
morynot a big windows full of text00:00
jmichaelxmory: you can still install unofficial songbird builds. i think getdeb has the binaries00:00
moryjust for 32 bit00:00
moryi'm on 64bit os00:00
jmichaelxmory: i am still a huges fan of XMMS00:00
jmichaelxmory: can the 32-bit build not be made to run on a 64-bit installation?00:01
jmichaelxmory: xmms  is/was an old winamp-like media player00:01
moryi don't know in windows you could use but i'm new to linux00:01
jmichaelxdebian & ubuntu     dropped it several years ago00:01
moryold you mean deadright now?00:01
jmichaelxmory: yes, it is no longer being maintained00:02
mr-richHow do I get a screen shot of just one window on the desktop? I used to know how to do this ...00:02
yofelpress printscr or run ksnapshot00:03
yofelthen select window under cursor and make a new snapshot00:04
jmichaelxmory: if you like something skinny and fast, why in the world do you want sonbird? that thing is huge and laggy00:04
moryyea but better than amarok!!00:04
jmichaelxmory: you could try qmmp or audacious00:04
moryi want to uninstall all of default bloatwares in kubuntu00:05
jmichaelxmory: to each his own, but amarok is my favorite music player of all times (tied with xmms)00:05
jmichaelxmory: would you be interested in a command line player?00:05
morymaybe i should back to use windows :/00:06
morydamn , hate commad line00:06
jmichaelxmory: suit yourself00:06
moryjust gui apps00:06
jmichaelxeach person is different... i love amarok and do not like songbird00:07
jmichaelxand mostly use a command line music player00:07
raindogmory:  xmms200:07
morycommadline = no fun00:07
kintamory: vlc00:07
morythat isn't music player :>00:08
jmichaelxcommandline = where mos of the fun is at00:08
jmichaelxmost* :-D00:08
morythis is why you are linuxuser00:08
jmichaelxmory: try qmmp00:08
moryno thanks ;__;00:08
jmichaelxhave you looked at qmmp?00:09
jmichaelxit is a nice small player, using qt00:09
jmichaelxmory: qmmp can use winamp skinsss (at least some of them)00:10
moryi'll look00:10
kintavlc is not a music player? For me if something plays music then is a music player :)00:10
morythen 3dsmax is a music player too00:12
kintanot for me00:13
morynot for anyone00:13
jmichaelxmory: there are so many music players to choose from in linux, that something is wrong if you cannot find a few that you like00:14
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morytime to install wine00:16
raevinanyone know of a good foreign input program (scim??)...wanting to type japanese with an american standard keybard00:41
user69I installed apache, how can I make it not start on kubuntu start?01:38
sytheWhere are the 4.7 packs for Maverick?01:48
rwwsythe: As I understand it, the thought is that if you don't want LTS (lucid) and do want shiny new things (4.7), you're probably on natty, and there wasn't space in the PPA so things like maverick had to go.01:50
sytheThat sucks01:50
FloodBotK2sythe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:50
sytheHeh...I'm guilty of using enter as punctuation...(sorry)01:51
rww(I am not a Kubuntu developer, but I do spy on Kubuntu developers, so that's second-hand information ;)01:51
sytheSo, KDE 4.7 is available for Lucid, eh?01:51
sytheShould I downgrade, then?01:52
rwwlooks like lucid only has 4.5, actually :|01:53
sytheI'm using 4.6 on Maverick, ATM... Is 4.7 stable on Oneiric?01:56
rwwoneiric isn't stable at all01:57
rwwit's only an alpha, and it acts like it :P01:57
sytheI see01:58
sytheBut...isn't the base stable? So KDE wouldn't crash constantly?01:59
rwwKDE might be stable, but if you put some bricks on top of a pile of sand, the bricks don't do too well anyway02:00
sytheNot that I want to upgrade.... Last time I tried to go from KDE 4.3 on Lucid, to KDE 4.4 on Lucid, the Kubuntu devs forgot to include Plasma in the repos02:00
sytheSo...it epic failed...and I lost my DE02:00
rwwpersonally, I'm on 4.6 on natty and plan on staying there ;)02:00
sytheBut...4.7!!!  It's sooo cool!02:02
sytheK...which is more stable, Debian Testing, Chakra, or Arch?02:02
rwwchakra and arch are rolling release and thus fail at being stable imho, Debian Testing only has 4.6 so what's the point?02:04
jmichaelxi just decided once more to give kopete a shot. unless i am missing something, that has got to be the most awful instant messaging client i've ever attempted to use02:25
hp_alguien sabe porque mi kubuntu hace sonidos extranos con los speaker ?02:54
benonsoftwareShouldn't the Kubuntu Dev LP team be a member of Kubuntu Members too?03:06
lcbhi ppl03:10
lcbany suggestion of a good program to recover a folder?03:12
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redeyyezwhich theme or settings control the widget appearance, i loved the way that my widgets looked, now ive done something to them i guess they look different and i can't seem to get them to appear the same as they had in the past03:41
redeyyezno one?03:46
rbetzensystem settings > workspace appearance > desktop theme03:49
redeyyezthe desktop theme changes widget appearance?03:51
redeyyeztried that do i have to log out and back in for them the changes to take affect?03:52
redeyyezchanging desktop themes seems to have very little effect on the widget appearance03:54
rbetzenNo.  You should only have to press the "apply" button at the bottom right of the window.03:54
rbetzenAre you speaking of things like the clock, weather applets, etc, or are you referring to the window decorations?03:55
redeyyezthis is retarded, when i use the folder view wideget for example now it shows one big ass home view folder only, previously for example it was a little window that showed all my folders that are under the HOME directory03:55
redeyyeznot just a giant home icon03:56
rbetzenHmmm.... never used the folder view widget.  I'd have to look into it.  From what I've heard of how it works, you'd need to configure it to point to the folder you want it to display.03:57
redeyyezonly option or setting are the same common ones for all widgets really which doin't gi ve you much in the way of options to change its appearance03:58
redeyyezit does let me resize set shortcuts and share i ton the network03:58
rbetzengive me just a sec.  adding folder view crashed plasma for some reason. sorry.04:00
redeyyezoh no worries04:00
redeyyezif you can help me figure out what happened to my widgets appearance i'd be forever greatful.04:01
rbetzenmy copy of folder view gives me a text box to enter a path to any folder I choose to display.  is that not the behavior you're looking for?04:02
redeyyezmine doesn't do that04:03
rbetzenwhat version of kde are you using?04:03
redeyyezit may have when i first set it up a month ago, but no longer does that04:03
redeyyezhow do i check that04:03
rbetzengo to any native kde application, click on help > about kde04:03
rbetzenOk. I'm on the same  version.04:06
redeyyezwish i could send on irc i would send you a screen shot of what it used to look like and now04:06
rbetzenLet's see.... How are you getting to the configuration for folder view?04:07
redeyyezdraggin and dropping it from the add widget bar04:07
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.04:07
rbetzenOk. When you hover your mouse over the folder view widget, do you see a lttle tab pop out the side?  If so, click on the wrench icon.04:08
redeyyezyes, ive clicked on the wrench and checked those settings04:09
rbetzengood.  under "Location", I see three choices (radio buttons) in the configuration dialog.  These are "Show the Desktop folder, "Show a place", and "Specify a folder".  You don't have these?04:11
rbetzenlooking at your screenshot now...04:12
redeyyezyes i get options like that04:12
rbetzenOk.  If I understand correctly, you want folder view to show a different folder than the one currently displayed, right?04:13
redeyyezno, that's not really correct, do you see the appearance of the widgets in the frist shot?04:13
redeyyeznow look what folder view and Harddisk looks like in the second one.04:14
redeyyezmajor difference04:14
rwwwell that's a bit bigger.04:14
redeyyezresizing it doesn't affect the contents or layout.04:16
redeyyezjust makes that big ass folder icon smaller/larger04:17
rbetzenOk. Trying to solve the wrong problem.  Nice desktop BTW.   Give me a couple of minutes while I check on a couple of things.04:17
redeyyezrbetzen, yes it was, thank you.04:17
redeyyezthe network monitor, folder view, and Hardisk widget just wacked out on me.04:18
redeyyezive changed window decorations, and desktop themes in effort to fix this nothing seems to truely changed the actual content of the widget04:20
rbetzenok.  let's check this.  right click on your desktop then click on desktop settings.  Under "View" you should have an option called "layout".  It should be on "folder view".04:22
redeyyezive had that set to Desktop view. when i change that option to folder view it blows up the screen and splits it.04:24
redeyyezleft pane appears to be the Folder View widget blown up04:25
redeyyezthat's what it does if i set that option to folder view04:26
rbetzenCan you switch back to "desktop" and see what happens?04:28
redeyyezjust did04:28
rbetzenany change?04:28
redeyyezyes sorry bout to post link04:30
rbetzenSorry.  Wife needed my attention.04:35
redeyyezyour good im very much in need of the help been frustrated with this for 2 days now, thanks sir.04:36
rbetzenHave you tried removing and re-adding the widgets, and restarting your computer?04:37
redeyyezyes, both.04:37
