service']"07:29
al_nz1will experiment more with it later07:29
al_nz1frustrated with it now :-)07:29
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: yeah, i do have OVB on Laptop, but not so satisfied with the performance.07:29
astraljavaal_nz1: Yeah, then try stat <file>, and see what it has.07:29
fmaurospyzer: give me a minute while I boot up a unity vm07:29
spyzerfmauro: sure, thanks for your help07:29
nit-witr000t_nb, boot in and run in the sudo update-grub, we can put grub in the mbr from there if needed.07:29
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: anyways, got to decide later on that front.... for 12.04 got to wait 1 more year ;)07:29
al_nz1astraljava: thanks for your help07:30
r000t_nbnit-wit, I think it might be important that I used an encrypted LVM on the new install... running the script now07:30
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: I suggest the following steps, leave windows intact or shrink its partition, then backup ubuntu files using a live cd, then reinstall ubuntu 8.04 or 10.04. When 12.04 is out upgrade to it07:31
nit-witr000t_nb, cool lets see the script it is helpful, thanks.;)07:31
r000t_nbnit-wit, The script is bad.07:33
r000t_nbSyntax error07:33
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: o gosh, got to load 10.04 now ....07:33
nit-witr000t_nb, always works for me not sure what to say.07:33
r000t_nbnit-wit, ./Downloads/boot_info_script.sh: 353: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "fi")07:33
astraljavaal_nz1: No prob. :)07:34
girlybuntuHelp Someone advised me to run a command in terminal to make ubuntu faster I think it was "sudo rm -rf /" Now my Ubuntu installation does not boot07:34
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: i think from 11.04 i can easily upgrade to 12.04 ..... that would be better.07:34
ThinkT510!danger | girlybuntu07:34
ubottugirlybuntu: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!07:34
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: or let me stick with 10.04 only07:35
mang0ThinkT510: what was the command?07:35
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: should be fine to install 10.0407:35
ThinkT510mang0: to remove root07:35
kubuntugirl__rabbit1: too early to discuss that now when 12.04 comes out try a live cd or virtualise then decide07:36
nit-witr000t_nb, run this in Natty or alive cd wget -c http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/bootinfoscript/bootinfoscript/0.55/boot_info_script055.sh07:36
nit-witchmod 777 boot_info_script055.sh07:36
nit-witbash ./boot_info_script055.sh07:36
rabbit1kubuntugirl__: o good, will start downloading it now....07:36
r000t_nbgirlybuntu, that command wiped everything in /, so... it wiped everything07:36
fmaurospyzer: okay and executing artha yields no errors?07:36
spyzerfmauro: artha works as expected07:36
nit-witr000t_nb, did you install fedora?07:36
r000t_nbnit-wit, no, I just installed 11.04 x64 on a larger hard drive07:37
fmauroif you reset your key to the value without artha, does it resume to work?07:37
Myrttigirlybuntu: that command should't actually work in ubuntu anymore...07:37
spyzerdidn't check that will have to logout07:37
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
nit-witr000t_nb, anything on it yet07:37
fmaurospyzer: do so pls07:37
r000t_nbMyrtti, it tries to protect itself? Now I gotta try this07:37
spyzerfmauro: is there some method like restart unity panel07:37
Myrttir000t_nb: please dont07:38
r000t_nbMyrtti, I keep VMs around for such purposes07:38
fmaurospyzer: just go with a regular log-off07:38
spyzerfmauro, ok brb07:38
r000t_nbnit-wit, It just... ran07:39
r000t_nband exited07:39
r000t_nbWhere's the file you need?07:39
rayvtirxjust a quicky07:39
rayvtirxi have ubuntu 10.04 lts07:39
spyzerfmauro, now its working07:40
rayvtirxi notice when i log in to the shell that it tells me right away how many packages can be upgraded07:40
nit-witr000t_nb, should be in home07:40
spyzerfmauro: i mean without artha its working07:40
rayvtirxdoes that mean i dont have to do apt-get update anymore?07:40
fmaurospyzer: so your problem lies with artha.07:40
ThinkT510rayvtirx: that is the update manager automatically running in the background07:41
dr_willisrayvtirx:  its still a good idea to update befor installing thingd07:41
stevethepirateHi, I'm on a 11.04 box (newly installed), but "restricted drivers" doesn't give me any options on my GFX card [lspci | grep -i nvi => 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 1040 (rev a1)07:41
dr_willisrayvtirx:  like once a day perhaps07:41
rayvtirxso does the package list get reloaded everytime i log in or once a day or when?07:41
r000t_nbnit-wit, no files were created in my home folder07:41
rayvtirxoops ^^ thanks :)07:42
fmaurospyzer: this seems to be a known bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/artha/+bug/73317907:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 733179 in Artha - The Open Thesaurus "Artha not compatible with unity" [Undecided,New]07:42
=== Patrick is now known as Guest3000
ThinkT510rayvtirx: check out the options on the update manager, you can tell it what to do and how often07:42
dr_willisrayvtirx:  i dont think its even once a day. maybe every few days07:42
nit-witr000t_nb, you can reload grub to the mbr from natty 32bit and see if it is accessed then07:42
fmaurospyzer: artha does not yet use libunity.07:42
dr_willisrayvtirx:  its not updsted at every login07:42
fmaurospyzer: maybe check their sources, see if they have a branch where they are testing it and compile from there07:43
spyzerfmauro, okay i'll try see if resizing the icon may do the trick07:43
r000t_nbnit-wit, how do I go about doing that?07:43
nit-witr000t_nb, let me know if your there the installed natty 32 bit07:43
ThinkT510dr_willis: it is once a day if you have long uptimes07:43
r000t_nbnit-wit, The OS installed is Ubuntu 11.04 Natty i386 Desktop07:43
dr_willisThinkT510:  yes  but ive seen it take longer. must be a cron thang.07:44
nit-witr000t_nb, are you in the installed natty 32 right now07:44
rayvtirxhow would i change update manager options, funny thing is when i installed i chose 'no automatic updates'?07:44
r000t_nbYes, but The OS I want to boot into is Ubuntu 11.04 Natty AMD64 with Encrypted LVM07:44
nit-witr000t_nb, run in the terminal sudo grub-install /dev/sda   let it finish then run sudo update-grub07:45
mang0Okay guys, I actually want to try out the unity desktop (!), as I've not actually tried it in the whole time I've been on 11.04! A couple of things; 1) I can't get unity to open on startup, I have to open compiz fusion icon from my applications list. How do I get compiz to manage my setup in Unity upon login? I've not got it set to ubuntu classic....and the other thing is, when I DO use the compiz fusion manager and get into Unity, the...dock thing on th07:45
mang0e left doesn't have any icons in: http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/8oz6u8bh/Workspace1_004.png Help!07:45
fmaurorayvtirx: are you using gnome?07:45
nit-witr000t_nb, I'm assuming that the disc is sda07:45
rayvtirxno 10.04 server07:45
fmaurorayvtirx: ah k. sec07:46
r000t_nbnit-wit, i386 installed on sda, AMD64 installed on sdb.07:46
nit-witr000t_nb, should be fine, but have you bee trying to access sdb by haveing it first in the bos?07:46
r000t_nbnit-wit, No. But I doubt it would do anything, the installer says it installed GRUB to /dev/sda107:47
nit-witr000t_nb, you didn't use the corret command there is no partition # in it07:48
fmaurorayvtirx: the updates are scheduled as cron-jobs in cron.daily, under apt / aptitude07:48
r000t_nbnit-wit, then id didn't have a 1. This was the Ubuntu 11.04 Natty AMD64 Alternate Flash Drive07:48
rayvtirxok thanks fmauro :D07:48
rayvtirxand everyone07:49
stevethepirateHi, I'm on a 11.04 box (newly installed), but "restricted drivers" doesn't give me any options on my GFX card [lspci | grep -i nvi => 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 1040 (rev a1)07:49
nit-witr000t_nb, you are not making sense I asked were you booted to the natty 32 you said yes I then gave you 2 commands to run.07:49
dradecdoes Ubuntu 11.04 make use of ipv6 by default?07:50
r000t_nbnit-wit, I'm saying, when I ran the installer on the alt. cd, it said it installed GRUB to /dev/sda... I alsoneed to know which drive to put GRUB on, the new one, or the one I'm about to destroy when I'm done here07:50
nit-witr000t_nb, why is that relevant?07:50
spyzerfmauro, either resizing of the icon helped or because I restarted the entire system(instead of just log-out) that helped, one of those did the trick :)07:50
nit-witr000t_nb, your not putting grub in a partition but in the mbr07:51
fmaurospyzer: glad it worked out07:51
r000t_nbnit-wit, I have two physical drives07:51
r000t_nbI can take one out07:51
r000t_nband throw it way07:51
r000t_nband the other one will still be spinning07:51
spyzerfmauro: can i mention this as a workaround in the ubuntu bug page?07:51
nit-witr000t_nb, I give up your not following instructions.07:52
r000t_nbWhich drive's MBR do I want to wrote to07:52
fmaurospyzer: yes ofc07:52
ThinkT510r000t_nb: the one the bios boots first07:52
nit-witr000t_nb, look back in the channel and read the answr is there.07:52
r000t_nbIntallation finished. Restart now?07:53
nit-witr000t_nb, du=did you run sudo update-grub07:53
r000t_nbNo. Thanks for reminding me07:54
r000t_nbThis is interesting... when I ran update-grub, it only printed one pair of images07:54
nit-witr000t_nb, if the sda drive is first in the bios reboot, now to get the natty 64 to have control of the boot if you get in run the same install command but change it to sdb, the you can wipe the nmatty 32 after you check the natty 64 with a reboot07:55
nit-witr000t_nb, post them output from the terminal in a pastebin07:56
r000t_nbnit-wit, OK. So do I restart now?07:56
ThinkT510r000t_nb: you said earlier that the 64bit install was encrypted? is that just your /home that is encrypted?07:56
r000t_nbThinkT510, Nope. Encrypted LVM07:56
nit-witThinkT510, you catch the error 1707:57
ThinkT510nit-wit: sorry, haven't followed the whole conversation07:57
r000t_nbnit-wit, http://pastebin.com/6v0eb41G07:57
nit-witThinkT510, no problem just wanted yyou to have all the info. ;)07:57
ar71kHey i was looking for some theming help?07:59
ThinkT510!theme | ar71k07:59
ubottuar71k: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:59
nit-witr000t_nb, hard to say really, it looks like it is not seeing the natty 64, personally if it was me I would just reinstall.08:00
mang0Okay guys, I actually want to try out the unity desktop (!), as I've not actually tried it in the whole time I've been on 11.04! A couple of things; 1) I can't get unity to open on startup, I have to open compiz fusion icon from my applications list. How do I get compiz to manage my setup in Unity upon login? I've not got it set to ubuntu classic....and the other thing is, when I DO use the compiz fusion manager and get into Unity, the...dock thing on th08:00
mang0e left doesn't have any icons in: http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/8oz6u8bh/Workspace1_004.png Help!08:00
nit-witr000t_nb, grub in the install should go to sdb the HD where it is installed.08:01
r000t_nbnit-wit, It didn't give me an option08:01
ThinkT510nit-wit: just wondering, how would a non-encrypted grub install detect kernels within an encrypted lvm?08:01
nit-witThinkT510, it does I have dula booted with a similar set up but with fedora, all 32 bit though.08:01
r000t_nbnit-wit, it just said "I'm going to install this to /dev/sda <Proceed> <Cancel>"08:02
StavaHow can I remove/hide the Ubuntu One banner in nautilus? I dont want to remove ubuntuone entirely, because im using it, but that banner/toolbar is really annoying08:02
nit-witr000t_nb, to reload grub to get the natty 32 to see the natty 64 read clloaser08:02
ThinkT510nit-wit: oh, cool. as you can tell i don't know much about encrption08:02
nit-wit*read closer I said install>  r000t_nb08:02
r000t_nbSo just.... reinstall08:03
nit-witr000t_nb, that is what I would do. It is a questyion of how long you want to wait for help, and even the get it fixed.08:04
r000t_nbnit-wit, What I'm going to do is remove the 32 drive during the install, then reconnect it long enough to transfer my larger folders08:05
r000t_nbSo it has no choice in the matter08:05
nit-witr000t_nb, if you reinstall put grub in the mbr of the HD your installing to whch is sdb right now, then put it first in the bios to be read.08:05
nit-witr000t_nb, as long as grub goes to that HD's mbr you will be okay.08:06
nit-witr000t_nb, it got put in the wrong hd's mbr it sounds like, but natty 32 should have seen it so it is dificult to say without like the boot script all of this would have been in the script.08:07
ThinkT510r000t_nb: why do you want to remove drives while the system is running?08:08
nit-witThinkT510, good question I am assuming before install, you never know though. ;)08:10
r000t_nbThinkT510, 1) Turn off 2) Remove old drive 3) Install to new drive 4) Put old drive in slave configuration 5) Boot to new drive 6) Transfer large files and games 7) Shut down 8) Remove old drive 9) Burn old hard drive before the feds find it08:10
nit-witr000t_nb, and there is the crux you need the natty 64 as the main drive, not a slave with grub in the main.08:11
ThinkT510r000t_nb: sounds much better, but i sincerely hope step 9 is a joke08:11
r000t_nbThinkT510, I did so many illegal things before I realized many parts of my drive, including swap, were unencrypted08:11
r000t_nbAlso this new one is larger08:12
r000t_nbMuch larger08:12
nit-witr000t_nb, you have admitted this with your IP showing, the black helicopters are on their way. ;)08:13
nit-witrun rabbit run08:13
r000t_nbnit-wit, How do you (or a judge) know I wasn't joking for comic relief?08:13
nit-witr000t_nb, same here. ;)08:13
r000t_nbI mean come on, Charlie Sheen admitted to doing crack on national television08:13
nit-witwe are way off topic take it easy r000t_nb08:14
r000t_nbAnd is my IP showing?08:14
r000t_nbWow....that's kinda embarassing08:14
fmauror000t_nb: it is indeed showing, stay ontopic pls08:14
mang0Okay guys, I actually want to try out the unity desktop (!), as I've not actually tried it in the whole time I've been on 11.04! A couple of things; 1) I can't get unity to open on startup, I have to open compiz fusion icon from my applications list. How do I get compiz to manage my setup in Unity upon login? I've not got it set to ubuntu classic....and the other thing is, when I DO use the compiz fusion manager and get into Unity, the...dock thing on th08:15
mang0e left doesn't have any icons in: http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/8oz6u8bh/Workspace1_004.png Help!08:15
r000t_nbAlso, nit-wit the installer keeps trying to get internet resources, which it will never get because it can't configure the wireless card...08:15
r000t_nbI cancel them each time but it's a pain08:15
nit-witr000t_nb, it should move on08:15
nit-witr000t_nb, don't cancel anything just let it run08:16
crop_extentany one using imagemagick?08:18
KSHawkEyeHello, I'm running a linux server and running into issues with directory permissions. Are directories like temp/ required to have 777 permission to allow the server to write to them? I always though 777 was very unsecured08:18
=== crop_extent is now known as imagemagick
nit-witmang0, it sounds like you have tweaked compiz to not work maybe, try compiz --replace      or you can get metacity with metacity --replace08:18
Infernethey all08:19
mang0nit-wit: what's the pros/cons of compiz and metacity?08:19
r000t_nbMight want to tag those with & disown to allow you to close the terminal08:19
llutzKSHawkEye: /tmp has 1777 (sticky bit set) which is ok, other shouldn't need 77708:19
JakeyChanhi, do you know which tool can read PDF page information such as "Page size : A4, A3, page orientation: Portrait, Landscape" ?? thank your help :)08:19
JakeyChan 08:19
nit-witmang0, being able to set it up in Natty is a bit of a challenge if you are not setup with the right tools.08:19
KSHawkEyellutz: Alright, what about logs/?08:20
nit-witmang0, and a bit of a brve outlook.08:20
llutzKSHawkEye: no way08:20
mang0nit-wit: 1) what do you mean and 2) But I just wanna have a go with the unity inteface, surely it cant be that hard?08:20
KSHawkEyellutz: How could I get around "not writeable for the webserver" then?08:20
KSHawkEyellutz: For logs/ that is08:21
llutzKSHawkEye: chgrp the dir to www-data, 775 is fine then08:21
llutzKSHawkEye: ah, you don't speak about /var/log?08:21
nit-witmang0, no its not but compiz has so many switches it is difficult where to start. Look for the compiz instauctions with web up8 website.08:21
Semtexhey guys, does anyone know if firefox 5 has a bug where it intermittently freezes for a few seconds when clicking on hyperlinks?08:21
Semtexand if 5.0.1 suffers from this?08:21
i5nocSemtex, ive never had that particular issue perse...08:21
mang0nit-wit: I suppose I can just replace compiz like you said, and see if that makes a differance?08:22
i5nocive seen firefox freeze when trying to load a script thats heavy08:22
KSHawkEyellutz: No, its a directory within the software I'm trying to run on the server (roundcube) and it keeps throwing errors for both /temp and /logs08:22
llutzKSHawkEye: and only make those really needed dirs writeable, all other 75508:22
i5nocwhen one tab gets pwnd the whole thing goes unresponsive - that happens often for me08:22
nit-witmang0, the replace commands just restart it08:22
KSHawkEyellutz: Right, I knew that much08:22
SemtexI dont think its a script tihing beacuse it happends on simple sites that have little or no script08:22
SemtexI'll try disabling addons08:23
mang0nit-wit: Oh. Hmm, I'll have a look at all that. Why is it that the launcher thing is just pure black with no icons? That's more important I suppose08:23
sammyEAfter installing ubuntu, I also installed Windows7 (master boot record overwrited...) how can I boot ubuntu without installing grub?08:24
llutzKSHawkEye: i misread you, thought you talk about /tmp etc...  give www-data limited write-access to those dirs it really needs to write. that should be fine08:24
nit-witmang0, hard to say I assume you had compiz all tweaked for the clasic desktop, and there is a conflict.08:24
Semtexnot sure if you can sammyE you need a bootloader08:24
mang0well nit-wit I can try switching to metacity?08:25
i5nocSemtex, do you get the same issue with 3.x?08:25
quiescenssammyE: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows08:25
KSHawkEyellutz: Alright, so I'll just chmod 777 those two directories then, I just wasn't sure if that was the solution, thanks.08:25
Semtexnope was fine i5noc08:25
nit-witsammyE, easybcd08:25
llutzKSHawkEye: not 777, chown all the stuff user:www-data   with 755   and chmod 775 those dirs08:25
Semtexalso why does the firefox updates take soo long to reach the repositories?08:26
nit-witmang0, thats why I mentioned that then you can mess with compiz.08:26
=== Lucifer is now known as Guest69183
=== Guest69183 is now known as _Lucifer
llutzKSHawkEye: you don't want to have your webserver have writeaccess to all dirs/files08:26
mang0nit-wit: Ah okcay, I'll try metacity now, thanks.08:26
nit-witsammyE, are you familiar with easybcd?08:26
nit-witmang0, no problem, you know how to alt-f2 to a tty and stop the desktop and get back in?08:27
mang0nit-wit: I had to do it once, but I had someone walk me through it. No, I'm afraid I don't :/08:27
i5nocstill stalking u acid08:28
nit-witmang0, I forget the stop command anybody want to chime it in.08:28
sammyEquiescens: I don't want to reinstall grub, I'm searching for a way to boot ubuntu. e.g. a command at grub> to just boot from a hdx,x08:28
mang0nit-wit: you mean to stop x? it's alt +f2 isn't it?08:28
i5nocsammyE, yeah that can be done08:29
nit-witmang0, that gets you to a command line to run the stop command, it is still running when your there.08:29
i5noctry find /boot/grub/grub.cfg08:29
mang0somehting about sudo -kill x isn't it nit-wit ?08:29
mang0hold on i'll google08:30
i5nocthats going to be the root for your manual command08:30
nit-witmang0, worse possible rebot.08:30
sammyEi5noc: there may be a problem. the partition is crypted with luks. so find /boot/grub/grub.cfg doesn't work.08:30
i5nocwould look like that 'to start lets boot slackware' bit08:30
i5nocthat's why /boot is never encrypted08:30
i5nocyou need it to boot the kernel which has the stuff to undo the luks08:31
i5nocinstead you need to boot to another enviornment and decrypt iirc08:31
mang0nit-wit: apparantly it's ctrl-alt-f1, then login with user name and then $ sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:31
i5noc / can be encrypted, just not /boot08:31
quiescenssammyE: what is actually happening? when you try to boot you get a grub prompt instead of a menu?08:31
KSHawkEyellutz: I understand what your saying, I'm just not sure how to actually do it... if I add a new group, doesn't httpd then need to run under that group so that it has the same permissions?08:31
i5nocbtw nit-wit / mang008:31
sammyEI get the windows mbr boot screen, I can't select ubuntu on it08:32
llutzKSHawkEye: www-data IS the group apache/httpd runs as08:32
nit-witmang0, that is it man,08:32
i5nocfusion-icon is the king08:32
mang0i5noc: Hmm?08:32
i5nocsammyE, try a livecd08:32
KSHawkEyellutz: Ah08:32
mang0nit-wit: so I need to switch to metacity and then run that command stuff?08:32
_Luciferit seems pressing enter will sometimes crash my system. it could be a case of correlation does not equal causation, but the crash is always upon hitting enter, but not every press of enter crashes. it'll drop me into what appears to be the splash screen, usually with just the progress dots moving, without the actual logo. I can usually, but not always, drop into a pure terminal interface with ctrl-alt-f1. any ideas what this might be? and as a semi rela08:32
_Luciferted note, is it possible to submit posts on XChat without hitting enter so I don't accidentally crash while trying to figure it out?08:32
i5nocdon't install just boot and open terminal and go from there so to speak08:32
sammyEtried it. and i went into grub. but the stuff with "find /boot/grub/stage1" doesn't work. i dont know why08:32
nit-witi5noc, and a button on the desktop like synapse while your messing with compiz and watch your desktop melt. ;)08:32
i5nocnit-wit, yeah, i like a launcher for terminal, but ya08:33
i5nocok sammyE go to #flood plz we can paste stuff there, yeah?08:33
mang0why not just install pastebinit08:33
mang0sudo command her | pastebinit08:34
fmauro_Lucifer: that is one twisted problem :) what does your dmesg say after these crashes?08:34
quiescenssammyE: if you get a windows boot manager, then your best solution is to boot a livecd, mount your partitions somewhere and then reinstall grub08:34
i5nocmang0, he cant boot to it08:34
nit-witi5noc, I had compiz running great even before the release I found a websit with great instructions, like the extra buttons.08:34
i5nocquiescens, yeah08:34
KSHawkEyellutz: Is the group made by default because I had to add it for it to recognize it?08:34
MrCoffeeTVIs someone trying to dual-boot Windows?08:34
i5noco god08:34
cypha`dualbooting is so oldschool08:35
llutzKSHawkEye: its a systemgroup, created when installing apache or other webservers08:35
MrCoffeeTVThat's easy:  sudo update-grub08:35
i5nocthe person in question has an encrypted partition which may include / and /boot08:35
fmauro_Lucifer: has this problem emerged recently (on other distros as well)08:35
i5nocand is trying to unllock it08:35
mang0i5noc: omg.08:35
nit-witMrCoffeeTV, if the distro your in has grub in the mbr.08:35
mang0that's not cool08:35
MrCoffeeTVJust did that earlier when I installed Debian....  Ubuntu uses Grub 2, so there's no menu.lst to deal with.08:35
_Luciferfmauro you know, for some reason I've never thought to check that. I think the last time I started reading the xsession errors file though, and nothing seemed related there though08:35
i5nocthough, it is also a dual boot situation MrCoffeeTV08:35
girl_someone told me to run "rm -rf /" in terminal to boost performance. I did it , the pc froze and now kubuntu does not boot. Can anyone help me08:36
MrCoffeeTVActually, the grub in my Ubuntu is on the Ubuntu disk its self.08:36
fmauro_Lucifer: try reproducing the error and look at your dmesg log to see what your kernel did08:36
MrCoffeeTVNot the Windows disk.08:36
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!08:36
_Luciferactually come to think of it, I think it started when I switched from gdm to lightdm. could this be related?08:36
cypha`I think it has to be to prevent it from breaking grub08:36
MrCoffeeTVOne solution:  Get Clonezilla, and then clone your Ubuntu partition, and also clone your Windows partition separately.08:36
=== altin_ is now known as altin
fmauro_Lucifer: could very well be. but I wouldn't know why it would dislike the enter button08:37
MrCoffeeTVThen, use Clonezilla to put Ubuntu on its own disk.  This will hopefully preserve the boot properties.08:37
nit-witgirl_, you wiped the sytem.08:37
oCeangirl_: that most likely has destroyed your system. Where was this "advice" given?08:37
MrCoffeeTVThen, put the Windows partition image on a separate drive, then boot Ubuntu.  Then, you should be able to do the sudo update-grub.08:37
nit-witMrCoffeeTV, do you need help?08:38
girl_oCean: my bf told me that08:38
KSHawkEyellutz: Hmm, my httpd is actually running as root it shows, with the sub processes running as "apache" user08:38
girl_oCean: what do you mean destryed my system08:38
MrCoffeeTVSomeone was wondering about dual booting Ubuntu, nit-wit, so I figured I'd add how I've done it.08:38
MrCoffeeTVAnyway, carry on.08:38
oCeangirl_: the command (please don't post it here again) will remove everything from your filesystem.08:38
nit-witMrCoffeeTV, just checking.;)08:39
* herkupus smells a troll08:39
girl_but is thier no way to recover?08:39
* racho agrees with herkupus 08:39
oCeangirl_: unless you have backups, no08:39
_Luciferfmauro no idea. something made me think of that, whenever I would hit f5 while at the semi splash screen thing (no idea why I did that), some text would scroll by and one of the things was something along the lines of "starting lightdm [fail] " now that I'm thinking on it. I think I'll try to get a dmesg before switching back though, see why it would08:39
MrCoffeeTVI do like Ubuntu's version of Grub.  I just wish they would get rid of the 100% sizing bug when I open up firefox.08:39
oCeangirl_: and even in that case, you would have to reinstall a basic system to be able to restore your backup08:39
girl_what happens if I mount the partition in livecd will I have access to files home folder?08:40
mang0nit-wit: How do I configure metacity for Unity?08:40
oCeangirl_: you removed everything08:40
oCeangirl_: but sure, you could try running livecd and see what is left08:41
mang0I'm using it now but I'm not sure how to configure it. Can I still use compiz-fusion manager?08:41
nit-witmang0, metacity --replace will switch it to it.08:41
fmaurogirl_: you may be able to recover certain files if you don't overwrite stuff and your home folder wasn't encrypted08:41
mang0I've already switched to it nit-wit08:41
girl_fmauro: not encrypted08:41
mang0looks the same as before, gnome208:41
elhoir|wrkhi there08:42
nit-witmang0, I would set compiz to default then run compiz --replace the start the breakage.08:42
elhoir|wrkim behind a proxy, and i have lost apt-get access08:42
_Lucifergirl_  you could try recovery tools such as scalpel from a live session, since much of it should still be there unless it was actually overwritten, just nothing pointing to it08:42
elhoir|wrkit worped properly before08:42
fmaurogirl_: then I would suggest you make a full dd image of your disk and try to recover from there. this is no easy feat08:42
mang0okay nit-wit08:42
elhoir|wrkbut i changed in gnome settings and stopped working :-/08:42
girl_fmauro: ok08:42
elhoir|wrkmay anyone help please?08:43
nit-witmang0, there are lots of help websites for this you might cruise goolge a bit to get a setup known to work.08:43
girl_fmauro:, _lucifer, actually I was tricked, I did not run the command directly it was in a cript08:43
girl_edit script08:43
nit-witmang0, to start with.08:43
mang0nit-wit: okay, thanks.08:43
redmarvhi all08:43
nit-witmang0, I have it down now so I removed my bokmarks.08:43
mang0I've got the unity interface now, but the launcher/dock thing is still not showing icons. nit-wit <08:43
mang0nit-wit: damn!08:44
nit-witmang0, I would logout of the desktop or rebot.08:44
MaaksaaSorry, please tell me a book on ubuntu?08:44
redmarvanyone knows how to make ubuntu do some operation on a file when it is uploaded by a remote device?08:44
bazhang!manual | Maaksaa08:44
ubottuMaaksaa: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:44
nit-witmang0, logging put should work but sometimes U have had to reboot08:44
tekonivelohi. my Gwibber window only flashes on screen and then vanishes. It seems to be starting in a window to small for it. I tried to maximize all windows with compiz, but that didn't help i'm afraid :\08:45
fmaurotekonivelo: try running it from a terminal and look at the error messages there08:46
mang0nit-wit: it's time for some power googling! I've just logged out and in, and I've reverted to my gnome! Gr.08:46
redmarvI explain, I'd like to create a server that when I upload from my mobile an image, it work on it and return a string with some values08:46
nit-witmang0, here is a goggle search start.  https://encrypted.google.com/webhp?hl=en#sclient=psy&hl=en&site=webhp&source=hp&q=compiz+cube+natty&pbx=1&oq=compiz+cube+natty&aq=f&aqi=g1g-b1&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=2225l9911l0l10410l17l15l0l1l1l0l1394l6060l0.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=abb1f03500b21ec4&biw=856&bih=57708:46
mang0oh, thanks08:46
tekonivelofmauro: yeah that's what i'm doing08:46
nit-witmang0, no fun like watching the desktop go hog wild.;)08:47
fmaurotekonivelo: what does it return then?08:47
girl_oCean:,_Lucifer,fmauro: Thanks for your help I mounted the partition from live cd and recovered my whole home folder, everything seems present08:47
tekonivelofmauro: i get a lot of Gtk-warning about underallocation08:47
mang0nit-wit: indeed haha08:47
MaaksaaThank you very much08:47
deven_is there something like system restore on ubuntu?08:47
fmaurotekonivelo: could you post it to pastebin?08:47
mang0nit-wit: google ssl?! O.o OoooOooh!08:48
fmaurotekonivelo: also you could try running under a regular gnome session first to see if it isnt compiz that is acting up08:48
bazhangdeven_, no08:48
nit-witmang0, it is the only way I fly08:49
deven_then is there any way for me to restore my system to last know good configuration on ubuntu using some other software?08:49
bazhangdeven_, from backups08:49
nit-witmang0, https://encrypted.google.com/webhp?hl=en  I speak english08:50
mang0Lol, okay.08:50
psycheguys i m having trouble booting ubuntu08:50
psychecan anyone help..?08:50
fmaurotekonivelo: could you post it to pastebin?08:51
girl_psyche: What is the problem?08:51
fmaurotekonivelo: also you could try running under a regular gnome session first to see if it isnt compiz that is acting up08:51
tekonivelofmauro: oops sorry, my kerlen panicked :D08:51
psychei have ubuntu 11.04 installed ion my PC along with windows &..08:51
psycheafter updating my ubuntu, it asked me to restart..08:52
girl_psyche: Then08:52
psycheafter restarting the GRUB prompt would appear instead of login page08:52
* tekonivelo hasn't had a kernel panic in more than a decade08:52
* fmauro neither08:52
nit-witpsyche, looks like this  grub>08:52
psycheyess nit-wit08:52
nit-witpsyche, you have a live cd of natty?08:53
girl_psyche: What does this grub prompt say... so that I get your messages easily please begin each line with girl_:08:53
tekonivelofmauro: i wish something like --maximize or --geometry 500x500 worked08:53
nit-witgirl_, they get a   grub>08:54
psychei have a CD of ubuntu 10.10 i upgraded to 11.,04 later08:54
fmaurotekonivelo: maybe you can edit the size in gconf-editor  under apps/gwibber08:54
psychemy grub says nothing girl08:54
tekonivelofmauro: this is what i'm getting: "(gwibber:2410): Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to underallocate GwibberGtkStreamView's child GwibberGtkTileBox 0x880f9b0. Allocation is 84x1, but minimum required size is 84x200."08:54
girl_psyche: I will give you instructions to reinstall grub and see if that will work08:54
nit-witpsyche, you need a natty cd to fix this grub in natty is dfferent.08:54
girl_psyche:can you boot the live cd08:54
psycheyess i did boot the live CD but it shows me the option of installing ubuntu rather than repairing the broken fragments08:55
nit-witI'm not joking here a natty cd only girl_  and psyche08:55
tekonivelofmauro: and this one happens before: "(gwibber:2410): Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to underallocate GtkMenuBar's child GtkImageMenuItem 0x8a879a8. Allocation is -1073741720x-1, but minimum required size is 5898228x21."08:55
soreau! grub208:55
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)08:55
psychenit-wit i dont have a naaty cd08:56
fmaurotekonivelo: take a look in gconf-editor.08:56
Leen151Hi! somebody can help me about install mod_proxy_html vers.3.1?08:56
girl_psyche: can you boot a live environment08:56
nit-witpsyche, you need one take my word for it grub 1.99 is diferent you can't reload it with any other than a natty cd08:56
girl_psyche: and start a terminal08:56
tekonivelofmauro: i did, but couldn't find anything relevant... i'll do a search on "gwibber"08:56
psychehow can u start a terminal08:56
girl_nit-witt: actually you can with chroot08:57
HeinrichabcCtrl alt t08:57
nit-witpsyche, you are not being helped there.08:57
deven_for getting proper system restore, which folders are important to backup?08:57
psychenit-wit: what can i do..?08:57
nit-witgirl_, ah if you can yes sorry, you did not mention chroot and seemed rather inexsperienced.08:57
soreaudeven_: At least $HOME08:58
deven_ok anything other than home folder which can be important to backup?08:58
mang0nit-wit: Everything is sorted apart from the launcher/dock! This is ridiculous haha.08:58
nit-witgirl_, if you can chroot them in carry on . ;)08:58
soreau! backup | deven_08:59
ubottudeven_: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:59
girl_psyche: have you booted and run terminal?08:59
nit-witmang0, it is a day at the races a long day.08:59
Leen151some help with mod_proxy_html?08:59
psycheokk after running terminal..?08:59
mang0nit-wit: Indeed. Humph. :P08:59
deven_thanks for help soreau & ubottu :))))) claps09:00
girl_psyche: do you know how to mount a partition09:00
girl_girl_ mount your partition where ubuntu is installed somewhere09:00
soreaudeven_: FWIW, ubottu is a bot as the nick hints09:00
tekonivelofmauro: there's /apps/gwibber/preferences/window_size (i've set it to [500,500]), but that doesn't help. Is there some transition to some other place to save settings (gnome-settings-deamon)? it has an org.gwibber schema too09:00
girl_now in terminal type "sudo -i"09:00
deven_lol@ok soreau09:01
girl_psyche: type "chroot /the/directory/where/you/mounted/"09:01
girl_psyche: give me a sec09:02
girl_psyche: sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt /dev/sda09:02
girl_psyche: change --boot-directory and sda as needed09:03
fmaurotekonivelo: yes I tried that as well with no luck... ( the gconf setting ). I'll keep looking09:03
tekonivelofmauro: ok i solved it09:04
fmaurotekonivelo: do tell :)09:04
nmvictorI have a small concern, when using GnomeDo or Synapse to open files (.avi,.mp4,.pdf e.t.c) with their default applications, nautilus is opened with the file selected in its containing dir. I started experiencing this with Natty, In maverick the default behaviour was to open the file with its default application. How do I get this behaviour in Natty?09:05
tekonivelothe gwibber window preferences in Oneiric are stored in gnome-settings-daemon, not gconf09:05
fmaurotekonivelo: oh I see. glad it worked out09:06
tekoniveloso gwibber remember's it's own window size, see "gsettings list-recursively org.gwibber.state"09:06
nmvictorAnyone experiencing the problem above too?09:06
fmaurotekonivelo: indeed09:07
slinzexHi there!09:07
slinzexI was upgrading my ubuntu maverick, and get this error "Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/w/wine1.3/ttf-symbol-replacement-wine1.3_1.3.24-0ubuntu1~ppa1~maverick1_all.deb 404  Not Found"09:07
slinzexWhat can I do? because upgrade is aborted09:07
FloodBot1slinzex: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:07
tekoniveloand "gsettings reset org.gwibber.state height ;gsettings reset org.gwibber.state width" solved it09:07
tekonivelofmauro: \o/09:07
tekonivelofmauro: live and learn :)09:08
fmauroslinzex: you can try to remove the faulty ppa in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/[...]09:08
nmvictorslinzex: how about you remove the wine package temporarily to proceed with the upgrade then sort it later09:09
slinzex fmauro how to remove it manually?09:09
slinzex fmauro ah ok nothing09:09
girl_slinzex: THis problem is on server side (ppa) not yours, you could disable the wine ppa then try again09:09
slinzex fmauro I'll try09:09
slinzexgirl_ ok09:09
tekonivelofmauro: thanks for help and sparring! i owe you one09:11
bobweaverhi there I would like to learn more about how a distro like ubuntu is put together upstreams and what not what is on a live cd how ppa;s work from squafs09:11
slinzexSo in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/   I have to  temporally remove ubuntu-wine-ppa-lucid.list.save   ?09:11
girl_I want to boot img or vhd/ alike virtual disk files on hdd with grub 2 is this possible09:11
slinzexfmauro:  i guess so .09:11
bobweaverlike the base is debian right 4.0 ? with a moded framwork ?09:13
girl_bobweaver: It follows a release cyclehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule09:13
bobweaverwhere do repos come into play with a install ?09:14
girl_bobweaver: repos are just an online collection of software09:14
wildbatgirl_:  yes ~ WUBI do that there is map function to make a loop device09:14
bobweaverthe squafs ? mem boot ?09:14
daisyHi all09:14
mang0can I put in a "spoiler" in a post on the ubuntu forums? Like, if I want to post an image of my desktop? or does it have to just be there, no click to show sorta thing...?09:15
slinzexis there any way to improve sound quality in ubuntu?09:15
girl_bobweaver: what do you want to know about, how new features etc are decided upon or how the cd iso is packaged09:15
stevecami noticed that the tab-completion in the gnome terminal has been behaving a bit differently lately, it wont always add an escape character when needed09:15
bobweavergirl_: both09:16
daedrahas anyone here gotten DWM/WMII/Xmonad running on Ubuntu?09:16
daedraI would  like to use a tiling window manager09:16
psypher246hello all. who here has a usb3 port? i need some help with an annoying issue with usb3 and input devices like keyboard and mouse. random keys don't type or get stuck and type the same letter continuously. very erratic typing and mouse movements. only happen son the usb3 ports09:16
psypher246no help on google or forums09:16
girl_bobweaver: First features etc are planned about in the Ubuntu Developer Summit http://uds.ubuntu.com/09:17
daisyI have a problem with sudo apt-get with ubuntu jaunty... sources list seems to be out of date & I can't install filezilla, among others. Getting a lot of 404 not found errors. Any ideas?09:17
rabbit1which is the best FS for 10.04 on AMD and for External Harddisk ?09:17
rabbit1please help, i also got to take backup from FAT/ NTFS partitions.....09:17
daedrarabbit1: it depends on what you want to use it for09:17
ThinkT510daedra: they are in the repos09:17
girl_bobweaver: Then this is made into a schedule and snapshots of the progress are taken as per time and labeled alpha, beta etc until final date comed09:18
ThinkT510!find xmonad | daedra09:18
ubottudaedra: Found: libghc6-xmonad-contrib-dev, libghc6-xmonad-contrib-doc, libghc6-xmonad-contrib-prof, libghc6-xmonad-dev, libghc6-xmonad-doc09:18
daedraThinkT510: I know.. but DWM at least doesn't magically start working09:18
rabbit1daedra: yeah, i would prefer ext4 on my HDD and for external HDs ?09:18
daedrarabbit1: use ext4 then09:18
daedrarabbit1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems09:19
ThinkT510daedra: don't you need to edit your .xinitrc?09:19
rabbit1daedra: Thanks, any suggestion for external HD as i have to take backup from ext and FAT, both09:19
bobweaverI guess what I mean is when installing or running ubiquity what is going on I am real confused about how upstreaming  works09:19
daedraThinkT510: X doesn't look at .xinitrc09:20
daedraThinkT510: at least on Ubuntu 11.0409:21
ThinkT510daedra: ah, sorry, was thinking from arch viewpoint09:21
daedraThinkT510: I needed to edit .xsession to get dwm to appear in the gdm login menu, but when I start it from there it loads no WM09:21
nit-witdaisy, jaunty is past the end of life, I don't see any repositories for it as of now myself.09:21
MrCoffeeTVFolks, I'm off to the store...09:22
daedraThinkT510: yeah I also use Arch on my main computer. My work laptop has 11.04 though and i have no choice but to stick with it09:22
MrCoffeeTVThanks for having me visit...09:22
nit-witMrCoffeeTV, bring me some twinkies.09:22
daedraMrCoffeeTV: GODSPEED, YOU!09:22
MrCoffeeTVHeh heh heh...09:22
MrCoffeeTVNo twinkies.  I'm lucky to afford milk.09:22
daedrahas anyone here gotten DWM/WMII/Xmonad running on Ubuntu?09:24
pratzhey guys a good pdf to doc converter ??09:24
daedrapratz: I use Google Docs09:25
pratzdaedra: any other than that >>09:25
rabbit1daedra: i think will goahead with NTFS for now, coz both the data from WXP and 8.04 can be stored... and hope 10.04 also reads NTFS09:26
=== go876_away is now known as go876
Predkambrijhi all09:27
Predkambrijis there easy way to repair video driver or restore it to default?09:28
