
=== temugen_ is now known as temugen
=== temugen is now known as Guest14897
=== Guest5467 is now known as JackyAlcine
benonsoftwareQuestion: Do I have to have good knowledge at a programming language to be a MOTU?09:44
tumbleweedbenonsoftware: no09:48
benonsoftwaretumbleweed: Thanks, that lets me let of some steam :)09:49
benonsoftwaretumbleweed: Do you know how to install a egg file?09:52
tumbleweedbenonsoftware: yes, and you probably don't want to. eggs aren't the preferred source distribution form for python.09:56
benonsoftwaretumbleweed: Can you please tell me? :)09:57
tumbleweedfirst of all, don't install it system-wide, install it in a virtualenv09:57
tumbleweedthen you can install it with pip / easy_install (don't remember if pip can install eggs)09:58
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
benonsoftwaretumbleweed: Do I have to know any to be a MOTU?10:07
tumbleweedyes, but you'll learn most of what you need to know along the way10:10
* benonsoftware is finally understanding the guide 500 times later10:12
benonsoftwaretumbleweed: What should I do after I have read the Getting Started guide?10:48
tumbleweedhow about: find a bitesize bug on harvest and try to fix it?10:49
benonsoftwaretumbleweed: What is the harvest URL again?10:50
benonsoftwareFound it10:52
benonsoftwaretumbleweed: What bug should I choose in Harvest?10:55
benonsoftwareSee you10:59
tumbleweedsomething that interests you. And I'm off to lunch, no need to ask me specifically, an answer from anyone will do :)10:59
tumbleweedmeh. He should lurk10:59
OwaisLHi everyone, does anyone have any idea about when/if this webkitgtk  patch will be included in oneiric? https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4539512:56
ubottubugs.webkit.org bug 45395 in WebKit Gtk "[GTK] DOM bindings do not have gir annotations" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed]12:56
stlsaintis the mentor program dead or not?14:28
tumbleweedstlsaint: it's dead. But feel free to ask questions here14:28
hakermaniaI'm talking to you through finch :D14:32
hakermaniainside a Guake terminal LOL14:32
=== Xan is now known as Guest5245
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
stlsaintwould anyone mind taking a look at my piuparts build log on a failed test: http://paste.debian.net/124625/21:29
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== medberry is now known as med_out

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