redeyyezoh i delete them many times can't stand to look at them now.04:37
redeyyezim currently trying to create the widget in the default panel and maybe remove it from there to the desktop to see if this effects the contents tha tway04:38
rbetzenAlright.   I'm thinking of doing a little experiment.  Let me know if you have the patience for it.  That would be adding another user account and adding the same widgets to it.  If the widgets behave properly in the new user account, we can look into maybe renaming the .kde folder.04:39
redeyyezthis is  not helping i can't get them to "tear" off the panel to the desktoip04:39
rbetzenThis really is only good if you're willing to reconfigure your personal settings from scratch again.04:40
redeyyezsure i can do that.04:40
LinkmasterI'm trying to upgrade to KDE4.7, and am using muon. The installing of new packages is stuck at 69%, and says "installed kdoctools" and nothing has happened for at least 30 minutes that I can see, the best I see is that its been stuck this way for hours, I needed to step out earlier, and I left the upgrade to finish itself up. I have no power managment enabled, so I know thats not a problem04:42
rbetzenLet me know how it goes..... I may have to log out for a few minutes.  That plasma crash has caused a few annoying problems on my end.  I'll be right back.04:44
redeyyezwell i created a new user and logged in. that made the widgets appear correctly again04:47
redeyyezis there a way to fix this account, or am i going to have to delete it and recreate it?04:51
rbetzenWell, you could rename .kde to something like .oldkde then log out and back in again.  This will keep your user account but you would have to re-customize your desktop from the ground up again.  If that's not something you're willing to do, you could poke around in the .kde directory and find the configuration files for your widgets and try renaming or moving them so that the widgets would regenerate a new config file.04:54
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rbetzenredeyyez, are you familiar with where the .kde folder is?04:58
redeyyezno really not.05:01
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rbetzenok.  the .kde folder is in your home folder.  since the name begins with a period, it will be hidden by default.  you could open dolphin set it to view hidden files and then rename the folder.  if you do this, log out, and then back in again, you will have the default kde desktop again.  Just set up your wallpaper and widgets the way you want them again.05:05
redeyyezloggin out and back in again now05:08
rbetzenok.  I'll be here.05:08
Zfax3Question: I setup my desktop with a bunch of icons, then I clicked on that activity manager thing and all of the original icons are gone.  How do I go back to my original desktop and NOT use the activity manager thing05:45
rbetzenreddeyez, it's 1am where i'm at. going to bed. hope everything went well....05:50
girlhow do I install kivio in natty can't find in in repos http://www.koffice.org/kivio/05:56
Zfax3people busy I think - asked a question and no luck so ya might have to wait a few05:58
girlZfax3: Ok05:59
Zfax3dont suppose you know how to stop the activities desktop from covering up the normal desktop05:59
girlzfax3: Which version of KDE?05:59
Zfax3uhhh, heh, the latest? :|06:00
Zfax3Im not too sure - kinda experimenting with this06:00
girlzfax3: Please check Open Dolphin and on the menu Help> About KDE06:00
Zfax3KDE - Be Free!06:01
Zfax3Platform Version 4.7.00 (4.7.0)06:01
Zfax3is that the right answer06:01
Zfax3I think it is 11.04 or something like that, but not 100% sure06:02
girl_zfax3: Sorry connection dropped which version?06:03
rwwgirl_: 4.7 on natty06:03
Zfax3I think 4.7.00 (4.7.0)06:03
girl_zfax3: I have the same version and am unable to reproduce this, what do you mean by covering desktop screenshot please06:04
Zfax3Question: I setup my desktop with a bunch of icons, then I clicked on that activity manager thing and all of the original icons are gone.  How do I go back to my original desktop and NOT use the activity manager thing06:04
Zfax3that is the best that I can explain it06:04
girl_on top right there is a button activities06:05
girl_click it06:05
Zfax3I did and it said something about adding a panel and all06:05
girl_then click activities06:06
girl_press the stop button on the icon of the activity you just made06:06
Zfax3I get a bar along the bottom06:06
girl_then press delete06:06
girl_Anyone knows how to install kivio on Kubuntu Natty?06:07
araxessorry -06:07
araxesthank you06:07
girl_No problem06:08
girl_axraxes: Yo're welcome06:08
ZFax3girl: thanks that worked like a champ - mucho gracias06:10
girl_Zfax3: You're welcome06:10
girl_Zfax3: You upgraded yesterday from a previous release of KDE?06:13
ZFax3wow my computer has that many security holes - how did you know that?06:13
ZFax3hahah, that is just too funny - well or scary06:13
girl_Zfax3: It was packaged yesterday ! for backports06:14
ZFax3ohhh, yes I upgraded yesterday06:14
girl_Zfax3: Upgrade went smoothly?06:14
ZFax3yea - actually it went really well.  the only problem I have really encountered since loading this is: when I have a button in a dialog box highlighted, the title bar to the active window flashes with icons that are not located anywhere on any desktop.  For example from this I learned about ksudo or something named similar to that06:16
girl_Zfax3: What GPU do you use?06:16
ZFax3Overall - it was by far one of the best installs I have seen in a long long time06:16
ZFax3I have a NVidia chipset -06:17
ZFax3inside a laptop - I cannot think of the actual model, but I do know it is NOT dedicated ram06:17
girl_Zfax3: If it is NVidia there is a glitch with drawing elements in the wrong place in older drivers06:18
ZFax3it just told me that I am not using the NVidia Chipset06:18
ZFax3I have not seen an operating system yet that has not had some kind of issue with this video card / chipset06:19
ZFax3do you code for kubuntu06:19
girl_Zfax3: Kde 4.7 uses new rendering backend that have not been previously tested so you wouldn't know that06:19
girl_Zfax3: I used to06:20
ZFax3ok kewl06:20
girl_Does anyone know how to install kivio in natty ?06:21
redeyyezdamn it!!! just the fella i was coming to see.06:26
girl_By any chance no one knows how to install kivio (diagram/flowchart software) in natty. It is the only part of koffice missing in repos.06:28
girl_hmm I'll try #ubuntu06:30
raindoggirl:  From Koffice.org "Note: 2.x series do not include Kivio yet, if you want to use Kivio you will need to stick with 1.6.x series."06:32
ZFax3it is not listed on the koffice page as part of koffice suite - yet on another page it is06:32
Linkmastergirl_: http://www.koffice.org/ lists on their webpage about kivio, it doesn't say whether its included in 'apt-get install koffice', though it might be. I help on and off with koffice devel team, but I havent heard of it being denied or included06:38
rwwit's not06:38
girl_Linkmaster: kivio has not qt3 port06:38
redeyyezrww that was you earlier that guided me to use image bin thanks man.06:39
rwwredeyyez: welcome06:39
girl_anyways got to go06:40
ZFax3for the help06:40
ldpHow safe is it to use btrfs?07:03
redeyyezrbetzen, welcome back, thanks for the help earlier, that did fix it all and a couple other little quirky things, took me a while to get the machine back on the network, several things were affected by doing that.07:03
redeyyezThank you.07:03
rbetzenHopefully it wasn't too painful, and I'm glad everythings working now.07:04
ldpWell I think I'll install btrfs :)07:05
redeyyezno it was worth it, i must admit i was cursing you for a bit when i had to restart the machine a couple times to get all the kinks out07:06
LinkmasterI accidentally turned off the menubars in Okular, and without the menubars to turn them back on, Im in a jam. Sort of a 'Catch 22' if you will. How do I get them back?07:07
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rbetzenLinkmaster, ctrl + m07:07
Linkmasterrbetzen: thank you07:07
rbetzenredeyyez, I'm glad I could help.07:08
redeyyezits people like yourself that have kept me pushing on to migrate away from m$07:11
LinkmasterI know how to see when a document was modified, but how do you know when its created?07:25
ldpWell, I'm on with btrfs.07:26
ldpWish me luck07:26
chpadhiwhere to find the settings for login to kubuntu07:26
ldpchpadhi: system settings07:26
chpadhii want to it should not ask for password during startup07:27
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fanelhello everybody.Please tell me how to install adobe flash player on ubuntu 8.04.Any advice?Thanks...07:47
sinclairdoes anyone have same problems as me with 4.7 upgrade in Natty? 79 packs to be removed??08:47
sinclairamong them Akregator...08:47
bigbrovarsinclair: ouch that sounds like packaging issue to me08:48
sinclairbigrovar: agree, just wonder why I have when others seem to get flawless upgrade08:48
bigbrovarI am just about to upgrade to 4.7, I am not sure of this but I think I heard someone saying lots of changes as regards packaging went into 4.708:49
bigbrovarhmmm have u seen anyone who had a flawless upgrade?08:49
sinclairI read about that too - but this is something else. Identi.ca KDE comments08:49
bigbrovarwhat too are u trying to use for upgrade , apt-get aptitude or kpackagekit08:49
sinclairall of them and Muon :-)08:50
sinclairgive the same output regardless08:50