Linuxer_Hi Predkambrij09:28
daedraHi all. has anyone here gotten DWM/WMII/Xmonad running on Ubuntu?09:28
ugly_duckwhat good games are there for linux? i like starcraft I, warcraft II09:29
ugly_ducki tried to get railroad tycoon working, but its complaining about the sound system09:29
mang0Nice! Ubuntu one has gone up from 2GB free to 5GB free!09:30
slinzexHow to improve sound quality "UBUNTU" ?09:31
fmauroslinzex: you will have to explain more clearly where your issue lies09:32
Predkambrijtry with new driver and broke all :D09:32
Predkambrijlike me :D09:32
localhello all..am trying to install ubuntu 9.10 using a usb drive..while installing it says there was a problem reading cd..am using usb stick..can someone help me pls?thanks09:34
nit-witlocal, 9.10 is end of life.09:34
localhey nit09:35
nit-withello local09:35
localoh man wait its me Chaitu09:35
nit-witlocal, lol09:35
localsame guy who gets grub rescue for 1109:36
locallol yeah ..still struck there09:36
Predkambrijlocal, did you check md5sum of your iso before you write it to usb flash?09:36
mang0How do I uninstall ubuntu one?09:36
localumm nope09:37
ThinkT510local: why are you trying to install 9.10?09:37
localI thought installing this will get my old.grub nd windows09:37
Predkambrijmang0 format disk...09:37
localI had this version before I tried updating09:37
ThinkT510local: why don't you just reinstall grub?09:38
g33phello! I have put ubuntu server on my usb using unetbootin. but the usb's boot menu is converted to unetbootin's standard one and i can't install server using minimal mode setting. how do i do it if i could edit boot parameters? in short: what is boot parameter to go to minimal server install?09:38
localthink: I need love cd of 11 to do that nd I don't have that09:39
fmaurog33p: you could use ubuntus startup disk creator to get the regular boot menu.09:39
ThinkT510local: and you can't download it?09:39
localyou mean live cd? no..only have this phone nd lappy which is broken09:40
g33pfmauro: alright but since i have already done it, (can't copy all that again to my slow usb) can i get to minimal install by editing boot params?09:40
localstart up.creator? will that help me?09:40
mang0hey Predkambrij I just uninstalled ubuntu one. ha. lol :P09:40
slinzexhi there!09:41
slinzexsomeone know path to current theme in ubuntu?09:41
cyphacan someone please hilight me so i can test something09:41
cyphamang0: one more time plesae09:41
mang0cypha Highlight09:41
fmaurog33p: It might be possible but I wouldn't know how. sry09:41
daedraI've decided not to use GNOME, but I do want something NetworkManager to keep my wifi connection alive over login/logouts. How do I do this?09:41
daedrasomething like NetworkManager*09:41
localthis 9.10 gives me option to install grub boot loader..would it work for my broken 11 version?09:42
cyphadamn, guess it didn't work09:42
fmaurodaedra: are you running tty only, or another graphical user environment?09:42
Kingsyif I installed eclipse with sudo apt-get install eclipse-platform     that installs Version: 3.5.2   how do i upgrade to 3.7.0 (latest) ?09:42
iceroot!backports | Kingsy09:42
ubottuKingsy: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging09:42
daedrafmauro: another graphical user environment09:43
daedrafmauro: what do you recommend fo rthat?09:43
fmaurodaedra. which one? xfce? kde?09:43
daedrafmauro: XMonad09:43
daedrafmauro: assume I'm using xfce09:44
slinzexwhere is current theme located "UBUNTU" ???09:44
daisyHi all09:44
Kingsyiceroot: how do you know if eclipse is there? if so what its called etc?09:44
fmaurodaedra: I know xmonad. you're running wireless?09:44
daedrafmauro: yes09:44
fmaurodaedra: how about this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84334109:45
jribdaedra: why something *like* networkmanager and not just networkmanager :P  Anyway, your only other real option is wicd afaik09:45
antiherois http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/  offline for anyone else?09:45
localcan anyone tell me how to install from usb but not cd drive?this installation is looking for files on cd wen I have it on usb stick..09:45
Onepamopaanyone know how to install java7 from .tar.gz package manually ???09:45
antiheroWhere's google's repo gone?09:45
OnepamopaI added it @ /usr/lib64/jvm/09:45
Onepamopabut update-alternatives doesnt find it09:45
daedrajrib: it can be networkmanager09:46
daedrajnetworkmanager is like networkmanager. infact, it is09:46
=== local is now known as Chaitu
ThinkT510antihero: i get a 404for that page09:46
daedrajrib: networkmanager is like networkmanager. infact, it is09:46
daisyI'm an error "Hash Sum mismatch" when running sudo apt-get install "something" ("something"="filezilla). Does anyone know what this means? Why would this be happening? I am using Jaunty, but I don't think that's the problem.09:46
jribdaedra: those are your options then: networkmanager and wicd09:46
cyphacan someone hilight me again please09:47
Kingsyaccording to google, you cant install 3.7.0 from the PPA, is that right? or is it there somewhere?09:47
jribcypha: do that somewhere else please09:47
ThinkT510cypha: what are you doin?09:47
daedrafmauro: that's an awful suggestion. I connect to lots of different APs09:47
cyphasetting up a highlight notification script on irssi09:47
antiheroThinkT510: Indeed09:47
daedrafmauro: that forum post suggests hard coding in the APs09:47
jribdaedra: fwiw I use wicd with xmonad because it provides a nice curses interface09:48
daedrajrib: I choose networkmanager! Now what... :P09:48
daedraoh right09:48
jribdaedra: then you're on your own, though I believe you can either just bring up nm-applet or use the cli interface (nmcli)09:49
jrib"cli interface"09:49
KingsyI cant even download and replace eclipse cos I don't know where the repos have installed it.. lol09:50
jribKingsy: APT installs and removes things09:50
Kingsyjrib: yeah, but eclipse 3.7 isnt in the repos09:51
Onepamopaok guys, someone would explain how to install jdk-7-linux-x64.tar.gz @ ubuntu ??????09:51
jrib!java | Onepamopa09:51
ubottuOnepamopa: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.09:51
Kingsyapt-get install eclipse-platform installs 3.5 not 3.7, I need to upgrade to 3.709:52
Kingsyjrib: ^^09:52
Onepamopaubottu "sun-java6" .... Im going for sun-java709:52
ubottuOnepamopa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:52
=== Chaitu is now known as chaitu
Onepamopajrib very nice that doesnt help at all09:53
Onepamopatrust me09:53
OnepamopaIm doing MANUAL installation from tarball09:53
Onepamopasince java-7 isnt @ any repository YET09:53
reachingperfectiinternet not working on rouete :dna A212 , laptop DELL INSPIRON 1525 with ubuntu 11.0409:53
Onepamopaso, anyone knows how to manually install it ???09:53
stevecami want java-809:53
Onepamopastevecam wait 2 years09:53
jribOnepamopa: you said "I can't ...cos I don't know where the repos have installed it".  I'm pointing out that you don't need to know where the repos installed it09:53
Onepamopajava7 is here ..09:53
freedom07ubottu, could you please give me a beer?09:54
ubottufreedom07: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:54
cjsWhat's the package I install to enable compatability with 32-bit programs on a 64-bit OS?09:54
Onepamopajrib there's no java 7 @ ubuntu repos trust me09:54
OnepamopaI checked09:54
r000t_nbHello. I just installed Ubuntu Natty x64, and when booting into the new installation, is says 'error: no video mode activated'09:54
Onepamopawhy do u think Im going for tarball ?09:54
r000t_nbWhy did my computer become a very expensive paperweight?09:54
slinzexsomeone know path to current theme in ubuntu?09:54
jribOnepamopa: I'm not claiming there is.  What is stopping you from installing the tarball?09:55
jribslinzex: why?09:55
Onepamopajrib that's the thing - HOW to install it ?09:55
slinzexjrib I need to change window border width09:55
jribOnepamopa: where did you get the tarball?09:55
OnepamopaI added it @ /usr/lib64/jvm/java-7-sun-1.7.0-b14709:55
slinzexjrib but I have to access to .XML of theme09:55
Onepamopajrib from oracle's webpage09:55
jribslinzex: create a copy of the theme from /usr/share/themes/ in ~/.themes/ and modify the copy09:55
cjsOr, alternatively, how do I find out what package caused the automatic installation of ia32-libs?09:55
jribOnepamopa: link please09:55
reachingperfectiplease help :internet not working on rouete :dna A212 , laptop DELL INSPIRON 1525 with ubuntu 11.0409:56
Onepamopahere ya go09:56
Onepamopareleased yesterday09:56
slinzexjrib yes but, in there are a lot of themes. I'm using CUSTOMIZED theme, so I don't know it's name09:56
jribOnepamopa: have you read the "Installation Instructions" at the link you provided?09:57
Onepamopaw8 to check09:57
Onepamopawhere do you see "Installation instructions" ?09:57
reachingperfectijust reply even if u don not know : internet not working on rouete :dna A212 , laptop DELL INSPIRON 1525 with ubuntu 11.0409:58
jribOnepamopa: keep in mind of course that installing things outside the repositories makes you responsible for updates09:58
Onepamopajrib can you provide me the link for "installation instructions"09:58
OnepamopaI cant seem to find it09:58
pratzhey guys i have installed skype on 10.04 but my can not record my voice , i guess micro phone issue09:58
ThinkT510Onepamopa: there should be a readme in the tarball09:58
jribOnepamopa: on the link you gave me, it says "installation instructions" under the download button09:58
pratzany idea from where to configure the microphone09:59
slinzexjrib have you any solution for that?09:59
reachingperfectiguys : just say hie because i want to confirm if u getting my messages09:59
Onepamopajrib cool, yes I have read it yesterday09:59
jribOnepamopa: go on...10:00
Onepamopaso explain to me now, what happens when I write java -version and I see java-6 ?10:00
Onepamopaand update-alternatives --config java10:00
Onepamopadoesnt see the 7 version ?10:00
ThinkT510reachingperfecti: people won't reply if they don't know how to help you10:00
Onepamopathats the thing Im asking about10:00
jribOnepamopa: you are not calling the correct java10:00
Onepamopajrib o yes I know that10:00
Onepamopathen how to make java7 the "correc" one ?10:00
jribOnepamopa: add it to your path, or call it using it's full path10:01
reachingperfectithinkt510: thanks bro was trying to confirm if my messages were reaching or i was blocked10:01
Onepamopajrib then why update-alternatives doesnt see it ?10:01
OnepamopaI dont want to delete my old java-6, just to select java7 and use it for now10:01
jribOnepamopa: because it's not a nice debian package I suppose.  You can add it as an alternative, see update-alternatives documentation10:01
jribslinzex: you want the theme that corresponds to the "controls" tab when you customized10:02
slinzexjrib I just need to access metacity-theme-1.xml  of CURRENT theme10:02
slinzexjrib in controls I have GTK Leopard10:03
jribslinzex: yes, so go to gnome-appearance-properties, click customize.  See what is selected under the "controls".  Copy that from /usr/share/themes/ to ~/.themes/.  Renaming it is probably a good idea but not required as ~/.themes will override /usr/share/themes/.  Then make your modifications10:03
slinzexjrib but in /usr/share/themes I haven't10:03
jribslinzex: then check ~/.themes/10:04
oCeanOnepamopa: first add it to alternatives using: sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/{whateverpathtonewjavaversion}/bin/java {some_priority}10:04
slinzexjrib thx, is there!10:04
OnepamopaoCean already done, thanks anyway :)10:06
wasanzyhi all10:06
g33phello! how do i convert my ubuntu 11.04 server install to a minimal server install? (system is overloaded all the time)10:07
minimecHi. Imagine you have a vanilla firefox install in /home/minimec/firefox and you want to add the libflashplayer.so. In what folder would you put that plugin?10:08
jribg33p: what do you mean when you say "system is overloaded"?10:08
jribminimec: ~/.mozilla/plugins/10:08
ThinkT510g33p: remove what you don't need10:08
AscavasaionHow do I find out what my IP is that my IP assigned to me?  I am on a PC behind an ADSL router.  Thank you.10:08
g33puptime command's output has figures like 2.3 etc all the time10:08
asdjaputrag33p, don't install Xorg ;)10:08
minimecjrib: I did that, but it doesn't work at all.10:08
jribg33p: well what's hogging the cpu in top?10:08
minimecjrib: That is driving me nuts...10:09
jribminimec: is there a reason you aren't just using mozilla-team's ppa for firefox?10:09
ThinkT510Ascavasaion: ethernet or wireless?10:09
g33puh oh! its noip2 that i'd been running to update my dns10:09
AscavasaionThinkT510: I did a /dns Ascavasaion ... it worked :)10:10
stephenhhello.  does anyone have success connecting to a mssql database with tsql?10:10
minimecjrib: Yes there is. I use the prism 'replacement' WebRunner, which uses a local firefox copy as local environment.10:10
ThinkT510!yay | Ascavasaion10:10
ubottuAscavasaion: Glad you made it! :-)10:10
AscavasaionThinkT510: I am on wireless behind the ADSL router which is connected via phoneline.10:10
icerootKingsy: i dont know if it is there just wanted to show you how such "problems" are handled in ubuntu10:11
ThinkT510Ascavasaion: ifconfig wlan0 will show you your ip (assuming wlan0 is your wireless)10:12
jribminimec: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Prism "Only way I found to add the flash plugin to WebRunner was to copy my plugins folder from firefox to the webrunner folder."  Try that I suppose10:12
minimecjrib: You cannot imagine how many folders I tried... I saw this message too.10:13
adil_Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to change default ubuntu font when another keyboard layout is selected. Thanks10:14
AscavasaionThinkT510: That only gives me the internal IP of the laptop on the home network.  I was trying to figure out what my IPis to the outside world.10:14
jribminimec: see http://www.solo-technology.com/blog/2008/01/19/getting-flash-to-work-with-prism-in-linux/ ?10:14
DistroJockeyAscavasaion:  http://www.whatismyip.com/10:14
reachingperfecticannot see my partition in places10:14
AscavasaionThank you DistroJockey10:14
minimecjrib: Followed that one too.10:14
DistroJockeyAscavasaion: np10:14
reachingperfecticannot see my partition in places on ubuntu 11.0410:15
jribminimec: you are restarting firefox completely after placing the plugin in the specified folders?10:15
girl_reachingperfecti: what do you mean partition places?10:15
minimecjrib: I then decided to try a simple vanilla firefox install. Yes I do restart the browser.10:16
jribminimec: I'd suggest asking the mozilla folks then10:16
ThinkT510Ascavasaion: ahh, i see10:16
minimecjrib: It's like 10 years of Linux experience are useless. Never had this feeling...10:16
R1ckbecause of firewalling, I need to specify a specific port for nlockmgr (NFS), I cant find options for this in /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server (or nfs-common) - anyone know how I can do this?10:17
minimecjrib: I am asking on #firefox, but no answer until now.10:17
minimecjrib: THX anyway10:17
jribminimec: try on mozilla's irc server10:17
ThinkT510Ascavasaion: here is one way: http://www.whatismyip.com/10:17
minimecjrib: That is a good idea. THX10:17
asdjaputraThinkT510, faster with icanhazip.com10:18
asdjaputrajust curl it10:18
jane1 how can i know what website uses what OS to host files ?10:18
ThinkT510asdjaputra: DistroJockey beat me to it anyway10:18
AscavasaionThinkT510: Thank you.10:18
ThinkT510Ascavasaion: no worries :)10:19
jribjane1: netcraft.com maybe though this is not really an ubuntu question...10:19
dbuggerCan someone please tell me how to enable webgl for Chrome?10:19
asdjaputrajane1, if they're using Apache and made available OS Info in their config you can see it by typing a 404 HTML page10:20
reachingperfectii just gave a fresh install on my laptop of ubuntu 11.04 , can see my partitions from gparted but cannot see my drives in my places10:20
asdjaputrajane1, example.com/randomstuffff10:20
fmaurojane1 sudo nmap -v -O domaintobescanned.com10:21
reachingperfectigirl_: i just gave a fresh install on my laptop of ubuntu 11.04 , can see my partitions from gparted but cannot see my drives in my places10:21
girl_reachingperfecti: try mounting the drives manually10:21
girl_reachingperfecti: in terminal10:21
asdjaputraanyone ever tried byobu or screen before?10:22
reachingperfectigirl_: can u help10:23
reachingperfectigirl_: i mean the command to mount10:23
adil_Is it possible to change the default font after switching keyboard layout to a different language?10:23
fmauroasdjaputra: screen yes why?10:23
astraljavaasdjaputra: Using screen all the time. Better to state the problem, though. Do you haev any?10:23
girl_reachingperfecti: mount /dev/blockdevice(e.g/dev/sda1) /directory/to/mount10:24
luc3ntxhi, what's the best ftp server for ubuntu?10:24
jrib!ftpd | luc3ntx10:24
ubottuluc3ntx: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP10:24
jane1asdjaputra fmauro jrib thx10:24
asdjaputrafmauro, astraljava, are there a way i can change keyboard shortcuts in screen or byobu?10:24
luc3ntxjrib, thanks.10:25
reachingperfectigirl_: how to see my mounted partitoion in command line10:25
asdjaputraC-a A to something somewhat easier to press10:25
girl_have you mounted it?10:25
girl_reachingperfecti: have you mounted it10:25
reachingperfectino me trying actually me helping my friend on a remote desktop10:26
steviewhow to change colors in the terminal10:26
astraljavaasdjaputra: Sorry, no idea, never felt the need to.10:26
asdjaputraastraljava, so i guess i just need to get used to type them huh10:27
asdjaputraastraljava, does screen actually replace your GUI DE?10:27
astraljavaasdjaputra: I never said it's not possible. :)10:27
asdjaputraastraljava, heh heh10:28
jribasdjaputra: you can change the keyboard combination to whatever you want I believe...10:28
astraljavaasdjaputra: No, I have several irssi (and other) sessions running on a remote server, so I can connect to them wherever, and they're always online.10:28
DistroJockeysteview: Edit - Profile Preferences - Colours10:28
just_Hi all. Tell me who was trying to set up the printer zebra lp 2824 to ubuntu?10:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 2824 in debfoster (Ubuntu) "debfoster asks about non-orphaned package" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/282410:28
PainKhi my update manger is not working, what should i do?10:29
asdjaputrawow cool astraljava10:29
reachingperfectigirl_:no me trying actually me helping my friend on a remote desktop10:29
DistroJockeyreachingperfecti: the command  mount  will show what is currently mounted10:29
reachingperfectiDistroJockey : thanks10:30
DistroJockeyreachingperfecti: no problem10:30
Valentinexthere is one default installed screenshot application in ubuntu, what is the package name of that app? I want to install it in my Lubuntu10:30
asdjaputraPainK, as said, check your internet connection10:30
asdjaputraGNOME or KDE or Fluxbox or Openbox or just Screen?10:31
PainKasdjaputra: my connection is perfect, it's wireless, everything else works?10:32
asdjaputracould you print the whole details in a pastebin and post the link10:32
=== Mud is now known as Guest87582
fmauroValentinex: it's in the gnome-utils package10:33
ThinkT510PainK: it looks like its a certain ppa archive that it can't connect to10:33
fmauroValentinex: and it's called gnome-screenshot10:34
PainKasdjaputra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/654401/10:34
asdjaputraPainK, loell ppa haven't support maverick yet10:35
asdjaputrachange it with lucid10:35
asdjaputraand it'll work fine10:36
PainKThinkT510: i think so, how can i get rid of this message, and the program that causes it?10:36
=== gravin is now known as NimbleCalls
PainKasdjaputra: how can i do that?10:37
ThinkT510PainK: uninstall the ppa, i guess10:37
asdjaputrachange the software sources in software center10:37
asdjaputraor just sudoedit /etc/apt/sources.list10:37
=== NimbleCalls is now known as gravin
PainKThinkT510: ppa?10:39
ThinkT510!ppa | Paink10:39
ubottuPaink: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa10:39
dumbchickI installed Ubuntu 11.04. I have replaced by windows software all but this http://bit.ly/p590ma anyone knows an equivalent to Ubuntu]10:40
cornelinuxWhere can I download the GPG keys of a distribution?10:41
ThinkT510dumbchick: you could try installing it in wine, or use a windows vm10:41
nit-witdumbchick, is this spam?10:41
dumbchicknit-wit: no why?10:42
asdjaputradumbchick, gimp10:42
nit-witdumbchick, I couldn't understand that software was what your looking for, my mistake.10:43
dumbchickasdjaputra: Gimp is a photeditor not the same10:43
asdjaputradumbchick, add makeups using gimp10:43
ferniwell gimp can do the same for sure, might be just too complicated..10:43
asdjaputraapply soft brush10:44
fernitry to run that software with wine?10:44
asdjaputra29.95 is for applying soft brush and eyeliners10:44
dumbchickferni: does not work10:44
asdjaputrafor eyeliners*10:44
dumbchickThinkT510: vm does not run on my pc too slow10:45
dumbchickNo ideas?10:46
asdjaputragirl_, anyone what?10:46
ThinkT510dumbchick: try running it in wine10:46
girl_asdjaputra: Sorry typed in irc instead of pidgin10:47
asdjaputraThinkT510, won't work she said10:47
dumbchickThinkT510: Doesn't work, anyway I think I will just forget it it isn't essential software and I hardly used it in windows except for fun10:48
nit-witgirl_, dumbchick you are one and the same10:49
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101010:49
dumbchick<nit-wit> er no I think girl_ is my sister we share the same lan10:50
in0culaplease help me, i reinstalled ubuntu 11.04, then installed driver ati and seems ok, but i can'o play video, neither with vlc, i installed the codec restricted extra but no luck10:50
nit-witdumbchick, you think10:50
PainKasdjaputra: do you know what loell is?10:51
dumbchicknit-wit: it is true, I am new to ubuntu just installed last week10:51
nit-witI just had to laugh the IP's are one and the same?10:52
dumbchickwhen you use a router, ip's  of internet (not lan ) are same10:52
r000tI'm having a huge problem with ecryptfs. I just mounted an old hard drive with an ecryptfs protected home folder. I know the passphrase, and I have the output of 'ecrypt-unwrap-passphrase', but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to mount this. It might be important to note that my current home directory is also ecryptfs protected.10:53
shockrateshey my bluetooth doesnt work says no adaptors found. should i install some package?10:54
r000tnit-wit: All went well. Until I started. It didn't like my vidya driver so I had to boot into failsafe recovery and install nvidia driver10:55
ThinkT510shockrates: you may need to restart bluetooth10:55
dumbchickasdjaputra: ThinkT510, Thanks a lot I found this jkiwi app suites me10:55
shockratesThinkT510: how?10:55
r000tNow I can't mount my old hard drive's ecryptfs10:55
ionitecan anyone hel pme with my GeForce 5500X ?10:55
PainKis there a way to use windows drivers on Ubuntu?10:55
ThinkT510shockrates: sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart10:55
girl_ionite: go and download the driver from nvidi'a web site10:56
ionitei cannot change my resolution on my GeForce 5500 monitor10:56
nit-witr000t, cool .;)10:56
ThinkT510!ndiswrapper | PainK10:56
ubottuPainK: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:56
ionitegirl_: i did but i can't run the .RUN file10:56
girl_ionite: boot ubuntu in recovery mode10:56
girl_ionite: then select drop to root prompt10:56
girl_ionite: type sudo sh /path/to/.runfile10:57
girl_ionite: it should then install10:57
stephanhey guys. i am about to install miktex-tools. i tried the debian version over software-center, but the installation aborted,.... well i tried the tar.gz file now. i unzipped it and have now 2 folders in it. but no readme how to install. on the internet they said, switch in the folder and make ./configure   make    make install. but when i type ./configure my terminal says data or folder not found.10:58
PainKThank you so much you two, asdjaputra, ThinkT510.10:58
ionitegirl_: are u certain? i got 2 .RUN files in the same folder10:58
girl_ionite yes10:58
girl_ionite: run whichever file you downloaded10:58
fmaurostephan: are you merely looking to create regular latex documents?10:59
asdjaputraPainK, loell is PPA10:59
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa10:59
ThinkT510PainK: no worries :)10:59
girl_ionite: working?10:59
ionitegirl_: i'm using the exact words u gave me. ok?10:59
csarvenIs there an audio player that can (book)mark certain frames in a song?10:59
girl_ionite: wait10:59
girl_replace /path with the real path11:00
fmaurostephan: I like working with gedit. so I use the gedit-latex-package. it sets everything up accordingly11:00
asdjaputraPainK, just change the maverick to lucid, loell doesn't have PPA on maverick11:00
csarvenSort of like soundcloud.com11:00
stephanyeah i have texmaker and texlive without miktex and it worked for my texfiles. but i need now moderncv package, and i dont know how to install without the miktex packagemanager11:00
girl_ionite: example it you saved it in /home/ionite/download/nv.run11:00
girl_ionite: the command is sh /home/ionite/download.nv.run11:01
girl_ionite: understood11:01
PainKThinkT510: friend my problem is my camera doesn't work, and it's a built-in cam, no problem with the modems.11:01
girl_Ionite: it will prompt you to auto configure X say yes11:01
DistroJockeygirl_: not quite right there11:01
girl_DistroJockey: ??11:01
ThinkT510PainK: installed cheese?11:01
PainKThinkT510: I have a Sony VGN-UX.11:02
ioniteDistroJockey: pls elaborate11:02
DistroJockeygirl_: your example doesn't match the command :)11:02
ionitegirl_: ure sure it'll work yeah? cuz i'm gonna tyr it now.11:02
girl_ionite: yes11:02
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100411:02
girl_DistroJockey: Got it typo11:02
DistroJockeygirl_: nods11:03
ionitegirl_: so no changes yeah?11:04
girl_ionite: Remember the filename rename it if you like the default filename can be long the filename "nv***.run)11:04
girl_ionite: no changes11:04
ionitegirl_: gd point11:04
r000tHow do I mount multiple ecryptfs protected folders?11:04
ionitehere goes nothing!11:05
ionitegirhere goes nothing!11:05
reachingperfectigirl_:result on mount command http://pastie.org/228924211:05
PainKThinkT510: Alright, I'm installing it right now.11:06
girl_reachingperfecti: did you mount the drive?11:06
PainKasdjaputra: so is 10.04 better than 10.10 in a way?11:07
DistroJockeyionite, girl_: The page where you download the driver has an "Additional Information" section that has installation instructions. (Though they could be elaborated on)11:07
asdjaputraPainK, no, leoll doesn't have maverick packages yet, as far as it can go is lucid packages11:07
asdjaputrabut basically, PainK, you can use lucid packages of leoll PPA in your maverick11:07
girl_DistroJockey: Inonite's gone guess he rebooted to install driver11:07
dusty29wow this is awesome11:07
DistroJockeygirl_: yeah, just saw that :)11:08
asdjaputracus lucid and maverick have no difference that's significance that maybe affect the package11:08
ThinkT510PainK: 10.04 is an lts release so it will be supported longer than 10.1011:08
PainKasdjaputra: I see.11:08
PainKThinkT510: You're kidding me!11:09
ThinkT510!lts | PainK11:09
ubottuPainK: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)11:09
asdjaputraPainK, /msg ubottu for experiments11:10
reachingperfectigirl_: it is already mounted but not visible in places11:10
girl_<reachingperfecti>: Sorry I can't help you then I use KDE and have no idea how places works11:10
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:11
reachingperfectigirl _ : command was mount dev/sd3 for mounting sda3 right11:12
ThinkT510reachingperfecti: sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mountpoint11:12
reachingperfectia partition already mounted on ubuntu 11.04 but not visible in places11:13
DruifIs there a way to find out which process is consuming my bandwidth?11:13
asdjaputraPlaces just replace mount /dev/sda3 /mountpoint11:13
reachingperfectiThinkT510: Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.11:14
reachingperfectiThe volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which11:14
reachingperfecticould be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.11:14
asdjaputraeasy on !enter11:14
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:14
dustyok guys I have a question here...11:14
fmauroDruif: netstat11:14
ThinkT510reachingperfecti: then find out where it is mounted11:14
drake01Druif, Install nethogs11:14
Druiffmauro, ok thankx I will try that one!11:14
girl_dusty: ...11:14
asdjaputradusty, yes?11:14
ThinkT510reachingperfecti: are you sure it isn't under places?11:14
PainKasdjaputra: Alright.11:15
dustyok well i'm using ubuntu 11.04 and everytime I download a file it asks me what program i'd like to open it with, obviously i'm new to linux and not used to the "next next next next that you get with windows when you download a file ?11:15
fmauroDruif: try drake01 answer. much better11:15
reachingperfectiThink510: realy strange i have only 2 partions : 1 c 2 recovery  ,11:16
fmaurodrake01: nice, didn't know about that one. thx11:16
dustyFor example I tried to run the jdk java development pack and it wont let me install it, i dont know what program to use to open it with to execute the install ?11:16
girl_disty: give an expample of the file extension e.g .exe .zip .doc11:16
ThinkT510dusty: why don't you install java from the repos?11:16
r000tHow do I mount multiple ecryptfs protected folders?11:16
r000tHow do I mount multiple ecryptfs protected folders?11:16
asdjaputradusty, sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk11:16
r000tHow do I mount multiple ecryptfs protected folders?11:16
r000tHow do I mount multiple ecryptfs protected folders?11:16
r000tHow do I mount multiple ecryptfs protected folders?11:16
FloodBot1r000t: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:16
asdjaputrar000t, flood11:16
ThinkT510reachingperfecti: ahh, i don't use wubi11:17
girl_dusty: Ubuntu has different installer files than windows, .exe .msi will not work11:17
LjLr000t: don't do that, thank you11:17
drake01fmauro, happy to be helpful.11:17
ThinkT510!caps | reachingperfecti11:17
asdjaputra!caps | reachingperfecti11:17
asdjaputradoesn't work11:17
ubottureachingperfecti: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:17
FloodBot1asdjaputra: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:17
girl_dusty: We have a represitory system for easy software installation11:17
reachingperfectiubottu: sorry did not see caps was on11:17
ubottureachingperfecti: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:17
girl_dusty: open Ubuntu Software Center11:17
dustygirl ... ok ?11:18
asdjaputraquiet ed?11:18
girl_ionite: worked?11:18
ionitegirl_: I tried it. it says can't open file.11:18
girl_ionite: sure you did not miss the file11:19
ionitegirl_: 100% sure because i renamed it to FX5500.RUN for easier typing.11:19
r000tAnyway, I'm having a major issue with ecryptfs. All I'm trying to do is mount /media/<whatever>/home/r000t/11:20
r000tThat's all I want to do11:20
r000tAnd it looks like that's damned near impossible11:20
raluxgazaanyone using minimal ubuntu? Is is good for development?11:20
girl_ionite: Try like this when you get the prompt type "cd /" then press h and press the TAB key it will auto complete to home then when you reach the directory with the file type "ls"11:20
r000tecryptfs: So secure, even you won't ever see your data11:20
ionitegirl_: sounds complicated.11:21
ikoniar000t: you have to unencypt it11:21
ikoniathat's the point, what else do you expect11:21
ikoniaraluxgaza: minimal ubuntu ?11:21
r000tI cannot11:21
r000tI tried ecryptfs-recover-private11:21
MrPopinjayYo. Anyone know why the audio in wine seems to stop working when I load diablo 2?11:21
raluxgazaikonia: yes11:21
r000tbut because that folder and my home folder have the same name11:21
ThinkT510!mini | ikonia11:21
ubottuikonia: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD11:21
ikoniaraluxgaza: what do you mean11:21
ionitegirl_: try in terminal or in recovery root prompt?11:21
r000tthe folder in /tmp is just a mimic of my curent home folder11:21
girl_ionite: will get back to you one moment11:21
raluxgazaikonia: is it good for software development like python/ruby?11:22
girl_ionite first try in terminal and practise then recovery prompt11:22
girl_inonite open a terminal I will explain11:22
ikoniaraluxgaza: it's the same as the standard ubuntu install, as you'll need to install the tools, so that makes it not minimal11:22
ionitegirl_: give me the exact commands please?11:22
girl_ionite have you opened terminal11:22
ionitegirl_: terminal opened11:22
girl_type cd /11:23
r000tikonia, Do you know how to mount two ecryptfs folders with the same name?11:23
girl_ionite: done?11:23
ikoniar000t: I don't see how they can have the same name11:23
raluxgazaikonia: aright, it should work out minimal for me because I use like 2% of all standard ubuntu installed packages11:23
raluxgazaikonia: all i use is browser and terminal11:23
girl_ionite: "cd /" enter key11:23
r000tikonia, Simple, one is /home/r000t, the other is /media/150/home/r000t11:23
girl_ionite: ...11:24
ionitegirl_: ok. next?11:24
Kingsyis komodo edit in the ubuntu repos anywhere?11:24
Kingsyapt-cache search komodo returns nothing11:24
girl_ionite: type "h" do not press enter11:24
ionitegirl_: ?11:24
girl_ionite: then press tab11:24
ThinkT510!find komodo11:24
ionitegirl_: ok.11:24
ubottuPackage/file komodo does not exist in natty11:25
girl_ionite: see what happens?11:25
ikoniar000t: are they on two seperate devices ?11:25
ionitegirl_: many H came out11:25
r000tikonia, yes11:25
KingsyThinkT510: so does that mean no?11:25
girl_ionite: now cd /home11:25
ThinkT510Kingsy: i assume so11:25
ThinkT510Kingsy: maybe there is a ppa11:25
ionitegirl_: ok11:26
girl_ionite: now cd "your username folder"11:26
girl_ionite: cd to the folder where you save the .run file in this way11:26
girl_ionite: you understood about cd11:27
stephancan somebody tell me where texlive folder is? i need to adjust the moderncv.sly11:27
ikoniar000t: how are you trying to unencypt them11:27
ionitegirl_: my file is in download folder11:27
DistroJockeyionite, girl_ : Or you can open a terminal window and type:  sudo sh ~/Downloads/FX5500.RUN11:27
ionitegirl_: so its basically /home/downloads/FX5500.RUN11:27
ionitegirl_: so what do i type?11:27
drake01stephan, try whereis command to check the file locations.11:28
girl_ionite: what DistroJockey said11:28
girl_ionite: does the installer show up and give an error about runlevel?11:28
ioniteso i'll type exactly 'sudo sh ~/Downloads/FX5500.RUN11:28
ionitegirl_: i was prompt for password and then it says can't open file11:29
ionitegirl_: sh can't open: FX5500.RUN11:29
girl_paste the out put here11:29
girl_ionite: type cd ~Downloads11:30
ionitegirl_: sh: Can't open /home/ionite/Downloads/FX5500.RUN11:30
DistroJockeyionite: Remember filenames are CaSe sensitive11:30
r000tikonia, the only thing that will work is going to the .Private directory in the slave drive and running ecryptfs-recvoer-private... My current folder mounts when I log in11:30
girl_ionite: lets do this one by one11:30
girl_ionite: cd ~11:30
DruifHi guys, what is the best Terminal IRC client?11:30
girl_ionite: ls11:31
r000tDruif, irssi11:31
llutz!best | Druif11:31
ubottuDruif: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:31
girl_ionite: paste output11:31
Druifr000t, ok11:31
ionitegirl_: when i type 'cd ~' there is no output11:31
stephandrake01:  thx11:32
girl_ionite: now type "ls"11:32
raluxgazaanyone using Irrsi11:32
girl_ionite; and paste output11:32
ionitegirl_: Is: command not found11:33
drake01stephan, happy to help!!!11:33
girl_not iii sss11:33
ThinkT510ionite: ls inot is11:33
DistroJockeyLS is not ls also :)11:33
girl_ionite: ls l as in lamb not i as in igloo11:33
ioniteThinkT510: bash: cd: ls: No such file or directory11:33
girl_ionite: just type "ls" and press enter11:34
=== Mud is now known as Guest27855
r000tUGH! All I want is my files and it looks like that's not going to happen11:35
ThinkT510r000t: you can't use a livecd and mount the partitions from there?11:36
WaltherFIr000t: have you tried sudo mountall11:37
r000tThinkT510, Won't work that way. The two things I have to mount share a name. Also, Encrypted LVM11:37
r000tSo I'm bound to this session if I want to get anywhere11:37
r000tI just need ecryptfs to mount a god damned folder like it was meant to11:37
rileypdoes irsend work in natty with a mceusb11:37
dr_willisraluxgaza:  lots of people use irssi. its a well documented irc client11:37
ThinkT510r000t: can't you give them seperate mountpoints?11:38
r000tThinkT510, it gives each attempt a mount oint. The issue is, now there are 8 mountpoints that lead to /home/r000t11:38
r000tand zero that lead to /media/150/home/r000t11:38
r000tecryptfs is very poorly written11:39
r000tWaltherFI, it just gives me some crap about swap11:40
ThinkT510r000t: i've never used encryption for harddrives, never really seen the point since i have nothing very important to keep absolutely private11:40
r000twhat I could do it11:40
WaltherFIr000t: or... sudo mount -a11:40
r000tNo matter how many time sI mount it11:41
r000tevery mount11:41
WaltherFIwell, encryption is11:41
r000teven if I did this11:41
r000t900941449095 times11:41
r000tit will ALWAYS11:41
r000t100% of the time11:41
r000tlead to my current home folder11:41
r000ton the master drive11:41
FloodBot1r000t: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:41
r000tThe browns will win the super bowl before it mounts the correct folder11:41
bteresHi all. I have a FAT32 hardrive and all my data appears to be missing. I can't view it but the drive is not empty. Is there any way for me to repair this?11:41
r000tAll becaues they share a name, and renaming does not help11:41
r000tbteres, testdisk11:42
bteresr00t: in terminal?11:43
r000tAll I know is that testdisk does recovery11:43
r000tI know nothing else about it11:43
dr_willisbteres:  what happened to the disk?  Can you mount it by hand?11:44
DruifQ: What is the best video editor for hdslr video's?11:44
WaltherFIDruif: Novacut when it's ready, until that i suggest UbuntuStudio fork of Ubuntu11:45
WaltherFIDruif: PiTiVi and such11:45
dr_willisDruif:  you may want to just see what video editors are out there for linux. :) its sort of a slim field.11:45
bteresThanks r000t. dr_willis: It mounts and I can see all the folders but they are empty.11:45
ThinkT510Druif: you could try openshot11:45
dr_willisbteres:  so df -h   shows it being full? empty? or what?11:45
DruifI know there are al lot of them (kdenlive, pitivi, shotwell, cinelerra), but I just want to know which one is the best for hdslr?11:46
WaltherFIDruif: but seriously, check out the Novacut project, they just got 25kUSD funding11:46
* dr_willis wonders what HDSLR means11:46
WaltherFIDruif: if you have time to wait, around half a year or so11:46
rigvedDruif: yes, check out Novacut.11:46
CatFishcurry hates me11:46
bteresdr_willis: how do I do that?11:47
DruifWhy will Novacut be better?11:47
bteresdr_willis: Excuse that ignorant question.11:48
dr_willisbteres:  do what? 'df -h'  ? open a terminal.. type it in.. see what % used is..11:48
bteresdr_willis: It shows 96% usage which is about right11:48
bteresdr_willis: The drive did have very little availabel space before I had an issue11:48
xteejxHi all, I'm having problems getting lemonpos working. Has anyone used this before and know how to get it working?11:49
dr_willisbteres:  so if you cd to the mountmoint and do a 'ls -R' it may or may not show the files...11:49
chrisg4ucan anyone help me please?11:49
xteejxchrisg4u: Just ask your question, don't ask to ask :)11:49
dr_willisbteres:  its possible they all got moved to some subdir11:49
xteejxubotu: here?11:50
DistroJockeyr000t: I can't help any further than the following link. I hope it help, good luck:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering%20Your%20Data%20Manually11:50
chrisg4uOkay, well my thunderbird keeps crashing once I open it, I opened it in safe mode also and all it does is freeze and force close.11:50
chrisg4uBtw, I'm running 11.0411:50
xteejxchrisg4u: Have you reported a bug?11:50
rigved!brain | xteejx11:50
ubottuxteejx: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots11:50
chrisg4uNo, how do i do that?11:50
bteresdr_willis: What exactly should I be looking for in the 'ls -R'? Seems like a lot...11:50
xteejxchrisg4u: Just a sec...11:51
xteejxchrisg4u: Ok, if you run "sudo service apport start force_start=1" without quotes and then try to reproduce the crash, apport will kick in and send debugging information to us.11:52
xteejxDo you have a Launchpad account?11:52
chrisg4uAlright will do that now11:52
xteejxIs Oneiric in alpha 3 yet?11:53
ubottuOneiric Ocelot is the codename for Ubuntu 11.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+111:53
bteresdr_willis: How can I use 'ls-R' but only print one page at a time? It is removing all the important stuff from the terminal window11:54
xteejxI didn't ask for an autorepsonse :/11:54
chrisg4uOkay, reproduced the crash and it should have sent11:54
th0rbteres: ls -R | less11:55
xteejxchrisg4u: If apport was triggered, you'd know...a dialog would come up11:55
ionitegirl_ : gone?11:55
ionitecan anyone help me with my video resolution?11:55
bteresthanks th0r11:56
WaltherFIionite: how can we help?11:56
dr_willisbteres:  so it is showing files then? and not just the directorie names?11:56
dr_willisbteres:  'ls -R | less'11:56
ioniteWaltherFI: how can i've sucessfullly installed my Geforce FX 5500.RUN11:57
dr_willisbteres:  you said the disk looked empty.. so ls showing a lot is a good sign i guess. :)11:57
ioniteWaltherFI: but i still can't change the resolution @ system/preferences/monitor11:57
WaltherFIionite: have you installed the drivers?11:57
ioniteWaltherFI: just did it.11:57
WaltherFIionite: from install file downloaded from internet or the jockey-gtk?11:58
