
jitaHow can i change the meta key alt of terminal so that it does not interfere with other application's metatag ?07:31
bioterrorfor example?07:32
jitabioterror: like irssi uses alt+number to change the channels. But in lxterminal, it changes the tabs of lxterminal instead of irssi's07:32
bioterrorditch that lxterminal and install rxvt-unicode ;)07:33
bioterrorlike most of us does07:33
jitabioterror: is it better than lxterminal ?07:35
bioterrorI can share my .Xdefaults so that you can get nice gnome-terminals tango theme for colors07:35
jitabioterror: that would be great, thanks07:35
bioterrorput your apt-get working07:35
bioterrorwget that07:36
bioterrorand rename to .Xdefaults07:36
jitabioterror: ok, thanks07:36
bioterrorthen: xrdb -merge .Xdefaults07:36
bioterrorand your urxvt is ready to roll07:36
jitabioterror: does it support tabs ?07:37
bioterrornope, but it's still better ;)07:38
jitabioterror: there is one other called terminator07:43
bioterrorsure there is07:43
jitabioterror: is it any good ?07:43
bioterrorI did not like it07:43
jitabioterror: just out of curiosity, whats the benefits of urxvt over lxterminal ?07:49
bioterroryour precious meta key07:49
jitabioterror: apart from that ?07:51
bioterrorno thanks :(08:46
Valentinexmy audio is not working12:13
Valentinexhow to fix or configure?12:13
Valentinexhow to open volume control settings?12:15
=== JLUC_ is now known as JLUC
JLUCit seems my lubuntu is badly out of order14:39
JLUCwhen booting grup proposes several options none working14:40
JLUCmesssage says disk not ready or not there14:41
JLUCmight be material failure14:41
JLUCi can S to not mount or M to recover14:43
JLUCS says "plymouth  command failed"14:43
JLUCdunno what all this are14:43
JLUCand finishes on empty screen blinking cursor14:44
JLUCif 'M' then i enter a command shell14:45
JLUCwhat to do there ?14:45
JLUCls lists nothing14:46
JLUCcd ..14:47
JLUClists seemingly normal reps14:47
JLUCso disk should be ok14:47
JLUCisnt ?14:48
JLUCsomebody ?14:49
Hoaasno idea :|14:49
JLUCi am no expert14:49
JLUCi got a ubuntu disk there14:50
JLUCwould installing it erase documents ?14:50
JLUClubuntu says ubuntu 10.1014:50
HoaasMaybe. Could probably start it as a live CD though?14:51
HoaasI have no idea anyway :/14:51
JLUCi will try14:51
JLUCmay be chance (?) it is same version14:52
JLUCi could try to save docs14:52
JLUCwhat is the command for getting disk space used recursively in a rep ?14:53
JLUCoh du14:53
=== JLUC is now known as JLuc
Valentinexno sound in my lubuntu, how to change sound settings?15:16
Valentinexhow to install mp3 codecs etc in my lubuntu?15:28
phillwadd the lubuntu-restricted-extras meta15:29
b3nwhi... I went to http://lubuntu.net/ and when I click on "get lubuntu" it gives me Page not found18:01
KM0201b3nw, hang on, checking it.18:12
KM0201b3nw, this is the 32bit, 11.04 ISO...   http://phillw.net/lubuntu-11.04.iso18:13
KM0201not really sure what is wrong w/ lubuntu.net   tell phillw if you see him18:13
KM0201b3nw, fwiw, thats also the live cd.18:13
b3nwya, I found it18:20
b3nwbut figured i'd let someone know18:20
jmarsdenThe /TOPIC of this channel gives http://tinyurl.com/GetLubuntu as the place to go to get Lubuntu.  It works.  There is a broken link on the lubuntu.net site, but the link immediately underneath it works fine...18:29
phillwKM0201: b3nw I do have an outstanding email to their web-master, whilst I do have admin access I have exactly zero knowledge of Drupal which lubuntu.net is built with :(19:04
KM0201phillw: lol, ok... i figured you'd at least know who to contact19:05
phillwI did try to alter it, bit with no experience, I'm more wary of breaking it!19:05
KM0201ii found him th elink anyway, no biggie19:06
phillwKM0201: it is on the topic on this page, but no-one ever reads them :P19:32
KM0201phillw: lmao.19:33
