
pmatulisjo-erlend_: someone told me the same today, the left pane cannot be removed apparently01:23
jo-erlend_pmatulis, hmm. I think I was able to remove it. What I was thinking of, is that the left pane goes up the the top of the window, but the left pane has a toolbar of sorts. And since that toolbar is dark and left left pane is white, it makes the left pane look awkward.01:25
jo-erlend_otherwise I really like it.01:25
pmatulisjo-erlend_: yes, it also looks awkward01:28
sianhulopeps, i've oneiric ocelot(64bits) i installed gnome-shell but it only shows de wallpaper(but i can launch programs by console)03:15
sianhulolightdm shows me user definied,ubuntu, ubuntu 2d, GNOME classic, GNOMEclassic(without effects), GNOME and recovery console. both gnome classics looks like gnome 2.x with a few changes, unity still works03:17
sianhuloi'd forgotten, when i run "gnome-shell" or "mutter --replace" on console, it tells me "ViolaciĆ³n de segmento (`core' generado)", in english that would be something like"segmentation fault(core dumped)"03:27
sianhulowell, at least someone who hasn't installed gnome shell could tell me which gnome 3 libraries comes with oneiric?03:42
sianhulothanks anyway, i've got to go03:56
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lan3yhi, downloaded the daily about 5 mins ago booted it up keeps asking for password for wifi and install?10:39
lan3yjust me?10:42
lan3ypretty useless build today10:45
lan3yok nevermind, found it here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=181392710:53
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coz_  brb12:45
soeeany oneiric users with KDe 4.7 here14:42
* penguin42 really should upgrade his KDE machine14:50
yofeljust missed him..15:12
dgfgerwhere's appearance applet gone in oneiric?15:56
dgfgerand language settings too15:57
nperrywhatever you are looking for its either in gnome-control-center or gnome-tweak-tool16:05
dgfgerwhy I don't have gnome-tweak-tool?16:23
dgfgerit means I cannot change font without Inrernet connection??16:26
dgfgeralso gnome-tweak-tool pulls in 30mb of dependencies?16:31
dr_willisHmm. It seems every so often my unity settings all get reset.16:41
dr_willisseems like twice now after updateing, unity user settings were reset.  that Ive noticed.16:42
dgfgeralso, why was calendar removed?16:48
dr_williswhat calander? :) i never noticed one16:49
dgfgerwhere you put events and alarms16:51
dgfgertodos this stuff16:51
dr_willismost have never used it.. Only calander i ever look at is the one under the  clock at top right.16:52
dr_willisWould be nice if the OS could auto sync with my google calander like my phone does.. but ive only got perhaps  2 apointments a month.16:52
Ian_Cornedgfger: I think that is part of evolution17:00
Ian_Corneand since it's moving to thunderbird...17:00
zniavrehello im using gnome3.x with classic-session the nm-applet icon still missing, that is a regular situation at this point ?17:01
zniavrecalendar is also "broken" it display empty window17:02
dr_williszniavre,  with gnome-3 'broken' is commonplace..17:06
dr_willisI cant even get it to load up properly. Havent tried this week. :)17:07
IdleOneswitch to Kubuntu17:07
IdleOneit is wonderful17:07
dr_willisI keep trying to use kde.. but it just annoyes me too much.17:08
dr_willisbeen using Lubuntu+awn lately.17:08
bjsnideryou and most people17:08
dgfgerno windows network support still17:09
IdleOnedr_willis: you have to give it a full 30 days.17:09
IdleOneI used to have a hard time with kde also until I gave it the full month trial it deserves17:10
dr_willis30 day money back guarentee. :)17:10
IdleOnesomething like that :)17:10
IdleOnedr_willis: for me it was the muscle memory thing I had with gnome that kept me from testing kde for more then a few days.17:11
IdleOneI finally gave it a real shot and I love it17:11
IdleOnetime for a reboot17:12
dr_willisI think they sould of went real 'bioshockish' with the names. :) Plasmids, and adam, and so on..   the whole 'plasma' thing.. reminds me of my college days donating to get pizza money.17:12
dgfgercan someone explain why no most commonplace network support in august 2011??17:12
dr_willisdgfger,  i dont even know what that term means...17:13
bjsnideri think he's ryinbg to complain about samba17:13
dr_willisYou mean the MS 'standard' that MS keeps changeing? :)17:14
bjsnidernot sure what else he could mean by 'windows network'17:14
dgfgerdr_willis, sure, 2001 was right yesterday17:14
* dr_willis is still not exactly sure what we are talking about...17:15
dgfgeri do not understand why 2011 ubuntu cannot connect to network while xp from 2001 can17:16
bjsnideroneiric is currently an alpha17:17
bjsniderthe latest stable ubuntu version is natty17:17
dr_willisI have XP machines that cant detect my WIn7 box. but ubuntu does.. then win7 can see XP but not Ubuntu...17:18
charlie-tcadgfger: I have it!17:18
dr_willisthen Win95 machines that see them all....17:18
