
SpamapSI believe mediawiki will work w/ postgres01:02
m_3jcastro: when do you need it?02:15
jcastronot anytime soon02:15
jcastroran into other problems before I even get to the db part02:15
jcastrobut making good progress02:15
m_3jcastro: ok, well the basic db should be working with it... just no replication02:16
m_3what are you hooking up?02:16
jcastrosummit, it's our scheduling thing for UDS02:17
jcastrobut it's a little hairy for me, need to work out the install part first02:17
jcastroalso, debug-hook is awesome02:18
m_3yeah... ain't it?02:18
m_3I'll add config and ports stuff and get the pg formula solid02:19
jcastrono rush, summit isn't exactly set up to be deployed per se02:19
jcastroso there'll be some things we need to fix02:19
m_3cool... two words: cowboys + aliens!02:20
SpamapSahh.. bug triage is the perfect thing for in flight wifi :)02:24
SpamapSjcastro: still, how exciting!02:25
* SpamapS signs off for landing02:25
_mup_Bug #818491 was filed: test_connect_agent times out sometimes <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/818491 >12:22
dakeri need some help13:50
dakerif i have i got a different a md5sum when downloading a tar.gz , what should i do ?13:52
Aram2hi, 'Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "python-txzookeeper"'. How to do Ensemble development on 11.04? :-).15:56
Aram2niemeyer: hi!15:56
niemeyerAram2: Hey Aram15:56
niemeyerAram2: How're things going there15:57
Aram2Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "python-txzookeeper": how to fix this on 11.04?15:57
Aram2I'm trying to use the ensemble from bzr.15:57
Aram2it's good.15:57
niemeyerAram2: We have a PPA with all the packages15:57
niemeyerAram2: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ensemble/ppa15:57
Aram2need to RTFM on this PPA thing.15:58
niemeyerAlright, I'm off for some outsiding16:00
niemeyerSee y'all later!16:00
dakeris there any progress on the postgres formula ?16:13
dakerm_3, what's the status of the postgres formula ?16:22
_mup_Bug #818412 was filed: database name for relation too long <Ensemble:Confirmed> <mysql (Ensemble Formulas):Invalid> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/818412 >19:54
fwereadeso, it seems we're leaving quite a lot of things open after various tests... pipes, sockets, files, etc.20:21
fwereadedo we consider this a big enough deal to be a bug?20:21

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