sinclairhere a comment from identi.ca : update went swimmingly08:50
bigbrovarwell maybe u have some custom install (maybe a ppa?) with a version of kde library that is causing the upgrade process to go gaga08:51
sinclaircould be, I do have a few ppa installs08:51
bigbrovarlol I hate it when I have issues that no one else have.08:51
bigbrovarlet me try the upgrade and get back to u what mine says08:52
sinclairOK am here, doing a server upgrade so have time on my  hands08:52
bigbrovargf is not gonna like this I was suppose to "just check something on the pc" lol08:53
sinclairbigrovar: know the scenario...08:53
Ab3Lis it possible (and if yes, how) to set shortcuts key to move a window from a desktop to another one?08:53
sinclairAb3L: have no idea but am looking around08:55
bigbrovarsinclair: http://paste.kde.org/103555 thats what I got, doesn't look happy :/08:57
sinclaira bit of the same, though mine is worse :-) think I just leave it for now08:58
bigbrovarsinclair: it wants to remove the following   kdebase-data kdebase-runtime-data kdebase-workspace-bin kdebase-workspace-data08:58
bigbrovar  kdebase-workspace-kgreet-plugins libkdegames5 libkmbox libkonq5a libpowerdevilcore0 libtaskmanager4b08:58
sinclairbigrovar: those could be naming issues though08:59
bigbrovarsinclair: could it be that kde 4.7 has been packaged in such a way .. exactly naming issues08:59
bigbrovarheck let me dive in08:59
bigbrovarI could do with a new install anyway08:59
bigbrovarif anything breaks hurra09:00
sinclairbigrovar: give me a shout when done - here or on identi.ca (u there too right?)09:00
sinclairbigrovar: comment from kubuntu mailinglist: What I did was to go to the summary screen in aptitude and mark the old09:01
sinclairpackages to automatically installed so it would pick the new ones. Akregator,09:01
sinclairetc. are still here and working fine.09:01
bigbrovarcool and yeah am bigbrovar on identica09:05
bigbrovarsinclair: you? whats your identica handle?09:05
sinclairhm, let me check ;-=09:06
kintaQuintasan: Not all components of kde-telepathy are included in https://launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/+archive/ppa, True?09:20
dnivrahello. what is the shortcut key combination to view all the windows open in all workspaces as a wall? I keep activating it by accident by don't know the key combination. And I'm not too sure which functionality's shortcut key I'm looking for either.09:25
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fanelhello everybody.Please tell me how to install adobe flash player on ubuntu 8.04.Any advice?Thanks...09:36
sinclairdnivra: I think it is Ctrl+F10 you mean?09:49
dnivrasinclair: yup that's the one. thanks! are there any other shortcuts that doesn't involve F10? Just curious cos F10 is way out of the normal hand position for typing :)09:58
sinclairdnivra: not to my knowledge, am not an expert by any means though09:59
dnivraah well Ctrl + F10 will do. thanks sinclair! I'll try finding out others if any :)10:00
sinclairtry Ctrl+F11 and Ctrl+F12 for some cool functions10:00
dnivrawhat's Ctrl + F12's idea? Just display the widgets?10:02
dnivraLooks pretty neat though I must add :)10:02
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* dnivra shifted to KDE for this precise reason-the looks :)10:02
sinclairyes display widgets - I  like it10:02
sinclairCtrl+F11 - tilt the active desktop, kind of weird10:03
dnivraCtrl + F11's cool. I had to install compiz effects and stuff on GNOME to get the same functionality :)10:04
tsimpsondnivra: it may be a screen-edge action, usually putting the cursor in the top-left triggers the "presentation"-type view10:06
dnivratsimpson: that's the one! I accidently brush against the touchpad and that happens :). thanks!10:07
tsimpsonSystem Settings -> Window Behaviour -> Screen Edges  to configure/disable that10:07
dnivraI think you meant Workspace Behaviour tsimpson :)10:08
yofelldp: I'm on btfs for ~3 months now. Works reasonably well, but I had to restore my system from backup twice so far after the FS started kernel OOPSing on mount10:08
tsimpsondnivra: no, it's under Window Behaviour (at least for me)10:08
yofelsinclair: general rule of upgrades: if kubuntu-desktop is going to be removed something is wrong ;)10:09
dnivratsimpson: hmmm. Which kubuntu are you running? I'm running 11.04.10:09
sinclairyofel: well I kind of like Akregator too... am on 11.0410:09
tsimpsonmine is 4.5.something, on Lucid (10.04)10:09
yofelsinclair: can you give me the full list of packages in a pastebin?10:09
dnivratsimpson: new version's feature probably :).10:09
sinclairyofel: give me a couple of minutes10:10
yofelsinclair: and yes, kdebase* was renamed, so those packages are ok to remove, but it shouldn't be more than 12-15 packages10:11
sinclairyofel: http://paste.kde.org/103597/10:13
=== Space_Man is now known as Space_Man__
yofelsinclair: this will probably be a lot, but please pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes dist-upgrade'10:31
sinclairyofel: ok hold on10:31
sinclairyofel: here goes http://paste.kde.org/103609/10:33
sinclairand yes, a lot...10:34
yofelok, let's see...10:34
yofelsinclair: aah, you're using kdepim 4.6 right?10:39
sinclairyofel: not any longer, I tried it but it was too "experimental" so I reinstalled kdepim 4.410:40
sinclairyofel: possibly it was not "removed enough"?10:41
yofel"Investigating (3) kdepim-runtime [ i386 ] < 4:4.6.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1~natty2 > ( kde )" < THAT is 4.6.010:41
Ab3Lsinclair: <sinclair> try Ctrl+F11 and Ctrl+F12 for some cool functions <-- what shoud Ctrl+F11 do?10:43
Ab3L(i setted ctrl+f12 as action on border of screen)10:43
sinclairyofel: lost internet, back now10:52
Oxymoronhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/655036/ - does not work todo nvidia-xconfig and restart. Results in fatal error on xserver and dbus unable to load a new session10:52
sinclairyofel: you right, check in Muon and it reports kdepim-runtime 4.6 but Kontact reports 4.4...10:52
sinclairyofel: so if I force version downgrade of kdepim-runtime things might improve?10:53
yofelsinclair: I would say run aptitude interactively, apply it's conflict resolution and try to mark kubuntu-desktop for installation10:53
yofelthat's what I would do10:53
yofelbut it does seem that apt hangs itself up on some versioned deps from kdepim-runtime10:55
m_tadeuhi...is there a telepathy-kde package for kubuntu?10:57
sinclairyofel: will try using Muon to force downgrade to correct kdepim-runtime10:58
yofelm_tadeu: no(t yet)10:58
sinclairyofel: I think that sorted it, now only 16 packages "to go" that I understand is normal11:05
sinclairkeep fingers crossed, here we go...11:05
sinclairyofel: thanks a lot11:05
yofelthat sounds reasonable now :)11:06
yofelstill make sure that kubuntu-desktop stays installed11:06
silouckisnt possible anymoreto configure samba in kde control panel (i.e. systemsettings)?11:06
sinclairyofel: this time it is mainly kde-base stuff that is going11:08
yofelthat is fine then11:08
OxymoronIs there anybody willing to help me out with the problem today?11:09
oCeanOxymoron: it's best to just state your issue, then sit back and wait11:12
OxymoronoCean: ALready did, no response11:12
OxymoronoCean: ikonia should try to help, but he disappeared :P11:12
* yofel is clueless how to handle those hybrid grphics systems :/11:13
Oxymoronyofel: Is it a common problem?11:13
OxymoronIt feels like, if I solve the graphics issue I also solve the HDMI video output issue11:14
yofelI know that those setups like to break because the intel card is preferred unless you disable it in the BIOS11:14
yofelnot much more11:14
yofelis the i915 module loaded?11:15
OxymoronHow to check if i is loaded?11:15
danny_lsmod | grep -i i91511:15
yofellsmod | grep i91511:15
sinclairoxymoron: what is the problem, I am on "2 gpu" system myself11:15
OxymoronIt feels like my Intel chip do not support HDMI or something, then Linux is using ONLY the intel circuit .... and not the nvidia one11:16
Oxymoronsinclair: I cannot enable nvidia driver in Xorg, and do not get any HDMI output.11:16
yofelif i915 is loaded it'll use KMS, which makes it impossible to use nvidia11:16
sinclairyou using proprietary nvidia driver?11:17
Oxymoronyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/655052/11:17
yofelOxymoron: try blacklisting the i915 module11:17
Oxymoronsinclair: Inr.stalled prop nvida driver, but it cannot be used by xserve11:17
sinclairoxymoron: I have ati system myself so not good at this really11:17
yofelor maybe adding nomodeset to the kernel command line might help too11:17
Oxymoronyofel: How to blacklist it?11:17
danny_yofel: Did you try jockey-kde for intalling and configuring your nvidia driver?11:17
Oxymorondanny_: Yes ;)11:18
yofeldanny_: talk to Oxymoron ;)11:18
danny_Sorry to interrupt. :-)11:18
yofelOxymoron: add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf11:18
OxymoronJockey did only install the driver, but could not enable it.11:18
sinclairoxymoron: check this site/mailinglist, they all about mixed systems: https://launchpad.net/~hybrid-graphics-linux11:19
Oxymoronsinclair: Nice, thanks. I am trying switcheroo, bumblebee acpi-call etc.11:21
Oxymoronsinclair: Seem to work with acpi_call, but I do not understand how to use it xd11:30
m_tadeudolphin fails me sometimes on the directory preview....I have a bunch of dirs withonly photos inside, and it doesn't show me a preview11:44
