
rabe_the documentation is really good, when i think back to when i did that with win7..00:00
rabe_that was totally not worth the effort00:00
stlsaintHA! heck no, know matter how many vLites and kLites they come up with its just not worth it00:01
stlsaintwinbuilder and all that crap00:01
stlsaintcompared to downloading a pre-built iso, chrooting it and simply customizing :D00:01
rabe_oh god, winbuilder..00:01
rabe_that was the worst thing ever to debug00:01
rabe_and the log was quite useless00:02
stlsaintim forced to still use windows tools for random jobs00:02
rabe_i have to use photoshop a lot..00:02
rabe_but else, everything is here00:03
rabe_maybe i get photoshop to run in wine00:05
stlsaintrabe_: just setup a windows virtual machine and run from there00:06
rabe_yeah, but i need more ram00:07
rabe_raw images are a memory hog00:07
truepurplerabe_, How much ram do you have?00:10
rabe_but i installed 32 bit by mistake00:11
stlsaintrabe_: ah, if you are able to run 64 you may want to go ahead and reinstall now before you get all setup and comfortable with your install,00:11
stlsaintyou can always upgrade ram at a later point in time00:12
CLF1charlie-tca:  found error trace by using -f flag and was able to google the error and someone had the solution...all is well00:12
rabe_clf1, gratz00:12
rabe_where can i change the window buttons to be on the right side?00:25
nit-witrabe_, gconf-editor00:26
nit-witI think its app-metacity -general, I'm on W7 now going from memeory00:27
thewrathhey all01:41
stlsaintthewrath: yo01:43
thewrathwats new stlsaint01:44
thewrathwhat do you know of psacct package01:45
stlsaintthewrath: i dont know nothing about it01:46
stlsaintnor is it in the repos01:46
thewrathit will probably be in the repos as acct01:47
thewrathpsacct is the fedora repos version01:47
stlsaintaye yea it is under acct01:48
thewrathwhat i watn to do is to log all user activity01:49
thewrathespecially when i get my honeypot set up01:49
stlsaintthat seems to be like something that would work01:49
stlsaintmight want to look into net-acct as well01:49
stlsaintand pmacct :D01:49
stlsainttime for bedtime01:50
stlsaintlater folks01:50
truepurpleI am having a weird problem with files being called "read only"02:28
truepurpleAnyone here?02:28
earthling_did you try to change the file permissions?02:28
earthling_you can right click, properties, permissions02:29
earthling_I think chmod does it in terminal02:29
truepurpleIts a usb flash drive with some files saved on it. Suddenly I can not alter any of them, and when I copy off any files from it, I can't do anything to those files because "read only"02:30
earthling_right click on file02:30
truepurplethe whole drive is like this02:30
truepurpleok, but how do I do this to the whole usb drive?02:31
earthling_probably have to do it with chmod in terminal02:31
truepurpleI tried doing it by right clicking the drive, I got "Sorry, could not change the permissions of "4C61-1797": Error setting permissions: Read-only file system"02:32
earthling_!wiki chmod02:32
ubot2Factoid 'wiki chmod' not found02:32
ubot2An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:32
earthling_are you logged in as administrator?02:32
truepurpleI dont think so, but I have never had trouble with this drive before02:33
earthling_To change or edit files that are owned by root, sudo must be used02:34
geirhachmod won't help here, the filesystem is mounted read-only.02:35
geirhaSo is it fat32 or ntfs on that stick?02:35
truepurplefat I bet02:36
truepurpleHow do I change the mounting?02:36
geirhasome memory sticks have a physical read-only switch. Make sure it's not that02:36
truepurplefor filesystem type it says msdos, not sure if that means fat or not02:37
truepurpleIts a generic usb drive for storage that I have used many times before02:37
truepurpleand I see no switches on it02:37
truepurpleI pulled it out and put it back in (twice, first time it wouldnt work at all) its working now02:41
earthling_maybe it is corrupted, you can run a chkdsk02:42
ubot2Factoid 'chkdsk' not found02:42
ubot2fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot02:44
nit-wittruepurple, besides a chkdsk, always unmount the drive before removing.02:44
thewrathwhen would you consider a person attempting to create a DoS on your netework or atleast really trying to get in and not neccessilary a bot02:46
=== Guest5467 is now known as JackyAlcine
truepurplewhere do you look to mount a drive?03:17
nit-wittruepurple, in linux it is a right click and winodows should be a icon in the panel.03:18
nit-witright click on the icon, or in the home menu.03:18
nit-wittruepurple, oh mount sorry in linux go to computer or use disk utility, sorry.03:19
nit-wittruepurple, you can mount wth a terminal as well I forget the command03:20
truepurplewhere are they?03:20
nit-wittruepurple, are you in Ubuntu03:20
truepurpleit wont detect either of my usb flash drives,03:20
truepurpleI think a restart would fix it, but I dont want to do that right now03:20
nit-witlook at disk utility truepurple03:20
truepurplewhere is it?03:20
nit-wittruepurple, use the left unity panel box with the + and type in disk utility.03:21
truepurpleunity doesnt work for me03:21
nit-wittruepurple, you in the classic03:21
truepurpleI guess so, same graphics as before03:22