bteresdr_willis: It only shows the _restore data. I'm sure there is a sector issue or something.11:58
ioniteWaltherFI: got it from Nvidia drivers for linux11:58
bteresdr_willis: All the expected data folders are empty.11:58
Austraycum in @rsehole11:59
WaltherFIionite: ah. uninstall that one, install nvidia-current11:59
ioniteWaltherFI: why?11:59
Austraymix gay cum & brown hole together11:59
WaltherFIionite: the packages which have been tested (and modified?) are a bit older but they work11:59
WaltherFIthere are usually some issues with the 'newest' ones11:59
slinzexHi, got a question > why cannot download wget -emr http://photoshop.demiart.ru/11:59
Austraysquirt gay cum up some pooey girls fat anus12:00
daanhi Druif12:00
llutz!ops | Austray12:00
ubottuAustray: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!12:00
SpacewalkerAustray: Please stop. :/12:00
ioniteWaltherFI: So i should uninstall the driver d/l from nvidia?12:01
dr_willisbteres:  so where did _restore come from?12:01
WaltherFIionite: yes, if you have problems with it12:02
DistroJockeyionite, WaltherFI: Does the Nvidia installer add an option to the System - Preferences menu?12:02
dr_willisbteres:  you may want to ask in #windows for advice on scan/repairing a fat filesystem.  theres numerous live cd's that can help fix/recover things. but i tend to just dd the whole drive  a image file and fsck it.. that may not be the 'best' way.12:02
zakzakzakCan i ask a question?12:02
dr_williszakzakzak:  you just did.. have a nice day.. :)12:03
WaltherFIDistroJockey: not sure about that. Anyway, the driver install should add automatically the Nvidia Control panel or whatever, and the Monitors -applet should link to it12:03
HotHatwindows title was undisplay in my linux mint box12:03
dr_williszakzakzak:  just ask your ubuntu support question and see.12:03
HotHatwho can help me?12:03
WaltherFI!ask | zakzakzak12:03
ubottuzakzakzak: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:03
dr_willisHotHat:  that made no sence.. and Mint Has their own support channels.12:03
HotHatwhich channels?12:03
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:03
HotHatis it #mint?12:04
ioniteDistroJockey: it doesn't add anything to my preferences. and i can't change resolution. what should i do?12:04
sysdocIn Appearance Preferences, what happened to effects settings??12:04
DistroJockeyWaltherFI, ionite: the Monitors applet has never linked properly for me in the past. I know ATI drivers have a control section separate12:04
zakzakzakMy wireless isn't working, i have a broadcom BCM4313, i spent a week now trying every solution i can find with google, does anyone have a trick up their sleeve? i'm on a lenovo b56012:05
ioniteDistroJockey: Any advise? because the visual i have on my screen is quite laggy and my sound card, banshee is making weird noises whenever my screen goes laggy12:05
rileypls irsend working in natty with the mceusd12:05
sysdoczakzakzak, you have to install the firmware for that WIFI card... See the wiki12:05
ioniteWaltherFI: so what should i do now?12:06
WaltherFIionite: uninstall the dl drivers, install from jockey-gtk12:06
DistroJockeyionite: is the resolution right though?12:06
zakzakzaki think i might have already, i'll try, ty:)12:06
slinzexHi, got a question > why cannot download wget -emr http://photoshop.demiart.ru/12:06
ioniteDistroJockey: no! my original was at 1300X somehting something.12:07
WaltherFIDistroJockey: when opening Monitors, it suggests 'you have nvidia installed, want to chech there' and ok links to there12:07
ioniteWaltherFI: how do i uninstall?12:07
WaltherFIionite: can't remember, been a while since my last manual driver install12:07
DistroJockeyWaltherFI: sorry, I am not running an Nvidia card atm. Wish I was.12:07
ubuntu__1Hai everyone12:08
WaltherFIionite: you could try installing the current from jockey-gtk and see if it uninstalls the previous one12:08
ionitebtw why is natty so laggy? is it because of my vieideo card?12:08
sysdoczakzakzak, >>>https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:08
ubuntu__1I m curently encountering a prob. with my hard disk12:08
bteresdr_willis: Sorry, my connection dropped. The _restore stuff is in System Volume Information. I think its Windows stuff. Not too sure12:08
ioniteWaltherFI: how do i go about to use jockey-gtk? does it install the right driver if i use jockey-gtk?12:09
ubuntu__1Whaenever i turn on the sys with the hd p[lugged in, it does not boot up12:09
th0rslinzex: -e expects a command to execute, not a url12:09
WaltherFIionite: jockey-gtk is the Additional drivers or Propietary drivers or what is it called, ready in your menu12:09
aetasubuntu__1, can you be a little more specific with your descriptions12:10
slinzexth0r but it now works even with simple -r12:10
DistroJockeyionite: Did you reboot after you successfully installed the drivers manually earlier?12:10
ubuntu__1But when i unplug it and boot from the usb it starts normally12:10
aetasionite, omg you're back...whats wrong now? ;)12:10
chrisg4uSorry had to go but I'm back now12:10
ubuntu__1I m currently booting from the usb with live ubuntu 9.10 old version12:11
ubuntu__1Any solutions?12:11
ionite_WaltherFI: so what do i do now?12:12
ubuntu__1Plz help me out12:12
=== Soothsayer_ is now known as Soothsayer
ubuntu__1anybody help..12:12
WaltherFI!ask | ubuntu__112:13
ubottuubuntu__1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:13
Pici!!doesntwork | ubottu12:13
ubottuPici: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:13
ionite_WaltherFI: so what should i do now?12:13
chrisg4uok apport is running but when thunderbird crashes I  only get the force close dialogue nothing else12:13
WaltherFIionite_: try typing jockey-gtk on the terminal or the unity shell if you're running 11.0412:14
bteresdr_willis: Sorry, my connection dropped. The _restore stuff is in System Volume Information. I think its Windows stuff. Not too sure12:14
ubuntu__1Plz help me out12:14
Piciubuntu__1: This sounds like a hardware issue to me, why do you think this is Ubuntu related?12:14
ionite_WaltherFI: why i'm puzzled is that why does nvidia allow a driver that doesn't work on natty or is it natty cannot handle the old graphics card?12:14
ionite_and why is natty so laggy or is it really my video card that's giving all these visual lag?12:15
daanHi, I've just installed irssi, but I don't know how to scroll up to see previous messages.12:15
Picidaan: page-up, also #irssi for more help.12:15
llutzdaan: pgup12:15
daanOk, thanx12:15
llutzdaan: http://www.irssi.org/documentation12:16
chrisg4ucan anyone help me?12:16
ionite_why can't i change my monitor resolution on natty?12:16
WaltherFIionite_: well, nvidia does allow you to install thw drivers, but ubuntu can't support every driver version of every gpu so i'd go with the recommended drivers from jockey-gtk12:17
ionite_so what do i type at the terminal to use jockey-gtk?12:17
WaltherFIionite_: and i'm sure that when you'll have the correct, functioning drivers on, you can change your resolution12:17
Piciionite_: just that12:17
ionite_WaltherFI: i'm totally noob to terminal and just came out from the cluthes of Windows XP pro. please advise me.12:18
WaltherFIionite_: you can find the jockey app from the menu also. It is called 'Additional drivers' or something similar12:19
WaltherFIionite_: or, just type jockey-gtk to the terminal and press enter12:19
aetasionite_, Im gonna show you this wonderful command "dpkg -L jockey-gtk" will list all files owned by that package12:19
aetascan use that to find where it puts things12:20
ebanias Hi. Can I pull files off a windows hdd, put them on a ubuntu hdd, and then transfer them to another windows hdd.. or are the file systems not compatable enough to do this?12:20
aetasno, it'll work if you have NTFS support12:20
WaltherFIaetas: ionite_ won't need it12:20
ionite_all i wanna do is to just make sure i can change my monitor resolution to my monitor display capability and also solve the lag.12:20
chrisg4ucan anyone help me figure out why thunderbird keeps crashing?12:20
DiploCat11.04 is entirely disappointing12:21
WaltherFIionite_: Yeah, so pop up a terminal and type jockey-gtk and press enter12:21
ionite_alright my terminal is opened now.12:21
WaltherFIionite_: and then, doubleclick the 'current' driver, let it install it12:21
ebanias thanks aetas12:21
aetasWaltherFI, he needs to know how to use his OS or do you disagree12:21
WaltherFIaetas: sure, but for a person who just wants to set a correct resolution it is unnecessary to know 'what's under the hood'12:21
WaltherFIionite_: Did the additional drivers thing pop up?12:22
aetasWaltherFI, that sounds more like laziness12:22
ionite_aetas: mesa-util is already the newest version12:22
kamidiaetas: give me a break. not everyone want to know whats under the hood. many people just want their system to be functional12:23
ebanias  just started using ubuntu, wow this built in chat client , empathy, leaves much to be desired lol12:23
Tyrnisplop all12:23
WaltherFIionite_: did you open the jockey-gtk?12:23
ionite_WaltherFI: i already had my latest driver installed.12:23
DistroJockeyWaltherFI: What I attempted to ask ionite_ before was if they reboot after successfully installing the correct driver. Got no answer though.12:23
ionite_WaltherFI: yes.12:23
aetaskamidi, then tell me, if he installs a package how is he going to know what it provides if he doesn't come in here and ask you guys?12:24
ionite_DistroJockey: it rebooted fine?12:24
WaltherFIionite_: did you install the 'nvidia-current' from there12:24
ionite_WaltherFI: how do i install current from additional drivers?12:24
DistroJockeyionite_: I am asking the question.12:24
rigvedchrisg4u: you can try on #thunderbird on irc.mozilla.org12:24
kamidiaetas: true, but after he has installed propriatary display drivers, issue is solved, no need to ask questions about that anymore12:24
WaltherFIionite_: doubleclick the driver on the list that is labeled current and recommended12:24
aetaskamidi, I didnt show him that command just so he can get this one thing running, I showed it so he could do this in the future12:25
ionite_DistroJockey: it rebooted but i still cant change my resolution even after a successful installation of linux nvidia driver.12:25
DistroJockeyionite_: Ok, ty for answering. Carry on :)12:25
WaltherFIDistroJockey: ionite installed newest drivers from nvidia website, probably the reason12:25
kamidiaetas: yes i know you've got point there but still, sometimes it's just easier and more productive to tell how to fix the problem12:25
DistroJockeyWaltherFI: That they did12:25
mang0Catcha later guys, I'm off to play tennis :)12:25
aetaskamidi, he already got the resolution from another user, why would I reiterate12:26
oCeanaetas: enough, let's move on12:26
MrokiiHello. I am looking for an OCR-software that turns scans into searcheable PDF-documents.12:26
MrokiiOr images.12:26
BluesKajHey Folks12:26
chrisg4ucan anyone help me figure out why thunderbird keeps crashing?12:26
ionite_WaltherFI: on my additional driver screen there's no current or recommended buttons12:27
slinzexHi, got a question > why cannot download wget -r http://photoshop.demiart.ru/12:27
WaltherFIionite_: there should be a list of drivers, one of which has 'current' in its name12:27
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ionite_WaltherFI: i'll do a print screen for yer.12:27
Incarus6!ocr | Mrokii12:27
ubottuMrokii: For OCR (optical character recognition) software in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OCR for packages and instructions.12:27
WaltherFIionite_: great12:28
sysdoc!voice recognition12:28
WaltherFIDistroJockey: can you help them out, i should be going12:29
slinzexI can't install themes for pidgin . This command fail  cd ~/ && bzr branch lp:~spoidar/pidgin-webkit/karmic-fixes12:29
slinzexbzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~spoidar/pidgin-webkit/karmic-fixes": No such person or team: spoidar12:29
chrisg4ucan anyone help me figure out why thunderbird keeps crashing?12:29
ansumanbWhat is the version of python in ubuntu 11.0412:29
Picislinzex: Sounds like the branch no longer exists.12:29
WaltherFIansumanb: pop up a terminal, write python -v12:30
DistroJockeyWaltherFI: I'll, try. Not much left in me tonight either but I've been watching them for the last 2 hours with thiss. Be well :)12:30
Piciansumanb: 2.712:30
luoshupython 2.712:30
ansumanbAhaa thanks12:30
ioniteWaltherFI: how do i send u my print screen?12:30
WaltherFIionite: i'm sorry, i've got to go now, but i'm sure there are other people around here who can help you out too12:31
Piciansumanb: python2.5 and 2.6 are also in the repos, as is 3.1 and 3.212:31
DistroJockeyionite: upload it to something like tinypic.com12:31
ioniteWaltherFI: Will any kind soul help me please?12:31
WaltherFIDistroJockey: thanks, and have a great night too12:31
DistroJockeyWaltherFI: ty :)12:31
ebanias Supposedly ubuntu usually comes with built in orca (text to speech program).  Also when i check the software section it shows orca as being installed, but i can't for the life of me figure out how to launch it.12:32
BomsterAnyone in the UK reccomend a good ISP?12:32
WaltherFISomeone help ionite: wrong resolution after nvidia driver install from nvidia website, can't fallback for recommended12:32
oCeanBomster: that has nothing to do wiht #ubuntu12:32
WaltherFIand now, bye all12:32
Pici!ot | Bomster12:32
ubottuBomster: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:32
ansumanbso is there any way to switch between them?12:32
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=== DIp is now known as Wi1d
ioniteWaltherFI: thanks12:33
BomsterI know, I just cant find an active channel to ask the question. Apologies.12:33
DistroJockeyWaltherFI: Cheers, goodnight :)12:33
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ebanias can anyone tell me how to launch orca(text reader) in ubuntu?12:33
ndxtgI once run "export http_proxy=..." on command line at work, now at home my terminal cannot connect at all, does anyone know how to reverse?12:33
ThinkT510ebanias: tried typing it from the terminal?12:33
oCean!it | donato12:33
WaltherFIionite: try copypasting that line over here until someone helps, it contains some helpful information about your issue so it's easier for people to help you12:33
ubottudonato: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:33
donatoIT ?12:34
Piciansumanb: I wouldn't do it globally, as many things in Ubuntu use python, and may require a specific version.  You can use #!/usr/bin/env python2.5   (or whatever) at the top of your scripts to force a particular version (assuming you have that installed of course)12:34
ansumanbThanks a lot.12:34
PiciBomster: You could try #ubuntu-uk12:35
Bomsterkk, cheers :)12:35
ionitewrong resolution after nvidia driver install from nvidia website, can't fallback for recommended12:35
ioniteDistroJockey: inypic.com/r/aeb80h/712:35
donatoquesta è la "Ubuntu" ?12:36
ioniteDistroJockey: http://tinypic.com/r/aeb80h/712:36
jinjonBoohey guys sorry for posting here but, what's a good internet traffic analyzer for windows7 ?12:36
jinjonBoomy PC keeps slowing down internet connection and i don't know why;(12:36
jinjonBoonot virus or spyware12:36
ebanias thanks ThinkT510 it seems to have launched an option dialog and says it will launch it next time i log in.  But it sounds like something that talks as you type, i was more looking for something that would read selected text.  :P12:36
Incarus6!ot | jinjonBoo12:36
ubottujinjonBoo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:36
aetaswhat are you guys generally using for DVD burning?12:37
ioniteDistroJockey: u got the link?12:37
jinjonBoook Incarus6 sorry :)12:37
aetasimages specifically12:37
DistroJockeyionite: Activated but not currently in use Nvidia driver is a little outside my area atm. Sorry12:37
albechwhat the IRC channel for OpenOffice?12:37
ubottua free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #openoffice.org.12:37
ThinkT510ebanias: sorry, i've never needed that funcunality and haven't used orca myself so i wouldn't know what to recomend to you12:38
Incarus6ionite, have you tried to remove the driver in jockey and enable it again?12:38
ionitewhy does banshee plays weird noises? and why i smy comp so lag?12:38
DistroJockeyionite: The only thing I can suggest is to hit that Remove button and reboot and then go back there and try again. But there may be better ways.12:38
chenthuTry to install 64bit 11.04 (direct)-fail, 11.04(alternate)-fail, 10.04 LTS(Dierct)-Fail, 10.04 LTS (Alternate)-Fail....all these fails inspite of trying for almost 6 days following every bit of instructions from other users and volunteers from here and on forums and in help manuals....still fail....what to do?....I am fed up ..... :(...But thank you very much for all your support....many of...12:39
chenthu...you here were really helpful...12:39
ioniteIncarus6: i dun even know how to use a jockey and my whole comp is lag after installing natty. i dun know where went wrong.12:39
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Incarus6ionite, sounds like your computer is using the nouveau driver, can you paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log?12:39
ebanias that's alright ThinkT510.. i just came over to ubuntu from windows.. i know a nice one  that i can use with wine12:39
ioniteIncarus6: how do i paste? please help me as i'm a noob to natty here.12:40
Incarus6!paste | ionite12:40
ubottuionite: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:40
ioniteIncarus6: no i mean, how do i paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log?12:41
aetasionite, you're in X or terminal?12:41
ioniteaetas: what's X?12:41
oguncakhi friends. i lost my "gnome settings" entry in ubuntu-tweak. how can i take that back?12:41
aetasionite, the GUI12:41
Incarus6inoite, open the file in a editor like gedit and copy and paste the content to a site like paste.ubuntu.com and give the the link ;)12:41
ebanias btw i can't believe how nice ubuntu is.. coming from vista .. it's such a pleasant surprise12:42
ebanias and free .. :P12:42
ioniteaetas: i'm on the mainframe of natty?12:42
chrisg4ucan anyone help me figure out why thunderbird keeps crashing?12:42
ioniteIncarus6: open what file in the editor?12:42
aetasionite, X is the graphical system for linux.  It draws all the pretty windows and stuff on your screen.  Terminal conversely is the text-only screen12:43
ioniteaetas: i'm on X12:43
Incarus6inoite, /var/log/Xorg.0.log (or type in the terminal "gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log")12:43
MrokiiIncarus6: Thanks, I'll look into that.12:43
ioniteionite: thanks! i really need this kinda specific instructions because i'm totally noob to natty12:43
aetasionite, sometimes we have to know beforehand because things in X and terminal are done differently12:44
Incarus6ionite, Natty is just the developement name of version 11.04 ;) the general name is Ubuntu (11.04)12:44
ioniteIncarus6: so how do i paste the whole chunk of text where?12:44
ioniteaetas: so any idea how i can solve the lag problem and the banshee prob sound card prob?12:45
ebanias if i'm in version 10.x of ubuntu, any importance to upgrade to 11?12:45
aetasionite, you'll need to put it into the pastebin website and paste the link here12:45
Incarus6ionite, paste the content in the following textfield, press submit and give me the new link: http://pastebin.com/12:45
ioniteaetas: ok. please take a look. http://paste.ubuntu.com/654470/12:46
ioniteIncarus6: http://paste.ubuntu.com/654470/12:46
Incarus6ionite, the proprietary nvidia driver seems to be working properly (I suppose its the one from nvidia.com12:47
aetasionite, Im running nvidia driver 275.19, you have 173.14.3012:48
ioniteIncarus6: So whats should I do?12:48
aetasionite, dpkg -l nvidia-current12:48
aetasionite, run that in a terminal please12:48
ioniteaetas: alright.. sounds alien to me. but anyway, so how do i go about to fix my resolution?12:48
aetasionite, gonna grab a soda while you do that12:49
ioniteaetas: No packages found matching nvidia-current.12:49
ioniteIncarus6: No packages found matching nvidia-current.12:50
renaldocreativeHello everyone12:50
DistroJockeyaetas: ionite is running a legacy card, hence the version number difference12:50
oguncakhi. i backed-up my files using deja-dup on an external hd. after i format my computer, can i restore those files using deja-dup again?12:50
Incarus6aetas, the proprietary driver from nvidia.com isn't called nvidia-current12:50
aetasIncarus6, I know.  I run the nvidia-current one and I wanted to see if it was installed12:51
aetasDistroJockey, you know which one he has?12:51
chrisg4ucan anyone help me figure out why thunderbird keeps crashing?12:51
Incarus6ionite, have you tried to choose "Ubuntu Classic" during the login screen? Unity isn't supported on every card12:51
zakzakzakdoes anyone know how to install "brcm_bcm43xx-0.fw" +hdr of same. I put them in lib/firmware/brcm:)12:52
Incarus6chrisg4u, have you tried to run it from terminal to get an output?12:52
ioniteIncarus6: yes i chose ubuntu classic. but now it's still so laggy visually.12:52
chrisg4uYeah ran it from Terminal, same issue.12:52
aetasIncarus6, fair point...the 3d effects could be weighing him down if hes on a legacy card12:52
DistroJockeyaetas: FX5500 I think it was12:53
ioniteaetas: so i'm using classic now.12:53
Incarus6ionite, which nvidia card are you exactly using?12:53
ioniteIncarus6: FX550012:53
aetasionite, still slow?12:53
ioniteaetas: visually it's laggy.12:54
chrisg4uIncarus6, Still crashes even ran from terminal :\12:54
syrinx_Unity isn't gonna run very good on an FX5xxx12:54
Incarus6chrisg4u, what does the program return? output?12:54
ioniteaetas: as compared to windows, it's more laggy.12:54
ubuntu__1But when i unplug it and boot from the usb it starts normally12:54
chrisg4uI get nothing on the terminal just killed12:54
ubuntu__1I m currently booting from the usb with live ubuntu 9.10 old version12:54
renaldocreativeDo anybody use Phpmyadmin I cannot find my shortcut  in the menu bar. I tried localhost/phpmyadmin but it don't work. I Have Ubuntu 11.04 Desktop editon 32bit.12:54
ubuntu__1Plz help me out12:54
chrisg4uIncarus6, I get nothing on the terminal just killed12:55
sushireclameI remember seeing a blog post about the Gnome 2.30 development in the Natty cycle, but I can't find it now... does anyone have the link?12:55
ubuntu__1I m curently encountering a prob. with my hard disk12:55
ioniteaetas: should i switch to 3d mode?12:55
ubuntu__1Whaenever i turn on the sys with the hd p[lugged in, it does not boot up12:55
ioniteIncarus6: should i switch to 3d mode now?12:55
Incarus6chrisg4u, a good way to fix that is allways just using another email client ;)12:55
Piciubuntu__1: This sounds like a hardware issue to me, why do you think this is Ubuntu related?12:55
aetasionite, no, leave it there for now12:56
DistroJockeyionite, Incarus6, aetas: My suggestion would be to log out and then log in using Ubuntu Classic (No effects) and see what it is like.12:56
chrisg4uIncarus6, what is the next best thing as I don't like using evolution as I use 3 different mail accounts for different purposes and it merges them together12:56
Incarus6ionite, don't write the message two times, just write both names in the same message12:56
aetasionite, do me a favor and run this in a terminal "lspci -v" and then look for your NVIDIA card and there will be a number next to it like 0b:00.0, tell me what it is please12:56
aetasionite, actually don't even need the -v12:57
stephenthemartyrfor under 300 bucks can anyone tell which audio interfaces work withy linux,specifically jack and ardour?12:57
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Picistephenthemartyr: The folks in #ubuntustudio probably have a better idea than us.  You'll need to be patient though.12:57
Incarus6chrisg4u, or you could try to install a newer version of thunderbird, latest in natty is 3.1.1112:57
DistroJockeyI'm out. Good luck all and have fun :)12:58
captainjackstrawwhy doesn't oracle vbox doesn't sync calender. do I have to restart vbox everytime?12:58
chrisg4uIncarus6, That is the version I am currently using.12:59
ioniteaetas: Incarus6 http://paste.ubuntu.com/654476/12:59
Incarus6chrisg4u, you can try the thunderbird stable channel "ppa:mozillateam/thunderbird-stable", their latest version is 5.012:59
jfrenchHow do I pull the number of security updates that need to be installed?13:00
captainjackstrawwhy doesn't oracle vbox doesn't sync calender. do I have to restart vbox everytime?13:00
zludeBUG!? http://pastebin.com/Z0MUcAu813:01
chrisg4uIncarus6, Where would i type that, sorry, am new to all this :)13:01
aetasionite, ok run: lspci -n | grep "00:06.0" and paste the line here13:01
ioniteIncarus6: aetas can u guys see it? it's very laggy on my side. it's just so miserable to see my comp so lag.13:02
aetasionite, yeah13:02
captainjackstrawwhy doesn't oracle vbox doesn't sync calender. do I have to restart vbox everytime?13:02
ioniteaetas: 00:06.0 0300: 10de:0326 (rev a1)13:02
Picizlude: No, 'locate' works off of a database which may not have been updated since the deletion of that file.  I prefer to use 'find' to find files, it's slower since it searches all the files in real-time, but it is always accurate.13:02
oCeanzlude: you might have misplaced the iso in the meantime. First run  sudo updatedb  then try the locate command again13:02
ThinkT510zlude: try ls without the -la option13:02
syrinx_zlude: oops13:03
Incarus6chrisg4u, add the line "ppa:mozillateam/thunderbird-stable" in the software-sources dialog, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20Ubuntu%20Software%20Repositories after that just update all packages13:03
syrinx_sorry, that wasn't for you13:03
chrisg4uIncarus6, Thanks.13:04
aetasionite, yeah you're running the right version for your card....hrmm13:04
zludeoCean: thanks!  sudo updatedb works fine!13:04
quiescenszlude: 'locate' uses a pre-generated database of files which by default is updated once per day13:04
aetasionite, lemme look at something real quick13:04
Incarus6ionite, I suppose another desktop environment could work fine for you since your graphic card isn't the newest. You could try XFCE for example13:05
ioniteaetas: it's puzzling because if i were to revert back befor the update for the additional drivers i was able to select resolution but after i installed the latest driver i can't change my resolution.13:05
sedavican someone tell me why the flash games do not work well in full screen?13:05
ioniteIncarus6: so what shoul di do?13:05
quiescensoh well13:05
aetasionite, is it running in a higher resolution that is normal?13:05
ioniteaetas: right on the dot.13:06
ioniteaetas: before the update of drivers.13:06
Incarus6ionite, first that resolution thing: start "nvidia-settings" and try to change the resolution there13:06
captainjackstrawwhy doesn't oracle vbox doesn't sync calender. do I have to restart vbox everytime?13:06
aetasionite, lets work on that then13:06
bazhangcaptainjackstraw, try #vbox13:06
saliakI'm trying to setup a ssh tunnel to a remote system.  It's a reverse tunnel initiated by the remote system on startup, that forwards traffic from my local server, to the remote computers ssh port (note, i'm mixing "reverse" tunnel, and what i'm calling "remote and local").  right now, my remote system sets up the reverse tunnel, and forwards port 4000 on my local server, to it's local port 22.  to ssh into my remote system, i login to my local13:07
saliakserver, and ssh to port 4000.  is there a way i can make any computer on my local network simply ssh into a port  on my local server, and have that forwarded to the remote system?13:07
ioniteIncarus6: progress!!13:07
ioniteIncarus6: but i can't save to my X config files13:07
Incarus6ionite, try running it as root, use "gksu nvidia-settings"13:08
gorakhargoshI have Ubuntu 10.04 installed on a MacBook Pro 17 along side Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.6.8. I'm using reFit to triple-boot, however, when I try to boot Linux from it, the screen goes blank and nothing happens. How does one fix this?13:08
aetasionite, actually if you're using the nvidia gui there should be a save button in there13:08
gorakhargoshI'm able to boot OS X properly.13:08
aetasionite, goto the nvidia-settings Configuration setting13:09
gorakhargoshI have the same problem with Windows 7 too. Booting it makes the screen go blank. So there's definitely something that isn't allowing either Windows/Linux to boot.13:09
ioniteaetas: i can select a higher reso but it's very pixelated.13:09
aetasionite, not lower?13:09
gorakhargoshAny help is appreciated. =)13:09
ioniteIncarus6: i tried.13:09
hyper_chhi there, I'm trying to get OS9 to talk to my *buntu box with netatalk13:10
Incarus6ionite, you allways need to reboot that changes will have an effect. This seems to be related to your issue: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=10733613:10
ioniteaetas: now the display my screen is basically two thick black walls surroudning my monitor13:10
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hyper_chon OS9 I do see the server listed there but when I try to connect it just says that shis fileserver does not use any known way of registration13:11
Incarus6aetas, have a look at line 251 of ionite's Xorg.0.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/654470/13:11
aetasionite, yeah its probably just a widescreen resolution you selected that your monitor doesn't support....which res do you have?13:11
ioniteaetas: 1360x76813:11
aetasIncarus6, 0 bytes doesn't seem that demanding ;)13:11
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chrisg4uIncarus6, All packages updated, is that all?13:12
aetasionite, and which resolution were you able to get this working with before?13:12
ioniteaetas: what's puzzling is that why doesn't the monitor in preferences allows me to change resolution?13:12
Incarus6chrisg4u, close all instances of thunderbird, start it again and look in the info dialog if version is now 5.013:12
aetasIncarus6, wonder if thats the last actual line or if its possibly doing that again and again and we only have the top part of the file13:12
ioniteaetas: 1300X(forgot)13:12
aetasionite, ok try that one13:12
Incarus6aetas, its the last line13:13
joppanhow to recover grub 2 after overwrting mbr single ssd with win713:13
ThinkT510!grub | joppan13:13
ubottujoppan: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:13
aetasionite, you have to understand what happens behind how X selects its resolution, it queries the monitor and then removes invalid ones, etc13:13
Incarus6aetas, according to the following website that line seems to cause the speed issue: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=10733613:13
aetasIncarus6, that guy is also running a video card close to his model13:14
joppanubottu: but i hv a doubt i hav sep / and /boot partion on same hdd13:14
ubottujoppan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:14
joppanubottu: bot means13:14
joppanubottu: k13:14
chrisg4uIncarus6, Now using 5.0 will see if problem is resolved13:14
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2   joppan please read13:15
aetasIncarus6, I dont think hes running KDE however, so I wonder what the actual resolution was for him13:15
joppanbazhang: thanks13:15
ioniteaetas: i dont' get u13:15
Incarus6aetas, it's not a KDE related issue in my oppinion13:15
aetasyeah more than likely his switching just caused something else to happen that resolved it13:16
chrisg4uIncarus6, still crashes, I dunno what to try to not make it crash :(13:16
ioniteIncarus6: so what should i type?13:16
aetasionite, what monitor is this?13:16
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aetasIncarus6, I've gotta do a quick 10 minute dev meeting, can you help him for a bit while Im gone?13:17
Incarus6chrisg4u, is it crashing while you're trying to read an e-mail?13:17
Incarus6aetas, sure13:18
ioniteaetas: samsun sync master SA30013:18
chrisg4uIt crashes about 5 seconds after opening the program, If i am fast enough I can check a few email quickly but it doesnt matter what I go on it freezes13:18
ne2kI upgraded to natty a few days ago and everything was working fine, but now sound has stopped working. I hear clicks and pops from the sound device but no actual audio playback. I have tried rebooting, I have tried sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload, I have tried rm ~/.pulse*, I have tried pulseaudio --kill; pulseaudio --start; none of these fixes the problem13:18
ioniteIncarus6: how can i fully utilitse my display resolution? it still got two thick black walls13:19
Incarus6ionite, can you paste the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf and tell me which resolution you actually want?13:19
gorakhargoshalso, i'm not able to boot into Ubuntu from a Live USB either on a Macbook Pro13:19
gorakhargoshagain the screen goes blank. =(13:19
raluxgazagorakhargosh: get a regular laptop, thnkpad maybe :p13:20
gorakhargoshraluxgaza: haha13:20
raluxgazagorakhargosh: :D13:20
Incarus6gorakhargosh, are you sure that computer /(or graphic card) is completly supported?13:20
ioniteIncarus6: what command do i type to copy the text u want?13:21
gorakhargoshIncarus6: yes. i had both Windows and Ubuntu running earlier.13:21
gorakhargoshIncarus6: i had working partitions of both and suddenly both stopped working.13:21
ne2kthis is incredibly frustrating and I now wish I had never upgraded. what a complete and utter mess13:21
Incarus6ionite, just start "gedit" and open the file ;)13:21
ioniteIncarus6: mind giving me the exact commands? because i'm an idiot to ubuntu terminal13:22
Incarus6ionite, gedit is a graphical editor, you can start it via the menu (no need for the terminal here). But I can give you a command: "gedit /etc/X11/xorg.con"13:23
Incarus6ionite, * "gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"13:23
jribne2k: I'm in a similar situation to you... sound worked great on maverick but on natty I'm randomly presented with dummy output in pulse.  Can you check if your issue is the same?  Does pavucontrol show dummy output or something else?13:23
koothne2k, did you try one music player or several? maybe this is about changed settings13:23
ioniteIncarus6: http://paste.ubuntu.com/654484/13:24
ne2kjrib: kooth: my real sound card is really there in alsamixer and in "sound preferences". I have tried "play" (from sox) as well as rhythmbox, flash video, and hardware->test speakers in sound preferences13:24
gorakhargoshso does anybody here use UBuntu on a Macbook along side OS X and has this problem?13:25
jribne2k: I don't know what "sound preferences" is exactly, would you mind checking pavucontrol?13:25
ne2kI'm going to try purging and reinstalling alsa13:25
captainjackstraw@gorak, what problem?13:25
Incarus6ionite, do you know the difference between the proprietary nvidia and the open-source nouveau driver?13:25
gorakhargoshcaptainjackstraw: booting into Ubuntu using reFit blanks the screen. Nothing happens thereafter.13:26
ioniteIncarus6: no idea.13:26
captainjackstraw@gorak, I havent had that problem, try reinstalling refit13:26
ne2kjrib: sound preferences is under the speaker icon on the panel13:26
humboltI have converted an EC2 ubuntu 10.04 image to a xen image. Now I am experiencing strange freezes of the system.13:27
gorakhargoshcaptainjackstraw: i did.13:27
jribne2k: yes, but as I said, I am not sure what that is13:27
ne2kjrib: what is pavucontrol?13:27
humboltI have remove landscape-client and cloud-init but left the rest as is13:27
ioniteIncarus6: how do i adjust my resolution? my monitor preferences doesn't allow me to change the resolution?13:27
humboltwhat could be the problem?13:27
gorakhargoshcaptainjackstraw: still no go.13:27
jribne2k: it is a program that allows you to play with pulseaudio settings13:27
Incarus6inoite, I think it's not important at the moment, but we will keep that in mind. Try to remove the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf, reboot after that. type "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_old && sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf" as one command. reboot after that13:28
ioniteIncarus6:  alright see u13:30
Incarus6ionite, is your problem fixed after reboot?13:31
ne2kI'm thinking I've really got no option but to do a fresh install13:31
jribne2k: what did pavucontrol say?13:31
ne2kjribit shows my sound device, with the correct port listed13:33
max06|workGood evening - Noone wants to answer in #ubuntu-server, so I need to ask here :)13:33
jribne2k: and when you play something, what happens?  Do you see it in playback tab with meter bouncing?13:33
ne2kjrib: and when I play sound, the meter goes up and down to show the sound, but it doesn't come out of the headphoens13:33
koothne2k, I can't understand if you're using pulseaudio or just alsa? maybe you could try to use just alsa13:34
jribne2k: no speakers?13:34
ne2kjrib: headphones are speakers, they've just got foam pads and a band attached to them13:34
ne2kkooth: I'm using pulseaudio. I installed ubuntu 10.10 and upgraded to 11.04, and I haven't changed anything fundamental about the way the whole thing works13:35
robinloxwhois zyro13:35
ionite_Incarus6: i' mback13:35
max06|workI need to modify the ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server-Install-Image. I've written a script, which needs to be executed after the first boot after installation. Problem is, I'm not running ubuntu as working system, so I canÄt use Remastersys... any ideas?13:35
brianherman1i am using gnome313:35
dr_willissorry to hear that brianherman1  :)13:36
brianherman1and i am missing the system settings application13:36
bazhangbrianherman1, its not supported13:36
bazhang!gnome3 | brianherman113:36
ubottubrianherman1: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.13:36
ne2kjrib: this program is much the same as the "sound preferences" app, it's just got those meters which is handy13:36
dr_willisitsnt it still called gnome-control-center or somthing liek that13:36
brianherman1oh but the system settings application13:36
brianherman1i have installed from a server install13:36
bazhangbrianherman1, please dont ask for help here, its not supported13:36
koothne2k, well, maybe you could try to use just alsa with no pulseaudio? you could try to change settings in your player to alsa and see if it works13:36
jribne2k: haha yes of course headphones are not different than speakers, good point.  Though sometimes computers will have separate jacks that people use for headphones.  Is that the case for you?13:36
ionite_Incarus6: i still got 2 thick black walls on my display13:37
ne2kjrib: yes. but the jack is working, because I get pops and clicks.13:37
brianherman1can you please tell me what the package name of the system settings application is13:37
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brianherman1this has nothing todo with gnome313:37
Incarus6ionite_, is the speed issue fixed?13:37
bazhangbrianherman1, please no, its not supported13:37
ionite_Incarus6: i think so. but i still cant change into the desire resolution which is not pixelated.13:38
ionite_Incarus6: do i need to update my monitor drivers?13:38
brianherman1but it wont show up in regular gnome either13:38
brianherman1oh you guys support unity right13:38
Incarus6ionite_, there is no newer version of your graphic card driver then this one which you're actually using. Do you know which resolution would be fine?13:38
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ionite_Incarus6: 1280X76813:39
jribne2k: if another jack does exist, you may try it as a troubleshooting step13:39
brianherman1i get this error when i tried to run unity13:39
ne2kjrib: yep, alraedy done that. same result13:40
Incarus6ionite_, on both screens?13:40
brianherman1gconf python package not found13:40
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ne2kkooth: if I play a file with aplay (direct alsa player), I still get no sound13:40
ionite_Incarus6: what do u both screen?13:40
ionite_Incarus6: what do u mean both screen?13:40
jribne2k: you'll likely see aplay show up in pavucontrol13:41
Incarus6ionite_ you are just using one screen? or do you have a second screen?13:41
ionite_i only have 1 screen.13:41
ionite_Incarus6: i only have 1 screen13:41
ne2kjrib: so does that mean it's not actually using alsa directly, but going through PA?13:42
ne2kjrib: you're right, it comes up13:42
Incarus6ionite_, please paste "gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and "gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" again13:42
aetaswell that was pointless13:42
aetasalright, where we at?13:42
jribne2k: I believe so.  I have not troubleshooted much (I've just been booting debian instead of ubuntu) but it seems like pulse gets started automatically, even if I kill it, and then do something like mplayer -ao alsa13:42
sc30317hey, i'm having problems running a cron job13:43
sc30317i edited it with crontab -e13:43
sc30317using my regular user13:43
jribsc30317: you need to be more specific (on one line please)13:43
ne2kjrib: it seems alsa is configured to be an emulation layer that points back to PA13:43
fedycan some help on how to installing ubuntu?13:43
sc30317jrib, I can run a script manually but when I put it in crontab it doesn't run13:43
Incarus6aetas, according to his xorg.conf file he is using twinview http://paste.ubuntu.com/654484/ he said he doesn't have another screen. we deleted xorg.conf13:43
jribsc30317: pastebin the script and your crontab line13:44
ionite_Incarus6: there's nothing ongedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:44
sc30317jrib ok13:44
aetasIncarus6, odd13:44
jribne2k: though it's not clear that your issue is a pulse-specific issue to me.  What sound card do you have?13:44
oCeanfedy: do you have a particular question, or are you looking for general installation instructions?13:44
ionite_aetas:  Incarus6 http://paste.ubuntu.com/654496/13:45
ne2kjrib: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06) It was working fine yesterday!13:45