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Welcome to #lubuntu https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu || Download Lubuntu at http://tinyurl.com/GetLubuntu || Need help? http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuDocumentation || Please use #lubuntu-offtopic for general chat || Always follow the channel guidelines - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines
phillwjmarsden: are you familar with drupal?19:40
jmarsdenYes... not used it "for real" but I have installed it for others...19:40
=== EyesIsMine is now known as Eyes|Sleeping
aaasanyone get 11.04 working with virtualbox?21:29
stlsaintaaas: i havent tried sorry21:30
aaasif i start live I get complaints about unity when i try and install from the icon...straight install boots to a command promp21:31
phillwaaas: it runs fine in mine21:32
aaashmmm...windows 7 host?21:32
stlsaintaaas: you trying this with ubuntu or lubuntu?21:32
aaaswindows 7 host21:32
aaaslubuntu guest21:32
stlsaintnope, no windows here man21:33
phillwaaas: I use Oracle VM under linux, sorry - I've never tried Windows :(21:33
jmarsdenI run Lubuntu in Virtualbox under Windows 7 at work and it is fine.  "complaints about unity" ?  Lubuntu does not include unity.21:36
aaasyeah ...strange huh21:36
aaasim trying again21:36
jmarsdenPlease post the *exact* error message .21:36
aaastook forever to boot21:36
aaasnow straight black21:37
aaasit has enought ubuntu architecture..it now says "welcome to UBUNTU"21:38
aaasbut it was booting as "LUBUNTU"21:38
aaasso its not a strech that there might be some word of unity somewhere21:38
jmarsdenaaas: Lubuntu is a flavour of Ubuntu.  What is your point?21:38
aaasubuntu has unity21:38
aaasit says 'ubuntu'21:39
jmarsdenAs one of its developers, I am pretty sure Unity is not included in Lubuntu 11.04 :)21:39
aaasso its not unreasionable that it may have an error regarding unity21:39
aaasim sure it's not21:39
aaasbut are you certain the word 'unity' is no where in the codebase?21:39
jmarsdenI could scan it, but it doesn't seem worth the time.  Can you provide the exact error message for me?21:40
aaasim trying to do an 'install' without doing it through live21:40
aaasif it doesn't work..ill get the error21:40
aaasahh it was 'ubiquity'21:43
aaas'sorry the program ubiquity closed unexpectedly'21:44
aaasthis happens on win721:44
aaasand 6421:44
phillwaaas: not my favourite thing :P21:44
aaaswith virtualbox21:44
aaasnewest version21:44
phillwubiq causes issues for lubuntu. a little too greedy for our target systems :(21:45
jmarsdenOK.  Ubiquity is the GUI installer program being used.  Wait... "newest version" as it a daily ISO of Lubuntu 11.10 Oneiric??21:45
aaasno newest version of virtualbox21:45
aaasim using 11.04 of lubuntu21:46
jmarsdenOK.  I have 4.0.12 at work and Lubuntu 11.04 from the official lubuntu-11.04.iso file.  Works for me.  How much RAM did you allocate to the Lubuntu VM?21:46
aaas>256 <51221:46
aaasand 1gb on the 64bit machine21:47
aaasbut i can try again21:47
aaassorry scratch that21:47
aaas256 on the 64bit machine21:47
jmarsdenOK.  384MB and up should be fine. 256MB or so causes known issues in the installer.21:47
aaasill try again21:47
jmarsdenI have 2GB allocated to mine... :)21:47
phillw256MB will not work :(21:48
aaasis it jsut the install that has this limitation? can it run on 25621:49
jmarsdenCorrect.  You should be able to run in 256MB once installed.21:49
aaastrying now21:50
KM0201your'e not installing 64bit are you?21:50
KM0201that seems kinda pointless w/ only 256mb of ram21:50
aaasi dont think so21:50
aaasdo they have a 64bit version?21:50
jmarsdenThere is an unofficial 64bit ISO.  Read the /topic for a link to the GetLubuntu page...21:51
KM0201aaas: but w/ only 256mb of ram, it tmakes very very little sense21:53
aaasim pretty sure its 32bit21:53
KM0201aaas: oh ok, well you said 256mb on a 64bit machine, a few minutes ago.. so i thought you wer elooking to install 64bit21:54
aaasno 32bit on a 64bit machine21:54
jmarsdenaaas: Allocate your VM more RAM and retry the installation.21:54