danny_Is it possible to run animated desktop-wallpers (like videos) on kde 4? How?11:45
sinclairoxymoron: wish I could be of more help but on wrong system and using AMD Catalyst myself. Mail the list11:47
BluesKajm_tadeu, in dolphin , choose view then check preview11:50
m_tadeuBluesKaj: I did that...still no directory previews11:51
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BluesKajm_tadeu, in dolphin configure , general, behaviour tab, check remember view properties for each folde11:53
m_tadeuBluesKaj: that is also selected11:54
BluesKajm_tadeu, check your permissions11:57
soeeanuone using nvidia 175.21 drivers ?12:03
BluesKajsoee, do you mean 275 ?12:06
soeeBluesKaj, yes12:06
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:06
silouckisnt possible anymoreto configure samba in kde control panel (i.e. systemsettings)?12:07
BluesKajsoee, 275 is mostly used on 11.10 afaik ...my 8400gs uses the 27012:08
BluesKajsilouck, configure samba in dolphin, places,network12:10
silouckBluesKaj: theres nothing to configure samba12:11
soeeBluesKaj, any idea if KDE 4.7 works better with 275.x ?12:13
szaldefine "better"12:14
soeeszal, with kde 4.6.5 all effects were smooth and nice, now they are much hmm.. slower and warps like with 15fps12:17
* szal hasn't tried 4.7 yet12:20
girlAnyone knows how to get an icon only taskbar for running applications in KDE 4.7. KDE 4.7 Install removed smooth tasks as it is incompatible with it12:23
silouckkubuntu no, theres nothing like mandriva distro12:26
girlsilouck: Were you addressing me?12:27
silouckgirl: seams your needing glasses12:27
girlsilouck: I beg your pardon?12:28
sinclairyofel: upgrade done, all well AFAIK, thanks a lot for the help, would not have sorted it myself12:28
silouckgirl: no need12:28
sinclairbigrovar: problem found w help of yofel, upgrade now done w/o problems12:28
girlyofel: kde 4.7 breaks smooth-tasks any ideas on this?12:29
yofelgirl: try again12:29
girlyofel: ok12:29
afief_what is this smooth-tasks magic you're talking about? A sweet kde feature I have missed?12:32
girlafief_: It is a replasment plasmoid like taskmanager to show only icons bit in win712:33
girlyofel: The following packages have unmet dependencies:  plasma-widget-smooth-tasks : Depends: libtaskmanager4b (>= 4:4.3.4) but it is not going to be installed12:33
yofelgirl: please refresh your package cache12:33
afief_girl: you mean never show names? because the default taskmanager plasmoid removes the names when the list gets too crowded12:34
BluesKajsilouck, you have to run the 'add network folder' or samba shares , I think ..I use smb so i'm not exactly sure12:34
* yofel has his panel vertically in unity-style, like that the default task manager only shows Icons too12:34
silouckBluesKaj: addnetwork fodler?? camon, go read kde docs12:35
girlafief_: Yes but this one allways removes text and has close and activate window when hovering thumbnail like 7's explorer shell12:35
BluesKajsilouck, you're the guy who wants to configure samba ...you read them :)12:36
siloucki simply asked about configuring samba in kde control panel, a thing that sued to exist in kde3, amd now you BluesKaj appear divagating12:36
afief_girl: very nice... I wonder why this stuff isn't added as options to the default plasmoid12:36
girlyofel: Thanks new package works ... Silly of me not to refresh archive package cache12:36
girlafief_: You can try it out with sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-smooth-tasks12:36
BluesKajsilouck, you ust need to add samba to the network in edit applications , if that's what you mean12:37
silouckBluesKaj: seams i dont speak english...12:38
BluesKajappear divagating? silouck ...what's that mean?12:38
silouckBluesKaj: divagate, go see a dictionary12:39
BluesKajsilouck, are you using an online translator , if so ...maybe you should join the chat in your native language whatever that may be.12:41
soeeis it normal that blur effect on panel disappear for a moment when switching wirtual desktops?12:42
konquiI have this issue with kopete that has been bothering me since KDE 3X and all the way to KDE 4.7. Yahoo Chat supports contacting windows live users. However when I send something to a live user, he/she never receives the message12:42
konquican anyone help me... with pidgin it works fine12:44
konquisoee: happens with me too12:44
konquisoee: but its very quick12:44
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konquiany ideas with my issue12:48
BluesKajkonqui, not many questions lately about kopete and IM apps12:49
konquiguess I'll still be using pidgin for Yahoo for a while12:50
BluesKajkonqui, well, whatever works for you, there's no law saying kopete must be used12:51
konquiBluesKaj: I know that! just that I prefer Kopete's interface but that glitch really bothers me12:52
BluesKajsorry konqui , never use it ...maybe someone else can help you12:53
konquiBluesKaj: any qt alternative to kopete with a good enough interface?12:54
BluesKajkonqui, for IM , maybe amsn emesen12:56
konquiBluesKaj: Thanks for your help12:56
BluesKajkonqui, not qt tho afaik12:57
sinclairkonqui: I think you have to wait for KDE Telepathy to mature12:58
konquisinclair: I guess so12:58
BluesKajkonqui, http://qt-apps.org/?xcontentmode=423212:58
konquiBluesKaj: I'll try that12:59
sinclairkonqui: you can not log in to MSN w your Yahoo id? Just guessing, I have separate accounts myself12:59
sinclairkonqu: using same email though12:59
konquisinclair: I am aware of that I have already done that12:59
sinclairkonqu: OK13:00
cherDoes something like ALP (Sun Ray) exist for Kubuntu? Or is it possible to keep a desktop over logon / logoff with xdmcp these days?13:00
BluesKajkonqui, vacuum perhaps13:00
konquiBluesKaj: thats jabber13:01
BluesKajsinclair, I just use googletalk if I need to IM ...simple and fast and works with windows , don't understand the need for  a qt app13:09
sinclairblueskaj: I have around 5 different IM accounts (if you count Skype) and all can be managed from Kopete13:10
sinclairincluding GTalk13:11
BluesKajand windows live ?13:11
sinclairblueskaj: yes13:11
sinclairyou mean Live Messenger right?13:11
sinclairblueskaj: poor support for video generally though, Kopete not actively updated13:12
sinclairblueskaj: but my connection so slow can not really use videocalls anyhow ;-)13:13
BluesKajI guess so  i'm not a big IM user , is there a diff between live messenger and windows live13:13
BluesKajwe use skype as well ...for talking with my kids etc13:14
BluesKajskype static works here13:14
sinclairblueskaj: MSN, Live, Windows messenger same thing, different generations13:16
sinclairblueskaj: for various reasons I am on ICQ, MSN/Live, Yahoo, GTalk, FBook, Skype13:17
sinclairall via Kopete13:17
BluesKajbut not irc ?13:17
sinclairno irc in Kopete AFAIK13:17
BluesKajsinclair, ^13:17
AlexZionyeah but skype for example , is used to control any comunication around the world , especially now ...., I'd like to have something really free  and open standard , like sip for example...., but in my case it doesn't works very well  unfortunatelly ....13:18
BluesKajsinclair, right , guess I'm thinking of pidgin ...tried it waaay back , but I've always preferred dedicated apps ...13:20
BluesKaj<konversation for IRC13:21
sinclairquassel is what I use13:21
sinclairfor irc13:21
sinclairand I agree on skype.. have tried Jitsi but "noone to talk to"13:21
BluesKajquassel works well , just don't care for the "look"13:22
BluesKajAlexZion, SIP , could you expand on that ?13:23
szalQuassel isn't too bad, but for now I prefer Konversation13:25
AlexZionwell I'm using a sip account which is an open standard , so it means I can use this account with any sofware I like that manage it , like ekiga, qutekome, linphone , etc......13:25
* szal doesn't care much about open or closed standard.. much more important, imho, are the terms of use13:26
AlexZionthe point is that I tried it few times , but to talk with friend (using Qutecom in my case), the audio isn't so good .....13:26
AlexZionI really think that sip protocol , should be well implemented in any linux system ...., I hate to talk with friend and be sure that someone is always recording me  for their prupose ....., like marketing for example or even worst .... "to label" people around the world .......13:29
AlexZioncan you imagine .... !?! any single word written in skype has to pass in microshit server ...., which is a corporation that cooperate since ever with pentagon ......., can you imagine why they bougth skype !?! , anyway I think  this is completelly  off topic , so ..... forgive me for that ....., I will shut up .... :)13:33
AlexZionrestart time after driver upgrade , I'll back in few minutes, hopefully ...13:36
AlexZionafter uprading nvidia driver , using the reccomended one, I can't get in, just in the safe mode ....., now I'm trying to change a bit the xorg.conf, to see what happend ...., any other idea ?13:53
James147AlexZion: nvidia-xconfig  ^^13:54
petetei'm using this updated drivers13:54
peteteyou could try those13:55
AlexZionit's funny because averything seems to works , I mean I can hear the sound of the normal system , but on my screen , just remain on the splash screen ....13:55
ubuntu____hello all. Am trying to install kubuntu 11.0 using live cd. I see i have 4 partitions and am not able to install this kubuntu now.Can someone help me delete some and with this instalation?13:56
AlexZionpetete: so you think I can trust these packages ?13:57
peteteim using them, its just kernel and driver updates13:57