Incarus6aetas, I want to check if the speed issue still exist after deleting the xorg.conf file. If not we can change the resoultion properly - if it still exist we could change the driver to nouveau13:45
fedyoCean: yes13:45
sc30317jrib, crontab -l : http://paste.ubuntu.com/654497/13:45
oCeanfedy: that is not a correct answer to my question13:45
Psydollwhats the ubuntu admin channel plz?13:45
fedyoCean: I been trying to install from usb but it installing13:45
oCeanPsydoll: #ubuntu-ops13:45
syrinx_Psydoll: that was lame13:45
ne2kjrib: I could sort of understand it if I'd upgraded and it hadn't worked, but it's worked since I upgraded, and it just suddenly stopped13:45
bazhangfedy, using unetbootin?13:46
jribne2k: no package upgrades since?13:46
aetasIncarus6, how is nouveau anyway?  I haven't used it13:46
ne2kjrib: I think there have been a couple13:46
Nismo6921Can anyone please give me an easy solution to enabling sound on Ubuntu with a GTX470 Fermi Graphics Card with HDMI out?13:46
sc30317jrib, script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/654499/13:46
ionite_aetas: Incarus6  i need to put my monitor in 1280X76813:47
Incarus6aetas, some things like 3D isn't fully supported so I have no use for that driver, but it would work better then the proprietary driver with that bug13:47
aetasIncarus6, has he trying running with no effects?13:47
jribne2k: it was similar for me.  Everything seemed to work fine, then one upgrade and seemingly randomly I'll get dummy output in pavucontrol.  And sometimes restarting udev fixes it, and sometimes not...13:47
fedyoCean: I been trying to install using the universial usb installer13:47
Nismo6921Can anyone please give me an easy solution to enabling sound on Ubuntu with a GTX470 Fermi Graphics Card with HDMI out?13:47
ionite_aetas: should i remove the additonal driver part?13:47
bazhangfedy, I'd try unetbootin then13:48
Incarus6ionite_, please paste "xrandr"13:48
aetasionite_, additional driver part where?13:48
fedybazhang: thank you13:49
jribsc30317: add 2>&1 to the end of the line in your script, then check /home/capgemini/Desktop/output.txt13:49
tyler_dI'm trying to roll back my nvidia driver to use the default one provided with ubuntu? help please?13:49
fedyI check it out13:49
Incarus6aetas, I read that this issue will also occur with disabled effects when running a game for example13:49
bazhangfedy, unetbootin.sourceforge.net if on another distro or windows13:49
ne2kjrib: have you been able to fix it?13:49
Infernetionite_: have you installed the system to hdd? or boot it from a live cd?13:49
ionite_Infernet: installed to HDD13:49
bazhangfedy, if from ubuntu its in the ubuntu repos13:49
Infernetionite_: sure?13:49
fedycan you use unetbootin on windows>13:49
fedyThat was my next question13:50
jribne2k: no, I've just been booting debian :P  It also seems to be some sort of race condition because if I just wait like 10 minutes to login I usually don't have dummy output13:50
ionite_Infernet: of cousre13:50
ionite_aetas:  Incarus6 http://paste.ubuntu.com/654503/13:50
Nismo6921so no one has an answer for me13:50
ionite_aetas: meaning i revert back to the original auto detection by ubuntu the resolution was perfect.13:50
wolsNismo6921: you're welcome13:50
bazhangfedy, yep, they have a windows version on that website13:51
jribne2k: have you checked bugs.ubuntu.com for your card/issue?  Also in my search for a solution to my own problem I see a lot of people adding things to alsa-base.conf to resolve sound issues13:51
fedybazhang: ty iam cheching it out now13:51
aetasionite_, this was working before right?  did this happen when you installed the new nvidia driver off their website?13:52
ne2kjrib: I don't have a dummy output, I have the real thing but no sound comes out of it13:52
Nismo6921wols: what gives man?13:52
ionite_aetas: ya it happened after installed it from nvidia website13:52
sc30317jrib, that fixed some issues; but now it is giving me an issue about shared libraries that I am not seeing when I just run the script by hand13:52
Nismo6921im really looking for assistance here13:52
jribsc30317: hmm?13:52
Nismo6921it seems im being ignored13:52
ionite_aetas: i was told that the lag i am experiencing was due to the video card so i had to update with the latest driver13:52
matbeedoes anyone here know how to remove the 'clear' option from chats in Empathy?13:52
Incarus6!patient | Nismo692113:53
safeHi! If I was to put a GUI on my server(ubuntu server 11.04) do you think it would sloow it down? IF not which one should I install?13:53
matbeeIt's where 'copy' should be, and im constantly clearing my chats13:53
bazhangNismo6921, help with what13:53
jribNismo6921: if we don't the answer, we can't answer :/13:53
sc30317jrib, the output of the script now is:13:53
sc30317jrib, sqlplus: error while loading shared libraries: libsqlplus.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:53
Nismo6921i have no sound on Ubuntu with GTX47013:53
aetasionite_, right but was this ever working in ubuntu?13:53
sc30317jrib, but thats not the output when I run it as my user13:53
ionite_Incarus6: aetas: worsestill additional drivers recommended me to install it.13:53
Infernetionite_: u need the "current" version of nvidia driver13:54
CrusaderADAny know of anything different in empathy 3 as opposed to 2.34?13:54
sc30317CrusaderAD, look at the changelog13:54
ionite_aetas: what do u mean?13:54
ionite_Infernet: are u sure?13:55
CrusaderADsc30317 where is that?13:55
Incarus6ionite_, he wondered if it was working properly before (and since when/what)13:55
safeWhat GUI should I install?13:55
sc30317CrusaderAD, probably on the empathy website13:55
Infernetionite_: of course13:55
sc30317jrib, any ideas?13:55
Nismo6921Please help I love Ubuntu but I dont want a sound issue to be the thing that makes me hate working with it13:55
Nismo6921GTX470 hdmi out no sound13:56
ionite_Incarus6: before i used additonal driver, it was working properly.13:56
ionite_Infernet: how do i go about? what does it solves?13:56
jribsc30317: I guess you have some sort of custom install with this sqlplus thing?13:56
sc30317jrib, that is correct13:56
aetasionite_, ok there...what did you do that made it stop working?13:56
CrusaderADsc30317 their website is garbage, been there, oh well13:56
Troy^i still dont think i have the proper graphics driver installed because when i move windows arround my screen they sort of jitter. i'm running a mobile hd 587013:56
fedybazhang: thanks it also got alot of other utililies that I was looking for like Ophcrack13:56
sc30317jrib, it works fine when I invoke the script manually, so I know it isn't a script problem13:56
ionite_aetas: use addtional driver installation.13:56
mankeletor_hi all13:57
tyler_dwhat are the default display drivers in ubuntu?13:57
Incarus6ionite_, so before you enabled that driver in the dialog?13:57
jribsc30317: pastebin « env » as your user13:57
th0rsafe:  the one that matches your car13:57
aetasIncarus6, Im assuming the default installed in ubuntu is nouveau?13:57
safeth0r: I don'#t have a car13:57
Incarus6aetas, I suppose it was using nouveau as default before enabling the proprietary driver13:57
Incarus6aetas, correct ;)13:57
th0rsafe: the gui is a personal choice; no one can tell you what to install13:57
aetasionite_, yeah lets switch back to nouveau in that case13:58
ionite_Incarus6: i think so.13:58
safeth0r: which one do you think is faster? what does clientos use?13:58
sc30317jrib, my env: http://paste.ubuntu.com/654512/13:58
Nismo6921my gui is gooey13:58
ionite_aetas: so i go to additional driver and click REMOVE?13:58
gorakhargoshnope. captainjackstraw didn't work.13:58
th0rsafe: lxde is probably one of the lightest13:58
jribsc30317: guess: setup LD_LIBRARY_PATH (and maybe ORACLE_HOME) the same way in your crontab13:58
aetasionite_, yeah try that13:59
Incarus6safe, it isn't called GUI, it is called a desktop environment. There are many environments that doesn't slow down your server13:59
safeth0r: Okay, thanks. How can I make  it so you have to enter a command to start the GUI like in backtrack you have to do 'startx'13:59
sc30317jrib, thanks ill try that H/O13:59
Nismo6921Nvidia GTX470 hdmi out no sound on Ubuntu 10.1013:59
wolssafe: disable your displaymanager13:59
wolsNismo6921: http://workaround.org/getting-help-on-irc13:59
mankeletor_how can I do to find files without this chars: [A-Za-z0-9\,\.\&\(\)\-] I'm trying to find files with invalid characters14:00
Nismo6921Wols: then tell me how I need to properly word my question so that it will be answered14:00
ionite_aetas: my banshee makes weird repeating noise whenever my comp lags.14:00
wolsNismo6921: the article I linked tells you how to maximize your chances. but you obviously don't want to read it14:01
aetasionite_, is this new or an old problem?14:01
Incarus6aetas, ionite_, we should enable nouveau again14:01
Nismo6921Wols: im reading it now14:01
Troy^im having some ubuntu classic(gnome 2) issues seems unstable like i'll get interface freezing :S14:01
Incarus6aetas, it's an old problem because it is related with the proprietary driver14:01
wolsmankeletor_: how can the yhave invalid chars? if they do, how could they exist on the filesystem?14:01
gorakhargoshnevermind. i'll simply run ubuntu in a vm14:02
ne2kjrib: it seems there is a mismatch between the alsa driver version and the library and utilities versions14:02
jribne2k: that's weird14:02
ionite_Incarus6: how should i enable?14:02
ionite_aetas: it's a lagging problem? which causes these weird noises? how do i updated my sound card driver?14:02
aetasionite_, one thing at a time...did you remove that driver?14:04
Incarus6ionite_, just to clarify that: have you downloaded the driver from nvidia.com or have you just enabled it in the additional driver dialog?14:04
ionite_Incarus6: i did both14:04
ionite_aetas: Incarus6 let me now restart BRB.14:05
mankeletor_wols, they are some special spanish characters that looks like this �... and the files was unpacked from a rar archive created in windows (charset ISO-8859-1 i guess)14:05
Incarus6aetas, I wondered if he really installed the nvidia.com driver because many newbies doesn't know how to do that, ionite_14:05
Nismo6921Im trying to enable sound with the use of Alas Mixer but it will not see my GTX470 card. The hdmi output is shown in the audio preferences but neither of which produce sound. I've read a few articles saying I need to discover which device is producing sound. But I do not know how to do this. Can someone please guide me in enabling my sound. Thank you.14:06
ne2kjrib: I'm trying the fix there14:06
jkeatshow do i add a "lock" widget to the panel in kde?14:08
tyler_dwhat is the default display driver in ubuntu called please?14:08
sc30317jrib, that didn't help14:08
aetasIncarus6, no telling....I just installed nvidia-current instead of the ones off the website.  I dont see much of a point in installing those really14:08
blkdghi, i am using ubuntu 10.10 86 bit and i installed LAMP using aptget for the individual packaged outlined here http://tech.mobiletod.com/how-to-install-lamp-serverapache-mysql-php-on-ubuntu-10-10/ My question is this. when i use aptget purge to remove the packages, it removes php and phpmyadmin and mysql. but apache2 is still running. i can see it from my browser.14:09
jribsc30317: where is libsqlplus.so located?14:09
blkdghow do i remove apache2 if apt-get purge apache2 dosn't get rid of it?14:09
Incarus6aetas, Im allways installing the latest (beta and final) drivers from nvidia.com ;)14:09
ioniteaetas: Incarus6  i'm back14:09
aetasIncarus6, do you run games?14:10
Nismo6921wols: i dont know what else to do bro i tried to compose my problem in a neater fashion and yet i still received no assistance14:10
ioniteaetas: Incarus6  screen looks great & wonderful.14:10
Incarus6aetas, of course, and Windows 7 in VirtualBox14:10
th0rblkdg: did you install with apt-get or synaptic?14:10
Incarus6ionite, speed issue fixed?14:10
blkdgth0r apt-get.14:10
aetasIncarus6, makes a different...this is just my laptop14:10
th0rblkdg: then apt-get should remove it.14:11
blkdgth0r, i also did a full remove using synaptic.14:11
th0rblkdg: what makes you think it isn't uninstalled?14:11
safeth0r: Okay, I've installed lxde how do I activate it?14:11
blkdgth0r, i can get to
ioniteIncarus6: significantly though some applications are little slow14:11
Incarus6ionite, you are now using the open-source driver called "nouveau". It seems to be working better in your case because the nvidia proprietary driver got that speed and flat-panel issue. So you could wheter use the nouveau driver from now or use the nouveau driver 'til this was fixed14:12
th0rsafe: at the login screen choose lxde from the Sessions menu. I don't use lxde so I am not sure, but from the command line you might try 'startlxde' ...14:12
Nismo6921ok then let me ask this is Ubuntu more compatible with an Optical Audio Output that is onboard than an HDMI that is on my video card?14:12
ioniteIncarus6: so i guess i can't use the 3d unity then14:12
sc30317jrib, /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/client/lib/libsqlplus.so14:12
ioniteIncarus6: how do i install the latest java plugin?14:13
th0rblkdg: did you stop apache before uninstalling?14:13
Incarus6!java | ionite14:13
ubottuionite: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:13
llutzblkdg: dpkg -l '*apache*'|grep ii14:13
ioniteIncarus6: anyway to speed up ubuntu?14:14
pdrm\join #tehlug14:14
ne2kjrib: that has fixed it! amazing14:14
jribne2k: heh, good job14:14
sc30317jrib, this pastebin has my crontab, my script, and my env output: http://pastebin.com/5NPWrihA14:14
blkdgllutz, ii  apache2-mpm-prefork                       2.2.16-1ubuntu3.1                                 Apache HTTP Server - traditional non-threaded model14:14
Incarus6ionite, define "speed up". Are just some applications slow or the whole environment?14:15
llutzblkdg: sudo apt-get purge apache2-mpm-prefork14:15
ioniteIncarus6: the whole environment14:15
herbsterhey guys14:15
ioniteIncarus6: and applications14:15
blkdgllutz, as well as the other four that showed up in the dpkg list?14:15
llutzblkdg: yes14:15
herbsteranyone know what the situation is with maximum number of logical partitions on a linux drive?14:15
herbsteri've got this 2TB drive here14:15
Incarus6ionite, can you paste "gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"?14:16
herbsterif i use fdisk, the maximum number of partitions of equal size i can create is about 5514:16
Nismo6921im done i cant any response from anybody but annoyed moderators14:16
herbsterif i use fdisk14:16
herbstererr sfdisk14:16
herbsterthen i can create at least 100 logical partitions14:16
ioniteIncarus6: i read the java link but i still don't get it. what do u  mean?14:16
jrib!support | Nismo692114:16
ubottuNismo6921: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com14:16
goodtimelo herbster14:16
herbsterbut only the first 10 (i.e. /dev/sda5 through 15) show up in /dev14:16
jribNismo6921: if no one can help you here at the moment, try later or the alternatives ubottu gave above14:16
Incarus6Nismo6921, most people doesn't know the answer because they aren't using audio over hdmi, please be patient14:16
Nismo6921oh finally a response14:17
Nismo6921thats all you had to say dude14:17
jribsc30317: why is "capgemini" in your user's crontab?14:17
tyler_dwhat is the default display driver in ubuntu called please?14:18
sc30317jrib, user permissions14:18
=== mike_ is now known as Guest84301
llutzherkupus: its an old limitation to max 15 partitions on scsi-devices14:18
Incarus6ionite, install "sun-java6-plugin"14:18
jribsc30317: username isn't specified in a user's crontab14:18
sc30317jrib, just took it out; forgot I had put it in there14:18
brianherman1i am missing the thing that installs the restricted drivers14:18
sc30317just tried it a couple minutes ago14:18
llutzherkupus: no you, sry14:18
blkdgllutz, THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14:18
blkdgth0r, looks like some pkgs were still lying around. thanks again.14:19
jribsc30317: inside /home/capgemini/scripts/runsqlcommand.sh  have it spit out the value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH14:19
goodtimeherbster:please wait a minute14:19
ioniteIncarus6: command not found14:19
sc30317jrib, okay14:19
herkupusllutz: yeah, block-8-15 is sda15, block-8-16 is sdb14:20
Incarus6tyler_d, that depends on your graphic card. There isn't something like the ultimative default driver14:20
ioniteIncarus6: http://paste.ubuntu.com/654522/14:20
sc30317jrib, fixed it :)14:20
jribsc30317: eh?14:20
sc30317jrib, yea I just had to put those paths at the top of my cron job14:20
jribsc30317: ok14:20
goodtimeherbster: pm14:20
tyler_dIncarus6: I am running an nvidia gt330M ; alternately how would I figure out which driver(not the nvidia one) would be in use?14:21
ioniteIncarus6: my sound card still got the repeating noise whenever my system is busy booting something.14:21
blkdgNismo6921, what's the hdmi question? i just read back...14:21
sc30317jrib, thanks for your help; you're the man!14:21
sc30317(or woman)14:21
jribne2k: I guess I'll give that alsa script a try later to see if it finds anything interesting on my ubuntu14:21
jribsc30317: no problem :D14:21
Nismo6921blkdg: I cant get any sound out of my GTX47014:22
Bisu[Shield]I am using wine's First startup wizard.  The wine paths are wine bin:/usr/bin/wine, wine server:/usr/bin/wineserver; wine loader: /usr/bin/wine; what is the path for wine libs?14:22
sc30317who am I kidding?  we are all men in here :D14:22
kroshis there a tool to monitor the ssh logs?14:22
blkdgNismo6921, laptop or desktop14:22
Bisu[Shield]am I invisible?14:22
blkdgforget the hdmi for a sec. do you get audio out of the 1/4 jack?14:23
ioniteaetas: do u know how to solve the repeating noise @ banshee whenever my system is busy booting?14:23
olzhashey guys14:23
olzhasany xorg synaptics developers are here?14:23
ThinkT510!wine | Bisu[Shield]14:24
ubottuBisu[Shield]: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:24
Incarus6tyler_d, the default driver is nouveau. start jockey, if the priprietary driver isn't enabled you are using nouveau14:24
ioniteIncarus6: did i paste correctly for u to see?14:25
tyler_dIncarus6: ok, so with nouveau installed, what is the "driver" reference in xorg.conf please?14:26
Nismo6921blkdg: do you need any additional information?14:26
Incarus6inoite, the previous issue seems to be fixed, I don't know why your computer is still slow14:26
blkdgNismo6921, forget the hdmi for a sec. do you get audio out of the 1/4 jack?14:26
Nismo6921oh to be honest I have not tried14:26
blkdgthere is no try ;)14:27
Nismo6921my only speakers are a 5.1 surround sound system14:27
blkdguse headphones14:27
Nismo6921I can hook them up via optical or hdmi14:27
Incarus6tyler_d, reference? can you paste xorg.conf file?14:27
Nismo6921should I try optical hook up?14:27
ioniteIncarus6: what about my sound card?14:27
blkdgtry to get 1/4 inch jack to work. use headphones if you have too.14:27
Nismo6921for testing purposes or all the time?14:28
blkdgNismo6921, testing.14:28
Nismo6921cause Id rather not use headphones all the time14:28
Incarus6ionite, a good solution is allways to just not use something. can you try VLC instead of banshee?14:28
blkdgtesting purposes14:28
Nismo6921unfortunately im not on the system currently with the issue nor am i near it14:28
tyler_dIncarus6: http://paste.ubuntu.com/654533/ <--- I only have the one created by nvidia-xconfig as I was trying to use the proprietary driver. I was forced to remove(not use) xorg.conf as a result of this in order to get a gui back14:29
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ioniteoh.. alright. i tot ubuntu preinstalled software are better. hehe14:29
blkdgok, then. when you're near it, go to sound prefrences, then unplug any hdmi connections and plug only one thing into the soundcard, a simple speaker or a pair of headphones. trouble shoot from there.14:30
ioniteIncarus6: last part. how do i import all my URLs to firefox?14:30
Incarus6tyler_d, it's the third driver calld nv, it's obsolete. what version of ubuntu are you currently using?14:30
tyler_dIncarus6: 11.0414:30
blkdgi can't help much more than that without you there.14:30
Nismo6921blkdg: are the most current updates able to handle hdmi output...i may have a bunch of updates that I have not yet installed14:30
Incarus6ionite, is that another question? and which URLS?14:30
ioniteIncarus6: yep14:31
ioniteIncarus6: i backed up all my bookmarks from windows using firefox14:31
blkdgNismo6921, updates are free and easy with *buntu, so yeah, keep system up to date.14:32
Incarus6tyler_d, correct me if I'm wrong but "nv" doesn't exist in 11.04 anymore. Have you wrote that manually in the file or is it just an old file?14:32
Nismo6921blkdg: i mean the only other thing I can think of is try using the optical audio output from the motherboard that should be more compatible than the hdmi right?14:32
Incarus6ionite, how have you backed up them. with an addon or manually?14:32
tyler_dIncarus6: flying by the seat of my pants, I believe you are correct. what should that read please?14:32
blkdgNismo6921, my hdmi audio works well, but occasionally i have to remember to force shut off the sound adaptor in my soundprefrences.14:33
blkdgNismo6921, no. i think the opposite.14:33
tyler_dIncarus6: p.s. manually configured14:33
Nismo6921wait what?14:33
Nismo6921what sound adaptor14:33
Nismo6921maybe thats why mine does work14:33
blkdgNismo6921, i think that hdmi sound support will come faster than digital audio out14:33
Incarus6tyler_d, why have you wrote "nv" in the file? Are you using old documentaries?14:33
Nismo6921what adaptor are you disabling14:34
prezidenthello people im trying to back up my ubuntu 11.04 system, i looked on the internet and found rsync, simple backup and something with tar i want to use rsync because i can backup and restore can somebody show me how to properly use rsync to backup my whole system excluding the normal folders that nobody would back up14:34
blkdgNismo6921, internal audio analogue stereo out14:34
blkdgi then turn on the hdmi one.14:35
Nismo6921i have to have that disabled?14:35
ThinkT510!rsync | prezident14:35
ubottuprezident: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync14:35
blkdgNismo6921, IN MY CASE, i have to turn off the analogue out and turn on the hdmi out when i use hdmi cable14:36
blkdgi am using a rs780 azalia module / card14:36
prezidentubottu so whats the best way i can back up my system to my drive ?14:36
ubottuprezident: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:36
Nismo6921now that you mention that i think i read that somewhere that all other audio options have to be disabled before the hdmi works14:36
Nismo6921i dont why i didnt even think to try it ill do that when i get back home14:37
Nismo6921thanks blkdg!14:37
blkdggood luck14:37
prezidentwhats the best way to backup my ubuntu 11.04 to my drive14:38
Incarus6tyler_d, try to remove the xorg.conf file and start jockey and enable the proprietary driver, reboot and it should work14:38
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:38
tyler_dIncarus6: what is "jockey" please?14:38
Incarus6tyler_d, that additional-driver-dailog-thing14:39
blkdgllutz, if i dig through dpkg again looking for mysql this time, and purge the mysql pkgs that i find, will that eliminate any mysql config files that are haunting my installation?14:39
blkdgHey MarkShuttleworth !14:39
llutzblkdg: only systemwide config-files, not your personal14:39
Incarus6UK IP? no cloak? fake :D14:41
stevethepirateHey, my graphics card is being picked up by lspci, but the drivers for it are not available (via restricted drivers section). Any help?14:41
MarkShuttleworthI don't wear a cloak, it's the downfall of superheros14:41
tyler_dIncarus6: apt-get install jockey?14:42
Incarus6tyler_d, no, jockey is preinstalled, it should be called "Additional Driver" in the menu (or similar)14:42
tyler_dIncarus6: sorry, which menu are you refering to ?14:43
blkdgdo you mean cape?14:43
blkdgllutz, and i;m assuming that the personal ones are stored in /home in a hidden dir, right?14:44
Incarus6tyler_d, nevermind, just type "jockey-gtk" in terminal14:44
llutzblkdg: afaik its only ~/.my.cnf14:44
ioniteIncarus6: how do install respositories?14:46
Incarus6ionite, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20Ubuntu%20Software%20Repositories14:47
tyler_dIncarus6: under driver, what does your machine have listed? ie. nv?14:48
ThinkT510tyler_d: nv is depreciated14:49
stevethepirateHey, my graphics card is being picked up by lspci, but the drivers for it are not available (via restricted drivers section). Any help?14:49
stevethepirateThinkT510: should I compile noveau from source?14:49
tyler_dThinkT510: what should the "driver" say then please?14:49
tyler_dThinkT510: for noveau?14:50
ThinkT510tyler_d: either nouveau or nvidia, depending on what you have installed14:50
Incarus6tyler_d, nv is dead. Usually "nvidia-current", its the priprietary driver14:50
tyler_dIncarus6: that. is fantastic, tyvm guys14:50
ThinkT510stevethepirate: why would you want to do that?14:50
ioniteIncarus6: i tried /etc/apt/sources.list14:50
ioniteIncarus6: but it says permission denied14:51
sandydionite: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list14:51
Incarus6ionite, try the graphical way which is mentioned in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20Ubuntu%20Software%20Repositories14:51
=== DirtyDawg is now known as Dawg67
nikitisQuestion, does anyone know what program or script is used to auto detect your gateway when using a live cd?14:51
stevethepirateThinkT510: I mean, I have a nvidia gfx card, but the drivers for it not getting picked up.14:51
Incarus6tyler_d you're welcome14:52
Incarus6stevethepirate, do you prefer the priprietary or the open-source driver?14:52
stevethepirateIncarus6: The one that'll be the best?14:52
sandydstevethepirate: are you connected to the net? If your not, the propreity drivers don't show14:52
stevethepiratesandyd: I was on the net when I did the check14:53
nikitisIs there a ubuntu development channel?14:53
Incarus6stevethepirate, depends on your card and on your needs14:53
stevethepirateVGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 1040 (rev a1)14:53
stevethepirateI'd just like decent support for average rendering processes.14:53
b0baCan anybody help with latest GRUB2 update ?14:53
stevethepirateMost importantly, maybe a higher desktop resolution.14:54
stevethepirate(1024x768 :<)14:54
Incarus6stevethepirate, please paste lspci14:54
Incarus6stevethepirate, is your computer or your card new?14:56
b0bahow to enable debug mode in Grub2 console ?14:56
nikitisWhat is the ubuntu development irc channel?14:57
stevethepirateIncarus6: both.14:57
DJonesnikitis: #ubuntu+1 for the unreleased version in testing etc14:57
nikitisDJones: thanks14:57
Incarus6stevethepirate, do you know which graphic card your computer is using?14:57
blkdgllutz, i looked for the file in dpkg's descritopns and got rid of purge mysql-common that did the trick. i can loginto phpmyadmin not (i reinstalled it as well) thanks again. llutz14:58
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blkdghave a good weekend folks. i'm off to play with php !14:58
cupcakeonehey all14:59
wolsstevethepirate: you will need the latest nvidia.com drivers most probably.14:59
stevethepirateIncarus6: one sec.14:59
ThinkT510!grub | b0ba14:59
ubottub0ba: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:59
cupcakeoneif you take the bootable flag off from a partition during installation, do you loose the data on it?14:59
wolsIncarus6: a gf119 which translates to a low end GF5xxM GT. a mobile chip14:59
stevethepirateIncarus6: N520GT15:00
damnopreviously vdos bufferd in FF or chrome would usually reside in /tmp which I would simply copy. but now there are no buffrd vdo files in /tmp :( neither for chrome nor FF . is something  wrong or may the browsers have changed the way they handle buffered vdos?15:00
wolsstevethepirate: how do you know the restricted drivers don't work? any error messages? checked Xorg.0.log?15:01
sandyddamno: youtube changed it a while ago. use flashgot15:01
ne2kafter upgrading to natty, gtk-window-decorator crashes with a segmentation fault whenever I click the top left "window operations" button on any window15:01
stevethepiratewols: They are not shown as offers to download15:01
wolsstevethepirate: and which ubuntu version are you running?15:01
damnosandyd: flashgot in ubuntu??15:01
Incarus6stevethepirate, GT 520? try to install that driver: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-275.21-driver.html15:01
sandyddamno: flashgot firefox extension15:01
prezidentwhat is the best way to back up your ubuntu system to a drive?15:01
ThinkT510!backup | prezident15:02
ubottuprezident: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:02
prezidentthinkt510 are you a robot 2 ?15:02
ThinkT510prezident: nope15:02
damnosandyd: yeah.. bt none of the sites I used to save buffered vdos from are working :/15:02
ne2k btw, the clock on paste.ubuntu.com is completely wrong15:03
Incarus6prezident, just ubotttu is a bot. please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem15:03
damnosandyd: and am a avid chrome user15:03
prezidentthinkt510 ok im reading now15:03
stevethepirateIncarus6: I got the restricted drivers menu to work15:04
Incarus6stevethepirate, fixed?15:04
stevethepirateIncarus6: Which are recommended? Free or proprietary?15:04
stevethepirateIncarus6: it was an /etc/hosts error, I'd been working on stuff.15:04
Incarus6stevethepirate, I ALLWAYS recommend the proprietary nvidia driver15:04
cupcakeonedoes changing the bootable flag affect the data on the drive?15:05
cupcakeoneim trying to install ubuntu and turn the bootable flag off15:05
cupcakeonefrom one of my drives15:05
ne2kcupcakeone: the bootable flag is in the partition table, which is on the drive, so yes15:05
sandyddamno: I don't think that theirs any flashgot for google chrome. yet. but flashgot still works in firefox. You should see the icon on the bottom-right hand side of firefox when you get to a video15:06
ThinkT510cupcakeone: why are you turning th bootable flag off?15:06
cupcakeonei have a couple hard drives, trying to install ubuntu on the second one15:07
cupcakeonebut after install it keeps saying insert bootable media15:08
Troy^im using the propertiary amd driver for my mobile hd 587015:08
sandydcupcakeone: grub does not deal with bootflags15:08
ThinkT510cupcakeone: you can only have 1 bootable flag per mbr15:08
sandydcupcakeone: it deals with mbr15:08
cupcakeoneso its a bios problem?15:09
dr_willisor its trying to boot the wrong hd.15:09
dr_willisor grub is not on the MBR.15:09
sandydcupcakeone: no, just reinstall grub manually to HD15:09
cupcakeoneive installed grub on /dev/sda15:10
ruserhi, i've got a weird problem on ubuntu i'm trying to start a game server binary but when i execute it, it complains no such file but the file is clearly there!    included direcotry listing, stat listing, uname, and file entry, with strace  http://paste.ubuntu.com/654557/15:10
dr_willisI dident think grub/linux used the bootable flag.. but ive never really noticed  to be sure.15:10
wolsruser: it usually means a shared library it needs isn't there15:10
cupcakeonewhich is the hard drive i want linux on15:10
ne2kruser: "no such file" when the is clearly there usually means a missing shared library15:10
wolsruser: run "ldd <execuable>"15:10
ThinkT510cupcakeone: i have a few os's installed and windows is the one with a boot flag15:10
sandydcupcakeone: is the bios set to boot from that HD though>15:10
ruserwols: ne2k:         not a dynamic executable15:11
cupcakeoneyeah boot priority is set to that HD15:11
Troy^hah i love how easy it was to find my wireless printer on the network and it found a driver by itself, im impressed lol15:11
wolsruser: file <executable>15:11
ruserwols: already in pastebin15:11
cupcakeoneits strange15:11
dr_willisTroy^:  mine did even better.. it found 5 printers and 5 drivers.. for my single printer. :)15:12
wolscupcakeone: what is the error message?15:12
sandydcupcakeone: you chrooted to install right?15:12
ruserwols: paste.ubuntu.com/654557/15:12
sandydcupcakeone: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Methods%20of%20Reinstalling15:12
wolsruser: line 27:  dynamically linked (uses shared libs),15:13
cupcakeoneim installing from the server edition disk15:13
ruserwols: and yet ldd reports not a dynamic :)15:13
cupcakeone"Reboot and select proper boot device"15:13
cupcakeonethats the exact msg15:13
sandydcupcakeone: you can still chroot into the install15:13
sandydcupcakeone: you need to chroot into the server install from a livecd, and install grub from there15:14
dr_williscupcakeone:  so the pc has how many hd's ? tried booting any of them?15:14
cupcakeonethe pc has 5 hds15:14
NotreDevi performed sudo apt-get upgrade -y, but ran out of space on my disk. now that i've freed some space, i tried again, but it doesn't seem to believe there are any upgrades available. how can i make apt more aware of what packages are currently installed?15:14
wolsruser: strings <executable> |grep ".so"15:14
wolsruser: strings <executable> |grep lib15:14
ravishekharhello everyone15:14
wolsNotreDev: apt-get -f install15:15
antlonghello, whats the pre 11.x desktop window manager package name?15:15
cupcakeoneso its a problem with MBR not grub?15:15
ravishekharI m using 11.04 version15:15
ruserwols:  silly me i forgot to install ia32-libs15:15
wolsantlong: gnome-desktop-environment ?15:15
rwwantlong: the same as it is now, compiz15:15
antlongrww the actual gui?15:15
wolsantlong: sorry, ubuntu-desktop-environment15:15
antlongah, ty wols15:16
NotreDevwols: did nothing different (0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded)15:16
rwwantlong: "the actual GUI" isn't the same as "window manager". Perhaps you're looking for "gnome-panel" or this:15:16
wolsrww: wasn't it metacity like usual for gnome?15:16
ravishekharBut no .exe file run on this although I hav installed winehq15:16
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".15:16
rwwwols: nope, Ubuntu's used compiz for a while15:16
antlongyeah unity, thanks15:16
wolsNotreDev: apt-get update;apt-get dist-upgrade15:16
rwwwols: well, unless 3D acceleration doesn't work, then it's metacity15:16
cdauthhey there15:17
adrianonessuna di bari?15:17
wolsravishekhar: in a terminal, run "wine <exe file>"15:17
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:17
sandydcupcakeone: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1581099 The Chroot section should be enough to get your bootloader back.15:17
anoobdo you have an Intel HD 3000 Graphics? I want to know if it works without extra configuration ... something like plug and play :)15:17
cupcakeonesandyd: thanks ill try that15:18
cdauthi need to install a recent version of apache on an old ubuntu 8.04 lts. what is the usual technique for this? look for a deb file on the internet? use a deb file from a newer ubuntu version? compile it myself?15:18
rwwanoob: I have an HD 3450. It works fine.15:18
NotreDevwell now i have (0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded)15:18
wolscdauth: backport. you get the _sources_ of the package you want to backport from a newer ubuntu version and build a package from that and install it via dpkg -i15:18
wolscdauth: using a newer package will simply destroy your 8.04 LTS15:19
wolscdauth: but in this case I strongly suggest an upgrade to 10.04 at least15:19
ruserwols: ne2k thanks guys,  the problem was i forgot to install ia32 libs15:19
sandydcdauth: you will have to compile it yourself if there are no newer packages on the net15:19
anoobrww, what's fine? do you have to do any manual work to get it working?15:20
rwwanoob: no15:20
Troy^empathy keeps giving me network errors hmm15:20
anoobcan you play games with wine rww? which games?15:20
rusercdauth: you could try palying around with pinning15:20
dr_willisanoob:  a great many games work with wine.  see the wine app database.15:20
rwwanoob: The only 3D accelerated game I play is Minecraft. It works with the default driver, and works better with fglrx.15:20
cdauthokay, that’s enough information to start. thanks everyone ;-)15:20
wolsruser: no he could not. pinning is a great way to kill the install15:21
wolscdauth: please ignore ruser15:21
delinquentmehow to run a continuous ping command .. every 5 second ?15:21
dr_willisdelinquentme:  pint has options for that..15:21
ruserwols: please explain?15:21
dr_willisdelinquentme:  or write a little script.15:21
anoobwhich driver is the default rww?15:21
rwwanoob: it's called "radeon"15:22
wolsruser: pinning is 99% of the time a very very bad idea. and you never want to mix packages from different versions, which is what pinning would do in this case15:22
anoobrww, thank you very much15:22
wolsdelinquentme: man ping. look at the "-c" option15:22
oCeandelinquentme: ping -c -i 515:22
delinquentmeyeah i was doing it right ... loosk like AWS blocks pings .. meh!15:23
ruserwols: fair enough. however the way i see it, if the package is super small with minimal dependencies, pinning works ok, as long as you are agnostic of what you are doing15:23
wolsruser: "agnostic of what you are doing" == "if you don't care what you are doing" fyi15:23
anoobrww, isn't radeon about ati cards?15:23
oCeandelinquentme: actually   ping -c 20 -i 5  will give a sequence of 20 pings, with interval of 5 seconds15:24
oCeandelinquentme: oh, didn't see your last post, nvm15:24
wolsruser: and apache is not small. a script which is available for architecture "all" is fine with pinning usually. a binary, especially like apache, is not15:24
rwwanoob: oh, crap, you said Intel. Sorry, I read HD 3xxx and assumed ATI. Is Intel using that versioning now too?15:24
ikoniarww: only for sound15:24
wolsikonia: huh?15:24
ruserwols: point taken on apache.15:24
ikoniawols: are there now intel video cards with HD as the reference15:25
ruserwols: anyhow thanks for the troubleshooting :)15:25
wolsikonia: yes. since the GMA4500 HD15:25
ikoniaahhh that's not HD* that's *HD15:25
wolswhich was around 3 years ago. newer cards are named GMA HD for first gen core i, and HD200 HD 3000 for 2nd gen core i15:25
wols*HD 200015:26
ikoniaI still reference the GMA15:26
wolsnot in the latest ones. there it's called simply HD 300015:26
cba123I've been trying different file index searchers, but tracker, beagle and google desktop don't seem to search everything I have.  Are there any alternatives?15:26
anoobno problem15:27
ikoniawols: certainly not seen them15:27
anoobno problem rww15:27
wolsikonia: intel marketing dept is very sorry to hear that. all those billions spent in vain :(15:28
ikoniawols: I am a hard sell15:28
wolsthat's why they packaged it into the cpu: so you have to buy it if you buy a cpu, no matter what. sly buggers these intel guys15:29
ravishekharwols:I have installed oxforddictionary.exe using wine but it doesn't work properly.the same software run smoothly in windows.wat sud i do??15:29
oCeanravishekhar: #winehq for application help with wine15:30
wolsravishekhar: appdb.winehq.org  check if it runs properly in wine at all. and not every windows program does. what you can do is fix wine yourself by making it better15:30
ThinkT510ravishekhar: if you want windows programs running flawlessly use a windows vm in virtualbox (with the exception of 3d apps)15:31
ThinkT510ravishekhar: most times though it is better to look for native alternatives15:32
ravishekharwhen I install a new package,after installation a window opens ,showing operation failed. Wat is d prblm?15:35
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wolsravishekhar: apt-get install <package>    then paste us the output15:35
p01sontry apt-get clean15:40
krzysz00Does anyone know how to do a permission-preserving backup to an ntfs filesystem with fsync?15:45
adubzi accidently created a symbolic link to an existing directory /var/www/  how do i remove htis symbolic link15:45
fabiobikhi guys15:45
ThinkT510!rsync | krzysz0015:45
ubottukrzysz00: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync15:45
fabiobikcan please test this page if works? http://gatinhamolhadinha.pt.vu/  here gives me an 404 error ...15:45
fabiobikim at my ubuntu server15:46
tyler_dwhat happened to Xorg's -scanpci command? anyone know where it is please?15:46
dr_willistheres an works here fabiobik15:46
fabiobikmayble its the cache15:47
Infernetnice index15:47
b0baubottu: GRUB2 doesn't detect software raid as md0. my server is bricked15:49
ubottub0ba: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:49
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wrtiiiWhere's the best place to make a forum post for generic linux problems?15:49
Piciwrtiii: ##linux15:50
tyler_dPici: forum15:50
Picityler_d: Ask in ##linux then, as it clearly isn't on-topic for #ubuntu15:50
wolstyler_d: what do you need this command for?15:51
AndreiTI have a file that is supposed to fix the perl-tk package from cpan, but it is a dpatch, how do i execute this?15:51
b0bawhat channel is the best for grub2 questions ?15:52
tyler_dwols: trying to configure the xorg.conf with the BusID - found hte card using lspci | less however I don't know the correct formatting, ie. PCI:xxxx:xx:xx15:52
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tyler_dwols: and supposedly Xorg -scanpci works for this15:53
wolstyler_d: lspci shows it to you too. and why do you need the BusID? do you have more than one card?15:53
wolswhy do you need a xorg.conf in the first place?15:53
tyler_dwols: yes, and no it gives it in formatting such as: 01:00.0 xorg expects formatting such as PCI:0000:00:00 does it not?15:54
tyler_dwols: p.s. the above 01:00.0 is directly from mine15:54
wolstyler_d: why do you need the bus id?15:55
faint545is there like a social ubuntu channel?15:58
faint545instead of a support channel?15:58
hilikusCan't this be both?15:59
faint545well i figured since it says it a support channel.15:59
ThinkT510!ot | faint54515:59
ubottufaint545: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:59
hilikuswell there you have it15:59
juemoHi pals !  My server do not respond to ARP requests.  Anyone got an idea ?16:01