charlie-tcait's because August 2011 is not even here yet!17:18
bjsniderdr_willis, xp can see windows 7 as long as they're both on the same workgroup and windows 7's network settings are configured correctly17:19
dgfgerdr_willis, because no wins server17:19
dr_willisbut i do recall  that win7 should work as a wins server if no others are on the network..   i alwo recall  trying to enable the wins server on the linux box.. but i just basically got the ip/sharenames  all memorized now. so i can just type them in directly17:20
dr_willisHavent fought with it lately. :)17:20
dr_willisI am STILL totally baffaled as to why under the   network:///  location i have 'windows network'  then my one "NAS" server.. is there along side it..17:21
dr_willisperhaps somthing to do with it being a nas.local type address.   $20 nas is seen by most everything on the network correctly. i should make it the wins server.17:22
bjsniderthe workgroup and its contents are displayed side by side as quicklinks17:23
dr_willisright now the only thing appearing under the windows network/workgroup is my NAS server. and i have like 4 other machines on the lan.17:23
bjsniderthey should be displayed there too if it works like it does here17:24
dr_willisfindsmb shows 4  things.17:24
dr_willisbut they are not there alongsde the NAS.17:24
dr_williswell One is a printer.. its showing 'No Workgroup' so thats logical its not there.17:24
dr_willisbut the other 2 are..17:24
dr_willis192.168.1.19    NAS           +[WORKGROUP] [Unix] [Samba 3.0.23c]17:24
dr_willis192.168.1.112   COWBUNTU       [WORKGROUP] [Unix] [Samba 3.5.9]17:24
dr_willissmb filters out the local machine perhaps? that would explain no 'cowbuntu' there.17:25
bjsniderit can't differentiate17:25
dgfgerhell I'm asked for password to connect but it's not accepted17:26
bjsniderit doesn't know if something's a printer, a workstation, or a nas17:26
dr_williswell the printer is (from findsmb)17:27
dr_willis192.168.1.15    BRWC417FE009DB0 Unknown Workgroup17:27
dr_willisso im guessing its skipping that because of the Unknown/unset workgroup for it.17:27
bjsnideris it a brother?17:27
dr_willisVery nice printer. :) got it on sale.17:27
bjsniderit gave itself a stupid network name17:28
bjsniderlet's make it human-readable for god's sake17:28
dr_willis'My Printer'17:28
bjsniderlet me look up mine17:29
bjsnideris what it calls itself17:30
bjsniderso if you've got two networked printers of the same manufacturer on the lan at the same time, how are you supposed to tell them apart?17:34
dr_willisthe # is a serial # i belive thats on the tag on the printer.17:35
dr_willisor in the web interface.17:35
dr_willisand the printer has a 'print stats/specs/info' feature that shows that # i recall.17:35
dr_williswhat if you got 200 networked printers.. :)17:38
dr_williswe must have 200 at our rather small factory.  its often a pain figureing out what one to print to thats righjt next to me.17:39
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your_nick_hereIs there a command I can use to create a new launcher?18:31
trismyour_nick_here: if you have gnome-panel installed, you can use: gnome-desktop-item-edit filename.desktop;, the right-click, create launcher functionality was recently removed18:32
your_nick_hereIs there a command I can use to create a new launcher?18:34
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alex_mayorgawhat does the blue triangle over the "Ubuntu icon" means?22:31
penguin42you've got a little blue triangle?22:35
bjsniderBUGabundo, are you having any samba issues?22:43
BUGabundonot that I recall22:44
BUGabundo11.04 is worse22:44
BUGabundowon't shutdown22:44
BUGabundoeven with the workaround in the wiki22:44
BUGabundoI have 5 CIFS mount points on fstab and its ok22:44
BUGabundoI do get a warning/error of it being depreciated22:44
bjsnidersome guy was in here earlier complaining about it22:45
bjsniderprobably specific to his system22:45
bjsniderat least i think it was samba he was talking about22:45
BUGabundoI haven't done todays updates or rebooted in two days22:45
bjsniderhe wasn't totally clear about it22:45
alex_mayorgapenguin42: yup!22:47
penguin42alex_mayorga: Huh - I get a blue envelope which has a triangular top when there is a message waiting for me - but that's not over the Ubuntu logo22:48
alex_mayorgaI see the little blue triangle on the top left of the screen from time to time, but I've yet to figure what it means22:48
alex_mayorgayeah! the blue envelope I've figured it out22:48
penguin42hmm I wonder what it's doing under your ubuntu logo22:53
DaekdroomI get that triangle too.,23:02
DaekdroomI suspect it happens when there's an application trying to draw attention.23:02
DaekdroomFor example, it happens when Firefox is minimized but I open a link in it through Thunderbird.23:03
penguin42someone has obviously decided blue is notifications23:26

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