petetebut im using ati, so idk if it will help you13:58
prowerhello :> i'm getting the following error from kpackagekit as of today: E: Error http://extras.ubuntu.com natty Release.gpg13:58
ubuntu____am I on freenode?13:58
prowerSomething wicked happened resolving ':http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)13:58
AlexZionanyway , just for curiosity I try to restart with new xorg.conf , and if doesn't works , I'll try it ....13:58
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prower(upgrading using apt-get or aptitude works fine)13:58
mika__hi guys, i've just upgraded to 4.7, but akonadi doesn't work... it doesn't start, and without it it's now impossibile to use kmail...any way to fix this ?14:05
BluesKajubuntu____ you have to decide which partitions you need , then use the partitioner on the live cd14:07
szal4.7 using new kdepim?14:08
mika__szal: nope, old one, kdepim 4.7 is in the experiment ppa14:09
szalah, good14:09
AlexZionnoway guys, so what you suggest me ...., try the unofficial repo for kernel and driver , or purge everything and reinstall the oldone !?!14:11
sinclairmika_: then akonadi should have no connection to KMail?14:13
bigbrovarsinclair: sorry for not getting back to u earlier, kde 4.7 installed fine14:14
bigbrovarwas able to upgrade without any issues14:14
bigbrovaralthough I did have to create a new user just to see it from a vanila state. still all seem to be working as they should14:15
bigbrovarsurprisingly indexing has been silent no cpu spikes14:15
mikkytrionzehello room14:15
mikkytrionzenew up in here14:15
mikkytrionzeand just wondering what i can get from kubuntu irc14:15
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sinclairbigrovar: yofel helped me find my problem, it was a "leftover" from attempt to use Kontact 4.614:17
sinclairso have also upgraded successfully14:17
mikkytrionzeprogrammers in the room that have handled android before14:17
sinclairhave some funny issues with my Task Manager, otherwise all seems well14:18
BluesKajAlexZion, make sure nvidia-current driver is actually installed , sudo apt-cache policy nvidia-current14:18
sinclairand they not important, so to speak14:18
AlexZionupgrading to kde 4.7 , I just get few annoing things , few plasmoid diesn't save their position for example, and some settings about kde too (like the text beside icon which I don't really like)...14:19
AlexZionBluesKaj: nvidia-current 270.41.06-0ubuntu1 , so should be ok  !?!14:20
mika__kubuntu is really fucked up...... akonadi doesn't seem to work... neither the old and the new 4.7 version14:21
BluesKajAlexZion, yes , that's it14:21
AlexZionanyway I had few kde upgrade to do and I did , so let me check if something is changed ...14:21
BluesKajmika__, watch the language pls14:21
AlexZionI'll be back in few minutes ....14:22
AlexZionso ..., my laptop doesn't like this driver ....14:30
szalwhat driver?14:30
sinclairmika_: try from command  line start akonadi w akonadict start (might have to akonadictl stop first)14:30
sinclairgives lots of output14:30
AlexZionwhat do you suggest me ? , try the unofficial repo or go back to the old one ?14:30
sinclairmika_:sorry should be akonadictl start14:31
AlexZionszal: the nvidia driver I just upgrade  to recomended one , but I can get in just in safe mode , so without 3D acceleration14:31
szalAlexZion: what card?14:32
AlexZionnvidia geforce go 7300 on a asus z92j laptop, about5 years old14:33
szalshouldn't be a problem14:33
BluesKajAlexZion, drop to a tty , sudo service kdm stop , sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current ...the update may have caused a prob14:33
szal+ 'sudo nvidia-xconfig' + reboot14:34
AlexZionok I'll try ....14:34
AlexZionI simply can't do it , because I have just wireless connection, and rigth now I don't have access to the router to connect the LAN , and I have no idea about using wireless in text mode .... :(14:38
AlexZionI can try to reinstall the driver without stop the kdm service !?!14:40
soeeany oneiric users here ?14:40
szalsoee: -> #ubuntu+114:40
BluesKajAlexZion, it won't reinstall without stopping kdm14:41
soeeAlexZion, what drivers ?14:41
AlexZionreally !?! , I already give the command on the konsole ... :O14:41
AlexZionand seems to be installing .... BluesKaj14:42
BluesKajhmm\, maybe the  --reinstall command stops kdm ...14:44
AlexZionmaybe I found the problem .... , unbeliavable ....., I was using burg instead of grub , and I saw just now that was using the old kernel .....14:48
AlexZionnow I'll try with grub and the new kernel .....14:48
soeeok i must ask one more q: who upgraded to KDE 4.7 on 11.04 with nvidia card, and can feel that kwin is faster etc ?14:50
BluesKajsoee, I havent noticed any diff14:51
soeeBluesKaj, nor the slowness ?14:52
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone14:54
BluesKajsoee, it's plenty fast , but his is a 4 yr old dual core plain jane HP desktop with 3G RAM , so it's not a benchmark pc :)14:54
BluesKajhis =this14:55
soeewell im on c2d with 2 gb ram :)14:55
phoenix_firebrdi am trying out kde-telepathy, while i was setting up my yahoo account i came across an option locale for room, does that mean kde-telepathy supports yahoo chat rooms, if so where can i get the list of chat rooms14:57
AlexZionok , same problem with new kernel..., I'd like to completely remove any nvidia driver on my system , and clean up any settings ...., should I use purge for that ?14:58
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: what happened15:00
AlexZionI install the reccomended nvidia driver , but I can't get in my system ....., after the login screen , the system seems to start normally but I can't use it because the display remain on the splashscreen.....15:01
kbroulikwuhu, upgrading to 4.7 - it will uninstall kdebase-workspace-bin? o.O15:02
AlexZionso now I'd like to remove everything about nvidia , and try with a fresh installation ....15:02
BluesKajAlexZion, did you notice if dkm rebuilt the nvidia driver while you were upgrading the kernel?15:02
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: can you start your desktop in recovery mode?15:02
AlexZionanthan if doesn't works ...., do again reinstalling the old driver ...15:02
AlexZionfrom the login screen , I can select safemode and it works .....15:03
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: do it15:03
BluesKajerr dkms15:03
James147AlexZion: try a new user15:03
AlexZionI did , I'm in in this way .. :)15:03
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: one sec15:03
James147AlexZion: most likly a config problem with your user15:04
AlexZionI don't know , anyway I already remove the driver ...., I'd like to clean up .....15:04
James147AlexZion: try creating a new user and see if it works with them...15:05
AlexZionand then reinstallig it ...., if doesn't works again I'll try it15:05
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: backup the xorg.conf and delete it15:05
AlexZionso should I reinstall the driver without cleaning !?!15:05
BluesKajodd , my old nvidia 7600gt works fine ...it's based on the 730015:05
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: you sure you uninstalled it?15:05
James147phoenix_firebrd: its unlikly a xorg problem if x starts15:05
AlexZionyes , using jokey , or maybe is just deactivated ....15:06
phoenix_firebrdJames147: he is not able to start x server15:06
* James147 got the impression kdm was started...15:06
AlexZionsure phoenix_firebrd !?! the login screen is not already Xserver ?15:07
phoenix_firebrdJames147: he means the grub menu as login screen15:07
James147AlexZion: does kdm start?15:07
James147(the login manager15:07
AlexZionand anyway I can hear the sound of a normal start , but I can't just see what's going on because the splash remain on top of it ...15:07
James147AlexZion: then create a new user and see if they have the same problem15:07
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: how did you uninstall the driver15:08
James147problems between kdm and the session are normal userlevel config related15:08
AlexZionnew user means , to reconfigure everything James147 ....., maybe is better go back to the old one .... !?!15:08
James147AlexZion: no, just to test15:09
James147AlexZion: see if the problem is with the settings then you can find the offending config and fix it...15:09
AlexZionok so let me reinstall the driver ..15:09
James147AlexZion: but there is no point in looking of the new user dosnt work...15:09
phoenix_firebrdJames147: yesterday i tried the nvidia driver in 11.10, it doesnt work15:11
James147phoenix_firebrd: if kdm is running then the driver is working15:12
phoenix_firebrdJames147: ya15:12
phoenix_firebrdJames147: but i dont think the kdm is running15:12
James147phoenix_firebrd: and since its a problem with the slashscreen that indicates that x is running so probally not a driver issue15:12
AlexZionyeah , I think that try to change my old and trusted driver (even with some ugly stuff) was a huge mistake ... :D15:12
phoenix_firebrdJames147: he mean to say the plymouth splash screen :)15:13
James147AlexZion: You also upgraded to kde 4.7?15:13
James147AlexZion: Do you get to the login screen?15:13
BluesKajand a new kernel as well15:13
AlexZionyeah James147 I did yesterday and everything was perfectly normal before upgrading driver15:13
yofelkbroulik: you should get kde-workspace-bin instead15:14
phoenix_firebrdJames147: i was not able to install the kdelibs4, its removing the whole desktop15:14