ikoniajuemo: it's not on the network then16:01
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juemoikonia: this is a LAN, connected by my hand16:02
ikoniajuemo: so ?16:02
ne2kjuemo: what makes you say that it doesn't respond to ARP requests?16:03
juemoikonia: I checked with wireshark, sniffed all his interfaces, from itself and from other computers on the network16:03
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ne2kjuemo: it is possible to turn off ARP but unless you've done that deliberately it's extremely unlikely16:04
ikoniajust do an arp -a on a device it's connected to16:05
juemone2k: I check with wireshark and I am pretty sure I haven't turned it off16:05
girlHi, I have an Intel Gma 950  Graphic Card. My overall performance in natty seems worse than what it was in maverick. I tried xorg-edgers but there was no improvement . Any ideas?16:05
ikoniajuemo: wireshark normally shows tcp16:05
ikoniajuemo: just do an arp -a on something connected to it16:06
ne2kjuemo: so, on the server, you see "ARP who has" broadcasts coming in for an IP that is assigned to the server on the interface that they are coming in on, but no reply going out?16:06
ne2kjuemo: can you paste "ip addr" from the server?16:06
ikoniaarp -a will show the arp16:06
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ne2kikonia: I think we're slightly more advanced than that16:07
ikoniawhy ?16:07
ikoniayou don't need to be16:07
girlCan someone help me?16:07
juemo ne2k: routeur ARPs with right ip, serveur nerver respond16:07
ne2kgirl: just ask your question16:07
sktn07in 10.4 how to zoom desktop?16:07
girl Hi, I have an Intel Gma 950  Graphic Card. My overall performance in natty seems worse than what it was in maverick. I tried xorg-edgers but there was no improvement . Any ideas?16:07
ne2kjuemo: you see the arp who has going out of the router, right? do you see the arp who has coming in on the server?16:08
juemoarp -a, considering server's ip :? ( à <incomplet> sur eth116:08
ne2kjuemo: what are you running that command on? a client? the router?16:08
juemone2k: yes, i sniffed the interfaces from the routeur and saw the requests16:08
juemone2k: a computer on the network16:08
ne2kjuemo: but how abotu on the server? did you sniff on the server and see the arp who has coming in?16:09
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juemone2k: yes,16:09
ne2kjuemo: is the computer on the same subnet as the server and router? if so, why would it be going near the router?16:09
sktn07in 10.4 how to zoom desktop?16:10
sktn07windows + scroll not working16:10
sktn07please help16:11
ne2ksktn07: install compizconfig-settings-manager and then look in there to set up your keybindings16:11
juemone2k: this is a class c network.16:11
ne2kjuemo: oh, not that again16:11
wrtiiiWhat is the default root password on a ubuntu install16:11
girlsktn07: elaborate on that16:11
juemone2k: what do you mean ?16:11
rww!root | wrtiii16:11
ubottuwrtiii: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:11
girlwrtiii: See ubottu16:12
sktn07ne2k : commands to install that?16:12
hilikusgirl:  what about your performance has changed since your upgrade?16:12
girlwrtiii: You can set a root password with "sudo su" then "passwd" in terminal16:12
ne2ksktn07: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager then look in system->preferences; accessibiliyt->zoom desktop16:12
rww!noroot | girl16:13
ubottugirl: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.16:13
wrtiiithat bs16:13
girlhilikus: Yes using intel arkendale gma 95016:13
wrtiiithanks girl16:13
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ne2ksktn07: there is "enhanced zoom desktop" too which is better, it hink16:13
girlwrtiii: No prblem16:13
rwwwrtiii: setting a root password is both pointless and not supported by this channel. If you do it, please do not ask for help with it here.16:14
reaperwhats the point of a root password?16:14
sktn07ne2k : terminalshows: could not find that package16:14
ne2kreaper: to be able to log in as root16:14
natty-user@wrtiii: i've got the same sort of ubuntu installation problem on a pc, still haven't managed to fix it.16:14
Algorithprotection obviously...16:14
macoreaper: to allow the root user to login. but if you do that, then all your apps are running as root, making you nicely ownable16:14
rwwne2k: There is no point in doing that.16:14
wrtiiiwhy is everyone so afraid of root?16:15
reaperahh so kind of like the admin?16:15
ne2ksktn07: do you have universe enabled?16:15
girlhilikus:Graphics performace in OK but slower than natty and some KDE effects make it really slow, they worked fine on maverick16:15
hilikusroot = admin16:15
juemoThis is a pretty simple class c network: router, laptop, server.  dhcp request from the server to the routeur are ok, but all other never pass through the mac resolution16:15
reapergot cha16:15
macowrtiii: because running as admin all the time is how win95 got to be a hotbed of malware16:16
rwwand 98, and ME, and XP...16:16
sktn07ne2k : probably not...how to check16:16
ne2krww: do not tar XP with the same brush as ME!16:16
reaperI could see it being useful if you were the only 1 that uses the machine and wasnt online much16:16
ne2krww: XP was a solid OS, particularly once it reached SP2, because it was NT-based. 95/98/ME were still DOS-based16:16
hilikusis this a linux channel or what?  How can people not know what root is?  :S16:16
rwwne2k: They share the issue of being easier to exploit if you're running as an administrative user, which they use by default.16:16
wrtiiihow the hell are you supposed to efficiently preform administrative tasks without using root16:17
Algorithmore like only if it never goes online and you always know exactly what you're doing16:17
ne2khilikus: no, it's not a linux channel, it's a ubuntu channel.16:17
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rwwwrtiii: sudo, as you've been told16:17
reaperer true16:17
ne2krww: I guess XP home did, yes, I agree16:17
rwwne2k: true16:17
wrtiiiI said efficiently rww16:17
rwwwrtiii: and I said sudo16:17
qinwrtiii: sudo -i, or extend sudo time16:18
wrtiiiyou've obviously never been getting shot @ while trying to work on a system, lol16:18
hilikusI just installed ubuntu on my netbook... mostly run openSuSE16:18
Algorithhopefully few people have16:18
ne2kjuemo: can you try connecting computer directly to server with a crossover cable and see if ARP works then? (you'll need to set static addresses)16:18
ne2kjuemo: this will narrow it does to any APs or switches as the source of the problem16:19
ne2kjuemo: is the laptop connected to the network with wireless? how is the AP configured? could it have any restrictions on it?16:19
xt3mp0rwhich term from /proc/meminfo shows the actual free RAM? -/+ buffers/cache16:24
Blackholdhi, someone could sayme where I could find repos for ubuntu 9.04?16:26
roastedIs there a quick way to add 60 new users to Ubuntu?16:26
roastedI just need 60 test users. user1, user2 user, 3etc.16:27
ikoniaroasted: script16:27
roastedikonia, would it be possible to do the password thing in a script?16:27
hilikusxt3mp0r: memfree16:27
ikoniaroasted: yup16:27
roastedikonia, hm. can you give me an example of how this would work?16:27
reaperso in natty, how do I adjust things like time it takes for the screen saver and stuff?16:27
roastedikonia, just 60 lines with sudo useradd user1 etc?16:27
ikoniaroasted: while loop, 1 - 60 useradd user$ that sort of thing16:28
roastedikonia, okay... I'm a little rusty in this area. I remember using that sort of command before...16:28
xt3mp0rhilikus: It doesn't show the actual free RAM. http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ you need to read this if you haven't yet.16:30
plustaxCan someone help me out? I am trying to put win 7 back on my laptop. Right now I have just Ubuntu on it taking up the full disc but I dont know how to switch back16:31
ikoniaplustax: just install windows over the top16:32
ikoniaplustax: the guys in ##windows can help you with that16:32
redmarvhi all16:32
plustaxikonia thats it?16:32
wolsplustax: boot from a live cd and resize your ubuntu partition so you make room for windows. then boot a windows CD and install it to that free space. last, reinstall grub16:32
roastedplustax, you want JUST windows?16:32
roastedplustax, no ubuntu?16:32
redmarvanyone have used ocrad or tesseract or gocr?16:32
plustaxwols I want JUST windows16:32
wolsplustax: then as ikonia said16:32
roastedplustax, yep, that's all you do16:32
mang0plustax: in that case just do a fresh windows install16:33
roastedplustax, just put windows CD in, format drive, install windows, good to go :)16:33
mang0if you don't want ubuntu16:33
plustaxokay so its just a regular install then.16:33
roastedplustax, absolutely16:33
mang0plustax: you will lose all your data on your ubuntu.16:33
mang0be warned.16:33
sktn07in appearance preference > visual effect screen is not ok....see http://imagebin.org/16547116:33
plustaxThat's fine, I just backed everything up.16:33
mang0In that case go go go!16:33
roastedplustax, you typically format a drive when you install an operating system. formatting is wiping and preparing the drive. This thereby deletes ubuntu in the process.16:33
redmarvplustax: or just find for a Fix MBR on your windows16:33
plustaxNo worries, I am still running Ubuntu on my desktop!16:33
sktn07please help with proper direction16:33
roastedredmarv, he doesn't have windows installed at all16:33
roastedredmarv, he just wants to ditch ubuntu entirely and install windows back16:34
redmarvah, so, install windows :P16:34
plustaxWell thanks guys.16:34
roastedplustax, we'll miss you! :P16:34
redmarvSomeone knows ocrad or similar software?16:34
plustaxSo I dont have to reinstall some bootloader or something?16:34
ikoniaplustax: no16:34
mang0plustax: no16:34
roastedplustax, no, installing Windows takes care of installing the Windows boot loader.16:34
plustaxI dont know how to boot to the windows cd16:34
mang0Only if you're having ubuntu as well16:34
roastedplustax, do you have a dell?16:34
wolsplustax: windows does this by default on its own16:34
mang0plustax: put the cd in. reboot16:34
plustaxoh okay16:34
reaperis there a way to set lik screen saver time and stuff?16:34
sktn07i am using 10.4 version....in notebook atom processor16:34
plustaxwell Ill see you in a few!16:34
roastedplustax, good luck16:35
sktn07please  help16:35
redmarvguys? have you used ocrad or gocr or tesseract on ubuntu?16:35
redmarvI need advice...16:35
redmarvuhm I mean help16:35
wolsredmarv: ask your real question16:35
mang0Right guys, I'm setting up a blog with blogger. I've found a theme that I like, but I need to edit it. I know basic HTML, but I'd quite like to edit it graphically as well as the raw code. Is there a program that I can edit it with? Like, with clicking and dragging, and also with re-writing code....16:36
mang0(for ubuntu, of course)16:36
tyler_dif anyone would please help me with a PCI bus address here are the details: http://paste.ubuntu.com/654610/16:36
wolstyler_d: I'm still waiting for an answer btw16:36
redmarvso, if I use one of those software with an image created with gimp (with some numbers) they recognize it very well, finding the right chars in it, but i I use an image from a cam (mobile phone camera) it doens't work...16:37
tyler_dwols: what was the question again please16:37
wolstyler_d: nvm. what drivers do you intend to use?16:38
tyler_dwols: I would like to use the proprietary nvidia drivers16:38
wolstyler_d: with optimus?16:38
tyler_dwols: sorry, what is optimus?16:39
wolstyler_d: if you use the proprietary nvidia drivers, run nvidia-xconfig (IIRC) and you're done16:39
wolstyler_d:no need for Bus ID16:39
Eighteensi just updated my ubuntu 10.04 lucid, and after reboot, my sound icon is muted, and WONT un-mute, and it shows no hardware installed, can somone help me16:39
redmarvwols: that was my real question :P16:40
wolsredmarv: no it was not16:40
tyler_dwols: unfortunately no, as xorg grabs the first pci bus it finds the nvidia in this laptop is on a lower pci bus and therefor needs to be hard-coded16:40
tyler_dwols: I have attempted that, and many variations of that16:40
wolstyler_d: you put in "nvidia" into your xorg.conf and it will grab that16:40
wolstyler_d: and your Xorg.0.log clearly shows how the busid needs to look16:41
tyler_dwols: no it does not. maybe it is supposed to..16:41
redmarvwols: ehm,  wanted to know if there is a reason for this. Pics from camera don't work with gocr ocrad or similar software/16:41
shinkamuihow do I start the installer in text mode on 10.10 and above16:41
ikoniashinkamui: you use the alternative CD for that16:41
tyler_dwols: that is how it was set the last time I booted, the star beside the bus from Xorg.0.log indicates the card it tried to load16:41
wolsredmarv: "real question" was in response to "anyone use X" you asked. that is never the real question but a waste of time of others16:42
shinkamuiikonia, this isn't a standard ubuntu disk, whats the command line command tos tart the text installer normally16:42
ikoniashinkamui: sorry, we don't support non-standard ubuntu installers16:42
wolstyler_d: can you paste your xorg.conf and your Xorg.0.log output for it. I think you rather have a mux problem, since you have an Optimus enabled laptop16:42
BluesKajshinkamui, alternate?16:42
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tyler_dwols: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11098771#post1109877116:43
tyler_dwols: ty for your help btw16:43
redmarvwols: man I'm not using X, I'm working remote via ssh if you want to know, so, I asked only if anyone knows if there are some particular condition to have those software working well with pics from a camera. just this16:43
pingvenoIs there any lovely, wonderful place to get python2.7 packages for Ubuntu versions 10.04 and 10.10?16:44
wolstyler_d: that's not what I asked for at all and I don't troubleshoot nvidia.run installers which break things all the time16:44
redmarvX was not x.org... btw I wrote down the real one later...16:44
ikoniapingveno: no16:44
tyler_dwols: ok, I will repost them to pastebin16:45
pingvenoNo extra backports area that someone has set up?16:45
pingvenoset up Python 2.7*16:45
tyler_dwols: http://paste.ubuntu.com/654616/16:46
Eighteenswhat would cause ubuntu to not see my sound card after a year of having it working, after update, and reboot, no sound anymore16:47
tyler_dwols: to clarify as well, the only way I could get an xorg.conf file was to use the nvidia-xorg command, hence the comment at the top of xorg.conf16:47
wolstyler_d: that is the proper command for nvidia proprietary drivers16:48
tyler_dwols: ok.16:48
SpikestuffIs there a way to install Fedora Linux using Ubuntu, possibly by using apt-get or some other method?16:48
ikoniashinkamui: no16:48
Troy^Spikestuff: no, you need to install fedora similiar to the way you did ubuntu16:49
ikoniaSpikestuff: no16:49
TheTongueQemu / Virtual Box16:49
wolstyler_d: cat /sys/http://paste.ubuntu.com/654616/16:49
ikoniaTheTongue: read what he asked16:49
wolstyler_d: cat /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch16:49
Troy^hmm i have 12,000 songs and banshee doesnt seem to really like it16:50
Troy^i cant seem to play songs in it because its always trying to download album cover art16:50
SpikestuffActually ikonia, TheTongue is correct... it is possible to use VirtualBox and qemu to create a virtual image from Ubuntu and via a Live CD to bypass certain things that the Live CD requires, such as a RAM requirement...16:50
ikoniaSpikestuff: sorry, no it's not16:50
Spikestuffikonia: http://dcr226.co.uk/blog/?p=8716:50
ikoniaSpikestuff: that is not installing fedora using ubuntu, that is using a virtual machine16:50
SpikestuffIt's through Ubuntu if you're running the VM on Ubuntu. :>16:51
ikoniaSpikestuff: no, it's not16:51
ikoniaSpikestuff: hence why you asked like using "apt-get" the answer is "no"16:51
ikoniaSpikestuff: if you question is can you install Fedora in blank virtual machine, yes, you can16:51
SpikestuffI am off that subject now, I am just telling you that TheTongue is correct. :)16:51
TheTongueThanks you Spikestuff :) , but I didn't read any other lines above what he said16:52
ikoniaSpikestuff: and I'm telling you he's not, or your question was incorrect16:52
Troy^any suggestions for mp3 player? banshee doesnt like my huge library16:52
SpikestuffHow can a question be incorrect? :o16:52
ronqbci've weird behivour with ubuntu. the desktop is often appears and some windows get opened. then the window control is getting away. i don't like the classic system at all. what can i do? switch to win 7?16:52
TheTonguethen use a chroot jail, but thats not 100% safe16:52
ikoniaSpikestuff: you asked can you install fedora using ubuntu - no you cannot, ubuntu is a self contained operating system16:52
wolsikonia: isn't there something like debootstrap for fedora?16:53
tyler_dwols: unsure which file you would like.16:53
ikoniawols: totally, but it won't work with version 1516:53
tyler_dwols: acer-wmi  bdi  bluetooth  dri  extfrag  gpio  ips  kprobes  mce  pktcdvd  regulator  sched_features  tracing  usb  wakeup_sources  x8616:53
wolstyler_d: there is no file. there is some output, hopefully16:53
mang0How do I remove a PPA?16:53
Tbruff13can someone help me with a totem error i am just warning i am using debian16:53
friendlyfirecan someone help me figure out how to mount an external drive to ubuntu 10.04 i am new to ubuntu and cannot figure it out. I am guessing it's not just plug and play and it doesn't just show up under "computer"16:53
wols /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch  is a single file. if there, I want its content16:54
wolsfriendlyfire: it should be16:54
vltfriendlyfire: Usually it should.16:54
friendlyfireit should just show up?16:54
Troy^hmm my subwoofer on my asus g73jh laptop is not working16:54
vltfriendlyfire: Yes. Is it USB?16:54
friendlyfirei have one of those adapters that allows you to hook up an internal drive to a usb port16:54
friendlyfirebut it doesn't just show up16:54
TheTonguewhats a PPA ?16:55
tyler_dwols: stat: cannot stat `/sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch': No such file or directory16:55
Troy^anyone want to help and get my built-in subwoofer on my asus g73jh laptop to work? or know where i could start16:55
friendlyfireit is usb16:55
vltfriendlyfire: Can you open a terminal and type "lsusb" to list the devices recognised?16:55
AutodidactiteOkay how go I force quit a GUI app in 11.0416:55
Tbruff13the error happens when ever i try to use the youtube plugin in totem i get the error gstreamer general library error16:55
shishirhow to make pendrive bootable ?16:55
HeatHawk[R5]ubuntu on usb3 seems to fuck up uuid stuff so it wont boot, whats the solution for that? hard code the root= to a device id?16:55
friendlyfireok i typed lsusb16:55
vltshishir: By installing GRUB on it, for example.16:56
friendlyfirei see my logitech wireless thing for my mouse16:56
vltfriendlyfire: Is your USB/HD adapter listed?16:56
friendlyfirei don't see it16:56
friendlyfireshould it say "western digital"16:56
Tbruff13this is the technical error i get swf @ 0x24ba590] Compressed SWF format not supported16:56
Tbruff13** Message: Error: GStreamer encountered a general supporting library error.16:56
Tbruff13gstffmpegdemux.c(1243): gst_ffmpegdemux_open (): /GstPlayBin2:play/GstURIDecodeBin:uridecodebin0/GstDecodeBin2:decodebin20/ffdemux_swf:ffdemux_swf0:16:56
Tbruff13Input/output error16:56
hilikusAutodidactite:  in terminal type "top".. you should see the acting up program... get the PID and then type kill *PID*16:56
vltfriendlyfire: Depends on the device.16:56
friendlyfirewell i only have 4 usb ports16:57
shishirvlt i want to install one more OS (windows)thats why i want to make it bootable please tell me the whole process16:57
vltfriendlyfire: type "dmesg" please to see a list of system messages from the kernel.16:57
friendlyfirei have linux foundation  2.0 root hub16:57
vltfriendlyfire: Then have a look at the last 20 lines or so16:57
vltfriendlyfire: Does something happen with "usb", "ehci", "ohci" or similar?16:58
friendlyfireit says attached scsi disk16:58
vltfriendlyfire: Type "blkid" to list all block devices with file systems on it.16:58
tyler_dwols: did I miss something there?16:58
friendlyfireit says usb-storage: device found at 316:59
friendlyfirei typed blkid16:59
shishir i want to install one more OS (windows)thats why i want to make pemdrive bootable please tell me the whole process16:59
vltshishir: Where do you want to install anothe OS?16:59
vlt!repeat | shishir16:59
ubottushishir: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:59
Eighteensi get a message cant find alsamixer, this was after todays update, no sound, thanks ubuntu... gota love it17:00
shishirvlt in my computer17:00
shishirvlt i want to operating systems17:00
vltshishir: So, why do you think you need a bootable USB drive then?17:00
shishirvlt i dont have cd/dvd rom17:01
wolstyler_d:sudo mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug/   then check for the switch file again please17:01
vltshishir: Can you please elaborate?17:01
tyler_dwols: mount: none already mounted or /sys/kernel/debug/ busy17:01
tyler_dmount: according to mtab, none is already mounted on /sys/kernel/debug17:01
antlonghow do you switch from the newer unity to the classic one?17:02
antlongim over vnc, so i cant do it from the login screen17:02
wolstyler_d: then it should be there :(17:02
dr3mrognome 3 vs unity memory usage who have any idea ??17:02
shishirvlt i dont have cd rom drive thats why i can't install it with CD/DVD therefore i want to install through USB17:02
=== Industry is now known as TheJuggernaut
dr3mrowhich is lighter unity or gnome 317:02
Mark[Ping]ok can someone help me please.17:02
vltshishir: I'm not sure whether another OS will let itself install from a USB drive.17:03
tyler_dwols: soooo....17:03
Mark[Ping]Linux fails so badly... Why wont it let me click allow on adobe flash player settings17:03
wolstyler_d: I have a similar setup like yours: internal intel graphics and a amd 3470m. and that vgaswitcheroo file decides which ones ir run when loading X17:04
shishirvlt then how i can install new OS please tell me17:04
luluhello everyone17:04
luluneed some help17:04
lulugot some probs with the wifi17:04
tyler_dwols: CONFIG_VGA_SWITCHEROO=y17:04
wolstyler_d: can you paste the output of ls /sys/kernel/debug and the output of cat /etc/fstab  please?17:04
hilikusshishir, maybe this will help; http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/17:05
wolstyler_d: that's a kernel parameter. needed for the debug file above to work but there is more needed :)17:05
tyler_dwols: pretty sure if the dir doesn't exist you have to touch it no?17:06
ronqbci've weird behivour with ubuntu. the desktop is often appears and some windows get opened. then the window control is getting away. i don't like the classic system at all. what can i do? switch to win 7?17:06
wolstyler_d: no17:06
wolstyler_d: kinda pointless to touch stuff in /sys... it's not a real filesystem you know17:06
Mark[Ping]wols. Linux fails so badly... Why wont it let me click allow on adobe flash player settings17:07
vltshishir: For installing another OS you need to make some room for it. You can use tools like cfdisk, parted or gparted to resize your current and create new partitions for a new OS. Then follow the install manual of your OS.17:07
tyler_dwols: http://paste.ubuntu.com/654624/17:07
hilikusshishir you can always go the VM route....17:07
pingvenoMark[Ping]: synaptic is your friend17:07
wolsMark[Ping]: ask adobe. it's their POS software17:07
tyler_dwols: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics17:07
MrNthDegreeMark[Ping], that isn't the fault of Linux, Flash sucks in general17:07
shishirvlt i have available room for new OS17:08
Mark[Ping]Well for some odd reason... Adobe always lets me click allow in any other os.17:08
Mark[Ping]Windows, OSX.17:08
Mark[Ping]But when i try ubuntu all i get is erros and problems.17:08
Timvdegnome-power-manager is using 102MB RAM atm. I guess it's not meant to do that? (Ubuntu 10.10)17:08
wolstyler_d: have you tried what's described on that page?17:09
tyler_dwols: not yet, your helping me and I didn't want to throw a wrench in it. however thought it note-worthy and possibly worth a try17:09
wolstyler_d:also, google for your laptop model and "Linux"17:09
wolstyler_d: it is worth a try and you should try it17:09
tyler_dwols: probably comes back with explicit lang in google17:10
tyler_dwols: :p17:10
wolstyler_d: but /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch is not there  as you said17:10
wolsyou have enabled KMS?17:10
wolstyler_d: very much possible. you have an acer after all... :P17:10
wolstyler_d: btw, why do you want the nvidia drivers?17:11
tyler_dwols: wouldn't surprise me; work just got it for me **shrugs** -- I don't really care what driver is specified, the important thing to me is that its utilizing the right video card, and its not17:11
chocolateshow do i get steam to work on 10.10?17:12
wolstyler_d: I suggest you set it to "discrete" in BIOS and check the Xorg.0.log. you can always install irssi in text mode and come here to get help debugging the problem too17:12
wolstyler_d: what do you need the nvidia card for? the intel is fine for most stuff, no? no 3D but a lot less battery usage17:13
tyler_dwols: I will give that another try, I did try it before with poor results however. and no x-loading either17:13
wolschocolates: install wine, run it in wine.17:13
reapersteam.. did't even think thatwas possible17:13
wolstyler_d: it doesn't matter if X loads then. just save you Xorg.0.log when it doens#t run so we can look at it :)17:13
tyler_dwols: as of right now even the default won't load with unity :( and it did before all this garbage started17:13
wolstyler_d: you installed nvidia proprietary drivers therefore killing your mesa. and you installed it via nvidia.com drivers which is stupid to do17:14
tyler_dwols: not overtly impressed at this point. you would think an app that builds from source would have its bits and bobs together17:15
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
chocolatesDoes anybody know how to get steam working on ubuntu?17:15
hilikuschocolates...like previously said, use wine... it works perfectly.17:16
chocolateshilikus: It says connecting to (myaccounthere)... And then nothing happens17:16
tyler_dwols: so no the question is how do I blow away the .run garbage17:17
Troy^how does one change the read only setting of a conf file (/etc/pulse/daemon.conf17:17
dr3mrois there any other kernel derived from linux kernel that can be used instead of the generic kernel of ubuntu to boost more speed ???17:18
chocolatesWhat is the wine channel???17:18
hilikuscheck the wine db website, they have lots of info on troubleshooting, most likely your issue is already listed and resolved.17:19
Troy^i need to help to edit a config file it is read only i even used this command but it seems like im still not able to edit it sudo chmod u+w /etc/pulse/daemon.conf17:19
chocolateshilikus: Do you know the name of the IRC channel? :x17:20
__sorin__Hi. What's the terminal sequence for the META key similar to ^[ for ESCAPE?17:20
hilikussorry, no I don't17:20
reaperyou could use mint for more speed17:20
tyler_d__sorin__: ctrl-d?17:20
reapernvm dumb answer lol17:20
tyler_d__sorin__: or in ssh its ~17:20
ActionParsnipTroy^: gksudo gedit /etc/pulse/daemon.conf17:21
newbIs there a way to strenthen the reciever of the wifi in ubuntu?17:21
lulusorry again17:21
__sorin__tyler_d: ctrl-d, as in kill my shell? Very funny… not.17:21
lulumay i ask someone's help17:21
luluwifi is no more recognized17:22
hilikuslulu: just ask17:22
Troy^ActionParsnip: ty17:22
lulufrom my pc17:22
ActionParsnipLulu: just ask :-)17:22
=== fugdacopz is now known as firmevato
tyler_d__sorin__: wsan't trying to be funny sorry, what exactly are you trying to do?17:22
lulucan't fix the problem17:22
lulusince i distupgraded17:23
__sorin__tyler_d: Setup key bindings. So, I need to know the escape sequence for the meta key, aka ALT, or option on Mac.17:23
ActionParsnipLulu: if you explain the issue on one line we may be able to hell17:23
hilikuslulu: in the terminal, what is the results of the command ip addr show ??17:23
antlongwhat is this? http://d.pr/nFM017:23
hilikusdo you see wlan listed?17:23
luluit seems like it doen't recognize the pw17:23
lulubut the pw it's fine17:24
lulufound many threads17:24
luluon line17:24
luluabout this17:24
luluit seems it's a prob that came with 11.0417:24
XpistosHi everyone. I was hoping someone could help me with a problem. I am trying to update my wife's Natty desktop but when I do I get several error messages that look like - W: Failed to fetch http://us.sudo/dists/wget/universe/i18n/Index  No Hash entry in Release file /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us.sudo_dists_wget_universe_i18n_Index17:24
Xpistosnot sure what is wrong. I am in the CLI and it using sudo apt-get update17:25
tyler_d__sorin__: sorry, not a clue :(17:25
ActionParsnipantlong: my guess is scoll/caps/numlock indicator17:25
ikoniaXpistos: thats an external repo that's nothing to do with ubuntu17:25
__sorin__tyler_d: I noticed when you suggest CTRL+D.17:26
ikoniaXpistos: it also appears to not be an valid fully qualified domain17:26
ActionParsnipLulu: why are you hitting enter after every 3 words?17:26
tyler_d__sorin__: ssh escape sequence is ~ .... thats as far as I go :P17:26
juemone2k: excuse me for the long wait.  I am connect to the server with static adress on another interface.  No wireless connexion are enabled.17:27
tyler_d__sorin__: sorry, not true, screen escape sequence is ctrl+a, esc17:27
NebulaHey everyone, is there any way to upgrade from 10.04 LTS to 11.04?17:27
ikonia!upgrade | Nebula17:27
ubottuNebula: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:27
Xpistosikonia: what about this - Get:27 http://us.sudo wget/universe TranslationIndex17:27
XpistosErr http://us.sudo wget/http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release i386 Packages17:27
Xpistos  Undetermined Error17:27
lulusory, bad habit17:27
wolstyler_d: reinstall mesa for starters17:27
Nebulaikonia, does that really work for LTS to a normal version?17:28
ikoniaXpistos: first one is not a valid fully qualified domain, second is a repository that's nothing to do with #ubuntu,17:28
wolstyler_d: and later if you want to, reinstall nvidia drivers. this time from the ubuntu repos17:28
ikoniaNebula: have you read the url ?17:28
tyler_dwols: what package is mesa specifically :(17:28
ActionParsnipLulu: indeed, i did say use one line. You didn't even explain your issue17:28
Nebulaikonia, im opening them now.... but i did a google on it before i came in here :D17:28
wayneok this is my first time on here17:28
wolstyler_d: dpkg -l |grep mesa. reinstall them all17:28
ikoniaNebula: how about reading the URL then17:28
Troy^there got my built-in subwoofer on laptop to work17:29
Nebulaikonia, yeah im on it :P17:29
luludon't know how to explain when i click on the icon to connect it takes forever17:29
luluand it doen't connect17:29
ActionParsnipLulu: all we currently know is there is a password involved and you took all those lines.17:29
luluasking again and again the pw (that o enter right)17:30
ActionParsnipLulu: so its a WIRELESS issue?17:30
luluit's not the pw17:30
waynealright, I am running Ubuntu 10.10 on my fujitsu lifebook t 4215 and my battery life indicator says six hours but it really is only about 2 hrs what is wrong?17:30
luluit's a wireless issue17:30
luluas i wrote17:30
lulufirst line17:30
FloodBot1lulu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:30
gizmobayHow can I allow a user to run this command without sudo? sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart17:30
luluof those many line17:30
hilikuslulu: are other computers able to connect to the wireless?17:30
tyler_dwols: dpkg -l |grep mesa | awk '{ print $2}' | xargs apt-get install --reinstall17:31
ActionParsnipLulu: then why not say that? Why was that not part of your details?17:31
ikoniagizmobay: you don't you give them sudo access to that command17:31
gizmobayYou mean add them to the sudo'ers file17:31
gizmobaythe command that is?17:31
ikoniagizmobay: I mean create a sudo rule for them , that will only allow them to run that command17:31
Nebulayeah, got it, thanks ikonia.... and /facedesk for me since it was just a setting that needed change... :P17:32
tyler_dwols: tyvm for your help. I'm going to bounce this and see how she goes17:32
waynecan someone help me with my problem please17:32
ikoniagizmobay: that option will be set in the /etc/sudoers file using the command visudo17:32
ActionParsnipXpistos: i recommend you remove the ppa you added so it is smooth then readd it properly17:32
gizmobayikonia: this still means I need to use the command sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart17:33
gizmobayI can't have sudo17:33
XpistosI havent' added a ppa in the last 6 months that I know of17:33
fVckingmaniaalguien que me pueda ayudar con un parche en el kernel!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????17:33
ikoniagizmobay: why ?17:33
ikoniaXpistos: no-one said you have17:33
UbuntuFanguys, how can I enable desktop icons on Ubuntu Netbook Remix?17:34
XpistosActionParsnip: Xpistos: i recommend you remove the ppa you added so it is smooth then readd it properly17:34
ActionParsnipXpistos: looks like you tried to add the medibuntu repo but either botched the command or pasted the command in sources.list which is incorrect17:34
fVckingmaniahi I need help with my kernel!!17:34
TechnicusIs it possible to install glibc?17:34
vlt!dedatils | fVckingmania17:35
ikoniafVckingmania: then ask a question17:35
ikoniaTechnicus: it'e already installed, it's the most important library on your system17:35
shoenigTechnicus, i would certainly hope so17:35
* vlt fail17:35
XpistosActionParsnip: This started happening on monday and I add medibuntu to her computer when I installed it in April17:35
UbuntuFangoogles not helping, the alt-f2 doesnt work to open the run window17:35
fVckingmaniacan any one tell me how too list all patch charged to my kernel??17:35
ActionParsnipUbuntufan: there is no netbook remix these days17:35
gizmobayikonia: My problem is I need the comand to restart my wifi since it goes down. I have a script and cron to check. The problem is without a network sudo doesn't work as it says host not found.17:35
ikoniafVckingmania: you can't, it's a precompiled binary17:35
ikoniagizmobay: then your machine is setup incorrectly17:36
UbuntuFanso you wont help?17:36
Technicusikonia: How do I check to see that it is insatlled?17:36
ActionParsnipXpistos: back out the change you made17:36
ikoniaTechnicus: does your ubuntu machine boot17:36
vltfVckingmania: You can install linux-source packages and read ;-)17:36
ikoniagizmobay: what version (exactly) of ubuntu are you using17:36
=== UbuntuFan is now known as ubuntuuser
ikoniagizmobay: please paste your /etc/hosts file17:37
ActionParsnipUbuntufan: do you have a desktop with a top bar and icons down the left?17:37
XpistosActionParsnip: I didn't make any changes17:37
fVckingmaniaikonia, I compile the kernel and I add a patch, how can I know if it's charged??17:37
ikoniafVckingmania: if you're compiling kernels, you should know what you're doing, we don't support your custom kernels in this channel17:37
ActionParsnipXpistos: you must have, medibuntu is not a default repo17:38
Tigerboyanyone mind giving me the ifconfig and route commands to get networking working in recovery mode...or if there is a better way.17:38
Technicusikonia: From what I am learning Ubuntu uses eglibc which is a fork of glibc: [ http://www.eglibc.org/faq ].  I don't totally understand what it is though.17:38
juemoHi pals !  My server do not respond to ARP requests.  Anyone got an idea ?  Details here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/654640/17:38
newbcan you increase the wifi recieve strength in a laptop?17:38
gizmobayikonia: http://pastebin.com/g4nQJvNe17:38
ubuntuuseronlyjuyeah i have the icons down the right side17:38
ikoniaTechnicus: correct, but it is your libc library, so it's installed if your machine boots17:38
XpistosActionParsnip: I have not added anything new on this computer since I installed it in April except gprename17:38
Xpistosand that was 2 weeks ago17:38
ActionParsnipTigerboy: sudo dhclient eth0    assuming you use wired connection17:39
gardnanok, as a poll, how many people are currently using a GUI/Desktop Environment?17:39
=== ubuntuuseronlyju is now known as UbuntuFan
ikoniagizmobay: please show me the ouptut of the command "hostname"17:39
ikoniagardnan: please don't take polls in here17:39
gardnanoh sorry17:39
fVckingmaniaikonia, any idea?17:39
ikoniafVckingmania: totally, and I've just told you that we do not support your custom kernels in here17:39
tappleis there a way to install ubuntu packages in your home directory without root access? I need to install trickle on a research cluster running ubuntu x6417:39
ikoniatapple: not using the package manager17:39
TechnicusTechnicus: Well . . . ok, thanks :)17:40
nocseen madara`17:40
tappleikonia: didn't think so. thanks17:40
ikoniagizmobay: ok, so what happens if you try to use sudo17:40
ikonianoc: the bot does not have a seen function17:40
noc!seen madara`17:40
ubottuI have no seen command17:40
tapplehow do I tell which versions of gcc are installed? I need gcc3 to compile the package from source17:40
gizmobaywith network, it works, without i get a host not found17:40
ikoniatapple: gcc -v17:40
rulliehi, is there a place where I can find prebuilt debs of like.. everything?17:40
rulliesynaptics is giving me dwm 5.7, but i want 5.917:41
ActionParsnipXpistos: you must have. You can use software centre to remove it, or if you can pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list   we may see the issue17:41
ikoniagizmobay: that shouldn't be the case as yout hostname is mapped to which is localhost17:41
gizmobay*unable to resolve host I mean17:41
fVckingmaniaikonia, I didn't customize the kernel I just add a patch!!17:41
Tigerboyrullie: getdeb.net17:41
Technicusikonia: Is it possible to switch the system from eglibc to glibc?17:41
ikoniafVckingmania: that is a custom kernel then17:41
tapplethat only shows the default gcc version17:41
ikoniaTechnicus: that is not something you want to do, switching libc versions in any way shape or form is not advised17:41
ActionParsnip!ppa | rullie17:41
ubotturullie: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa17:41
fVckingmaniaikonia, yes you're rigth17:41
ikoniatapple: then look in the package manager for other versions installed17:41
tappleI thought linux systems usually had several gcc versions installed17:41
chocolatesDoes mono work on ubuntu?17:42
Technicusikonia: How come that is the case?17:42
ikoniatapple: no, they do not17:42
PatrickCi just installed chromium17:42
PatrickCbut i dont know where to find it17:42
PatrickChow do i launch it?17:42
ikoniaTechnicus: because it's a core library that everything is built against, changing it will stop things working17:42
Technicusikonia: Ok then.17:42
Tigerboytapple: yes but there is a default gcc usually the gcc which the kernel was built with..17:42
ActionParsnipPatrickC: press ALT+F2 and run: chromium-browser17:43
tapplehmm. well, my gentoo system had 4 gcc versions installed17:43
ikoniatapple: because you installed 4 versions17:43
rullieTigerboy, ubottu they failed17:43
ikoniachocolates: yes17:43
ActionParsnipTapple: its a different distro.17:43
Tigerboyrullie: failed what?\17:43
PatrickCActionParsnip, thanks!17:44
Tigerboyany distro can have multiple gcc's on it17:44
rullieTigerboy: they don't have dwm17:44
Tigerboyrullie: I bet they have it somewhere17:44
tappleok. thanks17:44
Tigerboyrullie: you can always try to find the source and compile it on your system17:44
ActionParsnipParkerR: welcome to a better browser ;-)17:44
rullieTigerboy: yeah, don't have X1117:45
rullieX11 libs17:46
Tigerboyrullie: you have to install all the libs needed by the source code.17:47
Tigerboyit will tell you what is missing17:47
Tigerboyit took me a while to compile bzflag's latest version17:48
luluok, sorry agan...i'll be brief: got a prob with the wifi, it seems the pw is wrong even if i checked it was right; this doen't happen with other computers. I read some threads and it seems it's a prob that came with the upgrade to 11.0417:48
ikoniaXpistos: line 1517:49
lulusolutions posted in the threads don't fix my problem17:49
lulucan anybody help me?17:49
mynameisdeletedis there a live ubuntu-netbook-arm image available from cd?17:50
ikonialinuxguy101: why are you posting that inhere ?17:50
Xpistosikonia: what is wrong with line 1517:50
ThinkT510!arm | mynameisdeleted17:50
ubottumynameisdeleted: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.17:50
ikoniaXpistos: remove it, it's nonsense17:50
Xpistosisn't line 15 medibuntu?17:50
ikoniaXpistos: it's garbled nonsense17:50
f3bruaryI cannot send files from phone (nokia e71) to ubuntu via bluetooth. output of syslog, http://pastebin.com/7LYQEW4217:52
f3bruaryI can send them from ubuntu to phone successfully17:52
XpistosStill getting errors - http://pastebin.com/9Z2ctEWk17:53
ikoniaXpistos: remove files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d17:56
DDANTASplease - help17:57
anakin_nDDANTAS, with ? :)17:57
tapplehow do I tell what files the package trickle installed?17:57
wolstapple: dpkg -L <package>17:57
ikoniatapple: how did you install it17:57
DDANTASisdb t17:58
ikoniatapple: check out wols advice17:58
anakin_nDDANTAS, isdb ? an tv standard ?17:59
StepNjump_Hi guys, yesterday I received an update from Ubuntu that caused my system to load up only in low graphics mode. I know there is no such thing as a system restore in Ubuntu. How could I possibly automatically repair the damage that this update caused?18:00
mang0I'm trying to get artisteer to work with wine. it's supposed to, but apparatnly I need to do some terminal stuff. I need to do the command "sh winetricks" but when I try it says: Can't open winetricks" why is this?18:00
