
mhall119jcastro: what do I need to make ensemble kick off an ec2 instance?00:00
mhall119just my API key?00:00
jcastroyou need the access key and your secret key00:01
jcastrothe Note: at the bottom has a link on how to get it00:01
cjohnstonssshhhhh! its a secret00:01
jcastro    default-instance-type: t1.micro00:02
jcastroadd that too00:02
jcastroit defaults to small, but you don't need that00:02
jcastromhall119: I recommend you go through the tutorial they have there for wordpress, it takes like 5 minutes but teaches you all you need to know00:03
mhall119jcastro: I went through it a month or so ago00:04
jcastroah ok00:04
mhall119I'll read through again though00:04
mhall119I know a lot of work has been done on ensemble00:04
jcastroyeah, it's nice00:04
jcastroonce we have LXC you can just run the whole thing on your machine and not touch EC2 until you're ready to have someone try it00:04
jcastrowhich will be nice so you don't rack up a bill troubleshooting your formula, etc.00:05
cjohnstonmhall119: one thing we will need on the blog thing is to be able to have blogs that arent assigned to a user.. i.e. the council00:07
mhall119cjohnston: I thought I had that00:07
mhall119it could belong to either a person or a team00:07
jcastrook I want to push my formula to a branch00:08
jcastrobut right now the directory is inside my ensemble directory, which is a bzr pull00:08
mhall119jcastro: push it under the project00:08
jcastroshould I make the formula it's own root dir and then bzr init or ... ?00:08
cjohnstonloco council isnt in it mhall11900:09
mhall119jcastro: how do they usually do it for ensemble formulas?00:09
mhall119cjohnston: ok00:09
jcastromhall119: people seem to be tossing them in junk branches and then attaching them00:11
paultagcuz it's junk00:11
mhall119jcastro: how do you test this against a VM?00:17
jcastroyou kind of can't00:17
jcastroi was going to run the scripts manually in the vm00:17
jcastroso like00:17
jcastroand see what happens00:17
jcastrorinse and repeate00:17
mhall119jcastro: for the time being we can setup postgres to run locally, and allow local connections, that way we don't need to implement the db-relation-changed00:17
jcastroI am just now getting to the apache config00:18
jcastroas soon as I find an example in another recipe how they set that up, heh00:18
mhall119do the recipe scripts get copied locally before running?00:21
mhall119if not, we can put generic apache.conf files into the bzr branch for each project00:22
mhall119since there's no sensitive information in them00:22
jcastroformulas, not recipes00:23
jcastroyou'll get all mixed up with puppet if you think that way00:23
jcastromhall119: or you can just put it in the install script00:26
jcastrowhich can be python btw00:27
jcastrojust basically write it out to the correct file right from there00:27
jcastroah got it dude00:34
jcastromhall119: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jorge/+junk/summit-ensemble/view/head:/hooks/install00:35
jcastromhall119: ok, it's all fine until I get to00:44
jcastropython manage.py syncdb00:45
jcastrothen it asks me a question about setting up django's auth system00:45
jcastrothe vhost thing totally worked though!00:46
mhall119jcastro: I think there's a way to bypass the syncdb prompts01:52
mhall119jcastro: python manage.py syncdb --noinput01:53
mhall119new blog post about Summit development: http://mhall119.com/2011/07/the-new-direction-of-summit-development/04:02
mhall119jcastro: ^^04:02
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
vishlooks like a cat's got czajkowski ! (or alteast her keyboard ;p )08:42
nigelba skilled cat too. [, 6, and ~ are quite hard to achieve.09:06
nigelbat least on a normal layout09:07
AlanBellczajkowski isn't a cat person, it was probably the roomba09:51
nigelbAlanBell: who or what is roomba?09:51
AlanBellit is a cleaning robot09:51
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
paultagWe should write a Hitchhiker's guide to Software21:10
AlanBellwith "don't panic" on the front in nice friendly letters21:17
paultagAlanBell: well of course. I'm thinking it'd actually be pretty fun to do, it'd just be mocking everything we can think of, I guess.21:19
popeyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software print that and every linked page :D21:26
paultagpopey: well it's hardly witty now is it21:26
paultagself documenting code:21:27
paultag  code people have written because they can't be bothered to put a comment in21:28
paultagI dunno, that was off the top of my head and hardly funn21:28
paultagy, but that sorta stuff :)21:28
popeyI think it's very hard to match the wit of DNA21:36
paultagyeah, that's why I'm reluctant to do much more then just talk about it21:36

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