phoenix_firebrdyofel: is kde-telepathy packaged with 11.10?15:14
kbroulikyofel: i will see :D if I restart and plasma doesnt show up, I know why :D15:14
James147phoenix_firebrd: isnt the current one kdelibs5?15:14
yofelkdelibs4? you mean 5?15:14
yofelphoenix_firebrd: not yet, Quintasan was working on PPA packages at least15:15
AlexZionyeah James147 I get the normal login screen , and after that , comes the splash , and remain there forevere ... :), even if the system shoudl start normally for what I hear ....., any sound  like always15:15
phoenix_firebrdJames147: only kdelibs4 was available, i will doubl,e check15:15
phoenix_firebrdyofel: oh, ok15:15
draikHello all. How do I configure the display size of my 2nd display (HDMI tv), as it is currently bigger than the screen size.15:15
James147AlexZion: then its most likly a user config issue... i bet it will work wiht a new user... and isnt driver related15:15
AlexZionok , so done ...., I'll restart and log in with new user ...., hopefully it will works ...15:16
AlexZionI'll be back in few minutes ... ;)15:16
phoenix_firebrdJames147: if it happens by what you say, my perception of nvidia drivers will change15:17
Quintasanphoenix_firebrd: Yes, I will finish uploading stuff today15:22
phoenix_firebrdQuintasan: thanks buddy15:23
draikWhere can I configure the screen to be within the tv's display area?15:26
AlexZionJames147: noway to login the new user ......, when ask me for a new password , I simply can't write the newone .....15:29
James147AlexZion: ^^ ... ummm, I would just set it on command line15:30
James147alt+ctrl+f1 and login there, then alt+ctrl+f7 and try login into kdm again15:30
James147(assuming the command line asks you to set it... if not then run "passwd" after lggin in)15:31
AlexZiondo you know what , I'll try the old driver ..., I already spent too many hours for a such a stupid thing .....15:31
James147AlexZion: I wont take long to see ^^15:31
AlexZionyeah but I'll be again in the safe mode ...., so .....15:31
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: one sec15:31
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: you could erase our doubts15:31
AlexZionI hope so ...., so the days wouldn't be totally waste ....15:32
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: can you tryu it please15:32
AlexZionok I try ...15:32
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: thanks15:32
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:33
afief_Didn't mark put some plans to move away from X? Any schedule set for that?15:34
marxjohnsonafief_: When Wayland is ready, presumably15:35
afief_marxjohnson: lets hope it gets there before hurd then :-)15:35
afief_but I think I recall him saying somrthing about a specific Ubuntu version... just don't remember which15:36
phoenix_firebrdwayland will solve all these issue of xorg i guess15:37
BluesKaji heard grub was going to be integrated or linked to wayland , no more splash just login [15:39
phoenix_firebrdi am not aware of that15:39
afief_BluesKaj: Is that even possible? Wayland depends on an OS running under it providing drivers, grub comes before the OS15:40
afief_phoenix_firebrd: and it'll introduce its own set of neuiances15:41
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: he he15:41
phoenix_firebrdafief_: he he15:41
BluesKajafief_, according to an article I read , that's exactly the problem, drivers are to preload or simultaneously so wayland can take advantage15:42
AlexZionphoenix_firebrd: noway to get it with new user ....15:43
AlexZionnot even after a restart ....15:43
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: i will help you to get the nvidia off15:43
BluesKajthe whole idea is to simplify the boot , afief_15:43
yofelAlexZion: maybe the others already asked, but is 'kubuntu-desktop' installed?15:43
phoenix_firebrdha ha ha15:44
afief_BluesKaj: could you provide a link to the article? If I understand it correctly we're looking into a huge re-design here15:44
AlexZionyes of course is it , I'm using it in safe mode ...15:44
phoenix_firebrdyofel: nice one, i came across a similar one :)15:44
BluesKajafief_, yup, lemme look15:44
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: at safe mode, use this command to uninsatlll the nvidia driver " sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current"15:45
yofelAlexZion: sorry, we had someone yesterday that couldn't login, and that was his problem ^^15:45
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: after that backup and delete the xorg.conf15:45
AlexZionok phoenix_firebrd and what about the old driver !?! do you think should I remove as well !?! , or it's automatically done when I installed the newone !?!15:47
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: is the old driver working?>15:47
AlexZionI don't know yet , now after unistall the newone , on jokcey seems to be using the old one ....15:48
AlexZionbut I didn't rename the xorg yet ...15:48
yofelwith xorg.conf the old one might work15:48
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: if you have time , try the old one, if not just uninstall it15:48
phoenix_firebrdi am starting to love the nouveau drivers15:50
AlexZionok let's try the oldone with the old xorg.conf ....., I restart , see you soon ....15:50
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: good luck15:50
AlexZionok phoenix_firebrd , everything back to normal with the old driver and the old xorg15:55
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: very good, enjoy15:56
AlexZionexcept for some stipid things of kde , like change the position of some plasmoid averytime ...15:56
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: did kde-jockey suggested a new driver?15:56
AlexZionlet me check ...15:56
BluesKajafief_, I seemed to have misplaced the bookmark or lost it ...sorry , could have been mere speculation ...too good to be true perhaps... it's been a while since i read it15:57
AlexZionphoenix_firebrd: yes , the reccomemded is the newone ....15:57
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: are they trying something like the chrome os?15:57
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: oh ok.15:58
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: what is the current verison?15:58
afief_BluesKaj: it is indeed too good to be true. But who knows? if Linux can run on on embeded stuff it can perhaps do grub stuff too15:58
afief_arpan: hi15:58
arpani am trying to upgrade to latest 4.7 packages and getting this error15:58
AlexZionand it's funny because says thet the old driver is not used , but actually I get full 3D acceleration .... , what's going on .... ?15:58
arpani'm on natty 11.04 with kde 4.6.515:59
arpanafief: hi, can you look into the output I linked above? thanks!16:00
AlexZionphoenix_firebrd: 173.14.3016:00
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: what card you are using?16:01
AlexZiongeforce go 7300 phoenix_firebrd16:01
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: ok16:01
arpanCan anyone help with solving this deps? http://paste.ubuntu.com/655177/16:02
AlexZionphoenix_firebrd: should I be worried about jockey says that the driver is not in use !?!16:02
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: does it say that any of the driver is active?16:03
AlexZionno driver active for jockey ....., but I get 3d acceleration works fine ...16:04
afief_arpan: I don't know, haven't upgraded myself yet16:04
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: how do you know that16:04
AlexZionwell , the compositing effects ...., normally when cannot use the driver , doesn't works ...16:05
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: the funny thing is my kde-jockey too says that my driver is not active, but it works fine , so dont worry about that16:05
arpanafief_: no probs, thanks anyway :)16:06
BluesKajafief_, do you know anyone who has tried wayland ?16:06
AlexZionok ....., maybe jockey smoked too much joint in the last few days ... :D16:06
phoenix_firebrdAlexZion: :)16:06
afief_BluesKaj: nope, but I might try it once my semester is finally over16:07
grawcho_hey ... dose anyone have an idea when bluedevil 1.2 is due to be released?16:09
phoenix_firebrdgrawcho_: goto to kubuntu-devel ,there the bluedevil developer is present as afiestas, ask him16:11
BluesKajafief_,  I'm curious about wayland , and I have another linuxbox that I might try to experiment on... maybe in a day or 216:13
afief_BluesKaj: cool! I really want the semester to end so I can start hacking on my season of kde project :(16:14
grawcho_phoenix_firebrd: thanks16:14
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-x/2011-February/001062.html16:14
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: are you going to try it natty?16:17
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, I might,  later next week ..but if I do I'll definitely ley ppl know  :)16:19
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i will try it today in 11.10, if it is available16:21
AlexZionok guys , I'm going away...., thanks again for your support and for everything else ... ;)16:24
bassehi, is there a way to make the default kde videoplayer deinterlace video automaticly when played?  i'm using digikam to organize videos, and dont really know what player comes when i double click.. dragonplayer?16:54
CodenameStrikeAnyone? I hear knetworkmanager is deprecated or some sort?17:10