truepurplewhere in the applications menu?03:22
nit-wittruepurple, the computer is in the dropdown or disk utility in preference or admin.03:22
nit-witI'm on W7 right now so my memory is a little faulty you will find it.03:23
truepurpleWell I didnt find it in system>preferences Are you sure they havent changed the name?03:24
nit-wittruepurple, for? I gave you multiple places, open home and look in the left panel and see if they are there.03:24
nit-witactually multiple apps to mount03:25
truepurpleif I open home in nautilus, to the left of that are other directories03:26
nit-wittruepurple, yes do you see the usb devices.03:27
nit-wittruepurple, do you have gparted installed03:27
truepurpleI found "disk utility"03:27
nit-witcool yah03:28
nit-witdisk utility does partitioning and mount and unmount do you see them there.03:28
truepurpleI see some "host adapters"03:28
truepurplebut not the usb drive03:29
nit-wittruepurple, it will show the size in the picture if you click on one.03:29
truepurplenone of those have sizes03:29
nit-wittruepurple, if the usb is not shown it is okay to unplug and replug, your not mounted.03:30
truepurpleI tried that, but they arent showing, isnt there a command to make it look for such things?03:30
nit-wittruepurple, what can happen is if you jerk the usb without unmounting you may break a writing session to it and have problems, quite similar to a read only...etc03:31
truepurpleso your saying both my usb flash drives could be busted?03:32
nit-wittruepurple, do they show in windows?03:32
truepurpleoh the OS, I dont have that installed at the moment03:33
nit-wittruepurple, you have windows MS right>03:33
truepurpleDo you need to unmount usb flash drives in windows too?03:34
holsteinit literally cant hurt03:34
nit-wittruepurple, they will probably show in windows and can be reformatted, I wouldn't get caught up in them if you don't need to a MS look would be helpful.03:34
nit-witholstein, how are you man.;)03:34
holsteinnit-wit: im good :)03:36
holsteini see you are doing well?03:36
nit-wittruepurple, You always want to unmount the usb get writen to periodically, and interrupting this will cause problems like this.03:36
nit-witholstein, yeah, just hanging for the summer wishing I had a tenor sax to go have some giant steps of fun.03:36
nit-witjust counting down till I get one hehe.03:37
nit-witacti=ually I'm more modal but f you can play those modal is a cinch. ;)03:38
nit-wittruepurple, does this all make sense?03:40
holsteinive started unmounting drives in windows now too... seems wrong not to03:43
nit-witholstein, I always do I have never had a problem but just follow that for safety, I rather do that then have to do clean up.03:47
nit-witesay to jerk it out with something open from them as well, the unmount will balk then.03:48
nit-witI have some what switched to W7, ubuntu crashes X, fedora takes forever to boot debian, and redhat based distros have the old gnome, I started on open source but I have gotten tired of fixing the latest distros on occasion, just a glitch I think with the desktops changing...etc03:51
holsteinyeah, if you got tricky hardware, it can be challening03:52
holsteini had a via chip i was running xp on for a while03:52
holsteinsurprisingly, that machine came with SUSE on it03:52
nit-witholstein, I have a acer netbook, but tend to tweak till it breaks.;)03:52
holsteinthe openchrome driver caught up finally, not with 3d though03:52
nit-witis that for the chrome OS or browser03:53
truepurpleWell I used neighbors computer, win7 detect the drives03:53
holsteinneither... its the open via driver AFAIK03:53
holsteinnothing to do with chrome OS/google03:53
truepurpleSo somehow ubuntu is messed up, I am pretty sure a restart would fix it, but how might I fix this without restarting?03:54
nit-witAh I was not sure of my wording as well.03:54
holsteintruepurple: logout03:54
truepurpleholstein, there isnt another way?03:55
holsteinim sure there is... whats wrong?03:55
holsteinwith linux, i tend to choose my battles... and sometimes i have time to really get in there and see whats up... usually i just restart03:56
truepurpleIts not seeing my usb flash drives03:56
truepurplethe lights on the drives tell me they are properly put in holstein03:56
holsteinOH... did you say 'eject' ?03:56
truepurpleI might have03:57
holsteini find after 'eject' i dont see it in sudo fdisk -l even03:57
truepurpleSo a reset is the only way?03:57
truepurpleto use the drives on ubuntu again03:57
holsteinive had some funky-ness go on with USB sticks that were dying... but usually i just plug it back in and get it working03:58
truepurpleWell that isnt working03:58
holsteinif you dont see it in sudo fdisk -l, i would try it in another machine03:58
holsteintruepurple: what isnt?03:58
truepurpleseeingg the usb flash drive03:59
truepurpleand I did try them on another machine I told you03:59
truepurplethe drives work, its ubuntu that is messed up03:59
holsteintruepurple: pull it out... put i back in (mabye even on anther port) and open a terminal03:59
holsteinsudo fdisk -l03:59
holsteinsee if you see it there03:59
holsteintruepurple: i dont think its messed up... if you've been pulling it out without unmounting, that could be the issue04:00
truepurpleI see only what looks like my hdd04:00