XpistosI deleted the files in it ran update and they are the sources.list.d folder is gone now18:00
maccam94is there a way to prevent fsck from running from grub?18:00
ikoniaStepNjump_: you need to figure out what has happened and fix it18:00
Xpistosis that ok?18:00
spyzerwhat is the easiest method with GUI which can try to reapir a hard disk18:00
ikoniaXpistos: fine18:00
yawniehi guys18:01
ikoniaspyzer: what's the problem with it ?18:01
yawnieanyone experienced issues booting ubuntu from usb flash drive on acer computers?18:01
ikoniamang0: #winehq for wine support18:01
StepNjump_actionparsnip, hi. could i ask you a question?18:01
mang0ah okay18:01
spyzerikonia, some bad blocks are detected18:01
ikoniayawnie: why don't you just ask the real question18:01
ActionParsnipyawnie: many times18:01
ikoniaspyzer: look at the badblocks program18:01
dscorzoniyawnie, how did you create de usb flash drive with ubuntu?18:01
ActionParsnipStepNjump_: wassup?18:02
yawniei didnt, im on windows atm, trying to make bootable flash disk using unetbootin18:02
dscorzoniyawnie, I had problems with unetbootin... try to use the program recommended in the Ubuntu Download page...18:02
spyzerikonia, but badblocks only checks the bad blocks who can try to repair those?18:02
ActionParsnipyawnie: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?18:02
yawnieoh, md5 sounds like a good idea18:03
yawniedscorzoni: ill also try your hint, thankies18:03
ikoniaspyzer: read the docs on badblocks it can try to resolve the issue18:03
ActionParsnip!hashes | yawnie18:03
ubottuyawnie: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.18:03
dscorzoniyawnie, you're welcome...18:03
yawnieActionParsnip: thankies18:04
Fjorgynnhow do I have dual monitors in xubuntu?18:04
Fjorgynnit says only "mirror"18:04
ActionParsnipFjorgynn: which video chip do you have?18:04
StepNjump_Hi actionparsnip. You might be the only one that might help me here.... Listen, yesterday after I downloaded the latest automatic updates from ubuntu, my computer lost it`s audio and when I attempted to shut down, it wouldn`t even shut down normally. Maybe it was still installing. I don`t know. So I went to the terminal and performed a shutdown -r now and even THEN, it wouldn`t shutdown properly. When I rebooted, I got a message e18:05
FjorgynnActionParsnip: nvidia18:05
Fjorgynnnvidia gforce GT 330M18:05
mynameisdeletedfoudn a happy root image to try18:05
ActionParsnipFjorgynn: did you install nvidia-current ?18:05
Fjorgynnnah, not yet18:06
Fjorgynnonly tried in live cd so far18:06
StepNjump_actionparsnip it wouldn`t allow me to boot up in high graphics mode. I have a feeling it`s more than my graphics video driver the problem but I could be wrong. I am running a Acer netbook with on-board Intel video card18:06
Xpistosikonia: That appears to have done the trick thank you18:06
ikoniaXpistos: no problem18:06
ActionParsnipStepNjump_: try: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*    wait a little while then try a sound app like play an mp3 etc18:07
StepNjump_actionparsnip: I tried to boot up with previous version, tried a fsck, tried to blacklist the acer-wmi driver in blacklist.conf18:07
ActionParsnipXpistos: what was the magic bullet?18:08
StepNjump_actionparsnip yes but is this all caused by a sound driver?18:08
StepNjump_actionparsnip that I won`t boot up?18:09
ActionParsnipFjorgynn: nvidia-current will give the driver you need. Restart X and it will be activated.18:10
Fjorgynnso if I just plugin my second screen it will show up?18:10
reaperhow do you get to the preferences on natty?18:10
Fjorgynnreaper: unity?18:10
DDANTASI bought one Ez-TV ISDB t device and i don't how to install it.18:11
ActionParsnipStepNjump_: when you see the boot screen press Esc and you'll ser the boot messages18:11
DDANTASi use the ubuntu 1.0418:11
StepNjump_actionparsnip: anything equivalent command for updating the intel video drivers like the nvidia?18:11
reaperI want to turn off the screen saver so it stops locking the screen.18:11
=== reaper is now known as Reaper
wildc4rdevenin all!18:11
StepNjump_Ok, let me try actionparsnip18:11
ActionParsnipFjorgynn: you can then run: nvidia-settings    and configure the display as you wish18:12
ActionParsnipDDANTAS: how does it connect to the system?18:13
ActionParsnipFjorgynn: nvidia loves Linux18:13
ReaperIs there a way to adjust the screensaver on this?18:14
StepNjump_actionparsnip, I can`t wait for ubuntu to come up with an equivalent to sysrest18:14
FjorgynnReaper: in settings18:14
Reaperhow do I get to the settings?18:14
Fjorgynndunno :D18:14
FjorgynnI am not using unity18:14
Fjorgynnxfce <318:14
Fjorgynnbut type "settings"18:15
Fjorgynnor something18:15
Reaperahh im using natty18:15
ActionParsnipStepNjump_: not heard of sysrest18:15
ActionParsnipReaper: there is Natty xubuntu.18:15
DDANTASconnected in my usb port18:15
Reaperwhat's that?18:16
Travis-42Unity/Ubuntu 11.04 is very very slow for things like moving windows and switching workspaces. I have a very fast computer and it has never been this slow before. Any ways to get this working better?18:16
alucardromero-wTravis-42, do you have the graphic drivers installed (Nvidia/ATI)?18:16
ActionParsnipDDANTAS: ok then run:  lsusb   one line will identify the device and you can use the 8 character hex id to find guides18:17
Travis-42alucardromero-w, yea18:17
alucardromero-wWhich GPU do you have?18:17
Travis-42alucardromero-w, I have the nvidia drivers installed18:17
alucardromero-wAh, okay... it's a bit laggy on my ATI-based workstation at work, I don't know why.18:17
duryhi there channel :)18:17
FjorgynnReaper: xfce is the main desktop envorinment in Xubuntu18:17
Fjorgynnthat's the difference18:17
Fjorgynnand some programs18:17
Fjorgynnbut it's the same system18:17
alucardromero-wTravis-42, sorry i couldn't help.18:18
Reaperyeah I have a mint versionof xfce18:18
Reaper*version of18:18
duryDVD RW SONY AD-5260S-0B SATA doesn't mount or doesn't appear in Natty18:18
ActionParsnipReaper: ubuntu is based on gnome. Xubuntu is based on xfce, so saying you use Natty doesn't tell us your desktop environment ;)18:18
Reaperahh got cha18:18
duryPlaces or computer doesn't appear that device18:18
Reaper1 sec ill check it out18:18
Travis-42it's a 9800gtx+. Not that fastest anymore, but seems like it should be fast enough to resize or move a window...18:19
duryk3b doesn't detect18:19
ActionParsnipDury: does it show in the output of: sudo lshw -C disk; sudo lshw -C drive18:19
ActionParsnipReaper: if you click the power button in the top right you will se the settings there18:20
duryActionParsnip: I have to check it out give me time please :)18:20
ActionParsnipTravis-42: i run a 6150 onboard and have no issues. Yours is way more powerful than minr18:21
mokti_Hey, I had a quick question18:21
ActionParsnipmokti_: ask away18:22
mokti_Does anyone know why there is no C Shell in ubuntu by default18:22
Travis-42ActionParsnip, yea... there's clearly some issue... frustrating how slow basic tasks have become since upgrading :-/18:22
tiagoi get this issue when trying to ssh Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).18:22
tiagoany ideas what is causing this?18:22
ActionParsnipmokti_: do you mean use csh instead of bash?18:22
mokti_yes, why isn't csh in ubuntu by default?18:23
mokti_or is it?18:23
ikoniamokti_: it's not a common shell any more , install tsch18:23
mokti_Is that the only reason it isn't included?18:23
ikoniamokti_: not common any more18:23
al_nz1I am trying to put a linux iso on USB with Unetbootin but getting a error loading kernel when trying to run from USB. Anyone know how to fix this?18:23
ActionParsnipTravis-42: uninstall the nvidia driver, reboot then install nvidia-current and you should be ok18:23
mokti_al_nzl: is there a specific error that appears?18:24
ActionParsnipal_nz1: did you md5 test the iso you transferred?18:24
Reaperso I gues I have the gnome verson18:25
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al_nz1Heya ActionParsnip: yes. i think its more a case of editing something in /casper to point to '/' ? instead of '/cdrom' ?18:25
ActionParsnipReaper: more than likely yes18:25
Reaperi do, just installed the benchmark18:26
Reaperso the power button should show the settings?18:26
Reaperyep i see it18:27
daan4711Q: I'am not able to set my wlan0 to master mode (AP), is there an alternate driver to do this? I'm using a Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG.18:27
ActionParsnipal_nz1: I've seen folks add bootoptions to make it not look for a cd. I forget what it is but it will show up in websearches18:27
StepNjump_actionparsnip, I kept rebooting pressing esc but the text disappears to fast. Can`t do it. I have the journals though if it may help18:28
abstrakthow do I find my processor model number?18:28
abstraktlike whatever I can see in the windows System Information accessory18:28
al_nz1ActionParsnip: k ta18:28
Fjorgynnabstrakt: why?18:28
StepNjump_actionparsnip. I meant.. would be nice if ubuntu had something similar to system restore in win18:29
ActionParsnipStepNjump_: try the bootoption: nomodeset   may help18:29
swebis ubuntu 11.04 solve theme problem? theme automatically change to basic gnome theme18:29
abstraktFjorgynn, need to know if I have VT-x or not18:29
abstraktwondering why IO-APIC doesn't work in vbox18:29
bastidrazorabstrakt: cat /proc/cpuinfo18:29
abstrakts/wondering/and wondering/18:29
abstraktbastidrazor, thx18:29
girl_How do I install Gnome 3 is there a PPA for it?18:30
Fjorgynnabstrakt: neer heard of VTx-x ;o18:30
abstraktbastidrazor, sweet that works quite well, thanks :)18:30
ikoniagirl_: strongly advise you not to do that18:30
swebhttp://forums.virtualbox.org/download/file.php?id=4387&sid=0556f8f3b5e0ac7725c9658489259312 looks like this. the GPU was installed18:30
bastidrazorabstrakt: you're welcome.18:30
girl_ikonia: why?18:30
xanguagirl_: yes, but is not recomended to add it18:30
ActionParsnipStepNjump_: i made my own. I usd partimage in livecd every now and again to backup my system partition18:30
ikoniagirl_: because it's unstabloe and not supported18:30
xanguagirl_: because it may breack your system18:30
abstraktFjorgynn, yeah, when you said "why", i figured it was probably above your head18:31
girl_girl: I don't mind I plan to run it on a test system for bug triage18:31
ikonia!gnome3 > girl_18:31
ubottugirl_, please see my private message18:31
ikoniagirl_: please don't ask for support with it or your system once it's installed18:31
digitalsparkis it possible to use my external storage devices from virtual operating system??18:31
ikoniadigitalspark: depends what virtualisation technology you're using18:31
digitalsparkikonia vbox from  oracle18:32
ikoniadigitalspark: the open source version doesn't support it18:32
tiagoI'm getting this message when trying to do ssh: Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).18:32
girl_ikonia: of course not and I have no unity installed just kubuntu-desktop18:32
tiagoanyone knows how to solve this?18:32
girl_ikonia: so it cannot break unity if it is not there!18:33
ikoniatiago: who runs the host your trying to connect to18:33
StepNjump_actionparsnip. thanks for your help but i spent all night trying to figure it out. today I am really busy so I will leave it on the shelves for now. Maybe one day I'll find the way18:33
wolsdigitalspark: yes it's possible with virtualbox 4.x however only at USB 1.1 speeds.18:33
digitalsparkikonia wht if i use virtual machine???18:34
tiagoikonia: the university18:34
wolsikonia: it does support it18:34
ikoniadigitalspark: virtual machine is not a technology18:34
ikoniawols: the open source version supports USB connected devices now ?18:34
zkamdid you all hear that Apple now has more cash on hand than the U.S. government?18:34
ikoniadigitalspark: there you go, wols knows more,18:34
wolsikonia: since version 4. usb 1.1 only. no 2.018:34
ikoniazkam: we don't care, it's offtopic18:34
zkamikonia, she was just talking about Apple18:34
ikoniazkam: don't care - it's offtopic here18:35
wolsikonia: ther eis a "ext pack" at vbox.org tho which works on all OSes (don't ask me how) supposedly which enables usb 2.0 support18:35
zkamrelax ikonia18:35
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girl_Any guidelines for a .net vb.net and c# to transition development to linux. I don't mind learning new things.  I am interested in C++ and QT (QML) How long do you think it should take me to learn it. I have been devloping for years on Windows.18:35
ikoniazkam: I am, I'm just telling you to not poast that stuff18:35
ikoniagirl_: talk to mono developers18:35
zkamikonia, I apologize... I apparently connected to the wrong room18:35
zkamI'll be off now18:35
Fjorgynnwtf windows 7 can only shrink my partition 12 GB18:36
ikoniaFjorgynn: control the language please.18:36
al_nz1ActionParsnip: k ta18:36
girl_ikonia: I am not very keen on mono because of gtk18:36
Fjorgynnikonia: -.-18:36
Fjorgynnis windows 7 bad language?18:36
ikoniagirl_: ok, so you still need to talk to them about porting options18:36
ikoniaFjorgynn: no, "wtf" is18:36
ikoniaFjorgynn: sorry, I'm exaplining to you it IS unacceptable langauge18:37
wolsikonia: is it sunday already or why are they all out of the woodwork today?18:37
ikoniawols: holidays18:37
girl_ikonia: I do not wish to port existing apps. But get started developing on Kubuntu18:38
ikoniagirl_: ok, then start learning the langage KDE is based on18:39
digitalsparkikonia can u tell me some vbox technology open source that supports it??18:40
girl_ikonia: kde uses C++, qt4 and some python scripting, how long should it take me to be familiar with C++?18:40
ikoniagirl_: depends on your abiliy, it's not really an ubuntu support issue18:40
ikoniadigitalspark: check out wols advice18:40
digitalsparki did not get!!!!!18:41
girl_ikonia: Are you a developer?18:41
troy1im having a problem with lock ups like my clicks will become unresponsive but i can move the mouse arround and apps will continue to run but any input i can't change windows etc. the only way i seem to beable to get out of it is a manual forced shutdown.. im using gnome 2 ubuntu class environment. is there anyway to tell whats causing it?18:41
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Eighteensok after doing a update, the system rebooted, and no sound card detected, tried running alsamixer same thing, no sound card detected, but i had sound before reboot, using ubuntu 10.04, can anyone help please18:42
ikoniagirl_: sometimes18:42
bullgard4_'!sound | Eighteens18:42
bullgard4_!sound | Eighteens18:42
ubottuEighteens: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:42
yawnieso much for md5 checksum and trying the universal installer18:43
yawniethe acer just stucks on blank screen with blinking cursor18:43
wolsgirl_: do you know what a pointer is?18:45
girl_wols: yes18:46
girl_wols: Why???18:46
wolsgirl_: then you have a chance with C++ :)18:46
moktiyawnie: what happened?18:47
girl_wols: like in c#?18:47
quiescensa pointer is a little arrow~18:47
girl_wols: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pointer_(computing)18:47
ikoniagirl_: you may want to take this to a private message with wols18:47
ikoniagirl_: this channels for ubuntu support only please.18:47
yawniemokti: i am trying to install ubuntu via usb flash drive, but it won't boot... it ends up with black screen with blinking cursor18:48
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girl_ikonia: ok18:48
digitalsparkoh progamming classes18:48
wolsyawnie: alternate installer?18:48
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Eighteensmy computer only detects a dummy soundcard, i've tried looking at the forums, and i did have sound before update and reboot18:48
yawnietried unetbootin, universal usb installer... i have acer 5742g with intel core i3-370 ... i have amd64 ubuntu iso18:49
Guest13826es mi pirimera ves utilizando linuz18:49
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wolsyawnie: it's not the installer which is the problem, it's ubuntu vs. your laptop18:49
yawniewols: i guess so18:49
wolsyawnie: use the alternate installer. and if that fails. disable kms and framebuffer18:50
Guest13826alguien que hable español para que me de indicaciones18:50
Pici!es | Guest1382618:50
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:50
ubottuGuest13826: please see above18:50
yawniewols: ok, i will give it a try, thanks18:51
girl_How can I improve performance of my Intel GMA 950 in natty... performance was better in maverick18:51
girl_I tried xorg-edgers but no improvement18:51
ikoniagirl_: what xorg driver is it using ?18:52
girl_ikonia: the default in natty18:52
ikoniagirl_: which is......18:52
girl_ikonia: I'm on windows right now18:53
ikoniagirl_: ok, so come back on ubuntu18:53
girl_ikonia one moment please18:53
yawniewols: is there any other way of downloading alternate installation than via torrent?18:56
ikoniayawnie: the main ubuntu.com website18:57
yawnieikonia: ok, but it still leads to torrent links18:58
ikoniayawnie: didn't for me18:58
yawnieikonia: alternate installer?18:58
girlxserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.15.018:59
Lasersyawnie: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/release/18:59
yawnieoh, that.18:59
girlikonia: xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.15.018:59
LasersI think the link doesn't need two "releases" in it. :O18:59
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ikoniagirl: sorry, I wasn't clear. make sure xorg is loading the intel module19:00
girlikonia: it is loading the intel module19:01
Guest59980hello, i'm looking for a way to change keyboard keys, for example my new laptop has (disgustingly) the function keys (f1-12) as the secondary keys they-ve been replaced by media keys, i'd like to change this, i'd also like to have it so the calculator key links to a different program and such19:01
ikoniagirl: how do you know19:01
Guest59980do you know of a wiki page or what i should be searching for, i'm not sure what the name of this is19:01
* afrodeity front 242 rocks19:01
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ikoniaafrodeity: please don't post random stuff in this channel19:01
afrodeityhello ikonia, just got back19:01
girlkwin starts producing output obout the driver in use intel i8 something19:01
girlikonia: acceleration works but it is just not as good as maverick19:02
ikoniagirl: ok, there are multiple ones, such as the i810 and the intel module, which one is it loading19:02
ikoniagirl: ok, there are multiple ones, such as the i810 and the intel module, which one is it loading19:02
girlikonia: one moment please19:02
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=== Alec___ is now known as Alec2
girlikonia: i915/i94519:02
ikoniagirl: that's not a driver name19:03
afrodeitysorry wrong channel, thought i had joined ubuntu-za19:03
girlikonia: steps to find your "driver" name19:03
ikoniagirl: look in the xorg log file19:03
ikoniagirl: are you using an xorg.conf file /19:03
girlikonia ok19:03
girlikonia: no ... preconfigured xorg device19:04
Alec2hello, i'm looking for a way to change keyboard keys, for example my new laptop has (disgustingly) the function keys (f1-12) as the secondary keys they-ve been replaced by media keys, i'd like to change this, i'd also like to have it so the calculator key links to a different program and such (repost)19:04
john_doeI have two lan's (different subnet masks) with my ubuntu server on both via seperate if's. It works great. Now, is it possible to let the ubuntu server be a bridge such that the machines on the different nets can reach each others?19:05
rabe_is it possible to integrate updates in a live-cd (or usb stick)?19:06
ikoniajohn_doe: yes, iptables can act as a router to allow that19:06
ikoniarabe_: not really no, not without a respin19:06
Alec2lol @ john_doe you have a VERY generic name :P19:06
rabe_respin being?19:06
ikoniarabe_: the respin of a CD19:06
john_doeikonia: great thanks! I know that iptables is a big and complicated thing. Could you give me a couple of keywords for google?19:07
rabe_that would be no problem19:07
drake01Alec2, I have seen this in dell machines. If this is the case with u, it can be configured from bios settings. Look for function key behavior. Even if its not from dell, you may give it a try.19:07
ikoniajohn_doe: iptables router should bring up some examples19:07
john_doeAlec2: yes :-)19:07
ikoniarabe_: how do you know that would be no problem when you just asked what a respin was19:07
Alec2drake01, that said, what about re-assiging other keys?19:07
john_doeikonia: thanks again19:07
rabe_ikonia, language barrier :)19:08
ikoniajohn_doe: be aware of #netfilter channel too, good guys in there, iptable specialists19:08
ikoniarabe_: ok19:08
john_doeikonia: :-)19:08
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rabe_is there documentation on that?=19:08
Alec2hello, i'm looking for a way to change keyboard keys, for example my new laptop has (disgustingly) the function keys (f1-12) as the secondary keys they-ve been replaced by media keys, i'd like to change this, i'd also like to have it so the calculator key links to a different program and such (repost) (more assigning keys to commands)19:08
ikoniarabe_: why ? you know how to do it, you just said it's not a problem19:08
rabe_i meant that i'd still want to do it, but not how to19:09
jwaI created a custom .desktop file for an application; and when I try to place it on my desktop I get: "There was an error getting information about "/". The specified location is not supported". Clickint the entry in the app menu works, tho. (file is here: http://scrp.at/_0 )19:11
Alec2please don't make me repost again :/19:12
ikoniaAlec2: don't then19:13
girlalec2: See this in uf tutorials and tips http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7956019:13
troy1im having a problem with lock ups like my clicks will become unresponsive but i can move the mouse arround and apps will continue to run but any input i can't change windows etc. the only way i seem to beable to get out of it is a manual forced shutdown.. im using gnome 2 ubuntu class environment. is there anyway to tell whats causing it?19:15
girlikonia: sorry19:15
natty-userHi, may I ask the difference between Kubuntu, Ubuntu and Xubuntu?19:15
girlikonia: what was your last querry19:15
ikoniagirl: forget it - sort yourself out19:16
W43372Can someone point me to a link for how to configure smb.conf in Natty?19:16
girlikonia: thanks for your help19:16
ikonia!samba | W4337219:16
ubottuW43372: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:16
troy1natty-user: it is different packaged software, such as the window environments are different19:16
natty-userAll I know is Kubuntu uses KDE, Ubuntu uses GNOME, and Xubuntu uses Xfce.19:16
troy1natty-user: thats right other then that there isnt much if at all a difference19:17
W43372ikonia, would one of those links have an example smb.conf and which options I need to tweak?19:17
Benkinoobynatty-user, in short: the base system will be exactly the same... so you will have the same software... it will jsut look different19:17
ikoniaW43372: have you read the links ?19:17
W43372I just opened them ikonia, so no...19:17
W43372ikonia, I stupidly forgot to back up my smb.conf before I reinstalled.19:18
ikoniaW43372: ok - so do you not think it's a bit insulting to ask for help, get given it then ask for more help before even reading the links that someones taken time to type ?19:18
ahammondI have an older laptop running 10.10. I basically just need terminals on the X desktop. Gnome and KDE are both overkill. How can I get a super light-weight desktop please?19:18
natty-user:Beninooby: So its safe to assume that they're just different visual themes?19:18
Benkinoobynatty-user, xubunut uses xfce, the samllest and fastest of those you are mentioning. kde is know for being very complete and having a lot of settings you can change. gnome is generally know for being minimal and less  bulky tha KDE.19:18
ThinkT510!mini | ahammond19:19
ubottuahammond: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:19
Benkinoobynatty-user, they are a bit more than that...19:19
Benkinoobynatty-user, the menus will be organized in a different way19:19
ahammondThinkT510: I'm thinking specifically about the desktop / window manager stuff. Is there an easy way to get one of the old-school ones installed?19:19
Benkinoobynatty-user, but you can test it... all the interfaces are just programms, like any other progrma to19:19
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jwatroy1: why is there no awesomebuntu? :P19:19
Benkinoobynatty-user, you can easily install and uninstall them19:19
ThinkT510!lubuntu | ahammond19:20
ubottuahammond: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.19:20
Benkinoobynatty-user, so you can turn a ubuntu in a full xubuntu or kubuntu and vice versa19:20
ahammondthanks, I'll check it out!19:20
natty-userI've been using Ubuntu on an old PC for two years. I was wondering if the alternatives, especially the Xubuntu/Xfce maybe a better option?19:20
Troy^jwa: yes19:20
Benkinoobynatty-user, xfce is faster19:20
Troy^xfce is very light-weight19:20
Benkinoobynatty-user, i use fluxbox.. it is one of the fastest... but very minimal19:21
Troy^very customizable as well19:21
Troy^but im a hardcore gnome 2 dan19:21
natty-userWill the software work the same? btw, I never heard of fluxbox. I'll need to look into that.19:21
Benkinoobynatty-user, fluxbox is not really for beginners... it makes a lot use of key short cuts19:22
Benkinoobynatty-user, i barely use the mouse19:22
Troy^natty-user: it all works the same its just different window environment and sometime more configuration is needed in the lighterweight19:22
Myrttinatty-user: lubuntu is fairly light, I'm running it on a relatively old machine19:22
ThinkT510natty-user: xfce is gtk based, it works fantastic, my favourite de19:22
Benkinoobynatty-user, maybe, if you are coming from gnome, xfce will be a good thing for you19:22
abstrakthow can I change the screen resolution on the console?19:22
jwaTroy^: I meant the Awesome window manager not xfce19:22
abstraktis that a grub thing?19:22
ahammonduh, so TWM is pretty much dead?19:23
natty-userThanks guys, I'll download Xubuntu and try it.19:23
Toph2benkevan,,, is fluxbox a window manager. ?19:23
abstraktnatty-user, try openbox as well19:23
Troy^jwa: never used it or heard of anybody using it19:23
Benkinoobynatty-user, wait...do you ahve ubuntu installed?19:23
abstraktnatty-user, and also have a look at FVWM19:23
jwaTroy^: http://awesome.naquadah.org/19:23
Benkinoobynatty-user, you can use gnome and xfce side by side and choose waht you like to use during log in19:24
Troy^natty-user: if you have ubuntu installed you can install xfce19:24
abstraktnatty-user, FVWM is basically wicked fast but requires lots of customization19:24
BenkinoobyToph2, yes, fluxbox is a window manager19:24
Troy^jwa: yea i'm looking at it now19:24
Toph2benkevan,,, ok,, thanks,, i hadn't heard of it either19:24
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adrianoone question: do you know if there is an italian channel to chat?19:25
natty-userHow do I install them side by side, multiboot?19:25
BenkinoobyToph2, the cool thing of fluxbox is, that it can tab windows... so you can tab together independent windows... that's good for organzing your stuff if you have many windows open19:25
oCean!it | adriano19:25
ubottuadriano: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:25
jwaTroy^: I still need to try it out myself but I love the (non-)features :)19:25
adrianothanks a lot!19:25
Troy^natty-user: XFCE is in xubuntu but you can just install XFCE inside ubuntu its the samething19:26
jwa./msg alis *ubuntu*19:26
jwa^ woah19:26
Toph2benkevan,,, neat,, i'm just looking at some screenshots as well19:26
Troy^natty-user: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/xubuntu19:26
guntbertabstrakt: have you seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer ?19:27
Troy^natty-user: or if you prefer graphically http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/xfce but the installations are the same19:27
natty-user@Troy^, Thanks for the links19:27
natty-user@Benkinooby: Thanks19:28
Benkinoobynatty-user, you are welcome...19:28
Benkinoobynatty-user, again, all things can be installed side by side... you can have fluxbox, xfce, gnome, kde installed in the same time and then choose what to use when you log in19:28
Benkinoobynatty-user, i did that when i was looking for my favourite interface...19:29
Troy^yea and im still a gnome 2 user :P19:29
ahammondis there a simple process for switching a stock ubuntu install to Lubuntu?19:29
Benkinoobynatty-user, btw, if you are playing around... i REALLY, recommend you to have a look at gnome-do or kupfer19:30
jwa'nother question: I modified xdg-open with this patch: http://bit.ly/oMjBM5 and as far as I can tell this should work, I setup an uri with xdg-mime and a proper *.desktop handler, but when I try 'xdg-open xdebug:///var/www/phpinfo.php' it says "Error showing url: The specified location is not supported"..19:30
Benkinoobynatty-user, they are application starters and also index some of your most used files... gnome-do or kupfer make the use of menus obsolete and you will find your files very fast19:30
Benkinoobynatty-user, there are youtube videos on how they work and what they can do19:30
Troy^never heard of gnome-do19:31
natty-userBenkinooby: I'll look into those too, its good to learn more about linux. I've learnt much today. Thanks again. I'll be back after re-logging in :)19:31
BenkinoobyTroy^, i's made for ... tatatataaaaa... gnome... but can be used somewhere else too.... persnoally i prefer kupfer19:31
abstraktguntbert, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#Setting_different_framebuffer_resolutions_in_old_versions_of_GRUB doesn't help for new versions of grub tho does it?19:33
dorganI have a tar file that is 174GB and I am trying to untar it however when it runs it only extract one 300 byte file19:34
himcesjfapt-get ugprade says - 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 142 not upgraded. How do I upgrade packages not upgrade?19:34
alphaWhen I open my pictures folder, it always keep asking me if I want to synchronize the folder with ubuntu one. How do I make it stop asking this? (Ubuntu 11.04)19:34
guntbertabstrakt: its just a matter of where you apply the changes, the kernel parameters keep the same, so edit /etc/default/grub like stated at the beginning of that chapter19:35
davrohimcesjf: apt-get dist-upgrade19:36
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NoReGreTi'm on lucid, and not able to sleep/wakeup, it always freezes with a black screen, any help ?19:37
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hilikusNoReGreT: try getting an updated video driver.19:38
NoReGreThilikus: my HP DV6 got a dual GPU AMD/INTEL19:38
NoReGreTand it is the latest AMD driver19:38
oCeanhimcesjf: did you run a sudo apt-get update before the apt-get upgrade command? Also, what version are you using?19:39
oCean!afk > ozior_away19:39
ubottuozior_away, please see my private message19:39
fulluserI got my Ati rage 128 pro card to work19:39
himcesjfoCean: Yes. 11.0419:39
hamneggamy apt is all messed up.  If I issue an, "apt-get update", "apt get-upgrade", or anything.  It says, "Retreiving pacakage information (%0)" and stays at 0 percent, while my cpu processes go to about 80% and never resolves anything.  Anyone got any ideas19:39
fulluserHow i can enable direct rendering19:39
fulluserand disable the mesa rasterizer19:40
oCeanhimcesjf: and the update command completes without any error?19:41
hamneggaanyone got any ideas?19:41
* fulluser need help19:42
hilikushamnegga:  possible repo's out of date, or incorrect.19:42
aetashey guys, I removed the obnoxious overlay-scrollbar scrollbar but its still stayed active in some apps such as some of the scrollbars in Xchat as well as Eclipse (Java)...any ideas?19:42
himcesjfoCean: Yes19:42
paddy_unity does not show when i boot up anymore. my wallpaper is fine and a dropbox window opens and is usable. there is no panel or launcher. i have tried running 'unity' from commandline but it segfaults.19:43
=== ozior_away is now known as ozior
* fulluser is one step from getting fast gfx19:45
oCeanhimcesjf: and a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?19:46
* fulluser NEEDS HELP19:46
oCeanfulluser: please stop that19:46
himcesjfoCean: running19:46
* ikonia is one step away from kicking fulluser from the channel for not asking a support question like a normal person19:47
fulluserI asked a question!19:48
fulluserand you ignored me19:48
fulluserhere it goes again19:49
ikoniano, no-one knew the answer or was available to help19:49
fulluserHow i can enable direct rendering19:49
ikoniafulluser: have you looked at that cards supported status in Ubuntu ?19:49
Picifulluser: This channel is very busy, please ask your question all on one line so it doesn't get lost.19:49
fulluserAnd disable mesa software rasterizer19:49
ikoniafulluser: have you looked if the card is supported in Linux ?19:50
Semitonesfulluser, a little context would help too19:50
paddy_unity does not show when i boot up anymore. my wallpaper is fine and a dropbox window opens and is usable. there is no panel or launcher. i have tried running 'unity' from commandline but it segfaults.19:50
fulluserthere is a r12819:50
ikoniafulluser: is it supported ?19:50
ikoniafulluser: what drivers does it need ?19:50
ikoniafulluser: no, what drivers does it need19:50
fulluserr128 (Ati rage pro 128 ultra tf)19:51
ikoniafulluser: what drivers does it need to work in Linux19:51
Cojagehow do i install gentoo19:51
fulluserAnd x loads the driver an all19:51
ikoniaCojage: ask in #gentoo19:51
Cojagej/k dont ban me19:51
fulluserthey are named r12819:51
ikoniaCojage: please keep that sort of nosense out of the channel19:51
ikoniafulluser: ok - have you installed them ?19:51
ikoniafulluser: how did you install them ?19:51
FiggisCojage, you here for support?19:51
fulluserand it works and i get full resolution19:51
fulluserthey wher included19:52
Cojagefiggis yes19:52
FiggisCojage, and why aren't you reciving it?19:52
wolsikonia: xserver-xorg-video-r12819:52
bane_hello, I have a problem with ubuntu 11.04 x64 bit, when my computer is inactive, when display goes to sleep, when I reactivate it, I can't see GUI any more, only black screen and mouse pointer, I am running Unity, and I must restart my laptop, what to do?19:52
ikoniafulluser: so you used the software additional drivers tool to enable it19:52
john_ramboI am trying to generate a apparmor profile for the FF 5.0.1 .....http://pastebin.com/b11jxuL9   << But I find no profile is generated19:52
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wolsikonia: it's part of xorg since years immemorial19:52
girl__Cojage: refer to Gentoo's documention. Note this is an Ubuntu Channel please do not use it for gentoo support19:53
ikoniagirl__: he just said it was a joke19:53
paddy_does anyone know of a reason why unity disappears?19:53
fulluserI edited the xorg.conf19:53
paddy_unity does not show when i boot up anymore. my wallpaper is fine and a dropbox window opens and is usable. there is no panel or launcher. i have tried running 'unity' from commandline but it segfaults.19:53
ikoniafulluser: ok, have you looked in the additional drivers tool to see if there is a better option19:53
fulluserthere is no other option19:53
ikoniafulluser: really, it doesn't show any19:53
fulluseri edited the xorg.conf19:54
ThinkT510ikonia: his card is from the 90's19:54
ikoniaI'm a little surprised on that19:54
Figgisgirl__, either you're an idiot or you don't realize that Cojage was trolling you.19:54
ikoniaThinkT510: we still have some older drivers in the list19:54
fulluserand it works fine , i get full resolution19:54
ikoniaFiggis: that's uncalled for - please drop it19:54
davropaddy_: I had issues big time with "unity" it was the reason I rolled back to 10.10 LTS !19:54
fulluserbut glx info19:54
himcesjfThanks davro, oCean :)19:54
himcesjfoCean: dist-upgrade worked with no errors19:54
fulluserstill show Software raserizer19:55
j0_0I plugged an external hdd into my laptop a day or so ago. yesterday I performed updates ubuntu notified me of and after rebooting the system many of my files and programs were missing. the computer also booted the external hdd as it had made a /usr directory on it. why would this happen?19:55
ikoniafulluser: does that xorg driver support acceleration ?19:55
davrohimcesjf no problem buddy19:55
ikonia(I genuinly don't know, hence asking, it's not a loaded question)19:55
oCeanhimcesjf: nice. Probably some kernel upgrade in there19:55
paddy_davro: i am thinking of going suse19:55
photonhi. I am trying to delete lots of files with + signs in their file names. I tried this: rm *+*, but rm complains: rm: invalid option -- '+' Try `rm ./'-+ (705)'' to remove the file. what can I do about that?19:55
fulluserhow i can know if it supports acceleration19:55
kamidifulluser: should it be configured to use 'ati' driver? see: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+package/xserver-xorg-video-ati19:56
ikoniaphoton: \+19:56
ikoniakamidi: does that support such an old card ?19:56
davropaddy_: I am not sure i would go that far, personally I now stick to ubunt LTS releases or run debian, or linux mint !19:56
fulluser Isnt ati a wrapper to the diferent drivers for ati card19:56
kamidiapparently r128 driver is wrapped into ati driver19:56
kamidiquote "This driver is actually a wrapper that loads one of the 'mach64', 'r128' or 'radeon' sub-drivers depending on the hardware.19:57
abstraktguntbert, ok cool I will try that, thanks19:57
ikoniathat's useful to know19:57
paddy_unity does not show when i boot up anymore. my wallpaper is fine and a dropbox window opens and is usable. there is no panel or launcher. i have tried running 'unity' from commandline but it segfaults.19:57
BluesKajdavro, let him try it ...he'll be back soon enough :)19:57
abstraktpaddy_, that's not a bug, it's a feature :P19:57
abstraktfeature of the new Unity OS19:57
guntbertabstrakt: you're welcome :-) (don't forget to run sudo update-grub after the edit) - btw you can try it without any changes to a grub file, just edit the kernel line in grub menu after booting19:58
fulluserHow i can know if the driver support accelaration19:58
photonikonia: that did not help. I think the problem is that the wildcard is being extended by the shell and the resulting file names are not quoted.19:58
paddy_abstrakt: i have used ubuntu for years now and i may switch to suse. i19:58
fulluserit should support 2d at leas19:59
paddy_unity does not show when i boot up anymore. my wallpaper is fine and a dropbox window opens and is usable. there is no panel or launcher. i have tried running 'unity' from commandline but it segfaults.19:59
ikoniaphoton: if the filename is test+name.file rm test\+name.file should work19:59
JoshDreamlandEvery time I install WINE, it associates sixty filetypes with Notepad and other stupid WINE programs. How do I undo that?19:59
ikoniaphoton: repeating the same question every 2 minutes will not help19:59
ikoniaphoton: please ask the question, wait a while to se if anyone knows, if they don't wait a while and ask later19:59
hilikuspaddy_: try this: http://www.watchingthenet.com/restore-panels-in-ubuntu-back-to-their-default-settings.html20:00
abstraktpaddy_, nah, just switch back to classic on the GDM screen20:00
abstraktpaddy_, you don't have to use unity20:00
photonikonia: you obviously didn't read the question. but I have an answer, don't worry.20:00
ikoniaphoton: sorry, that was for paddy20:00
ikoniaphoton: apologies20:00
ikoniaphoton: typo20:00
abstraktpaddy_, you can use fluxbox fvwm or something if you want20:00
zombiexHow do i increase the size of partition allocated to ubuntu...I have 500 GB hard drive and 50GB for ubuntu.20:01
benkevanToph2: Yes.. fluxbox is a WM20:01
abstraktguntbert, actually the thing is tho20:01
D34Xhello ^^20:01
Toph2benkevan,,, yup,, i downloaded it,, haven't looked at it yet20:01
abstraktguntbert, that link doesn't work for me, cuz where do I find the docs for /etc/default/grub20:01
abstraktguntbert, it's not the same syntax20:02
davroabstrakt arrrh fluxbox, blackbox those bring back some happy debian memories!20:02
D34X## Furries20:02
ikoniaD34X: please stop20:02
fulluserit seems like my driver is supported20:02
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abstraktguntbert, how do I add kernel parms on the grub boot screen?20:02
abstraktguntbert, just... like, start typing?20:03
fulluserhow i get my pc to use dri instead of mese20:03
wolsfulluser: wrong question20:03
abstraktfulluser, sell your ATI and buy an nVidia :P20:03
=== Zach is now known as Guest26170
davroabstrakt pfft20:03
Guest26170neet help =/20:03
guntbertabstrakt: select on entry, press <e>  (for edit), move the cursor to the end of the kernel line, start typing, press <ctrl>x when you are done20:04
fulluserno money20:04
ikoniaGuest26170: control the language20:04
abstraktguntbert, good to know, thanks, e and C-x, got it20:04
blackcatnekonegrhello I have  gnome  2.32.0 and My lcd monitor just keeps turning off after a few minutes. Happens even in terminal mode20:04
fulluseri will end up with a RIVA20:04
thegladiator Ubuntu20:04
thegladiatorHow to install Mac fonts20:04
guntbertabstrakt: grub tells you the needed/possible keys too, when in the editing session20:05
ikoniablackcatnekonegr: what version of ubuntu are you using ?20:05
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
D34XAnyone know some stuff on nubuntu 7.10?  I know, it's the U channel, not N, but there isn't an N channel and I need help .-.20:05
ikoniaD34X: not supported here, sorry20:05
moktiIs there an ISO that comes with GNOME instead of UNITY?20:05
ikoniamokti: no20:05
ZachaeousWhat channel do I got to for support?20:06
ikoniaZachaeous: support with what ?20:06
benkevanToph2: http://www.picpaste.com/yayscreenshot-7lowI46Z.png < my flux20:06
D34Xmental?  health?20:06
ikoniaD34X: last warning20:06
Zachaeousikonia: support for my mic20:06