LinkmasterCodenameStrike: knetworkmanager is getting better every release17:13
CodenameStrikeWell I'd like to know what to do in order to see the network applet or something in the panel17:14
CodenameStrikesince I just upgraded KDE to 4.7.17:14
CodenameStrikeCurrently I don't have the network-manager-kde package17:14
CodenameStrikeit's not installable.17:14
LinkmasterThats strange17:15
LinkmasterBut you have internet?17:15
CodenameStrikeI do have it17:16
CodenameStrike"network-manager-kde : Depends: knm-runtime (= 0.9~svngit20110408-0ubuntu2) but 0.9~svngit20110728-0ubuntu3~natty1~ppa3 is to be installed"17:16
CodenameStrikeI mean, internet, of course. Silly me.17:16
CodenameStrikebut that message...17:16
CodenameStrikeAt first, KNetworkManager refuses to start and died on me, then I uninstalled it and upgraded the knm-runtime package17:17
LinkmasterAnd you say its not installable?17:17
CodenameStrikewell that message from the terminal says so...17:17
CodenameStrikeI just posted it17:17
LinkmasterDid you try an apt-get update, upgrade, dist-upgrade at all?17:18
CodenameStrikeWait I'll retry17:19
CodenameStrikeI mean17:19
CodenameStriketry that... again.17:19
LinkmasterI don't know why it might be doing that, knm is working fine for me17:19
CodenameStrike... No luck17:19
LinkmasterTry asking in #kde, or wait for someone more experienced than I to come around17:20
darthanubiskde 4.7 sweet!17:22
CodenameStrikeSo the #kde guys made me return...17:23
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Guest87206hey guys..17:26
Guest87206anyone here uses linux mint?17:27
ikonia!mint | Guest8720617:27
ubottuGuest87206: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:27
Guest87206btw, how do i change my alias..17:27
Guest87206they sent me here, sad...17:28
ikoniaGuest87206: for irc help, try in #freenode17:28
Guest87206i'll ask the question, i hope it's general enough17:28
ikoniaGuest87206: please don't17:28
ikoniaGuest87206: we don't support mint here, use the mint support resources17:28
Guest87206ok, sry, y?17:29
ikoniabecause mint has it's own support resources, that is the correct place to get support17:29
Guest87206*tear* ok..17:29
CodenameStrikeWell apparently the #kde guys pointed me to the plasma network management plasmoid17:30
CodenameStrikebut thanks and goodnight17:30
Guest87206where can i get straight kde help?17:30
LinkmasterCodenameStrike: I think I'm the confused one, I thought you were referring to the widget17:30
ikoniaGuest87206: no, you are running mint17:30
Guest87206in kde..17:31
phoenix_firebrdi see lot of dependency related issues in kde 4.7 upgrade :(17:31
CodenameStrikeLinkmaster: I guess I should be clear, but I think I did mention I was attempting to run the KNetworkManager application17:31
Guest87206so.. any kde help places?17:31
ikoniaGuest87206: I suggest you look at freenode.net for the available channel list17:31
LinkmasterCodenameStrike: no, you were clear with what you said, as I said, I was confused. I've been using the widget the entire time, not the actual application17:31
CodenameStrikeWell no worries17:32
Guest87206kk, thx, *waves* bye kubuntu ppls17:32
CodenameStrikeI just tend to get into such problems only to... figure out the solution later after asking here and there17:32
yofelCodenameStrike: ah, knetworkmanager was dropped by upstream, they only support the plasma widget now17:33
CodenameStrike... I really should pick up the habit of always looking into Synaptic when in doubt :)17:33
phoenix_firebrdyofel: this was way back right?17:33
CodenameStrikeI do hope I can get an extra machine to play around with installing Kubuntu from way down, from the CLI base17:34
CodenameStrikewell thanks again and goodnight17:34
yofelnot really, the snapshot for the natty release still shipped knm, but we needed a newer snapshot for 4.7 and that has knm removed17:34
CodenameStrikework tomorrow as usual.17:34
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok17:35
telitiHello. I just tried to copy an iso-image to a stick with startupdisk creator but it rejects accepting *iso files. Is there something missing in the default install?18:04
OerHeksis your stick formatted fat 16/32 ?18:04
telitiNo. ext4fs18:05
OerHeksah, this is the cause, i think.18:05
OerHeksreformat it as fat32 and it should be oke18:05
telitiwith mkfs.msdos?18:06
OerHeksi usually use the filemanager, right mouse on the stick, etc18:07
telitithx :-)18:07
tobagothe vim syntax highlighting looks awful on my kubuntu. how to modify it?18:16
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tobagowhy is vim on kubuntu natty narwhal broken?19:02
yofeltobago: define broken19:09
tobagoyofel: i can't yank and paste lines between two files (opened in different tabs)19:10
tobagoyofel or even opening a file yanking usgin visual mode, closing it snd opening another and pasting it: the register " is empty.19:11
tobagoyofel on another ubuntu machine it works.19:11
asdfqqI'm installing Kubuntu 11.04, but the installer doesn19:12
asdfqqoops, it doesn't move from 86%, it is there like 25 min.19:13
yofeltobago: works fine for me...19:13
tobagommh. can you paste your .vimrc?19:13
tobagoyofel ^^19:13
tobagoyofel or did you configure anything?19:13
yofelI did ofc. ^^ http://paste.kde.org/103789/19:14
asdfqqwhat can I do to know if it broken, or how can I make it advance?  86% is: Restoring previously installed packages19:15
tobagoyofel are u on VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 ?19:20
yofelyep, version 7.3.3519:20
tobagoyofel btw. the "set scrolloff=3" is pretty awesome.19:21
tobagoyofel but i can't find any line that configs the register in some way.19:22
tobagommh. what the hell is broken?19:22
yofelI don't think I change anything there19:23
dbc254downloaded the new adobe flash 11 tar.gz uncompressed it, but there's no install file19:23
BluesKajdbc254, why , just install kubuntu-restricted-extras or flashplugin-installer19:24
BluesKajdbc254, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras , in the terminal , or use kpackagekit19:26
afief_Does anybody know how to install subclipse on Eclipse in kubuntu 11.10 ?19:28
WayneBlackmonExcuse me, I've got a dual monitor setup. An older Cinema Display and an emachines E19T6W. The emachines is working just fine, yet even though I've used the Cinema Display with the Linux install before it doesn't seem to recognize it.19:36
WayneBlackmonI'm running Kubuntu 11.0419:36
WayneBlackmonHello? Is anyone actually listening?19:40
BluesKajWayneBlackmon, Cinema Display? could you elaborate , I'm not familiar with that.19:40
WayneBlackmonIt is an Apple Cinema Display from 2005.19:41
BluesKajlike an Imac ? ..din't know, it accepted other input signals19:43
WayneBlackmonBack in 2005 the external monitors (the ones for the PowerMac or you might know it as a MacPro) used DVI so, kinda I suppose. The iMacs are all in ones. The MacPros and PowerMacs are towers with replacable, configurable monitors.19:44
WayneBlackmonAnyway though, in any case, Kubuntu 11.04, regardless of the fact I know it supports multiple monitors, is not detecting it.19:46
WayneBlackmonI've already checked all connections and it works on this machine when I boot to my Windows drive.19:46
BluesKajok, understood , try , sudo lshw -C video , to see if it it's even listed19:47
WayneBlackmonNope - it's not showing.19:48
WayneBlackmonActually, it specifically says:   *-display19:51
WayneBlackmon       description: VGA compatible controller19:51
WayneBlackmon       product: NV44 [GeForce 7100 GS]19:51
WayneBlackmon       vendor: nVidia Corporation19:51
WayneBlackmon       physical id: 019:51
WayneBlackmon       bus info: pci@0000:02:00.019:51
FloodBotK1WayneBlackmon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:51
BluesKajWayneBlackmon, yeah , that's your graphics card ..19:52
WayneBlackmonMy graphics card usually gives no problems. But that's all it says.19:52
WayneBlackmonShould I try maybe updating my drivers??19:55
BluesKajWayneBlackmon, did you choose the recommended driver in addtional drivers?19:58
WayneBlackmonYes I did - I just got to looking around, opened the NVIDIA X Server settings and it shows my Cinema. It had it disabled for some reason, so thankfully the problem resovled itself.19:59
BluesKajWayneBlackmon, glad to hear that19:59
WayneBlackmonThanks for trying to help me there BluesKaj. I truly do appreciate it.20:00
BluesKajnp , WayneBlackmon20:00
WayneBlackmonHey, BluesKaj, how do I restart the Xserver? (I'm a little rusty at the moment, lol)20:01
BluesKajWayneBlackmon, drop to a tty , ctrl,alt,f1 , then sudo service kdm stop , then , sudo service kdm start , then ctrl,alt, f7 or f820:04
KaleidoscopeWhen I use Dolphin to transfer music to my MP3 player, All the songs I added are cutting out about 2/3rds of the way through, Anyone got an idea why this might happen?20:09
BluesKajWayneBlackmon , any luck ?20:23
WayneBlackmonYeah, I'm having troubles now though because the transparency on the panels just disabled out of the blue.20:24
WayneBlackmonI don't know if it can't be transparent with multi monitors or not.20:24
BluesKajdepends on the desktop theme you chose20:26
WayneBlackmonI've got Air on.20:26
BluesKajair isn't transparent ..oxygen as well20:28
* yofel thought air was transparent..20:29
WayneBlackmonI don't understand - it was transparent when I used it before adding the second monitor.20:29
WayneBlackmonAnd it was when I had used the Mac monitor before hand as well.20:29