truepurpleejecting is unmounting, isnt it?04:00
holsteintruepurple: if i were you, i would try the stick in another box (again) while the machine is rebooting04:00
holsteintruepurple: ejecting is more than unmounting AFAIK04:01
holsteinits like unmounting, and removing it from the system04:01
truepurpleSo how do I add it back into the system?04:01
holsteinwell, the way i have done it in the past is by literally plugging in back in04:02
holsteinim not sure whats up though... id have to be in front of it04:02
truepurplewell I did pull it in and out, to the point where I worry about the contacts getting worn off or something04:03
holsteintruepurple: right, so try it in another box, and while thats going on, reboot the linux box04:03
holsteinthen, you can test further04:03
truepurpleholstein, I told you twice before that I did try them on another computer, and they work04:05
holsteintruepurple: interesting04:05
holsteinthis'll be the third time i suggest doing it again ;)04:05
truepurpledoing what again?04:06
truepurpletrying to see if the usb flash drives work on another computer? What is the point of doing that more then once?04:06
holsteintruepurple: yup04:08
truepurpleWhat is the point of doing that more then once?04:08
holsteini would like for you to take the stick to another box *again* while that machine reboots04:08
holsteintheres nothing else to do except email the manufacturer of the stick ;)04:09
truepurpleyou mean when the OS is shutting down or loading up?04:09
holsteintruepurple: i mean, take the stick out, reboot04:10
holsteinand while you are waiting, try the stick in another box04:10
holsteinthen, report...04:10
truepurpleWhy try the stick on another computer, a second time?04:10
holsteintruepurple: do what you want...04:10
truepurpleholstein, I am just asking what the purpose of that is04:10
holsteinyouve been pulling it in and out of that box though, and you dont know if that has affected it04:11
holsteintruepurple: why now?04:11
holsteinyou'll be waiting on the machine to reboot04:11
holsteinhow about, just because you are here asking for help, and its a suggestion that you can do, or not do04:11
truepurplebecause its already been done and its not going to tell me anything a second time04:11
holsteinyou dont *have* to04:11
truepurpleI didnt say I did have to, I just asked you for a reason04:12
holsteini just feel like you could have borked the USB stick pulling it in and out and you'll know its still functional when you get back to the machine after its booted back up04:12
truepurplewell I was looking for help fixing ubuntus problem without restarting, but I guess don't know04:42
JackyAlcinetruepurple, does the stick have your Ubuntu installation on it?05:32
truepurpleMaking a start up disk on a usb flash, every 5 minutes or how ever long, it asks for my password again. How do I prevent this? Also, that it gets interrupted like this, might that case the installation to fail?06:31
truepurpleoh and holstein, as expected a restart fixed the usb drive problem06:36
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
rabe_I've got troubles installing 11.04 from usb on an eeepc. live or persistance mode works fine..11:04
rabe_but after i select "install paralell to windows" it reboots to windows. (before the partition selector comes up) any ideas?11:05
rabe_however, i can select "something else" and then the partition manager comes up11:08
truepurpleI don't know, but I have something slightly similar to your problem11:12
truepurplerabe_, When making a usb flash "live CD", how do you stop authentication from asking for your password every 5 minutes?11:13
ikoniarabe_: sounds like your grub config not correct11:16
ikoniarabe_: did you install using wubi or onto a seperate partition ?11:16
Sidewinder1ikonia, rabe_ is addressing that issue in #ubuntu (cross-post).11:17
rabe_ikonia,i just grabed the lastest 11.04 desktop.iso and converted it to usb stick.11:17
ikoniaoh dear11:17
ikoniarabe_: better if you can keep it in one channel11:17
ikoniarabe_: try not to cross-post the same issue in multiple channels11:18
ikoniano problem at all11:18
ikoniarabe_: I'll pick it up with you in #ubuntu11:18
thewrathhey all12:43
thewrathanyone here?12:43
thewrathi have a lot of people trying to connect to my system via ssh12:44
thewrathi have port forwarding on for me12:45
thewrathIs there anyway if i would capture the packets that i can see what they are trying to connect as?12:45
thewraththis deals with snort but i thought i would ask here first12:45
Sidewinder1thewrath, I know absolutely nothing about ssh; never needed to use/learn it, sorry. :-(12:46
Sidewinder1You may want to try #ubuntu; lotsa knowledgeable folks there.12:48
thewrathhey all18:34
florianhow do i swich between unity and ubuntu classic?19:00
floriani'll ask in #ubuntu :)19:36
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bobweaver_hi there I am using Kubuntu and am trying to make it so the obsidian coast color-theme is my default one so when I run something as root say dolphin the color scheme is obsidan coast I have replaced all files in /usr/share/kde4/apps/desktop-theme and there is no default file ?? there has to be a file that I can swap out right? Question is where is that file23:21

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