aaasbut actually im installing on 32bit..that was only for a test21:54
aaasits running...on a slow eee 1000h atom21:55
KM0201why don't you just boot a live USB, rather than trying to do this in VM, on a machine w/ such limited resources?21:56
aaasok running 'live' brings me to 'welcome to ubuntu 11.04' command prompt it doesnt make it to the desktop21:56
KM0201you can boot the live CD several times (to test, etc..)it's not like you have to install it.21:56
aaasI have ~400 meg allocated21:57
aaas(theres only 1gig on this netbook i think)21:57
KM0201aaas: that system is just o limited (IMO) to reliably run two OS's... again, why not just boot a USB?21:58
KM0201or cd21:59
aaasno cd drive21:59
aaasand i dont see how a usb would make things better21:59
KM0201ok, then live usb.21:59
aaasah you mean as it own21:59
KM0201uh, .. cuz you can boot the usb.. and running two OS's, is a lot harder on a system w/ limited ram, than running 1.21:59
jmarsdenaaas: Because you are then not running Windows underneath Lubuntu :)21:59
aaaswell i need windows at the same time21:59
jmarsdenThen you need more RAM, or a lot of luck.22:00
aaasaccess to acrobat22:00
aaasim hoping for the later22:00
KM0201aaas: ... you do realize Lubuntu has a PDF reader by default don't you?  it's called Evince..22:00
jmarsdenaaas: Run the Windows stuff on the other 64bit box and access it across the network?  rdesktop or whatever?22:00
aaasi need acrobat features22:00
aaasno this is for vacation22:00
KM0201aaas: then install adobe acrobat reader for linux... it's not that difficult22:00
jmarsdenYou need two OSes and special Acrobat features... for a vacation? :)22:01
KM0201jmarsden: sure smells trollish.22:01
aaasthat supports portfolios, inking, editing, etc..22:01
aaaslong story but i could get into it if you want22:01
KM0201aaas: naa, but i can tell you one thing, running 2 OS's, on a machine w/ specs that are that limited, is not going to be very successful.22:02
KM0201fred flinstone didn't think he wouldn't have to push his car w/ his feet, if he put a porche engine in the front..22:02
KM0201one thing for sure, it was harder to push.22:02
aaassorry i have to catch up to that analogy ;)22:03
aaaslooks like dual boot might be my only option22:03
KM0201aaas: think about it.. :)22:03
KM0201aaas: dual boot is your best option, yes.22:03
phillwaaas: there are not too many pdf functions not available in linux now.22:07
phillwI have a fully licensed (and expensive) one for the Mac, I never need it these days.22:07
aaasphillw: well i need a good inking program...I use pdf annotator a lot22:08
aaasi also use the portfolio feature of acrobat and its cleartext ocr22:08
jmarsdenphillw: "Not too many"?  All of these are free in Linux: pdf2dsc pdfatfi pdfetex pdfinfo pdflatex pdfopt pdftexi2dvi pdftoppm pdftotext pdf2ps pdfclose pdffonts pdfjadetex pdfnup pdfroff pdftoabw pdftops pdf90 pdfcrop pdfimages pdfjoin pdfopen pdftex pdftohtml pdftosrc22:09
aaasi think he said 'not available'22:09
aaassomeone's getting defensive ;022:09
jmarsdenAh, I missed the second "not" :)22:10
phillwaaas: have a quick read of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1575308 that was the fastest I could find for you.22:10
aaaswell i was thining more digital ink22:10
* phillw slaps jmarsden with a wet kipper :P22:11
aaasi prefer two comptuers with windows and linux I don't have any limitations that way ;)22:11
* jmarsden grills the kipper and eats it for berakfast :)22:11
phillwaaas: google is your friend, just use the + in front of requiremements... a quick one with digital link gave me http://www.techsupportalert.com/best-free-non-adobe-pdf-reader.htm I take a while to narrow things down :)22:13
aaasit doesn't have digital ink22:14
aaasits ok..pdf annotaor is great22:14
aaasit jsut doesn't have autosave22:14
aaasbut i convinced the devs to implement it ;)22:15

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