yofelcheck the desktop effects, maybe kwin disabled itself20:29
yofeler, disabled compositing20:29
cheryofel: If air is really transparent is heavily dependent on the amount of f*rts ;-) (j/k)20:29
WayneBlackmonWell compositing is enabled.20:30
yofelwell, I don't use it so won't disagree :P20:30
cheryofel: Good return, my respect!20:31
cherDoes something like ALP (Sun Ray) exist for Kubuntu? Or is it possible to keep a desktop over logon / logoff with xdmcp these days?20:32
BluesKajWayneBlackmon, glassified is transparent20:33
WayneBlackmonHmm...I don't see glassified. When I first installed Kubuntu it was transparent though. :p20:33
WayneBlackmonI've found things are crazy now a days.20:34
WayneBlackmonI suppose I'll just have to live with opacity.20:34
BluesKajjust dl more themes20:34
WayneBlackmonI'll do that too, eventually.20:35
WayneBlackmonI've been meaning to get to work on my own, never quite got going on it as I'd like to though.20:35
WayneBlackmonand that may be partially because I never took the time to figure out where to start.20:35
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vbgunz_when you miss a divider or a scroller and click elsewhere you grab the whole window and move it. how do I turn that off?20:54
WayneBlackmonWell my transparency came back.20:56
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
vbgunz_I found it. system settings > common appearance.. > application appearance > style > applications > configure. windows drag mode is there.21:06
ShirakawasunaI'm not sure if that's changeable, vbgunz_ (unless someone else already replied)21:08
ShirakawasunaI see in systemsettings > window behavior > window actions, it lumps together the settings for 'inner window, titlebar, and frame'21:08
Shirakawasunahas anyone here gotten google calendar to work with kdepim?  I've tried several guides and always fail.21:13
vbgunz_Shirakawasuna: I just posted the answer to dragging windows around by accident21:13
Shirakawasunavbgunz_: I missed it, what was it?21:13
vbgunz_one sec21:14
vbgunz_[17:06] <vbgunz_> I found it. system settings > common appearance.. > application appearance > style > applications > configure. windows drag mode is there.21:14
vbgunz_I remember looking for this several times and always failing to find it21:14
tobagosomeone familiar with vim?21:15
afief_Shirakawasuna: I remember getting it to work through akondai, but that was at the begining of the 4.6 release21:16
Shirakawasunavbgunz: that's a really weird place to have that option21:21
vbgunzShirakawasuna: yeah, it's all spread out21:22
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
cyphacan I make a window grow in step-wise fashion horizontally or vertically??21:34
Linkmastercan you use vlc to download online videos?21:39
kintahi all21:50
kintawhere can I find the default power profiles? I see only performance...22:00
kintaok. I found it22:01
Daskreechcypha: yes22:06
Daskreechmiddle click or right click the maximize button22:07
Daskreechhi kinta22:07
kintahi daskreech22:07
Daskreechvbgunz_: It's in the settings for Kwin22:08
DaskreechDecorations i think? empty space is draggable22:08
DaskreechMight be style22:08
Daskreech Oh you found it never mind :)22:08
Daskreechtobago: question on vim?22:09
Daskreechhi kinta22:10
markithi, 11.04 just installed, added backports ppa, but a full-upgrade wants to remove something like "kdebase-data{a} kdebase-runtime-data{a} kdebase-workspace-bin{a} kdebase-workspace-data{a}"... is a known issue or is it safe and will have kde 4.7 at the end? :)22:17
yofelmarkit: as long as kubuntu-desktop stays installed you're fine22:17
Daskreechmarkit: do you have kubuntu-desktop ?22:18
yofelkdebase has been renamed kdebase-workspace -> kde-workspace style22:18
markitah, I see yofel22:18
Daskreechyofel: To be clear. Quintasan is providing telepathy from PPA but it's not shipping with the KDE 4.7 packages?22:19
yofelDaskreech: right22:20
markitbtw, akonady default backend should be sqlite3 and not mysql! With mysql there is a 150MB empty subdir created for each user... I've a school with 300 students, you figure22:20
yofelIIRC they had issues with sqlite, talk to them in #akonadi22:20
* Daskreech saunters over to Quintasan's bar22:21
Daskreechyofel: speed issues22:21
markityofel: urgh, I've just installed akonadi-backend-sqlite3 package22:21
markitoh, well, I always disable akonady and nepomuk so is not issue :)22:21
Daskreechmarkit: I would guess that there is a "enterprise" shared setup you can configure22:22
markitDaskreech: well, I'm setting up ltsp server with kubuntu, I love kde but default/global settings are a nightmare... badly documented and nothing except a text editor and a lot of tests22:23
markit(you have to modify the setup for a user, find the modified file, diff with previous version, and then try to see if at global level the same setting works)22:24
Daskreechmarkit: What would you like documented?22:24
kinta_is plasma netbook running as it should?22:24
markitDaskreech: for instance, I would like to have thin clients (students) with only "log out" choice in the "Leave" option22:25
markitbut did not found anything to setup22:25
Daskreechah that can be done22:26
DaskreechBut yes there is no documentation on how to do that22:26
Daskreechkinta_: strange question. I think you might be better able to answer that22:26
markitDaskreech: I had some issues really bad for a multiuser environment, if you are a dev and interested I could re-read my notes and list you most of them22:27
markitDaskreech: sending you by email22:27
Daskreechmarkit: how big are these note?22:27
markit(I'm very tired at the moment because I'm fighting with a new installation and had some hardware problems)22:28
Daskreech I can onlyaccept 100MB by attachment ^_^22:28
markitDaskreech: oh, just some lines, lol22:28
markitthere have been less than 10 issues but produced a big loss of time and broken functionality22:28
yofelthere are open bugs for all of them on bugs.kde.org of course? ;)22:29
Daskreechyofel: assumption? :-)22:32
yofelwell, that's why I'm asking22:32
kinta_Daskkreech: I'm sorry, I want to ask if I am the only who have a Segmentation fault when switching the type of workspace to plasma netbook...22:33
yofelI've got enough bugsquad experience to know that assumptions get you knowhere22:33
Daskreechkinta_: hmm what version of KDE?22:33
Daskreechyofel: Yay bugsquad!22:33
* Daskreech hugs yofel22:33
kinta_the last from ppa backport to natty22:34
* yofel tries to switch to netbook22:34
yofelno crash22:35
yofelkinta_: can you please get a backtrace of the crash?22:35
kinta_ok just a minute22:35
kinta_im installing symbols...22:36
TheBuntuon a acer netboot can i make kde panel like on a desktop.. or is the netbook stuck with that crapy look22:38
yofelTheBuntu: in system settings -> workspace behaviour -> workspace you can switch to desktop22:39
TheBuntuyofel: k thanks.... puting this on for my neice her win7 wants to keep starting in repair mode22:40
markityofel: I will produce a list and try to send issues... but often is not a matter of specific bug, but the correct aproach for a safe multiuser environment22:47
yofelyou could send it to the kde-devel mailing list, no idea if anything would happen though22:48
markityofel: like not having thin clients able to hybernate the server :)22:48
yofelyep, *that* is bad ;)22:48
janmalteisn't kmail2 included in the current KDE SC 4.7 for Kubuntu?22:52
kinta_yofel: http://pastebin.com/7123cazn dont know if I have all the dbg packages :(22:52
janmaltei still have version 1.13.x22:52
janmaltethought it should come with this release?22:52
yofeljanmalte: read the release notes on kubuntu.org22:52
yofelkinta_: do you have all updates installed?22:53
janmalteOk, sorry22:54
yofelor at least install kdeplasma-addons-dbg22:54
janmaltei only read the kde news today22:54
kinta_yofel: let me see22:54
janmaltebut is it stable enough for testing in a productiv enviroment?22:54
yofeljanmalte: IMO kdepim 4.7 is fairly usable, but the feedback that we *have* isn't that positive22:54
janmalteok, so settin up kmail2 on a second machine should be safe, no risk to lose all imap mails?22:55
kinta_kdeplasma-addons-dbg is installed22:56
yofelno, the kmail 1 config won't be touched, so even if you upgrade you should in theory be able to downgrade again22:56
yofelit will try to import the old settings of course22:56
janmalteok, thank you for the information. i will test it and hopefully provide some positive feedback :)22:57
yofelkinta_: can you try to move your ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* files away and try then?22:57
yofelkinta_: in any case, IMO that's a KDE issue, so file a bug with drkonqi22:58
kinta_yofel: ok , thanks ;) i'll investigate23:00
bobweaver_hi there I am trying to make it so the obsidian coast color-theme is my default one so when I run something as root say dolphin the color scheme is obsidan coast I have replaced all files in /usr/share/kde4/apps/desktop-theme      and there is no default file ??     there has to be a file that I can swap out right question is where is that file23:14
bazhangbobweaver_, using kubuntu or ubuntu? you're posting in both channels, which makes it confusing23:18
bobweaver_bazhang: kubuntu23:18
bobweaver_bazhang: I see how that could be confusing23:19
linux-beginner-hkmail2 migration crashed... what can I do now?23:20
linux-beginner-hcan I restart the report?23:20

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