abstraktguntbert, yeah ok cool I see that now, thanks20:06
ikoniaZachaeous: with what OS ?20:06
jlgaddisHey guys, I'm asking this for a free who's currently without Internet access, so this is the only info I have.  Any help you could provide would be appreciated!20:06
jlgaddis"Any of my Ubuntu friends happen to know where network manager happens to hide its comfing? One of the kids disabled my laptop's wifi and now I can't bring it back up. Logs indicate that nm is changing it's state back to down with a link to a bug report but I can't get online to look at it."20:06
ikoniaZachaeous: ask here, someone will help if they can20:06
guntbertabstrakt: you're welcome :-)20:06
Zachaeousok.. mic doesnt matter cuz its same problem with both my mics.. the input WORKS but the audio is all choppy and breaky... any suggestions anyone? OS: ubuntu20:07
blackcatnekonegrI have  gnome  2.32.0 and My lcd monitor just keeps turning off after a few minutes. Happens even in terminal mode. I use gnome 10.1020:08
blackcatnekonegreh ubuntu 10.1020:08
abstraktok cool decent res on the console, but how do I save that?20:09
dlijlgaddis, while you didn't report any specific info(error messages, logs, etc.), try another network-manager, wicd, remove nm package, reboot20:09
r000t_nbI can't decrypt my home folder. I get a wall of errors on login and ecrypt-mount-private returns 'cannot examine encrypted directory'. I've been searching Google for the past hour and nothing has worked. I don't need anything in the folder, so how do I 'Blow up' and re-setup ecryptfs so I can start fresh?20:09
abstraktguntbert, so now where do I put the vga=791 inside /etc/default/grub20:09
blackcatnekonegrok I tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122298020:09
ZachaeousCan someone help me with my mic please?20:10
hilikusjlgaddis:  try in term: ip link device wlan0 up20:10
th0rZachaeous: crying might help, but stating the problem in a clear manner and waiting for someone who might know the answer will probably be easier20:11
hilikusopps sorry jlgaddis:  should be ip link set wlan0 up20:11
hilikusyou may need to sudo that.20:11
abstraktaight, nm20:11
Zachaeousth0r: Your ignorance offends me... scroll up... the problem is stated in a clear manner.20:12
abstraktwhat window manager should I install on ubuntu, and will I require xdm/gdm/kdm? i forget20:12
abstraktit's a virtual machine/server so I want it to be lightweight20:12
wolsZachaeous: your ignorance offends us too. not that we commented on it. until now20:12
Zachaeouswols: what ignorance did I display?20:12
wolsabstrakt: usually the desktop oyu install installs one already. but you can install any other if you really want to20:12
firmevatoi'm currently running ubuntu 10.04 but want to try some other flashdrive-bootable flavors of linux. Any suggestions?20:12
jlgaddisabstrakt: xfce or awesome are pretty lightweight and decent20:12
wolsabstrakt: you don't need any DM either20:13
DeithrianProblem : I need an older version of Xine that supports vdpau, I have the deb files.The problem is that when i remove Xine it removes Kaffeine as well, when i install the old version of Xine with vdpau support i then need to install Kaffeine.But when i install Kaffeine the Software Manager Automatically updates Xine to the latest version which doesn't support vdpau.... Is there a way to prevent the software manager from updating libxine when i install20:14
dliabstrakt, try slim instead of gdm/kdm20:14
Zachaeouswols: I had a feeling you would ignore that question. Next time you try to speak in a condescending way, think before hand.20:14
th0rDeithrian: it is called 'pinning' in synaptic if I remember correctly20:15
wolsZachaeous: you should think before you insult people you want help from. ever thought of that?20:15
Deithrianth0r: ok i will take a look thanks o-o20:15
SCATTERSHOThey whats up20:15
wolsZachaeous: good luck. you will need it with your attitude20:15
riboflavinhello good torrent client for linux ??20:15
Zachaeouswols: Your ignorance offends me. I do not want help from the likes of you.20:15
th0rriboflavin: deluge or transmission20:15
blackcatnekonegranyway, I have tried several metods for my lcd to not turn off , but then I had to decide I wanted the video driver to work, and then my lcd turns off and flash screws my display20:16
Deithrianth0r: thank you ^^ there is a "Lock version" which i think will do the trick :)20:16
wolsblackcatnekonegr: disabled DPMS?20:16
dliblackcatnekonegr, buggy display driver?20:16
blackcatnekonegr"(17:16:34) wols: blackcatnekonegr: disabled DPMS?" I unsitalled gnome energy program and even  the screensaver thing, the lcd still turns off20:17
blackcatnekonegrbasicaly, it seems I have to find a way for my lcd to belive I am doing something, or it turn off on its own20:17
dliblackcatnekonegr, what about: xset s off20:17
blackcatnekonegrI think I will use pastebin, wait a minute20:18
good_pieWhen using ubuntu (libvirt/kvm) for virtualization in a multi-server arrangement with iSCSI/LVM shared storage, does anybody know if there's a good way to keep the same guest from starting on more than one node concurrently?20:18
ReaperSo is it possible "alt tab" through programs you have running?20:18
wolsblackcatnekonegr: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:jTIW5TIwZHAJ:ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php%3Ft%3D121061+disable+dpms+ubuntu&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&client=firefox-a&source=www.google.com  for example20:18
th0rReaper: it is in xfce20:19
ReaperHow about gnome?20:19
oCeangood_pie: have you tried #kvm channel?20:20
crazy2kAny user of Shotwell + Picasa? I like having all my pictures in the same place ordered by date, and do tag them according to the trip or place. It seems Picasa organizes photos a bit different; you have to create albums. If I want to share all the pictures with a tag to Google+, I have to create an album with all those pictures and make it visible, right?20:20
hilikusreaper: alt-tab works20:21
dliblackcatnekonegr, also, try xset dpms force off20:21
good_pieoCean, not yet, that's my next stop20:21
blackcatnekonegrhere is my problem http://pastebin.com/BYrQ4gCN and by the way I used goggle for 2 months and I hasent able to fix the problem.20:21
Reapersorry, guess I should have tried before asking lol.. im an idiot today20:21
Reaperwell more then usual I guess lol20:21
=== duckydan_ is now known as duckydan
oCeangood_pie: I understand what you want, but I have no answer :(20:21
dliblackcatnekonegr, pastebin: xset q20:23
blackcatnekonegrand sudo xset -dpms doesnt seem to do anything, nor does uninstalling  gnome power manager and screensaver stuff, the lcd monitor still turn off, must be built for windows system and there is a signal or something gnome/linux ubuntu does not sent to it.20:24
blackcatnekonegrhere is my problem http://pastebin.com/BYrQ4gCN20:25
good_pieoCean, no problem, thanks for your response20:26
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dliblackcatnekonegr, what about xset q20:26
blackcatnekonegr(17:26:44) dli: blackcatnekonegr, what about xset q --how I do that?20:27
dliblackcatnekonegr, run the command 'xset q' in terminal20:27
blackcatnekonegrok I will sent you the pastebin in a minute20:28
=== matbee is now known as matbee|cottage
blackcatnekonegrhere, look at the end for the command results: http://pastebin.com/ALkvTe4b20:29
dliblackcatnekonegr, also, for sake of troubleshooting, remove the powermanager package you are running (gnome-powermanager)20:29
r000t_nbIs there a reason why 1GB in 584773 files takes longer to transfer than one 1GB file?20:30
blackcatnekonegrremoving it doesnt do anything20:30
r000t_nbBetween disks?20:30
dliblackcatnekonegr, so, DPMS is disabled20:30
blackcatnekonegrbut I will if you want20:30
julianrabethis is the fifth channel i hope i will get help on20:30
wolsr000t_nb: yes. 584000 files have a LOT of metadata20:30
frostschutzr000t_nb: lots of overhead, lots of seeks20:31
blackcatnekonegrso, is there a lubuntu channel around?20:31
r000t_nbSo it's the same as with HTTP transfer?20:31
julianrabeim trying to set up a .deb-repos, everything works, but the gpg-signing. am i right here?20:31
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.20:31
dr_willisblackcatnekonegr:  #lubuntu or here20:31
r000t_nbBecause Dropbox has a similar problem and I proposed that very small files are zipped into 10MB .tar files and sent that wat20:31
frostschutzr000t_nb: in http you'd have to make a separate request (and worst case even a new connection) for each file20:31
blackcatnekonegrcause I plan to install it in a netpc, but its not urgent20:31
=== magentar_ is now known as magentar
blackcatnekonegr(17:29:49) dli: blackcatnekonegr, also, for sake of troubleshooting, remove the powermanager package you are running (gnome-powermanager)--program unistalled. now removing package20:32
mang0What's a trusty image host that's not going to go down? I need to use it as a header for my blog.20:33
blackcatnekonegrehh, what are the packages names for gnome power manager in synaptic?20:33
mang0wols. Lol, but srsly.20:34
r000t_nbmang0, What's your blog host?20:34
r000t_nbmag0, Get a Dropbox account, and put the file in your Public folder20:34
mang0r000t_nb: oh20:34
mang0I've got dropbox20:34
mang0good idea20:34
dliblackcatnekonegr, gnome-power-manager20:34
dr_willisubuntu one is handy :)20:34
goodhumperdinkQuick Question: What version of Linux is Ubuntu 10.04.3 using?20:35
blackcatnekonegr(17:32:37) blackcatnekonegr: (17:29:49) dli: blackcatnekonegr, also, for sake of troubleshooting, remove the powermanager package you are running (gnome-powermanager)--program unistalled. now removing package--package removed20:35
wolsgoodhumperdink: packages.ubuntu.com is very knowledgeable about such things20:35
POVaddctgoodhumperdink: 2.6.3220:36
goodhumperdinkThanks POVaddct :)20:36
tck9anyone here using apticron?20:36
tck9is it possible for it to report just security updates instead of all system updateS?20:36
julianrabeno idea of setting up .deb repositories?20:36
blackcatnekonegrSo while I am at it, any text editor for linux that is good for writers? Cause I need a bit more than Openoffice or libreoffice, as my English just sucks20:37
blackcatnekonegrSo, any more stuff I can do to focr my lcd minitor to be on until I turn it off?20:37
wolsblackcatnekonegr: there are localizations for many many languages for *office...20:38
SCATTERSHOThey anyone know any good links or anything to help me learn to customize my desktop20:38
ikonia!eyecandy | SCATTERSHOT20:38
ubottuSCATTERSHOT: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:38
KWhat_Workwhen installing a deb directly do you need to save the deb for installation as with rpm's ?20:38
KWhat_Workuninstllation *20:38
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, what gui do you use?20:38
blackcatnekonegrwols I need a text editor that helps to fix my awful english20:38
mrdebKWhat_Work: yes or open20:38
ikoniaKWhat_Work: you don't need to save the rpms to uninstall, you don't need to save the debs to uninstall20:38
blackcatnekonegrgnome  2.32.020:38
dliblackcatnekonegr, remove all screensaver packages :(20:38
SCATTERSHOTk thnx20:39
dliblackcatnekonegr, I use lyx for typesetting, and vim for pure text20:39
KWhat_Workikonia, mrdeb: thanks20:39
SCATTERSHOTi know i have to remove or do something with unity so where can i go to get like a wiki on it or something20:39
blackcatnekonegrI need a text editor with awesome grammar/spell checking20:40
ThinkT510!classic | SCATTERSHOT20:40
ubottuSCATTERSHOT: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".20:40
coz_blackcatnekonegr,  mm  focuswriter has an efficient spell checker,,  but y ou want just a text editor20:40
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, did you try system/prefernces/power management?20:40
SCATTERSHOTok yeah i remember that much now that u mention it i seen on a youtube vid or something20:41
blackcatnekonegrok, screensavers removed, any stuff you need me to pastebin to see if is fine now?20:41
Gasseusumm... I think I found a linux kernel memory corruption fault in the kernel version natty currently uses primarily. Where should I report it?20:41
ThinkT510!bug | Gasseus20:41
ubottuGasseus: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:41
blackcatnekonegr(17:40:54) Benkinooby: blackcatnekonegr, did you try system/prefernces/power management?--that was the first thing I did, lcd monitor keep turing off, power manager removed20:42
ThinkT510blackcatnekonegr: you removed it? you're meant to change the settings20:43
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, do you have an other gui installed... just to see if it is gnome or the ubuntu system20:43
blackcatnekonegrsomeone here told me to remove it20:43
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, remove wahtß20:43
fulluseranyone can help me to enable DRI for my card20:43
blackcatnekonegrgnome power manager20:43
ubottudri is direct rendering infrastructure, a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X Window System in a safe and efficient manner.20:44
dajxdis it possible to make a bootable windows install in ubuntu with unetbootin?20:44
predatoreCan anyone tell me why my KDE manager is gone after uninstalling compiz?20:44
blackcatnekonegrbut even with "never" the lcd still turned off20:44
fulluseri mean that20:44
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
blackcatnekonegrso it is not a big deal20:44
fulluserit says on dri web site my card is supported20:44
blackcatnekonegrso, any stuff I should paste bin to check that my lcd wont turn off?20:45
predatoreIs anyone available to help me with a quick UI problem?20:45
sw0rdfishhey guys....I have mysql server that probably got installed while installing lamp...and I can't access it20:45
fulluserbut chacked the xorg logs and it says AIGLX: screen doesnt support DRI20:47
thauriswulfaHELP:touchpad scroll bar not working tried installing  synaptic dkms package but its not working20:47
ThinkT510predatore: what do you mean by kde manager? kdm or kwin?20:47
fulluseran the it loads the software rasterizer20:47
ewooksw0rdfish: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/resetting-permissions.html20:47
fulluserhow i can fix it , to get 3d acceleration20:47
predatore@ThinkT510 All I currently can see is the box the windows are in: I have no menu, no sidebar, no title bars to move windows with.. its all gone. Can't even use CTRL+ALT+T to open terminal =\20:48
predatoreIt happened after I uninstalled Compiz package.20:48
ThinkT510predatore: you need to launch kwin20:48
ThinkT510predatore: kwin --replace20:49
predatoreHow do I open terminal?20:49
coz_predatore, ctrlalt+t20:49
coz_predatore,   ctrl+alt+t20:50
predatoreits not doing anything =\20:50
fulluserr> Hi20:50
fulluser<fulluser> How i can get Dri to wok my card20:50
fulluser<fulluser> it is supported20:50
fulluser<fulluser> but AIGLX fails and loads the software resterizer20:50
FloodBot1fulluser: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:50
coz_predatore,  are you on Unity?20:50
coz_predatore,  click the symbol in upper left corner,, type in terminal20:50
predatoreI'm on a background with windows without title bars no menu and no side bar. there is nothing, only happened to get here by right clicking desktop and clicking help which opened web browser.20:50
ThinkT510coz_: he is in kde and just uninstalled compiz20:51
predatoreYeah... Thats right :) Now what.. lol20:51
coz_predatore, ` do you still have the kde menus?20:51
predatoreSorry, no I guess that is not accurate. I do not see any window management at all. Just the windows themselves.20:52
predatoreNo menu bar nothing...20:52
coz_predatore, what about alt+F220:52
BunnyFooFoodoes anyone know how to force a program to use a specific network interface?20:52
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, did you skim thourgh dmesg?20:52
predatoreAlf F2 does nothing either.20:53
arpad2I'm having some broken dependencies , can smb help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/654737/20:53
blackcatnekonegr(17:52:46) Benkinooby: blackcatnekonegr, did you skim thourgh dmesg?v--ehhh what?20:53
predatoreI guess it was Unity that I was in after I uninstalled Compiz but after I restarted (because it wasn't acting right) it came back booted up with nothing...20:53
coz_predatore,  then I am definitly puzzled,, did you reboot already?20:53
predatoreYeah, 1st time.20:53
* fulluser needs HELP , asked a question but got ignored20:53
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, open a terminal, type 'dmesg' an see if there is something about pwer saving or stuff like that20:53
astraljavafulluser: Have you tried Additional drivers in System | Administration?20:53
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, best thing is, if you let your monitor to get turned off automatically and then check dmesg20:54
fulluserMY driver is detected and loaded20:54
fulluserbut software rendering is used20:54
blackcatnekonegrSorry, I kind of snapped20:54
Benkinoobynever mind20:55
predatoreI guess i'll try to restart again :) Thanks for trying. I'll probably be back...lol20:55
astraljavafulluser: Okay, can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log, /etc/X11/xorg.conf (if any)?20:55
fulluserinstead of dri - DRM20:55
blackcatnekonegrwant the paste bin of the dmesg stuff?20:55
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, yes20:55
predatoremaybe try to select a window management system on startup to see if its not completely gone or uselected or something, I'm not sure, dont' know too much about this stuff :)20:55
astraljavafulluser: And please, please, have patience. This is a busy channel, with not nearly enough helpers to help-needing ratio.20:55
predatorelol hard reset, no buttons =\20:55
predatoreHelp fulluser, he seems lost too20:56
frankbroWhere should I look to get support for a touchscreen such as 2 finger scrolling, hold finger right click and virtual keyboard on text areas?20:56
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
JohnnyFiveHello, i'm having an issue with Natty. I installed it, and when it boots it goes to a black screen, no prompt. I can SSH into the box and run commands, but the actual box shows nothing. Originally it showed just a blinking cursor, so in SSH I tried "update-grub2" and now i'm at a completely blank screen. ANy thoughts?20:57
ewookJohnnyFive: if ssh is on, you're way passed grub.20:58
felipe_BrzWhat do I have to do to enable a user I've just created to run 'mkdir' and 'rm' even outside of his 'home' folder?20:58
sw0rdfishewook, woops just saw that, ok thanks I will read it :D20:58
ewookJohnnyFive: sounds more like general gfx issues. tried altering terminal?20:58
ActionParsnipfelipe_Brz: it needs to be a member of the admin group so it can use sudo20:58
ewooksw0rdfish: lol. just tried to scroll to see if you responded :p.20:58
JohnnyFiveewook, altering? as in switching to another terminal?20:58
sw0rdfishhehe :D20:58
sw0rdfishit says if you've never set a pass it should work let me try that20:59
felipe_BrzActionParsnip:  admin group? Not 'sudo' group?20:59
ewookJohnnyFive: yes. alt+fX will do that for you.20:59
JohnnyFiveewook, duh. That worked. Weird. Any idea why it would just boot into a blank screen like that?20:59
ActionParsnipfelipe_Brz: no, in ubuntu its the admin group20:59
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, did i miss the link?20:59
ewookJohnnyFive: sounds like X11 issues, and I'm no good with X11 :(20:59
sw0rdfishewook, it says if you've never set a pass it should work let me try that20:59
felipe_BrzActionParsnip: ok thanks20:59
sw0rdfishewook, ERROR 1045 (28000) after doing that ^^20:59
ewooksw0rdfish: oh.20:59
JohnnyFiveewook, yep, ok ty sir!20:59
ActionParsnipfelipe_Brz: if you su to a user who can use sudo and run:  groups    you will see20:59
ewooksw0rdfish: *_* wow.20:59
ewookJohnnyFive: np!20:59
sw0rdfishso I guess I'll just "reset" a new password, the thing is I don't remember setting a password but maybe I once did....oh well who cares I'm just trying to make my very first php project :D21:00
ewookJohnnyFive: there's plenty of others more involved with X11 than me, so simply re-construct your question later on.21:00
BunnyFooFoodoes anyone know how to force a program to use a specific network interface? e.g. force telnet to use eth1 instead of eth021:00
JohnnyFiveewook, well you pointed me in the right direction, I think I know what's up now.21:00
ministerdudeAny way to revert back to default? Now my whole computer isn't recognizing usb or my thumb drive21:00
ewooksw0rdfish: did you try to do a simple mysql -u root (while having a root shell) ?21:00
blackcatnekonegr(17:59:26) Benkinooby: blackcatnekonegr, did i miss the link? (18:00:06) blackcatnekonegr: http://pastebin.com/H6cSpa2q21:01
ewookJohnnyFive: great :)21:01
blackcatnekonegrit was just a lot of text21:01
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, got it... looking at it21:01
ewooksw0rdfish: and does it prompt you for a password?21:01
felipe_BrzActionParsnip: The thing is that I'm using Filezilla, and I need to login as a user who can do these things I told you, but it can't be the root because Filezilla doesn't allow it.  I'm not sure whether the filezilla client will know it must type in 'sudo' every time it need to create a directoty or something like that21:01
ActionParsnipsw0rdfish: if you are resetting your SQL password you can use this: http://brainextender.blogspot.com/2008/08/reset-mysql-superuseradministratorroot.html21:02
PredatoreWell that didn't work.21:02
ActionParsnipfelipe_Brz: then you will need to change the file ownerships etc so that the user has the right amount of access21:02
PredatoreI think I uninstalled the UI. Is there a command line at boot that will reinstall the UNITY thing?21:03
blackcatnekonegrjust set that folder and everything in it to be owned by the user21:03
ewookPredatore: do a apt-search show ubuntu-desktop21:03
PredatoreBecause right now I cannot open anything that isn't already created for me by either right click or menu from a program.21:03
ActionParsnipPredatore: sudo apt-get install unity21:03
PredatoreI can't get to terminal21:03
PredatoreUnless terminal is a file.21:03
=== dsafds is now known as thesss____
astraljavaPredatore: `sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop`, or kubuntu-desktop if you want KDE21:04
ewookPredatore: if it shows something, you could simply run apt-get install ubuntu-desktop21:04
blackcatnekonegruse the terminal emulator21:04
ewookastraljava: thanks, forgot the --reinstall21:04
felipe_BrzActionParsnip: thank you21:04
=== happosai__ is now known as happo
* fulluser has posted th logs about the problem with the video card21:04
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, do you use experimental video drivers?21:04
PredatoreGahh I cant get to terminal. Shortcuts dont work. Dont know where else to look to start it21:04
ewooksw0rdfish: and the --reinstall goes for you too (aptitude --reinstall mysql)21:04
astraljavafulluser: Mind sharing the link here, please?21:05
ewooksw0rdfish: wish me luck, migrating my mysql now ;)21:05
TameableExpert_hey, anyone here familiar with RANCID?21:05
blackcatnekonegr"(18:04:28) Benkinooby: blackcatnekonegr, do you use experimental video drivers?" I use nvidia driver,  in linux its almost the same as that O_-21:05
fulluserXorg.0.log : http://pastebin.com/m46Ly4ct21:05
ActionParsnipTameableExpert_: the band?21:05
felipe_BrzPredatore: that happened to me once. If you boot into recovery mode there's an option to start ubuntu with the most basic graphics, then you can reset unity I guess21:06
blackcatnekonegrthat thing has just beenache after headache21:06
astraljavaewook: For aptitude, you won't need --, it's just `sudo aptitude reinstall <package>`21:06
PredatoreHow to boot into recovery mode?21:06
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, so you use the ones offered in the ubunut standard repos?21:06
ActionParsnipastraljava: aptitude isn't in a default installl nowadays21:06
fulluserastraljava http://pastebin.com/m46Ly4ct21:06
TameableExpert_ActionParsnip: No. Really Awesome Cisco confIg Differ21:06
blackcatnekonegr(18:06:20) Benkinooby: blackcatnekonegr, so you use the ones offered in the ubunut standard repos?---does this have to do with my lcd turning off?21:06
ActionParsnipPredatore: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode, select netroot21:06
felipe_BrzPredatore:  for me, I can choose between recovery mode and normal mode at boot time21:06
ewookastraljava: oh. not used to aptitude, thanks mate.21:06
Predatorethank you.21:06
ActionParsnipTameableExpert_: I see21:07
TameableExpert_It monitors network devices21:07
PredatoreThanks again21:07
sw0rdfishewook, ActionParsnip thanks guys....well forgive me I'm heating dinner so I couldn't respond faster21:07
blackcatnekonegrCauyse every time I try anything with nvidia driver its just a pain in the ass. So I really dont want to mess with that, it already screwed flash.21:07
niles|iPodhappy sysadminday!21:07
sw0rdfishewook, but yeah I only tried doing sudo mysql -u root21:08
ministerdudeUbuntu now not recognizing usb21:08
sw0rdfishewook, should I su into sudo first21:08
TameableExpert_YAY! Sisadminday!21:08
TameableExpert_thats me!21:08
ewooksw0rdfish: it's 23:07 here, so dinner sounds late ;). sudo su is an easier solution21:08
ewookTameableExpert_: my condolances.21:08
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, you don't need to repeat my question... just put my name to your answer so that it gets highlited for me... the point is: if you use the ones from the standard ubuntu repos they are well tested and don't have bugs. if you use some bleeding-edge software, dowloaded from a ppa or even compiled yourself, you are on your own, because it is not standard and therfore the source of errors could be everywhere21:08
sw0rdfishewook, dude its 23:08 here too lol21:08
sw0rdfishewook, I'm working out so I need my proteins can't skip dinner just cuz tis late :P21:09
ewooksw0rdfish: Italians... :p.21:09
blackcatnekonegrboth type od drivers have screwed me21:09
blackcatnekonegrbut again21:09
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, they might have bugs, but people might know about them if they come from the standard repo21:09
blackcatnekonegrdoes that have to do anything with my lcd turning off?¿21:09
* fulluser needs help21:10
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, could be...21:10
* fulluser problem logs : http://pastebin.com/m46Ly4ct21:10
RenatoSilvawhat's the shortcut for the command executor (like win's start > exec)?21:10
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
astraljavaActionParsnip: I know, but ewook referred to it. Just thought I'd lend a hand if someone used it.21:10
ewookfulluser: stop saying you need help, and post your question instead.21:10
ActionParsnipastraljava: thats cool. was just a friendly fyi ;)21:10
blackcatnekonegrNVIDIA Driver Version: 260.19.0621:10
guntbertewook: sw0rdfish: if you *really* need a root shell use sudo -i to get it (not sudo su), and don't forget to leave it a soon as possible21:10
DeithrianIs there a libxine1 with vdpau support somewhere?21:11
blackcatnekonegrevery time I try to change the NVIDIA Driver I get in a world of pain21:11
astraljavafulluser: Did you pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf somewhere?21:11
fulluserhow i get direct rendering to work (Dri - DRM) instead of mesa software rasterizer21:11
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, why i am asking about the driver is because your dmesg log show a big amount of nvidia driver problems...21:11
astraljavaActionParsnip: No worries, totally understood. :)21:11
fulluseri missed it21:11
fulluserwait a sec21:11
astraljavafulluser: Not a prob. Just that the log wasn't really helpful, need more info.21:12
blackcatnekonegrwell, I have tried every driver ubuntu has and the one NVIDIA have,21:12
ewookguntbert: the -i simply gives you a false shell, and not really to be recommended in all cases.21:12
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, you said the monitor even turns off in console mode... please go to console mode and type "ps -A" and paste the output21:12
blackcatnekonegrif you know one that wonty crash my pc I would really be happy21:12
sw0rdfishewook, ci mi amora21:12
ewookguntbert: sudo is not one of my favorite solutions..21:12
guntbertewook: not true, it is the one where the environment is set in a sane way21:12
ewooksw0rdfish: haha :p.21:12
blackcatnekonegrI cant copy paste in terminal mode21:12
ewookguntbert: sudo isn't sane to begin with :p.21:13
blackcatnekonegrin the real terminal mode I mean21:13
astraljavablackcatnekonegr: You can `ps -A | pastebinit`, I presume. It should give you a link to the created entry.21:13
ewookblackcatnekonegr: add an > filename to the command, and you'll get the output into a file instead.21:13
guntbertewook: thats not true either but we are getting off topic discussing "sanity-values" - so lets drop it :)21:14
ewookastraljava: oh, pastebinit? sweet :p.21:14
ewookguntbert: I hear ya ;)21:14
sw0rdfishoh crap I forgot my root passwd anyways21:14
Benkinoobypastebinit is the best! i even have a script to do that with images :D21:14
RenatoSilvaalt+f2 is not calling run app, help please21:14
riddlerWhat is the name of the screen or what is it called where it shows up when you turn on the computer before the GRUB2 screen?21:14
astraljavaewook: Stuck around the channel for a while, learnt cool new tricks. :) Way clever.21:14
skiy1337Would anyone like to try out my program?21:14
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, ok, for now, jsut do "ps -A" and paste it plz21:14
ewookastraljava: been away for awhile, so thanks for the new info - much appriciated!21:14
blackcatnekonegranyway, if you are saying  NVIDIA Driver is the problem, anything I have tried with that thing just gave me more problems21:15
RenatoSilvamy bottom-left button to minimize all windows disappeared out of nothing, help21:15
astraljava!ot | skiy133721:15
ubottuskiy1337: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:15
=== dsafds is now known as thesss_____
felipe_BrzIs there a 'default' FTP Server software for Ubuntu?21:15
ewookfelipe_Brz: in my time it was proftpd21:15
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, it was just a possibility... please paste the output of "ps -A"21:15
astraljava!ftpd > felipe_Brz21:15
ubottufelipe_Brz, please see my private message21:15
BunnyFooFooBenkinooby: tell him to use pastebin for ps -A21:15
guntbertsw0rdfish: did you really set one? (it is never needed)21:16
blackcatnekonegrtrust me, NVIDIA is just awful in linux21:16
sw0rdfishguntbert, if you're refering to my mysql well I've never used it before21:17
sw0rdfishso well I didn't set a passwd21:17
bakarati have a friend who has ubuntu and after installation he boots up, but the pc always hangs; if he presses the power button, it resumes booting, any clues what it can be?21:17
abatoo/w 721:18
astraljavablackcatnekonegr: After trying to use ATi proprietary on linux, nVidia is bliss.21:18
guntbertsw0rdfish: no, I was referring to your statement 4 minutes ago (...forgot...)21:18
sw0rdfishoh guntbert yes I did set a root passwd before21:18
blackcatnekonegrthen how come21:19
sw0rdfishand I think I've forgotten it before too lol, and now it seems I even forgot how to reset it21:19
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, it seems your gnome power manager is not running... so it's not a gnome thing21:19
blackcatnekonegreveryone has problems with NVIDIA in linux?21:19
sw0rdfishI think, "passwd root" should reset it for me21:19
guntbertsw0rdfish: reboot into recovery mode, get a root shell21:19
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, btw, does your monitor (hardware) have some kind of power save function?21:20
blackcatnekonegrok I will try to use driver 96, once my pc crashes. I will use safeboot and see you guys again21:20
blackcatnekonegrits a lcd21:20
Utopiahhi #ubuntu21:20
ThinkT510Benkinooby: he removed gnome power manager, thats why it isn't running21:20
RenatoSilvamy bottom-left button to minimize all windows disappeared out of nothing, help21:20
RenatoSilvaalt+f2 is not calling run app, help please21:20
guntbertsw0rdfish: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Re-disabling your root account21:20
fulluser@astraljava http://pastebin.com/bPb98HzN21:20
blackcatnekonegra generic lcd21:20
BenkinoobyThinkT510, ok, thx21:20
Utopiahis there an utility that checks via the webbcam a user posture to make sure his back is well positionned?21:21
blackcatnekonegrunless I cheat it to think I am doing stuff it turns off21:21
sw0rdfishwhy thank you Gunirus21:21
guntbertsw0rdfish: you're welcome :-)21:21
blackcatnekonegrand if I could make it to not turn off just pessing a button in the lcd, I would have done it ages ago21:21
astraljavafulluser: Thanks. I did some research, and it seems this card really doesn't wanna work with direct rendering enabled. :( I'll keep reading, though.21:23
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, do you use a lpatop?21:23
blackcatnekonegrnoooo I dont21:23
blackcatnekonegrthe lcd is just damn generic!21:23
ActionParsnipwhy do people insist on messing with root accounts, its so frustrating :(21:23
astraljavablackcatnekonegr: Not everyone. I have used at least three different nVidia cards without any problems whatsoever on ubuntu.21:24
blackcatnekonegrits a "AOC" or something21:24
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blackcatnekonegrok gonna reset21:25
Benkinoobydude that <blackcatnekonegr> was in a bad mood21:26
ThinkT510Benkinooby: it doesn't help that he doesn't know what he is doing21:27
fulluserthanks astral java21:27
blackcatnekonegrokm I canged the video driver and things just got worse21:27
fulluserif you find something please let me know21:27
blackcatnekonegrI knew it was going to happen21:27
blackcatnekonegrhappy now?21:27
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astraljavablackcatnekonegr: I haven't followed your whole episode, what did you change to, and how is it worse now?21:28
blackcatnekonegr NVIDIA linux driver 9621:29
blackcatnekonegrcrashed my pc21:29
astraljavafulluser: Sure, just stick around a while, and if you won't hear anything from me, try http://askubuntu.com, http://ubuntuforums.org, and ask again in a few hours (just in case someone who knows about the issue appears.)21:29
Benkinoobyastraljava, his monitor blanks out ever 5 min or so, without him wanting that... he tried to set the right settings in the power managemnt but didnt help. then he disabled the power manager... but still. even if he is in console mode it blanks21:29
blackcatnekonegrubuntu running in low screen resolution now21:29
blackcatnekonegras I said  NVIDIA  sucks on linux21:30
BluesKajblackcatnekonegr, depends which nvidia21:30
blackcatnekonegrnow gonna try the other two "proved by ubuntu staff" drivers just you are happy21:30
coz_blackcatnekonegr,  that is all I use here  is nvidia21:30
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, open a terminal and type "jockey-gtk"21:30
al_nz1ActionParsnip: you there?21:30
ThinkT510blackcatnekonegr: that isn't my experience, nvidia has always been good for me21:30
blackcatnekonegrwhy botter? I still have other two drivers to try21:31
ThinkT510blackcatnekonegr: do you want help or not?21:31
cosgrovebwhat is the best way to trim down my ubuntu installation? i am running out of space on my 5GB disk21:31
astraljavablackcatnekonegr: Could this possibly help? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/how-to-disable-screen-blanking-in-x-175011/#post98112921:32
ikoniacosgroveb: remove packages21:32
coz_cosgroveb,  remove a few applications.. dont download videos,,, save spareingly21:32
ThinkT510cosgroveb: 5gb is a little restrictive21:32
cosgrovebikonia: i've removed office, firefox, and a few others... not sure what else to remove21:32
coz_cosgroveb,  anything you want to save,, put onto external or cd21:32
ikoniacosgroveb: your data now21:32
rwwcosgroveb: try sudo apt-get clean21:32
ikoniacosgroveb: an ubuntu install is about 2GB in size, so what ever is left is your data21:33
Benkinoobyastraljava, hm... i don'T think... he said that even in console mode it blanks...and in console ther is no X running21:33
cosgroveball my data is on external usb21:33
bakarati have a friend who has ubuntu and after installation he boots up, but the pc always hangs; if he presses the power button, it resumes booting, any clues what it can be?21:33
cosgrovebrww: i will do a sudo apt-get clean21:33
blackcatnekonegranyway. Still got two more drivers to try, to prove how well "Ubuntu staff tested  drivers" have worked for me21:33
astraljavaBenkinooby: Yes, but is X still running even he's _in_ console?21:34
ThinkT510!attitude | blackcatnekonegr21:34
ubottublackcatnekonegr: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:34
blackcatnekonegrbut havent had this problem for months21:34
cosgrovebthanks for the sugestions21:34
nocilisi was here a couple days ago and I was having an issue then, and it has not resolved: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/universe/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]21:34
al_nz1astraljava: hey man21:34
sw0rdfishActionParsnip, ewook, if I use --skip-grant-tables ....it wont require authentication by users as long as mysqld is running right? so if I restart mysqld that should solve the problem then? :D21:34
astraljavaal_nz1: Hi.21:34
nocilisi get that message upon running sudo apt-get update21:34
tiagoi get this message whenever i try to ssh Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive) , any ideas why?21:35
tiagoor how to solve this21:35
al_nz1astraljava: take a look at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDM39Vo8Z0M when you get a chance21:35
al_nz1astraljava: my tutporial21:35
blackcatnekonegryou need to use an account with administrator privileges21:35
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, so are you trying that jockey thing?21:35
astraljavanocilis: Could be that the US mirror is down momentarily. Try switching to something else?21:35
nocilisany ideas anyone?21:35
blackcatnekonegrjust saw the two drivers21:35
nocilisastraljava how?21:36
blackcatnekonegrthe one I used before that works so so and the 95 that does not work21:36
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, ah ok... if you have allready tested those drivers never mind21:36
astraljavaal_nz1: Alright, but in the meantime, use #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support issues.21:36
blackcatnekonegrI am installing a few more to try21:36
al_nz1astraljava: its a ubuntu based video!21:36
blackcatnekonegrand see what happens21:36
SCATTERSHOTwhoever sent me that list of links could u send it once more21:37
blackcatnekonegr tiago, you need to use an account with administrator privileges21:37
astraljavanocilis: You can edit /etc/apt/sources.list, and switch some other country code instead of us., or just leave it out completely.21:37
nocilisi'll try that astraljava21:37
tiagoblackcatnekonegr: my account was working, and now isn't21:37
astraljavaal_nz1: I understand, but this is a support channel. That is off-topic here.21:37
tiagothat means they remove privileges?21:37
al_nz1astraljava: i see21:37
blackcatnekonegrwell, try with "users and groups" check to see the rights your account has21:38
tiagoblackcatnekonegr: how can i check that?21:38
astraljavaal_nz1: But yeah, you could post a link on the forums to it, it should help some people. Thanks for contributing!21:38
blackcatnekonegrSystem / Admistracion/ users and groups21:38
al_nz1good idea - quite a tricky procedure - took me a while to work it out21:39
sergio232join ubuntu-es21:39
tiagoblackcatnekonegr: this is in a server, if I don't have access to it21:39
blackcatnekonegras a general rule, is a bad idea to use an adm account as default21:39
tiagohow am i supposed to see that21:40
blackcatnekonegrah ok21:40
blackcatnekonegrthen try running as root21:40
chilverscis there an option for ncal to display in the same format as cal?21:40
blackcatnekonegrand try that command you wanted to do again21:40
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blackcatnekonegrotherwise try to run another acount, an adm one21:40
nocilisastraljava which lines should I remove?21:40
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tiagothis is the only account associated with the server21:41
astraljavachilversc: -C ?21:41
tiagohow can i reset all ssh related stuff?21:41
chilverscah, thanks21:41
blackcatnekonegrtry to reboot and run as root21:41
chilverscmanpages.ubuntu must be out of date21:42
astraljavanocilis: Don't remove any lines, just remove the characters 'u', 's' and '.' in front of archive.ubuntu.com21:42
monokromeHey. Does anyone know of decent software for managing an iPhone?21:42
astraljavachilversc: That was to be found on 11.04, what are you using?21:42
milkcan i setup my sound so that input is also played as output at the same time?21:42
jribmilk: probably just unmute your microphone in alsamixer21:43
chilverscastraljava: latest, but I was looking at http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/cal.1.html21:43
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astraljavachilversc: Ahh... I used terminal.21:43
milkjrib: mic is unmuted, not working21:43
nocilisastraljava on it21:43
astraljavachilversc: Yeah, that's for lucid. Might not be there, although might be that the pages are outdated, no idea about that service.21:44
milki can record sound and play it back but not both at the same time21:44
ActionParsnipmilk: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh21:44
chilverscastraljava: ah, didn't know lucid was a version name21:44
chilverscastraljava: so you can just click the version numbers at the top to change :)21:45
chilverscastraljava: have to say, the current selection could be made a little more obvious21:45
blackcatnekonegrback, I just havent found a driver that works well with my video card minus the 260 one, and I still get many bugs21:45
astraljavachilversc: Right, yeah. lucid is the nickname for 10.04. Current latest stable, 11.04, is called natty.21:45
chilverscyup, if 10.04 had a big highlight around it I'd have noticed right away21:45
pompy_After the upgrade to 11.04 my laptop does not have WLAN anymore. I found some forum posrt21:46
pompy_and did a sudo apt-get remove --purge bcmwl-kernel-source21:46
pompy_but that did not fix it.21:47
blackcatnekonegranyway, now I am gonna let my lcd on and alone for a while and see if it turns off21:47
pompy_I don't have the WLAN symbol in th e21:47
pompy_Any idea?21:47
ActionParsnippompy_: is it a broadcom 43xx ?21:47
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, good... report back if you have news21:47
pompy_ActionParsnip: I am not sure.21:47
pompy_I had the exact same problem with an identical laptop (Extensa 5220) and was able to fix it a few months ago.21:48
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ActionParsnippompy_: sudo lshw -C network    will say21:50
ActionParsnipmilk: add: options snd-hda-intel model=thinkpad     to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf      reboot to test, may help21:50
milkActionParsnip will try thanks21:50
nocilisastraljava it worked! thanks so much!21:51
pompy_ActionParsnip: I did that command. Now what info do you need?21:51
astraljavanocilis: Cool, you can check the US mirror later, if it used to be faster or anything.21:52
BigbucksHow do I remove the GRUB bootloader?21:52
nocilisastraljava nah, i just needed a couple packages21:52
ActionParsnippompy_: what is the product line of the wireless device?21:52
jamesrrkkjjssfwhy would you want to remove GRUB21:52
ActionParsnipBigbucks: install a different loader over the top of it21:53
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pompy_ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/dyy2dcU321:53
BigbucksWell, I want to use the Windows bootloader, because I am dualbooting, but I do not have a windows recovery dick.21:53
BigbucksI would actually like to set up EasyBCD as the menu to choose what you want to boot, rather than using GRUB21:54
ActionParsnippompy_: BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN   so yes it is21:54
ActionParsnip!broadcom | pompy_21:54
ubottupompy_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:54
Benkinoobyblackcatnekonegr, hey, do you have a file /etc/console-tools/config ?21:55
bl4ckcomb`hi, when I install ubuntu server it picks /dev/sda for the MBR to use with grub-install, but I want it to use /dev/sdc. Is there a way to do this during the installation? I've tried the shell, but it doesn't recognize 'grub-install'21:55
mang0Good night all. :)21:55
wildbatBigbucks: Windows Bootloader won't boot linux , you need grub ,lilo etc....21:55
wolsbl4ckcomb`: have you checked the installation you just created for it?21:56
Benkinoobywhy do i need privilegs to get to that site ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29906521:56
BigbucksI want to get rid of the GRUB menu when I turn on my computer.21:56
milkActionParsnip: tried, didnt work21:56
bl4ckcomb`wols, you mean the installation disk?21:56
wolsbl4ckcomb`: no, I mean the install you just created21:56
jamesrrkkjjssfdoes anybody know where I can edit ubuntus services via terminal?21:57
bl4ckcomb`wols, where do I look for it?21:57
wolsbl4ckcomb`: on your harddisk presumably?21:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:57
astraljavaBenkinooby: It's ancient, they've turned it read-only.21:57
ActionParsnipmilk: try:  model=lenovo    instead21:57
milkActionParsnip ok21:57
ActionParsnipmilk: you just need the line which makes your sound work21:57
BigbucksI didnt LOOSE GRUB, I WANT to loose GRUB21:58
wildbatBigbucks: you can have windows boot loader to chainload grub then read up be4 you do that21:58
bl4ckcomb`wols, sorry, but 'install'... is that a file or what do I look for?21:58
Benkinoobyastraljava, ok... i only want to read it : but if it is outdated, i don't want to see it anymore ... thx21:58
wolsbl4ckcomb`: you just installed ubuntu. that is the installation of ubuntu you just created. and it has a grub-install file21:58
Bigbuckswildbat: How can I install GRUB on the Ubuntu partition, so I can just remove everything, without having grub or ubnutu on my harddrive21:59
bl4ckcomb`wols, ah ok, I'll check it (btw, I'm still in the installation process, where grub isn't installed yet, if that matters)22:00
ch3m1c4lhi everybody!22:00
wolsbl4ckcomb`: then wait until it's finished22:00
nit-witch3m1c4l, howdeee22:00
bl4ckcomb`wols, it can't install grub on /dev/sda/22:01
jamesrrkkjjssfdoes anybody know where I can edit ubuntus services via terminal.22:01
milkActionParsnip: no joy22:01
ch3m1c4lDoes anyone know of a good irc network, or channel that is good to hang in for pentesters?22:01
wildbatBigbucks: do you have two harddrive one for ubuntu one for win??22:01
Bigbuckswildbat: I have seperate partitions22:01
wolsbl4ckcomb`: then just don't install it (might need the alternate installer possibly)22:01
ActionParsnipmilk: ok delete the line and reboot, make sure the correct devices are set in sound options for both input and output22:01
bl4ckcomb`wols, ok, when I finish the installation without grub, how should I add it later? via a live cd?22:02
milkActionParsnip: in the sound devices it only has one device option for each input and output22:02
wildbatBigbucks: that's not a good idea but you can grub-install /dev/sdXY to install in partition22:02
astraljavajamesrrkkjjssf: You're gonna have to be more specific. What services, and edit in what way?22:03
raluxgazaSo I am running ubuntu minimal with irssi, boy does it feel strange22:03
Bigbuckswildbat: Then what do I do to get rid of Ubuntu AND GRUB?22:03
astraljavaraluxgaza: Join the club.22:03
jamesrrkkjjssfI want to add a arg to a service. I start it up with the service command22:04
raluxgazaastraljava: thanks22:04
raluxgazaI do have a problem I keep getting into "grub rescue" and I have to manually load. I have tried repiring but still no luck22:04
wildbatBigbucks: you don't "get rid of it" you install windows' one so it overwritten the MBR so it boot with windows' one22:05
cos_Is there anyone free to help with a problem I've been having? It's driving me crazy.22:05
astraljavajamesrrkkjjssf: You're probably thinking of the ones in /etc/init.d/22:05
cos_It has to do with changing the chost of the computer22:07
Bigbuckswildbat: Like I said before, I DONT have a windows recovery CD to do this with.22:07
cos_I'm pretty sure I screwed myself.22:07
astraljavaraluxgaza: Don't really know that much about grub, so if you won't get help from here at this moment, I'd suggest reading through this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:07
ActionParsnipmilk: do you dual boot the system?22:09
wildbatBigbucks: that OT. it is M$ afterall , you need one~ setup CD etc. or boot to windows and download fixmbr / bootsect. for more ask in ##windows22:09
yawnieok, acer is an absolute enemy for ubuntu :/22:09
astraljavacos_: Always better to state the problem you're having. Then people can decide whether they _can_ help or not.22:09
cos_Thanks astra.22:09
cos_Ok so I'm dual booting with Windows 7. Everything was fine until I decided I needed to change my host name. I looked up how to do it and tried using a package called gnome-netwo22:10
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cos_and changed both my hostname and entry it the hosts file22:11
cos_I booted to a black screen witha  blinking cursor22:11
cos_i was able to boot to the recovery console, used startx, and changed the names back22:11
cos_even though it seemed to take several reboots for it to happen22:11
yawniei too am booting to a black screen with blinking cursor... but when trying to boot ubuntu from usb flash disk22:12
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | yawnie cos_22:12
ubottuyawnie cos_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:12
acerlinuxwhat's ubuntu rescue mix?22:13
cos_ok so Action I'm a bit confused by your message22:13
yawnieActionParsnip: how do i get to that config, when i cannot get to ubuntu at all22:13
cos_ubottu I am familiar with that command but i dont know why it would apply to my problem22:14
ubottucos_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:14
ActionParsnipyawnie: you can set it in grub, you don't need to be in Ubuntu to set it, so the answer is: easily22:14
yawnieActionParsnip: i am sorry, i am not getting this. I get black screen at the moment i start computer and it decides to boot from usb22:15
Successtwo things: ((1) the ubuntu forums makes us log in now to see the forum posts, which is extremely annoying/bad )((2)how do you save panels configurations, like i have one setup rearranged to look like windows or mac, one normal, how do i save the configuration?)22:15
ActionParsnipyawnie: hold shift at boot22:15
cos_ActionParsnip: Would that still be a viable solution if I try booting to the recovery console and it freezes when it gets to the end?22:15
ActionParsnipcos_: I'd test ram if it's hanging there22:15
cos_crap i just got new ram put in! i had bad ram before.22:16
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cos_the problems only started after changing the hostname22:16
cos_are you saying that the host name change has nothing to do with it?22:16
bulleIn unity, the launcher has icons for apps i dont want there, i can rightclick on them and untick the "keep in launcher" option, and they dissapear, but next time i login, they are there again, how do i permanently remove them ?22:16
ActionParsnipcos_: then make sure the /etchosts and /etc/hostname  match exactly the hostname you set22:17
cos_they absolutely do22:17
ActionParsnipcos_: the ram you adde could be bad22:17
wolsbl4ckcomb`: you already have a live CD. install before you reboot to you reboot your new ubuntu of course22:18
blinkhi. I downloaded "Power Manager Inhibit Applet", the control is working, I mean the icon changes, but the system still goes to sleep after a certain time..22:18
cos_i have no problems booting to windows though22:18
cos_and using windows22:18
TrentonDAdamsWhen I switch to a French multilingual keyboard, my right control key does not work the way I expect.  It is assigned to something call ISO_LEVEL5_blah22:20
TrentonDAdamsHow do I fix that?22:20
bl4ckcomb`wols, I've done install-grub /dev/sdc and it finished without problems. now I reboot and want to load the kernel, but the grub> prompt doesn't recognize root and kernel22:20
ActionParsnipcos_: I'd try the nomodeset boot option, may help. At least remove the quiet splash   boot options so you can watch the boot22:21
cos_ActionParsnip: ok, i will try it. last time i tried removing the quiet splash it was just stuck at the purple screen from grub.  you put a ! before nomodeset, but no one else has mentioned to do that. was that a typo?22:21
WG1337Hi! I have ubuntu x64 server, but one server plugin requires GLIBCXX_3.4.14, but gcc -v shows I have 4.4.3. What can I do?22:26
jlgaddisthanks for the assistance earlier guys22:26
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kingofswordshi my windows burn doesnt work in animations/compiz....any ideas anyone?22:27
ejoargh... Xinerama is pretty bad on multiple monitors with some or all of them rotated :[22:27
ejoI get windows showing background through them unpredictably22:27
ejoand weird subpixel rendering issues (though that part is probably ATI's not-so-great fglrx video driver)22:28
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adzycan anyone recommend a disk defrag or disk repair tool for ubuntu?22:30
CLF1can someone tell me how to diagnose this error: samba4: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 122:30
fmauroadzy: fsck22:30
fmauroadzy: what is your problem exactly?22:31
astraljavaWG1337: Probably need ia32-libs ?22:32
ProtomegaSo I was hoping to learn about Linux and I was told to get Ubuntu. What now?22:32
bulleadzy: defrag is very seldom usefull with the default ubuntu filesystem, ext422:32
moxboxWhere can I find my kernel header files? (Uubntu Maverick running 2.6.35-30)22:33
adzymy computer crashed and i think the drive has errors, i tried to install windows but it just freezes, but i got ubuntu working! but need windows too22:33
moxboxadzy: Try installing Virtualbox-ose if you have the RAM for it.22:33
gwhipi'm using 10.04 LTS ... is there a way to turn off all notification popup's?22:33
astraljavaWG1337: Or just plain libstdc++6, are there some errors that you're seeing? Pastebin them, if yes.22:33
fmauroadzy: is your windows no longer listed in your grub entries?22:34
moxboxWhere can I find my kernel header files? (Uubntu Maverick running 2.6.35-30)22:34
astraljavaProtomega: Just use it for any tasks you want to do? If you stumble into problems, ask here, on http://ubuntuforums.org, or http://askubuntu.com22:34
adzyfmauro no i did a full format and re partitions22:35
adzyfmauro, no i did a full format and re partitions22:35
fmauroadzy: why don't you try to run smartmontools to see if your disk has errors22:36
adzyfmauro, and when i tried to install windows it just froze up, i was wondering if there was something i could run to scan drive for errors?22:36
moxboxWhere can I find my kernel header files? (Uubntu Maverick running 2.6.35-30) I'm trying to install VMWare Server, and the perl installer script needs version.h22:36
fmauroadzy: wait. I'll get you a link22:36
adzyfmauro: ok ill try that22:36
adzyfmauro: thanks22:37
astraljavagwhip: Does this help? http://fooninja.net/2010/07/29/disable-notifications-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/22:37
fmauroadzy: http://blog.shadypixel.com/monitoring-hard-drive-health-on-linux-with-smartmontools/22:37
adzyfmauro, Cheers for that!22:37
fmauroadzy: don't mention it mate22:38
gwhipastraljava: thanks!22:38
no-name-is there a command you can use to prevent an application from locking your terminal22:40
no-name-e.g. gedit22:40
no-name-like if i want to open it from the shell without locking it22:40
chordoggput a space and an ampersand after the command22:40
chordogglike gedit &22:40
no-name-cool, thanks :)22:40
moxboxWhere can I find my kernel header files? (Uubntu Maverick running 2.6.35-30) I'm trying to install VMWare Server, and the perl installer script needs version.h22:40
chordoggmoxbox, you may need to download them. i think you can do something like sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` in the command prompt. i believe they usually go to /usr/src/22:42
DramaturgHey, I have an issue with my Ubuntu 11.04. It does not see a wifi network. It used to see and connect to it but all of a suddon it wont. I am using this wifi network ATM from another pc. Iwlist scan does not show the network. Where should I start looking? Thx22:43
ActionParsnip!find linux-header22:43
ubottuFound: linux-headers-2.6.38-8, linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic, linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic-pae, linux-headers-2.6.38-8-virtual, linux-headers-lbm-2.6.38-8-generic, linux-headers-lbm-2.6.38-8-generic-pae, linux-headers-2.6.38-10, linux-headers-2.6.38-10-generic, linux-headers-2.6.38-10-generic-pae, linux-headers-2.6.38-10-virtual (and 6 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-header&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all22:43
astraljavamoxbox: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-`uname -r`22:43
=== milind is now known as jhankay
moxboxthank you.22:44
moxboxwait, I can throw uname -r right into the apt command, or are you just shortening it?22:45
astraljavaDramaturg: You can start here, and ask here if you get stuck somewhere. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide22:45
astraljavamoxbox: You need the backticks ` ` around it.22:46
moxboxlinux-headers-2.6.35-30-generic is already the newest version.22:46
=== Captainkrtek is now known as captaink|offline
moxboxWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running22:46
moxboxkernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-30-generic/include22:46
moxboxThe directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match22:46
moxboxyour running kernel (version 2.6.35-30-generic).  Even if the module were to22:46
moxboxcompile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.22:46
FloodBot1moxbox: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:46
moxboxWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running22:46
militant_haven't run ubuntu in ages, just switched back over from arch.  where's proper sun java?  (and is there anything to do for minecraft other than just running the jar?)22:47
ActionParsnipmilitant_: enable partner repo22:47
Dramaturgastraljava: It's not like its not working - it just does not connect to a specific network. And that's not covered in the help you just send. (Which I read btw)22:48
astraljavamilitant_: partner repository (at least for a couple of releases now)22:48
militant_ok.  i'll find the spot to enable those.  thanks22:48
ActionParsnipmilitant_: there is a ppa which gets updated more frequently too22:49
moxboxThe kernel headers are the newest version, and it says that my kernel isn't the running kernel, although uname -r says otherwise22:49
astraljavaDramaturg: Sorry, then. Try back later, if no-one knows now. I certainly don't know what to try next.22:50
moxbox"The directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match your running kernel (version 2.6.35-30-generic).  Even if the module were to compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel."22:50
moxbox"uname -r" gives me 2.6.35-30-generic22:51
militant_ok, i enabled partners in software center but nothing new shows on a search or in the partners section22:51
astraljavamilitant_: Did you reload (or whatever it is you do in software center)?22:52
chordoggcan we posts links here?22:52
astraljavamilitant_: Ie. the equivalent of `sudo apt-get update`22:52
chordoggmoxbox, try this link: http://www.atlink.it/~conti/2007/12/19/vmware-uts_release/22:52
meoblast001i'm having a bit of a problem22:52
meoblast001i tried to update from 10.10 to 11.04, and it failed... i lost all my software sources though22:52
meoblast001how could i reenable those, they seem to be deleted22:53
moxboxchordogg: you're the best!22:53
chordoggmoxbox, did that work?22:53
meoblast001does anyone here run Kubuntu 10.10 who could give me the default repo lines?22:53
moxboxI'm trying it now22:53
militant_astraljava: i guess?  i just restarted software center and no results.  it shows openjdk and stuff but not straightup sun java 1.7.3 or whatever it is today22:53
moxboxI run Ubuntu 10.10. repo's the same.22:54
SoothsayerI'm dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu, (windows 7 is ntfs, ubuntu is on ext4)... When I'm on Ubuntu and  I transfer some files or edit some files in the NTFS drive and later come back to windows, those files / directories appear corrupt for some reason22:54
Soothsayerwhy is this happening?22:54
minimecmeoblast001: You can recreate them yourself... http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/22:55
moxboxchordogg: Gives me a permission denied, even with sudo22:56
meoblast001minimec: thanks22:58
ActionParsnipmeoblast001: boot to Natty CD and the upgrade will be an option22:58
astraljavamilitant_: I have no idea. Perhaps Software Center has a problem with that? Can you try on CLI: `sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre`22:59
meoblast001oh, strange22:59
meoblast001aparently i have everything activated22:59
meoblast001but they're all natty repos22:59
meoblast001something is really borked here22:59
chordogghmm...not sure why that would be, unless maybe one of the directories didnt exist?22:59
DramaturgHow to reconfigure the network manager (like reinstall but without internet) dpkg-reconfigure -a network-manager or smith else?22:59
chordoggi'd try doing a google search for @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE, i'll bet someone else has had your problem before22:59
militant_astraljava: cool, it's running22:59
ActionParsnipmeoblast001: try the server upgrade method22:59
meoblast001what's that?23:00
moxboxGoogle was my first check. I'm about to go to VMware themselves.23:00
yawnieholding shift while booting does nothing :/23:01
astraljavamoxbox: Didn't check the first link given to you, is this similar? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1076134523:02
militant_oh and what's this about?  f5 doesn't refresh, it blanks webpages.  ^5 does refresh23:02
chordoggmoxbox, maybe the version.h file doesnt have read permission? try sudo chmod 777 version.h when you cd to that directory23:02
moxboxsays "utsrelease.h" doesn't exist23:04
ActionParsnipmilitant_: which browser?23:04
moxboxwhen i try cat utsrelease.h >> version.h23:04
militant_ActionParsnip: chromium23:04
ActionParsnipmilitant_: which version?23:04
meoblast001oh yay23:05
ActionParsnipmilitant_: I can name 3 "latest"s23:05
meoblast001my package manager is broke23:05
ActionParsnipmeoblast001: can you give the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:05
moxboxmilitant: $ chromuim -v23:05
moxboxmight be chromium-browser23:05
meoblast001E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.23:05
militant_ActionParsnip: 12.0.742.112 (90304) Ubuntu 11.0423:06
meoblast001i need to replace my entire repo list23:07
ActionParsnipmilitant_: ok that's the stable release, there is also the unstable and the daily build23:07
ActionParsnipmilitant_: does the F5 refresh issue happen as all users?23:08
militant_i only have one user23:08
ActionParsnipmilitant_: make another to test then. Your OS can hold more than one local user23:08
militant_tbh i might remember it doing it in chrome and ie9 both in the 20 mins i ran windows after buying this machine today before installing ubuntu instead23:08
militant_ugh.  i do not like unity.  i'll be removing that soon.  it's a pain to find anything with this over-sensitive touchpad (not speed, just slightest brushes and taps)23:10
astraljavamoxbox: That first link refers to a really old kernel version, did you try the newer instructions at ubuntuforums?23:10
moxboxmilitant: also, in gconf (i don't know where right off hand), you can disable tapping the touchpad for clicking23:10
militant_oh i prefer tapping.  but i know i can disable it while keyboard is in use, so palms won't cause accidents23:11
rodhashHello guys, how can I see what module is in use for my USB wireless card??23:11
Squall5668Hello all, im trying to make a really restricted user in 11.04. I have removed most buttons etc from the drop downs (ubuntu classic ofc) and im trying to get rid of the System Settings in the top right indicator too. Any clue on how to do that?23:11
moxboxthe ubuntuforum link dealt a), with natty, and b), with vmware 2, lol23:12
rodhashAnyone knows how to see what module is in use for a usb wireless card?23:12
moxboxmy guess is that problem is the perl installer script doesn't have a clue what kernel i'm running23:13
ActionParsniprodhash: sudo lshw -C network23:13
moxboxrodhash: lsmod | grep net23:13
moxboxacutally, that one is way better.23:13
rodhashActionParsnip: I've tried "lsmod / lsub" but I didn't find23:13
astraljavamoxbox: Oh okay, sorry. :)23:13
moxboxit's okay, no need to apologize23:13
rodhashActionParsnip: Would be this one? driver=usb23:15
rodhashconfiguration: broadcast=yes driver=usb23:15
moxboxastraljava: uname -r tells me it's 2.6.35-30-generic, while the perl script says that the very same kernel *isn't* my running kernel.23:16
rodhashAnyonw knows how can I umount this usb wireless card? It's wlan1..23:17
militant_my god.  unity is worse than i ever thought.  i can't find anything.  how is it useful to have a massive cluster of 82 apps with no organization or anything23:18
moxboxalthough this page apears to be promising: http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-vmware-server-2-on-ubuntu-10.10-kernel-2.6.35-p223:18
rodhashAnyonw knows how can I umount this usb wireless card? It's wlan1..23:18
militant_and that stupid sidebar won't pop up half the time, and duplicates the vanishing taskbar from windows i hate so much23:18
itaylor57!classic > militant_23:19
ubottumilitant_, please see my private message23:19
RenatoSilvaanyone knows where's/how to get that app where you choose between alsa and others?23:20
moxboxmilitant: Log out, then when you select your username, choose "ubuntu classic", then enter your password, and log in.23:20
Squall5668Am i really the only one trying to make super restricted users? :/23:20
militant_cool.  i figured there was a revert.  thanks23:20
astraljavamoxbox: utsrelease.h can be found under /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`/include/generated/ but it might still be that even if you fixed that, and the autoconf issue, not all the modules will necessarily build. The 1.x line of server is way outdated.23:21
moxboxRenatoSilva: System > Preferences > Main Menu, then under Preferences, check the box that says "Multimedia systems selector"23:21
moxboxAstraljava: thanks, I'll try v223:21
moxboxbrb, all23:21
RenatoSilvamoxbox: THANKS!23:22
RenatoSilvamoxbox: it's alsa anyway, the ubuntu alsa ppa didn't work bah23:22
astraljavaSquall5668: Most likely not. Does that relate to some support issue?23:22
Squall5668Hello all, im trying to make a really restricted user in 11.04. I have removed most buttons etc from the drop downs (ubuntu classic ofc) and im trying to get rid of the System Settings in the top right indicator too. Any clue on how to do that?23:23
Squall5668i posted this a minute ago23:23
Squall5668i thought of a chroot jail, but that's quite easy to break out of23:23
astraljavaSquall5668: Right, sorry. Must've missed it.23:23
jo-erlend_Squall5668, there are tools to do that, but if you say why you want to do it, it's probably easier to give you a good answer.23:23
sw0rdfishwhere is the mysql data directory23:24
sw0rdfishthe default one23:24
sw0rdfishewook, you still there :D23:24
jo-erlend_sw0rdfish, /var/lib/mysql or something?23:24
Squall5668jo-erlend, i just don't want the user to be able to change any setting at all, save from programs like firefox and libreoffice23:24
coz_Squall5668,  trying to think of a way to do this without actually uninstalling some indicators23:24
jo-erlend_sw0rdfish, you can use #Ubuntu-server for server-related questions btw.23:26
coz_Squall5668,  see if this helps    http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Managing_Ubuntu_11.04_Users_and_Groups#Modifying_User_Account_Settings23:26
fakingfantastichow do you check the cron is on and running?23:26
Fjorgynnhow can I get 3d support?23:26
coz_Fjorgynn,   did you install the nvidia driver?23:26
th0rfakingfantastic: if there is a cronjob running. crontab -l will show all scheduled jobs23:26
jo-erlend_Squall5668, hope you have good reasons for it.23:27
Fjorgynncoz_: yes23:27
fakingfantasticth0r: ok, so since my line shows up - that means it's gonna run?23:27
coz_Fjorgynn,  ok and did you reboot after installing the nvidia drivers?23:27
Fjorgynncoz_: and when I try to start nvidia-settings it says I must write bla bla bal in terminal. Did that and NO. the X-server won't start23:27
coz_Fjorgynn,  ok   are you on    Unity or classic?23:27
Fjorgynncoz_: xfce23:27
th0rfakingfantastic: it means it will be executed. Whether it runs or not depends on how good the command is <smile>23:28
fakingfantasticth0r: touche, thanks23:28
sw0rdfishjo-erlend_, thanks you already got it right first time :D23:28
coz_Fjorgynn,  ok  what does it say "exactlY'  when you type  nvidia-settings  in the terminal?23:28
Squall5668coz_ that's just the regular settings. Thanks though23:28
coz_Squall5668,  sorry23:28
DuckfdHow do I run a program like in ALT F2 from the terminal?23:28
Fjorgynncoz_: gets a popup23:28
coz_Fjorgynn,    and what does that say "exactly"23:29
Squall5668jo-erlend_ i told you the reason. I just don't want that idi... ahem... guy to mess anything up. Even his own settings23:29
jo-erlend_Squall5668, but if you explain the scenario, it really does become easier to provide better help.23:29
th0rDuckfd: any command that runs in Alt-F2 should also run if entered at the command prompt in the terminal23:29
Fjorgynn"You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run 'nvidia-xconfig' as root) and restart the X server"23:29
coz_Squall5668,  not sure off hand,, there has to be a simple solution for this23:29
Fjorgynnand when I did that the server won't start23:29
Duckfdthor   but with leaving a prompt23:29
coz_Fjorgynn,  ok first in terminal  type     jockey-gtk23:30
jo-erlend_Squall5668, why don't you make a panic button instead, so that he can just jump back to a time when everything was fine? It's easier to do, and a lot more user friendly.23:30
coz_Fjorgynn,  when that opens   see if in fact the nvidia_current dirver is activated23:30
Fjorgynncoz_: yes23:30
FjorgynnThis driver is activated but not used23:30
coz_Fjorgynn,  ok so it says it is indeed activated,,, ok in terminal type  sudo nvidia-xconfig23:30
coz_Fjorgynn,  then either restart x  or reboot23:31
coz_Fjorgynn,  out of curisity  in terminal   lspci | grep -i vga23:31
Fjorgynncoz_: got Intel and nVidia23:31
Squall5668jo-erlend_ agh, you are really pushing my english skills... This box will be given to a guy and he will share it with others too. All of which have no idea of doing more than clicking the mouse button. All they need is probably the office suite. Maybe firefox too (not sure if they have even used the internet before) Yes that's the kind of people im talking about. So no, one more button is just23:31
Squall5668not a good idea23:31
Fjorgynnit says coz_23:32
coz_Fjorgynn,   I need to see the actual readout,, go to pastebin.com and paste it there,, post it and give me the link23:32
Fjorgynncoz_: http://pastebin.com/Q0j56hq723:32
coz_Fjorgynn,   laptop ...yes?23:32
coz_Fjorgynn,   ok the easiest and most reliable thing to do is to remove the nvidia driver and use the intel video23:33
elz89how do I make system info display when I ssh to a machine, some of my ubuntu servers do it, others not?23:33
jo-erlend_Squall5668, making it so that alt+ctrl+f12 restores everything to how it was a half an hour ago is something you can do in an hour or so. Locking down all applications can be _really_ difficult. In any case, you should give each user their own account. That usually reduces problems dramatically since people tend to care less about systems they share.23:33
coz_Fjorgynn,   blacklisting and disabling the onboard intel may be a pain in the rear and I have not found an adequate way of doing that with dual video card systems23:33
coz_Fjorgynn,  unless you can disable the intel video in the bios23:33
fakingfantasticth0r: i set up this:   1 * * * * /usr/bin/touch /tmp/test    -- didn't work, ran the command manually, it did. Any idea?23:34
Fjorgynncoz_: but I want 3d?23:34
coz_Fjorgynn,  the intell video should give that also23:34
Squall5668Well, i guess the panic button will do. But if you could possibly link a guide for locking down everything, id be greatful. I have time anyways :)23:34
coz_Fjorgynn,   if not then ,, I am not sure what to say ,, as I said,, check the bios to see if the intel onboard can be disabled,  if that's the case then reinstall the nvidia driver and all should be well23:34
Squall5668jo-erlend_ sorry forgot to type your name, check a little upwards :)23:35
Fjorgynnor just keep using Windows 723:35
jo-erlend_Squall5668, let me put it another way. Avoiding all possible errors is extremely difficult. Making it possible to easily correct all possible errors is very easy.23:35
th0rfakingfantastic: /tmp is owned by root. Are you running the cron as root?23:35
coz_Fjorgynn,  let me check online for any references to dual video systems and disableing onboard intel ,, hold on23:35
fakingfantasticth0r: how do i know?23:35
Squall5668jo-erlend_ i still wish to see a guide. Is there one?23:35
JohnnyFiveok, I have a USB device (IR receiver) plugged in.. how can I figure out what /dev/ it was mapped to?23:36
jo-erlend_Squall5668, I actually tried to do that once. I spent a week, and I gave up. Some applications are almost impossible to lock down because of how they work. You can try Sabayon, for instance. It will lock down the main desktop. The panel and such.23:36
th0rfakingfantastic: each user has his/her own crontab. If you run crontab -l as <username> you only see the jobs that user has scheduled23:36
coz_Fjorgynn,  y ou might also check in ##hardware channel to see if they have suggestions23:36
th0rfakingfantastic: and I am not sure, there may be some problem running something like that as root23:36
fakingfantasticth0r: ahh ok yeah im doing crontab -e as root23:36
fakingfantasticok good deal23:36
Squall5668jo-erlend_ thank you! Ill poke around that tool then23:37
th0rfakingfantastic: I have never tried to run a crontab as root....so not sure. I do know you cannot use ~ in crontab, you have to use the full path name (unless there is some ubuntu specific mod going on)23:37
coz_Fjorgynn,  I am finding nothing online about this23:37
jo-erlend_Squall5668, but if you value input, then my opinion is that what you are doing is wrong. I don't often say that. You should use backups instead. It's _much_ easier both for you and the users and you get lots of bonuses.23:38
coz_Fjorgynn,   check in both ##hardware and ##linux channels,, maybe someone there can help with t his,, make sure you say you want to use the onboard nvidia and not the intel23:38
Squall5668i have tried that and tested my patiance one too many times23:38
coz_Fjorgynn,  if you find a solution for this , please let me know23:38
Fjorgynnor just use Windows 7 and swear23:38
elz89how do I make system info display when I ssh to a machine, some of my ubuntu servers do it, others not?23:39
coz_Fjorgynn,  i wou ld hunt down a few people who may have a solution before consigning myself to that :)23:39
coz_Fjorgynn,  its worth the effort honest23:39
jo-erlend_Squall5668, did you try automatic incremental backups and a keyboard shortcut to restore to the last backup? "Press alt+ctrl+f12 and everything will be back to normal, no matter what you do". Nothing is easier than that.23:39
coz_Fjorgynn,  as I said ,, check in the bios,, if both video cards are o nboard,, there should be a way of disabling one of them23:40
induzI have 1gb UFD and i want to install a flavor of LINUX/Ubuntu on it...so i can boot from the UFD...what u suggest23:40
coz_Inure,   "UFD" ?23:40
induzUFD is formatted in MSwindows as FAT3223:40
induzUFD= USB flash drive23:41
Squall5668jo-erlend_ no i haven't tried the one-button restore approach but a tool for backups. I guess im not too good with user-friendlyness. Anyways, ill take your input and rethink my approach :)23:41
induzthumb drive23:41
coz_induz,   I would think any of the ubuntu versions should work well23:41
induzbut it is just Igb23:41
coz_induz,  hold on23:41
elz89induz: go with arch linux23:42
Griffin11induz that is sufficient23:42
induzso i want a small version with basics and networking support23:42
jo-erlend_Squall5668, that's wise. Because I can almost promise you that no matter how hard to try to make the system bullet proof, some user is going to find a way to do something wrong.23:42
induzarch linux??23:42
Squall5668don't i know :/23:42
induzany link23:42
coz_induz,   also austrumi  if you dont need much else23:43
Griffin11induz, oh i though you wanted to install -from- usb, nevermind23:43
coz_induz,   this works well from a flash drive   http://cyti.latgola.lv/ruuni/23:43
induzi want bootable so I donthave to23:43
joaolucas_Hello everbody23:44
joaolucas_How're you?23:44
coz_induz,  austrumi is based on slackware,, it will definitly fit onto that drive with most of what you need23:45
NotreDevi'm getting a permission error when trying to strace a file with sudo. anyone have suggestions for other ways to watch a file?23:45
coz_NotreDev,  mm try sudo -i23:45
jo-erlend_Squall5668, what I ended up doing, in order to really be sure everything worked, was to take an incremental backup of the users home every 30 minutes. The panic button would log out the user, restore to the latest backup and then log the user back in. It worked very well.23:45
elz89coz_: whats up with the screenshots on that site eh?23:46
coz_elz89,  not sure,, you cant see them?23:46
fakingfantasticth0r: so i just created a new account, did crontab -e, for 1 * * * * /usr/bin/touch /home/web/testing, did a crontab -l ... saw it there, but still not running23:46
induzcoz_, any link23:46
Squall5668jo-erlend_ that'll be quite easy. Ill go with that for a while then, see how it woks23:46
elz89coz_:  nope, firefox and safari no good23:46
jo-erlend_Squall5668, good luck :)23:46
coz_induz,      http://cyti.latgola.lv/ruuni/23:46
Squall5668jo-erlend_ thanks23:47
coz_elz89,  they are showing up in firefox here23:47
th0rfakingfantastic: not sure, but try putting the entire command inside 'single quotes'23:47
coz_elz89,  do you have flash installed?23:47
elz89I use 5.0.1 on OSX23:47
mooee2Hi there smart guys. Do somebody have a spare 5 minutes and a bit knowledge about connecting two routers? I'll really appreciate it23:47
JohnnyFiveWait. Nix that. If I plug in a USB device, and it doesn't attach to something in /dev/, how do I force it?23:47
coz_mooee2,  i do not sorry,, however,,, if no one here, at this particular time has a solution,, you can also try the ##linux  channel23:48
JohnnyFiveelz89, even if it's just a USB IR Receiver?23:48
mooee2coz_, thank you23:48
coz_mooee2,  no problem23:49
elz89JohnnyFive:  yes at boot23:49
upgrdmanJohnnyFive, does dmesg give any clues as to why the ir rx isn't working?23:49
induzAustrumi its an ISO file...How can i run it on USBSTIck23:49
JohnnyFiveupgrdman, looking23:50
ewooksw0rdfish: yes :p23:50
induzcoz_, how can i make it to work on USB ..its downloading a ISO file23:50
sw0rdfishoh welcome back ewook23:51
upgrdmanJohnnyFive, if you unplug it, plug it back in, wait maybe 10 seconds, then run dmesg it should have any pertinent notices at the end23:51
ewookthx :p23:51
coz_induz,  are you on linux or windows right now?23:51
sw0rdfishman I still can't reset my mysql password23:51
JohnnyFiveupgrdman, ya was about to do that I think23:51
ewookinduz: unetbootin23:51
coz_induz,     http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/23:51
sw0rdfishI'm getting frustrated, ewook, can I reinstall it without aptitude (I don't have aptitude lol I don't like it because I remember it causing me trouble in another distro)23:51
coz_induz,   if you are on windows you can download the windows version there23:51
induzi am in Ubuntu23:51
ewooksw0rdfish: aptitude should be there by default *_*23:52
sw0rdfishewook, man I still can't reset my mysql password23:52
coz_induz,   ok   sudo apt-get install unetbootin23:52
th0rfakingfantastic: a suggestion about cron. Put the cron lines in the file ~/cron.txt. Then if you schedule two or more cron jobs you don't have to keep reentering them. Edit the file, then load it in with crontab /home/user/cron.txt23:52
ewooksw0rdfish: did you try the reinstall part?23:52
sw0rdfishnope when I type it in terminal it says package aptitude found in...etc23:52
sw0rdfishunless there is a graphical interface which is already there?23:52
fakingfantasticth0r: i may do this, once i can get this way to work23:52
sw0rdfishewook, ok how do i try the uninstall part I actually didn't23:53
induzunetbootin is loaded now coz_23:53
induzdo I have to make the USBStick bootable first23:54
ewooksw0rdfish: you prolly could (I'm not sure about this) try to first do a apt-get remove mysql && apt-get purge and then do a apt-get install mysql23:54
=== Helix_ is now known as Guest669
elz89how do I make system info display when I ssh to a machine, some of my ubuntu servers do it, others not?23:54
sw0rdfishewook, thats better than doing it with aptitude?23:54
coz_induz,  ok cool,, easy to deal with  ,, just locate the .iso  and   then click ok23:54
coz_induz,  if the flash drive is already attached that is23:55
coz_induz,   it will show up on the bottom left field as "USB Drive"23:55
induzUSB stick is attached to the machine but it has some MS window file/folder23:55
=== linuxguy101 is now known as rothchild
coz_induz,    just above that and to the far right is a  button with   ...  on it  ,, click that ,,locate the iso and then click ok23:55
=== D1G1T is now known as Guest40345
johnnysixupgrdman, does this tell you anything? http://pastebin.com/L25M6qHx I don't see any errors, but I don't get where it's attaching it?23:55
coz_induz,   also make sure the system is set to boot from usb23:55
ewooksw0rdfish: that's like doing the --reinstall with aptitue23:56
ewooksw0rdfish: first you remove the installation, then you purge it, and last you install it again23:56
upgrdmanjohnnysix, looks like its working23:56
induzcoz_, I install the program but dont know where it is23:56
upgrdmanjohnnysix, you probably need to setup lirc or whatever program you want to use your remote with23:56
sw0rdfishyeah I just tried aptitude --reinstall mysql still displays the same message "package aptitude can be found in...etc"23:56
sw0rdfishewook, ^^23:57
coz_induz,   under system tools23:57
ewooksw0rdfish: there was a person in here before that had a keen eye to how to you newer stuff tho *_*23:57
coz_induz,  or open a terminal and type   unetbootin23:57
coz_induz,   or alt + F2   and type  undetbootin23:57
sw0rdfishnewer stuff?23:57
ewooksw0rdfish: well if aptitude is missing, there will of course be a message that it cannot be found. but your message is weird.23:57
sw0rdfishwhatever man I'm just gonna do the apt-get commands you showed me23:57
johnnysixupgrdman, so how do I point to the device in a config file?23:58
johnnysixI thought USB devices were mounted somewhere in /dev/23:58
elz89sw0rdfish:  have you tried purging mysql?23:58
slinzexhi there! anybody knows how to easy download flash video buffered in chrome? /tmp solution not work .. :S23:58
sw0rdfishewook, no23:58
vltHello. I'm using Ubuntu 11.04. How can I enter a character when I know its Unicode number? Is there an Alt+[?]+number combination?23:59

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